Best 3Ds Max Unwrapping Plugins

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today we're gonna talk about 10 of the best UV unwrapping plugins and scrapes for 3ds max and we are gonna start the countdown list with number 10 text tools it is a collection of tools that helps any texture artists with UV and texture related tasks the main philosophy is to shorten typical steps into simple context-sensitive single clicks and you can download text tools for free to start using it you can just drag the text tools installation file into the viewport and let it install itself into your 3ds max user folders text tools comes with science tools UV layout tools selection tools Texel density tools and it can do texture baking as well this tool is really good for doing UV unwrapping work if you need something that allows quick and fast UV unwrapping number 9 roadkill UV tool roadkill is also a good UV unwrapping standalone app that works with 3ds max which you can use for free you should probably install roadkill if you don't have any UV unwrapping tools inside 3ds max right now the latest version is a standalone application that can be called from 3ds max roadkill is a good free app that makes unwrapping models quick and easy there is a script called roadkill link that improves the workflow between a 3ds Max and roadkill it enables easy selection of roadkill cut edges it automates exporting and importing to and from roadkill as well number 8 poly and wrapper paulien wrapper is a complete set of UV unwrapping tools that work in 3ds max to help you finish the process of UV unwrapping faster it is especially good for architectural work and game development it contains plenty of features that will help you to improve the UV unwrapping workflow you can stitch multiple shells at once it has custom packing algorithm and tools for packing also it has tools for matching the shells width and height easy grid spacing and the ability to render UV tiles and the nice feature they added which is the poly and wrapper toolbar now is always on top of the 3ds max and wrap editor number seven advanced UV normalizer advanced UV normalizer is a tool for normalizing the texture density across objects it has a comprehensive set of features to calculate set and modify the Texel density of your models based on different parameters such as geometry area texture area UV area as well as the geometry or pixels and the geometry or UV ratios the Texel density can be set using a fixed texture size or you can assign different advanced UV normalizer textures and normalize them all at once using their texture size number six flat iron flat iron is a unique render to texture plugin for 3ds max it is capable of baking full seeds or selections of objects into a single UV map with a few clicks flat iron is a fast simple configurable automatic UV unwrapping baking solution that accelerates baking of complex scenes in 3ds max using flat iron you can unwrap and bake multiple objects into a single texture map we don't have it to manually arrange charts or compose rendered maps in image editing software flat iron is good for unwrapping all the objects in the scene bake them in a single render pass and get high-quality texture Maps in addition to that you can minimize the size of your texture maps by automatically arranging UVs of one or multiple objects perfectly use unique organic hard surface or projection and wrapping methods for superior UV compressions flight iron is actually different from the other UV unwrapping tools that we have here on this list because it has other functions like using flat iron you can unwrap and bake multiple objects into a single texture map quickly and crunched exercise and optimize your visualization for real-time 3d machines and one of its important features is the ability to bake shadow maps or ambient occlusion for complete rooms or even whole levels at once and combine multiple objects on single UV map flat iron is ideally suited for game developers who need to add a minimum of visual quality to their games while keeping hardware requirements at a minimum because working with a large scene can be impossible sometimes if we don't go through these procedures number 5 UV Packer UV Packer is a plugin for 3ds max it is an easy solution for pack and UV maps by calculating their sizes and proportions and distributing them optimally on the UV plane UV Packer calculate the perfect quadrature of UV maps scales them and put the pieces together in mathematically exact way which is nearly impossible to do manually UV Packer not only moves and rotates UV parts it also takes the mass surface area into account and scans the parts independently to provide a uniform pixel distribution monos will not have different exercises and therefore varying amounts of texture quality on legs arms and body textures since UV Packer keeps them all even UV Packer to offers through the artist instant and optimal UV packing and self customizable UV town sets artists can easily control the number of UV tiles automatically generate material IDs for each you've eaten or unwrapped the UV tiles according to the material ID settings this is especially useful for Mari Mudbox or zebras workflows UV Packer new update introduced UV