How To Get A Green Lawn In Summer Without Burning It | No Burned Lawn

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[Music] okay now this video is good for beginners and it uses products that I bought at the store and you're gonna be able to find very similar or these exact same problems at your local stores as well now I made a video about a month ago they got like 1.1 million views and I'm going to go ahead and link that below because that video also used a store-bought product and showed you a way to kind of get your lawn started for the year but one of the questions that I got from a lot of people is hey al what's next and this video is going to show you two applications that you can do to take your lawn to the next level or to the next step following on to that one but the other part of that is if you haven't done anything yet if you're just finding this video maybe you just bought your house or you just decided hey I want to get my lawn going you can actually start with the products that I'm showing you in this video and start your lawn off to a healthy run for the rest of the summer and into the fall now I know you see a lot of palm trees behind me that's because I'm in Florida but I want you to know that the products that I'm gonna recommend here will work for all grass types no matter where you live north south east or west but there is one caveat and that being if you have warm season turf you can start this right now and in fact if you see the growth curve right there warm season turf you see it puts in most of its growth right now in the summer so you can start right away and really get your lawn running hard and really help the lawn to thicken up and you can see results as long as you're watering cool season lawns are a little bit different but you can also take on this strategy just realize if your lawn is brown and dormant because you haven't been watering it then this probably isn't gonna work for you you're gonna need to wait until temperatures subside a little bit and the lawn starts to wake up from that summer dormancy on its own you're gonna want to wait until cooler temperatures prevail now that could be some time in August maybe even in September but either way you still want to start with the watering plan that I'm gonna give you because that's a good way to get things going so when you're cool seasonal on your Kentucky bluegrass your turf type tall fescue or your perennial ride does start to wake up from summer dormancy you'll be ready to go and ready to run quick hey alright so I'm gonna show you a product that you can get at the store in fact I just picked this one up this morning at my local Home Depot over by Durr and this is a product that you can use all grass types doesn't matter and you can use it no matter what shape your lawn is in so this is my lawn this is a different grass type this is Zoysia so there's not really a comparison either way this is a darker grass anyway but here it is my neighbor's lawn right here and he's given me permission to give a treatment on this now it's a little hazy overcast right now so when I get my before pictures later I'll kind of get some better ones that are in the bright sunlight also so that way when we do the after pictures I can have the same exact lighting so I can really show you the dramatic difference we're gonna get with this product that I got at the store I'm also gonna give the law and a cut first you don't have to do that it just needs it and I don't want to you know apply product to a lawn it's not cut that's just me though anyway here's the here's the product so here it is iron night this has been around for many years they've actually changed the formulation a couple times over the years but this works really well you can get this at any store I paid eighteen dollars for this and it covers 5000 square feet and that's another thing we're gonna go over there and measure our lawn space because I'm only gonna do the front on the side and I'll show you that in a minute the key to this the key that makes this product work so well is that it's got 20% iron iron is what gives lawns the bluish look doesn't matter what your grass type is it's gonna give you a blue green look this is extremely high iron and it's gonna work now it's a granular so you're gonna have to water it in and it's gonna take a few days for it to see for you to see results the other thing everybody always asks is this gonna burn my lawn I mean if you spill I mean if you spill a large portion of it in your lawn it's gonna burn that spot but as far as you know if you put down more than you should which I'm not encouraging you to put down more than you should you should always follow the label but if you made a mistake or something like that and you double applied no it's not going to burn your lawn at all and the reason it won't burn is this has a polymer coating on each of the prills polymer coating is just a fancy way of saying it makes the nutrients release slowly as that polymer breaks down it releases the nutrients slowly which is gonna help it not to burn if you get too much but the other thing that it does is it makes the last longer and you could expect the green from this product to last well over a month one other thing the polymer coating does is it keeps the iron from staining your sidewalk and driveway iron is notorious if you leave it on a driveway or sidewalk it'll leave an orange spot or an orange stain the polymer coating stops that from happening but you still need to blow everything off and back into the lawn because if you do leave it on there for