Going From Nothing To The BEST Items! - The Binding of Isaac: Repentance #48

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what's up guys it's prietz coming back to you with a brand new binding of isaac video today we are back with the eden streak going for win number 48 in a row yeah these have been really just good runs we've been beating them yesterday was a little too close for comfort but that's all good we still won the run i wasn't too concerned at the very end because we were pretty close to the end i started playing a little safer and we're just gonna hop into today's run make sure we're on eden on hard mode and see what we can do i'll show the seed when we first start out and there's a little bit of joy-con drift today it seems like that's fine uh the seed that we're using is q9lq g37k and we start out with the needle it calls i think it's called it hurts and within the bible so this means you have flying we have good speed really good tier rate but kind of bad damage so it's a pretty average run dps wise uh having a higher uh tier rate and a lower uh higher than normal tier rate and a lower than normal damage is honestly the the best route to have you would i don't think having slightly higher damage and lower tier rates ever good because it's just weird having higher tier rates always more fun and by more fun i mean just it's easier to use and we're not gonna take the scissors because i don't like it i don't like the scissors and the bible gives us the bible's gonna be nice the bible gives us flight it gives us an insta kill on mom it gives us just a lot of utility that we can use it for uh we can go into curse rooms uh without taking damage on the way in uh we have a lot of uses with it so i'm gonna take that with us we're gonna see how that works for us and also i turned my volume up uh for in-game audio and what i mean by what i mean by that what the what i mean by that actually is i just made it so it's louder on my recording side so hopefully that isn't too loud hopefully it's a good volume i tested it a few a little bit but i just felt like i've been a little too quiet you know what we're gonna go fight the boss real quick and get this floor done with uh nobody drops creep in here so i should be fine yeah double monster was one of the harder first bosses only because if they get like out of whack and they start jumping all like like this it can be a little disorienting and it can get easy just to get caught by some random tears they fire like right there that was just very hard dodges i had to do okay and trying to get used to lob shots is one of the hardest things in this game um tier height is something that's not portrayed well in the 2d game and so it's really hard to tell where a tear is going because sometimes it's going over your head sometimes and since they do the arch sometimes it seems like okay it's gonna go way to like the above me and instead it really just hits you directly because it like falls down it's really wacky and you kind of have to get used to it and i think the easiest places to dodge those tiers are below and above monster oh just because there's not much that that can change it below and above because the tears can only they can't go higher and lower in that perspective if you guys know what i mean like whenever they shoot to the side they shoot it in this like arch pattern if they shoot it down they can't shoot in that same arch pattern it can only go downwards a little bit and health up that's fine uh i would kind of like to get i would want to get that tinted rock but i really also want to get the alabaster box i know i said bible is good because it is good it's a really good item but if we can get alabaster box that's just two free angel items that we can have in the future and that's very very good so we can grab that key if we really want to and we can either use our bomb in the donation machine or we can use it to fly into something i think what we're gonna do is probably use our flying yeah we're probably gonna use our flying to get that other key and we'll come here actually that's really really good um but that doesn't help us out in our predicament that we're in okay nice okay that got us another bomb which is really good and it got us a lot of coins but sadly that's not enough coins also if you guys didn't know it hurts the needle item that i have as my passive whenever you get hit it causes you to have a higher i think tier rate but i think it's only for the current room so it's it's pretty good it's not the best but let's hope that we can get yeah we're gonna have enough coins from this nice okay we really need to donate more money to our machine but we'll take this with us and yeah we'll just go with this see how that goes and i did i have another charge on my bible i don't think i did i don't think i ever grabbed that key yeah i should have used that earlier and to grab that key that was in the center but it doesn't really matter we're going to take the alabaster box with us because it can get us some good items and that's what we want and you know we have good enough items i think we're gonna go down here i'll probably take a devil deal um because i have dark prince's crown if i can lose a single heart of health that's gonna be a really good position for me to be in because then we are gonna have the bonus from dark princess crown the only issue with dark versus crown is it can only be acted activated whenever you have one single red heart of health and so what you want to get with dark prince's crown is either only have one red heart container or get something like iv bag or something that can remove red heart health that way you can always make sure that you are only on one red heart of health and i think it's kind of dumb that they set it up that way and i need to make sure i don't take too much damage but i think it's dumb they set it up that way because it just seems that by doing that it's like not a good item it's really hard to stay on that one red heart of health and even if you like use devil deals like if you start the wheel path you're going to want to keep taking devil deals by giving us dark princess crown you're pretty much like making it so we can only take one like one devil deal unless you get more red heart health which in that case it's nice because it it promotes you getting rid of red heart health and if you have the dark prince's crown you're probably on the uh that path oh come on come on come on okay good okay i know i should be going for the pink flies right now he's about to do the fart attack i know it okay yeah yeah pink flies you guys need to get out of here and this is fine yeah there we go we're all good okay we're going to take this key and we're going to take it to the item room because uh or don't i'll actually take it to the shop real quick was that worth it not really i might buy king baby just so we have conjoined faster oh i'm stupid let me just go buy this yeah let me