Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | 1 Hour Episode Compilation #18

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm been [Music] [Music] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom today's adventure starts at the leaf the elf submarine Your Majesty may I present the elf factories latest toy the elf submarine ah yes jolly good does it float does it float of course it floats allow us to demonstrate we carefully chose this day to test the submarine as there are no other boats on the lake me treasure gone down to the bottom of the sea how sad anyway as I was saying this is a perfect day to test the submarine with no boats on the lake if only we had some way of sailing underwater to look for it ah if only anyway back to my submarine hang on the elf submarine is a toy it's not for going on adventures oh so it can't go underwater yes it can it'll probably think like a stone no it will not good that's that sorted captain Redbeard our submarine is at your service thank you your majesty but but I will be needing a crew hi captain Redbeard can I come and me aye I better come too if there's any trouble I can use magic to help her no nanny plum there will be no magic on the elf submarine because where else and elves don't do magic yes we know Polly my faithful friend you'll have to wait you mr. elf steer the submarine III been annoyed wind up the engine what I did why you just sit there and look pretty My Little Mermaid oh I know this lake I've sailed on it often are you a sailor I was a sailor I'm not anymore why not big bad body hose big bad boy only the biggest gigantic is most enormous fish the world has ever seen he's eaten nine of dads bones you lost nine boats I saw how he was a bad sailor I'm not about sailor just unlucky that big bad buddy is quite big and bad mr. L die die oh it's so pretty what is it it's red boots boots ah Neptune you're right well-spotted ban Oh for a moment I thought you'd seen big bad berry oh now I can get me treasure back let's get it and go I don't like it down here I love it all the fish and the flowers and that big underwater cloud you don't get underwater clothes me hearty tempers bad he's swimming towards burnt oh dear he's going to eat it oh did you see that he swallowed it whole like it were a grape oh what a shame should we get home then go oh but we haven't got my treasure wow we can't do much about that now I never thought I'd say it but nanny plum is right unless you want to sail into Berry's stomach and take your treasure back this adventure is over you're right be fruity pancake mmm take us home mr. Ralph aye aye aye captain Redbeard who turned out the lights it's Oh doc well we must have sailed into a cave mr. Alf was chatting instead of looking where he was going I was parked well we're somewhere strange no mistake I know I'll shave me beard off if there's not something fishy going on turn on the lights mr. elf aye aye captain it smells fishy what's up palm where are we there are more boats as well its punty the boat big bad bad eh last winter that's my old boat tricks Abell how dares fifi [Music] if all those boats are inside big bad bear eh then we must be inside big bad bear eh boyo that's wet and fishy you're right we're in the belly of a big fish that explains the smell just sink all those years I tried to catch paddy and now he's called me how are we going to get out of here if we could get big bad berry to open his mouth we could just say out oh very clever Ben only how do we get him to open his mouth maybe it's time to ask for a bit of advice can someone answer their phone it's not my phone oh it's mine hello oh hello nanny plum what's that they've got good news and bad news what's the good news they found the treasure and what's the bad news they've been swallowed by a giant fish what are they okay I'll ask is my submarine all right it's not scratched is it listen clever clogs we need your help someone needs to talk to the fish nanny plum can speak fish ah nanny plum you must tell the fish a joke and make him laugh that's a no idea a very stupid idea but an idea what's the plan I'm going to tell big bad Barry a joke to make him laugh what utter nonsense it was the wise old elves idea it's brilliant everyone back and the supper get ready to sail what's a good fish joke I know [Music] you might not get it [Music] we didn't yes pirate red beard and his crew returned it's a triumph so you got the treasure nope you got your boat nope so in what way is this trip a triumph in well we're not inside a big fish in that case congratulations it's a shame the treasures lost it's not lost I know where it is and no one will ever find it in the belly of big bad Barry that's true of course it is me tasty little fruit tree nanny plum what was the joke you told big bad Barry it was where do fish keep their money we don't know where do fish keep their money in a river bank oh that's not very funny I know it's a bit of a rubbish joke but then fish find the silliest things funny they have very small brains where do fish keep their money oh I get it a river bank well that's brilliant [Laughter] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] [Music] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle do you want to come and play I'd like to play Ben but I can't we're going to visit King and Queen marigold snooty I'm glad I'm not going I wish I wasn't going maybe your mum will let you stay and play with me mommy can i play with Ben today what a good idea hey Ben can come too oh that's all right isn't it mr. elf oh yes go off and enjoy yourself Ben see you later bye oh you're coming too are you oh okay magic car drive on this is fun a magic car yes it eases fairy dust to make it go woo I want you all