Benny Hinn Crusade Classics - Detroit, Michigan

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Jesus Christ has not come to strike us and smite us with diseases he has come to heal our body and Deliver Us from diseases [Music] God say out loud Lord Jesus I believe you are the son of God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all your tears all your sickness [Applause] I feel my holy ghost in here [Applause] [Music] oh Glory [Music] yes all is changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when Jesus when Jesus oh you want to go to church okay okay let's go to church when Jesus when Jesus [Music] when Jesus when Jesus Christ [Music] [Applause] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sat on the mountain the multitudes had gathered to hear him there down in the valley was a leper a leper who could not join the multitudes because of his leprosy he could not hear what the master was saying up there for here just sat down and said blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are the meek and they're down in the valley stood a leper all alone as Jesus came down the mountain that dear leper ran towards the Lord and fell to his knees and said if thou will to thou comes to make me clean if it is your will you can make me clean and Jesus said I will I will look at me people of God and listen carefully Jesus said I will and so he says I will to every one of you tonight it is his will to heal you he's so moved with your infirmity it's his nature to heal it is nature to heal as it was his will and it is his will to save your soul it is his will also to heal your body remember on the cross never forget the cross the blood was shed but never forget the cross and do not forget the back of the cross for the front of the Cross is salvation but the back of the Cross is healing with his stripes you are healed never forget the cross one of the most amazing truths in the Bible every time the blood was offered healing followed every time the children of Israel celebrated a Passover Health came Health came in Exodus 12 when they left Egypt Health came again in numbers 16 when the plague started and the scripture says the blood was offered and the plague stopped healing came again when David offered the blood on the field of Ananda Japan and the angel could no longer destroy Jerusalem because the blood was offered the scripture says Hezekiah in second chronicles 30 celebrated the Passover and the blood was offered and healing came to the people and on that cross he died in shame and agony and said it is finished the blood was shed the price was paid for your Redemption but never forget that healing is the fruit of redemption he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities and chastised for our peace and with his stripes we are healed never forget the cross your Redemption never forget your Redemption for Redemption brings health to your body Paul the Apostle telling the Corinthians he said for this cause many of you are sick many of you are asleep for you have not discerned the Lord's body the cross the work of the cross tonight every one of you in Detroit Michigan yours is the healing presence of Jesus all you have to do is lift your hearts in faith and ask in faith and you will receive your healing it's guaranteed [Music] but what what must you do you must act in faith do not wait till the angels of heaven brush your body don't wait till you're moved by the angels of Glory they'll not do it everyone who was healed reached out reached out they came seeking the master it says they besought him they besought him in Matthew 14 it says and they be sought they besought him and as many as touched him were made whole you cannot get healed just sitting there hoping it would happen you've got to seek you've got to go after Jesus to receive your healing no one ever gets healed just waiting for it you have to reach for it you have to ask for it the Bible declares the woman with this or blood came and she came crawling and she said if I'll just touch Mark 6 56 says as many as touched you were made whole my brother my sister it's not God's fault that some people are not healed Jesus has done everything that could be done to heal your body now reach out and take what belongs to you tonight I beg of you in his mighty name reach out in faith and you'll find he's there upon him in faith and you'll find he'll answer do not wait I beg if you do not wait do not wait for something to happen no my brother the work is done the price has been paid it's been purchased all you have to do is simply reach out and receive from the living hands of the Living God lift your hands and call his name right now foreign [Music] listen to me for just a moment I beg of you just listen for just a moment the story of Boston Mass in the Bible is one of the most amazing stories about healing and if you read Matthew and if you read Luke you'll find two stories and you almost think there is a mistake in the Bible one preacher left the faith over what he thought was a mistake because in one gospel Jesus is walking into Jericho in the other gospel Jesus is leaving Jericho while bartholius is crying have mercy have mercy have mercy and so the spiritual said well there's a mistake in the Bible therefore it's not God's word and he left the ministry it's a fool he never bothered to ask the Holy Spirit to show him the truth of that because in one God is walking Jesus Son of David have mercy on me and the crowd was saying be quiet be quiet be quiet but he cried them all Jesus have mercy on me the other gospel says Jesus was walking