Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Triple Episode: First Day at School! | Cartoons For Kids

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i knew this shortcut through the meadow wasn't a good idea you'll be late for school lucy but i love going this way we might meet my little elf and fairy friends again lucy the other day when we thought we saw elves and fairies it was a very hot day and i'm afraid we let our imaginations run away with us there really aren't any such things as fairies and elves good morning lucy's dad ah good morning little elf hi lacey hi ben and holly come on lucy you'll be late for school um bye little people i'm going to school it's nature day can we come it'd be a brilliant adventure yes no no i forbid it remember we mustn't be seen by big people but i've seen you and so has my dad but you're nice it's just other big people we can't trust oh don't worry i'll go with them and we'll keep well hidden hooray okay but if you do get seen pretend to be a toy like this i'm a toy yes yes whatever come on lucy say goodbye to your um little friends yes daddy quick into my pocket [Music] bye lucy pick you up later this is my school wow so many big children stay hidden we mustn't be seen good morning children good morning miss cookie today we are learning about wonderful things in nature like fluffy our hamster who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mammal is he a mammal yes well done lucy its proper name is mesocriquetas auratus its proper name is mesocritic auratus goodness i think we'll just stick with fluffy oh no gaston smelt the bananas he likes bananas gaston here boy stop come back nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called gaston and he's a boy very funny lucy is it a ladybird yes or you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat gaston likes pies and spaghetti bolognese pies and spaghetti bolognese no ladybirds eat things like green flies let's keep the ladybird in this jar i know gaston's trapped we'll let her go later i hope gaston will be all right don't worry i'll get him out of the jar but you'll be seen it's all right ben i'll be very careful miss cookie there's a fairy walking across my desk a fairy let's have a look nanny the teacher's coming pretend to be a toy oh yes i'm a toy oh a little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember what our rule is no toys in class that's right i'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it back at the end of the lesson all right yes miss cookie but miss cookie it was a real fairy thank you katie let's carry on shall we oh what's this she's got nanny's wand it's sparkly [Music] that girl doesn't know she's doing magic miss cookie there's a frog on my desk oh what oh where did he spring from well well can anyone tell me what kind of animal a frog is wow it's a kitten it's not a kitten oh my goodness it is a kitten we have to stop her i'll do a spell to lift the wand out of her hand uh zooby zoopy's hair float in the air oh dear i didn't mean to lift her as well miss cookie katie's out of her seat sit down please katie [Music] good she's dropped the wand i'll go and get it wait for me miss cookie there's an elf and a fairy walking across my desk quick pretend to be toys what a pretty fairy doll and a handsome elf are they yours as well lucy yes miss cookie i think i'll put these toys in the drawer as well what are you two doing here we tried to get your wand but a boy saw us did you pretend to be toys yes manny good well i think we've been very clever so far no one knows we're not toys but we're shut in the teacher's drawer and we haven't got our wands yes i think we'll have to call for a little help elf rescue hello well if it isn't nanny plum let me guess the big children have seen you you've lost your wand and you've been locked in a cupboard no you've got it all wrong we've been locked in a draw oh all right i suppose i'd better rescue you elf helicopter is go i'm on my way sit tight and don't do any magic he's on his way [Music] lucy lucy oh hello wise old al are you here to rescue ben and holly yes watch an elf ninja at work [Applause] oh bother miss cookie there's an elf on a string oh this is an odd-looking doll yours as well lucy uh yes miss cookie i'll put this funny-looking goblin in the drawer with the rest of the toys funny-looking goblin funny goblin ah it's the wise old elf here to rescue us yay uh yes hello i never thought i'd be so glad to see you what's the rescue plan uh will you make a hole in the drawer with a special elf rescue drill uh no getting locked in the drawer was not part of my plan it wasn't no it's all right lisey's teacher will let us out at the end of the lesson home time children oh lucy let me give you your toys back i said it was risky but oh no you don't listen oh it's all right they all think we're toys ah guys oh i must have imagined it right um here are your toys back lucy the pretty fairy the handsome elf the fairy godmother and the strange old goblin madam for your information i am not a goblin i'm an elf well done wise old elf so much for not being seen by big people now miss cookie knows about us don't worry i'll sort it out hello miss cookie you must promise not to tell any of your friends that you've been seeing elves and fairies no i promise i won't tell anyone any of my friends that i've been seeing elves and fairies thank you so much bye can i have my lady bird back your ladybird okay [Music] by the way he's a boy and he loves