on your best behavior today yes Queen King and Queen Mary girls home will be full of very precious things horrible but precious so you mustn't touch anything visiting King and Queen marigold sounds like hard work it'll be exhausting [Music] here we are king and queen marigolds castle oh what a horrible building such bad taste it's beautiful cool castle hello and welcome Holly you remember King and Queen Mary cult hello hello and this is my best friend Ben you've met him before of course the charming little Goblin I'm not a goblin I'm ml Oh an elf how exotic did you have a pleasant journey it must be so nice to leave your little kingdom behind for a day jealous or nice beer what do you think of our Castle honestly it looks like a company it's very nice I wish we had a castle like this mummy Oh before we had it rebuilt and plastered it was made of stone imagine Oh Castle is made of stone but you live in an urn fashioned Castle it must be very uncomfortable not really you brought your ladybird down Gaston oh that means he likes you charmed I'm sure let's go inside we'll give you the tour can Gaston come too as long as he wipes his feet yes if you could all wipe your feet and please don't touch anything and if you could try not to breathe too heavily we've got lots of precious things as you can see we've turned the idea of the hallway on its head trick use wow it's all upside down Oh where's Gaston gone bears Gaston he's walking on the ceiling no daddy gasps Don's walking on the upside down floor cover Gaston hmm so I see he didn't wipe his feet nanny clean it up I'm not your servant that's right nanny you're my servant thank you your majesty Oh clean it up nanny yes your majesty muddy footprints where you go Oh God No we're worried there are 100 rooms in our castle what do you do with all those rooms we flew them my boy we have sins this is our collection of pebbles as a well-polished pebble who indeed what do they do they're beautiful please don't touch them we don't want them to get stickier children always have sticky hands no he don't yes you do do you think the pebbles look beautiful King fizzle what oh yes very ah Peverley this way green fly hmm good boy Gaston he won't be needing dinner now I feel found our pet green fly Lucinda Gucci and Tim here where is Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy hmm Betsy's gone for a walk Jamie Gaston spit Timmy out TV Oh playing hide-and-seek worried now you may find the next room a little chilly it's freezing in here yes this room must be kept well below freezing temperature at all times all these lovely things have made of ice they look very beautiful Queen Mary girl yes they're cool please don't touch oh they made with magic yeah that would be too easy they're made from ice that froze over a thousand years ago and hand-carved by Norwegian mining Dixieland these sculptures a one-of-a-kind and simply irreplaceable whoo I swore nuts now I feel like Swami's oh dear you dumb you've broken my swans head off it's all right I'm magic another one abracadabra make me a bird's ice thingy that's not a swan looks like a ham or a duck maybe it looks lovely by like ducks this way Dukey Bob this is our finest and most treasured collection of all antique toys amazing you must play the time I could play here forever this monkey is over a hundred yes and this clown is about 200 years old they were made at the elf factory by someone called the wise old elf we know the wise old elf huh you know the wise old elf what's him like he's wise he's old he's he's a grumpy old Alf that's a bit clever this is my favorite toy at clockwork fairground ride but sadly it's broken don't worry I can mend it I don't think so it needs to be seen by an expert elves are experts don't touch these toys must not be touched by children will have to touch it to mend it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it stopped I walked it today wicked oh yes organic and again oh cool okay can clean marigold casa it is blowing at oh yes it's quite far [Applause] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] are you ready to come camping yes me why have you brought an orange it's to scare off gnomes you know what they say to scare off a gnome bring an orange from home what's wrong with gnomes oh you don't want to bring a gnome on a camping trip they talk and talk and talk and talk yes gnomes are just like elves absolutely not gnomes are greedy boring creatures who talk and talk and talk and goodness look at the time we really should be going here's the timetable one set up camp to hang up washing three make a campfire for that day try to relax mr. L I'll do my best mrs. elf can we sing songs there will be no dancing or singing just camping here's the tent for us mr. elf Holly I'd rather you didn't do any magic remember this is an elf camp elves have been camping for hundreds of years we can put tents up with our eyes closed Wow one elf tent lovely now we're on holiday yes and that means there's holiday work to be done holiday work next on the list hang out the washing Barney Justin all right why do you need whooshing campsites good never be too clean and tidy I'll slice the orange how do I just take knives away it's the smell gnomes hate the smell of oranges oh now we're safe next on the list collect sticks for the campfire sticks suppose okay that's enough sticks hello there unknown mind if I join you well thank you I'll only stay for a week or two but we had an orange yes we wouldn't have found you if it weren't for the smell of this orange hate oranges normally yes but I'm on a balanced diet you see he for heat ten points and twenty steamed puddings I need to balance that boy in fruit let's make a fire how do you make a fire mr. elf rub two