Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | 1 Hour Episode Compilation #17

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle the one factory Oh strawberry isn't it a lovely morning yes nanny plum hi honey hi strawberry have you come to join us for one's practice yes I came to see if Holly wanted to play but now you could join us for once practice but I don't know where my wonders you're holding it yes so I am come along you know how much fun one's practices right now you can practice lifting rocks with magic keep it going hi Olli hi strawberry do you want to play football we can't we have to do what practice it's okay ones are very strong don't want to break them don't be silly show him honey hit your wand on that rock okay oh dear holy strawbries has warned practice going not very well Holly's broken how ones how did that happen I was waving it and she bashed it on a rock that wasn't very clever sorry Manny not to worry we'll just get it Mendez magic Manny oh no I can't mend it why not ones make magic but magic can't make ones it's like chickens and eggs chickens make eggs but eggs don't make chickens but eggs do make chickens whatever the important thing is I can't mend ones by magic the elves that made it cause they do everyone knows that elves are very good at making wands else don't use the ones honey they just make them on a rock please ah [Music] [Applause] princess Holly what can I do for you Holly's broken her wand she bashed it on a rock I see not to worry we'll just mend it follow me we'll make these hard hats [Music] we'll be taking the train all aboard hold tight everyone we're going deep down level 500 the one because wounds are magic and magic so we built the one factory as deep under ground as possible oh my tummy now what's wrong with your one it break itself she bashed it on a rock yes yes but we need to find out exactly what's wrong with your bond the x-ray shows it needs a new stick and a cog service this way this is the stick house where we grow wooden sticks for ones but the stick for a wand must be specially grown and made from the right type of train correct nanny plum the wood for my wand comes from a plum tree because I am nanny plum the wood for your wand Holly should come from exactly it must come from a strawberry tree [Music] let's see how that feels it just needs a little trim this stage of wand repair is a mixture of woodwork and gardening is my wand mended now and not yet princess Holly we need to mend the head follow me this is the clockwork room [Music] Spinney equal to clam vending a one-bed is a mixture of surgery and watch making the whistle stick whistles hmm interesting that doesn't sound right [Music] [Applause] not yet nanny plum Holly's wound needs testing to the testing room the wand testing boom it is the safest place to do magic in the kingdom and to do magic we don't want the magic leaking out and causing trouble where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun and sensible magic is what we do here what's he doing we're going to test the wand by turning the lemonade into something else called encourage or a monster with a hundred eyes and three legs wait and see [Music] the lemonade has turned into water why would you want to do that that's not magic it's very sensible magic it's rubbish magic well what would you turn it into how about this you did magic outside the test oh it's a lemon I meant to turn it into a frog nanny plum my ones not working right it's rattling oh I see what you mean that doesn't sound right hmm when did you last have this wand serviced ten years ago one should be serviced once a year yeah try that yes that's much better Manny you turned the wise old elf into a frog so I did are you going to turn him back again oh I suppose I'll have to silly old owl fats yourself very good your wand seems to be working perfectly don't wait ten years before getting it serviced again yes wise old ow sorry thank you for mending my wand wise old elf you're welcome princess Holly want I promise to take special care of you from now on yes don't bash it on a rock I want [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm been [Music] [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] don't write your hobby horses on the breakfast table I'm sorry your majesty the twins really like ponies at the moment hmm they really want a pet and ponies are lovely pets so pretty and cuddly and they've got lungs where she tails to brush Daisy and poppy would so love a pony jaimé jaimé goodness me no ponies are ginormous and Daisy and poppy are tiny fairies no pony [Music] maybe the princesses could have another sort of pet I can magic them up a harmless fluffy little pet wait a minute pets need looking after who's going to do all the cleaning up the twins can we okay but please make it a sensible pet nanny not a dragon aura or guys horse your majesty ah I've got a bad feeling about this don't worry darling nanny plum knows what she's doing I've got a very bad feeling about this we are the magical very library now let's find a book on pets hmm Tyger Tyger