packing speed improvements and for the heavy political scenes with over 100,000 faces UV Packer calculates UV maps in less than half a minute on average according to its developers number four and for 3d and for 3d is an intuitive fast scalable tool that generates nice UVs with minimum efforts a lot of studios and freelancers are currently using em for 3d according to polygonal design which is a 3d tools development studio located in France and for 3d new generation comes with new features like a new 64-bit and folding core that can unwrap a very big matches up to 1 million in triangles major improvements to the dirty meshes one important obj multi UV grid pack which means that ions are packed into the underlying square multi UV grid select which means in ion selection mode a click on the square label selects all the islands inside square also you will be able to select each edge on the frontiers of selected islands and other islands having the same topology and for 3d comes with a set of alignment tools for vertical and horizontal edge alignment on these selected edges they increase the speed of edge selection up to 20 faster and they fix many bugs that were causing problems before number three had SUV layout the UV layout is a standalone application for the creation and editing of UV texture coordinates for 3d poly meshes and subdivision surfaces used by professionals in game development and view effects industries by hobbyists of all type and by students according to developers UV layouts unique approach gives texture artists the tools they need to produce high quality low distortion UVs in significantly less time than they would by traditional methods HEDIS is the name of the company that developed this UV unwrapping tool which is located in perth western australia some major features of UV layout are edge loop detection for quicker UV seam selection and symmetry editing for faster flattening of symmetrical meshes also this tool has color feedback for instant evaluation of the distortion errors they added edge straightening on shell boundaries and interiors here this UV layout has the ability of flattening brushes for local tweaks of the automatically generated UVs in order to work faster there is Auto packing of UV shells to minimize wasted texture space an auto stacking of similar shells for shared texture space usage also subdivision surface calculations based on limit surface shape also here this layout comes with extra features like unlimited and do of all editing functions plug-in interface for integration into other application and of course obj import and export numbers to and wrap pro and wrap Pro is a 3ds max plugin which unwraps measures while producing low distortions overlap free weighted density you've ease unlike the 3ds max peel command which produces overlapping UVs with high area Distortion it is easy to use and it is very fast up to 1 million triangle mesh was unwrapped in 20 seconds according to developers these situations in which you would want to use and wrap pro are when you want to have equal pixel density for your textures in case you don't want to manually edit UVs also when you want to have more or less pixel density in some areas and when you don't want to manually enter angle movies even though unwrapped Pro will not add seems or peccaries for you it has some nice features these are some of the benefits you get save time and energy while UV and rapid matches by not having to worry about distorted or overlap TVs use vertex colors or soft selections to increase the pixel density of important features and you don't have to manually edit or pin UV to produce great results also it has fast quality UVs number one and Rilla Rilla is an unwrapping plugin for 3ds max it allows you to automatically unfold your 3d models with exact pixel to model surface aspect ratio speeding up texture baking UV map production significantly some of its features are it preserves user-created UV seams it reduces texture mapping seems almost completely and minimize the surface stretching chunks are kept large and/or arranged on the UV surface with maximal use of available space in addition to that it is user friendly it has user defined pixel based pairing between UV chunks also it is good for all kinds of models organic human and industrial you can download a demo version for 3ds max or purchase the commercial license I hope you found this video useful if it did please give it a thumbs up and also you can check some of our previous videos thank you very much and I will see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 36,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best 3ds max unwrapping plugins, 3Ds max plungins for architecture, 3Ds Max, 3Ds Max Plugins, Plugins, Best 3Ds max Plugins, 3D, 3D Software, Software, 3ds max scripts, UV, Uv unwrapping, 3Ds max Unwrapping tools, 3Ds max unwrapping Scripts, TexTools, Roadkill UV Tool, PolyUnwrapper, Advanced UV Normalizer, Flatiron, UV packer, Unfold3D, headus UVLayout, Unwrap Pro, Unwrella, UV unwrapping Plugins, UV Mapping, UV mapping in 3Ds max, UV unwrapping software, Fast UV unwrapping
Id: LAtJpmtDSgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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