Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Nanny's Magic Test | Cartoons For Kids

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keep up children we don't want to be late for your magic test Nanny Plum why do we have to take a magic test all fairies take a magic test it's how you get your magic license this is mine well ours look like that no this is a grown-up license you'll be getting a children's license who gives us the magic test the elves do but elves don't like magic no but we do make the ones [Music] and elves do like tests morning everyone have you come for your magic test yes Mrs elf until the test is finished I am not Mrs elf I am Mrs examiner yes Mrs examiner lift up these Pebbles please move them forwards this is hard yes now backwards when I clap my hands stop [Music] excellent and finally one simple question magic must only be used for serious things or just for fun um is the answer magic must only be used for serious things correct you've all passed the magic test hooray and I'm Mrs elf again you may now hug me well done everyone here are your licenses signed by me the chief examiner I knew they'd pass because I taught them that makes their success even more amazing thank you Wise Old elf perhaps we should have a little celebration oh yes can we have a party and what every party needs is Magic jelly uh nanny I don't think that's a magic jelly lots and lots do you even have a magic license of course I do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless can't I do magic then no it's against the law no grown-up fairy Can Do Magic without a license what I'm taking away your wand you can't do that I just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry it's no it's not funny you're right it's not funny Nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes Wise Old elf but maybe we can Overlook it just this once as it's Nanny it's because it is Nanny we shouldn't Overlook it she's dangerous Wise Old elf I am your king and I must yes is your license up to date your majesty my license well I'm sure I mean I I I maybe I should take a look no need for that the wise old elf is Right Nani Plum rules are rules what so I can never do magic again of course you can uh can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes Mrs figs magic school oh hello figgy my name is Mrs fig you remember me don't you how could I forget and all my years of teaching I never had another pupil like you thank you I was her best pupil the wise old elf has taken away Nanny Plum's wand very sensible and he has sent her back to your magic school what yes I'm back you lucky old thing good luck Nanny oh I'm the one that'll need the luck first thing to know about magic is Magic always leads to trouble so for our first lesson you will not have a real wand you will have this stick what does it do nothing oh why can't I have a real wand you need to learn how to use magic sensibly but I use magic for lots of sensible things look I mean the king's Underpants or dusting the fridge or polishing the carpets or Miss Plum I am the teacher if you want to pass your magic test I suggest you start listening to me wait see how you hold your wand no no no no all wrong you're making magic not stirring soup is that better it'll do for the moment no a few questions can't we do a spell instead how do you stop a squirrel nesting on your roof uh turn them into a frog how do you get a mouse out of your kitchen uh turn them into a frog how do you rescue an elf who is stuck up a tree oh I know this one turn them into a frog is that your answer to everything Nanny Plum turn them into a frog yes oh dearly me this is going to be a long day oh how was your lesson today Nanny really good I got a couple of things wrong at the start but I got better and better all day that's great I'm all ready for my test tomorrow ask me any question you like okay how do you stop a mole from digging up your lawn turn them into a frog uh no that's not the answer in the book are you sure maybe you're reading it wrong I don't think so oh I find the answer to most things is turn them into a frog Nanny don't keep saying turn them into a frog that will never be the answer oh all right I'll try and remember that morning Nanny Plum have you come to take your magic test yes Mrs elf until the test is finished I am not Mrs elf I am Mrs examiner right you are Mrs elf I'll take this one yes Mr Chief examiner but that's not fair I thought I was gonna have Mrs owl quiet please the test has begun here is your wand back oh nice to see you again please lift this rock up in the air but it's really big I know can't I use a pebble the Pebbles are for the children's test why can't I say the children's test because you're a grown-up or you're supposed to be oh all right [Music] forwards please oh boy whose rock is that it belongs to the wise old elf just be careful okay reverse please slowly ah what's what's happened to my Michael me to do it sorry your majesty now forwards again and when I clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh bring the rock back here now I want you to Magic this rock into something else a frog no I can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please all right keep your hair on [Music] I said an egg not a chicken what there one egg to the pass the Practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up uh to help its heart pole become a grown-up um Danny what's your favorite spell turn them into a frog correct I knew it the test is over and it's bad news did I fail it's worse than that you passed you may now do magic again did you hear that wand we're back in business oh dear magic always leads to trouble maybe it doesn't show me one piece of sensible magic okay there's one piece of magic I've been wanting to do all day what's that turn you into a frog you can't do that oh yes I can here's my license oh dear Rock time like I said magic always leads to trouble [Music] oh hello Mr Owl lovely day it certainly is hi Holly hi Ben come up Mr elf is kind delivering our food yes where would we be without elves no idea your majesty Cheerio Mr elf um is there something else no well yes I was just wondering if you could pay us today pay you yes you haven't paid us any money for ages oh right how much do we owe you um 492 gold coins gosh that's a lot don't worry Ben we'll just get some money won't we Nanny money doesn't grow on trees Holly no no it grows in the magic money chest [Music] oh there's only one coin in it one coin is all we