a long period of time extended period it can stain so just gives you that extra time to blow it back in the lawn and that's really where you want the product anyway now some of you might be wondering why I'm telling you to start with iron and that is because iron is a micronutrient micronutrients mean that the plant needs much smaller amounts of them in order to get results or in order to get what it needs an iron also does give you a nice color pop as you'll see here in our example lawn but the idea being that it's hot right now and if you haven't done anything for your lawn or your lawn is struggling from the heat it doesn't have to eat a giant meal because it's only eating that micronutrient so it's kind of a nice way to kind of wake it up with a nice slow small meal before you start giving it larger meals of nitrogen in a few weeks okay-y surely it looks better already anyway alright now what I need to do is measure just real quick you have to know how much to put down and the key to unlocking that piece of knowledge is to know how big your lawn space is so I'm just going to do a real quick measurement by stepping it off every step is three feet okay so my quick measurements that was 13 steps that way and 11 that way is skipped the sidewalk so that's translates out when you multiply by three because we're getting into square footage I'm not gonna spend a ton of time on lawn measuring here I'll link below to videos that I did on how to measure your lawn it's very important but I've covered it before and you're welcome to check out those videos lots of good educational stuff there as well one of the short of it is I have 1287 so we're gonna round that to 1300 square feet which is fine and then I got a little bit on the side which is 468 we're gonna round that to 500 so I'm working with 1,800 square feet total now if you wanted to just do hasty math you can see this bag covers 5000 square feet you have 1800 which is 2500 would be half so what you could do if you wanted to has just dump in slightly less than half and you'd be fine but let me just show you how to get the exact measurement so you can come here and see there our spreader settings and it says right there 3 pounds per 1000 square feet that's called your application rate now you can also do some math same way it covers 5000 square feet and it's a 15 pound bag so 15 divided by 5 is 3 that means 3 pounds of this product is supposed to be evenly spread across each 1000 square foot of your lawn now I'm working with 1,800 square feet which is 1.8 one thousand square foot sections so if I take 1.8 times 3 I get 5.4 so I need 5 point 4 pounds of that product in that spreader [Music] would you look at that I eyeballed it just right on the first one pretty cool now listen with this product and with most applications of fertilizer type products you don't have to be that close I just wanted to show you one way that you could get it down to the exact poundage because some of you will care about that I know I do but if not again you would just eyeball this at over one-third less than one half a bag and you'd be just fine now of course they do give you the spreader setting also and I'm using a Scott's here and all the Scott spreaders are the same and it says it's a setting three however again I always like to teach you the why behind everything I've had it happen so many times where somebody gets one of these spreaders they set it on three they pour the whole bag in and then they end up coming up short and they stop short and that's not my move the reason that happens is because these are just cheap spreaders they're plastic and sometimes the adjustments are off or whatever so that's why actually weighing this out and understanding okay that amount should go down exactly across my area there and if I have some left over or a run up short that means my spreaders off and then you can make adjustments for the next time to make sure you do get it right that's the reason I show you those extra steps but you don't have to do that if you don't want to in the interest of being thorough I'm just gonna let you know I am gonna add in a little extra over and above 25.4 pounds and that's because when you get the last few grains down in here it makes it really tough for it to disperse evenly so I like to have you know this covered up when I'm over which tells me everything was being dispersed evenly I just know that from the experience that I have that it's better to do that so I am gonna add an extra couple splashes in and I should have those extra couple splashes there when I'm done [Music] alright so logically I'm just gonna do one pass up a here and get that done I'm gonna go down here and when I come back I'm gonna throw back to the wheel tracks of the previous pass and each time I go back I'm throw them back to the wheel tracks of the previous pass I'm not going to be doing any kind of trim pass or anything anything that gets in the sidewalk I'll just blow it back in it's one of the good reasons to edge first it gives you a little something to blow the excess back into so all right let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so here we are this is nine days after the application of iron Knight and I'm pretty sure you can tell we have a really good response here now we're not perfect we still have quite a ways to go and see I still got a couple weak spots here but this is probably where the irrigation isn't covering as well as it should maybe up there but for sure we are much greener than we were when I started [Music] even look it up through here now obviously it's