Benny Hinn Crusade Classics East Rutherford, NJ 2005

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jesus christ has not come to strike us and smite us with diseases he has come to heal our body and deliver us from diseases [Applause] say out loud lord jesus i believe you are the son of god god has bound himself to his promises and god declared in his word the prayer of faith the prayer of faith another prayer of doubt the prayer of faith shall save the sick give me a chair james put it right here i was preaching in phoenix arizona one time 1977 my knowledge of faith and the power of god was limited there was a woman in that meeting on a wheelchair they wheeled her in and put her right in front of me now the church i was in was a circle a big circle the platform is in the middle and the people set all around me so i began to preach and in those days my theology was not that good i used all i knew and so i said now [Music] when you feel the power of god get up out of your seat when you feel some heat get up out of your wheelchair but you see the bible teaches the opposite the bible doesn't say wait till you feel the bible says you step out and then you'll feel the bible says used about in faith well i wasn't too clear on that years ago so i used to teach you wait till you feel it and then do it so there was a lady she sat in front of me while i'm preaching and i'm trying to preach with all my heart and she's sitting in front and now she does this lady sit down god hasn't healed you yet i'm not even through preaching sit down i go back to preaching minutes later minutes i thought what is she doing lady god hasn't healed you yet you wait till i tell you going back to preaching she's sitting in front of me ten minutes later but this woman doesn't understand she's ignoring me lady hello sit down that woman kept doing it throughout my whole message she got me so mad and i don't often get mad i got so mad i took the pulpit and turned the thing around and preached to the people there i did not want to look at that woman [Applause] but every so often i could not help it i had to look and i looked and he or she was doing her gymnastics i said that lady is beginning to irritate me everybody can see her i'm trying to preach i'm trying to get her attention and she's doing her gymnastics finally the power of god falls amazingly people get healed that woman said that for about four hours and for four hours every 10 minutes she was doing she's trying to do something with her legs and now end of the service i give the altar call people come down they all to get saved she's still there and now she gets real violent she pushes that wheelchair out like that and she grabbed a person here grabbed the person there and she she is doing with all her might you take that back now please gentlemen thank you she starts moving with all her might and then i said that's it i've had it so i go down i was so mad my face was red i went down i said lady i've been telling you all night that you're not healed now sit down god hasn't healed you yet when he does you do those gymnastics but he's not done yet he hasn't healed you yet now sit down to my shock she responds and she goes and she didn't speak a word of english spanish all the way that woman spoke back to me in spanish remember she's trying to tell me something and i think what's going on what's going on i can understand i think she's saying i think the whole time dear god that woman didn't speak a word of english not a word not a word of english i'm thinking the whole time i've been telling her to sit down sit down sit down and she probably thought i was saying keep going keep going keep going i don't know what she thought i said so now that i discovered now that i discovered she didn't know she did not speak a word of english not a word somebody here i said speak spanish phoenix arizona the whole place speaks spanish somebody here speaks spanish somebody comes and i say please for the last time everybody everybody can hear me the mic is on for the last time tell that lady to sit down and i go through the whole thing again and as i'm going and as that person is translating that woman gets mad i gotta imagine the scene i promise you little lady a bun on her head glasses on her face little thing about my five foot tall and she's holding on to these two these people listening to me and now she gets mad and what she does she grabs me by the throat i never been grabbed by a throat by anybody that woman grabbed me she grabbed my tie she grabbed my shirt she grabbed my jacket and she began to go [Laughter] she's waving her little finger in my face and i thought you're going to smack me i tell you i thought you're going to hit me let me be and i said to the inter i said to the interpreter what is she saying what is she saying and the interpreter began to do this to me too and he said she says i want to get healed whether you like it or not i want to get healed whether you like it or not i've never been told that by any little spanish lady boy she was hot man how dare i tell her to sit down how dare i tell her to sit down and then she tells me in spanish she says i've sat in that wheelchair for 16 years and you tell me to sit in it how dare you remember she's telling me off and finally i said jesus i had to pray after divine pray sheets probably do something to me i did not even finish saying jesus when i said the lord's name jesus she screamed and i opened my eyes and she took off running all over that building completely healed by the father of god she was waiting for all she was waiting for is for the man of god to pray a prayer of faith i have news for you i don't tell you anymore to sit down sit down sit down i tell you stand up stand up stand up and receive your healing from the lord is my name still is almighty and all powerful to heal your family no matter what your sicknesses take your seat for a