Spring Bermuda Lawn Care - Jump Start the Lawn

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it's cold it's nasty this is not what you want to wake up to well the same thing applies to your lawn your lawn is coming off the winter and it's going to be waking up into the spring and what i'm going to talk about today is i'm going to talk to you about how to make your lawn comfortable during the wake up and when you should stop there's a period a transition zone where you shouldn't be putting anything negative down so we'll talk about negatives versus positives and we'll talk about how to not overly push your lawn but get your soil healthy so that when it wakes up it wakes up in a comfortable environment i'm gonna go put a coat on it's cold out here [Music] okay so it's cold it's cold for me may not be cold for you but it's cold highs in the 40s lows in the 20s it's february in georgia what we're going to learn today is we're going to learn today about the end of the dormant season and applying negatives a transition zone where we start to focus on soil health without a whole bunch of energy and then transitioning into the more energy craving spring so let's think about this when you wake up in the morning and it's 50 degrees you don't want to get out of bed that's why they have those programmable thermostats they kick on 30 minutes before you get out of bed and you wake up and it's 70 degrees it's wonderful same thing for your bermuda lawn look right now your bermuda lawn is asleep so we can do negative stuff to it you don't want to use glycogen like you don't want to use total killing products like roundup you never do that because your lawn is never totally dormant but we can apply weed killers pre-emergents we can do whatever we want right now to our lawn because it's kind of like doing surgery and when do you do surgery when the patient is asleep the anesthesia and cold weather is the anesthetic for bermuda lawn so our lawn is asleep it's under anesthesia and we can do the negative stuff to it but there's coming up there's going to be a period which i call the transition zone where we want to have all those negatives done the transition zone is when the temperatures start to bump up all of a sudden you start to see 60s every day then you start to see 70s and you're starting to see sprigs of green pop up that's the transition zone and during the transition zone all we want is we want our soil to be healthy and how can we do that we're going to load it up with carbon and we're going to put down a light balance coat of fertilizer not a high nitrogen one you do not want to do that so we're going to come out here for me probably in another couple weeks is when i would do the jump start program it's in the bermuda lawn guy in the description below i'm going to link to all the products i'll link the bermuda lawn guide all that stuff is on that page below in the jumpstart program we put out a light coat of pgf balanced which is a 10 10 10 super fine particle with micronutrients and iron and it's all fast release remember it doesn't take weeks to get in it's a fall fast release fertilizer it's specifically designed for this purpose it's very mild it's very light we're going to have so it'll go into the soil and all these nutrients that have been leached out of our upper you know six inches of soil over the winter we're going to slowly put back in with that 10 10 10 balance the humid char that we're putting down the human char will add humic acid and carbon into our soil now i've said this before there's one hour if you're a gardener lawn care person farmer whatever you are there's one hour that will change your life that's it one hour will change your life and change the way you think about plants and it's gabe's video i'm going to put it on that page below and everyone that has watched that video has said dot that's amazing that's amazing it'll open up your eyes it'll open up your eyes and help you understand monocultures our lawns are monocultures and you'll understand why this year during the summer we're going to be doing some of the stuff we're doing putting down cheap organic material like chicken feed soybean introducing carbon uh adding soil microbes those are the things we're going to do to improve our soil health so we can use less and less fertilizer got it that's what we're going to be doing so make sure whatever you do watch that video so we want to feed our soil gently we're going to be adding carbon to it and then we're just going to leave it alone once we start to see green spring up everywhere around our lawn that's where we can kick in the scalp and the scalp project so we go ahead and we scalp it down now everything's starting to grow it looks wonderful then we can switch over to our regular pgf complete so i'm hoping every year i uh i try and bring in new equipment and show you stuff i got a sprayer toe behind sprayer that i did a review on i got a tow behind spreader but this year i wanted to bring in sort of a mid-range spreader with a large hopper and the reason why i wanted to do that was because a lot of this organic material is very light the bags are huge even humid char a 40 pound bag of humid char is huge so i wanted a i didn't want a 99 spreader but i didn't want a 600 professional spreader so i brought in one did a lot of research and i'm bringing in one that hits right about 300 bucks but it's professional grade spreader with a huge hopper on it and i think that's going to be kind of my go-to spreader this