THE GRIFT | Action Drama Thriller | Free Full Movie

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And it was that summer... They moved in. [whistles] Hello? Hello? Hello? Anybody here? Customer. [chuckles] -Oh hi. -What can I get you? How about a cold cola. [Rusty] Ice cold ... please. Thank you, ma'am. [blowing] -Hot out huh? -[Rusty] Ooh, those blue places. [chuckles] -Whatcha selling? -Oh. Jewelry, kitchens, eye-glasses... pens, pen-sets, perfumes ... You name it, most likely I've got it. -Really? -Yeah, that's a fact ma'am. I just came from quite a large state sale. Down in Mobile, and picked me up some real sweet deals. Here is something that you may be interested in. They're genuine Safire's. Well uh, pearls from Madagascar, set in... -21 karate gold. Sweet huh? -Wow. [Rusty] Just put- put that... [Rusty] See how it looks. -Right here? -Yes. -Do you like? -Ooh it matches your eyes ma'am. [chuckles] Yeah, I don't like to brag, but... -People say I have a real eye. -Well... -Here you are. -Ooh, thank you. [sizzling] -Where are you heading to? -Oh, I'm on my way up to Chicago, ma'am. -That's your home? -No ma'am, no. That old road out there is my home. -No family then? -No, no. I never figured it'd be right, you know with all the travelling... Uh, I do. Mmm. It must get lonely for you. [Rusty] Oh, sometimes... [Kate] It's starting to get dark. [Rusty] Mia sure, Jimmy it sure is. How far... -You got a vacancy? -Mm-hmm. [Rusty] cause uh... Maybe I'll stay here tonight. Why not huh? [chuckles] Why not? [chuckles] [radio playing in background] Come on sweetheart, just come and sit here, by me... You want me to sit... Over there? Yeah, yeah. I do... Come on sweetheart, don't tease me. Just come sit here. Just sit here, I won't do anything. -You mean over... there? -Yeah... Come on, don't tease me. Just sit here... -[clicking sound] -[Kate screams] -[William] Get up. -What's going on? -This isn't what it looks like! What, you trying to be funny? Now what did you do to her? Nothing! I didn't do anything to her! -Tell him. -That's is a lie. -What? -He promised me one of his trinkets, if I come in here. -That's not true! Tell him it's not true! -You shut up. -Call the police. -What! What are you gonna do? -You go on. -Then he made me put all this on and he forced himself on me? I did not! I did not so that! What kind of devil are you? Look. I sweat to you, I swear to you, nothing happened! -He raped me? -Oh Lord! Ohhh no. I did not... No, no... Do you know what they do to rapist's in this state? What! No! -I did not rape her! -What do you think we are? -Please! -Hey stop! What are you doing? Stop! [William] I can't... Uh... [William grunting] Good God. [loud gunshot] Oh my God. -Papa! Papa! -Oh shit! -You killed Him! You killed my father! -No! No! [Rusty] Listen, listen. I did not do it on purpose. That'll be the Sheriff. I'm going to tell him you raped me and killed my papa! [Rusty] It was an accident! Papa! You killed him! [Kate in distance] You killed him! [Kate in distance] Papa! Papa! So... Where's the skinny? [John] Well he's gone. Ed thinks he gave me the brush off near Gossan Road. But... The almighty himself couldn't stop that fat fool. Stay away from the sweets and wipe your face. [chuckles] [chuckles] -Well, what have we got here? -Let me see them. -What would you do with them? -Just give it to me. [Kate gasps] Look what I found? -Bingo. -How much? -Close to 400. -Give it to me. -I'm the one who found it? - Yeah, but I nipped the bag. Then you can have the bag. Look you listen to me bitch, -[John] I chased him-- -What are you doing? I told him he shouldn't take it without telling you. -Not she didn't! -I did too! What have you got in your hand boy? -[John] I ain't got anything. -Yes you do. -I ain't got nothing! -What you got in your hand? -What have you got! -I ain't got nothing! -In your hand! Huh? -I didn't do anything! Look she's holding out on you! Just look at her hand! What have you got in your hand? -What have you got! -I told-- I told him-- -Your mother made me a shit! -Ow! [Kate in distance] I told him, it's not my fault! [John in distance] I don't want you going in to my stuff, you hear me girl? -[John] Do you hear me girl! -[Kate whimpering] -[slapping sounds] -[glass clinkers] -[John] God dammit. Now look what you've done! [piano playing in distance] [door shuts in background] Well, what have we here? Well, Ona's favoring me with my own private recital. Oh, how's our girl today? She's been up most of the afternoon. Oh that's good. Well, I better go check on supper. -[says softly] Hi. -Hi. -You look better. -Do I? Yes you do. Are you gonna come to the table tonight? Yeah, I thought I would. Oh Gracie. We're gonna fill this house with babies, you hear me? -Promise? -Have I ever let you down before? [jingle music] [loud bang] -Good to see ya. -Good to see you. Howdy ma'am. -Kate. -Hey. Now don't go eating this before lunch Billy, or your mother is going to have my hind. [Billy] Yes ma'am. Mmm ok... -June Bug's out on a delivery right now. -Ok. -Morning. -Morning, Gracie. Well here you are. Yeah, not too large, but put up 22 ports and still enough for ya'll. Oh well they're better than some of the one's I've seen. -Oh, morning, Kate. -Morning. I'll take these. Think we'll be getting some of that rain they were promising us? I hope so. -Yeah sure would be nice, huh? -Sure would. It hot and dry alright. Oh no now, Jackson will help you out with that. -Jackson... -Oh, yeah. Bye. It has been awfully dry... Yeah. Hot and dry. It's looking to clear soon though... This afternoon maybe. Thanks. I hope you're right, about this afternoon. [gasps] Pick one. -Oh! Not that one. -Oh, you. Go ahead. Look at it. Don't let me see it, now put it back in the deck. And shuffle