second now dear god [Applause] all you have to do is step out all you got to do is believe jesus said in mark 11 all things are possible when you pray believe that you've received believe that you receive believe that you receive never forget francis scott i was preaching in sioux saint marie ontario 1978 a woman starts coming up the aisle by herself i'm preaching no ushers [Music] no security guards to stop her and she comes all the way up the aisle she comes to the platform i was in a high school preaching she comes and she sits on the chair i'm preaching she takes my chair she did i'm pre i was preaching the whole place is watching this woman come up the aisle up the stairs and she sits on my chair and her leg goes up like that she had a brace on it legos now what am i supposed to do so i go what i said can i help you she says and she had a real rough voice my leg my leg i said what's wrong with your leg i can't use my leg she had a brace off she had a brace that was wrapped around her waist all the way down her leg steel brace connected to a shoe she stared at me take it off i said take that brace off if you want god chili take it off well i can't of course not thinking there's 4 000 people watching her how would she take that thing off a bunch of men come literally fred spring was one of them and gordon jensen was there they they stood around her with their jackets they took their jackets off and surrounded that woman while she tore her brace off now something happened when her foot touched the floor i did not know she had no bone she never told me if she told me i would not have been so stupid to tell her to take the bracelet thank god she never told me sometimes it's good you don't know everything when she took that brace off gentlemen when that foot of hers touched the floor she felt fire go through her leg and god recreated the bone it was like it was like jello in there recreated the wound and that woman comes out of that chair like a spring and starts jumping all over the place she had a dress shot in susan marie the whole city by next morning heard about francis scott's healing a catholic woman totally healed by stepping out in faith i was preaching in a little town called spanish ontario spanish ontario is a little town right north of sudbury they're in canada i'm preaching to north american indians that don't know how to smile i'm telling you a group of people that did not even smile north american indians are some of the toughest people i've ever met they live way up there in the in those lands where there's no trees all tundra now some of them lived in that little town called spanish that's not too far north but it's north enough for me it was a man sitting in front of me god is my witness it looked like someone took a knife and scraped his face with it he had lines in his face it was a big man nobody smiled now the seven catholic priests on the platform two pentecostal preachers while i'm preaching there comes a man his wife his two children and the man has a crutch here and a crotch there all the way up the platform his wife comes with him his kids with him i'm preaching i stopped i said can i help you you have come to tell us your jesus heals you have come to tell us that healing is for today you are telling us that jesus christ is alive then he said i'm a crippled man i'm 28 years old my wife has cancer we lost our first baby because of cancer now he pulls up the sleeve of his little girl and their blood everywhere she's bleeding all over her skin the skin was bleeding everywhere he says my child has a disease where she keeps bleeding in her skin my second child is also sick and now he looks at me with boldness points his finger at me hanging on leaning on his crutches he says you tell us jesus heals prove it i have never been told to prove anything prove it i looked at those priests pentecostal preachers i said get over here get on your knees before god those precious catholic priests were praying so quietly those pentecostals thought god was deaf they were screaming at him never forget that i said gentlemen gentlemen quack it's quiet quiet quiet don't have to scream one of them was praying in tongues real loud i said i lifted my hands i said jesus this man is asking me to prove your gospel then i prayed a real mighty prayer i'll never never forget lord i'm not preaching my gospel i'm preaching your gospel i said this out loud i'm not preaching my message i'm preaching your message now lord you prove it when i said you prove it that poor man was standing to the side and we heard thump i looked his family his wife himself on the floor right on top of each other next thing you know that man jumps up like a spring and starts running all over the platform healed by the power of almighty god hallelujah [Applause] he runs over and he pulls the sleeve of his daughter and her skin is like a baby perfectly healed by the power of god my brother i've been preaching for 30 years and i've seen the power of god and i'm here to tell you in new jersey he's the same yesterday and today and forever [Applause] he still hears an answers prayer sister clara get up here and take a microphone lady this woman was sitting on a wheelchair in cincinnati ohio did not even believe but god did something for her tell me all about it praise the lord everybody praise the lord [Applause] i will bless the lord at all times his praises shall continually be in my mouth in 1993 i was in cincinnati ohio in the wheelchair section sitting in a wheelchair sitting in a wheelchair i had to rupture this paralysis on my left side a drop foot and permanent nerve damage they thought i had ms because my hands began to curl up but i tell you i didn't come there to get healed i came there to be blessed but something on the inside began to walk on the outside and i told the lord i surrender now sister clara you you did not want your healing because you