Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Ben's Robot | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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goodness me what's happening the robot is tidying up everything yes including us it's a monster how do we stop it only Ben can stop it hello mrs. elf speaking oh sorry it is a bit late but this is an emergency we need Ben now right oh then there's an emergency at the little castle we have to go right away right Oh who's the best at rescuing pasta it's wound down but what could have caused the toy robot to act so strangely I think it was my magic did it what have you got there Gaston it's the proper key well done Gaston are you sure that's a good idea it'll be fine ah that's the toy robot I remember [Music] it's too small that was the biggest fish I've ever seen I've seen bigger much much bigger really really it was many years ago when I first met big bad buddy only the biggest hugest most gigantic hissed fish the world has ever seen no it was a dark and stormy night I was out sailing in my favorite boat Hilda when I first saw the body I knew straight away I had to catch him I had to be the fisherman who took him home for the biggest fish dinner in history I tried several different baits before I found what Barry liked cheese cheese I put a bit of cheese on the line and Barry was hooked straight away the only thing was he was stronger than my old boat Gilda was bad attract my poor boat Hilda all over the link and when he'd finished that he ate her it sounds horrid it was so you built Ponte to replace ILDA no first there was Doris then Peggy there was Abigail Fifi and Trixie belt not forgetting Sabrina Vicki had Miss boo-boo Barry ate them all I tried to catch Barry so many times but he was always too strong so that's where all the cheese went in the end I gave up big bad Barry is still out there somewhere incredible I have come to a royal poor delivery at last mr. Alf King thistle is waiting for his breakfast well today we've got mushrooms tomatoes baked beans and of course eggs that should make a splendid Kings breakfast yes yes Thank You mr. elf but the only thing I need today is flour flow yes flour for making breads the king wants bread no problem we'll pick up a bag of flour from the elf windmill Thank You mr. Alf let's see we should be able to deliver it next week next week but I need flour today ah you know what they say you can't rush the elf windmill hmm maybe I should visit this elf windmill of course nanny plum we can take you if you like the windmill sounds fun can I come too of course hop aboard princess Holly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello Ben hello Holly ah nanny plum hi can I have a bag of flour please certainly we should have a bag of flour ready in a week but I need it now ho you know what they say you can't rush the elf windmill why not Oh do you want to come and play I'd like to play Ben but I can't we're going to visit King and Queen marigold they're a bit snooty I'm glad I'm not going I wish I wasn't going maybe your mum will let you stay and play with me mummy can i play with Ben today what a good idea hey Ben can come too oh that's all right isn't it mr. elf oh yes go off and enjoy yourself Ben see you later bye oh you're coming too are you okay magic car drive on this is fun a magic car yes it eases fairy dust to make it go cool I want you all on your best behavior today yes green this king and queen maracle's home will be full of very precious things horrible but precious so you mustn't touch anything visiting king and queen marigold sounds like hard work it'll be exhausting [Music] here we are king and queen marigolds castle oh what a horrible building such bad taste it's beautiful cool castle hello and welcome Holly you remember Kane and Queen Mary cold hello and this is my best friend Ben you've met him before of course the charming little Goblin I can't wait for the Kings birthday party me too we've got a really big firework to let off yes it's as big as a terrible under the music dancing and cakes everyone loves King thistles birthday party for King thistles birthday party open is not going to be a party no party King thistle has decided he doesn't like getting older who does I do so there won't be any fireworks now Oh music Oh dancing we'd better take this delivery back to the elf tree can I stay here with Holly okay bye see you later if we could shaking this laughs then maybe he'd want to part a good idea Ben I could do a magic spell to cheer the King up really will not work of course but how do you cheer people up with magic I'll show you abracadabra abracadabra [Music] [Laughter] oh that was horrible I'm not sure about the hats you were very happy yes a little too happy maybe we won't use magic to cheer the King up pants we catch a king Cecil up another way Wow my dad always likes talking about when he was a boy does he so if we ask your dad about which looks like the twins party has started liven the party up a bit I'm putting the grown-ups ones in the library too now for my conjuring shows Queen sisal please take a card we don't show me what is your card um the two of hearts your card is the two of hearts that's the worst trick I've ever seen I thought it was rather good how's it done for my next trick I will turn myself into a mouse you little ones need to wait behind this door for a moment how do you change yourself into a mouse I put these years on this knows that I was it's a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the walls in ah don't worry the great wizard Oh we'll sort this out I'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised how bad it is sir might work look children I've turned