Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Triple Episode: 4 to 6 | Full Episodes | Kids Adventure Cartoon

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today's adventure starts at the little castle the elf farm nunny plum where's breakfast so sorry your majesty but the elves haven't delivered the food yet a boiled egg is all i want nanny can't you just magic one i could magic an egg of course but real farm eggs taste much better i don't care i'm hungry and i would like an egg now very well your majesty abracadabra uh boiled eggy oh smelly that's disgusting what is it it's a dragon's egg well get rid of it [Music] i could magic a real chicken to lay an egg for you no don't i think i'll wait for the elf farm delivery it might take some time your majesty i am not leaving this table until i've had my egg as you wish your majesty nanny they're here hi ben hi holly forge delivery what kept you mr elf king thistle is waiting for his breakfast sorry nanny plum we dropped a carrot on the way and had to go back to pick it up okay let's get this food into the castle carrot tomato small lettuce oh but where's the egg the egg that's the one thing we need the king wants an egg we'll go straight back to the elf farm and get one holly do you want to come with us yes please nanny can i go to the elf farm okay holly you can make sure we get a good egg [Music] what's that buzzing noise i hope it's not the engine it's just on the ladybird gaston we're going to the alpha do you want to come along [Music] hello wise old elf hello princess holly welcome to the elf farm you must wear this hard hat what's for in case something falls on your head oh this way to the carrots this is the carrot field stand clear carrot coming up [Music] [Applause] wow oh hello princess holly hello mrs elf this way bye bye bye this is the lettuce patch why have you got an umbrella we are going to make it rain with magic you don't need magic if you have a big watering can [Music] that's amazing if you think that's amazing wait until you see the tomato plants [Music] these are the tomato plants wow [Music] i'm afraid we have tomato bugs oh dear tomato bugs like to eat the tomato plants go away shoo show show show oh they keep coming back yes if only we could find a way to get rid of them [Music] yes john scared them away of course ladybirds like to eat tomato bugs clever gaston you should be our chief pest controller now we can harvest a tomato carry on right oh [Music] tomato [Music] that looks dangerous it is that's why we wear these hard hats but there's another job that's really dangerous oh what's that can i see it can be quite scary i'm not afraid it is possibly the most dangerous job in the world for an elf what is it collecting eggs what's so dangerous about collecting eggs chickens [Music] wow they're big aren't they yes that's why we have this high fence and why it's very important to lock this gate these chickens don't look dangerous it's collecting eggs that's dangerous how do you collect an egg an elf must run very quickly to the egg pick it up and run away with it as quick as they can what happens if they're not quick enough they get saturn now you see how important it is that the gate is locked at all times a chicken's escaped catch that chicken the chickens escaped quick to the elf truck follow that chicken [Music] [Music] oh we've stopped oh no the clockwork has wound down quick collie let's wind it up oh hello will somebody give me an egg now my goodness me lally plum i told you not to magic a chicken that's not my chicken nanny can you speak chicken yes your majesty so what did it say mrs chicken said oh [Music] look there's our chicken [Music] careful nanny plum that is a dangerous animal don't be silly it's just a chicken the chickens laid an egg [Applause] hmm yes a much better service than the elf truck eh what nunny plum could you ask mrs chicken to deliver an egg for breakfast tomorrow certainly your majesty him [Laughter] today's adventure starts at the little castle daisy and poppy [Music] today we will be having porridge for breakfast hooray porridge but the porridge pot is empty yes holly daisy and poppy will be practicing their magic this morning nani plum has taught them a simple porridge spell i've got a bad feeling about this just to be clear nanny plum nothing's going to go wrong is it no your majesty i don't want another magic jelly flood that was jelly porridge is a very different beast and daisy and poppy have been practicing so hard little poets fill phil bill [Music] well done daisy and poppy the twins should make breakfast more often hmm it's quite tasty daisy puffy stop french yuck i'm covered in horrible gooey porridge thanks to my silly little sisters no now holly remember daisy and poppy are only babies and we'll have this porridge cleared up in a flash i'd forgotten the twins knew how to say more no more oh when i was a baby the first word i said was bang that's not a good word for a magical baby to know bang bang bang give mommy your wand [Music] i'll be off then my friends are coming round to play ah yes holly mummy and i were thinking it would be fun if you and your friends played with daisy and poppy today but daddy it would be a chance for the twins to learn your games but mummy [Music] hi holly hi ben coming out to play holly sorry fleur i can't come out to play why not uh daisy and poppy are with me so we have to play in the courtyard they say sweet and ickle they're not sweet auntie onesie do you want my wand it's glittery isn't it no fluff kitty cat [Music] ah i see your friends have brought a little kitten along meow uh that's fleur she gave daisy her wand i see run away kitten come back fleur and which poor friend was turned into this insect no mommy that's gust on the ladybird he's meant to be like that ah yes of course hello gaston now children the twins are only little so please play gently yes yes and the twins must stay in the courtyard yes mommy have fun [Applause] wow your little sisters are something else i know there are menace so keep hold of your wand fleur but they're so sweet and echo i'm sure they didn't mean to turn me into a kitten meow meow so what games should we play how about hide and seek the only problem is the twins can't count yet i'll help them count i'm very good at counting okay now close your little eyes quick let's hide [Music] one two three four [Music] where are the twins daisy poppy it's not safe for you to fly so high tiffy county [Music] wow that's turned into a kitten again run away kitten come back fly so where are the twins and they kind of flew away they've escaped uh and they've sort of got my wand goodness knows what damage they might do don't worry we'll find them elves are good at that sort of thing and where else so how are you going to find them easy gaston can sniff them out gaston find daisy and puffy [Music] my goodness daisy and poppy