them... Alright, that's enough. Now... Was it this one? -No. -No, no. -That one? -No. -Well it's got to be this one. -No, sorry. Sometimes it just doesn't work. -May I?? -Yeah, sure. And then again, sometimes it does. That's the one. That's it, that's the card! -[gasps] -[chuckles] -How on earth did you do that? -You're late. -How much do we owe you here? - Well, let me see now... You're about a buck five. [screams] Oh! -Now see what you've done. -I'm sorry! -No, no, no... -You've ruined that ladies nice dress. -I'm sure it'll wash right out. -So clumsy of me... -It was an accident. -Well accident or not... This is one meal you're not going to be charged for. -Th-that's not Necessary. - No it's the least we can do. [clears throat] -I insist. -Well if you're gonna insist -Well I guess that's bye then. -I guess it is. Why were you so late? You almost blew it. I had to wait for the colored boy to get back. -Where were you? -I've been at the cemetery. Yeah well you two picked a hell of a time to be late. Why don't you get the stuff out of the car. Yes sir, I'm gonna get right on that. [commotion in distance] [indistinctive chatter] Three to one, against the red. Alright now. Lucky seven, lucky seven... Come on, oh... Oh! -What? That's a seven... -Lucky asshole. [indistinctive chatter] Come on! What've we got here now? What have we got here? Ok, he's good again. Alright, you got it. Let's go. Five dollars, on the red. Yep, he's good. Come on. Here... Here boy. Seven... Thanks to you... you and you... Thank you boys. Hey! What about the dice? You shut your mouth right now, you God damn whore. Now you're gonna be still and quiet. Or I swear to God, I will cut your God damned face up like Christmas Turkey. You hear me? You understand me? That's good. That's good. You're a smart whore. I'll take my hand away. Ok. You'll be still and quiet. I ain't what you said before, I ain't a God damned queer. You gonna tell anyone about this? -I ain't gonna tell nobody. -Good. Mmm. Nice place. Yeah. I guess you could say that. That was good. -Dessert? -I bought my own. -You don't mind? -No. Mmm. [Buster] Damn. So where are you heading to? New Orleans. -Ohh. -Yeah. Mary mother of God is my old man going to squat. And whys that? Well for one thing, I cleared out my bank account. I just wish I could be there to see the look on his face, when he finds out. -He's not gonna be happy. -Hell no. Nope. Problem with him is there's always strings attached, you know? It's like it's got to be his way, or no way. [snickers] Yeah, yeah, I know how it is. -So what's your dessert? -Gin. -You want? -Mm-hmm. Here's to you. Hot damn, we have a dead soldier. Just hold on, hold on one second. My brother John... So you two run this place? You can say that. Here, here, you drink that. -[spit sounds] -[John chuckles] -What the hell is that? -It's moon shine, man. -Moon shine? -Hey, check this out. Oh... Christ. Let me see that. Whoa. Yeah, no they're all good. But this one's the A to close. See... Look at them big old titties how would you just like to nuzzle in there. And what you know about that? [Buster] No good. You get use to a lot of things. [radio begins playing] -Would you like to dance? -Yes, ma'am. -What is your name? -Kate. Hi, Kate. I'm Buster. [mimics wolf howl] Just ignore him. [wolf howl mimic continues] Take a power. Ohh-oooh-ohh. Just give me the bottle John. [mimics Kate's] Just give me the bottle, John. Give me the bottle! Whoa hey now, there's no call for that. -Hey. -You, come on. You're crowing me, you blow this, I'll take you down. [Buster] Uh... something happening here? What's happening here? No he just acts like a crazy fool, once he's been drinking. [chuckles] Oh yeah, I'm crazy. Would you stop it. -Stop it you fool! -Ooh-hoo-hoo. You better not, Johnny boy. Would somebody tell me what the hell is going on here? You're paying more attention to me. Liquors not the only thing, John can't hold. -Don't. -Word is he can't hold anything else either. -Don't. -Except his little girly cards. Aha. -Don't do this. -Too late. Those cards are as close to any real woman you're ever got good. Right Johnny boy? -I'm warning you. -Oh, I'm scared. Oh. [mimics wolf howl] -[Buster chuckles] -[Kate mimics wolf howl] [Kate chuckles] I warned you. -Now what? -I warned you. Hey now. [Buster] Hey now. Hey. [softly screams] [gasps] What have you done? -Is he dead? -I think so. You crazy bastard! You crazy, crazy bastard! -John killed him. -It's all her fault. [Kate] My fault? You stupid son of a bitch. Get off me! Oh, quiet down! I'll do that. Now. What the hell happened here? -Ask him!. -Oh no, I'm talking to you. We were all just playing around, and the next thing I know the egg's laying on the floor with a knife stuck in it. You idiots! How many times do I have to tell you, don't you ever get chummy with a trip! Tell him that! He's the one that go out the bottle. -Yeah but you drunk it too. -Now! I'm warning both of you, shut up. Did you at least get his story? Was he alone? -Yes. -You're sure? Yes. Anybody see him come in? -No, I don't think so. -You don't think so? She don't think so. Well the two of you sure better hope she is right. I-- got to figure out a way to get rid of the car. Then... Alright... Alright, the two of you just pat him down. Go ahead, pat him down. [grunting] [William] That's it, that's it John. Just lift him up. -[grunting] -[indistinctive grunting in distance] [William sighs] You alright? [John] Yeah, I'm good. [William] Bring it up here. Alright. Ready? Ready... S-set... -[loud grunt] -[loud splash] -[William] Good job. Mmm, that's nice. I'll take this one. [shopkeeper] There you go. -Hi. -[shopkeeper] Hello. [Kate] Oh! [commotion in background] [announcer] Yes-sir-re-bob... I'm mighty appreciative for all of ya'll