buy this key real fast we'll take the key go to the item room i think it was worthwhile to go into the shop because if there was a soul heart we could have bought that it i think was a good idea if we guess any sort of like reliable red heart regeneration on this floor i can go sack a bit and i'm gonna take the mystery item and that is exactly why you take the mystery items oh heck yeah i've not had tech 2 in a in a while tech 2 is such a fun item to have just because it lets you fire both regular tiers and laser tiers and there we go we have two whole charges on our alabaster box i want to know why they don't have double soul hearts i know that would be kind of op if you could like find double soul hearts but it would have to be really rare i don't know but uh tech tech 2 is a very good item the only issue with tech items is they do cause or they do less damage but they have penetration damage they are like but they're really good they're all around really good because it's just an easy item to use very low uh skill required or not lost like there's not much skill required for tech and so it's just really easy just to fire it in a straight line and do well so if you're not the best at this game always go for those tech items the only issue is yes you will be doing less damage which less damage means you'll have to fight things longer fighting things longer mean more chances take damage all that kind of fun stuff so just be warned the thing is you have to think am i going to hit more shots with the laser or am i going to hit more shots with my tears and i think the answer is usually the laser for most people who are new to the game oh my gosh okay he'll die eventually i don't like not having bombs against uh wormwood not having bombs makes it a lot harder mainly because you don't get like in skill okay this is fine this is fine i'm not worried okay you know what i don't think i'm gonna go for the devil deal you know what we're gonna go into the devil deal i just wanna at least check it to see what we can get from it you know what is this a risky play especially since we have alabaster box yes but a really good item honestly is hungry soul and by taking that we do get a tier rate up we get a i mean it doesn't give us a damage up sadly that's fine and we can head down to the next floor and we are on one heart of health so any champion can kill us in one shot but we have tech we've we're not taking much damage the only reason i took damage on that last floor is because i got into a bad spot and yeah and so hungry soul just cause like has these little tiny red souls that come out and try to kill everybody so it's it's good it's really good i'll probably go back to the boss arena room in a second but i want to make sure that i can see if i can get to the item first because i don't want to fight the arena room unless i feel confident and the box is not a good item but anything can be good for us and yeah i like hungry soul it's like it just pretty much the more kills you get the more stuff you get that can help you kill enemies i don't think it's a 100 it's not a guaranteed chance that you'll get the little hungry soul but when you do get the hungry soul it's nice okay like right here let's see if we can get a hungry soul okay yeah so there's our hungry soul and as you see i mean it does good damage like it really does like shred a little bit and so it makes it so it for like harder bosses like megastan and things that just take a little longer if you can get a few hungry souls in there it's good damage that you're gonna be doing and right here there's only one enemy we have to worry about and that's this idiot sorry i didn't mean to call him an idiot this fool yeah look i mean he does good damage oh and they explode whenever they they kill something nice okay this is a scary area okay never i thought those were the launchy uh poop hawk things over there not the spinny ham hawk guys very good descriptions right here i do think that the secret room is right here and i want to try to go in there can't be right there actually so for that reason i think it's below this room right yeah i think it's right here yeah that was a good use okay justice is going to be really good for us we do not want to take that because i put on half a heart and i'm not going to use the world card right now what i will do is bomb to the shop since we have only one of those and humbling bundle's really good but i will go to the item room real fast you know what lazarus is gonna be op for us uh if we can we can use this to go into the boss arena room and if it's scary we can die come back to life and i usually don't like dying during the eden streak runs because i want to stay as eden as long as possible but i mean i don't think it it ruins the game at all to do this oh and look at this easy peasy okay what are you you're the world card oh i already had you oh storky nice i always forget that charges don't work and retrovision is okay we'll come out here i'm not gonna i'm gonna try not to die i just want to have this safety net right now because a safety net is always really nice to have it's nice not to just immediately die so we'll come up here we're gonna go fight the boss and hopefully we can get some like soul hearts from somewhere palace thomas oh my gosh that was the dumbest bomb i've ever seen from coliseum hollistoma okay oh nice very good okay you should be changing into your second form in a second right yeah yeah yeah yeah wait why are you not in your second form yet that's weird you're whack oh my gosh i don't want to be here take me away okay i did not realize how good tech was against calistoma like look at that the bomb is just completely going away so if you guys don't know what why it's called cholesterol it's because a colostomy bag is a bag that's hooked up to somebody's stomach when they can't like uh dispose of their own bodily uh productions and so it kind of hooks up and just it drains the stuff that's what i think it does i don't know i might be completely wrong something along those lines um and just i mean we are on one heart of health so i might as well do this and i will go into the curse room because i love going to the curse room okay i wanted to make sure we didn't use that in there um the world card is still in that room but we're gonna go into the reverse world so we can get that second item of ours and i'm not too concerned right now because we're actually at just as much risk in the lost form as we are in our regular form so i think if we can beat something in our lot in our regular form we can beat it easily with our lost form so i'm just gonna get to the boss as fast i can and we might as well grab the knife piece while i'm here because it's just another item that we can have and look at a little hungry souls they're doing so good any sort of damage up right now would be huge for us like absolutely major because we don't have the most damage and lazarox will give us some damage