out when Bartimaeus cried have mercy my friend Jericho was a small City and that man said at the Gate of Jericho and he heard that Jesus was coming through that gate and he began crying Jesus have mercy Jesus and mercy Jesus and mercy Jesus and mercy and I believe and I have been shown by the holy ghost that the reason one gospel has him going out and the other has him coming in is because bathing he has cried from the time Jesus came in to the time Jesus went out he cried from the second he walked into the second he walked out what does that tell you it tells you never give up never give up never give up [Applause] lift your hands stand up and cry his name clay his name call his name [Applause] the Skeptics will tell you be quiet the Devils will tell you be quiet those who question God will tell you be quiet but the more they tell you be quiet the louder yourself [Applause] he's a praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the advantage those of you in sickness those of you that have cancer in your body lift your hands and cried again Jesus breaks every feather my cancer my arthritis my heart disease by leukemia season foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] you will reach out to him do it now do it now do it now we're here with me leave your every means my garden is strong here he was response to the cry in your heart he will touch you and said be friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it is Jesus yes it is Jesus it is Jesus in my soul for I have touched [Music] his healing garment make me hold your hands will call his name Jesus it is Jesus dear God it is Jesus it is [Music] his father and his blood [Music] Lord Jesus [Music] she [Music] blessed Son of God in Jesus [Music] to your presence makes me feel more Jesus I know master I know Lord Lord blessed Lord [Music] Jesus [Music] it is your presence your presence [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] much and you're here your presence all the lame all the critical because you are here they will be cleansed tonight you will be cleansed you the people of God lift your hands receive it receive it receive it you'll be here Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we your temple we give you [Music] a sovereign [Music] Sky I'll praise [Music] God [Music] of your presence we are temples [Music] good night [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] through your life [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] there's Miracles happening all over this building lift your hands and call his name I will rebuke that cancer in the name of Jesus somebody just been healed of cancer to my left I rebuke it [Music] arthritis straight ahead of me had just been healed [Music] diabetes right in the front row area here someone with diabetes near the front has just been healed by the power of God [Music] people of God I beg of you lift your hands and just receive right now just just just receive October who God has disappeared under a woman's left shoulder the tumor has disappeared under that shoulder just now ovarian cancer to my right I will rebuke that cancer in the name of Jesus ovarian cancer to my right has been healed I rebuke that cancer [Music] I rebuke that cancer [Music] there's a young lady to my right been having troubles with your blood there's a young lady to my right I'm pointing at her section she's in the center area right here there's a young lady you've been suffering with a blood condition the Lord Jesus is healing you now while I'm talking just a second ago you felt the power of God go through your body just a second ago [Music] the young lady I've been talking about to the right section right here with that blood condition old people lift your hand just receive your healing just it's so easy to be healed tonight it's just so easy to receive it is so easy to receive right now [Music] those sick and body quickly place your hand on that sickness right now I feel tremendous faith in this room place your hand on that area that is afflicted Jesus master you've never said no to anyone as your people are calling your name now honor them as your people Master our calling upon your name hear them and I your servant command that sickness to go in Jesus name I stretch my hand and Faith towards your people and I pray be healed in the name of Jesus be restored to Health in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus [Music] heal your inheritance [Music] Holy Spirit [Music] tremendous anointing here [Music] now lift your hands and just receive just receive just whisper his name and you'll feel his touch [Music] if you'll call his name you'll feel his touch [Music] you you just feel like electricity going down your body [Music] just now those of you that have just been healed step out of that seat and line up to the left and right quickly quickly if the Lord has healed you just quickly line up to the left and right quickly she suffered from neuropathy caused from diabetes for 43 years it's your legs she couldn't climb steps she couldn't walk when the power of God hit her all the pain left her immediately and has not returned all the pain going out of your body [Music] move your legs walk over here thank you [Music] sorry I'm too much in the Holy Ghost here tonight too much don't worry honey it's all right it's all right I feel like I'm just floating on a cloud here what happened over there fibromyalgia thank God you devil of fibromyalgia don't ever come back [Applause] Hallelujah Nevermore never anymore will that fibromyalgia devil touch your body lady there's enough of the glory