coming out this afternoon. Modest and honesty is what you get with Jasper Fan. A vote for me, is a vote for you, fair and square. Now how's that jazz? Well like hell, that Jasper Fan won't dance with nobody... Except the voters. [crowd clapping] And vote Jasper Fan, He don't cut to a background in politics. You don't need. Jasper Fan don't cheat on the brothers. No-sir-re-bob. [indistinctive chatter in background] It's that one right there. Ain't you a little young to be gambling? Can I get a root beer. Looks like you go lucky. Luck didn't have anything to do with it. Pretty confident aren't ya? Well I am. I always win. -Maybe you'll tell me your secret. -I ain't handing that out. [chuckles] I mean these bumkins wouldn't even know a more game, if it showed it to them. Morten? -Are you law or something? -No, no. Nothing like that, I'm just... Like you, looking to make a little pocket money. Bartender. Morten. -How do you know? -See I've seen it done lots of times. I'm gonna play again in a minute, and I'll show you how good I am. Schnook, won't even know what hit him. Maybe I have an idea you might be interested. -What's that? -Maybe the two of us... -Go in together. -Huh? [man] Yeah. If you're as good as you say, I am willing to put up the money. -Then if you win-- -If I win? Mister, I've told you-- Then prove it. Shit... I don't know. Yeah... That's what I thought. -What -Forget it, son. [chuckles] My mistake. How much we talking about here? 200, for starters. -Yeah? -Yeah. -How you split it? -60/40. You're 40. So what do you say? I guess. Who wants to try prove the eye's quicker than the hand? [John] Two hundred dollars say's I can say. Ok. [scraping sounds] It's that one right there. That's pretty good. I bet you can't do it again. Say double or nothing? [chatter in background] Yeah. -It's right there. -This one right here? -Mm-hmm. -You sure? [person in background] Ooh... Go on get. -What happened? -I don't know. You little bastard, you said it was a sure thing. And I thought it was mister, honest. I swear I don't know what happened. I must have been wrong. You certainly were! And with my money! I said I was sorry. I just don't understand. Baby girls, we pulled in one hell of a score today. We? I brought most of that in. Oh bull shit you did. [Kate] I did too! [William chuckles] We. Come on in. -I don't want to boss in on anything. -No, we're all foo here. Kate, would you mind getting us two drinks? Ha, so... How was it out there today? -Like spit through a tin horn. -He was smooth Pop, he was smooth. You weren't so bad yourself kid. [William chuckles] Is it always this easy? Oh man I'm telling you, these apples out there are just begging to be picked. Here. Here's your end. Two, ten, five. Ok. -What about my cut? -Hmm, what? [Kate] My cut. -Your cut? -[Kate] That's right/ I pulled some of that in too. If he gets a cut, why can't I? -Ok... -I'll be damned. [William] Well, alright then. Here's your two, and here's your five. Come on. Come on. Take your money. [William chuckles] What do you say we toast? -To the apples. -To the apples. To the apples. [lighter clinks] [William yelling at Kate in background] [William] You can't lie to me! -[William] You can't lie to me! -[Kate squealing in distance] [William] Don't ever do that again. [William] Keep up your stubborn daughter ways and I'm going to kill you. [William] I'm gonna kill you if you do that! [Kate screaming] Stop it! [sighs] thought this time. Yeah... I really did. I know. [Kate] That was close, what the hell were you thinking? -[John] Hey. What did I do? -[Kate] Argh. Leave it. -[John] What did I do? -[Wade] Simmer down you two. -[Kate] Shut up! -[John] Crazy. [Kate] Oh, just shut up. Well hell... If he's gonna work the inside, he better finish the job. He left me to cool the lamb down on my won. But look. -Let me see it. -Get lost. Get lost. The thing is, I think the poor thing knew he was being tramped. He looked like he was gonna chill. Then he just melted like butter on the fourth of July. -High score. -Yeah. [sighs] You ought to do that more often. -What? -Smile. You're wasting your time. [sighs] You don't like me much, do you? Not much. Well that's ok, you don't have to spare my feelings or nothing. [sighs] -I don't get it. -What? What? Why you gotta act so tough. -You know, I thought we could be friends. -[sighs] Friends? That's good. You figure because we pull off a couple of scams together... Maybe you can pull one over on me too. Well you're full of yourself, ain't ya. Look, he wants you in, so you're in. I reckon I'll have to deal with that. But that's as far as it goes. You just do your job and I'll do mine. Ok. Still like your smile though. [soft moans in distance] You don't have to go, do you? Uh... not yet. Where are you supposed to be? I-uh... Business. Doesn't she ever wonder where you go? We weren't gonna talk about it, remember? Don't you just wish we could stay like this? -Or go away to come place cool. -Yeah. You do? S-sure. -Wh-what are you doing? -Getting dressed. -You're through with me, aren't you? -Hey. -You know how it is? -Sure. Do you think I wish things were different? Huh? Just for now, it's the way things have to be. OK? Come on... Come on... [whistles] -Where have you been? -Down at the River. It was hot, I couldn't sleep. -So you think you feel like sleeping now? -I believe so. Me, I've been feeling a little restless. -Do you want me to warm some milk? -Will you do that for me? You know I would. Oh. [chuckles] Just let me smell ya. [sniffs] I like the way you smell, baby doll. [sighs] What do you say, we call it a night? -Hmm? -[grunts] [acoustic guitar playing] [jingle playing] [gasps] Grace... Do you think we have been so horribly bad? You and I... Do they punish this way? Grace, don't talk like