5 Turbine Powered Planes That Fly At Jet Speed

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[Applause] welcome to module group might care today we're checking out some amazing aircraft that you can buy in place of a jet these are all total problem airplanes that are propeller-driven chances are if you can afford any of this airplanes you can also afford to buy a jet now why would you want a turboprop in place of a jet one reason the operating costs the cost to operate a jet even a light jet is significantly higher than the cost to operate a turboprop airplane for similar capabilities and performance so without further ado the first plane we're looking at is the epic e1000 the epic a1000 is a fairly new turbo prop airplane and it's had its fair of challenges over the years but the great news is this airplane is finally certified and you can get your hands on one epic a 1000 uses a single pratt & whitney turboshaft engine this propels the air from the climate over four thousand feet a minute you have a max ceiling of 34,000 feet now you get up an altitude and this then we'll move over 300 knots and cruise speed and the epic a 1000 can sit up to six people your maximum range is at 1,800 miles that means you can fly from New York to Texas at one go the fuel capacity in the epic a 1000 is 288 gallons and expect your hourly operating cars between 550 and 600 dollars an hour that's so significantly lower to your average light jet that costs two thousand dollars an hour to operate the epic a 1000 has so many things to love about it now how will cost you a pretty penny to get your hands in one the base price for this plane 3.2 million dollars next we have the Pilatus pc-12 all arguably the best type of prompt airplane in its class or the best turboprop airplane ever built the pc-12 won a lot of hearts and it's been introduced and for good reason this aircraft can carry up to 10 and go 1,800 miles now the Pilatus pc-12 is not the fastest in its class you get up to altitude and you're cruising around 250 knots an average that's still close to 300 miles per hour and absolutely nothing to sneeze at where the pilatus shines isn't its capabilities unlike any other airplanes in this class of this category the pc-12 can land on just about any runway paved grassy fields unpaved you can land the pc-12 and over two thousand one ways around the world consider the piece each of the stove brand in its class amazing short takeoff and short landing capabilities one of the great features in the pc-12 also is the giant door it has behind it what this means is if you're flying a lot of cargo around you have easy access to get your goods in and get them out even with full fuel you can still fit over 2,000 pounds of people and load in this airplane and your maximum altitude is 13,000 feet the lattice pc-12 is great but it also costs you more than some of the average jets you have in the market the average price for a brand-new pc-12 is over five million dollars you can find them used for about half that price next we have the TBM 940 from french manufactured i air the 940 comes from a long line of fast turbo props the first CBM model ever introduced was the 700 and the model 700 flew for many many years during the 90s and starting with the new decade we have the model 940 now TVM have always claimed to be the fastest in its a single-engine turboprop but with the no introduction of the epic a 1000 I beg to differ because the epic a 1000 can go just as fast the TBM 940 will carry six people comfortably your cruise speed expect between 300 and 320 knots and once you fill up those tanks you can go really far this everyone will fly 1,900 miles non-stop some cool new technology you'll find in the TBM 940 the autothrottle this is a great system that automates the engine power control and monitoring also currently being tested in the TBMs is the new garment Auto land system an amazing safety system that will land the airplane for you she'll in case something happens to the pilot the TVM 940 also has the big giant door just like you have in the pc-12 but when you're comparing these to the pc-12 has more room has better capabilities but if you want to go faster and further the TBM 940 is the better choice cost wise a brand new TV of 9:40 will run you about 4.2 million dollars next on the list is the Lancer Evolution now known as evolution aircraft this is the only experiment or airplane on this list and we're adding it because it can compete with any of the airplanes listed so far the lancer evolution is a four-seater turbine powered cruise speeds over 300 knots and with full tanks you can go about a thousand miles in this airplane now you have a lower ceiling with the Lancer Evolution your maximum altitude is twenty five thousand feet what you get in this aircraft is not the luxury of cabin space rather you get a capable single pilot aircraft that is also extremely economical when you compare it to any other planes in its class the evolution only burns about 45 gallons of fuel per hour and when you power back it can reduce their fuel burn to only 25 gallons of per hour now why would you consider an evolution well for one it cost about a quarter of what you pay for any of the airplanes listed so far you can find a fairly used evolution turbine for less than a million dollars these airplanes are currently selling between 900,000 and 1.2 million dollars now lastly we're checking out the king air comes with not one but two turbine engines capable roomy fast and more fuel efficient the king air is one of the oldest running total prop airplane Beechcraft have been creating this bird since the 1970s and funny enough they still hold a tremendous value a King Air 200 can be single pilot operated and this is why a lot of charter companies use them for their client with two turbine engines expect cruise speeds between 280 and 300 knots you've got enough food for 910 people and you can fly closer to thousand miles without stopping now your operating cost in the king air m'q differ because you're operating two different engines and when it comes to time for maintenance that means you have to maintain two different engines with a maximum payload of over two thousand pounds you can fill this thin up and go places wall kept King Air 200 s can be found in the market today for about 1.5 to 2.5 million dollars now if you wanted the newest model which is at 350 I you're looking to spend close to 5 million dollars and that is it for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one if you did please be sure to give a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe to mojo grit with the notification Belon again my name is Mike thank you so much for spending time with me and I will catch you on the next video
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 1,027,605
Rating: 4.876236 out of 5
Keywords: epic e1000, king air 200, lancair evolution, evolution aircraft, tbm 940, pilatus pc-12, daher, airplanes, private jet, jet, turbine engine, turboprop
Id: MB7Pgg7pcLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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