of God here to put you in The Healing Ministry whoever you lay your hands on our prayer right now with fibromyalgia shall be healed my God In The Name of Jesus Christ the son of God in the name of Jesus of Nazareth whoever you pray with that has fibromyalgia the healing anointing of God that I'm about to lay my hands on you I believe God will release it as you lay your hands on those who you know with the same disease will be healed [Music] [Applause] breathe upon Me Breath of God you know what I'm talking about here [Music] breathe upon me Spirit of the Lord to keep talking don't worry about me this man was deaf since birth in this ear he wore a hearing aid in this ear or he could not hear the power of God hit him and this ear opened up and he can hear out of his ear oh my brother no more you devil of deafness never again will you touch him [Music] never again was that man [Music] can you hear me now yes sir can you hear me now yes sir Jesus I adore my come on lift your hands and bless him in the Holy Ghost Jesus I adore HIV tonight to leave that woman in the name of the Lord whom I serve and whose I am go out on her foreign [Music] emotions never to return come on stretch your hands towards the scammer here father your people watching this anointing in action come on put in the Holy Ghost put in the Holy Ghost breathe upon Me Breath of God come on Ensemble breathe upon me Spirit of the Lord in Jesus mighty name be made whole beam in whole be healed be made hold we I come against I in agree with me we come against every demon of hell we come against every sickness every bandage every disease every double of Oppression in Jesus name go go out of God's people and come back no more lift your hands and bless him bless him bless him slip disc in her back for 13 years she could not she could not bend over she could not move nothing I'm under such a heavy annoying I don't know what's happened I just love able to say talk to me again five herniated disc in her back all gone five pollinated discs in her back you said she couldn't move she couldn't bend over she couldn't do anything without pain is the pain gone bend down touch your toes touch your toes every bit of it every bit of it every bit of it my God the anointing is wrong here man so this is beautiful she was numb on the right side numb on the whole right side and tonight the power of God people of God I'm telling you right now lift your hands and pray for your children don't stop praying for your children that God would anoint them [Music] it's gone this is a game the Holy Ghost speaking that the Crusades in the United States must continue that the sick be healed and the lay and the dead and the mind shall received from heaven in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus I adore [Music] how long how long about a year or six months how long are the years a year in six months your your arm was just you can move your arm outside yes because of what I don't know I don't know move your leg move your arm come on thank you [Music] pastor this dear lady was hit in an accident one year ago by a drunk driver she is in so much pain in her back she has to wear this brace and this TENS unit she could not take the medication because she was allergic to it so she just cried the power of God hit her okay my electrodes are disconnected I was able to take off my brace about an hour ago Ben is gone whoa whoa [Music] he was wounded for us through inspiration yeah God I feel like a river here [Music] [Applause] you're amazed the pains on it was so horrible I couldn't take any medication it's gone it's gone I can walk up the steps [Music] the pain was so bad all the time you'd cry from the pain walk down those stairs he was wounded for our transgression look at her look at her look at her he was bruised for our iniquities come back Mary surely he bought our sorrows [Music] we pray that he came with expectations tonight we went through all kinds of things to get here Satan tried to put obstacles in our way but we overcame Satan is a liar and he's a defeated liar and he's such a liar that everything he says falls to the ground because only Jesus is the truth the Mighty God of Glory [Music] you you you just can't believe the Lord has healed you like that how many years I got hit last June 4th a year ago a year ago and since then it's been so painful right and because I am on steroids and have other things they couldn't do surgery so they said I just was gonna have to live with the pain now the doctors told you you're gonna live with the pain but lady I'm under the anointing to tell you and I have anointing to tell you it will never come back again [Music] [Applause] take your seats you know I I just I gotta tell you I gotta tell you if any more of this anointing will come I I think I'm gonna just blow up [Music] lift your hands and thank him it's coming your way don't you don't you dare leave before God touches you tonight [Music] we magnify your name holy Lord what's going on Pastor for 26 years rheumatoid arthritis this is the way she used to walk this is she had lived for 26 years and now all the pain is gone she's walking without the kid pain-free after 26 years [Music] and she came in a wheelchair foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] too strongly annoying here [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is not by might it is not my power but my my spirits [Music] lady you will never saw it foreign I've had enough surgery my arms will out about three weeks ago and the doctor said I think at 80 years old we don't want to operate anymore and you're