up so that's gonna be good we're close to getting our angel items i'm probably gonna wait to pop it until i really need to cause i wanna see if we can get like a secret room that has some sort of reroll machine or any kind of room that has a reroll machine i guess never mind reroll machines won't give us different angel deal items but i mean i can still re-roll it if it's like breath of life or something so we probably will still wait until we can either re-roll it somehow or just use it in a better spot uh alabaster box is not dependent it doesn't depend on where you use it so it doesn't really affect us too much to use it in a different spot but it's always an option and my strat against uh colostoma is always to stand in the path of where colostrum is going oh my gosh that was really risky uh but the reason i do that is because cholesterol doesn't fire a tear where they hit the wall and so if you just stay to the side calisthenic cannot do too much to you oh no this is too many fart clouds nice good and now we can just stay far away and calisthenic cannot hit us i don't know why there's so many like iframes for this character or for this boss it's not iframes exactly but so many like just moments that the it's invincible like calistoma should not be invincible like in a lot of the moments that's invisible and that doesn't help us at all but it's another item to have if we ever do re-roll it's going to help us out a little bit and honestly i think we're doing just fine to move on to the next floor i think that was worthwhile to do just i mean because we could have gotten a damage up and we weren't risking much it's just it's more of a time loss than anything else so let me actually go over to the store because humbling bundle would be really good but i don't think i can get seven coins out of this you know what it doesn't really matter i can always try to get seven coins i mean it was it was worthwhile but we'll take this we'll donate our coins and we are two soul hearts away from being in a spot where we can get our gucci stuff what i'm saying by that is where we can get our angel deal item sorry i sometimes i i like i'm trying to think and talk at the same time and i'm thinking about something else other than what i'm doing really messes me up also i looked over and i saw it looked like my mic was not working so i thought i had no audio it was very scary for a sec so i talked and it was working okay that's a lot of hearts nothing helpful we love pills hate pills actually that was the worst pill we could have gotten oh yeah look at that it's a lot of damage and look we get all these free rooms and we need that key okay gertie junior gertie you junior used to be the hardest boss for me until i realized just how gertie jr exactly works with movement like if you just stand to the side of gertie junior pretty junior just throws throws themselves at the wall look at this watch if i stop shooting it bounces back and forth if you just stay in like a in an area that's not diagonal at all it's so easy to dodge it's literally one of the easiest bosses ever oh see right there that was me being stupid and that that right there is what you don't want to get into uh you want them to be going up and down like crazy okay who are you no you're the fiery one okay you're okay you're this one okay we're good okay yeah shoot the little baby out nice this should be one and done in a second oh my gosh oh my god oh my gosh okay very scary stuff right here we're not gonna die i mean i'm not too scared i'm just thinking i'd rather not die if we don't have to okay we did that don't get killed i was gonna say don't get killed by the ghost but we got killed by the ghost anyways and look guys we're stronger now uh sharpshot will be really good okay oh my gosh please don't hit me while i'm carrying this thank you game uh we're in a good position now i mean our speed is is really good we have like good like blood trail i'm not too concerned right now about us dying or anything this is a bad bad room for us but bad move and we could die but i think i should be fine [Music] i was kind of just over you don't want to overthink rooms that's the only reason i took damage right there is because just for a second i'm like oh gosh this is a really hard room and by thinking that it messed me up it messed me up real bad and so don't overthink games too much i was talking to my friend last night and we were talking about terraria and just other games like that where every boss or every enemy in the game has just like one simple move set but you just you can just overthink it and get so thrown off and you want to make sure that no matter what you like are focusing on like just thinking like okay what exactly is this enemy going to do to me and where should i be in that room i hate those host rooms because they shoot in this weird arc but if you just stand still and like really think about it for a second you'll you're usually gonna be fine and lust is actually the best of these of the sins that we could have gotten nice please be a good pill and shot speed is the one that really doesn't affect us that's fine we really want to get this soul heart that way we can uh get an angel item because an angel like an angel item could be a health up an angel item could give us soul hearts actually no alabaster box just does give us soul hearts so i need to pop it as soon as possible just for the health aspect and they'll they'll we'll be really really well off once we uh once we get our last so hard so i'm not too worried i really want this to blow up right here nice oh my gosh i played that one a little too close let's go here grab the bomb oh nice it's actually a really good pill to have and we're gonna go over here get ourselves this golden bomb it's literally a waste to not get it because it takes one bomb and we get infinite bombs on the floor so be stupid not to take it okay that's not too bad i want to see what this reverse card is reverse cards can be really good and cherry it's not bad uh if you guys don't know what chariot does is chariot pretty makes you immobile for 10 seconds but also can't take damage so it's quite the interesting uh interesting thing and let me go in here real quick okay i'm gonna bomb the keeper nice i think we're gonna go for more options maybe and i don't want to bomb my machine to get that money unless i really have to i don't think i'm gonna have to we'll probably get that money along the floor actually i'll probably get into the chest room what am i talking about if i go to the chest room real quick we should be fine and the reason i wasn't taking those pills yet because i want to make sure that uh we weren't gonna get like a phd out of something okay range down is fine 40-hour energy is also fine i don't even know what that's going to do to us also i'm stupid have i not gone into any of the stores that i could have gone into i don't think i have okay we cannot take any more damage right now i