spaghetti bolognese don't you gaston bye now i've seen everything cheerio [Music] hi dad hi lucy good day great so what did you do at school today uh well bye lucy can we have our wands back of course see you again soon cheerio lucy's dad uh cheerio you'll never in a million years guess what i saw today an elf in a helicopter don't tell me you've seen them too um yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves eh yeah good idea i think we got away with that only a couple of people saw us they say and her dad and all her friends and her teacher thanks to the wise old alf yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves yes what's it worth now as you can see ben the cabbages are ready to eat yes dad fascinating things cabbages yes dad today we'll be harvesting them then we can have cabbage soup every night yes dad we can have cabbage soup monday cabbage soup tuesday cabbage soup wednesday cabbage soup hi ben oh hi holly we're off to miss jolly snail riding club yeah snails horrible things no they're adorable there's dobbin and robin hurt he's the cheeky one i want to ride cupcake he's lovely they're all lovely snails are not lovely they eat up my cabbages but they're so fun to ride would you boys like to come along riding club sounds a bit girly to me it's not girly the snails can go pretty fast i suppose we could try it yes cowboys ride don't they we could wear our cowboy hats all right let's go just keep those snails away from my cabbages here we are miss donny's riding club but where's miss jolly [Music] trigger steady boy hello everyone my name is joey are you ready for a good day's riding yes miss charlie spiffing i see we have some cowboys here today yeehaw [Music] one thing to remember snails don't like loud noises they're quite shy yes miss jolly don't worry trigger the cowboy is your friend jolly gourd let's go and meet your snails here are dobin muffin cupcake they're so adorable toffee bobby speedy robin hood and samson uh miss jolly yes samson doesn't seem to have a shell that's because he's a slug a slug who would want to ride a slug now children you must never walk behind a snail why not it might give you a jolly good cake that's why speedy's got a bit of spirit you need to get to know your snails hold out your hand so they can sniff it hello bobby the snails will be shy until they get to know you give bobby the pat on the shell come on bobby don't be frightened [Music] well done now she's your friend can we ride them now first there's jobs to be done like marking out the stables what's mucking out cleaning up snail poo snail poo everyone take a bucket and spade off you go snail poo it's all smelly and squelchy that's the spirit excellent and now you must all wash your hands next it's grooming what's grooming cleaning and polishing everyone take a brush and give the shells a jolly good scrub will bring speedy now easy now we just want to polish your shell whoa steady boy he's a bit frisky this one good boy bobby's looking very nice so is stopping look at lovin he's so shiny excellent job lovely well done now before we ride the blighters they need some nosh what's nash food everybody take some vegetables and hold them out for the snails here's a cover swabin hood hey bye bobby a lovely cabbage leaf they like fresh vegetables they're so hungry oh yes they'd eat all day if you let them now time for the riding everybody choose a snail oh can i ride bobby please yes i'm on a snail all right robin hood [Music] i'll ride muffin tuffy cupcake i like speedy ah the thing is speedy hasn't been broken in yet what do you mean i mean no one has ever ridden him he's too frisky yes he's a young one full of beans you know can i be the first to ride speedy today you can have a go but you need to get on his back and he'll try and throw you off sounds like a job for an elf cowboy i like your spirit cowboy van [Music] easy now speedy steady boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've never seen anything like it well done cowboy ben yeehaw [Music] so young jake what's it to be dobby or samson um maybe it's strange isn't it samson no one ever seems to want to ride you never mind you stay here and have a rest off we go then uh miss jolly yes how do we tell snails to move tell them to trot on trot on let's go snail riding wonderful day for a snail ride what where are we going just around the meadow uh miss jolly samson the slug is following us oh i see keep going i'll catch you up in a minute now then you naughty slug you're not meant to be on the ride back to the stables with you keep up everyone hmm which way now miss jolly said just round the meadow hmm this way then [Music] what's happening well i suppose he knows where he's [Music] all right elves let's get these cabbages loaded it's a bumper crop yes we managed to keep all the pests off them this year no green fly no caterpillars and most important of all no snails [Applause] [Music] [Music] get off me vegetables [Music] [Music] it's no good they're [Music] snails stop you cheeky little snails cheeky they've eaten half our cabbages well if you will grow such delicious cabbages what do you expect but but children did you all have a nice ride today yes thank you miss joy it's a pleasure and we should also say a jolly big thank you to mr elf for giving the snails such a lovely lunch it was my pleasure mind you if they're going to eat at your place again they really like lettuce the best grow a bit of that next time all right people think snails are a pest but they're