were getting some money from the government work must come yeah she refused her healing she said no to jesus don't heal me if you heal me i will lose my compensation 67 every two weeks 67 i'm sitting there dying holding on dying holding on cause they kept telling me this is your day this is your day i'm gonna leave me alone i ain't got no income leave me alone but this is your day but when i told the lord so somebody said see god speaks in your ear and he said give it up give it up [Applause] and that was how many years ago 12 years ago she sat on a wheelchair and she said leave me alone i don't want my healing but when she surrendered and put her foot down god healed her leg god healed her back and she's been running ever since and she's a preacher of the gospel all because she stepped out in faith [Applause] thank you sister clara thank you stand up and receive your healing i said stand up and receive i said stand up and receive your healing this is your night for a miracle you don't have to wait for anything to happen you don't have to feel something on your body you just have to step out and receive in the name of jesus you're on wheelchairs this is your moment you with cancer this is your moment you will arthritis heart disease this is your moment don't wait don't wait for the angels to show up and brush you don't wait for a feeling to come on you don't wait for a voice to talk to you jesus said receive redeem receive again [Applause] jesus of jesus you will reach out to him you reach out he will respond to the cry in your heart [Music] he will touch you he will touch you and set you free please [Applause] jesus [Applause] ladies and gentlemen there's a river of healing flowing by you there's a mighty anointing flowing near you step out of your sickness step out of your disease step out of your pain step out of your misery step out of your darkness into that healing flow do it now oh of jesus jesus [Music] oh jesus she [Music] call his name jesus your presence makes me whole when we've gathered in your name you promise to be with us [Music] you're here your presence we feel [Music] jesus oh jesus jesus [Music] there's mighty power in his name says [Music] your presence your prayers it is [Music] and his blood [Applause] she laid there on her bed of affliction they came and said jesus is passing by your door today she get up out of that bed of religion and she said if i may but touch the hem of that garment i'll be healed she came out of her little house in that town in galilee and she saw the red crowd and she wondered how she'd get near him but she said no i'll press through if only i can touch the hem i'll be here and she pressed in she pursued the master you cannot get healed till you pursue the master you gotta go after the master she touched and she was healed but the mayor said jesus have mercy jesus have mercy he cried jesus mercy they said be quiet he said jesus have mercy he called his name and he was healed too those who were healed came to the master right now lift your hands and call him jesus master jesus master jesus heal be master oh it is jesus [Music] yes yes yes yes yes it is jesus jesus in my souls [Music] and his blood has made me whole fill this place with his music gentlemen there's another one flowing here oh yes it is jesus you know how easy it is lift your heads in college name and you'll feel his power it is jesus in my soul [Music] for i have dutch [Music] and his [Music] you're all i need your [Applause] lift your heads and tell the master you're all [Applause] everything i need jesus [Music] i was shackled by heavy burden i was neath the load of guilt and shame but then the hand of jesus touched me and now i said it now and said i now i am no longer the same lift your hands and seek something something just happened [Applause] he was wounded for our transgressions people of god i see such a man wanna hear us just like a river here lift your hands and pray pray for those around you he was bruised for our iniquities surely he bore our sorrows [Music] and by his stripes we are healed there are people around you there's somebody maybe near you dying with cancer forget yourself and pray for that somebody come on lift your hands and pray for all those around you he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised our sorrows [Music] [Applause] i thank you for dying on that cross i thank you for shedding your blood on that cross i thank you for taking our diseases and shame on that cross give your ass oh [Applause] [Applause] one of these days will stand before you on the crystal sea of glass [Music] see a lovely face [Music] hallelujah [Music] this is the moment for you to receive your healing [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're sick and body place your hand now on your sickness [Music] as i pray for you god's power will touch your body [Music] i lift my hand in faith heavenly father and i pray heal your people for he was wounded for our transgressions bruce for our iniquities chastise for our peace with his stripes we are healed heal your people as the power of the holy ghost goes through that body as the power of the holy ghost goes through that body just a whisper it is not by might it is not by power by a mice spirit saith the lord lift your hands right now receive i command that heart condition be gone somebody with a heart problem had just been healed to my left you just feel tremendous electricity on your body skin cancer has just been healed i command that skin cancer to go in the name of jesus that one with skin cancer feels amazing and anointing an amazing anointing on you that's an amazing anointing you feel healing of that cancer a hip injury [Music] just softly choir somebody with a hip injury you injured your hip step into the aisles and begin to move that part of the body you'll find the pain we leave as soon as you move a tumor someone with a tumor on