no too big Oh hmm a snake sneaky sneaky no to Wrigley Oh an alligator no too many teeth oh here we go perfect little pet a hamster I wonder what pet nanny has magic tap for Daisy and poppy as long as it's small I don't care ahem may I present the princess's new pet Pepin no your majesty Pepin is a lovely little hamster how sweet people like you daddy oh it is cute isn't it cute isn't quite the word I had in mind I think it would be happier if it lived outside very well back back by pens that's fine as long as you don't show your afraid welcome to the courtyard your new home I hope hip he might be bored living here will give pip in some toys and hamsters like lots of straw [Music] - its money that should make people feel at home why is the courtyard full of straw it's for your hamster Your Majesty my hamster it's funny the courtyard looks just like a hamster cage yes very amusing why does it have to run about so much hamsters like running about how sad how terribly sad what a dreadful turn of events it bins gone gone forever wait King thistle I can get your hamster back ah don't trouble yourself Ben it's no trouble elves are good at rounding up hamsters and I'm an elf ready Gaston [Music] pipin's back Kings this ol safe and sound ah Thank You Ben let's close the cage door before pipping escapes again does it ever go to sleep maybe when it's tired and how do we make it tired let's ask the wise old elf he knows everything hello wise old elf speaking how do you make a hamster tardes hamster oh the king's packed hamster we need to make it tired ah I see what you need is a wheel a wheel how will that help wait and see I'll be right over [Music] hello Jesus where's this Hampstead of yours my hamster Pippin likes you know charmed I'm sure bring in the wheel right hole not going to go yes the things we do for our pets hey King Cecil it's not my pets hello the wheel into the hamster cage hamster cage are you talking about my castle put the wheel in the middle of the hamster cage mister the wheel is strong enough it'll be fine hamsters don't run very fast you've got a fast hamster haven't you [Music] we'll have to warn the elves hamsters yes dear their sweet little fluffy creatures yes well don't panic but there's a hamster coming your way in an enormous way it's heading back to the little castle [Laughter] there's good news and bad news what's the good news the wheel hit the elf tree but everyone is okay what's the bad news the wheel is coming back for your name I believe it yes King Cecil wonderful isn't it your hamster is back home you see though we've worked now we know how much exercise Pippin needs every day to the elf trim back no Pippin has to go Oh Daisy and poppy love Pippin I don't want a pet living in my castle I could magically pin into a different kind of pet a pet that could live outside the castle okay nanny just do it the elves have mended the hamster cage I mean the castle your majesty spotted let's take a look yes your majesty why is there straw in my courtyard oh yard oh you mean the feeding Bowl watch yes darling you asked for a pet that could live outside the castle so we went back to what we all wanted in the first place [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Ali [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle the elf rocket no time to read the newspaper your majesty very King's work to be done what Kings work the elves want you to inspect their latest toy I don't like these elf toy inspections the toys are always perfect and all I says they're perfect huh no Your Majesty may I present them very latest elf boy a space rocket it's perfect don't you want to see it fly okay if I must yes but it's called a space rocket didn't go anywhere near space did it it's just a toy your majesty just a toy I could kick a football higher than that and rockets should be able to go higher than footballs well aren't sure we can make it go higher how high I could make a rocket go to the moon if I wanted to no you couldn't yes I could I'm an elf and elves can do anything very well I command the elves to build a rocket to fly me to the moon to fly me and Princess Holly to the moon and nanny plum to look after the children I bet you can't fly holly been dust on me and nanny plum to the moon you're on by tonight oh okay marvellous see you later then come on then we better go and start making that rocket it's a matter of elf honor okay bye Holly see you tonight ah how did the toy inspection go did the King say the toy rocket was perfect uh he thought it could go a bit higher who really well I suppose I could fit a stronger spring how high does the king wanted to go to the moon to the moon and I said we could have some people inside people inside by tonight impossible elf honor is at stake elf honor in that case we must do it we'll build this rocket and well fly to the moon tonight stop toy production at the elfs factory start work on the elf rocket immediately now I will work out how to get the elf rocket from here the little kingdom to hear the moon [Music] ah nanny plum I'd like you to join us on a little trip