need I throw it into the Magic Money chest it sounds like popcorn don't lift the lid up until it stops gold coins wow can I have a go all right I'll just empty the chest now Ben throw the coin in but I haven't got a coin you made them all disappear oh without a coin we can't make money um I've got a button perhaps that will work it's full of buttons Nanny can you buy things with buttons Miss dalf would it be okay to pay you in buttons uh no the Magic Money chest broken yes your majesty for some reason it's just making buttons and we need to pay Mr elf don't worry Holly I'll sort this out ah this is embarrassing but the thing is we're a bit short of money today no reason to be embarrassed your majesty no reason at all sorry and all that no no please don't give it another thought good when you get some money let me know and I'll bring the food right back bye oh bye I've good news and bad news what's the bad news the bad news is there is no good news Mr elf's taking breakfast away and all because we don't have any silly money what's money for I'm not really sure Holly but the elves seem to like it [Music] the Magic Money chest Daddy it's not broken we just need a gold coin to throw in who's got one that's the problem dear nobody's got one so how do we get a gold coin my dad gets paid gold coins for doing his job really could you do a job Daddy and get a gold coin I suppose I could give it a try what sort of job will you get Daddy I'm not sure I must be good at lots of things I'm the king ah why is old elf I'm looking for a job very funny your majesty no I'm serious I need to earn a gold coin I see normally you'd have to go to the elf job center and answer lots of questions but in your case no no I command you to treat me like anyone else yes sire Naim the king Mr King what was your last job The King The King any skills being King we don't have a king job right now um we need a toy factory worker or a farmer or a sailor Oh Daddy sailor sounds fun yes I like messing about in boats you will be a sailor on our brand new ship your majesty it's the king I'm not the king today I'm just a humble sailor but we need a king to launch our new ship oh all right then I'll just be a king for a moment I declare this ship launched foreign now treat me like any new Sailor okay you can mop the desk right you're doing very well Daddy it's rather dull why don't I speed things up with some magic no Daddy the elves don't like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better oh this is fun heard a starboard Which Way starboard why can't they just say left or right wave it a rock abandoned ship hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty what other jobs did the elf lady say I could do the toy factory daddy that would be fun it's the king I'm not the king today I'm just a humble factory worker like you lot but we need a king to inspect the toys okay I'll be king for a second it's perfect right now I'm just a humble factory worker again what do I do press this button and out comes the gloop what about something a bit more interesting making the toys no your majesty the painting perhaps not the packing no today you are the gloop elf I think I'm really getting the hang of this what go faster all right how are you getting on your magic perhaps you're not suited to factory work your majesty what is the last job on the list working on the farm daddy the King has arrived [Music] [Applause] here to do farm work but it's our holiday not when there's work to be done you were the king back to work righto what do I do this pumpkin needs watering so it'll grow nice and big it's not growing it takes a long time King thistle weeks and weeks hmm let's speed it up with a little magic no Daddy that'll help it grow wow that's a big pumpkin [Music] right well that's as good a time as I need to finish my day's work how many gold coins have I earned for being a sailor you earned one gold coin but for sinking the ship we'll have to take it back for working in the factory you earned one gold coin but for causing a dark flood we'll have to take it back and for working on the farm you earned one gold coin but for making the pumpkin explode we'll have to take it back but I need a gold coin I suppose I'll just have to come back to work tomorrow ah take the gold coin and don't come back tomorrow one gold coin I earned it all myself oh well done darling we just Chuck it in the magic money chest it's doing the popcorn thing it's full of gold coins who Rich again hey well done Daddy you worked so hard today it was fun well I'm off but won't to be late where are you going Daddy back to work I've decided to work evenings but we have the money daddy there's more to work than money Holly the elves need me Your Majesty we need you you see we want you to be the king the King again but Kings don't I want to be you but kings are useful we needed a king to launch the elf ship that's true you launched the elf ship daddy even though you sort of sank it as well we couldn't make our toys if a king didn't inspect them and most importantly a king has to start our Harvest Dance I see well in that case start the Harvest Dance [Applause] oh maybe I am quite good at being King I think it's the job your second best dad really and what job am I best at being daddy who can jump the highest me me I can jump higher that's true cheating that's not jumping that's flying jumping is all about using your legs like this I love playing in the meadow I hope it never changes the murder won't change it's been here forever and always will be nice just are coming quick let's hide literally Lucy the little girl we met at the farm and her dad's with her it's so pretty here yes Dad it's a shame we've got to dig it all up dig it all up why to make room for the cows in the dough they're ginormous the cows can graze in this Meadow oh we just need to flatten these mole Hills that's not a molehill that's Gaston's house [Music] Gaston they're going to flatten your house oh don't worry Gaston you can come and live with me in a little castle I'll put the Cow Shed over there oh no the Cow Shed will be right on top of my little castle don't worry Holly you and Gaston can come and stay with me in the great elf tree and up at the cow manure over by those trees oh that's where the elf tree is what maybe I won't stay at the great elf tree thanks anyway Ben I'd better start building the fence Lucy Lucy oh hello Ben hello Holly your dad is putting his cows right where we live yes isn't it terrible you have to