That Which People Most Highly Value Becomes A God To Them | Benny Hinn

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today I continue this beautiful teaching that I think is so needed the dangers of idolatry what the Bible has to say about it and thank you again for being with me and I pray the Lord will use this to really bless you and to use you to bless people and help them understand how to be free from that Lord Jesus thank you for your word to you be all the glory and praise Lord meet every need the hearts of your people today in Jesus mighty name and God's people said amen yesterday I finished I I sang a song that I sing to the Lord often uh when I finish I want to start this program with that because I think it fits so well Thou Art my God and I will praise thee Thou Art my God I will exalt thee oh give thanks unto the Lord I I like to sing and I I give thanks unto you Lord for you are good and your mercy endureth forever because he is our God we want no other God but the Lord himself and his name Jesus wonderful precious Jesus Ephesians 5:5 is such a powerful verse it says for for this she know that no wh Monga nor unclean person nor Covetous man who is an idolator have any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God and I said yesterday but I want to say right now that wh mongers unclean persons are also idolatrous because they make that into a god you see and Paul includes all that in that portion and in 1 Corinthians 10:14 it says flee flee idolatry and and because it creeps into people's lives so easily without notice in fact because it gets in there so quickly wherefore my dearly beloved flee from idolatry now remember that that is the breaking of the second commandment when people worship idols and idolatry like I said yesterday is is the worship in which the honor of God due to him is given to some of his creatures or some inventions of his creatures and and it's not necessary to deny the Lord to be an idol worshiper because Israel in the old Covenant when they made the calf in Exodus 32 did not renounce God because they said these be thy gods of Israel that brought thee out of Egypt they gave God an image in that calf that's really what happened and that's a sin and they said tomorrow is a feast unto the Lord so they they did not renounce God they simply gave God a picture and they decided he looks like a calf which is of course a sin so idolatry often creeps into the lives of people who who who still believe they are walking with God and walking with the Lord now remember yesterday well actually let's read quickly quickly uh 1 John 2 because this is important in case you missed it because often I think we we miss seeing these powerful truth in the Bible even though we read it it says for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh lust of the eye the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world so what is the lust of the flesh are the pleasures of life what is the lust of the eyes the richest people seek for and what is the the pride of life the honor people look for so the pleasures of life the riches people look for the honors they look for are not of the father okay they're of the world now there there is the external and there is the internal and yesterday I began talking about the external today I want to deal with the internal and the internal is so important to understand because that's the act of the soul that is where Soul idolatry is when the mind and the heart are are are are set on anything more than God himself when when when people begin to Value uh anything more than God or trust something more than the Lord or love something more than the Lord that's called Soul worship so idolatry is so is so dangerous it keeps people out of Heaven it says in you know in Ephesians 5:5 so that which people most highly esteem and value they turn into a God and that's what's happening sadly today in the church in the church and that's why I'm concerned Why do we see this so much today in the church so when people value opinions they turn it into a god when they when they value the opinion of people it becomes a God to them when they value the accomplishments of of of of of of someone or their their own accomplishments they turn it into a god when they value relationships when they become so attached to some relations or some individual turn it into into into a God or enjoyments when people uh value highly value uh enjoyments they turn it into a God or highly uh value money they turn that into a God or any such thing becomes an idol an idol okay think about opinions can become an idol accomplishments can become an idol relationships can become Idols enjoyments can become Idols money can become become Idols so it it's important today we talk about this because Thou shalt have no other gods before me is what God says and then the second commandment he says you'll not make unto thee any Graven image you'll not bow to it or you won't make the likeness of anything in heaven or on the earth or under the Earth so people today are making up their own Gods that are not external but internal and that's what the danger is because they don't realize they're turning something or someone into a god into a god may may the Lord open our eyes may the Lord give us that that that that understanding that we will not allow it in our lives so think about uh uh you know people's intentions they can turn intentions into a God because intentions like when when someone is well my aim is in life is to become rich they turn it into a God my aim in life is to be great it becomes a God my aim in life is to have pleasure as and enjoy myself it becomes a God my aim in life is to have Advantage take advantage of people or or or or or turn uh things into a prophet it becomes a god anything that takes away from God his glory becomes an idol anything that takes away from the Lord the glory due to him to him only to the Lord Jesus becomes God becomes an idol so or when people say let me get enough of the world and of the pleasures of the world and let me think about God later in life when I'm old or I'll turn to God when I'm sick or I'll turn to God when I'm dying what is that they have turned their their world into a god their Pleasures into a god they dismiss God as unimportant say well I don't need him now now I'm going to focus myself and I'm I'm going to aim for pleasures and money and fame and such such such then later I'll I'll think about God when I'm old and they always come with well you