the lower back the tumor is leaving people of god do not wait for me to call out your healing just lift your hands and ask him there's a cynthia being healed here of witchcraft a girl named cynthia had just been set free from demonic witchcraft [Applause] [Music] yes lord [Applause] just softly alleluia just softly hallelujah there's an albert totally delivered from alcohol just minutes ago a man named al your name is albert they call you al you've just been set free from alcohol just minutes ago yes lord [Applause] deep deep depression a heather there's a header sitting to my right heather has been in deep depression the lord is setting heather free as i'm talking from depression people will you lift your hands pray in the holy ghost a woman in an accident a few days ago your name is clarice your name is clarice the girl clarice was in a car accident a few days ago you've been sitting there with such intense pain in your lower back clarice would you please move that back now quickly as i'm talking to you move that back god is healing you the lord sometimes will give me names because those individuals will not receive otherwise the girl clarice was in a car accident the lord has just healed you in fact you feel warmth on your back you feel warmth your name is clarice people of god just another moment lift your hands and pray god wants to show us more yes lord a natasha a heart condition you've wondered what's wrong with your heart natasha but it is your heart you've you've you've been know you've you're thinking about going to the doctor you've not been to the doctor yet your name is natasha you've suffered with your chest you've had chest pains i'm here under orders by the master to tell you the great physician is operating on your heart now while i'm talking [Applause] sing it holy harry i'm talking to a harry up there in fact your real name is harold they call you harry you're sitting way up there tonight you've wondered is this man for real and you prayed lord if he's for real let him call my name out [Music] your name is harold harold mckenzie is your last name sir [Applause] [Music] and i don't know what's wrong with you but you're going to be in the ministry harold mackenzie god has sent you here tonight to speak to you and being that i am a man of god god just gave me your name which he ever rarely ever gives me a last name but he should give me yours lift your hands and pray all of you then sings my soul how great thou art the mighty anointing here there's a mighty anointing here there's a mighty anointing here oh lord my god when i know some wonder consider all the worlds thy hands would you bring all the empty wheelchairs put them on the platform come on all of you i want all the empty wheelchairs up here as a testimony of the power of god keep singing keep singing keep singing behind me come on open those wheelchairs and let the devils look and cry we're having a traffic jam on the platform i love it then it sings i love him [Music] what happened pastor you called out a heather with deep depression there's heather deep depression with heather oh my god i feel ashamed i didn't trust jesus i can't believe it for a healing but i didn't think it was gonna happen i've had this depression all my life and i'm free then sings my now i called your name out heather yeah what happened i was shocked at first and you said and then my chest started burning and i knew you said to the right and i'm like how many people named heather to the right and i was like oh my god my my heart lord i'm so ashamed i didn't believe you could heal me of this depression that's why he gave me your name because you did not believe he could heal you and when i said your name you felt the heat touch your chest and lady you are free in the name of [Applause] it feels like to jesus this thing burning you every morning you wake up you don't want to live and you want to believe jesus but you don't want to live it just hurts so but i'm free oh my god i'm free [Applause] my god she said i'm free [Applause] [Music] is this marvelous [Music] she's too much under the anointing i don't think she can talk to me i'm so ashamed i didn't believe god he's amazing the same yesterday today and forever it's the truth he doesn't lie and i thought he did but i guess oh no oh my god lift your hands and thank you for his love for you i love you i love you for loving me i need you jesus i need you i need your unconditional love you've loved me even though i was not right and i thank you and you healed me oh my god i love you thank you you're worthy i need you i trust you i trust you all the more now will you give the lord the money and the praise henry pastor this is beautiful this is larry this young man been pushing his daddy in this wheelchair for 10 years for arthritis and tonight he came out of the wheelchair his [Applause] can you believe what will happen in a city when such miracles happen night after night after night for four or five days i believe that the powers of hell will be defeated time and time and time again for 10 years 10 years he he said to me he can't remember 10 years he's been wheeling his father's wheelchair and tonight what's wrong with you why why would your son wheelie around i had a arthritis spine degeneration and the doctor even gave me electric wheeling chair and told me that i wouldn't be able to walk much longer start walking still to improve them to be wrong come on go down the stairs and when you get down the stairs run a little bit run sir look at your daddy [Applause] look at your daddy [Music] revival fellowship church you came on a bus yeah god bless you precious ones who brought buses you see what the result right here when you bring a bus and help people come like this it's a ministry unto the lord really you do it unto the lord god bless this man thanks god bless the son who's been blessing his daddy thanks oh this is marvelous