that. -Then why? -I don't know. That picnic at the quarry... That was the first time you kissed me. Drove me home... And Pop ran you off. Pop told me skedaddle, he'd throw me in the pond, and I'd be turtle food. I told Ona that night, that I was gonna marry you. And that we were gonna have ten children. Five boys... And five girls. -Maybe this is because of me? -Oh, oh Jackson. I never did deserve you. It's true. No. But I do love you, Grace. Whether we have ten children, or one... or none. I do love you. Where did you learn how to do that trick anyway? -Miami. -Yeah? -Yeah, you ever been? -No, I ain't ever been. Oh. The place is so full of swells waiting for a play, you almost get trampled in the rush. Yeah? [John] It's a neat trick. [Kate] Arkansaw. [Kate] Looks like he's alone. I'm game. [car door shuts in distance] -I'll be right with you. -Ok. -You look like you could use a cup of Joe? -Yeah, a coffee would be great. Thank you. We're all out of chicken, but we got meatloaf. And I believe we have one piece of lemon ice box pie left. I'll have that lemon pie. -Have you been on the road long? -A couple of days A couple of long days. -I know what you mean. -Yeah, took me a wrong turn back there somewhere... -Where you heading to? -Little Rock. Yeah, yeah, you took a wrong turn somewhere. [chuckles] I can show you on a map, if you want? Oh great, thanks. -Oh, I'll be right with you. -Oh no hurry. [man] How you doing? Oh, what's this? -Is this yours? -Nope. Miss I found this on the floor here. Whoa, whoa. [Kate] Jeepers. That's a lot of money. No identification. A customer must have left it, it was here about an hour ago. Sitting right there. [sighs] -Well what do we do about this? -Should probably give it to her. Why? Well it's just as much my money, as it is hers. Or yours for that matter. -Well, finders keepers. -Yep. -Finders keepers. -We can split it. What do you say? If he doesn't come back. I reckon it'd be ok. Yeah, we can give him until... Say midnight. Yeah sure, I guess that'd be fair enough. Well who holds on to it until then? -Well, I found it? -[chuckles] No deal. Why don't you hold on to it then? Huh? Whoa wait... I don't know either one of you. -Well no offense, but we don't know you either. -Well... [Kate] He'll probably come back for it anyways. Hold on a second, I got an idea. Yeah, I just bet you do. -I have 100 here, how about we all put in 100 in. -[Kate] a hundred? That's all the money I have in the world. Oh no, no. It's just for insurance. -I don't understand. -Explain it to her, will you? I think that means, that if we all have an interest... Then we all have an interest. Right. What's the worst that could happen? -He comes back and I get my $100 back. -Right. But if he doesn't... -Well hell, we all come a hundred dollars richer right? -[Kate chuckles] Maybe you didn't take such a wrong turn after all. Maybe I didn't. You can put it in here. And then I'll sit this up on the shelf. So we can all see it. Yeah but, no one touches it until midnight. -Right. -Right. Right, midnight. [Kate] wake up! Wake up, wake up! He's gone! He's gone with our money. I went upstairs, and when I got back he was gone! -That's just great. -It was everything I'd saved. I knew he was up to no good. -What are we gonna do now? -Did he say where he was going? -West somewhere? Kansas city I guess. -Yeah... Wait a minute, maybe you can go after him? He couldn't be that far ahead, and I was only gone a couple of minutes. If I find that son... If I catch up with him, I promise you I'll send you back every last penny of your money. -I know you will, I trust you. -I promise you. Hurry... Hurry! -[loud slaps] -[Kate gasping] -I told you to never go outside of us! -I didn't! What? You think I'm some kind of sucker of something? I know where you've been and I know who you've been with! Now you listen to me. -Did you lose your edge over him? -No. -No? -No, of course not, we just had a couple of laughs. Oh, a couple of laughs. -[loud slap] -[Kate] Ow! I'll give you all the laughs you want. Now, sit down. Did you put the touch on him? Huh? -Have you been working him, behind my back? -No. Jesus, here I am all over again. [William sighs] Did you blow our cover? -What? -I said, did you blow our cover? You taught me better than that! Oh yeah? And how is that? Tell me how does it go? Huh? How does that work? Well, for one thing, it doesn't pay to get too close to a chump, hell I know that! Could've fooled me. -And why is that? -Because... Why! Because when you get too close to a chump, there's a chance you might curdle the milk. Yeah. And you might lose your edge, and then you can bring us all down. That's right. [William] There is one more thing. If you ever... Ever go out on us again... I just don't know what I'm going to do, baby doll. Are we straight on that? Good. Now get the hell out of here. You look like shit. [snoring] [loud snores] Can I come in? Come on in. -[Wade] Rough Day? -You could say that. -What happened to your eye? -[Kate] I walked into a door. Aha. Well teach me the life in this old guitar, are about the only two things my daddy ever left me, except for a good ass whopping. Thank you. How long have you been on the Grift? Since I was 13. -Do any time? -Yeah. -You? -Why would I? I just slang hash for a living, remember? What were you in for? No way. I ain't gonna tell you. Think I'm some kind of shmo. -Already do. -Good point. Why don't you poor me another lick of that dog hair and maybe I'll tell you. [Wade] I use to have this partner. We were nothing but a couple of heel drifters, the both of us. Except we thought we were Joe Hemp. Is that a smile? Anyhow... We use to work this crazy block game, up and down the Texas pan handle. There was barely little risk to it. So very respectable Jack to