just thought about that i was thinking about going over those spikes i'm like what that's a whole heart of damage this literally gonna kill me don't do stupid stuff in this game that's the easiest way not to die okay good yeah we'll be fine playing on one heart is a very scary thing especially when you have to walk through spikes with all that confidence guys it's all about confidence and we can literally just wait like three seconds and pick that up once we get our soul hearts these dodges were those were some nutty dodges those were some insane dodges i'm not trying to toot my own horn but even i was nervous so i i think you guys would have been a little bit just a little like just thinking that was crazy is there okay what's the what's the way to get over here i feel like there's some sort of trap that i don't understand maybe this like i really don't understand usually there's like some sort of puzzle to these can i shoot something nope [Music] okay bats just charge at you every once in a while okay that's not good let's go get some uh let's go get some health please game let me have just a little bit of health oh this actually actually gives us money as well so i'll take that first thing i do is go get some health this is a scary amount of health to be on get our money and look at that we're already at like almost 14 cents nice what was in the shop why can i remember and honestly i don't think i'm gonna take storky with me i think i'm gonna take uh no with us because we don't want active items anymore so i'll go back take sharp straw and after that we don't need we don't need anything and if you guys don't know what node does is just greatly decreases the chance of finding active items so if you have an active item it's like it's a really really good trinket to have there's no reason not to take it and we're gonna go down here pop in here and there's a soul heart so i'm gonna buy the soul heart pop this what the heck it only gave us one item that's too bad and that's interesting you know what i'm gonna bomb this because i do really want to have more chances i know i need to put more money back into the machine but we'll do that in the future we really needed that because we just need something we need we need to make sure that we don't get too much health items we just need to make sure we are pretty fine and i might go for actually that was pretty pretty great we can go for angel deals now and i'm not even go there's no reason for me to go for that eternal heart it literally just makes me lose damage for the boss fight okay that was a little close for comfort oh i can show you guys what the chariot card does you can kind of move during it but it's 10 seconds of a higher tier rate okay this is not good i don't want to be in this position right now game stop i'm not but i was like about to be out of the chariot for him and i was like i don't want to take damage because i can't dodge okay nice and there we go um [Music] do i want angel deals is the question i'm already gonna be a heart above that and i think i do want to go for angel deals you know what that's actually a really good angel deal for us but i will do it here is bomb we're just gonna bomb everything heck yeah okay always trying to bomb the angel he can oh my gosh oh my gosh okay this is a i'm really sad we got gabriel right now because gabriel's a hard angel uh compared to or no we got uriel no wait no we got gabriel yeah okay uh that's not what i wanted anyways we can go back and uh we can go back and get our heart dying to an angel be the worst thing ever i'm just gonna use my bombs more offensively nice okay gosh gosh guys nice there we go we killed the angel we got that and let's go get the eternal heart because we already are a whole heart over um the dark prince's crown but i just think that going for angel deals will be the smarter play especially since we don't want to be on one heart of red heart health i feel like that's just a bad spot to be in but we will go to we'll go to mines real fast because we can always get extra items let's make sure we don't lose anything nice in one of the tournament seeds for the last tournament bd1p and i had there was a room that was going to mines that had magic mush in it so i always try to check those mushrooms when i can and why not we can do this one soul heart is pretty fine and you know what we're gonna lose half that soul heart but it at least gives us some red heart protection and i could go for the key piece i don't think this is definitely not a mother worthy run i said this yesterday uh i don't think mother is a good boss to ever go to on a on a streak run i'm pretty positive that i can beat mother as long as i have a pretty decent build but it's not a worthwhile risk it's just a very very risky thing to do because if we were to try to risk our our lives like that like and we die that's the whole eden streak and mother is just one of those bosses that if you get like the wrong move set she can be so so hard okay nice hungry souls actually doing something i actually do like hungry soul it's not the best item ever but neither of those devil deals were good so in the end it all worked out okay yes yes please die yep i know you can i know you can die okay sweet ash bit is a rough floor to be on i don't know i don't think it's as bad as some people uh make it out to be oh i didn't realize what was happening nice i'm just pressing the buttons just to press them kind of i don't know i feel like it would be weird not to press the buttons while we're here just like skipping them and not pressing them at all just seems wack okay you're gonna shoot tears when you die okay nice is there one more yeah you're still here what the heck weirdo we have so many pills and honestly this isn't too bad and this right here is like you want to like whenever you have dark princess crown it you don't have to get rid of red like heart containers to have it active you only have to have one heart of red heart health and so it's not the worst idea to do what i'm doing and to not take those hearts from hematimesis so these guys right here move like spiders so if you know how to dodge spiders you don't want to psych yourself out because they're actually pretty easy to dodge i probably make it look i'm not saying like i'm really good but i probably made it look a little like easier than it was lots of that was luck i would say not luck it was i'm not gonna say the word luck is what what that was exactly it was me just understanding them and guessing their paths correctly it was it was good guesses i would say educated guesses so yeah we're gonna bomb this twice because i do want to get i think six senses worth two bombs and yes it was worth two bombs heck yeah um oh my gosh this is a rough boss or enemy to have to deal with right now okay thank you hungry soul for being the best little guy ever my dodges are on point right now and i do want to find the item room first somebody called me stupid