Easily Create Custom Styles and Wildcards in Fooocus

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today I want to talk about creating your own custom Styles and wild cards while these might seem like simple features in Focus they can be powerful tools for creativity and streamlining your workflow from saving large prompts to a single trigger word to easily creating and activating your own collection of positive and negative prompts and with that let's get started the styles list is a great source of inspiration and creativity but it can also be an easy way to have your own collection of your favorite positive and or negative prompts if you have a set of prompts that you use in certain situations often you can turn these into saved styles to make your life a little easier luckily it's not a complicated process let's go into our Focus folder and then sdxl Styles here are several Json files each holding a collection first I will create a copy of one of the files then if we open it with notepad we can see each individual Style and what it adds to your prompt so when we add cinematic Diva we get all this added to our positive prompt and all of these to our negative prompt now if we want to add our own we can simply highlight between the two parentheses here and delete then either type out what you want here or paste it when using realistic Vision there was a suggested positive and negative prompt that I always use so I will make a style out of that here I will copy the positive prompt and put it here and do the same with the negative prompt unrealistic dream is an ed for 1.5 that I don't use use in sdxl so don't include that and remember to not have a comma after the last word before this style is completed we need to add in where our text prompt will go in the realistic Vision prompt you can see here it says subject this is where it suggests you add to the prompt so we will erase that and add in prompt with the two curved brackets around it it's very important to have this otherwise it won't work correctly then we can name it whatever we want I will name it Jia realistic the initial initials are just to make it easier to find and filter out in search now that one is done if you want to add more keep doing the same but when done we want to remove all the other ones from here and we want it to look like this the last brace having no comma and the last bracket to close all of it now save it and close and we want to rename it to something custom but we always want to keep the first part as stxl underscore Styles uncore then whatever name you like if you want to add an image sample that pops up when you hover over it you can create your own 128x 128 jpg and put it into the sample folder and name it after the style you want mine was Jia realistic so I will do the same here and make sure to add the underscore into the file name no spaces then after that we can open up or restart Focus go to the Styles and search for our new preset now we have our old realistic Vision positive and negative prompt here are images using the new prompt and without it gives the images a little more punch to them is it better than just having the default Focus Styles that's subjective but the point is you can create any collection of positive and negative prompts you want now now let's move on to wild cards uh wild cards generally are used for their random factors to help with your creativity but I also like to use them when making a long prompt about a specific subject that I use often and want to be able to bring up with a single trigger word for example I have this prompt it's quite long but very specific if I wanted to be able to use it often without having to keep it somewhere to copy and paste every time and I can simply turn it into a wild card and let's go to our Focus folder again and go to focus then wild cards then I'm going to make a new text document and name it to my subject I'll call her Jess then open it and paste my long prompt in there main thing for this to work is that there is no line breaks it will use this entire prompt as long as you didn't hit enter and make a new paragraph if we leave it like this every time we put in the Wild Card command Jess it will use this prompt wild cards are activated by using two underscores the Wild Card file name and then two more underscores no spaces in there now if you wanted it to randomly switch between different prompts maybe a similar prompt but with different clothing you can do that and then it will randomize between the two or you could have these as individual wild cards and create a separate file for different clothing or other specific details there are lots of possibilities now let's look at some traditional Wild Card uses and also making nested wild cards a traditional wild card will look something like this a file named vegetables and then a list of various types of vegetables if you input the Wild Card keyword of vegetables it will randomly pick one of the words inside this file but let's say you have multiple files of fruits vegetables proteins and all kinds of food items in separate text files we could add all of these into another file and have a nested wild card that will randomly select a word within all of these files so let's take our three files of fruits vegetables and proteins and make a new text file called food then inside that text we will add our Wild Card keyword for each of the other files and now using the keyword food we'll activate this wild card to randomly choose a word in all three of those files it's basically like adding all of the words from each of those files into one big wild card this is an easy way if you wanted to combine multiple wild cards without having to input every word in a new file now a quick and easy way to get a list of words for your wild cards is chat GPT I can simply type give me a list of 20 Fruits and it will do just that and in the exact format we need for our wild cards select them all and copy then go back to our Wild Card folder and add a new text document open that and paste the list of [Music] fruits make sure to delete any extra unwanted words like this then go to file and save as then save it to whatever wild card trick word you like then you can go back to your prompt and input your new wild card and it will pick random words from that new text document we just created this is a very basic demonstration of wild cards and what is possible with them you can make wild cards for various clothing poses settings and anything that would benefit from variety it's an easy way to get a little Randomness in your images and maybe get some some fresh ideas and if you ever are struggling for some prompt ideas a good place to go to is civid AI and check out the images there even if they are using a different model or added luras it's a good place to get an idea for something new that you maybe didn't think of you can even go to the Juggernaut XL model page and scroll down to see images produced with that model if you find something you like you can hit the little white circle info icon then go up to the prompt and hit this to copy it then go back to focus and paste it it won't be the same of course but you can use this prompt to build off of it's an easy way to get inspiration and start a new project it's an easy way to help you get started when you aren't good at prompting and see an image that interests you and that's all I have for today I hope you found this useful and informational and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Jump Into AI
Views: 5,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fooocus ai, fooocus tutorial, stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion training, stable diffusion wildcard, fooocus styles, fooocus wildcards, fooocus settings, fooocus beginner, fooocus, fooocus custom, stable diffusion made easy
Id: qg47plLmA8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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