You Shall Receive Power | Benny Hinn

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and ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be Witnesses the Lord said unto me in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the world today I'm teaching on the anointing because I want God to use you I really mean that I want the Lord to anoint you and to bless your life with his power now let's pray wonderful Lord I Thank You for Your word bless your people today with this wonderful teaching and manifest your power through them I give you all the praise all the glory all the honor and God's wonderful people said amen and am man I began talking about the anointing yesterday and I said and I want to say it again before God will anoint you and use you you must get to know the holy spirit because if people seek only the power they end up in fanaticism if they seek the Lord God now begins to bless them and use them properly so when people see the power they want to use it or use the Lord who gives it but when they seek the lord they're saying Lord use me so it's all about Jesus it's all about knowing him through his blessed Holy Spirit who is a person who is a person now when that anoing comes upon you and there's a big difference between upon you and in you Jesus said to his Apostles and to us that the Holy Spirit would abide in us forever well that is not exactly what I mean by the anointing upon you the one upon you is for service the one in You Is For Living one causes you to be and one causes you to do see so when the presence of God comes in which I call the inner anointing when the presence of God comes into your life then that presence changes you transforms you from within into the image of the Lord but as we are faithful to God he will eventually anoint us for service but he anoints us reluctantly why because that anointing that comes upon an individual is a gift it's possible for the Lord to live a life if they live in sin if they walk away from God eventually the Lord will walk away from them and the Lord doesn't do that easily believe me uh he is very patient with all of us more patient than you'll ever realize but that's not also the reason to use him and to grieve him knowing he's patient because if we love him we will not hurt him and grieve him if we love him we will not sin against him now the Bible is clear that the Lord can depart like Samson did not know the Lord departed you know I've always said the Lord will always announce his arrival he'll never announce his departures so Samson wished not wished not that the Lord had departed but the anointing doesn't leave the anointing upon someone not within but upon someone is permanent it's a gift the Lord will not take that anointing away the Lord will simply take the person away they will actually die before that time and that's what's really happened to so many already so the anointing upon you which God gives reluctantly because he knows that you can mess up and and the I I think the most dangerous words spoken about the anointing were spoken by Samuel to Saul when he said and the spirit of the Lord will come upon you and you'll become another man and do as occasion serves you now these words of do as occasion serve you uh is uh is quite uh dangerous because what it's really saying is you're in charge so let's read it together 1st Samuel 106 and 7 and the spirit of the Lord will come upon thee and thou shalt prophesy with them and shall be turned into another into another man wonderful news so the anointing changes you you the way you you behave now the way you talk the way you Minister becomes powerful but it says and let it be verse 7 and let it be when these signs are come unto thee that thou do as occasion serve the wow now occasion serves to mean you can do whatever you want with it that's why people play with their anointing people use the anointing to harm others people use it to make merchandise of it all that years ago when I was young in the 70s I was preaching at a big School uh Pentecostal school as actually Assembly of God school in Minnesota uh a precious man walked over to me after I taught at Chapel and the young people were there there was many of them in that school and he comes up to me while we were eating in the cafeteria with many of the leaders I was eating and he said young man it is very evident that God's hand is upon you he said you may not know who I am or even remember my name and he said but I'm here to tell you never make merchandise of the anointing God has place on your life and he walked away I've never forgotten that it was a warning from Heaven you know and and I really taking heed to that because I treasure that wonderful advice even to this day but the anointing is feelable the anointing is knowable the anointing is touchable it's it's it's power you literally know you literally feel you can touch it and and what is so amazing is you know we cannot feel the presence of God within us people say well I Feel Jesus no you can't feel Jesus you know Jesus you can't feel Jesus you feel his power on you that's the difference but I know I know what people mean when when they say I Feel Jesus okay you can say it it's not biblical you can feel his power but you