going to have to live with that for the rest of your life and I said oh I'm going to get healed I'm not going to take any more of that strong medication oh yes sir he called out a blood disease on the right hand side that's the girl that's the girl blood disease the power of God came through her right now my God yeah we magnify your name holy Lord never again with Jose talk to me pastor this man had tumors on his back and on his leg he's a runner the pain was so bad he could not run they could not operate on the tumors because it was too close to the nerves so tonight the power of God hit him he said the tumors are gone he's been running everywhere in Jesus name this is Joe Mano Joe Mano was my children's Pastor back in Orlando Florida he's working with us now has a fantastic Minister for Children and Youth you pastors will do he'll do you a favor to have this Shaman in your church powerful anointing on his life thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks we magnify your name now tell me you had tumors yes I had one in the back here a three inch by three by four inches the tuber in my leg I couldn't run gone now I'm a runner it's gone yes pain is gone yes pick him up jump up and down run a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks thanks oh don't be afraid don't be afraid Pastor she was blind what this woman was blind I'm telling you she's blind we got the cane just now she said I can see your face we couldn't see her face before she can see our nose God cleared up her eyes since last night tonight she can see she's really she can see [Applause] you see me I see you I see you I everything your buttons I couldn't sleep you couldn't see it at all everything from the mid Vision was in a blur like in a fog and I can't see things I see people now out there I felt fire in their eyes [Music] thank you stand up and pray come on stand up and pray [Music] [Music] lady open your eyes follow me foreign [Music] touch my hand touch my nose touch my ears and my other ear my ear touch my ear is it clearly yes yes it's clearing we give you the praise we give you the praise thank you Jesus people lift your hands and say thank you Jesus [Music] which is a muscle disease I've got a bad heart clearing it all he's going to take care of it all everything as you are clearing her vision don't forget our heart and our muscles [Music] Lift Your Hands to Heaven [Music] can you hear The Sound Of Heaven sounds for thus saith the Lord notable Miracles shall be performed in America and America shall know that I am the Lord I have not forgotten this nation says the spirit for the precious seed of Prayer has been sown and I will not forget the tears nor the precious seed of Prayer that has been sown in this land and I will cause this nation and this people to know my power I will remove Darkness from off this land and I will send Revival for a short time into this land a quick work will I do for I were a store the gifts of the Spirit and I will restore my glory to America for a short season and I will magnify my name in America till everyone will know I am the Lord and I will give America that moment she has sought for and I will give this nation that moment she has cried for and I will fulfill the promise I've made to my children Those Who Have Cried unto me in the night seasons those have called upon my holy name in faith and trust yes says the Lord my Saints my Saints those who have made a covenant with me for I am a God who keeps Covenant and I will answer their hearts cry and I will fulfill my promise that I have given and made America shall be visited again for a short season says the Lord and America will see my glory and my power displayed before the rise so that none will doubt and none will question when they see it for I am the Lord I have revealed my glory to pharaoh declared my mind to a hidden Nation and I will do it again till everyone will know I am Jehovah the mighty one of Israel's saith the Lord [Applause] I call you holy your name is Holy you are so holy to me sing along let me hear you say I call you only your name is [Music] [Music] Jordan [Music] [Music] together [Music] raise your voice [Music] [Applause] your name is [Music] everything yeah [Music] like paying for you [Music] [Applause] baby [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] inside somebody made some noise in here no no let the redeemed of the Lord rise up your voice Make Some Noise to the glory of God [Music] Benny ham Ministries has stayed on The Cutting Edge for the past five decades making the move from analog television to digital broadcasts HDTV the internet streaming live events and social media today's fast-changing bold New World brings an entirely new set of challenges what we did in 1974 when this ministry began or in 2000 or even 2022 will not be effective in 2023 and who knows what 2024 and Beyond will bring Benny Hinn's Ministry has been at the Forefront of each Innovation that provides a better way of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world more effectively and efficiently today more than ever before we stand on the edge of a bold New World from the beginning the Lord made it clear that keeping and storing all archives and resources should be a top priority this is a new hour this is the Joshua generation now I want to tell you something the first thing God said to Moses is go down the first thing you said to Joshua is arise [Music] we're ones who are rising up [Music] even with control temperature storage facilities time has been the enemy tape warping Decay housing detachments cracks shredding and