be had. -And the girls were pretty. -Mm-hmm. So what we used to do is, we'd follow the rodeo into town. The way we saw it, is cowboys love to drink and spend their winnings... Most of them shit kickers had more money than brains anyhow. [Wade] So it was easy work. We found a flop house, wait for them to stumble in. I'd be sitting there in the corner, playing my guitar, and old Tulsa... he'd be on the strolls. -That's your partner? -[Wade] Mm-hmm. One particular night... This cowboy comes prancing in. He was hoping and hollering, throwing his money about. I could see old Tulsa licking his chops, because... Bucker-roo was buying his hype. [Wade] Tulsa was prime to put the touch on him... I swear to God that... We practically had our hands on the poke. And then what? Well the thing was, as it turns out. Our Tom Micks, wasn't with the rodeo at all... No Ma'am. Our cowboy was a... -Texas Ranger. -Ohh. -[Kate] That hurts. -Mmm. Kind of heard that lands your ten months in the stir. Chop and cutting, working the chain. What about your partner? Tulsa? Oh, he's still around. I run into him now and again. You ever think about squaring up? Sure, I thought about it. Me too. That's what my mama did. -Did she now? -Yeah. One day she just up and left. -Yeah? -It was a long time ago. I don't remember her though. Well I can't remember her face. She left when I was really young. I remember this dress she had... And it had all these flowers around the waist. And I remember her perfume. I don't blame her though. [Kate] So what about you? -Why don't you-- -Get out? Mm-hmm. Well, for one thing, money is too good. [Kate] Have you ever tried the long come? [Wade] No, no, that's not for me. That's too risky for my liking, I like to uh... Move it around a bit. Then why are you still here? You really gonna ask me that? Listen, you don't want to mix with me. -There's things that go on here. -Oh I no-- You know nothing 'bout it. I know doors don't have fists. -Save it, I don't cry. -Yes you do. Oh, and I reckon you'd like to dry my tears for me. If you'd let me, yeah. Boy, I've heard this kind of talk before. Not from me, you ain't. What makes you so different? You. Sweet talk and promises. I know all about sweet talk and promises. But I've never seen it come true. Try me. I don't cry. -Morning. -Morning. -Johnny boy. -Hey. Kate. Um... -Listen, about last night. -Forget about last night. -Now what's this about? -Last night was a mistake. A mistake? That's what it was for you? -Well, it wasn't for me? -Well, that's your problem. What about all that talk, Kate? About you and I squaring up, when the time gets right. Hmm? They're just words? Are they? Are they just words Kate? people say a lot of things. Look... When I do pick up... It's not going to be with some too big player, like you. You and me, there's no future in it. You read me? Yeah, I read you. [jingle] No, no, no! [heavy breathing] I told you to pull out. And why do you always go and ruin things, you stupid ass whore. I hate you. Wait, wait. We need to talk. Ok, I'm listening. You said once that you wish we could always be together. -Yeah I may have said something like that-- -You did. Ok? [gasps] What do you say... We blow the whole scene, get out of here... -[Jackson] What are you talking about? -[Kate] I've had it here. What I want to ask you, is... [sighs] Will you go away with me? You're gonna let her get away with that? -[Kate] I am scared. -You're gonna let her get away with it? Uh... Well I can't ever leave Grace... -If I gave you that impression, I'm sorry... -Impression? I mean, I can never do that to her. But you can do it to me? Well... Sh-She's my wife. And I'm what? -What? You can say it. -Come on. You knew what this was, when we started. -[sighs] -Wha-wh... [grunts] Ever since I can remember, someone's been using me for one thing or another. Well, that's not fair. You got plenty out of this too. [sighs] This time I thought it was gonna be different. It was. Things change. Some things. No. [loud slap] Are you sure you don't mind? Oh, of course not. It'll look better on you, and I won't be able to wear it too much longer. Oh, Grace, I am so happy for you. Thanks. I feel good about this one. I really, I really do. Honey, so do I. -[thunder in distance] -Ooh. -Looks like it's fixing a storm, I better get going. -Alright. -You get home safe, bye. -Bye darling. Oh, Jackson. [sighs] Oh, Jackson. [gasps] Grace? -Hey there, Jackson. -What are you doing? -[chuckles] -What's going on? Oh, we just thought we'd stop by. -You know, make a call. -What? A call, you know a visit, a <i>rondeau.</i> Speaking of <i>rondeau,</i> your little wife has been wondering where you've been. -What? -[Grace] What is he talking about? It-it's alright. Please don't. Oh, I'm afraid it's a little ate for that. Jackson, what is going on here? It-It's over. It's ended. Well, so I hear. Why are you doing this? Well your wife and me have just been itching... To find out, where you've been. [John chuckles] Hot damn. Ain't we? Yes. Ok, that's it. Get out of here! -Get out! -[William] Whoa, whoa. -We ain't through here yet. -Yes you are. Maybe your wife would like to hear my version of the story. Would you? Would you? Jackson, please tell me what this is all about. Don't upset her, she's expecting a baby. Oh, that's so sweet. Well we are waiting. Oh, God. Grace... If you won't tell her, I will. I've been somewhere. You've been somewhere. With someone. You've been somewhere, with someone? Yes. Tell with who. I-I've have been with Kate. What? What? I'm sorry. Oh, God. Oh, God. -There was no need to hurt her like this. -Yeah well, I thought there was. I'd love to stay and watch your pathetic little scene here, but... I'm through here. Come on, John. No, no, no, no please. No, no, no! Leave