tell him to stop okay I'll tell him that else and fairies live here no no big people must never know we live here but I'm a big person and I know you're special what can we do then let's ask the wise old elf he'll know what to do he's old he's wise what was that we've got to be quiet okay let's go and tell the wise old elf about the cows cows in the meadow we'll have to tell the farmer that he can't put his cows here no no we must never talk to big people hello Wise Old elf ah big people nice to nice to see you again oh hello Lucy I thought you said we should never talk to big people well that's apart from Lucy of course Lucy is nice but we must never talked to grown-up big people you can't trust them oh no don't worry I'll sort it out what are you going to do I'll tell the king to sort it out cows yes your majesty the farmer is going to put cows in The Meadows right where Gaston's house is he's going to put a load of cow poo by the gray self tree again not so bad you'll get used to the smell and he's going to build a Cow Shed on top of the little castle what who is this farmer I'll sort him out how big is he is he as tall as me he's my dad yeah a big person and her dad is even bigger yes well Nanny Plum come up with a plan I already have a plan your majesty oh well done I'll turn him into a frog start into a frog cool that's your plan it's like they always say to get your own way turn them into a frog that doesn't even rhyme it's a silly plan no it's not yes it is and I absolutely forbid you to as I was saying to get your own way turn them into a frog oh well done Nanny Plum the plan does work carry on right you are your majesty even think about doing anything so oh where did nanny go he's almost finished the fence frog time what problem solved frogs can't build fences um will my dad be a frog forever oh no it'll wear off after a while and he'll be back to his old self again but won't he just start building the fence again oh I never thought of that uh oh I think the smell is wearing off huh where was I oh yes I was building a fence [Music] it's been ages how long does it take to turn someone into a frog hmm maybe I should go and see how Nani Plum is doing good idea you go then there's a good elf so how is the brilliant plan going I turned the farmer into a frog then he turned back again and he's still building the fence yeah no worries I'll turn him into a frog again frog time no nanny this plan is silly all right smarty pants what's your plan then maybe Lucy's mum can stop the farmer but you said we can't talk to grown-up big people we can't but Lucy can yes I could ask my mum to stop dad come on the important thing is Lucy not to mention elves and Feathers okay wise old elf Mommy Mommy hello Lucy I thought you were helping dad today I was but but what oh mummy can't dad put the cows somewhere else Lucy whatever has got you so upset it's just that live there oh no oh no fairies how lovely no no it's true right leave it to me so really are elves and fairies I know there are darling do you frog time oh hello Nanny Plum uh hello Mommy how do you know Nanny Plum's name because I remember her from when I was a little girl so you know all about the house and fairies yes I used to play with them when I was little Sally now I remember you it was years ago yes there was you and naughty Prince thistle King thistle now Nanny Plum we must never talk to big grown-ups oh Wise Old elf nice to see you again oh hello Sally did you know the wise old elf when he was very young no he's always been old and wise you haven't changed a bit thank you so it's the little kingdom where Dad's putting the cows yes yes then we must stop him come on everyone stop stop what we have to find somewhere else to put the cows oh oh why because um because the grass here is a bit um dry and uh and the ground is uh too muddy there must be a better place to put the cows no this is the perfect place the plan's not working who said that now what do we do is it frog time no nanny what frog time ah don't let the farmer know we're here okay clever clogs what's your plan then um hello we'll be with you in a moment now Nanny Plum as I was saying um who are you all hello Mr farmer we're elves and fairies and we live here in the meadow elves and fairies living in the meadow yeah yes so we can't put the cows here darling well of course not I don't want to knock anyone's house down and one more thing dad you must not tell any of your friends that you've seen elves and fairies don't worry there is no way that I will tell any of my friends that I've been seeing elves and fairies thank you Dad good use your majesty there will be no cows in the meadow so what's the bad news the father his wife and just about everybody now know about elves and fairies I see hopefully they don't know too much and over here is the little castle where the fairies live hello ah hello next on the tour the secret elf tray see all the secrets the elves have been hiding for years look what's come in the post what a fancy envelope it looks very Posh let's see who it's from dear king and queen thistle I have decided to come and visit your little kingdom today I'll be arriving at dinner time yours sincerely King Leopold King Leopold yes never heard of him he's heard of you Daddy just think I've came I'm a king no but a proper one we must give him a royal welcome he's a VIP what's a VIP a very important person I'm a very important person what is everyone getting so excited about have you heard the news a king is coming to visit it's written down in writing brilliant isn't it a real king I'm a real king it's so exciting that a very important person is coming I want to tell everyone I want to tell the marigolds hello hello Queen thistle here oh my little sister how are you I'm fine I just thought you'd like to know that we have King Leopold visiting today who's King Leopold a very important person a VIP oh my goodness a vrp our Castle's bigger why can't the VIP come here no thank you King Leopold wants to visit us but maybe you could come and meet him too oh yes please we're having a party in his honor tonight we'll be there bye usually the marigolds laugh and laugh and laugh at us but this time we'll be different we've got King Leopold coming to visit we must start preparing we'll have to make lots of let's start cooking straight away we'll need a red carpet and the little children can wave Flags to welcome King Leopold and we'll have beautiful music now children everyone pick an instrument Ben you can