breakdowns happen older tapes break disintegrate and require surgical type methods of restoration thus far we've rescued and digitized 10 500 of the 13 437 tapes from the past half century to God be the glory a conservative estimate to finish this digitation process is a million dollars to restore the final 30 of these disintegrating tapes and move everything over to a much more permanent digital format the project already started can be completed fairly quickly imagine if you will what could happen if all of our digitized material could be used to translate everything into every language on Earth it is possible even better how exciting would it be to translate these materials using the same voice as originally spoken yet in all of the different dialects around the world [Music] Pastor Benny speaks several languages but imagine if his teachings became available online with him asking in Swahili Mandarin Portuguese Belarusian or Cherokee this amazing AI tool will be useful around the world Pastor Benny's Legacy life's work calling and anointing will be preserved for Generations yet to come until the Lord returns and with artificial intelligence tools that can translate all of the digitized materials into languages around the world we can truly fulfill our Lord's Great Commission nearly 50 years ago this great adventure known as Benny hen Ministries began with one voice today that one voice continues to be Amplified over and over through every possible means it's time to finish the job what happens next will be the greatest blessing of all isn't it wonderful What the Lord Has Done and to Jesus be all the glory I wanted to show you this beautiful report about the digitizing of thousands and thousands of hours already of the great meetings from the past because we want to keep them for our children grandchildren and great-grandchildren we would have lost a lot of these tapes had we not started working on them I want to say thank you for helping us but we are still not finished we have 4 000 hours still to complete we've completed 10 000 hours already 10 000 hours and you saw the difference with the before and after we were actually losing the tapes and now here they've come back to life because of your help and I want to say thank you with all my heart for helping us but the job is not done yet we have got to finish the job now four thousand hours and then we're going to start the translations what you heard today was the voice of a robot talking it wasn't a lady it was actually a robot talking to you and isn't that amazing that this can be done but now we can do it in every language on Earth I wanted you to get a little taste of the voice of a person but it wasn't really a person a lady just kind of talked and then they copied her voice and what I'm gonna do now is I they're gonna have me tape my voice in English and they're going to translate everything you that that you'll see in the future in every language on the globe every language think about the impact it's going to have worldwide when we show the great Crusades the great meetings OCC days the great conferences and so much more not only in English but in every language on the globe so let's finish the job first with the 4 000 hours left to be digitized and please please please help me now because we don't want to lose those tapes the longer we wait then they they will you know they won't even be able to work with them but you saw what has happened you saw the difference you saw the bad you know pictures from the past and how new now how they came back to life so beautifully because of the new equipment and the way they do it now so we need your help still so thank you thank you I just wanted to show you that your money is doing the job what you give in the past is really making it happen but let's keep doing for the Lord please this is for His glory I talk to young people all the time who have seen things from the past and their life has been changed I was in a place not long ago in a restaurant in fact and we were showing this waitress what God did in Venezuela because she's from Venezuela and she was as glued we showed it you know on the phone and now you can show all this on you know people's phone and the iPad and laptops and all that but it's wonderful what God is doing worldwide and let's keep doing it for the Lord and His glory because now it can go to Every Nation on earth in every language on Earth because of your help I want to pray with you that God will bless you for this as you obey him blessed Jesus thank you Lord I pray you'll bless your people multiply them on every side and bless them Financial Lord as they bless your work so your word will go to Every Nation on Earth Lord I give you the praise for touching our young people and our grandchildren children anger and children Lord and great-grandchildren will give you all the praise and God's people said oh man let's do it for them let's do it for our children let's do it for our grandchildren great grandchildren so they will see the power of God they will not be lost all right you can give right now on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website or you can simply text BHM 45770 so thank you for loving thank you for giving and let's keep glorifying our wonderful savior much love to you thanks again
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 28,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: acHg5omrcqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 36sec (3996 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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