her alone! Leave her alone! [whimpering] -[loud gunshot] -Oh! [sobbing] Um, I wanna... I dunno where you find the nerve showing your face in here. What? I'll handle this Gracie. We all know what you did. Thanks to you my sister and her husband separated. It was cruel what your father did. And to someone who's never hurting anyone, her entire life. I hope you're satisfied. Oh, what's got you all twisted? I guess I don't like being spied on. I don't like being lied to. I told you it was over. [William chuckles] Yeah right. The two of you were just talking up old times I guess, in the bone orchard. Get wise. You didn't have to do that. I thought he deserved it. -You muddied the water. -No, you did. I told you to stay away from him, didn't I? I warned ya. Yeah, you warned me. Could've been no. It was more than just having a couple of laughs. Maybe you uh, had a double cross on. No. What's the beef? Everybody hates me now. Oh, you're breaking my heart. [William] With your long face act. Come on now. You never cared, what other people though. And since when did you have a heart? You better close it, if you know what's good for you. Why don't you ever talk about her? Why would I? I've got a right to know. All you need to know... Is that she left you. End of story. But that is not the end of the story, is it? What do you mean by that? You've never been able to let it go. It gnaws at you, doesn't it? No. I think it does. I just said, it doesn't. Then why's she got you all in such a tangle. I'm not. Is it because the double cross sticks in your gut, like nothing else? [John laughs] What's a matter with you lately? -I'm just curious about my mother, that's all. -Well don't be! She was a lying whore. Who didn't give a damn about any of us. Is that what you wanted to hear, baby doll? Because that's all there is. And talking about her, ain't gonna change nothing. [William chuckles] It ain't gonna change nothing. [William laughs] Pssh, maybe. I bet this guy needs our expertise. Ha. -Hey. You need a hand? -[Huge] Yeah thanks. What seems to be the problem? I don't know, it just quit on me. Do you mind if my son takes a look at it? -No, not at all, go ahead. -Alright. [car door closes] [engine not starting] I don't know. I think it might be the starter. [William] What do you say we give you a ride? [William] And I can have the tow truck come out here and pick up the car. [Huge] I sure appreciate this. [Huge] Hugh Babcock. Holy shit, William, William Bender. And this is my son John. -Hey John. -Hi. -Nice to meet you. Let me just get my briefcase. If I could get to a telephone Mr. Bender, oh in my business... Functionality is paramount. -What business is that? -Stocks. -You ever played the market, Mr. Bender? -No. Oh, thanks. I assure you, Mr. Adams, I've already made an excellent profit for another client, with a similar investment. [Huge] Yes sir. [Huge] Everything's in place. [Huge] Yes. [Huge] Yes sir, but now I must remind you that the excess of this venture... hinges on our prompt action. Well, I really need a commitment for you today. Aha... But that is why I already gave you a week to think. [Huge] Aha. [Hugh] Yes alright, I suppose I can give you until morning. Then I'm gonna have to move, Mr. Adams. I don't intend to let... 50 thousand dollars slip through my hands. [Hugh] Yes sir. [Huge] Alright, tomorrow morning then. How about some supper? -[chuckles] Come to think of it, I'm a little peckish. -Ok. It sure was a stroke of luck you coming around when you did. You get through your phone call ok? Yes sir, but uh, what's that saying? Best late plans? Uh, the worm usually turns. I beg your pardon? What I mean is... Sometimes the plans we make so haywire. And we think all is lost. And then! The worm turns. And a better plan falls right into our laps. See that's what happened to me here. I know I don't look like much, but this is not the whole story. [Kate] Oh, he don't want to hear that. Oh, sure I do. Well, when I was a young, and I joined the army. Right off the bat they shipped me to the front. And while I was there... I met a solider of the name, Tom McGrew. Well, we used to talk about our plans, things we would do after the war. And I told him about my dream. [William] To some day, have an Inn. Well, Tom came from big money. His family was rich, but me, I was the son of a dirt poor farmer from Mississippi. And one night, there was an ambush... And Tom... He was hit. And he got hurt real bad. Real bad. I could tell. I couldn't just leave him there to die. [William] He'd know the others warned me too. But no, I did what anyone would do, I went back, pick him up and carried him through the cross fire, back to the regiment on the other side. And Tom, he died right there in my arms. [William sighs] Ah, he would have done the same for me? Anyway. After the war, I went back home. And one day this fella turns up at the door, with a letter. -And in it is the deed of-- -This? For this place. 