Benny Hinn Crusade Classics - Miami, Florida

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Jesus Christ has not come to strike us and smite us with diseases he has come to heal our body and Deliver Us from diseases [Music] [Applause] say out loud Lord Jesus I believe you are the son of God [Music] [Music] just your own I need [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Applause] lightning your eyes [Music] Jesus [Music] I need foreign [Music] has spinal stenosis do you realize she is walking downstairs now walk back up them please walk back up those steps she has not done this in 20 years 20 years she's not done this no pain in her body her kneecaps I see dear God no pain no pain no pain she had spinal stenosis for 20 years had no actually just needed new needs and all of the pain that was in her body when she walked out of the wheelchair walked up the stairs she told me she was coming told me she was coming up I'm walking upstairs I haven't walked upstairs in 20 years do you know what kind of an anointing is here I feel the anointed there is such Glory here [Applause] okay I give you the praise I give you the praise I give you the praise for this I give you the glory for this somebody shall praise the Lord [Applause] God the God oh God what's happening yeah so this is so wonderful this lady here was unable to stand or even walk this is her girl she's in a wheelchairs she fell at work pitched her nerves in her back in her size she lost her feeling in her all her left side unable to stand the feeling is bad she's able to help your leg pick up your leg pick up your leg Pastor her daughter her daughter her daughter [Applause] for this [Music] [Applause] I hear you gotta understand there's an exclusively flowing through my Bible right here and when they talk to me I'm not listening at times Jesus [Applause] still talking short hands faster quickly John has quickly [Applause] Jesus Deathstroke lift your hands and hand smoke Glory here people pure presence your presence your presence your presence your presence your presence bring them in here whoa whoa I am in this house that's fire Rich may the Lord Heal you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet be made whole my brother be made whole that tells me of person in the name of Jesus Jesus [Music] lift your hands quick and I'll touch it tonight oh Jesus can't we talk to me again I didn't know what he said earlier this is her girl she had lupus she had she's unable to stand she said I'm unable to walk she's been helping her mom with all her pain with all her pain she was numb she said I haven't seen my mom stand this long but what's amazing what was wrong with her this one my mother was in she felt on her job and she came here to Florida to visit me to see you and I brought her here basically to be healed because I know God is a human God lupus she had a good nerve unable numbness on her left she brought her mom in pain this girl this is the daughter she came with lupus so much pain past her but she was in the back when her mama came out of the wheelchair she began crying she said I've never seen my mom stand this long and what happened and all the pain is gone also oh my god when she brought her mother the Lord healed her Jesus [Applause] [Music] that's like a breeze of Glory here there's like a breeze of Glory here Lord let the choir know your power let this choir know your Mighty presence let the squad know your fire as they Minister tonight let the be Glory Glory Glory Glory touch and quietly Jesus [Applause] [Music] Brock what happened here after this lady has been suffering with cancer you gotta understand when that only comes the stronger you begin to pray in the Holy Ghost because on the day of Pentecost when the Lord filled them with the spirit what happened they began to pray in tongues what happened until talk to me I said this lady's been suffering with kidney cancer lung cancer she had spinal pain huh Rachel for kidney operations what happened what happened tonight the power of God Came Upon her all of the pain has left her body oh Pastor when you were in Orlando for the one Sunday service she came had a terrible hernia in her stomach they were going to operate God healed her instantly in Orlando tonight and brought her down here to Miami and healed up the cancer as well Hallelujah take your seats please your presence your presence your presence Pastor what happened maybe he was in the wheelchair she said this was my wheelchair she said you don't understand I've been in so much pain with with spinal sclerosis that you called out she began running she got out the wheelchair began running and all the pain was gone tonight this is wonderful see it again it's that instrument my God oh Jesus [Music] name Jesus [Music] again what was wrong with you spinal stenosis explain that to people um fine was being stopped with arthritic changes that that grew inside my spinal canal against my spinal cord she also had a heart condition that you crawled out and got healed her from that too so tonight the power of God came on you yes absolutely yes and then what and then I I the pain was gone the absolute pain was gone I was having horrible pain down my lips now you've been running a little more let me see she couldn't do that I believe well people give a lot of Mighty hand for his goodness [Applause] thank you Jesus [Music] now how long how long have you suffered with that Dear God I am glad I am glad I came to Miami just to see you here