Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Dinner Party! - Full Episode | Kids Adventure Cartoon

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today's adventure starts at the little castle dinner party [Music] nanny plum your pie mash and chips is delicious what's for pudding i hope it's not too heavy trick or sponge pudding with blemonge and custard excellent nanny plum is the best cook in the little kingdom i say nani plum is the best cook in the whole world oh thank you your majesty hello hello queen merrick old here it's king and queen marigold oh no they're so boring and snooty we were just eating a lovely meal of spinach with seafoam when we thought how nice it would be if you joined us for dinner tomorrow they've invited us for dinner tomorrow oh no don't worry i'll handle this sorry we can't come for dinner oh dear what a shame i know you hardly ever get to eat good food what i'll have you know we have the best cook in the whole world you have the best cook in the whole world yes oh well then we must come to you for dinner instead see you tomorrow tune up here i've got some good news and some bad news what's the good news we're not going to king and queen marigolds for dinner tomorrow hey what's the bad news they're coming here i know what are we going to do king and queen marigold will want to eat something special luckily we have the best cook in the whole world nanny plum oh thank you your majesty what about baked potato stuffed with potato with chips and mash and a fried egg on top no nanny they will want special modern food i can cook porridge that's not modern food what is modern food mummy it is very delicate food in tiny portions i can do tiny portions well done nanny that is small of course it will get bigger when the magic wears off when is the magic going to wear off nanny um about now excuse me it's not just the size of the food nanny modern cooking is fussy no problem nanny has until tomorrow evening to come up with something uh yes your majesty good that's that sorted nanny what are you going to do uh i don't know [Music] morning holly you coming out to play no ben i need to help nanny learn how to cook but nanny plums are very good cook she is the best cook in the world ben but she can't cook modern food why does she need to cook modern food it's what king and queen marigold like and they're coming to dinner tonight what nanny needs is a cookbook come on wait for me [Music] where are we going the great elf library excuse me wise old elf shush this is a library sorry we need a book of modern cooking for nanny plum but nanny plum is an excellent cook yes she's the best cook in the whole world but she can't do modern cooking hmm let's see the elf book of pies the world of spaghetti and mash complete history of egg sandwiches is there anything modern what exactly is modern cooking princess holly it is food that's very delicate and special and not porridge oh wait a minute this doesn't look like an elf book that's because i'm not ah a magical fairy book what's that doing in my elf library there are no words in the book i am a magical cookie book where are all your recipes oh if you tell me what you want to cook i will tell you how to cook it we want to cook a special modern meal please uh very modern certainly you will need the following ingredients potato carrot onion peas and cheese that doesn't sound very special shush i am thinking voila one recipe for a very modern meal right this is a library can i borrow this book wise old elf you can keep it princess holly fairy books do not belong in the elf library thank you king and queen marigold how lovely to see you hello darling it's always a pleasure to visit your little kingdom i hope you're hungry nanny's been in the kitchen all day we haven't eaten a thing since breakfast we didn't want to spoil a dinner made by the best cook in the whole world i wonder if baked beans are modern nanny we've got a magic cookbook hello nanny plum oh you found my cookbook where was she she was in the elf library what were you doing in there i was getting very bored the book knows a recipe for a modern meal oh god what are the ingredients a potato an onion some beef and cheese but that's what i would normally cook yes the ingredients are simple but the way we cook them is not now boil a pot of water chopped potato carrot onion peas and cheese and put them into the pot boil for one minute and then collect the steam and serve is that it it is a very delicate dish it's so good of you to have us at such short notice no trouble at all we can't wait to see what the best cook in the world cooks for dinner sorry that's my tummy i'm just so looking forward to this lovely meal dinner is served enjoy your meal majesties oh yes such a delicate flavor so subtle nanny your majesty what's this called cloud of vegetable soup it's just steam such as sensitive dish how wonderful i can barely taste it does it come with any potatoes uh no nanny i'm hungry me too no problem these leftover potatoes carrots onions peas and cheese have made a lovely soup um this steam is delicious of course but will there be anything else to follow yes even though it's very filling i could eat a tiny something more i could eat a lot lot more what that lovely smell it's coming from the kitchen this is delicious nanny um it's the best ice here what's this it's just the children's supper it smells very nice it's only some soup i made from the leftovers it's not very modern you wouldn't like it could i try just a little bit [Applause] the taste is there tasty can i try some too and me and me [Music] oh yes so filling oh marvelous nanny in i have an announcement to make nenny plum is indeed the best cook in the whole world hey thank you very much now what would everyone like for pudding something modern or my treacle pudding
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 4,893,868
Rating: 4.1623683 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum, ben and holly dinner party, ben and holly dinner party full episode, dinner party
Id: 72NGe6v1r08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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