play the spell throttle okay [Applause] I've got the trimpy trumpy I think I'll have the fairy heart [Music] ah magic instruments it is meant to be an elf and fairy band and we fairies always use magical instruments oh very well just a little magic then okay here's the magic piano [Music] hello I'm a magic piano I sing and I talk and I play ah too much Magic The Wise Old elf doesn't like Magic ah sorry I'm not a magic piano I'm just a normal piano I don't talk really my turn a Magic Triangle I can't bear to look oh a pretty triangle what's magical about that just don't ask foolishes would it be okay if we played some rock and roll rock and roll certainly not we're playing for King Leopold remember okay it was just a thought now let's make music [Music] work everybody it's looking great where's the food Plum there you go I've made spaghetti vongole ala truffles yeah this food looks delicious better than the usual stud you make me that's because King Leopold is coming to dinner have all the little children got their Flags to wave why don't they do that for me because I know I know I'm not King Leopold and we need music where's the band here we are we've impressed all afternoon oh good it's nearly time everybody into their seats [Music] I can hear footsteps someone's coming [Applause] [Music] here he comes let's start the music [Applause] [Music] ah the name evening all get out of the way we're waiting for a very important person oh yes who's that then King Leopold that's me you your king Leopold are you an actual King oh yes where's your crown I keep it under me hat but why have you never told us before Oh I don't like to go on about it don't like to go on about it you sent us this flowery letter asking for a feast yes well if I just drop in I find people usually send me away but if I send a letter as king Leopold I get a bit more of a welcome and a dinner it works the first time anyway can I have this boy uh yes I suppose so very nice I know a fact about boys do you want to hear it no I'll take that as a yes toys are never found in the wild though you have to be made by someone all that effort and King Leopold turns out to be the gnome yes it's an outrage oh he's still a king and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming Daddy right yes we're still welcome King Leopold especially after all our practice let's enjoy ourselves we've put a party with music and lovely food yes I suppose things haven't worked out too badly king and queen marigolds are here [Music] this it's spaghetti vong delay okay I'll give it a go what will the marigolds say when they see that fell off and laughed and laugh and laugh and Hello darling where is uh well he's there he's that nerm King [Music] how modern oh I feel positively overdressed me too from now on I'm going to wear a sack can we do the song now oh yes and King Leopold may I present the elf and fairy band lovely [Music] excuse me for interrupting but I couldn't help now listen you've got a magic piano hello there and no offense but that fancy whiffy wuffy music is a waste of a good magic piano do you know any rock and roll rock and roll's my middle name boys old elf do you like rock and roll rock and roll I most certainly do not like rock and roll I'll take that as a yes over to you Mr piano a baby [Music] thank you [Applause] come on Wise Old elf let your hair down who if I must bump your booze and wiggle your eyes [Applause] [Music] be mad that was fun I'm going to enjoy staying here oh dear we're stuck with him for weeks now this gnome King is incredible if only King Leopold would come and stay with us at our Castle I don't see why not just mention pies and he's all yours I sailed boy would you like to stay with us for a few weeks there will be pies if there's poison involved I'll stay with you forever [Music] ah Lucy Lucy I do love fishing me too Dad it's so peaceful just what I need to get my nerves back in order I wonder see any else or fairies to talk about weird magical stuff you know it upsets me but you've seen the elves and fairies too Dad I've been thinking about it and I've decided I imagined it all there are no such things as fairies or elves hello Lucy's Dad yeah an elf in a submarine hello Lindsay hello Ben and Holly we're fishing uh yes we were just having a quiet mornings fishing dad did you see that big fish it's big bad furry Barry the fish is called Barry yes the biggest baddest fish in the lake whoa what a Whopper dad you had to throw him back in the water he can't breathe of course I will but but just take a photo so I can show my friends there you go Barry bye bye we've got another fish oh well this isn't a fish it's a mirror come pit Dad yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well it's it's been nice chatting to you um little folk but I think it's time to go home bye bye bye do you think the mirror is Magic dad I hope not I've seen enough magic for one day listen Somebody's Crying it's a girl hello what are you doing in the lane I live here you live in the lake yes I'm a mermaid my name is Oceana why were you crying I've lost my mirror that must be the mirror Lucy found and where is this Lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school [Music] bye Lucy pick you up later bye dad oh no a mermaid's mirror must never be seen by big people don't worry I'm sure Lucy won't show it to anyone look everybody I found a mirror ooh lovely that's perfect for our Show and Tell come up to the front Lucy and show the mirror to the whole class my poor mirror I'll never get it back because I can't walk on land don't worry we'll get your mirror back oh thank you home time children [Music] hi Dad hi Lucy good day Lucy Lucy Ben Holly what are you doing here we've come for the mirror it belongs to a mermaid a mermaid wow yes and she needs her mirror back oh okay please tell me this is just a game elves and fairies are one thing but mermaids he reads about mermaids in books yes but I've also read about dragons and witches and they're not real either yes they are we can show you witches and dragons and loads more if you like no no thanks I'll take your word for it so where is this mermaid after you left she got called back home to the bottom of the lake should be having a dinner fish probably we have to find Oceana and give her mirror back right then into the submarine Lucy would you like to come too yes yes please um we'd love to join you but I think we are just a tad too big to fit in your Little Submarine and ah what's happening to me just