BEST AI Art Generator? Dall E 2 vs Midjourney vs Stable Diffusion

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there are three main AI art platforms out there that people are using to get great results and that is Dolly 2 mid journey and stable diffusion and today we're going to punch in some basic prompts to compare the results so we can see which ones are performing better or what styles we get from those props please note that these are just straight up prompts and there is some skill to getting the results you want but straight out the box here's what you can expect we're starting with a beautiful woman with blue eyes and as you can see Dali 2 has created something almost photo realistic even though the teeth are looking a little bit funny but we move out of mid Journey we get something that's really stunning although not as photorealistic but when we punch in stable diffusion at least with this version that I'm using on hugging face it's actually probably the not the best of the three but still somewhat decent to some degree look at all three together and I believe that Vision prep is the best looking image while Dolly has the most realistic photorealistic image out of all of them and next we have an oil painting of a Shaolin monk with this one by Dali 2 which I think looks pretty decent it does look like a pretty standard oil painting very cool and we're going to move on to the mid Journey image which is kind of Next Level and looks really sharp fantastic and kind of exciting we switch over to stable diffusion and once again I'm more of a standard looking oil painting but still pretty cool overall level done pretty well but I think mid-journey is my favorite on this one it has a much cooler style it at least appeals to my taste but the other ones do a more traditional look which I also appreciate for what it's worth and now we have a sunny outdoor scene by Dolly too which looks very much like a photo it's not most appealing image you've ever seen but very much like a photo very cool mid Journey has really created like a artistic Masterpiece out of it it's actually funny that it shows to do more of a panting style instead of a photo as obviously stable diffusion has gone for more of a photo look again and is uh definitely between mid-journing and stable to Fusion for this one the dial E21 looks like a photo but it looks like a pretty crappy photo if you ask me overall though all three are good in their own way but I prefer the last two the journey instead of Fusion for that one but we're gonna go to a busy City street and Dolly two again has gone for a couple of a painted slash photographic look combined I don't know how that works we go to Mid journey and once again we get something a little bit more striking and artistically sort of like the color is really nice and stability Fusion looking again more like a photo so again the different styles that it has chosen to use are really they're really quite different from each other but overall once again I think Dolly 2 was probably the weakest in this one but they're all pretty decent really there's mid-journey looking a little more artistic and better to look at moving on to what I started with which is a cyborg with glowing eyes now darling 2 has done a really simple basic kind of painting uh pretty cool not really what I was looking for but still a cool style mid Journey has done something really crazy which looks uh really impressive uh once again video game style it looks really awesome and stable diffusion has done again not a bad job although the eyes aren't really glowing uh still looks pretty cool once again compare the three and you get different styles Dalo 2's are most different of all three but overall they're all good in their own way once again but I still prefer mid-journey myself for this one the other two not so much now going back to another original of mine a cute puppy wearing sunglasses and headphones dudley2 makes a nice reasonably photographic look but pretty boring background but still pretty cool mid Journey again once again it just seems to own the artistic look has a bit more depth and is a little bit more impressive while stable diffusion uh once again looks like a photo it's probably about as good as Dolly too maybe a little more realistic but still pretty cool I still prefer a big Journey on this one but they're all pretty good in their own way but the other two are a little bit more boring and a little bit more flat but more photorealistic which is pretty impressive on its own now something different we're gonna try a 3D render of a turtle this Dali 2 Turtle as you can see looks pretty plain but it does look 3D it has a cool look mid Journey produces something like this which is completely on another level to the 3D render that Dali 2 created and when we go to stable diffusion we still got a more 3D look better than Dolly too but just the plain background's a little boring but uh once again this panel will for probably easier to cut out the dolly too or the stable to Fusion turtles if you had to put them into something but once again mid-journey just makes the entire scene look more impressive for those three but now we're going to move on to an ink sketch of a dragon and garlic 2 has done something pretty rough but for the style I think is very cool and when you switch over to Mid Journey it's sort of done more of a photo opening drawing and the ink drawing is completely next level but you might not be looking for the pens in the bits and pieces but it's still pretty cool stable diffusion is probably uh better than Dolly too I think it looks neater a little bit more cohesive but still a very cool style now depending what you're after you might think that the dollar two or stable diffusion are a better choice for this one but still think Journey's giving it more detail and more fun so let's move on to the next one now we've got a photograph of a businessman once again Dali 2 creates the photo really well looks like an actual photograph something you get a stock photo site chopping up the head isn't good mid Journey even though this is a photo still didn't really get the photo look right a great picture but not really like the photo Style with a fusion did a good job make it look like a photo but it actually messed up a few more of the facial elements and wasn't as good as Dali 2 I would say Dali 2 wins the photo realism of these three mid-journey achieves the best look Stabler Fusion is sort of it's not really doing it for me in this one so when you look at things in this perspective it looks like Dali 2 seems to have the most photo realistic images and mid-gen it tends to have more artistic and better composed images while stable diffusion is probably a bit better at creating photorealistic images in mid-juni but it's still kind of second to both in my opinion now the advantage is also Dali 2 has a much nicer interface it's easy to use and has some great features like in painting and out painting where you can add more sort of AI art into areas or outside of areas whereas mid journey is a little bit more complex to use with Discord but the imagery is a lot better and stable diffusion is uh you can actually get it for free but it is probably the most complex to set up unless you want to go for one of these online interfaces that you can use so there's a few things to consider there when choosing one of these platforms what do you think which platform is your favorite daily 2 of mid-journey had 1024 by 1024 pixel images whilst the established Fusion version I was using was smaller but depending on how you set that up I'm thinking I'm pretty sure you can change that but let me know what your thoughts are what your preference is if you're using one in particular what are your thoughts after watching this video and what will you sort of opt to use if you have to create more air leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts otherwise I hope to see you again soon have a great day foreign [Music]
Channel: Wade McMaster
Views: 77,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art generator ai tools, ai art tools, best ai art tools, ai tools for art, tools to make ai generated art, midjourney, midjourney ai, stable diffusion ai, stable diffusion, dall e 2, dalle 2, free ai tools, best ai art generator
Id: KCj1HR7U9wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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