only know him people have used words like I sense the Lord I sense the Lord that's probably a better way to say than I feel the Lord so we know the lord it's more his presence is more tangible than our feelings can ever make him to be his presence is substance his presence is life it's like you know I cannot say I feel me I know me I don't feel me or I feel my mother I feel my dad or I feel my no no no I know them I know them and you know yourself you know your family you know your friends and we know the Lord in a way in in a deeper way then we can know anyone see and is more real to us now the anointing though is felt the the the anointing comes with emotions when the presence of God comes it Stills you when the anointing comes it stirs you it stirs you so think about when the presence of the Lord becomes real to you tears become your language you start crying you become very quiet but when the anointing comes you you get loud you get demonstrative why because that's what they what they what they only does it's for demonstrations it's for signs and wonders and demonstrations so but where do we find it where do we find the anointing in the presence of the Lord you cannot find it outside God's presence habac 3 is a powerful verse that God showed me years ago as I was reading the word it says and his brightness was as the light he had horns or authority coming out of his hand and there was the hiding of his power there's a moment when you are worshiping the Lord in the presence of the Lord or reading in the word where Jesus becomes so real to you at that moment if you surrender he releases power on you and this is what I mean by siphoning the anointing in Deuteronomy 3213 it talks about Jacob who siphon the oil out of the rock well how do we siphon we siphon by surrender we siphon by yielding to the Lord but you cannot yield to someone who's not real wait till Jesus becomes real in worship or in prayer or especially through his word when you read it and when Jesus is real you surrender to him you can't surrender to nothing you surrender to a person and when you surrender now you've waited on the Lord you see you've waited upon the Lord in prayer in adoration in worship and so on and now you're waiting upon him even as you're reading the word and the minute he becomes real yield to him surrender to him I remember watching a man years ago um a minister in a stadium and he began to Worship the Lord and you can sense the Lord's presence moving you can see people's lives being touched and changed and now the the part of God you can you can feel it in the in the atmosphere but he he never surrendered to it on that platform he he he did not know how and he just said good night and the best part of the service was the last part he preached for I think four hours people were falling asleep he took one of the longest offerings I'll ever remember you know people taking half his people left a stadium full half of it by by 11:00 p.m. they were all gone and only half remained and at the end he starts praising and worshiping and then ah the Lord shows up and he says good night didn't even surrender to it he didn't know how so you see when the when the Lord becomes real surrender signs and wonders will always happen now so it says here there is the hiding of his power and at that moment we need to saphon the anointing now back years ago when I was a little boy in Jaffa we didn't have gas stations so we would buy gas at the store at the store they didn't have many gas stations in Israel in those days so if you had a car you had a what we call the vesa or a mopin you you'd have to go to a store and actually buy the gas and then take it in this container and pour it in the tank but the only way to do it is to take a hose and put the hose in the container and do this siphon and then it starts flowing after you spit because it gets in your days also and I used to do that when I was a little boy but the thing is that's how the anointing works we siphon it in the Pres of God because it it says in Deuteronomy 13213 he made him ride upon the high places of the earth and there he was fed with the best honey and with oil and there he siphoned the oil and the siphoned the honey out of the rock well that's what happens in Worship in worship God takes us to the high places and that's where the word of God becomes rich and real like honey okay the best wheat and then we can receive the anointing in the high places where the presence of God is real now that anointing precious people also multiplies not only is it given it actually multiplies how does it multiply well through prayer the Bible says so prayer brings it and prayer multiplies it so in in the in the word of God in Acts let's go toook to the book of Acts and yes I'm going to pray for you and yes you're going to feel something on your hands today of you when I pray and that will show you God wants to use you I often feel uh like numbness on my on on my hand some sometimes when I'm you know alone in prayer that is just the sign the power of God is there simple okay that God will use you and that is precious and it says that when they had prayed the place let me just go back I going to read acts 4 and I'm going to read verse 3132 when they