in need of a cut so I'm gonna go ahead and do that and then I'll show you the next step now I'm in fertilizer bands here so I can't really do what I want to do here however you can and in fact there's a secret to look for when it comes to summer fertilizers so I'm gonna take you now to a couple of home-improvement stores and show you exactly what to look for some certain keywords to look for on the label of summer fertilizers to know that number one you're not going to burn number two that it's gonna be slow release and number three basically that it's gonna give your lawn what it needs as a second step to wake up after this first step of micronutrients now before I go to the store and show you what to look for for the next step which would come about 9 or 10 days after that iron I'd application let me just say this I use the word burn in the title of this video not burning your lawn you're gonna see it in a lot of the marketing stuff on the pack on the bags of fertilizer as well you know won't burn your lawn let me just tell you do not fear the burn I don't really know where this notion that you could burn your lawn with fertilizer came from I don't know if it's that technology old technology maybe the fertilizer that your dad used didn't have the same technology that we have today and that that fear of the burn has been passed down in your DNA from generation to generation I'm not really sure but just trust me if you follow what I'm telling you if you measure your lawn and you put only the right amount of fertilizer for your square footage in that hopper it's very unlikely that you're gonna burn the lawn even if you did an application that was three or even four times heavier than what the bag states don't do that I'm not trying to challenge you but I'm just saying if you did an app that was three or four times heavier than the bag states if you put it down evenly across the lawn you're probably not going to burn it now if you spill something then yes you'll burn it a pile of fertilizer will burn a spot in the lawn but as far as burning your entire lawn just get that out of your mind measure the area to be done put the right amount of fertilizer in the hopper set it and forget it you'll be all good if you can get over that fear of burning your lawn and get a little bit of experience I promise you your results will happen that much quicker and speaking of the technology that we have these days let me show you what's been put on many of these store-bought fertilizers to help you overcome your fear of the burn all right now I'm gonna show you some things that you can look for when you're at your local Home Depot over botter or lowest military field so we can see but there's a few things you want to look for if you want to store-bought further all right so Figaro is Home Depot's brand and we got basically 37 bucks for 42 pounds that covers 15,000 square feet so I can do some math on that for you but we want to look for a marketing length that kind of says like this see this assurance particle technology with no burn even greeting so what that's telling me is this has probably got some sort of polymer code on it and that's great for summer see derived from methylene ureas urea polymer coated and then Oh sulfur coated RIA oh good old SC you but either way it's coated the urea is that's what makes it release slow that's why these are great for summer for really any turf but they're really good for warm season turf because you can get a lot down and you can get sustained green for quite a while so here's another one this is a Scott's product this is $55 and this one's gonna cover 17,000 18,000 square feet let's see they show you they're coated urea right there see here it is again urea polymer coated urea that's what makes it last longer release slowly one thing I am noticing though no iron in either one of those and that's probably to keep costs down it's more expensive to coat that urea so they don't add the the iron in there to keep the costs down but that's why we were using the higher night anyway that's our other store-bought product that I talked about earlier in the video there's another good product for summer I mentioned this before a little more expensive though 28 bucks for 4,000 square foot of coverage but this is that summer guard or summer long food so you can see polymer coated urea just like the other ones 34% but then it's got this in here which they call wetting agents so basically surfactants or whatever not the same as Hydra tain but supposed to do the same thing it's supposed to help with the water retention for you any one of those would be good to follow up your Ironhide app remember we use the iron Knight to kind of get things going to wake things up slow because it's easy to ingest and then you can start putting in that nitrogen and this is the slow release stuff that you're looking for these polymer coats you know scu sulfur coated urea that kind of stuff which most of that is what you're gonna find here in the Sun okay now I'm over here about aloe so now you got some different choices over here and some of these you're gonna find in most of the southeast but we're still gonna look for some certain keywords so I'll first point out this is the sunny land version of iron it-- and this stuff also works great the only reason I didn't pick this up is I just wasn't at Lowe's but it's actually cheaper 1097 20 pounds for 4,000 square feet so that's a company I like again all store-bought stuff this is all sunnylands stuff now this is what I've been using on the Asia in front of the offices over at the