15-acres, With a check for 50-thousand dollars. -From Tom's family. -Wow. There you go though. The worm sure returns. [William] Now, what you feel like? Think you might wanna have a drink? I feel like... Having a drink, Mr. Babcock? Yes sir. Sounds good. Please, call me Hugh. Hugh. So, your father's sick? Dying's more like it. He owns 1000 shares at Petroleum International. Is that a lot? Substantial enough. It's about to make a comeback. Tomorrow afternoon, all the smart brokers will be buying up in blocks for next to nothing. That don't sound legal. Well, it's done all the time. This uh, Adam fella you were talking to on the phone before, he's a... -He has a conscience. -He has a conscience. Not that I don't mind it, but the man is on his death bed, he has no relatives. Look, I'm not crazy about taking advantage of a dying man, but I'm not a bad guy... I'm as good as next to fella, honest I am. But hell, this is gold. You seem like an honorable man, William. What would you do in this situation? I mean I'm thinking it might be about time for you to cut this Adam's fella loose. Surly you have plenty of clients? I'm out of time. I've only got until noon tomorrow. -Uh, it's not like it's the end of the world. -But it is. I probably shouldn't even tell you this. But the fact is... I'll never join in one of my clients assets. [Hugh] I know I shouldn't have done that. I was gonna return the money. Honest I was. Here. [heavy breathing] -I'm sorry. -It's alright. -I'm sorry. -No, it's alright. It's alright, come on. Is there anything that I can do? No. Not unless you want to buy in. How much? What? Well, I've got this little nesting oven... Saving up on... I'm thinking maybe it's time for me to put it to work. -You serious? -I don't know what to say. Well, hell, I have to meet this dying fella first. You know, I may be a country boy but I-I ain't no fool. No problem, I can arrange that! Now hold on, I want to warn you, this old fella he's sick, -He-he don't smell to good. -Here's to the future. Alright, to our future. [chocking sound] [old man coughing] Excuse me mister, uh, what did you say your name was? -William Bender. -Huh? This is Mr. Bender. Remember? He's the gentleman who's offered to buy your Petroleum stock. Oh... That's right. [continues coughing] What do you consider a fair price? Mr. Bender has consented to offer you $550. Ah, 550... That ain't much. Well, no sir, it's not. But it is more that's worth to you now. Well I, I can't take it with me. [all men chuckle] I never had much luck with the stock market, I certainly hope you do better with it. I got these arthritis fingers here, if you could guide my hand. -Yes sir. -Guide my hand. Yeah. Henry Adams. -With two D. -Two D? [coughing] [Hugh] OK. [chuckles] Thank you. [coughing continues] [indistinctive chatter] Andrew Tracey. That's our stock right there. It should start to fall, anytime now. -Are you sure about this? -Yeah, just watch. That's the list of speculators. Petroleum International, Up one half. Up one half. Here we go. We'll sell it when it reaches six. Petroleum International, four and a half. Four and a half, Petroleum International. Petroleum International six. I got that six. Time to sell. [clears throat] [indistinctive chatter in background] [chatter in distance] This guys on the Grift. -You're crazy. -Am I? Yeah, Pa would know. Yeah maybe. [Kate] Or maybe he's planning to take a powder. [Kate] Leave us in the clutch. -Na. -Well then you tell me. When was the last time he worked an angle, without us? Huh? -I don't know? -Never. So now he makes the play, it's a big one. He gets the score. You and me, we get nothing. We see nothing. If you ask me, I think it smells. -Yeah, I would like to have some of that loot. -Exactly. Only you're not going to get any of it. And neither am I. We're not gonna do anything about it either and he knows that. We're just a couple of schnooks to him, that's what we are. He's such a bastard. Only maybe we should do something about it. Maybe it's time we protect our interests for a change. -How? -I don't know. But I gotta know. I got to know right now, if you're with me. Yeah, yeah. You gotta trust me. And you can't louse this up. -So, are you with me? -Yeah, I said yeah. Good. [sighs] Well that's right. But didn't it work out for you yesterday? -Yeah, but uh... -This isn't a bit difference. Stakes are higher sure, but so is the return. Look, if you hadn't come through for me yesterday I would have been sunk. I want to do this for you, William. Hey, here Comes Kate, why don't you ask her? He makes up his own mind. Alright now, just hear him through. There is another stock in the offering, it's our chance to make some serious money. Now your father here, likes to play it close to the best. [Hugh] And don't get me wrong, I can surly understand that, money being as hard it is to come by these days... -But this is big! -Aha. Ok, well what I've been proposing is, we put our resources together... And we go for it. It's a chance we can make a couple hundred thousand. Each. What do I get out of it? Now she has a tendency to forget her manners. Like I said, he makes up his own mind. I've been listening to everything you say... And I've been thinking about it. Opportunities like this do not knock on your door every day. How right you are. -Yesterday was a beauty. -Yeah it was. So I, I think I'm gonna do it. -Alright now you're talking. -Hey, it's a deal. -It's a deal. -Alright. [both laughing] You trying to wreck the joint? He's on the Grift. The things is, He doesn't even know he's on the Grift. So how are we gonna play him? Straight as an arrow, baby doll. Straight as an arrow. [Hugh] You ready to get rich? I thought I was rich, already. Hell, that was nothing. I'm telling you, after today you'll be living on easy street, dining on T-bone steaks. But place your order before two. It's gonna jump like a penny off the Empire State building, but then it's gonna jump. We wait until it hits eight, then we dump it. Ben motor works, up five, eight. Poetry tear down two. [man] Down two, Lords greeting. Hands trading up one half. Trading up, one half. Anderson up to seven. Anderson, up to seven. Anderson eight. Anderson eight. Here we go. Hey, come on, let's go! [loud whistle] [Hugh] Let's go, let's go! -[man] Hey! -[loud gunshot] [Hugh] Let's go! [William] Come on keep moving, keep moving. [Hugh] I swear to God I didn't know there would be trouble up there. -I think you did. -What? -Shut up, Kate. They're gonna be looking for us. I think that's them. -Oh, my God. -It is them. -Damn. Here, you take this. Here! You just stay with