uh the other day for like i don't know like teleporting and like skipping floors they're like you're you're ruining your planetarium chance which to that person who said that i think you're completely wrong i i don't think you lose your planetarium chance by teleporting to the next floor i don't think that's true the only thing that's i think the only basis for planetarium items is skip going to item rooms or not right you know what eyesore is really fun with this every once in a while okay does it not work with tech oh it doesn't work with attack and we're gonna buy you the sack that gives us all of our money back and you know what i'll i need to donate that's what i'm gonna do if we donate right now we're gonna be blessed with good luck and fortune i'm just waiting for the day that one of our industry starts has a planetarium as the first floor but then we don't get a single key and then we cry that's what i'm waiting for it's gonna be great and i might try to go into the boss arena room at some point on this floor if i if there's like a bunch of soul hearts on the floor that i can like i can reliably go get later on i'll probably do it okay nice eyesore is actually helping us out crazily right now that was really good and let me just go confirm this is not open for us right now correct it is not i i thought like in effort plus didn't they have it so that if you went to a um if you went to a boss arena room you only had to have one red heart of health but you could have as many soul hearts as you wanted that always made sense to me always i don't know that it's kind of a weird change in my mind but they're going to do what they want to do oh my gosh they really was like or like we're just bonnie like in the roughest spot of the room possible oh my gosh i didn't think that they were going to immediately oh my gosh okay we're getting so like screwed over by this boss right now that was ridiculous we do want to have a higher tier rate i that was absolutely ridiculous how much damage that boss just did i'm actually like appalled like i i feel like there's no reason that boss should have like been able to shoot the way it did i don't know i'm just bad that's that's the real thing right there that's just me playing really really bad um yeah i'm gonna go to the boss fight room see if there's anything half decent in here you know what yeah i'm gonna go up in here you know it's an hp up we might as well take it we do have to fight some stupid bosses to do this like this guy right here nobody likes this guy i'd say this is one of the the hardest of the new bosses especially for the caves floor he's just so annoying but once you get used to him he's pretty easy you just have to understand like how his movement works when he goes underground it's very easy very very easy to get messed up with the direction he's going and that spike that we dodged was just luck complete luck okay good and yeah you can kind of see like the second he goes underground you can see his little dirt mound moves just a little bit in the direction he's gonna go the only issue is sometimes he'll move in directions that aren't like that if there's if there's only very like certain circumstances i think if if you're standing on like on top of him and he tries to move in the in a certain direction he'll start moving a different direction like right there he wasn't supposed to be right there i don't think i don't think that's where he was like uh telegraphing his move that's the word i'm thinking of is it called telegraphing the move we don't have to find a second boss after this one but we have four hearts of red heart health so i think we're in a good spot nice oh my gosh okay that's actually good we get a higher tier rate it's not like we need health my bombing on the of these worms is on point today i feel like do they increase like the the fire rate of those guys because i swear they didn't they didn't used to shoot that fast if i used to i mean i don't know they didn't shoot like that a lot at some point i don't know what i'm saying but we'll get all the red heart health we can we're going to open this cursed chest because or is it a cursed chest i think it is because why not as you see we do get that like that 0.8 tier rate up when we get take a hit of damage so the needle item is pretty decent and it makes you shoot tears so it's not the worst but you know what i'm pretty confident going to mausoleum right now i think that going mausoleum and going like the harder routes is one more fun and it's just also two more rewarding we get to skip a lot of like the harder things and we're already at 32 minutes so i know my runs are really long but i try to go to harder paths and i feel like going to harder paths you can take a little longer because i have to be a little smarter about how i play so we'll go in here we'll head down to the next floor and i i understand if you think that me going to these other floors and the harder floors is a little bit dumb it is dumb i'm not gonna say it's not dumb okay okay nice i absolutely hated that but look at that we got the two chests always go for the buttons behind there and two keys out of a single gold chest awful i forget what this does your rage grows i don't want it man the amounts of spikes on this floor insane but if you once you get your movement down well enough like the spike rooms aren't too bad and we know what those pills are i think speed down luck down we didn't know what one of those was we have really bad pills this this time around very surprised on how bad the game is just making our time okay watch out buddies okay yeah good stuff um i really want those chests but i'm not gonna go get those because unless we have flying at some point look at that okay we really want to have our angel chance game please i want my angel deal i really want my angel deal i really want my angel deal please game oh we have a soul heart i'm stupid i mean still i don't take damage wait oh there's a kill button right there i was stupid there are occasionally kill buttons in some of these rooms oh my gosh oh my gosh stop okay finally he's dead that room sucks right there like no matter what it's not like it's not like a like a really hard room if you really think about it but it's easy to overthink it and i mean it's easy because if you don't have enough damage i mean you're in a bad spot like we are not doing well on the damage front and so that's fine we get a bomb out of that and what do we get out of you a key nice i can't believe dark prince's crown doesn't give you a damage what the heck how did that hit us oh my gosh that would have lost my angel chance and i would have actually absolutely wigged out this sucks yeah go into my blood yes hungry soul you're doing the best you can do hungry soul is actually amazing and look a steam sale nice relic you need to pay out soon i feel like we haven't gotten a soul heart this entire floor so this next room he should pay out i'm guessing yeah