church was these things here there's a 1608 but look poly coated that's what you're looking for right there now I bet some of you are picking up on the fact that I keep saying the term slow release slow release fertilizer is great but it's not a must you don't have to have slow release fertilizer in fact some of these fertilizers have some slow release and some immediate release it's all just to kind of a blend but the reason you want slow release in the summer especially if you're just waking the lawn up is again you're kind of feeding it slowly instead of hammering it all at one time and having it push a ton of growth so one other way to get slow release besides these polymer coated or sulfur coated urea products is to get an organic fertilizer like milorganite I'm gonna show you a little trick there or if you want one of our products we have the 8 1 8 X green which the pro guys they call it sneaky green because it's a slow release as well but then it sustains for quite a while but let me show you milord night and how to find or identify if you're looking at a milorganite clone because there happened to be so many of those out these days too and then of course another way to get slow-release is with our old buddy milorganite now I don't need to go over this too much but what can we do pricing while up to 16 bucks holy cow and you can vary the rates on this however you want really but this is slow release because it's organic so this is gonna break down based on heat and then microbes in the soil break it down so organics are always slow release and on burning so obviously this is another great choice for summer if you want it to go this way if you could find it and then over here is the sunny land version that really really smells like success holy cow there he is Limor look at him shorts so cute not be nice but this one is 12 bucks little cheaper not sure if it's the same size bag or not but yeah it's 2 pounds less I'm not gonna go through all the math on it but when you're looking for what you would call milorganite clone what you want to look for is this derived from biosolids there are several companies now making milorganite clones and the way that you know it's milorganite clone outside of just the analysis being somewhere around that six four zero is you find out on the back if it's derived from biosolids and if it is that's how you know it's a milorganite clone now obviously i like to go for the original when i can but if you can't find it that's how you know if you're getting a slow-release milorganite type fertilizer is it's derived from bio solids no burning great for summer one now all of this hinges though on the fact that you're watering the lawn all living things need water to specially lawns in the middle of the summer they need to be watered I'm gonna link below or also link up here in the I to some watering strategies that I've created and we call it the tunic and challenge it's just basically making a watering plan and understanding how much water is going down in each section of the lawn so that way you can water your way through the heat and really help your fertilizer that you're putting down to actually get maximum benefit for you however there is one product that you can use that will extend your watering or have you not have to water quite so much it's called hydrating and it works really well it's really hard for me to illustrate how well it works in a lawn but I can illustrate it with some potted plants so check out this video that I did just a couple weeks ago [Music] hey real quick I don't know I'm gonna fit this into a video somewhere but oftentimes I'll have people have asked me hey does hide retain work and then also how people say well I applied hydrating but I don't know if it's working and that is because it's really hard to see a lawn if you you know apply it to your whole lawn I mean how do you know if you're watering less right you don't you don't really you can test sections but sections when it comes to a lawn are covered differently by water soil composition can be different it's just it's tough but one way that I can show you that it works and I can test it is through potted plants because it's more of a controlled environment it's also a much larger plant so it's easier for me to show you results so I have these plants here these flowers I don't even know what kind these are and I've got two that are identical here and actually I'll show you what they look like they're all wilted but here is one here and so this is what they look like when they have plenty of water and you can see the the leaves are nice and standing up tall and you know things are looking good this here is not part of it this is a succulent so totally different thing and actually these are called ogres ears cool and then this is a different flower but it's these flowers here so you can see what the leaves look like now let me show you what they look like when they're struggling when they're they don't have enough water so you can see they're curled up similar to grass blades grass blades curl up too so they they hang low and then you can see they're curled up the blooms are sagging as well so that's what they look like so I got one here and then I have the same one over here and you can see this one is also sagging and wilting so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give both of them some water because when you apply hydrogen you want to make sure that the soil has some wetness to it or it's damp at least doesn't have to be soaked but it's damp so I'm gonna give them both a little bit of water