had prayed the praise was was shaken where they were assembled together they were filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake the word of God with boldness and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart one Soul neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own they had all things common with great power gave the apostles witness now they went from power to great power in verse 33 so it multiplied so it says in Acts 2 that they received the power of God now it's great power of God it went from great to sorry it went from you know power to great power because they prayed and the minute people pray and continue to pray there will be a a multiplication and the and the anointing is also multiplied through the word of God I love the portion in job let's go with go with me to job 29 listen the Lord's going to use many of you the Lord is going to use you to bring healing and blessings and deliverance to multitudes re re receive that I'm talking to somebody receive that as God's promised you okay so it says in job 29:6 when I washed my steps with butter what does it mean it means when I walk in the depth of the word of God when I go into its depth when I washed my steps with butter means you go deeper than just information you see the Bible has seven levels and most Christians have haven't gone even to the second the the first level is information the second is God's plan for your life and the third is Jesus in the old Covenant and the fourth is Jesus literally in the names of the righteous and so much more so I'm not going to get into that now but I can tell you you even rabbis have have said there are seven levels to the Bible but you're looking for the Lord you're looking for the Lord so when we get deep and we get to the third level it flows it just it I did not begin to see the part of God flowing in in on my life till I began to see Jesus in the Old Testament it was Katherine kumman back in the 70s I heard her say that the Bible is a revelation of one person Jesus it's not about history or poetry or prophecy it's about the Lord simple the Lord and I began looking for the Lord my son-in-law Michael asked me years ago he said what is the key here I said look for the seed in the word I said if you look for the seed you'll understand the Bible and the seed is Jesus quite simple Hallelujah so that's what it means by butter go down go deep and then the rock the Lord himself will pour you out rivers of oil and this is where the siphoning begins that's Deuteronomy 3213 but number three the anointing multiplies by association you know it says in the book of Acts 4 and verse 13 let's look at that 413 says something quite powerful now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus you see how Association changed them they were with the Lord and now they're as bold they're as anointed as as as the Lord himself so David King David remember that when he fled from Saul it says that the people that joined him were all in trouble and in debt and everyone that was in distress 1st Samuel 22 verse two and everyone that was in distress and in debt and everyone that that was discontented gathered themselves onto him and and and he became the captain over them he had 400 people in trouble who were all distressed in debt weren't happy and said discontented and that word discontented by the way means bitter of Soul imagine that 400 people angry with with the world those same people in in 1st Samuel 23 and verse 8 became mighty man why association association so in verse 8 it says that sorry in 18 verse 18 in 2 Samuel let's go let's go 2 Samuel not 1 Samuel in 2 Samuel 23 and verse 8 and 18 it says these be the names of the Mighty Man whom David had well the at at when they came in in 1 Samuel 22 they were they were defeated now they're Almighty men and you read in verse 18 and verse 22 how Mighty they became and verse 18 says all because of Association it says and abish the brother of joab the son of Zoro of zorah was Chief among three and he lifted up his spear against 300 and slew them Imagine One Man killing that many people of the enemies and verse 20 talks about uh benayah the son of jida the son of a valiant man who done many acts he he slew two lionlike men of Moab wow he went down into a pit and slew a lion in the middle of the of the of the snow and the winter with his own hands these people who were defeated are now Mighty by association the anointing comes through prayer through the word and Association the right Association not not the wrong Association you know that one thing that really weakens it is when people talk about Devils when people talk about the Demonic it weakens the anointing and I've seen that happen so talking about Satan doesn't help anyone who really wants wants the anointing look what it says in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse one it says death flies cause the ointment to send forth a stinking Savor that flies cause the ointment so this talks about demons to send forth a stinking Savor so when people talk about demons it weakens their morning and I'm here warning you keep your eyes on Jesus always talk about Jesus always exalt Him worship intensifies it in in 2 Kings 3:15 it says when the minst