what is it you felt a power of god just feeling all over [Music] pastor wait there you wait right there this gentleman it unbelievable i walked up the steps over there and he was standing there with his cane and i said what's the matter with you and he says for 10 years his right hip he can't go up and down stairs he can't run i turned my back and you said don't wait for me get up and receive your healing and he just took off running right past me this guy show him what you did could not go up and down stairs pastor could not run could not do any of that not not young man yeah man what was wrong with your what was wrong with you arthritis in my right hip i've had it for over 10 years until i had pain medication for it and it said over time wouldn't get better just had to deal with decaying or walker tonight i'm healed how do you know god bless me where is the pain god pain is gone did you feel something come come on here it's just gone it's just gone and i have news for you you'll never come back as long as you live give the lord a mighty hand of praise this is this is cynthia that you called out cynthia with witchcraft she felt the spirit of god come over [Applause] cynthia which witchcraft stretch your hands and believe in the name of jesus every devil every demon every spirit of witchcraft shall leave in the name of the lord pray in the holy ghost come on people some sometimes some of those devils of which are strong in the name of jesus christ be gone be gone in the name of the lord pick it up yeah here there there goes the anointing pick it up pick it up goes [Music] you are breathing in the name of jesus cynthia in the name of the lord my god sometimes sometimes tick tick tick tick tick seats sometimes when i give one name another one claims that that's all right for me that's all right if somebody claims a healing let them claim the healing pick up both cynthia's up come on in the name of jesus cynthia be free stand next to this cynthia come on cynthia and cynthia stand next to each other in the name of the lord jesus christ whom we serve we command the devil of witchcraft to leave your life leave your home leave your future leave your children leave your tomorrow and never come back there's power in the blood of the lamb [Applause] my god there's nothing strong here talk to me joe mano pastor ten years with rheumatard arthritis this lady felt the power of god look at her glory she can do everything [Music] how long 10 years 10 years you've had arthritis for 10 years you know how bad it is to suffer with arthritis 10 long years is a big chunk out of your life and now the pain is all gone well do something let me see jump up and down move your legs lady do something let the devils of hell look and cry nothing i'll literally move when i got here well thank god pick him up [Music] lady that's all over you all over you like the fragrance after the rain [Music] you know there's such great anointing here you guys need some just take a little bit of that marvelous anointing let all heaven i love the anointing i'm sorry i just love the anointing pick him up i love seeing that the the anointing of us flow like like a river you know if i don't give it away i think i blow up myself [Music] master master master [Music] they can't walk hey preachers you want this bien cece come here come and get it right here [Music] yeah god take it preacher dear preachers here here here brother here it's all over you it's all over you it's all over you it's all over here that's the earth you know they're just hungry they're just hungry preachers like hungry people let me tell you something before you leave this building i pray the anointing that's on the platform will hit the whole stadium [Applause] bring this man here break it here come here come here whoa whoa [Music] glorious adios [Music] [Applause] you know they just need to be filled you know what i'm saying they just did a good holy ghost film and i just want to praise you we're watching watch how much of that they are falling over there dear god whoa whoa whoa [Music] wait a minute wait there's a demon there bring her here all of you stretch your hands playing the holy ghost you sayings of god [Music] you know when the anointing gets this strong those devils manifest let them manifest because when they manifest we're going to kick them out when they manifest in the name of jesus christ the son of god whom i serve now devil you hear me good you leave that lady i said leave that lady in the name of jesus the son of god because of the blood of the cross we cast you out somebody say hallelujah take your sheets this lady had diabetes and arthritis for 10 years has been full of pain in her body been walking with his walker and tonight totally free from pain and is walking without the water i give you huh i couldn't even walk flat-footed like this every time i touched the ground i would have shooting pains up and down my legs and i never complained i never told anybody how i really felt i just went from day to day but praise god i can raise my feet and i get jumped up thank you jesus somebody said hallelujah [Applause] we believe that the gospel of jesus christ is the answer to humanity and the troubles on this earth the gospel the gospel and only the gospel is the solution pastor benihin is passionate about reaching the lost by obeying the mandate for all believers to go into all the world and preach the gospel i'm talking about souls save my soul men and women around the world who have not heard the gospel it's our duty our responsibility to tell them who else will nobody will jesus came to give his life for men and women for me and for you to have the privilege to tell the world awesome [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 10,385
Rating: 4.9488001 out of 5
Id: ZbC4_WzAGaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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