know the thief was accepted on the cross so God will be okay with me no no no that's Idol that's idol worship idol worship you you nobody can use God like like that no God is not a fire escape he's not a fire escape if we don't receive him on the basis of love if we don't follow him as Lord not just savior Lord of our Liv something's wrong look a lot of people want him to be savior but not Lord Lord means they have to obey him and submit to his word submit to his word do what he says Jesus said don't come a Lord and not do what I tell you so when people love something or someone more than the Lord that becomes what idolatry so Deuteronomy let's look at chapter 6 verse vers 5 I'm all stirred up about this and I'm glad I am you know today I was talking to the Lord I said Lord I said I want to love you with all my being please take everything out of me that you don't want just take take it out of me destroy it I don't care how because I know I cannot do it on my own the life of the Cross is a life of dependence on God to do it not me there's no confidence in the flesh thou shallal love the Lord thy God this is verse five think about this with all thine heart with all thy soul with all your might means there's no space for anything else or anyone else in your life you love thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart this is the great commandment here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shallal love the Lord thy God with all thine heart so your heart will have no space for anyone else or anything else with all thy Soul so it'll have no space for anything else or anyone else and with all your strength with all your might so there'll be no there'll be nothing left for anything else or anyone else God Must Be Loved above all and all things not just all people but all things now all things are to be loved only in him so when you love family only in him when when you love friends only in him and I think that's what Jesus meant when he said if you love father mother more than me you're not worth than me because he wants us to love them in him not outside of him and think about that because I just said something powerful everyone will love we must love in Jesus in through Jesus because otherwise it becomes an idol to us so we love the Lord above all and and and all things and everyone we love must be loved in him and for him so so and I just said something I hope somebody didn't miss when we love we love in him and for him and for him so when we love other things and other people above him his love leaves us that is a very frightening thing I just said and it's in the Bible look look I don't want God's love to leave me I and and you don't want e and you don't want that either believe me it says love not the world 1 John 2:15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him you want to lose the love of the Father the only way people can lose the love of the of the father is love the world and the things in it including family including family when we put family above the Lord that's why the Lord was so clear on that and I'll show it to you in the gospels so in fact let's go to it now let's go to Matthew quickly and let's look at chapter 10 his love must consume us consumer his his love must be the fire in in in in our souls that will burn every other lover cuz who do we have in this life but him whom do I have in heaven if he said but you Lord but you Lord and I desire none upon the earth besides you none including family but you who do you have at the end come on who will you have at the end who will be there for you your mom your dad your brother your sister your children only only the Lord only the Lord said I shall never leave the or forsake your your children would want to do that for you they love you your and your parents but they can't fulfill it they can't fulfill it only the Lord can fulfill that promise I shall never leave Thee I shall never forsake thee who is the one who can fulfill that in your life oh Lord so who do you have so David says I have none in heaven but you and I desire none upon the Earth but you he that loveth father I'm reading Matthew 10:37 he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me he that taketh not his cross and followeth me is not worthy of me he that finds his life will l Lo it he that loses his life for my sake my sake he said we'll find it but he doesn't he's not saying go hate them and don't honor them because the same God who said honor your parents not saying you know hate your parents he wants us to love them in him and for him in him and for him we love him first we love him before be be before any one he is the love of our life Jesus but then we love our parents and our loved ones in him and for him too in Luke 14 I'm giving you the Bible I'm just giving you the Bible Luke 14 2627 If any man come to me and hate not his father mother wife children Brethren sisters yes his own life he cannot be my disciple what does Jesus means by hate well he doesn't mean hate like hate you know with your heart he means I got to be first in your life because you have to even hate your own life you dismiss that you let me be the Lord no one else can be Lord except the Lord in your life we die for him and we follow him now you know what else can can can become an an idol trust when when when people trust things or trust people more than God when they put their confidence and dependence in other people rather than than the Lord it becomes God to them it's it's an act of worship because the the Bible says trust the Lord with all your heart with all your heart meaning there's no space for anyone else to trust them so sometimes people trust someone so where they even forget God altogether there's no such things in the world as friends there are only interests and sadly also in the church No Such Thing Really as friends but interest here it's become that sadly sadly but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother and that's the Lord but when people put their trust and confidence and they begin to depend on another human being or other things they turn that someone or something into a God and it says trust the Lord with all your heart Proverbs 3:5 so the heart will have no place to trust or have confidence in anyone else or anything else so it it's it's idolatry really to trust in man in self in riches there's a powerful portion I I've got to show you in job oh this is so powerful in Job 31 let's look at Job 31 let's look at verse 24 through 28 if