played Elisha was moved by the power of God and also by constraining the Lord the anointing comes when we know how to urge the Lord to stay it multiplies when we urge the Lord to stay remember in in in Luke 24 and verse 28 through 31 it talks about how cleopas and an unnamed disciple were walking on the road to EMAs and the Lord joined them and then he made it as though he wanted to keep going and it says they constrained him and by constraining him their eyes were opened and mighty things happened through them later God wants to use you learn how to receive the anointing it says let your garments be always white Ecclesiastes 9:8 live a clean life and let your head lack no ointment Ruth said remember Naomi I should say said said to Ruth she said wash you and anoint the you can't be anointed till you're clean wash the and anoint and and anoint the that's in the Book of Ruth you know chapter 3 so get your life cleaned up get your life all in order and God will anoint as you walk with him and then never lack the anointing ask him for the anointing yes of course you do ask him to use you and to anoint you and that anointing can be transferred when God begins to use people they can transfer the anointing by the laying on of hands think about the anointing being transferred through the bones of Elisha or transfer through through the hands of the Apostles Acts 19 1911 or or or transfer through the the the the clothing of the Lord when a woman touched the Hem of His Garment or through the shadow of Peter in Acts 5:15 or even the a piece of wood a staff in 2 Kings 4 so God's going to use you come on let's pray dearest wonderful Jesus I come in faith oh Hallelujah Mal met man I'm telling you something glorious is happening and I want you right now to lift your hands and to receive Lord I give you praise anoint them Lord anoint them Lord anoint every one of them Mar just love him right now for a moment love him Lord I give you the praise I give you all the glory I give you all the honor Lord even now touch every one of them touch every one of them for your glorious an awesome namesake thank you Lord Holy Spirit touch them anoint them in Jesus precious name ask him now to anoint you ask him now to anoint you ask him now to touch your life and use you in glorious way Lord thank you in Jesus name there it is there it is the second the song began I began sensing it on my hands and now you're sensing it on your hands Lord anoint them and use them in these last days be empowered saint of God be empowered servant of the Lord be empowered now in Jesus name Lord use them magnify yourself through them magnify your holy name in their life in Jesus mighty name thank you Lord some of you are feeling that anointing on both of your hands I am and Lord use them to bring your healing healing virtue and healing power to others use them Lord to bring help and deliverance to others in Jesus glorious name fill many of them right now Lord who need the Holy Spirit be filled now with the Holy Ghost in Jesus name in Jesus name somebody's being healed somebody's being healed now arthritis in your in your right shoulder there's there's there's healings happening Lord Heal Your people manifest your power and glory in Jesus name just receive from the Lord right now I I I wasn't expecting this like this but receive now in Jesus name thank you Lord thank you Lord bless his wonderful name bless His holy name Precious Jesus we worship you Precious Jesus we adore you and exalt your Holy [Music] Name someone's right eye just been healed a neck injury has been healed the skin condition is being healed thank you Lord someone injured your leg you fell a few days ago I see a lady being healed bless your people Lord and use them in Jesus name oh Hallelujah yeah I know you want me to go on I know but you know I can only do so much on these dailies now it's time to thank him that he is going to use you and magnify his life through you I'm telling you people I just began feeling that really really strong on my on my hands the minute the song came on Holy Spirit Thou Art welcome thank you for being with me today thank you for being my wonderful friend my wonderful partner and family and now let's love the Lord by giving to his work let's honor him let's honor him honor the Lord with your substance and the first fruits of all your increas so shall your barns be filled with plenty and your prees burst out with new wine I believe we're about to see one of the greatest moves of God upon our young people the Youth of America and the and the world are coming on fire I'm seeing it over and over and over throughout the world so help me keep doing this will you help me tell them help me minister to them so let's give so the Lord can Minister through them and bring Millions into the kingdom all right you can sew your seat right now on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website or you can simply text BHM 45777 and I'll see you again tomorrow for another wonderful day much love to you
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 13,924
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: Ldke4mykQ8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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