Best AI Video Generator - Pika 1.0 - A Tutorial For Beginners

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sometimes people need Heroes even the broken [Music] ones hey everyone I'm a little late to paa 1.0 thanks to the holidays and I wasn't lucky enough to get in as early as some but I was able to finally try it out a bit while on vacations and I can say it is a fantastic step in the right direction I'm a big fan of using stable diffusion on my local machine but without my main computer over the holiday I was still able to create some pretty impressive things with Pika 1.0 I believe currently the wait list is either open or admitting people very quickly to get started you can sign in with a Google account or Discord as of right now P 1.0 is 100% free and unlimited when you get to the landing page it will be here on the explore tab this is a Community Feed where you can see examples of other users work you can even use these examples and build off them if you wish all the controls and options on this page are the same as the ones in your own Library the library tab brings you to your projects it will be empty to start but as you can see I've been busy to get started straight away you can type a prompt down here and generate a 3 second clip immediately now that this is opened up to more people it can take some time for a clip to start generating sometimes a video will get stuck at your video will start generating soon you can try getting retry or just waiting or even just starting a new one if they all seem to not be generating you can just take a break and come back later for me they have all finished eventually anime and 3D animation Styles have worked very well with Pika I spent most of my time trying to get a live action trailer together as you saw in the beginning it took several attempts on some shots however when trying a Pixar style more often than not I got something usable prompting feels more intuitive than before from short prompts to something very descriptive it's been easier to get something close to what I want so let's go through the controls you have the text prompt and this star that is the generate button here you can load an image to use a reference or even a video you can't upload anything above 10 megabytes and no matter how long the video it will only use 3 seconds here you can get to the video aspect ratio options with the two most popular at the top for 16x9 for YouTube and cinematic videos or 9x6 for shorts reals or Tik toks you can also alter the frame rate 24 is the default but if you are trying to get a different look you can easily lower the frame rate here if you wish the next tab with the camera icon is the motion control here we can add custom motion to a video with very similar inputs to runway in the last tab below you can find the parameters settings here you will have the negative prompt seed and consistency with text my experience with negative prompts felt a bit uneven most Generations were without any negative prompts and those with some didn't feel that much better but your experience may be different the seed can be set to a specific number otherwise it will just be random keeping it to the same seed will give your Generations a little less Randomness between each one last is the consistency with text this was confusing to me at first but setting the number lower will keep the generations closer to your text prompt while setting it higher will let the AI get more creative 12 is the default and a good starting point if you want to go back to default settings on any of these tabs just click reset here's a quick Montage with examples of different settings okay I will show you one from start to finish let me run a simple prompt and see and right away we will hit retry a few times to get multiple examples it's always a good idea just to increase chances of a good generation reprompt lets you edit the text prompt or any of the settings for the generation and try again we can change the aspect ratio add add some camera controls increase strength a little and whatever else you want to change and generate while we wait for that we can use the edit feature and here are the modify region or expand canvas options modify region is great if you get a good video but want to change a part of it such as adding sunglasses to this character resize and move this to cover the area we want changed type in sunglasses then click generate and now while we wait for that one we can do expand canvas you can easily expand canvas however you want but let's change it to a 9x6 and see if we can get more of the character in the picture here is our first retry you can see why clicking retry a few times can be useful as not all of them will be usable this is our 9x6 reprompt with the added zoom in camera motion and two strength here is our modify region where we added sunglasses it unfortunately changed his entire face I probably should have made the Box a bit smaller but you get the idea and here is our expand canvas not too bad at all the Three Dots here have two more settings add 4 seconds and upscale add 4 seconds does just that by clicking add four we come back down to the prompt to make changes and alter the 4 seconds we add I will keep it simple and change the camera motion a bit and see what we get adding 4 seconds can have random outcomes it usually does okay in the first few seconds it adds but a lot of times starts to morph or do something crazy by the end that came out better than expected but it helped that I didn't change too many settings when we finally are done making changes and get something we want we can choose the upscale option this is a two times upscale at 16x9 ratio we have a 1280x 720 clip that we can upscale to 2560 by 1440 up in the corner you can see what you have done to each of the clips this one has 4 seconds added plus upscale and it says video input because of the 4 seconds was added to a video clip that we pre previously generated we can click the down facing Arrow here to save our clip and that's a general overview of all the tools of P 1.0 I hope you got something valuable out of this if you want to see the full trailer I created from the beginning of this video feel free to continue watching thanks do you know it's starting again the last vaults are opening people coming into this world no idea of the dangers until it's too late so many Bandits moving from City to City taking what they want hering who they want burning what they want ghouls are everywhere ferals are hunting mutants from our nightmares why me no I have a f yeah well don't y if you don't who will sometimes people need Heroes even the broken ones especially the broken ones
Channel: Jump Into AI
Views: 1,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai video, pika 1.0, pika labs, pika labs 1.0, pika labs tutorial, ai video generator, ai video free, stable diffusion, stable video diffusion, midjourney
Id: sCnEH4n9yMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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