Jesus Master Jesus Master somebody said praise the Lord [Music] worship Him [Music] Holy Spirit Come and feel this place bring us healing with your warm embrace show your power make your presence known Holy Spirit comes in this place Holy Spirit Come big this place our hearts are longing just to hear from you our souls are waiting to know someone who can take us higher help us make it through so will you please come and set us free [Music] each place [Music] Breath of God spirit [Music] Holy Spirit compare this place Holy Spirit come there our hearts are hungry for your perfect peace our souls are thirsty for the joy you bring souls in your glory make your praise complete sit down the rain touch us once again again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Holy Spirit come there Holy Spirit Come and fill this place [Music] [Music] [Music] let it flow let it flow you know you know what we need Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] this place [Music] let it rain let it fall let it heal let it heal let it feel let it fall let it fall let it fall [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] for all afresh foreign [Music] use me [Music] Spirit of the Living God [Music] fall fresh [Music] with hands uplifted just a whisper melt me [Music] melt [Music] more [Music] to filled me foreign use [Music] [Music] fresh [Music] touch us afresh Jesus lift your hands to him as we welcome him Holy Spirit welcome we welcome Holy Spirit [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] Espiritu Santo bienvenator [Music] yes [Music] Padre Harmony [Music] [Music] goodness lift your hands and tell him Thou Art welcome [Music] the presence of the spirit is a healing presence it is the Holy Ghost who heals the sick Jesus the son of God did not perform one miracle until the Holy Ghost came upon him that glorious moment in the River Jordan when the Holy Ghost came upon Him baptizing him for the father had given the command son go to Earth become the substitute for Humanity become the sacrificial offering on the cross but without the Holy Ghost Christ Jesus could not have accomplished the plan of God without the Holy Ghost he could not have come to Earth it was the Holy Ghost Who Came Upon the Virgin Mary conceived within her womb the son of the Living God it was the spirit of the Lord that made the world flesh and as he ministered to the multitudes it was by the power of the spirit it is the spirit of God that gave him power to endure the cross it is the Holy Spirit who raised him from the dead who is the Holy Ghost he is the spirit of the father and he is the spirit of the son as I walk upon these platforms Crusade after Crusade I'm so aware of the fact that this body must be surrendered to him completely in order for him to use me I'm so aware of the fact without the Holy Ghost I cannot do a thing or say a thing that will touch anyone's life but only the Holy Ghost can take clay flesh and use it for the glory of the son of the Living God and the Holy Ghost the spirit of the Lord a person so real so gentle so beautiful he's not distant from any one of you not far from any one of you so precious so precious it is he who makes Jesus real to the hearts of men it is he who makes the word of God live it is he who gives you a love for this precious book beyond anything you can comprehend it is he who helps you pray and commune with the father it is he who makes Jesus so intimate and so close the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles in obedience to the master who said Terry in Jerusalem till ye be endued with power 50 days they waited in an upper room and on the day of Pentecost Mighty rushing wind the Breath of God came once again the same breath that had transformed Adam from mud to man the same breath that gave new birth to the apostles after the resurrection for he had breathed upon him and said receive the Holy Ghost that same Mighty breath came in as A Mighty Wind and filled the house tongues as fire appearing on their heads they began to speak an unknown tongues as they praised the master such a change took place in them that day that Peter preached with such boldness such boldness three thousand were saved and then a few days later the miracle Mighty power of God healed the crippled men at the gate beautiful and the high priest called the apostles and they came and stood before the very high priest who condemned Jesus to the cross not knowing he was fulfilling Bible prophecy Peter with such boldness he said you you crucified the Holy One [Music] the scripture says when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and the apostles they knew that they'd been with Jesus for he was bold it is the anointing that gives that boldness I tell you and they said no longer will you speak in that name the apostles with boldness said it is not right for us to obey men we will obey God they continued preaching the gospel that thousands upon thousands were saved in Jerusalem So Glorious and so thick and Wealthy was the presence of God on them the streets of Jerusalem were filled with the sick think about the streets of a great City like Jerusalem packed with couches and beds in every street not one street was empty the scripture says the streets the streets of Jerusalem filled with the sick Peter the Apostle did not lay hands on them he just passed by them just walk by them didn't have time to lay hands on all the sick Folk he just walked by in the shadow of Peter touching the