year last year i was using the green lawn star but i took it down to the beach house and i love the lawn star but i think for this more organic type stuff that's really light this bigger spreader is going to be really nice to use so it's cold my son's coming over and i think he's going to be putting out some of this stuff for me today he's working for us part time this year which is kind of nice so i'm going to go back inside till he gets here okay so i'm going to we're going to start by putting out some humid char and one of the reasons why i like this big the bigger hopper spreaders is a 40 pound bag of human charge big because human charge light because it's biochar and humic so let's talk about the settings all i'm going to do is i'm just going to adjust this until i get oh about i call it a pinky hole so basically a pinky size hole in here is about what i want to see and that's my humichar setting now when i go to the pgf balanced when i go to pgf balanced i'm gonna go very small that's what my holes will look like on the pgf balance okay so human char first make sure it's off which i always forget to do so you can see that was a huge bag of humatur and i still have room for more if i wanted to i think this is a 110 pound rated hopper so weight wise no issues but that's the humid char people ask all the time is it pet safe is humachar pet safe can i put too much out um is it going to hurt my lawn there's humid char there's nothing harmful in it it's just biochar and it's humic acid so don't go around eating it but you can i mean there's nothing in it there's no nutrients there's no negatives it's just there to make your soil better okay so we've got uh all the human jar put out that's the carbon into the soil and now we're gonna put out the balance so this is pgf complete or pgf balanced and it's a 10 10 10 it's the only one i know of on the market i don't know of it i asked the andersons to make it for us it is a super super fine grain 10 10 10 all quick release with micros and with iron there's no other like it all the 10 10 10 out there is basically crappy rock stuff it's made to be cheap it's made for large scale gardens they don't make any professional grade 10 10 10 for lawns hence this product okay so this is important it's important to understand how fine this is it is super super fine and that's the wonderful thing about it important point we're going to talk about timing we're going to talk about weather and why is this so critical because today it's 39 degrees and it's a little bit of sleep and rain it's cold out here man it feels like bone chilling cold it's going to get down to the 20s later this week in 2020 i went back to historical data on this day it was sunny and 72 degrees so can you understand how people get confused about the timing of this that's why i say there's no exact timing for this you sort of have to look at your forecast and sort of plan with it because right now i can still do my lawn is not going to come out of dormancy i have not entered into that transition zone if i start to look at the 10-day forecast i'm like no this ain't it last year we had some really warm temperatures move in early so my grass started the transition earlier so is there an exact time and the answer is no you really have to sort of just play it by ear now is there a chance of a late frost moving in yeah i'm not really worried about that i'm more worried about the average of the temperature so last year we were warmer earlier this year and it is just it is just bone chilling chilly out here so i'm not in my transition zone so i can do go ahead and do anything i want as far as the negatives it's no problem for me i'm sort of mid georgia that real transition starts probably around march middle of march that's when we start to get the warmer temperatures move in our bermuda starts to wake up and you just have to sort of look at that and say when am i going to see 70s start to consistently move in when i see 70 start to consistently move in that's pretty much my transition zone that's where i'm going to back off and i'm going to leave it alone so put down your cold stuff early excuse me put down your negative stuff while you're cold like this right after shortly after that or about the same time you can start throwing down some humid char and put down the 10 10 10 and then sit back and sort of wait for wait for the lawns to enter that transition zone we're really not going to throw down any uh pgf complete or high nitrogen fertilizers until we would probably right after that scalp right after that scalp is when i'm going to start to kind of push my lawn and that's when we can push it hard guys i hope this has helped uh any other questions i'd probably go uh in the description on that page i think we have a section over for comments push the like or hate button i don't care if you like it i don't care if you hate it please talk to you later [Music]
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 79,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spring lawn, spring lawn care, spring lawn care steps, spring lawn care tips, spring bermuda, spring bermuda care, spring bermuda lawn care, spring bermuda fertilizer, lawn pre emergent weed control, lawn pre emergent, when to apply fertilizer to lawn, bermuda grass fertilizer, scalping bermuda grass, lawn pre-emergent, pre emergent, bermuda grass calendar 2021
Id: PENQi6jGiqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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