shrinking you down it's my turn um will we stay a little forever oh no the spell will wear off in a bit and you'll grow big again [Music] prepared today [Music] it's beautiful look at that yes sit oh very pretty in fact I'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical Adventure see that's the word of awesome varies is fun yes I don't know why I was so worried about being magically shrunk down it's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little don't forget the fish you met this morning big bad Barry as I remember Barry's about this big uh that was before we were shrunk down dad now who would be about that big oh look it's Barry what does he want with us he wants to eat the submarine any boat with me in it Barry wants to eat hold tight everyone I'm going to reverse [Music] now we go forwards it's no good that is too fast he's going to eat us don't worry Lucy we've been in Barry's tummy before and it was fine that's good to know well hello Barry I don't understand he should have eaten a spy now maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning that's right you let Barry go and fish never forget or is that elephants oh that's nice Barry's saying that as you so kindly let him go this morning he is your best friend forever in fact he now thinks of you as his brother lovely uh one tiny problem you know what the excitement of being chased by Barry we've got lost Barry's saying that he knows where the mermaids live and he'll take us there that's what his brother wants his brother that's he that's you Dad oh yes um Barry old brother please lead us to the land of the mermaids look Barry's found the mermaids [Music] they sing so beautifully wow a mermaid's Palace this must be where Oceania lives diving suits on everybody nice buddy we're friends of your brother yeah [Music] hello hello mermaids we're looking for Oceana she's over there being sad [Music] Oceana we brought your mirror back oh thank you so much but why is it so tiny we had to shrink it down to fit in the submarine don't worry the spa will wear off soon it'll grow big again there you go my mirror thank you all so much you're very welcome well it's been a very interesting meeting you mermaids but we must be getting back now bye [Music] thank you um you know how the mirror suddenly got big again well that happened to me and my dad yep and the fun bit is you don't know when which means we should get a move on or we don't want them to grow big in the submarine we must get to land Full Speed Ahead too much [Music] you see there was no need to panic we had plenty of time what an adventure yes it was quite amazing remember Lucy's dad the little kingdom is meant to be secret you must not tell any of your friends what you saw today tell my friends what I saw today let me think about that and then the magical fairies shrank me down to the size of my thumb I saw singing mermaids and did I tell you that I now have a fish for a brother no I will not be telling anyone what I saw today [Music] ah hi there Ben and Holly are you ready for a Dave Adventure yes we are Nanny Plum me lovely fairy Maiden are you coming too if I must a fine sunny day such as this is just right for adventure it started to rain no Adventure today Mr pirate a rainy day such as this is just right for adventure look there's a rainbow and a rainbow is a pirate's best friend what that what do you find at the end of a rainbow a pot of gold and Pirates love gold parts of gold at the end of rainbows that's just a fairy story well you're a fairy aren't you uh yes but come on then make ready to sail Ben who can be Cabin Boy I Captain Polly can be look out I am captain Polly Parrot can be the ship's parrot Pieces Of Eight what about Gaston uh he can be the ship's cat uh cats don't normally bark do they well no Gaston can you say meow sounds like a meow to me hop aboard Gaston a nanny Plum can be oh wait a moment what is it you're a woman yes sailors say it's bad luck to have a woman on board bad luck to have a woman on board how can you how can you search a thing in this day and age you're right it's probably a lot of old Sailors nonsense welcome aboard what's my job then you just stand there and look pretty oh no let's set sail for the end of the rainbow and find that pot of gold yeah [Music] clouds ahead I can't see the rainbow anymore just keep heading for where it was Thunder a storm oh dear can we go home now go home the adventures just beginning how do you stay still with me you just need to get your ceilings that's all it's a good job none of you get seasick oh sorry I mean woman oh I fell in the sea it was a horrible perhaps those Sailors were right it is bad luck having a woman on board bad luck for the woman I just want to get off this rocking boat and onto Solid Ground now ah ah a little island oh it's so nice to stand on something that isn't moving red bit do Islands normally have fins at about eyes hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land uh I think you should come back now no I won't stay here pay me up on the way home Nanny Plum hurry I'm not leaving this island I wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because a warping big one it's big help me don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think you're food like a fly or something it's like a fly ah I'm not a fly I'm not a fly ah get away don't let Barry catch you don't slap your wings so much Nanny Oh Daddy don't look so like a fly will you [Music] now she looks a bit like a worm on a hook oh fish like eating worms I'm not a worm I'm not a worm maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod find a win and hose me sweet darling not having a very good day are you not having a good day not having a good day a fish just try to eat me yep those Sailors were definitely right about the woman on board bad luck stuff bug coming towards us fog that's bad can we go home now no we've got more adventuring to do I can see light it looks like another ship why blow me down that'd be the ship of my friend Captain squid oh hi there Captain squid see there's no one on Deck it's very quiet hello hello anyone home look there's a meal on the table it's still hot but there's no one here meal on the table but the boat's empty this is this is certainly a mystery no one will never ever know what happened to poor old Cat and Squid a mystery that will never be solved here's a note gone to bury treasure back in five minutes [Music] so where do you think Captain squid is hmm where would you bury treasure