sticks together really fast like this you have to rub the sticks a little bit faster would you like to hear the interesting thing I know about sticks sticks grow on trees I nice room now that's because fire is hot I'm hungry me too what a surprise I hardly eaten anything today I've only had 10 poise a skip full of chips 30 apple tarts wow that's a sponge cake on grits sausages and that orange I thought you said there are some things I don't eat like stones wood and television sets those things what you're on this door to all we never knew it was so popular what's for dinner mrs. elf she's an onion pie thank you very much would you like me to tell you an amazing fact about elves I'll take that as a yes the owl is in fact a bird it has big eyes for seeing things six o'clock time for bed I'll put the fire out it's dangerous to leave a fire going princess Holly that's right don't go to bed till the fire is out and don't go to bed with a Charlotte on your head then Holly you get in the tent and go to sleep mr. gnome you have to go home camping is not meant to be fun bedtime is at 6 o'clock not the middle of the night oh oh you know a song about the middle of the noise would you like to hear it I'll take that as a yes [Music] [Music] [Music] it was lovely meeting you mr. gnome but now we need to get some sleep oh yes a good night's sleep is very important do you like me to stop yes and please go would you like me to go yes goodbye sleep well see you in the morning mr. name is funny he is silly yes really silly goodnight everyone well it's the new he's come back to eat our breakfast sure Oh away old princess Polly do you know a magic spell to get rid of moles I'm sorry mr. elf I don't oh dear think mr. elf what gets rid of moles moans don't know cos gnomes no idea why ah Thank You mr. gnome for saving our campsite from the hole that's all right what's for breakfast the mole ate all the food oh dear it was very strange mr. gnome turned up and he loves oranges and mr. Nam sang a funny song called Pinky Dinky Doo then a mole came along and eat our washing line and all our food and now we haven't any breakfast yes I thought that might happen that's why I've brought the magic picnic basket breakfast for everyone oh I'm actually very hungry Oh have you not eaten either not today oh dear is empty it isn't empty it's a magic picnic baskets or you get the idea magic basket please 20 poached eggs lots of toast knowing jars of jammed porky sausages and 90 pancakes just blended breakfast thank you mr. gnome breakfast is one of the things gnomes know a lot about oh we almost forgot my balanced diet I shouldn't be eating all this without also eating an orange [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts castle come on everyone we've got to get ready for the party party Daisy and Poppy's birthday party - magical toddlers are bad enough when all their little friends turn up it's terrible I've got it we'll have the party but we won't invite any guests sad that that ah I've sent out all the party invites and everybody's coming Oh who's coming there's little Tarquin Tarquin is a monster and there's raspberries my little sister she's got a stinging nettle in her hat and it stings when you touch it nettle elf is the naughtiest of the lot what do you expect she's got a pirate for an uncle yes pirates this party is going to be a disaster don't worry I've got it all planned we'll have magic games followed by my magic show and ending with magic jelly [Music] wrong party's not going to be a disaster it's going to be a catastrophe thank you your majesty I know Kings thistle you could have an elf party a what an elf party has no magic at all but what about my magic show the total is another magic show we have the great wizard Oh an elf conjurer he doesn't do real magic it's just tricks I like it been it sounds very safe yeah I'm boring exactly nanny plum cool this great wizard oh and tell him we've got children we want to bore I mean very well your majesty [Music] enjoy the party I'll be back to pick you up later it's just the wise old elf I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a children's entertainer especially when they do magic there won't be any magic at this party I'll put the toddlers ones into the library where they can't cause any trouble very clever let's get this party started musical statues when the music stops you have to stand as still as a statue raspberry I saw you move and you little because you've magic them into real statues of course that's how we fairies play musical statues this is not a fairy party turn them back to normal okay the big children's ones are going into the light relative with the others now it's time to play stick the tail on the donkey yes the donkey looks like a cabbage or a duck it's a donkey now I will blindfold little elf and she'll try to stick this tail on the donkey it's a stupid game anyway you need to be dragons to stick the tail on [Music] [Applause] Oh looks like the twins party has started finds alive in the party up a bit I'm putting the grown-ups ones in the library too now for my conjuring show green sisal please take a card we don't show me what is your card um the two of hearts your card is the two of hearts that's the worst trick I've ever seen I thought it was rather good how is it done for my next trick I will turn myself into a mouse you little ones need to wait behind this door for a moment how do you change yourself into a mouse I put these years on this nose that I was it's a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the walls in ah don't worry the great wizard Oh we'll sort this out I'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised to our body is so might work look children I've turned myself