myself into a Wow not about costumes their toddlers have magic the wise old elf into a real Mouse squeak can someone please magic me back into an elf snow we can't do any magic because somebody but all the ones in the library [Music] [Applause] [Music] holiday good gracious no it's Christmas Eve there's work to be done preparing tonight's Alfred oh yes and those lanterns don't hang themselves up to work stop mr. elf it's about time you had a rest Hey rest you've been working hard all year just sit down and relax for five minutes I can give you three you work too hard elves like working hard and I'm an elf oh dear you really must relax just say I'm on holiday well all right I'm on holiday ah that's nice hello wise old elf speaking this father Christmas yeah Oh mr. Christmas toys I can't find box five seven one box five seven one I need those toys before tonight Oh some children will not get their Christmas presents never fear mr. Christmas we will get the box to you I will deliver it personally box five seven one it could be anywhere we'll never find it is it this box dad's the one that says box five seven one what well done Ben you found it to the elf plane we leave immediately well that was a nice holiday are we nearly there yet yes nanny we're almost at the North Oh will we meet father Christmas no Holly remember we never land at the North Pole we drop the toys by parachutes this father Christmas catch them no the toys are collected by Glenn's not goblins arctic elves goblins Pixies whatever my brother is an arctic elf I didn't know you had a brother oh yes he's in charge of the arctic elves calling arctic elves this is flight 1001 right do [Music] now we can go home it's a shame we never met father Christmas all the arctic owl the good thing is we'll be back in time for the album very fixed oh yes the elfin fairy feasts at midnight dancing lanterns plane sounds happy thoughts is it broken of course not this plane is built to last 1,000 flights oh this is flight 1001 oh yeah lots of cops and things are falling out oh we're going down for you we landed safely that was lucky okay we're stuck at the North Pole but now we might meet father Christmas and Leo here's your card call a space rocket and here's your present Wow a spaceman viol we made it ourselves thanks mum thanks dad and later all your friends will be coming to your birthday party cool who can that be hi Ben hi Holly you're a bit early for my party a party have you brought me a birthday card Oh birthday cards Holly you haven't forgotten my birthday have you oh happy birthday Ben thanks ollie I've just got to pop back home for something Oh see you later [Music] milk sugar flour and egg good let's do some bacon oh don't worry my little one he'll have another birthday next year no no it's really important I have to do something for this birthday Ben is my best friend oh I've got to make a birthday card really quickly but I don't know where to start what you need is a little magic to get you going my goodness mom dad are you astrophysicists no no nobody knows the answer maybe we could ask the wise old elf yes he's wise he's old this is the wise old have study way he thinks about things and is wise and stuff good afternoon everybody how can I help you wise old elf we have a question the answer wasn't in our storybook it's an elf question not really a fairy matter so we thought as you are the wise old elf yes of course ask me any question anything at all where do you start go even a daytime hey ask me another question there are on sport perhaps you're not really wise are you you just old so old elf you don't know the answer no but I do know where to find it well follow me what if is searching for answers mainly a bit tired we can take the lift mind the doors please [Music] but how will Betty caterpillar fly well she won't exactly be a caterpillar anymore ah I don't get it you will tomorrow good night Ben good night that hi Olli Oh where's Betty um I don't know but look at that yeah what is it don't know but it wasn't here yesterday hi hi violet hi strawberry oh what's that we don't know it's a cocoon caterpillars make them so it's Betty cats appear inside yes but once she comes out she won't be a caterpillar anymore what will she be um maybe a frog a frog or maybe a birds I see Betty caterpillar is going to turn into a bird then she'll fly ah a cocoon yes Daddy Betty caterpillars inside it and when she comes out she'll be able to fly because she'll be a bird actually caterpillars don't normally change into birds change into frogs not frogs either but what will she [Music] I did try to stop him Annie but he got worse well thank goodness the king and queen aren't here to see all this mess [Music] it's the king and queen it's very nice of you all to welcome us home like this may I be the first to say how pleased we are to see you back again your Majesties while you were away yes yes I'm a bit tired so if you'll excuse me I stopped uh maybe you should go for a little walk your majesty I've just got a bit tidying up to do inside Thank You nanny plum but all I want to do now is have a nice bar ah [Music] ice cream I'm sorry daddy it's all my fault I tried to be a good cream and make everybody happy but it's a lot harder than you thing yes Holly I know it is especially with elves elves are never happy him we are happy when we are busy elves like being busy in that case I command you to go back to work at once and your first job will be to clean up all this ice cream thank you your majesty three cheers for King thistle and Queen Holly [Music] orange juice bed yes please mum it's not an earthquake it's worse than an earthquake it's a woodpecker smashing the tree it's made a hole it's not in my flat