that's what that's what i thought mister um [Music] i'm not going to fight the boss yet because i really do want to go try to get the item room because we're we're really slacking right now we are in a very not so gucky spot and i want to make sure that we are in a gucky spot i also want to make sure we have stall hearts but if you guys didn't know buttons everywhere on this floor everywhere and sacks usually pay back out and this time it didn't i don't know we're not getting paid out by anything this run like chess aren't paying out that well nothing's paying out our angel deal is really bad i mean relics okay relics a good thing for us to have we kind of needed that but oh i never went back and took sharp straw i'm stupid i know i should just ran in there watch out mister good uh clingy friend is actually a super good buddy i'm actually happy about that one clingy friend just ties enemies down and cause it so they can't even attack or anything and so it makes your life really really easy like look at that let me not get myself stuck in a corner right now and yes worm friend oh you got both of those guys wait what the heck oh you guys are stuck on each other for clearing is the only way to play this game it's how i believe this game is supposed to be played we got you could the secret room be up above this it can't be up there can't be below it could be to the right of this room and that's free keys right there oh my gosh what a play i know i should probably wait till i get an active item but it's gonna take too much time oh my gosh we got so much money all of a sudden and we just need a donation machine but the chances of us getting an actual shop next floor are not that good i think okay okay stop i hate hate these blocks with a passion okay we're gonna do this because i feel like this is the right thing to do we get all of our hungry souls that's actually gonna be really good this should be pretty easy oh power pill heck yeah if you guys didn't know if you use power pill when you when you don't have full health it actually does heal you so powerful is a really good item if you have a lot of red heart health and you're gonna take a lot of damage that's gonna be good for next floor oh my gosh like i could not do anything like i was literally like uh like just getting dragged around i was like what the heck come on man so let's do this and i'll go fight the boss real fast but first i'm gonna go open these red chests to see if we can get some soul hearts we sadly can't get to the ones in the center without taking damage but let's look at this retrovision lemon party i probably could have used later speed down lock down oh my gosh can we not get it like i feel like we have very weighted pills right now a lot of really bad ones okay let's go see what this boss is gonna be oh no scourge okay thank you warm friend for being a buddy yeah our damage is not that good i feel like most enemies on this floor i'm pretty good at but this guy right here is just a menace oh thank you game okay that's fine we can still get an angel deal kind of there's a slim chance okay where do you go where do you go okay good yeah i was gonna say you can't get hit mister if i stand on you oh come on boo you know what that's more health for us that's really good and we can just go to the next floor because i'm not going to waste any of my health or my time getting that damage up was actually huge like any damage up right now is a big big big help and i think what we want to do i like taking mystery items there's not much that can be bad for us right now and yeah like bff's best friend is not the worst item it's really not the best though so i don't think butt bombs would have been much better i mean but bombs is one of the best um i'd say one of the best bomb items but actually i also just don't have a lot of bombs that might have been a good idea but there could have been like a game changing item that's the thing i like to think about is there going to be a game changing item in this in this thing i'm about to touch oh my gosh bfbfs friend you are doing your you're doing god's work okay give us some bombs i could have done that so much smarter but he gave us bombs okay so that's what we do we do this we press the button we push we push we push we push we push up here like that put the bomb down oh and the two right up is actually insanely good we have just like increased our damage output by a dom amount just from that one damage and that one tier rate item that's gonna be huge yeah i feel a lot better about this run now and could we have done better by going not this route probably we probably would have just done just as well but eyesore is finally helping us out a little bit more oh we have stapler now okay so stapler is actually kind of a cool item because it makes it so you uh it staples your right eye and so now we only shoot lasers so i think we shoot two lasers instead of one i mean yeah so we shoot two lasers instead of a laser in tears so that's gonna be really cool good synergy thank you game okay yes good where's the stupid shop game i need it i need the shop now also eyesore with laser beam nice i think tech 2 i i think technology is the only one with the damage down or tectus one of the damage down detector used to be a big damage down i think i'm trying to remember how it was the thing was i wasn't like i was pretty dumb at this game i still am back in after with plus and i only got like really really like educated in this game uh in repentance so a lot of the changes i can't remember and a lot of like there's some items that i still just don't know off the top of my head exactly what they do oh my gosh i want this angel deal so bad okay that was stupid to me or fine and please game give me a shot i mean i know we're gonna get a shot but uh like please give me one that doesn't have like a greed boss in it that'd be sad nice okay good good good good this is amazing this means greed cannot be in the shop thank you game oh my gosh and the quarter is pretty good what are you higher fant nice so hi reverse higher fan i'm so stupid i should have done that a different way well reverse higher fan does is it gives you two bone hearts oh my gosh nice easy two bone hearts so it's just a really really solid uh solid card to get right now his bone hearts are always good so once we find a good amount of red heart health i'll use the bone hearts and we'll be in a very good spot and where do i want to go with this run when the world he really flew okay let's go to the item or the shop okay member card is insane right now especially with what we have let's see what's down there can you be this is this is the way this is the way heck yeah okay so our game just got a lot easier all of a sudden so i will just be donating my money away to charity because we don't need money anymore we have won the game and that's what sucks is you get money you can't even donate it so now we get more money and look at us this