around here the end of the rainbow the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that'll be the gold Captain Squid's burying come on let's get after it it's not getting any closer that's the thing about rainbows when you walk towards them they go further away We're not gonna walk there we're gonna fly fly but you're an elf you don't have any Wings yes but I'm an elf with a parrot mates [Music] it's like a roller coaster [Music] it's the end of the rainbow and there's a pot of gold and fair be Captain squid burying Treasure Red Beard this is my treasure not yours how did you find me we just followed the rainbow ah rainbows there are pirates worst enemy no they're not Rainbows are a pirate's best friend depends whether you're burying treasure or finding it good wait don't let us stop kindly Red Beard I was just about to bury it here hang on you can't trick me that easily no one must see where I bury my treasure you've all got to close your eyes thank you okay you can look now so where did you bury it why it's right over there you're trying to trick me again oh you won't get it out of me that easy [Music] I said rainbows don't worry Captain squid we pick it up really red beard no of course not is it home time yet yes I think it is today's adventure is over and I'd be honored to take you all home on my yacht that sounds a nice way to travel yacht that's a rowing boat plenty of room if we all squeeze up oh nice it wait a minute are you a woman yes oh bad luck having a woman on board it's all right turns out it's bad luck for the woman not for us oh in that case welcome aboard me lovely no no it's rocking worse than red beard bones fun isn't it yes that's what being an elf pirate is all about having fun by the way none of you get seasick do you I'm the best pirate ask any pirate who's the best pirate it's me hi red bed hello Ben and Holly and hello me rambling Rose meet an old shipmate of mine Captain squid At Your Service we were just talking about who's the best pirate what makes the best pirate it's the pirate who's cleverest at hide in their treasure my treasures hidden the cleverest this is me treasure map but only I can read and understand it a child could read it is it buried next to the elf tree oh yes my treasure map is better than that oh that does look difficult the treasures deep underwater yet in plain sight guarded by a mermaid and a golden sea monster with scale shining bright well best be off I've got some pirate stuff to get on with good to see you Captain squid and you too Captain Red Beard oh look Captain squid forgot his map run after him and give it back no it's too late he's gone we can still catch him captain squid the map to me I'll fly after him let's not be too hasty tell you what I'll keep his map safe until he gets back are you for Captain Squid's treasure oh no that would be against Pirate's honor what's Pirate's honor a pirates must never go looking for another pirate's treasure anyway the map's too complicated for Red Beard what I could follow this map in my sleep I'll prove it but what about Pirates honor yes the thing is Pirates don't really have much honor their Pirates after all and anyway I only want to check that Captain Squid's treasure is hidden safely and that can we come too well I can always use more crew yeah [Applause] and away we go into the Crow's Nest and keep a sharp look out we're going on a treasure hunt are we having fun good having fun this one being an elf pirate is all about and we're Health Pirates [Music] the map says we pass a tree with a huge wheel that's silly trees don't have wheels red bird is that it yes Holly it must be that's the old tire that the big children swing on ooh big children that sounds a bit dangerous I'm not afraid of danger Pirates laugh in the face of danger that's the end of the water the next bit's on land you made me have to get out of walk fear not the pretty Nightingale your ship has wheels it can go on the land well most treasure you'll find is on the land there's not that much in the sea but water look we're in the big children's playground now we look out for the Giant's Palace there it'd be but that Lucy's School who's Lucy Lucy's our friend she's a big girl are you sure the treasure would be the Children's School this here map says the treasures inside how can we get in the door shut and the handles miles up a new elves won't want to use magic that's right ourselves don't normally like magic but when there's treasure involved right yo abracadabra Oh I thought you were just going to make the door open but a flying boat is much better it's quiet no sign of any big people but all the big children will be here soon let's get a move on the treasure is found by the sign of the acorn acorn class that's Lucy's class this particular how compile being a children's class what does the map say now map I don't need no map when Treasures this close I can smell it we Pirates have a nose for Treasure come on now we're all going to walk the plank starting with me we [Music] wait wait [Music] this is silly how can the treasure be here it's supposed to be deep underwater for one thing there'll be the water but that's a fish tank remember what Captain squid said the treasure is guarded by a mermaid that's a little statue and a golden sea monster that's just a goldfish and there be Captain Squid's treasure hidden in plain sight it's a plastic toy all fish tanks have that sort of thing ah it's not real treasure there is only one way to find out we'll have to dive for it who's going diving oh what am I doing do you see diving in a goldfish bowl look for the treasure chest oh it's just a plastic toy I don't even think it opens it's real treasure Captain squid said I never find his treasure I'd like to see his face now Redbeard fancy meeting you here oh hello Captain squid when I set sail I found my treasure map was missing was it really so I came back I was worried some Rascal might try and steal my treasure yes yes that would be very bad if someone tried to steal your treasure I've got the treasure Mr red Spears why you double crossing old Sea Dog I can explain stretchery with a smile on its face it's all right Captain squid I found your map on the ground Red Beard was worried about your trash so we came to make sure it was safe yes that's right just check it over like oh well that's that's different but you must admit it was a good hiding place wasn't it ah very good a children's fish tank best hiding place ever oh but now you all know where it