this evening to the moon a trip to the moon that sounds nice Oh pack a picnic hello hello your majesty the elf rocket is ready that was quick work quickly and well may I present the elf rocket but does it fly does it fly of course it flies it's an elf rocket the rocket will land here in the Sea of Tranquility oh we can make sandcastles we can have a picnic on the beach and you can go paddling in the sea there is no water on the moon but what is the same made from just a rock a sea of rock what's the points of valence listen everyone this is a very serious mission there'll be no swimming or picnics here is the name cabin the cabin is a bit tiny I might say down below in the kitchen the kitchen there isn't a kitchen space this space is for the fuel nanny plum I have worked out exactly how much fuel we need to get you to the moon there isn't one you'll just have to go before you leave having a picnic at the seaside will mean an epal um it's not a picnic at the seaside it's a very serious mission we are going to the moon now all astronauts into their space youth get ready for takeoff [Music] there's no air in space you'll have to wear a spacesuit but we can just use magic to breathe no magic is not allowed aboard the elf rocket you will have to leave your ones behind okay Queen Sissel would you please come with me to the mission control room systems check and since ready computers ready fuel system ready start the countdown I want to wish you all the best of luck you are going where no else has gone before or ferry Oh surely you are going where no elf or fairy has gone before is everyone ready already yeah okay wise old elf blastaar all systems go where did it go where did it go where did it go into space it actually worked I wasn't expecting that [Music] we are now although Goods atmosphere we can take off our seatbelt that's because there's no gravity in space I'm flapping my wings but they don't do anything yes your wings won't work in zero gravity oh are you sure there isn't a toilet what's through this door when you open a door in space it sucks all the air out of the rocket Oh nanny plum she's floating away [Music] we can hear you through the radio nanny plum you don't need to shout just stay calm rocket this is Mission Control what's going on up there nanny plum open the door no not in space oh yeah that's a shame well never mind on with the mission whoa I suppose we must all right you're all tied to this rope so you won't drift away are you ready ready we're coming nanny plum hold on hold on hold on support I know we can't reach money plum mr. elf the Rope isn't long enough Oh No lost in space the toilet here's your lasso Ben thanks dad keep still got you oh thank you Ben thank you everyone for rescuing me let that be a lesson to you nanny plum no more opening doors I was just telling you look around well please don't look around this is a serious mission elf I know does it speak well I'm very sorry I won't touch anything again fairies honor good now everybody strap themselves in our next stop is the moon oh good the sooner we get back the sooner we can have our picnic for the last time nanny plum there will be no picnic on the moon this adventure continues in our next episode picnic on the moon [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] [Music] then and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts in outer space rocket to mission control in a few minutes we will land on the moon very good mr. elf you are on target to land in the Sea of Tranquility lovely once where the sea sighs we can eat our picnic Oh nanny plum for the last time we are not going for a picnic why not because this is a serious elf mission to the moon we can still have a picnic ready everyone we are about to go where no elf has gone before oh yes sorry Holly we are going where no elf or Fairy has gone before [Music] all right that's enough funny business here's my timetable for the mission one land on moon does that to plant the flag I am now king of the moon [Music] lock the flag done three go back home Oh what about the picnic and you missed out the seaside yes wave this Sea of Tranquility I fancy a paddle The Sea of Tranquility doesn't have water in it it's full of sand but where do the aliens go when they want to swim it runs nanny plum said there might be aliens on the moon haha well that's just a fairy story oh [Music] that's nice he's saying hello can you speak alien nanny no this is Mission Control what's going on up there we just met at alien amazing this is an historic momentous occasion this is the biggest thing to happen Danny plum we do not celebrate historic meetings with a cheese sandwich maybe the aliens can show us where the seaside is there is no sea on the moon only sand we can still build sandcastles yes no don't start digging up the moon you'll upset the aliens the aliens love building sandcastles [Music] I'm a bit hungry later time for the picnic no magic basket please magic nanny plum are you waving your magic wand around I haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work you just ask it for what