adorable really yes they're so lovely and cute and cuddly [Music] ah i do love a good picnic yes nothing beats eating in the great outdoors sandwich mrs elf thank you queen thistle sandwich darling mmm yummy honey sandwiches my favorite ah buzz off go away daddy they're only bees well i don't like them they're good for nothing good for nothing the honey in your sandwich comes from bees no it doesn't honey comes from a jar daddy didn't you go to school dear yes king school we learned to wave ben's right king thistle bees do make honey really how do they do that then it all starts with a flower the bees eat sweet nectar from the flower they eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and yes thank you mrs elf when they've eaten lots of nectar they take it back to make honey in the beehive i'd love to see the beehive i'll take you there if you like good idea mr elf and while you're at it can you get me some more honey of course your majesty we'll bring you back a nice fresh jar of honey mr l how many bees live in the hive oh there are thousands of bees in a hive thousands wow they must make a right old racket oh yes get ready for the loud buzzing it will be very noisy indeed oh it's very quiet wise old elf where are all the bees they've gone gone yes flown off we're waiting to see if they come back there that's the queen bee the rest of them always follow her good she's let them all back into the hive [Music] everyone relax all's back to normal now then ben and holly what can we do for you we've come to see how bees make honey well you've come to the right place this is the beehive and i'm the bee keeper we need a jar of honey for the king no problem so i suppose we go in and get some where's the door hang on nanny plum you can't just walk into the hive there's thousands of bees in there with thousands of stings and they wouldn't be too pleased if we tried to take away their honey oh so what do we do first we make the bees sleepy oh well it um involves magic but i thought you didn't like magic i don't but when i'm about to walk into a nest of angry bees i'm prepared to bend the rules who does the magic oh any old fairy will do nanny plum can you do a sleep spell for me all right then oh nanny not the wise old elf the bees why doesn't he say what he means [Music] what what happened right so just to be clear you want me to magic the bees to sleep if you wouldn't mind yes [Music] they're all asleep good now it will be much safer so now do you go in and get the honey not quite yet we need a fail safe a fail safe what's that extra safety in case our first safety measure fails watch this it's very clever what's he doing nanny goodness knows it'll probably be stupid but funny ta-da told you he's dressed as a bee yes so if the bees do wake up they'll think i'm a bee and not sting me you'll fail safe yes ben now i simply fly into the hive but you can't fly that's where the elf helicopter comes in lift me up lifting bees asleep check the costume on check job for honey check go go go now watch a beekeeper at work calm safe and sensible i'm a bee buzz buzz buzz lower me in i'm inside take me down all this for a jar of honey yes it's very exciting too far up a bit now left a bit the bees will wake up soon if he doesn't get a move on i'm in position quick wise old elf [Music] the bees are waking up come on wise old elf hurry up there we are done calm safe and sensible hey ah nice bees uh just borrowing a bit of honey and i'm a bee buzz buzz [Music] mission accomplished calm safe and sensible what are those bees doing nanny they seem to be following him ah be swarm get me out of here look there's loads more of them why are they following him maybe they think he's the queen bee ah faster [Music] hold on we're almost at the little castle thank goodness the windows open hmm bit of a draft in here let's close the window yeah goodness me wise old elf what are you ah my jar of honey what an amazing delivery service you're even dressed as a bee [Music] yes let me in what are you playing at what's going on bees bees ah yes i used to be frightened of bees too but it turns out they're quite useful shush who switched the lights out follow me quietly your majesty where are we going [Music] wise old elf there better be a good reason for this or good grief what are those bees doing ah the bees have decided that the little castle is their new home your majesty what but looking on the bright side you can have all the honey you can eat why have they all come here they followed me because they think i'm the queen bee well i don't want them on my castle if the bees notice us they'll follow me again oh i see well why didn't you say so hello bees he's over here cooy get me out of here don't worry why zodel i've got you wait what about my honey [Music] they're getting closer try to shake them off i'll try going lower aren't we a bit near this there's the queen bee i mean the wise old elf hey come the bees come on here's your queen bee and that is how you get a jar of honey calm safe and sensible ah what's the matter haven't you ever seen a beekeeper in his underpants before calm safe and sensible yes exactly it's all quite easy when you're an expert beekeeper like me in that case can you fetch me a jar of honey too no at least perhaps not today
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 3,884,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: XBKhxA9yUJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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