whew it's not in my flat here son let me try I believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic ah everybody out run for your life hi Ben hello Holly we've got a bird in our tree yes I saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct I didn't realize your Majesty was interested in birds oh yes I'm a bird spotter here's my badge and then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird thank goodness you're here your majesty the woodpecker is in our home it's building up nice and soon there be eggs baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch I can come back and tick them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go oh it's all my mum it's just our friend Lucy nice to meet you Lucy hello here's a little present to remind you of your visit it's our latest toy fresh from the factory Wow yes that's why we're very grateful to you for putting rubbish in the great elf Tower what's the great remains the litter bin you're welcome thanks for showing me your tree I always thought fairies live in castles for the last time we are not fairies [Applause] I live in a castle they say come and sing it's okay daddy it's only Lucy then little girl hmm hello Lucy how do you do Oh another little elf I'm not an elf I'm a fairy King nice to meet you Lucy Oh [Music] [Music] oh there the car won't start look it says empty on the petrol gauge no petrol that's not good oh I wish we could help them at nanny plum maybe you could sort this out with a bit of an fairy thingy very thingy what's that no Your Majesty may I present the very latest elf toy a space rocket it's perfect don't you want to see it fly okay if I must yes but it's called a space rocket it didn't go anywhere near space did it it's just a toy your majesty just a toy I could kick a football higher than that and rockets should be able to go higher than footballs well I'm sure we can make it go higher how high I could make a rocket go to the moon if I wanted to no you couldn't yes I could Aylin else can do anything very well I command the elves to build a rocket to fly me to the moon to fly me and Princess Holly to the moon and nanny plum to look after the children I bet you can't fly holly been cast on me and nanny plum to the moon you're on by tonight oh okay marvellous see you later then come on Ben we better go and start making that rocket it's a matter of elf honor okay bye Holly see you tonight ah how did the toy inspection go did the King say the toy rocket was perfect uh he thought it could go a bit higher who really well I suppose I could fit a stronger spring how high does the king wanted to go to the moon to the moon and I said we could have some people inside people inside by tonight impossible it's the new he's come back to eat our breakfast away old princess Polly do you know a magic spell to get rid of moles I'm sorry mr. elf I don't oh dear I think mr. elf what gets rid of moles moans don't like us gnomes no idea why ah Thank You mr. gnome for saving our campsite from the hole that's all right what's for breakfast but mole ate all the food oh dear it was very strange mr. gnome turned up and he loves oranges and mr. Nam sang a funny song called rinky-dinky turn then a mole came along and eat our washing line and all our food and now we haven't any breakfast yes I thought that might happen that's why I've brought the magic picnic basket breakfast for everyone oh I'm actually very hungry Oh have you not eaten either not today oh dear is empty it isn't empty it's a magic picnic basket I get the idea magic basket please 20 poached eggs lots of toast knowing jars of jammed porky sausages and 99 claims is the blow horn [Music] delightful sound silly ah that's because you don't have sensitive elf earring [Applause] princess Holly could you remind us what your tune sounded like please I don't suppose you la can read music well I haven't seen this particular piece before played that perfectly' perfect for you maybe but it's not elf music elf music has oompah oompah like this just remember you are playing for king and queen marigold and they are very snooty we like all power music but king and queen my regards don't quite so play Holly's tune please [Music] lovely Holly through the elf band sound any better practicing Oh die okay let's hear them play Oh where's my yarn Ben you must look after your things our good elf never loses their things Oh where's my piano God what's happening boy that's our TV why are the ants taking all our stuff I don't know ants outrageous nanny plum do something okay let's follow them where are the ants taking our food probably to the queen ant queen ant is she pretty like mummy does she have lovely dresses and a sparkly crown no the queen ant is a different sort of queen I [Music] there's my own yes and I was true where are they taking it down to the Queen and nanny I command you to have a word with this Queen and what word would that be your majesty ah tell her to stop taking our stuff I would Your Majesty but I can't speak and it's one of the more difficult insect languages along with centipede what we need is someone who can speak and good lady birds can speak and what are we oh never mind who's the best at sweeping leaves [Music] [Applause] [Music] so many leaves I have to use three magic brooms the trees goodness knows autumn leaves are so precious oh they might look pretty to you violet but it just means more work for me this one looks just like the nice and bent oak leaf it must be from the elf tree I don't know why elves have to live in a tree I don't know why we have to have tree autumn crumbling again Danny you should be happy autumn is here yes your majesty who's the best at sweeping leaves your leaves Thank You