into a bow not a bad costume their toddlers have magic too wise old elf into a real Mouse squeak can someone please magic me back into an elf's no we can't do any magic because somebody put all the ones in the library actually the pot is not quite over yet no the toddlers are in the library with the dangerous spell they've got all the magic wands and they've magic the wise old mouse into a mouse squeak sounds like a fun party who know it's gone quiet they're up to something let's take a look oh yeah just all bunnies oh good to have you back again nanny now you have your wand again would you mind of course oh great with our dough Co they'll shut yourself somewhere be the poor little toddlers I was afraid of this Daisy and poppy have found the secret passageway where does the secret passageway go to the secret room I never knew we had a secret room that's because it's secret the room contains a magical force that must never be let out so not a good room for toddlers to be in there I hear the sound of excited little ones and something else we must not enter honestly what a lot of fuss about a terrible magical force of unimaginable power all handle base good luck we brave little pumpkin [Music] you're safe now my plum pudding I've seen many a terrible thing at sea but nothing nothing as bad as what I saw in fact room that's why we tend to keep the door locked good the party's over no word rather well I thought but what about the journey we haven't had magic jelly yet all right nanny but please don't make too much this time magic jelly that's good the party must be almost over talk with say thank you for having me it was a pleasure goodbye nettle oh it's raspberries birthday next we hear you've got a children's entertainer who's good with toddlers yes he is the great wizard oh and I wonderful see you all at raspberries party then [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the great elf tree on Christmas Eve wind the engine what's happening dad has an important job to do what kind of job is flying to the North Pole the North Pole yes we're making our final delivery of toys to father Christmas for takeoff Roger that control [Music] why are you delivering toys to father Christmas well thing makes all father Christmas's toys um elves that's what us elves elves work all year deep underground in the elf factory making toys then in December delivers the toys to father Christmas does he land at the North Pole and meet father Christmas no he never lands he drops the toys by parachute then father Christmas wraps the toys up and delivers them to the children of the world oh the children oh yes even Lucy I love Christmas and I love snow me too I wish it was snowing now yes it's Christmas Eve when's it going to snow maybe it's time for a weather forecast weather forecast yes we can use my ELF weather detector Wow so Candace machine tell if it's going to snow of course how does it work I listen to the weather through this giant ear trumpet it's so sensitive I can hear a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa [Applause] don't talk loudly into the trumpet sorry wise old elf now please stay quiet ah interesting is it a butterfly no I can hear weather what sorts of weather him if there's a chance of Sun or rain with clear skies or clouds I can say it certainly might but then again it might not I know let's ask nanny plum if it's going to snow Why ask nanny plum nanny can tell the future ha this I must see I certainly can can you tell if it's going to snow today yes I'll use my special snow forecasting globe oh oh I see you gaze into the crystal ball and it tells our fortune I suppose no you just shake it like there we are it'll snow today don't stop stop how on earth conduct thing predicts the weather it's never been wrong what if you shook it in the summer well you don't shake it in the summer obviously that would be silly well you can't tell exactly when it's going to snow can you yes I can it's going to snow now chichi no it's not make it snow [Music] where is nanny plum it's snowing in the sitting room is this your doing yes it is inside is for sitting in armchairs and reading outside is for snow inside outside what's F our nanny plum you're fired Tim be silly I'm taking away your wand until you learn how to control your spells better but what about the snout another word everyone out [Music] now daddy's taking nanny plum swarmed she want the up to magic a nice norm now we won't have any snow for Christmas there's always a chance it might snow anyway I can hear something is it snow no it's the elf thing dad's back from the North Pole [Music] that's the last deliveries done yes lots of it enough snow to last me a lifetime now you finished your work mr. Ralph are you on holiday holiday good gracious no it's Christmas Eve there's work to be done preparing tonight's elfin fairy feast oh yes oh yes and those lanterns don't hang themselves up to work stop mr. elf it's about time you had a rest Hey rest you've been working hard all year just sit down and relax for five minutes I can give you three you work too hard elves like working hard and I'm an elf oh dear you really must relax just say I'm on holiday well alright I'm on holiday oh that's nice hello wise old elf speaking father Christmas yeah mr. Christmas I can't find box five seven one box five seven one I need those toys before tonight Oh some children will not get their Christmas presents never fear mr. Christmas we will get the box to you I will deliver it personally box five seven one it could be anywhere we'll never find it is it this box dad's the one that says box five seven one what well done Ben you found it to the elf plane we leave immediately that was a nice holiday while it lasted are you going