is huge tech and spirit sword is insanely good okay okay i'm doing not the best dodges ever but i'm not getting hit too much that's all that matters and we can also grab stuff that's over gaps which is cool i feel like there's a lot more on this floor than what we've seen so i'm gonna go look and we're at 44 minutes not good not good times but it's not world record at least we can go back to this room and get this chest nice and spirit sword is really good i don't know it's sphere sword is honestly probably one of my favorite items i rated it pretty low i'm pretty sure my tier list when i was doing repentance items but i take that back completely it's like it's probably like my favorite item watch out devils okay nice clear hematemesis we might as well use that you know what there's no reason to use that what am i saying we really don't need that and we'll come down here go over here can i i don't think i can get in there watch out ragman he excuse me okay which which fire is my fire game none of it probably yeah probably not i'm just gonna go in here this is the safe this is the safe play i promise it's not the safe play i don't promise uh i think we have enough redheart health everywhere so we can do this oh no i'm putting my my my uh eternal heart at risk now should i go for devil deals or should i go for angel deals it's a hard decision okay we're gonna do that nothing boo how about right here nice that's a lot of health hey what oh we have to fight mom now i forgot about this look at this just give me the give me the angel deal please game okay sweet oh and we only got the double deal so that's interesting uh what we'll do is we can can't do that uh i think we're gonna go for the negative just that damage up is huge and we'll take guppy's collar we're gonna try to get ourselves down to one red heart of health um see what that gets us and maybe get brimstone if we could get brimstone with this build we get a lightsaber and lightsabers are cool okay we can go fast here it's not super fast just can't we can go as fast as we want if we could get like the blue key and just be able to bool and fool on this run and go to hush this is a good build for hush mainly because i could go to the the members the membership shop remember ship shop and get as much items as i want okay i could get one item it's so sad to get member card at the end of a run like your last shop like what gives game what gives oh my gosh and if you guys didn't know the reason i only had one item in there is because i bombed my machine enough to where the i think the game got mad so give me one i was trying to figure out how that happens and i think that's exactly what what the cause was that's a good amount of damage i know if you hold down you can like spin in a circle and shoot like crazy but who needs that when you can just tap shoot every melee attack you do is a lot of damage what's in here we can bomb all of them we've already fought greed so we have a lot of money we might get money equals power later so we could get a lot of damage from that um if the delirium portal does spawn i feel like i'm in a good spot to take that so i might as well do it if i find it and let's just try to get these guys out of here nice you go spinny circle mode okay now we don't we don't have bookworm but we just have two okay that's oh that's eyesores that some times gets us more than one sword that's interesting i like how just randomly somewhere it's actually a really cool idea to have the swords come out in ram spots yes you can't come past my swords the laser i mean tech is super good with this if you have a or tech 2 is tech there's a different synergy what tech does is it makes it so there's like a circle around you of tech lasers okay i can okay what i was gonna say i can dodge this pretty easily how did i just get so much damage taken i think that they were gonna hit me that was rude that was really rude and no items i've not gotten a secret room item in a while we had a really good like run of having like insanely good secret rooms in runs oh my gosh i need to stop this damage thing okay watch out spiders i apparently just don't know what i'm doing well straight down oh that's so satisfying look at all those hungry souls die everybody die yes okay what the heck i thought i was what i thought i was dodging pretty well apparently i don't know how to dodge those guys what the heck i'm boss arena room yuck okay okay a sack room interesting we're not gonna use it i don't think but it is here there's a red heart here i don't think we're gonna use it uh there's no reason for me to use it i mean we could get like an angel deal or something out of it maybe if we fight mom and there's not like we don't get anything out of that fight we could do that but right now i don't need to do that we have a lot of red heart health everywhere that gives us more health so might as well take that and we don't have it we don't have a uh an active item so that's pretty decent rules card's fun we use the soul of bethany right now and look at that damage right there that's insane sweet lots of bombs yeah this is we're really well off right now we have a lot of red heart health laying on the ground so i might i might actually just go and sack a little bit actually be pretty cognizant of how much health is around me i think we have about three red heart health on this floor um we do a soul heart right there so we'll go fight mom real quick and the easiest way to fight mom is just charge up a lot that way you can uh oh i didn't realize okay we still shoot lasers so this is actually really exciting whenever you full charge with this uh any swing it causes you to block tears and so it's a very good way to to run it and yeah we have a lot of health everywhere i'm gonna leave that soul heart right there and there's a red heart there but we can't really grab that okay first things first i'm gonna come in here because i always love coming into the curse rooms and let's go count how much health we have on the floor okay so we have one that we can't get to we had a full health right here do we have red heart health up here i feel like we did oh thank you so yeah we definitely had red heart health in a few places on this floor um where was it having curse of the lost is sucky big sucky was it here no have i even been i have been over here before i don't think i went up upwards you know what i might not even sack sacking just seems really scary at this point but we do have guppy's collar so we can gamble we really could we could gamble our entire livelihood away and maybe die and just lose the streak here some people might be happy about that good written streak they would say and i guess we don't have red heart health really anywhere that's accessible to us okay this one i'm gonna do i'm gonna sack a couple times yeah i'm gonna sack one two three four that does have a heart right there now we're gonna go over here and see what's in the boss arena room if there's