nanny plum oh so they have resting let's play tag okay I was already captain Redbeard can I come and me I'd better come too if there's any trouble I can use magic to help us no nanny plum there will be no magic on the elf submarine because where else and elves don't do magic yes we know Polly my faithful friend you'll have to wait you mr. elf steer the submarine hi Ben and I wind up the engine what should I do why you just sit there and look pretty my little mermaid oh I know this Lake I've sailed on it often are you a sailor I was a sailor I'm not anymore why not big bad body hose big bad power only the biggest gigantic is most enormous fish the world has ever seen he's eaten nine of dads bones you lost nine boats I thought it was a bad sailor I'm not about sailor just unlucky that big bad buddy is quite big and bad means mr. L died oh it's so pretty what is it it's red boots boots ah Neptune you're right well-spotted been Oh for a moment I thought you'd seen big bad berry it's only a toy spider dad gets it out every year oh happy elf joke day mr. elf I'm terribly sorry princess Holly I hope we didn't startle you it's okay it's funny are you having a merry elf joke day I wish many plumbers here she loves jokes whoo-hoo I didn't know nanny plum like such things yes nanny's got a really good sense of humor really then maybe we should go and show her some jokes to the elf's truck [Music] princess Holly a joke should be a surprise it'll be fun I'm really busy you cannot be hello what do you want hello what do you want what why are you copying everything I say why are you copying everything I say I haven't got time for this I haven't got time for this silly old fool oh I don't think nanny found that funny I thought you said she liked you hi hi Holly I'm helping mum make cakes Oh can I help fairies are good at making cakes of course princess Holly you can help with the stirring that's my favourite bit splashing and splashing the cake mixture usually I'd like more stirring and less splashing and splashing please Holly maybe you should do the stirring okay [Music] very good stone it could have been a bit more splashy next we put the mixture into the cake - can we have one now sorry Ben I have to bake them in the oven first these are elf cakes baked without magic the magic can bake them really quick I'll show you no thanks Holly remember elves don't do magic and where else as a Kate sweater yet we haven't even started cooking Oh maybe Holly should use a bit of magic I think a better idea would be if you two played outside for a bit and I call you in when the cakes are ready oh do we have to just think of some fun games to play I don't feel like playing games today What nonsense you not playing games [Music] hello mr. zelf speaking right Oh Ben is princess Holly hi Holly hi Ben would you like to come on the Royal fairy picnic today yes please good come to the classes quick as you can mum I've been invited on the Royal fairy picnic how lovely you'll need plenty of food so you have enough to share what would you like um pies cheese and some fruit please I'll put in a whole strawberry then you'll have enough for everyone thanks mum I see you later this should be fun we've never had an elfin our royal picnic before thanks for inviting me that looks heavy can I help you carry it oh thanks burn it's really nice it's a magic basket don't worry the Lady Bird high Gaston daddy Gaston join our picnic hmm I'm not sure What did he say Manny plum can speak Lady Bird language Gaston says he would like the pleasure of joining princess Holly and Ben elf on the Royal fairy picnic your majesty very well it's just a pity he's a bit smelly oh that's my mum bye Ben by Gaston finally by Gaston see you tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi olli hi Ben where's Gaston he hasn't turned up yet oh let's go and find him [Music] I come here to play - Don's not answering I maybe we've upset him but we have such fun together yes he liked when I tip him over and he Wiggles his feet and when I ride on his back but do you think Gaston enjoys it hmm perhaps he doesn't maybe Gaston sad and that's why he won't come out to play oh dear what can we do [Music] food delivery well capture my staff King thistle is waiting for his breakfast sorry nanny plum we dropped a carrot on the way and had to go back to pick it up okay let's get this food into the castle colour tomorrow small lecture Oh where's the egg the egg that's the one thing we need the king wants an egg we'll go straight back to the elf farm and get one Holly do you want to come with us yes please nanny can I go to the elf farm okay Holly you can make sure we get a good egg [Music] what's that buzzing noise I hope it's not the engine we're going to the Alfa you want to come along [Music] hello rise out else hello princess Holly welcome to the elf farm you must wear this hard hat in case something falls on your head this way to the goodness you're a long way from home [Music] that wasn't very nice wearing my dad's hat puppy Daisy what have you done rabbits ear Appetit they've turned all the elves into rabbits Daisy that wasn't funny or clever give me the wand Daisy and poppy I'm sure you didn't mean to [Music] whew you think that's it yes luckily birds can't hold one's going to be in BAM have you seen the girls and the birds are the twins they have been doing a bit of magic in I see and who were all the rabbits dad Leo's right we've got a lot of time my invisible spell has worn off that's alright we're nearly there no one will see us now hello Ben hello princess Holly oh hello mrs. elf what are you two up to then ah nothing mum we're just going to mend something yes elves are good at mending things and you're an elf