sick the scripture says every one of them [Music] every one of them on those streets was healed for it is not by might it is not by power by my spirit saith the Lord this same Holy Spirit transformed Paul the Apostle from Saul of Tarsus this same Holy Spirit gave Stephen the boldness to stand there knowing he would be killed for his words this same Holy Spirit has kept the church alive all these years and I've seen his Mighty Wind in India and Japan and Asia and Africa and around the world the same anointing I feel here tonight I have felt in Costa Rica and Guatemala Chile and Brazil the same Holy Ghost is around the world for he is one Holy Spirit and tonight all you have to do is just call the name Jesus for he has come to magnify Jesus I promise you he has come to glorify only one name Jesus tonight as you call the name Jesus his blessed presence and power will come upon your body come upon your life and make you whole no disease can stand in the presence of the Lord no sickness can remain in the presence of the Lord in Jesus the master once we glorify the master and adore him in worship that's when the spirit of the Lord comes the Holy Ghost does not come when we shout at him scream at him he comes when we worship Jesus you see ladies and gentlemen it is still Jesus that heals he is the same yesterday today and Evermore oh if only you can see it if only you can grasp what I'm telling you when that blessed presence of the Lord comes on me it's Jesus that's all when the spirit of the Lord is there it's Jesus don't you understand oh such an overwhelming presence of Jesus comes on you for the Holy Ghost glorifies Jesus and magnifies Jesus and testifies of Jesus he does not present himself he presents Jesus [Music] once the presence of Jesus is so rich it's so easy to be healed it is so easy to ask and receive it's so easy to be free from that pain and as he healed the sick 2000 years ago he heals the sick today no matter what the doctors say no matter what anybody says Jesus still heals today tonight you do not have to leave sick and afflicted he loves you Jesus died on a cross suffered in agony to save and heal you as I told you last night I'll tell you again tonight salvation and healing are twins healing is the fruit of redemption tonight don't settle for 50 of the benefits receive all the benefits of the cross all the benefits of salvation for remember there is the front of the Cross and there's the back of the cross the front of the Cross is salvation but the back of the Cross is healing lift your hands to the master room quickly lift your hands to him quickly Jesus you're the sweetest name of all you are Jesus you always hear me when I call your blessed Jesus you lift me up each time I fall you're the sweetest sweetest name of all it was a woman one day an issue of blood the Bible says was her problem 12 years she laid in a bed of affliction [Music] spent all her money on Physicians maybe you too have spent all your money on doctors and day and helped you but one day somebody came and knocked at her door and she opened that door and they said Jesus is about to pass by your house today get up quickly get up get get dressed get ready this may be your day for a miracle and she fixed herself all up and came out of her home and when she came out Jesus was passing by and she saw a great multitude but her faith was so strong she said if I only but touched the Hem of His Garment I'll be healed and once Noble a woman began to crawl on her knees maybe somebody sandals stepped on her little frail hand as she was crawling maybe somebody kicked her as she's trying to get near the master and as she got there trembling and weak she touched the Hem of His precious garment and was made whole precious Saints he's still the same lift your hands and call his precious in hand oh it is Jesus yes it is Jesus there's Almighty I'm holding here it is she sing my soul for I have touched the head of His Garment and his blood hurt me making me whole everyone standing calling his name oh it is Jesus yes it is Jesus Jesus it is cheap Jesus in my soul for I have touched [Music] of His Garment and his blood [Music] behold everyone lift your voice and lifted hands to him oh it is Jesus [Music] it is Jesus [Music] [Music] touch [Music] is [Music] there's Miracles happening here there's Miracles happening here oh [Applause] [Music] Jesus in his Jesus [Music] foreign [Music] Jesus oh Jesus your presence and only your presence lift your hands to him Saints Jesus [Music] for Jesus Jesus he Jesus Lord Jesus [Music] Christ [Music] makes me oh [Music] Jesus Jesus she [Music] said Jesus oh God [Music] makes me foreign [Music] Jesus [Music] the Miracles happening everywhere in time [Music] it is [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] Lord I know I know I know you're here your presence I feel [Music] delay the sign of lie the death because you're here master tonight they're gonna be healed and set free and delivered because you're here Jesus [Music] Lord Jesus lift your hands climbs us [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is your [Music] presence that makes me dearest Jesus [Music] you are whole and Glory preparing us [Music] for we are born as a living Stone is where your enthroned and as you know from death and power tonight dries with him [Music] hard worship come right upon the wings of praise [Music] just wrap Us in Your Glory your God such a jumper I just wrap Us in Your Glory draw Us by Your Grave us