something good we can we can grab it that's okay yeah old bandage really good for us okay that didn't give us oh no this is one of my worst bosses okay oh my gosh i almost got hit by that okay you're dead nice okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is i thought old man was gonna give us a heart of health why didn't it stop game please that was scary i don't like when the game does that kind of stuff um what i will do is i think the angel item is close in one of these next sacks so we do one nice two and there we go yeah we got the angel room um scapular it's pretty good it's actually really good for us i think yeah i'd rather take scapular and we want to get we want to get the last key piece so we might as well do that right now yeah hungry soul is gonna be really good for uh for mega stan so we can do that heck yeah okay so now we have flying okay this is really good all of our all of our worries in the world have kind of been uh nullified and we can just leave we can leave happy because we got our angel room we could get soul hearts but we don't need the soul hearts back there and i think we have enough red heart health yeah i i think i do want to take this with us i want i pretty much only want active items and i probably pretty much only want passive items my bad so we'll take that we get the soul heart and we can head down i was making sure that we wanted to head down i don't want to go to the wrong area ever again that's just stupid it makes me look bad that's why i always just confirm oh my gosh that was fast why were you so quick oh my gosh yeah i was really really concerned on that uh on that last floor during that boss arena room i swear that oh like is an old man supposed to give you another red heart of health because that was like that was insane yeah die die die die okay okay good we have a soul heart out here so i might as well do this get the black heart no retrovision for me please and are we netted zero hearts that's better than netting less than zero hearts okay good bombs are always nice to have oh sweet not sweet holy orb should help us uh i just spit a little bit my bad holy orb should help us a little bit when it comes to getting devil deals on a dark room so hopefully we can uh get some good devil deals some really good ones not get any garbo garbo is sad okay sweet and nice we're getting so much money right now and it makes me mad because i took so much money from the machine okay now oh my gosh these bomb worms are frightening rather frightening okay can't be there you know what i'm just gonna go fight one mississippi two mississippi three mississippi four mississippi nice and like spirit sword is one of the craziest items in the game i mean okay i'm taking a lot of damage right here i should just be using my laser because i can literally just still use that the same way as i used to so just hold down the laser come in hold down the laser oh what the heck what the heck okay i'm doing really bad but sphere sword yeah super swords insane if we can if we just play it right we should we should be absolutely fine i should not be losing any more health than i am right now especially since we have range okay that's fine too we have old bandage which makes our life also easy on top that we have scapular which i think scapula is when we get to a single heart of health we get another radar to help something like that and we'll go up to dark room see what kind of items we have and i might need to clear a little bit to get some soul hearts yeah we'll see what we can get here so we got guppy's tail lusty blood and we want to take guppy's tail guppy's tail allows us to um have more damage or not more damage allows us to get uh higher chances of chest spawning oh my gosh oh my gosh i've not i didn't realize there's gonna be two of these guys i thought this room was usually not too oh my gosh okay stop game stop game chill seriously chill game oh my gosh these guys are so nutty all sudden especially when there's two in a room okay anti-grav tears is really good like watch this we should have these like weird tears that just stay in place nice okay this is why we took guppy's tail oh my gosh holy cow that's why you took gubby's tail guppy's tail gives us more chest on on this floor so i mean we are more likely to get items and yeah you can just get crazy crazy stuff on this floor like we just literally turned our entire run around ouija board that's actually good okay let's get a couple more soul hearts that way we can uh get rid of our health with with some guaranteed uh not death i really really would appreciate getting uh a delirium portal i know we got a delirium portal yesterday i didn't take it so the game's probably gonna be like mad that we didn't take it the one time it offered us but guys we were on a half heart of health that was scary oh my gosh all stats up we are we are on top of the world right now we really are and apparently we're not going to ever get a single secret room ever again nice never mind i lied game sorry i said that oh we will donate our health away that way we have our little little shield right there and you know what i'll pay this guy out he can give us a fly item sometimes he's a chance oh okay you know what that's fine what's really good about uh yeah cards is they do count as a whole heart when it comes to um taking damage from the donation machine i'm pretty sure maybe it doesn't maybe i'm lying how many cards can we get can we get some more game maybe just a few i showed some fly items too if this guy can give me a fly item then we are one closer to getting diesel bub so that would that would give us so many different transformations you know what that's actually so much better oh wait what that's so cool i did not know tech and jacob ladder did that together that's really cool yeah so we'll go here nice no chest that's all good oh my gosh it's just i love how these this this setup is working and we'll take you and we'll take you and because we're kind of trying to get leviathan as well so we can get leviathan kind of soon that'd be good i think we're one away from leviathan right i know i know empty vessel at least counts but we're also one way from conjoined and conjoined is insane
Channel: Priets
Views: 9,005
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: Isaac, Repentance, binding of isaac, binding of isaac video, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac rebirth gameplay, the binding of isaac rebirth, commentary, gaming, afterbirth, afterbirth gameplay, new isaac dlc, new isaac content, New Isaac Boss, achievements, achievement hunting, New Character, tainted, tainted characters, dead god, full completion, priets, eden streak, Going From Nothing To The BEST Items!, magic mush, jacob's ladder, spirit sword
Id: Djm9DUJXltI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 44sec (3884 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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