she wants magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese and now for pudding magic jelly nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood Oh it'll be fine nanny plum I want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's she doing no no I forgot to say not a lot [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly daddy plum all the maps of the mood will have to be changed the Sea of Tranquility is down the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset the jelly babies they love it I better make some more magic No nanny plum I forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission but look at the alien sad little faces they're still hungry no more magic jelly okay hmm I was looking forward to having a bit of jelly myself Oh nanny we can't eat the picnic anyway our space helmets are in the way that's the last straw no water in the sea and we can't eat food what kind of picnic is this it's not okay let's go home nanny plums right it's time to go well that's what I've been saying [Music] I like aliens yes then lovely everybody get ready for takeoff I will set the controls for ah we seem to be out of fuel what does that mean we are stuck on the moon Oh No what what's wrong I put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon but I forgot about getting back I hope there that was a bit silly yes yes it was very silly it's all because of your little elf rolls if you'd let us bring our fairy ones we could have used magic to get us back but of course there's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours I didn't mean to make so much magic jelly magic jelly of course Danny bla listen carefully I want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank why there's no time for questions just do it yes the fuel tank nanny plum now ask the magic basket for jelly but you say no more magic jelly I know I did but this is an emergency okay how much jelly do you want a lot right yeah what how will that help the jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed we can use the power of Jenny to make the rocket fly back home and Owen said that yes I was being silly but it's not you saying it it's me and the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum I suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] now rockets to control we are heading back for the Little Kingdom using Chile power [Applause] they're on their way home [Music] mr. elf please land the elf rocket in the Frog Pond right hold stand back everyone [Music] [Applause] we flew to the moon and back the mission was a complete success SAG's to the wonders of elf cleverness thanks to my magic jelly you mean what without my magic jelly would still be on the moon nonno Nanni let's not argue over the little details let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the great elf tree [Music] now children is everyone ready for the tour of the elf factory yes this way please all aboard next stop level 99 Oh [Music] [Music] yeah we are the elf's Factory goodness me look at all this rubbish when you advertise yeah this isn't rubbish nanny people um these are the raw materials we use to make toys the plastic bottles are made into glue the old tin cans are made into block work and the old paper and card goes into the poverty and gets squished into flat sheets which are folded into new boxes for out eyes are very clever and well this way the L factory produces one new toy every second things when you go to bed stop assert and they're not we were day and night to make sure the children of the world get their toys the L factory never stops L factory stopped what slight problem I'm afraid wise old elf we've run out of plastic metal and old paper let's just magic ups no no not magic where else and we don't do magic so what are you going to do we'll simply go to the great elf tower to the great oh it's a wondrous place I've never heard of it the great elf tower gives us all the things we need to make toys when big people have picnics in the Little Kingdom they put plastic bottles tin cans and old papers into the great elf tower where ya behold the great tower all I can see is a little pen what big people and fairies might call it a little bin but to us it is the great elf tower they're not funny these are safety clothes the great elf tower can be very dangerous and very smelly here goes [Music] [Music] not yet it's a bit dark I think the great we must stay out of their way that was a lovely picnic what was that [Music] [Music] I am NOT a smelly little ferret I'm a smelly little dust on it smelly charmed I'm sure this isn't fairyland it's the Little Kingdom load the elf traps right ho we use it to make toys it makes lovely compost for the elf ah back to the elf tree [Music] let's get these down to the elf factory without today there are little windows in it I wonder if there are any fairies inside it's all my mum it's just our friend Lucy Oh nice to meet you Lucy hello here's a little present to remind you of your visit it's our latest toy fresh from the factory Wow yes that's why we're very grateful to