in Your Glory your grace [Music] all the glory [Music] [Music] we your temple we just came [Music] sorry to your eyes can be blessed by your grace [Applause] [Music] please [Music] please [Music] builders [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] such an anointing everyone can receive right now come on foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought away [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] high blood pressure they're coming down running down the aisle Pastor all the pain is all gone come on I give you the praise I give you the praise come over here lady well how long have you had the arthritis honey here just read my blood pressure was so high God has hit me tonight [Music] they're such an annoying there is such an annoying people little hands and thanking for them God dear God oh God yeah yeah there's a fire just fire just fire just fire just fire just fine dear God just fire just fire just fire just fine just fired your smile just smile just smile just smile just smile just fine that spot all over there is fire there is fire there is fire there is fire there is fire there is fire [Applause] oh that's high on him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God Jesus has shown up in Miami what's happening in Miami the glory of God is falling in South Florida and soon All Over America and the whole world and Satan is about to lose in America and Europe and now Indonesia and the police get ready three years he's been suffering with rheumatoid arthritis Pastor pain in his legs down into his feet I watched him in back there I saw the power of God flow upon him and when you called out arthritis I saw God touch this man peace all the pain has left his body he is shouting and rejoicing and praising God how they came at all what the glory of God hits you like this Devils run like cowards sickness [Applause] [Music] for three years do something you can do come on huh he could never do it when he got home last night in the hotel my brother run my brother run and give that kind of trouble my brother run and let the Devils of Hell cry let the Devils of Hell cry hey they see the Lord doing wonders Among Us here in Miami [Applause] [Music] Henry what's going on over there Pastor three weeks ago she had surgery go my brother she had a tumor go and rejoice because she had a tumor oh [Music] move your leg is the pain gone oh gone it's gone is it gone stop one attempt hit it hit it hit it hit it honey crunch the devil's face foreign [Music] together [Music] many head Ministries has stayed on The Cutting Edge for the past five decades making the move from analog television to digital broadcasts HDTV the internet streaming live events and social media today's fast-changing bold New World brings an entirely new set of challenges what we did in 1974 when this ministry began or in 2000 or even 2022 will not be effective in 2023 and who knows what 2024 and Beyond will bring Benny hens Ministry has been at the Forefront of each Innovation that provides a better way of taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world more effectively and efficiently today more than ever before we stand on the edge of a bold New World from the beginning the Lord made it clear that keeping and storing all archives and resources should be a top priority this is a new hour this is the Joshua generation I want to tell you something the first thing God said to Moses is go down first thing he said to Joshua is arise we're not a people are going down we're ones who are rising up even with control temperature storage facilities time has been the enemy tape warping Decay housing detachments cracks shredding and breakdowns happen older tapes break disintegrate and require surgical type methods of restoration thus far we've rescued and digitized 10 500 of the 13 437 tapes from the past half century to God be the glory a conservative estimate to finish this digitation process is a million dollars to restore the final 30 percent of these disintegrating tapes and move everything over to a much more permanent digital format the project already started can be completed fairly quickly imagine if you will what could happen if all of our digitized material could be used to translate everything into every language on Earth it is possible even better how exciting would it be to translate these materials using this same voice as originally spoken yet in all of the different dialects around the world [Music] Pastor Benny speaks several languages but imagine if his teachings became available online with him speaking in Swahili Mandarin Portuguese Belarusian or Cherokee this amazing AI tool will be useful around the world Pastor Benny's Legacy life's work calling and anointing will be preserved for Generations yet to come until the Lord returns and with artificial intelligence tools that can translate all of the digitized materials into languages around the world we can truly fulfill our Lord's Great Commission nearly 50 years ago this great adventure known as Benny hen Ministries began with one voice today that one voice continues to be Amplified over and over through every possible means it's time to finish the job what happens next will be the greatest blessing of all foreign
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 31,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer
Id: s36cYQOiCrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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