Bending Effect in DaVinci Resolve

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Namaste guys in this video we are going to learn how to make this bending effect in DaVinci so let's start first I will go to my edit mode right click click on new Fusion composition you can change the frame rate as per a requirement click on create now practice and drop it here now click on Fusion so first thing that I want is the shape that basically I want to bend so I will go to the tools and go downwards look for shape and I will select rectangle and I will also select s render because without it I can't you know join this media out so first attach with this one and then this thing notice it's here now I will select as render sorry rectangle and increase it width to 1 and decrease its height inverse up to your requirement how much height you want to decrease and this one is fine and let's move a little bit downwards okay now how can I bend it that's the main question so if I press shift plus space bar and search for band notice that there is a bender option but it's in 3D so let's try out so what I will do I will go to 3D image plane 3D okay and I also need a render so I will press shift space and type render look for 3D render okay this one and press shift space type band render add now drag this to here and write this Panda 3D to MIDI out now it is not bending it's pretty like this thing so what I have to do is click on the spender 3D what I want I want to bend so if I increase this value it doesn't look like it's spent change the axis now Supply is pending if I make it 1 it spent but why they are sharp edges so if you are familiar with the 3D software then you know that it lacks number of subdivisions so what I have to do is I will select the image between 3D increase the number of division to let's say 32 is fine 32 is the standard that normally I take for you know my blender software so notice this is how it look likes so we have went the shape so now you can you know do the animation as per a requirement you can make the same scale Institute spaceship let's now do the animation so to do the animations quite simple let's make it 0 first let's go to the first frame click on this just click on 60th frame make it one one means 360 degree okay so if I go ahead and click on play notice it's working so in that way you can make it now some question comes in mind uh Hey suppose I want to increase the you know the diameter of the circle so what should I supposed to do so go to this rectangle um increase this by offset value and and make this x offset zero okay so with that you can control it okay how much or big and you can choose any other shape as per your requirement and not only you can bend you can also do paper and paper thing notice and this is uh is downwards because of our y offset so if I move upward so you can see so in that way you can create custom animation as per your requirement okay I hope you guys learned something from this video if you have any kind of doubts and queries feel free to ask thanks for watching and have a great day namaste
Channel: Amit Mourya
Views: 1,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cc bend effect in da vinci resolve, davinci resolve bend effect, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve tutorial, video editing tutorial for beginners, how to bend in davinci
Id: wkktfsAWTw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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