is I better hide it again if you could all close your eyes thank you okay you can look now where have you hidden the treasure somewhere in the world Well it can't be that far away you were only gone for a second no one will ever ever find it it's guarded by a Ferocious Beast all right Acorn class settle down Lucy could you please feed fluffy the hamster yes Miss cookie look what I found it's the toy pirate chest from the fish tank how on Earth did it get him Fluffy's cage maybe a pirate put it there we'll just put it back shall we guarded by a Ferocious Beast indeed fluffy the hamster there back where it belongs never mind Captain squid I think that's the best hiding place for it anyway but you all know where it is now we won't tell anyone you swear yes on Pirates honor but fredbear you said Pirates don't really have any honor yes yes thank you Holly we'll talk about this more later but for now put your hands on your hearts and say Pirates honor Pirates honor All Aboard let's be off before we're spotted flying ship build the best Pirates have won these days now let's start the class [Music] yes children now settle down please hi Holly hi Ben what are you doing here tell you later set sail for home Little Kingdom Here We Come I think we got away with that I it were a great adventure and that's what being elf Pirates is all about having Adventures [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle Mr elf takes a holiday food delivery ah thank goodness breakfast at last yes sorry I'm running a bit late today I have a splendid King's breakfast for you though egg and baked beans beans but today is Tuesday we have muffins on Tuesday Tuesday already what happened to Monday that was yesterday was it you've been working too hard Mr elf no no no I'm fine you need a holiday yay a holiday and you can come too Holly oh can I daddy yes of course Holly have a good time but I can't have a holiday who will make my deliveries Nanny Plum can no I can't of course you can any fool can drive a truck what but but I'm the king remember and I sentence you to a holiday hello Mrs elf I have some terrible terrible news oh no King thistle what about him has sentenced me to prison I won't stand for it Revolution up with the elves down with the King it's worse than that he has sentenced me to a holiday oh my goodness I knew you'd be upset this is wonderful full we never go on holiday what are you talking about we went to the seaside that was a day trip and we went to the moon but you left me behind oh yes very well let's go on holiday hooray this is the plan First We Take the elf plane and fly somewhere nice oh lovely we have a quick snack yes then we'll pack up and fly back home in time for me to do my evening delivery that's not a holiday now listen to me Mr elf you're taking a King for at least a list of somewhere hot and you're going to relax but I'm an elf and elves don't like relaxing well you just have to learn it's going to be fun Mr elf all right but this is an elf holiday so no magic wands Holly okay Mr elf and no pets it's my holiday I make the rules sorry Gaston you have to stay here bye bye Gaston come on everyone we're going to be late for the holiday Please Mr elf try to have fun all right I'll try ready for takeoff yes let's go [Music] far far away far far away come on dad join in yes you're supposed to be relaxing I can't relax now what if something goes wrong oh don't be silly what could possibly go wrong [Music] no what is it Dad the engine has broken we'll have to land in the middle of nowhere it's just it's just out there prepare for a big splash dad a desert island good everyone out wow a real Desert Island brilliant isn't it it is very pretty what a lovely Beach stranded on a desert island now what do we do relax darling there are worse places to be stuck yes we can have a holiday here who'd like some lemonade but after the holiday how do we get home we could send a message in a bottle clever Ben that's what people on desert islands do we ride to rescue notes put the note in the bottle and then throw it out to sea then all we have to do is wait until someone finds it fantastic and how long does that normally take usually about 20 years what well there's no rush but what about the little kingdom what about the great elf tree what about my elf deliveries oh stop worrying I'm sure the elf delivery can manage without you [Music] fairy delivery ah Nanny Plum have you brought my potato you always have potatoes so I brought you an onion what why for a change have you got my baked beans I've got you a pineapple butter don't like pineapple what about my sausages I've got you some blue cheese but I hate blue cheese oh you're such a bunch of fuss Parts honestly it was better when Mr elf did the deliveries yes he knew a sausage when he saw one well you'll just have to make do with me Mr Alf is on holiday having fun back on a desert island I am so bored do try and relax darling I can't I need something to do that's not relaxing it is for me I relax by being very busy maybe I'll explore the island I could work out how big it is do you think there'll be anyone else on the island no I don't think so footsteps oh so something does live here yes a wild beast let's follow its tracks and find it all right but we must take care the wild beast might be dangerous the tracks lead to this bush there's something in there the wild it's Gaston how did you get here what's that you hidden the plane so I'm ashore when we weren't looking and hidden the bushes you say well clever Gaston but I thought I said no pets Gaston could be useful dad Gaston we need food can you find Sam Gaston's good at sniffing out food a coconut it's huge yes enough food and drink to last us for weeks well done Gaston clear hey you know this holiday isn't so bad after all I shall call this place else Island [Music] for ages I do miss them me too oh what's that it's a message in a bottle it's from Ben it says trapped on a desert island dad board please rescue let's go and tell the wise old elf why is old enough why is all now where found a message in a bottle from Ben Elf oh my goodness launch elf rescue we have a family to save elf rescue our goal dinner time who wants coconut oh we've had coconut every day for weeks coconut soup coconut pie coconut pancakes curried coconut ah but tonight it's coconut surprise what's the surprise it's coconut coconut surprise delicious hmm who's having a great time I know I am I want to go home me too yes I do too oh I can't go home I've got too