you're a long way from home we better ring your mummy and daddy bunny rabbit now now daisy that wasn't very nice what's going on bunny rabbit [Music] what's that noise it's coming from over there i think we found my little [Music] sisters wow look at all those rabbits that one's wearing my dad's hat puppy daisy what have you done rabbity rabbity they've turned all the elves into rabbits daisy that wasn't funny or clever give me the wand titty tattoo meow daisy and poppy i'm sure you didn't mean to meow me buddy [Music] do you think that's it yes luckily birds can't hold ones oh barnaby and ben have you seen the girls the kittens are holly and fleur and the birds are the twins for what uh daisy and poppy have been doing a bit of magicking i see and who are all the rabbits right we've got a lot of tidying up to do run away kittens come back fairies [Music] hop away bunnies come back elves fly away birdies come back twins holly you were supposed to be looking after your little sisters but nanny the twins are impossible they are a bit of a handful well i suppose no harm was done no harm done they turned us all into rabbits i know i'm most impressed but but the little darlings are getting really good at magic [Music] i think i'll take those ones we won't be needing any more magic today but nanny plum we can't just leave her as a frog can't we no i suppose not all right holly magic her back again hop away frog come back [Music] [Applause] good night my little ones sleep well they're fast asleep already well they have had a very busy day your majesty i expect playing with you big children really tired them out holly uh yes mommy something like that i wonder what sweet little dreams they're having tiger tiger alligator crocodiles today's adventure starts at the little castle queen thistle's teapot [Music] my new fairy tea set has arrived [Music] it's so beautiful and it's so sparkly it's also very delicate holly that means it breaks easily so you can look but don't touch yes mummy it is a beautiful teapot shall i give it a bit of a dust your majesty no nanny plum even you mustn't touch it yes your majesty good now as it's such a lovely day why don't we go for a nice walk can i stay here and look at the tea set instead all right holly but look and don't touch yes mummy [Music] hello nanny plum hello ben can holly come out to play i'm afraid princess holly is very busy looking at a teapot perhaps then i've got something to show you okay holly look mommy's fairy tea set isn't it beautiful uh i suppose so no one is allowed to touch it not even danny why not because it's very delicate what can you do with it then well you can have tea parties with it of course but we're not supposed to just hold them silly it's not hard look at me [Music] how do you like your team mr elf rick ostrom holly you've broken the queen's teapot oh no mommy will be so sad we weren't supposed to touch it were we no what can we do can you fix it with magic uh i'll try abracadabra abracado uh mendez teapot ah well that didn't work nanny will know a spell let's ask her no we can't tell anyone what can we do then uh ben aren't elves good at mending things uh yes and you're an elf ben elf [Music] so can you help me mend it uh i'm not sure please ben you're my very best friend and you're my only hope uh okay i've got stuff for mending things at home we can carry the pieces in this box but what if someone sees us i can make us invisible i know that spell abracadibbly dibble make us invisible hey it works come on dum da da my invisible spell has worn off that's all right we're nearly there no one will see us now hello ben hello princess holly uh hello mrs elf what are you two up to then uh nothing mum we're just going to mend something yes elves are good at mending things and you're an elf [Music] yes mom [Music] this is where i keep all my mending stuff glue paint brushes and glitter oh goody first i have to put a mat down so that we don't get glue on the floor yes and we must wear aprons to keep our clothes clean now what we stick the pieces together with glue like this [Music] one two three there it's stuck one two three one two three one two three one two three there it's mend it hooray hmm it doesn't look quite right uh we can paint it yes [Music] that's better hmm it had flowers on it too i'm good at painting flowers there but i think he was a bit more sparkly we can use glitter i love glitter it's so glittery do you think your mum might see the difference uh yes maybe it just needs more glitter no ben we try to mend it but it didn't work we'll just have to ask an annie plum for a spell all right let's go to nanny [Music] can i ask you a question about spells please a question of course manny a little friend of mine has broken something and wants to mend it what spell can she use do i know this little friend uh no she's a goblin and she lives far away and you don't know her at all is it a special thing this little goblin broke yes and did the little goblin break it on purpose no it was an accident i didn't mean to break it oh i see you broke it oh nanny i didn't mean to break it oh don't worry holly it can't be that bad it is that bad don't be silly it's not as if you've broken the queen's teapot what did you break the queen's teapot oh mummy's going to be so sad but we did mend it well i'm sure it's okay then it doesn't look exactly like it did before ah please can you fix it nanny don't worry i know just what to do i knew nanny plum would have a spell to fix it i'm not going to fix it are you going to buy a new teapot no much simpler than that what we'll tell the queen [Music] excuse me your majesty what is it nanny plum unfortunately there has been a little accident accident what happened i'm sorry to say that your teapot has been broken oh the teapot i said no one was to touch uh yes nanny plum i told you not to dust that tea set yes your majesty i have a good mind to turn you into a slug that's a bit harsh isn't it darling could you turn me into a snail perhaps instead no mommy it was me i did it and i've been sad all day and now you're going to have to turn me into a slug instead of nanny oh oh no my poor darling don't be sad it's only a silly piece of pottery but mummy you are going to turn nanny into a slug oh i didn't really mean that ah sorry i made you sad mummy oh holly i'm only sad that you felt you couldn't tell me we did try and end it it doesn't look like it did before but the children have tried their hardest that is beautiful just as beautiful as it was before shall i give it a dust your majesty no this is one of a kind and very fragile no one must touch it promise we promise i will treasure it forever
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 6,108,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: sO0XdB2bi28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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