her now. -Are you going somewhere? -John good. Where's William? -[chuckles] You poor sap. -Huh? -Get out of the car, asshole. -What? What's going on? -You heard him. -Let's go you poor sap. -[Hugh] You're kidding me? -[John] No I ain't, move it. This time I didn't load it with blanks. You're not kidding. Whoa. Wait a minute. -You can't do this. -Oh yeah, who said? Is it the money? Listen to me, is that it? Is that right? The money? Cause if it's just the money you want, you can have it, take it, all of it. Kate. Kate! Come on now. Come on now, you don't have to do this. You can have it all. Please don't-- [loud gunshot] Let's go. I said let's go! -So what's the skinny? -Drop you off at the cemetery. Wait for me there. -What? That wasn't the plan. -It is now. -Hold a minute. - I told you, you're gonna have to trust me. Yeah that's a good one. Ok, you keep the suitcase with you, how's that? Ok. Sounds good. Lay low until I get back. -Where is he? -I don't know? He just ran. He shot him and made off through the woods. That little shit. -Where can he go? -How do I know? The cemetery. That bitch. Stupid whore! God dammit. [car approaching] Hey. where is the Whore? Where is she? -God dammit she pulled one over on us! -Shit! -Where is she? -Get in the car, you drive! Here we go, that a boy. What took you so long? What Kind of game are you playing? -Huh? -[loud gunshot] It's called a truth game. Alright. You might as well get the skinny, you deserve to know. The twist threw me over. -Who did what? -Oh, you shut up. Can you believe it, baby doll? -It's not hard, and I'm not your baby doll. -Yeah... Well. I couldn't just let her get away with that, you know how it is baby doll. I'm beginning to, so tell me. -Am I-- -Mine... No. You were just a score. Who was she? Only the smoothest operator I ever knew. She came to me with a scheme, ok. I was supposed to believe she had a primal mark... And I was supposed to lay low. But then she falls in love with the lean. Now what was I supposed to do? So I took the thing that she loved the most. You, baby doll. -He was my father? -Yeah, I guess so. Why don't you just give me that suitcase and forget about all this? -It's that simple, huh? -John. -[gunshot] -Why don't you tell him about that body you left? [Kate] Johnny boy. -Yeah I did I-- -Shut up. Just cut the crap and give me that money! -No. -You can't say that. [both grunting] -[Kate screams] -[loud gunshot] [John] Are you looking for this? -Yeah. -You tried to hand me the blow off, didn't ya? Oh get wise Johnny boy, it was the only way. -Look we got to go. -No, you listen to me now, bitch. Ok, I've got the cards. For once, I don't need your opinion for anything. You know? You're right. I know. -You got plenty there to hopscotch. -Yeah, you bet I do. [sighs] Only I know where there's more. Yeah I'm sure you know. Three times what you got there. You don't think he was lame enough to put up the whole nut, do you? We have enough for a real class set up. The real money is in the long con. I know that. Why should I trust you? -Suit yourself. -No, wait, you said three times? On second thought I think I will go it alone. No, just wait just... Where is it? Tell me where it is? It's in the car shed. Ok. Let's go. [glass shattering] -[William] Hey! -[Kate] Oh! [panting] [grunting] Ah! Ah! Ah! [William grunting] [William moaning in pain] [Kate panting] [William grunting] Baby doll? Baby doll? [grunts] Oh, baby doll? You know what happens when an animal gets cornered? He gives off the scent of death. [sniffs] Oh, I know you're here. [chuckles] -[Kate] Ah! -[William whimpers in pain] -[Kate] Ah! -[William] Jez baby. Jesus! Don't, don't. Oh you, no, no! -[match flickers] -Baby doll. Oh, no! [William screaming in pain] [screaming continues] Baby doll. [voice over] <i>They found William's charred</i> <i>body the next day.</i> <i>Nobody around here cried.</i> <i>I reckon him burning to death</i> <i>was a right fitted end</i> <i>to a wicked life.</i> <i>And it weren't no more</i> <i>than he deserved.</i> <i>Now John, he was found guilty</i> <i>of killing Buster.</i> <i>And they set him up to Brush</i> <i>mountain where he never again</i> <i>saw the light of day.</i> <i>Aunt Grace forgave Uncle Jack.</i> <i>They never again spoke of what</i> <i>happened that summer.</i> <i>And not long after that,</i> <i>Aunt Grace had the baby she</i> <i>was longing for.</i> <i>Mama said that child was</i> <i>nothing short of a flat out</i> <i>miracle from heaven.</i> [indistinctive chatter] Adams and Shooties. [in distance] My pleasure. <i>As for Kate, nobody knows for</i> <i>sure what became of her.</i> <i>Most folks was just</i> <i>glad she was gone.</i> <i>Maybe she was born bad,</i> <i>like mama and them said.</i> <i>They never really could</i> <i>be like the rest of us.</i> <i>But me...</i> <i>What I like to believe is...</i> <i>She got out, just like</i> <i>she always wanted too.</i> <i>And maybe, well just maybe...</i> <i>The spell of that old</i> <i>devil moon got broken.</i> <i>Maybe it was finally</i> <i>smiling down on her.</i> <i>At last.</i> [soft music] [music fades softly]
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Keywords: the grift, the grift movie, the grift full movie, the grift action drama movie, movies, full movies, free movies, action drama movies, action movies, drama movies, Maury Chaykin, Sara Downing, John Savage, Misha Collins, Billy Burke, watch action movies on, watch action movies on youtube, watch action movies online free, watch action movies on youtube for free, filmisnow, filmisnow movies, filmisnow full movies
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Length: 104min 21sec (6261 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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