much work to do here I need to finish the Hut start on the garden and I haven't even thought about the plumbing no the last thing I want to do now is go home it's elf rescue hooray hello we're here to take you home oh oh but I haven't finished my work on Elf Island but there's work for you back home nanny not even delivering I wanted a potato and and she brought me an onion onions instead of potatoes that's crazy I'll have to sort that out so home we go goodbye Elf Island yes bye bye Elf Island I have to admit that's the best holiday I've ever had [Music] today's adventure starts at the great elf tree chickens ride West [Music] oh my goodness it's morning I've got to do my deliveries relax Mr elf it's early oh yes I love these Quiet Moments before the day begins yes it's so lovely and peaceful [Music] the Cockrell from the elf Farm the chickens we have to round them up come on you chicken come on chickens come on come on come on whoa good everything's under control thanks for your help Mr elf lucky you were still here and not off on your deliveries oh my deliveries I really am late now look at the little primroses so pretty good morning Mr elf you're a bit late today yes we had a problem with the chickens this morning chickens eh that reminds me I really fancy an egg for breakfast ah I didn't bring an egg today no egg no problem I'll just go and get one can I come along of course I'd better come too so I can pick a good egg we'll drive back to the chickens pick up the egg load it on the truck drive back here and hey Presto you'll have your egg your majesty oh all that for one egg it'd be simple if I had my own chicken then I'd get an egg in time for breakfast okay bye bye we don't really want a chicken do you of course not I was joking [Music] an egg the king wants an egg that's it we might have a problem there the chickens aren't laying any eggs what why not the chickens have run out of food they've picked away all the plants till all that's left is yes if you want a nice flower garden don't keep chickens look there's one little flower left no no they like eating little flowers the best hey you cheeky chicken if only there was somewhere else they could live Oh Daddy said he'd like chickens at the little castle yes he did sort of say that it's true the king said I want my own chicken it's the perfect solution we'll move the chickens to the little castle okay everyone we're moving the chickens West Sadler Cowboys Cowboys you're moving chickens say shouldn't you be called chicken boys uh Cowboys sounds better Can I Be a Cowgirl sure thing Holly here's your hat here wagons Road [Music] yee-hawk I didn't realize moving chickens was so noisy the chickens like noise but we must be careful not to make a sudden loud noise we don't want to stay [Music] this way this way phew that was close now no more sudden loud noises Planet we've got a long journey ahead of us [Music] we've reached Crooked Creek what do you mean Crooked Creek it's a creek isn't it and it's crooked it's just a little river somehow we have to get the chickens to the other side and chickens don't like crossing water I thought chickens loved water have you ever seen a chicken in water all the time swimming up and down going quack quack look there's one that's a duck oh whatever chickens are not ducks and they don't like swimming so what can we do we'll use an old cowboy trick to get the chickens across wait here what's the old cowboy trick I don't know but it's bound to be very clever or very silly but probably funny told you he's dressed as Humpty Dumpty why is Odell why are you dressed as an egg chickens like to look after their eggs so if they see one floating across the water they'll follow it I'm an egg come in chickens the water's lovely and warm I'm an egg I'm an egg that has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen I'm an egg [Applause] you see it's all quite simple when you're an old cow hand like me oh what's the matter haven't you ever seen a cowboy in his underpants before wow the chickens really like picking up flowers they're eating machines leaving nothing but mud yes are you sure the king said he wants chickens at the little castle that's what Daddy said I want chickens at the little castle very well then paddle up chickens right West chickens right West we are going we're in the Badlands that lands it's the meadow we'll stop here for the night get the wagons in a circle let's keep these chickens safe it's leaving outdoors with a campfire life doesn't get better than this unless you're home in bed watching television talking of home we'd better phone the king hello hello [Music] we're almost there but we need to camp out for the night wow how long can it take to deliver one egg don't worry Daddy you'll have your chicken by the morning my chicken what does Holly mean by that bedtime everybody Nanny you keep watch what do I have to do keep watching the chickens and do not fall asleep right now [Music] how did it go in the night time uh fine where are the chickens oh they've gone gone the whole point of watching them was to make sure they didn't go you never said that you just said watch them you watched them wander off into the night yes oh all right Cowboys let's round up the chickens again [Music] remember no sudden loud noises we don't want a chicken Stampede all right you aren't exactly quiet yourself ha elves are good at being quiet and we're elves the chickens are stampeding we'll head them over the past head them off at the pass what does that mean no idea but they say it and all the cowboy films the chickens are heading straight for the fairy Village [Music] ah chicken Stampede which way did the chickens go they went that away yes that's what they're saying Cowboy films as well they went that away ah it's so lovely to wake up to the song of a little bird what are those chickens doing here you said you wanted a chicken Daddy I didn't expect you to take me seriously you're the king of course we take you seriously what are they doing to my flower garden eating it your majesty if you are going to keep chickens you have to say goodbye to flower gardens but you can have eggs for breakfast every day and you won't have any problems waking up [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 975,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: uyNPiAByovw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 14sec (5354 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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