I have made gold My Hope or have said to to find gold you are my confidence if I rejoiced because my wealth was great and because my hand had gotten much if I beheld the sun when it shined or the moon walking in brightness and my heart had been secretly enticed or my mouth has kissed my hand this also were an iniquity to be punished by the the judge for I should have denied God who above so when you trust in Gold when you make gold your hope find gold your confidence when you rejoice and Trust wealth the Bible says it's iniquity when your heart has been enticed and your mouth has has kissed your hand because you trust your own self it says you you would deny God then I think the reason people are are denying the faith today is because they they're putting their trust in other people or other things Psalm 52 I pray this teaching will really touch and change somebody listening here really I mean that Psalm 52 verse 7 uh verse 5-7 this is very very very powerful oh dear Jesus I give you praise God shall likewise destroy thee forever he shall take thee away and pluck thee out of thy Dwelling Place rot thee out of the land of the living the righteous also shall see in fear and shall laugh at him and they'll say this is the man that may not got his strength didn't make God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthened him himself in his wickedness it says God will destroy that person forever he will take him away and pluck him out of his Dwelling Place root him out of the land of the living and the righteous will see it and fear and laugh at him because he did not make God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches and strengthen himself in his iniquity is that what people want that God would forsake them no way first Timothy I'm almost done almost done but I got to give you those scriptures I may go over time a little bit but I want you I want you to get this I want you to get this I want you to hear this because it is it is so massive out there today charge them that that are rich in this world that they be not highminded nor Trust trust in un certain riches but in the Living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy look what Psalm 118 what David says about and verse 8 and n it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man it is better to trust in the Lord and put confidence in princes so let the Lord become your Delight let the Lord be your all in all I love what it says in Jeremiah chapter 9 oh this is one of my favorites it says he that glories let him glory in me that that he knows me Jeremiah chapter n thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord verse 23- 24 thus say the Lord let not the wise men glory in his wisdom Nei let the Mighty Man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glor glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that I am the Lord which exercise love in kindness judgment righteousness in the earth in these things I delight and God wants us to Delight only in him in him only Delight thyself also in the Lord it says he'll give you the desires of your heart if you Delight in him him only in him only Psalm 374 Delight thyself also in the Lord he shall give Thee the desires of thine heart commit thy way so the Lord trust also in him he will bring it to pass well I'm done teaching for two days now I've I've I've given you the word about the dangerous of idolatry please hear my heart with this and in this the Lord and only the Lord is your god I pray the Lord will give you the understanding and the eyes to see what things may be in your life that have become a God to you that you will remove them from your life or ask the Holy Spirit say Lord show me have I turned something unknowingly into a God in my life or an idol in my life unknowingly because I don't want to grieve you Lord ever God will show you thou shal not make unto thee any graen image you not bow to anything you'll not make the likeness of anything in heaven or Earth or under the Earth you'll Worship the Lord and only him only him you'll serve he's a jealous God and I'm very happy that he's jealous over you and me that's the way I want him to be jealous over us that he wants us and he wants all of us every part of us to be here Jesus we bless your name Jesus we have you pray Hallelujah to you wonderful Lord You're the Lamb of God lord of Glory The Great I Am the alpha the omega beginning and the end you are our God and we praise you you are our God we exalt you we give thanks to you Lord for you are good and your mercy endures forever keep us as the apple of the eye H us under the shadow of your wi keep us from evil cause us to be holy and live holy and righteously in your sight all the days of our in Jesus mighty name and God's people said amen and amen I pray this has blessed you please share these two teachings with your friends and those who follow you on social media if you have if you have uh your your own platform or your own other platforms anyways share it with friends and people let them let them hear this message or share it yourself with your friend tell them tell them what I said or show them what what what scripture I gave you you may know people yourself that really need this really need this but thank you again for being my wonderful my wonderful family and parts so let's give to the Lord's work right now because it says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you honor the Lord with your substance and the first fruits of all your increase so shall thy bonds be filled with plenty and your presses will burst out with new wine so when we love him we show it often by giving to his work the Lord has opened Mighty doors these few last few months I've been traveling more than ever invitations keep coming and I'm going to take him as long as I can physically but uh let's do it together let's go to the world together let's bless people's lives together and I'm with you daily almost and I'll be with you this week I have some powerful teachings for you this week so please join me tomorrow again thank you for your love and your generous giving and how you love the Lord I I'm so so grateful the way you love him you can give on the platform you're watching me on you can go to our website you can text BHM 45777 tomorrow another very powerful teaching please don't miss it bye-bye
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: 2NdqkuEtmPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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