you for putting rubbish in the great elf Tower what's the great oh he means the litter bin you're welcome thanks for showing me your tree I always thought fairies live in castles for the last time we are not fairies [Applause] I live in a castle they say come and sing it's okay daddy it's only Lucy the little girl huh hello Lucy how do you do Oh another little owl I'm not an elf I'm a fairy King nice to meet you Lucy Oh [Music] [Music] oh there the car won't start look it says empty on the petrol gauge no petrol that's not good oh I wish we could help them at nanny plum maybe you could sort this out with a bit of a fairy thingy very thingy what's that new you know the stuff you do with your one Oh you mean magic wise old elf yes magic very well magic it is just enough fairy dust to get them home oh we've got no petrol but the cars working maybe this car is so modern it doesn't need petrol well ask at the garage bye come back [Music] Lucy who are you talking to I met some elves and Mary's that's nice the car is shiny today I've never seen it so sparkly it's very just MIT idea [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very [Music] [Music] then and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the great elf tree it's autumn then my favorite time of year mind you they'll be leaf sweeping work to do let's get everyone organized hauling all L leaf sweeping what are we oh never mind who's the best not sweeping leaves [Music] [Applause] so many leaves I have to use three magic brooms fall off the trees goodness knows autumn leaves are so precious oh they might look pretty to you violet but it just means more work for me this one looks just like the leaf in bends it's an oak leaf it must be from the elf tree I don't know why elves have to live in a tree I don't know why we have to have tree autumn crumbling again Danny you should be happy autumn is here yes your majesty where are you going I'm returning these leaves who's the best at sweeping leaves I believe these are your leaves Oh Thank You nanny plum believe in your hats have changed color too oh so they have mm-hmm teresting let's play tag okay wait I wasn't ready [Music] oh look a squirrel you can't trick me like that no Ben there really is a squirrel a squirrel easy now Ben elv what's wrong it's just a squirrel just ignore the squirrel princess Holly sound the Acorn alarm mr. elf what's going on it might be a cold day what contact not now princess Holly [Music] a cold day has begun don't panic please leave the earth tree immediately it's probably a false alarm yes hopefully it's just a practice there he goes Oh panic mrs. elf just hand it back get out of here mrs. elf quickly somebody please tell me what's going on one day every year the squirrels come and store their icons in the great elf tree we call that day acorn day what's so bad that's gross storing acorns yes they need to store their food for winter and it's just an icon one acorn would be okay but there are many squiggles and they have many acorns I'm sorry I couldn't stop him wise old elf it's not your fault mrs. elf there is no stopping them once they've started what do we do now now we wait you see after one squirrel has put its acorn in the tree and now that will come and copy it squirrels are very good copying [Music] [Music] happy acorn day when do the squirrels arrive oh I missed all the fun the squirrels have failed the elf tree with acorn study ah yes very clever animals those squirrels a menace well if you're going to live in an oak tree with little windows you might as well put up a sign saying store your acorns here well if I've missed the squirrels I might as well go home goodbye happy a called a wise old elf why don't you just move the akon somewhere else squirrels won't let anyone move their acorns watch now we're going to move the acorns out of the tree but you said you couldn't move the icons we can't but we can trick the squirrels into moving the acorns for us how wait here you'll see oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny here we are squeak oh why is the wise old elf dressed there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail check ACORN check squirrels watching check go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a pity I missed a call day I see an acorn how charming your majesty talking squirrel throw the acorn away your majesty ah wise old elf where did you come from Your Majesty it's dangerous nonsense how can an acorn be dangerous this lovely acorn isn't dangerous to acorns well not exactly but the castle is a great place to store acorns for the winter happy I can't I daddy you didn't miss it after all how am I going to get rid of all these acorns you will need this squirrel costume what how does that work you wear the costume and the squirrels copy oh I see okay on with the costume nanny off you go chop-chop [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 9,772,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: Cy49w2xJG14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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