and then I'm gonna give one hide retain and the other one just more water you'll see so everything is equal so what we're gonna do is we're gonna give that one over there just water and we'll give this one here water plus hydrating all right so they're both gonna get sixty four ounces of water to start so here we go 64 ounces of water going in here okay now put 64 ounces of water on this one here now you'll see from me watering them they're both gonna perk back up by the morning but it's the end of the day that's gonna prove that the Hydra tain works because you'll see this one will be wilted at the end of the day tomorrow and that one won't be alright so that one's 64 now they're each gonna get an additional 64 ounces however one is gonna get a little bit of Hydra taint now it's tough for me to measure out like a lawn app you would do six to nine ounces per thousand that's hard for me to do it I mean this is just a tiny little potted plant so I'm just gonna give it like a capful yeah bubbly bubbly so this one is gonna get 64 ounces of the water plus the cap full of hydrogen you can probably see it's slightly yellow indicating that it does have the hydro taint in it so let's put that in now don't want any overflows here yeah these are bone-dry you see they're holding all that water okay there we go I'll give this a rinse and then give this one 64 ounces of water only that way we're the same [Music] [Music] all right there we go now all things are equal except for that far one over there got a calf full of hydrogen in its second 64 ounce watering I will come back tomorrow and we'll see the result [Music] [Music] okay so here we are back now it wasn't 24 hours they both actually did fine through that it's actually about 36 hours later and now we're able to see the hydrogen kicking in while the other one that didn't get treated it only got the water is suffering so here you go now I need to get some water on this guy because I don't want them to to get any permanent damage but you can see the leaves are all cupped and encouraged and not doing well it's it's all sagging just like what it looked like when I gave it water the other day and now here over here is the one that got the hydrogen look at it flowers are bright standing up look at that no sag at all doing much better Wow just beautiful and that's because that hide retain is sucking moisture out of the air even in a pot moisture is being sucked out of the air brought down right next to the roots and it's keeping it hydrated properly now one caveat I can't just let that go forever if I let this one go for another 24 hours or 36 or whatever depending on how much heat we have in the air and how you know how much no Sun beats down on it that it will also start to fade hide retain is not a replacement for watering altogether all it does is it gives you an extension of your watering or reduces your watering in effect so that's the key I don't want you to think oh well I'm bulletproof now know it the plants still gonna need water but as you can see in this 36 hour period the one back over there is suffering and needs to be watered and this one doesn't so obviously now what I'm gonna do is give this one some water and some hydro pain that way it can be on the same playing field as that one and then the idea will be instead of me having to water these every day maybe I only have to water them every third day or fourth day we'll just see how long they go until they tell me they need some water so in summary you can have a great lawn with just store-bought fertilizers now I sell some fertilizers I'll link them below they're a little bit more funky fresh they've got biostimulants in them biochar things like that they're gonna also help build the soil and give you a healthier base overall but those are really what you might call more intermediate or advanced fertilizers it's perfectly fine to learn and get great results with store-bought stuff and maybe that's all you'll ever use for the rest of your life but I'm someone that believes that once you catch the bug once you see the results you can get you're gonna want to go further you're gonna want to hack it more you're gonna want to pull more levers you're gonna want to figure out new ways to get things looking better faster longer and sustaining growth that's healthy for the long-term and that's kind of what I teach here so don't forget I do have a free email list I send out an email every Tuesday with lots of tips in it if you click the link in the description below you can sign up for that it's free as well as we'll give you tons of free guides on pre-emergence weed control grub control all kinds of other things to help you get down the road to educating yourself to a better lawn with that I'm Alan Haines the lawn care nut thanks so much for watching I hope you have a great week and I'll see you in the lawn [Music]
Channel: The Lawn Care Nut
Views: 810,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burned lawn, how not to burn a lawn, lawn burn, summer lawn care, summer lawn burn, summer lawn fertilizer, dry spots in lawn, summer lawn tips, summer lawn care schedule, bermuda grass, summer bermuda grass, lawn fertilizer, how to keep lawn green in summer, fertilizer burn lawn, fertilizer burn, lawn care nut fertilizer, summer lawn care fertilizer, lawn burnout, lawn burn prevention, st augustinegrass, st augustine grass summer, zoysia grass, bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass
Id: Cnbsp6IOVbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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