back to the north oh can we come can we dad please please I don't mind who comes but we must leave straightaway I'll just get my wands back from Kingfisher on there there's no time for that nanny we need to get these toys to father Christmas right away elf honor is at stake ready for takeoff captain everyone on board Wow you say my snow globe is never wrong what do all these buttons do don't touch anything please daddy plum wine the engine righty-ho ready for takeoff [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're not going to play in the snow we're just dropping off the toy box and coming straight home Christmas good gracious no we're on a mission there'll be no playing in the snow and no meeting father Christmas join us in our next episode when we play in the snow and meet father Christmas somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben [Music] then and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts on Christmas Eve are we nearly there yet yes nanny we're almost at the north Oh will we meet father Christmas no Holly remember we never land at the North Pole we drop the toys by parachute this father Christmas catch them no the toys are collected by blends not goblins arctic elves goblins picks it whatever my brother is an arctic elf I didn't know you had a brother oh yes he's in charge of the arctic elves calling arctic elves this is flight 1001 right do [Music] now we can go home it's a shame we never met father Christmas all the Arctic out the good thing is we'll be back in time for the album very fixed oh yes the elfin fairy feasts at midnight Swinton's plane sounds we thought is it broken of course not this plane is built to last one thousand flights oh this is flight 1001 Oh lots of things are falling out oh we're going down for you we landed safely that was lucky okay we're stuck at the North Pole but now we might meet father Christmas and the Arctic elves I suppose we might see some penguins I like penguins penguins live at the South Pole this is the North Pole what's that waddling towards us they're not penguins popsicles it's my twin brother hello little brother hello no I'm older but you're twins I'm older and wiser by three minutes hardly older at all I am the wiser older elf when you little boys have stopped squabbling maybe the wisest person here can work out how we get back home oh maybe father Christmas could help very clever follow me everyone to the house of father Christmas Christmas maybe if you're lucky in a deep plum you'll see a penguin ha ha ha pilot car borrow your wand ok oh wise old owl a penguin at the North Pole oh very clever nanny plum what Gaston stopped moving interesting Gaston has frozen no we need to get the Lady Bird somewhere warm yes insects they like the winter here we are the house of father Christmas it looks like a Christmas party Oh wonderful yes little brother I built it myself well when I said wonderful I meant it's ok this is father Christmas's study we can for the ladybird out by the fire Oh Leeds father Christmas's slippers yes they are Wow his feet are bigger than all of us I think Gaston is falling out Gaston's bat box 5 7 1 delivered - thank you little brother it would be simply spiffing if next year you made the last toy delivery before Christmas Eve what at least I make toys you just wrap them up ah but wrapping toys is the important bit you have to be as old and wise as me to understand that you're no wiser than me but I am by three minutes and I always will be ahem talking of wrapping presents shouldn't somebody be doing that by now it's Christmas Eve goodness me your right to the present wrapping machines [Music] that's the lust of this year's presents wrapped time for a holiday war ah ah we've just brought one more box of toys to wrap sorry to end your holiday that's okay arctic elves love wrapping presents and we're we brought you toy robots of dolls space rockets and cars not bad you've done a good job brother ooh thank you brother when the presents are wrapped up who delivers them I deliver them of course Christmas call me Santa I hear you're in a spot of bother yes we need some help getting home I've got some work to do tonight I could drop you off on the way are you going our way I'm going everywhere I say that pay twins a long way from home I'd better drop him off too of course there's a present for her hmm why do people always have such small chimneys we could deliver the presents for you Yeah right but these presents in Lucy's Christmas stocking don't forget the tangerine keep still pretend to be a statue that's odd some of the decorations have fallen off the tree this little elf must go here and this pretty fairy should be at the top of the tree we're delivering your Christmas present else as well no but tonight we have the elfin fairy that sounds nice it's beautiful we'd better go Santa's waiting on your roof delicious this drink even better [Music] we can't start the elf and fairy feast until the others are back well where are they father Christmas gave us a lift on his sleigh Thank You father Christmas would you like to stay for our elf and fairy feast no time I'm afraid I have to deliver presents to all the children of the world how many deliveries have you done so far one well good luck thank you Merry Christmas good now we're all here Christmas can begin [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 1,639,204
Rating: 3.9024022 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben, ben & holly's little kingdom, #littlekingdom, ben a, cartoon for kids, ben and holly live
Id: WGuQiewrq7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 16sec (3856 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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