yes this is where I keep all my mending stuff glue paint brushes and glitter oh goody first I have to put a map down so that we don't get glue on the floor yes and we must wear aprons to keep our clothes click now we stick the pieces together with glue like this [Music] one two three there it stopped one two three one two three one two three there each minute it doesn't look quite right we can paint it yes that's better hmm it had flowers on it too I'm good painting flowers there but I think she's a bit more sparkly we can use glitter hello mrs. elf hello princess Holly can then come out to play sounds like he's on his way down already [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's play princes and princesses okay I can be the princess because I am the princess and I can be the Prince yes I'll turn you into a prince by magic can't we just pretend I'm a prince no magic is much better a dragon I seem to have turned Ben into a frog I always get frogs and princes mixed up then if you could hear me croak good I'm going to get help wait here I've turned into a frog oh good you've been practicing your magic it was an accident Ben is not happy being a frog frogs are never happy can you help me turn Ben into himself again all right now calm down I'll fetch my wand while you wait with Ben okay make sure he doesn't hop off frogs do that [Music] I know Ben's gone now I'll never find Ben and he'll be a frog forever hi Holly [Music] delivery's hi dad hi Holly I'm helping my dad's today he's very busy Thank You mr. owl doctor - on to our next delivery are you busy I'm King thistle I'm always busy I have lots of important work to do you're not working now I am I'm practicing sitting still without falling asleep that's not work it is King's work and it's harder than it looks I what else is King's work making speeches shaking hands and waving a lot that sounds fun can I help you work today of course sorry oh good magic car drive on now the first job for any King is waving it's a bit boring you do it like this [Music] yes a good wave will work wonders wherever you go where are we going nanny plum what's the first bit of work I'm doing today you're launching an elf boat your majesty how do you launch a boat I'll show you [Music] princess Holly and King Cecil this is where I make a speech well done elves for building this boat seven o'clock time to get up breakfast ready now you're ready for school but mum else school doesn't start for ages can I go and see Holly I want to show her my new watch okay but make sure you get to school on time of course I will elves are never late and I'm an elf [Music] phew mr. elf mornings are such hard work I should say so [Music] that's the cockerel chrome princess Holly time for fairies to get our [Music] breakfasts ready Holly let's get your hair brushed Holly all done mornings are such hard work hello nanny plum what is it Ben I haven't got time to be answering the daughter elves can Holly come out to play I'm afraid princess Holly is too busy - hi dad hi olli I've got a new fully wound up let's set off to the seaside but that we have to wait for princess Holly well where is she it's almost nine o'clock where is holly relax mr. elf we're on holiday but princess Holly's late fairies are always late oh hi Olli I am I know princess Holly you're just in time hmm now we're all here let's go we might make the seaside by lunchtime I'd rather you didn't do any magic in today Holly I'm sorry mr. Ralph you see Holly you're coming on an elf day trip elves don't do magic hop in everyone seaside here we come here's the time one o'clock each lunch to play in the sand three idea for leave seaside arriving home at 4:30 priests sorry Ben it's just that I'm not used to having a day off you work too hard mr. elf please try and relax today I'll do my best mrs. elf seaside I love the seaside come on let's have lunch good idea I'm hungry me too here's our picnic we need a bit of help your majesty we do seem to have got ourselves in a bit of a pickle spirit today please of course now now Daisy and poppy I'm sure you're not meant to fly so high [Music] now girls put me down this instant [Music] hello mr. elf speaking we've got an emergency at the little castle bring the elves right halt calling all ELLs emergency at the little castle if there's a problem what do we say what are we the elves are here what's the emergency it's the twins is that you mrs. elf where are you mr. elf goodness me mrs. elf I thought you were invisible you would never catch an elf sitting on a toadstool hello everyone hello dad hello mr. elf hello Holly I see you found my special reading place ah it just catches the Sun at this time of day hmm yes here we have a toadstool with an elf on top yes with an elf on top he looks very happy right let's move on yes we have time for one last thing by what do you think the last thing is I bet it's frogs nanny always shows us frogs yes it'll be frogs you can guess what we're going to see next yes we're going to look at frogs and there aren't any frogs yeah not one frog well that's disappointing can we go home now it's no problem I'll turn one of us into a frog can I have a volunteer please come on he wants to be a frog goodness water lots of miseries I'll just have to do it myself zig zag Zog make me into a frog a common frog look how slimy it is and how smelly it is and how silly it sounds well that brings today's nature class to a most satisfactory closed in any plum you can [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 18,634,626
Rating: 3.6951756 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: alRNsmbpHlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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