Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Miss Cookie's Nature Trail | Cartoon for Kids

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mase cookies nature trail Oh panic over everyone it's Lucy we thought it might be someone dangerous big people have big feet yes and we don't like being stepped on oops sorry for stepping on you mr. mayor I didn't see you there it's fine glad it's just you but it's not just me my teacher miss cookie is bringing my whole class here today on a nature trail lots of big children and a big teacher they mustn't see us fairies oh us Oh mrs. wait all the dwarfs alread bed the elf pirate yes yes yes the whole of the Little Kingdom is meant to be secret [Music] oh did I just say little windows in the tote stores all right gather round children yes miss cookie here are some toadstools tic toadstools off on your lists miss cookie the toasters have little windows in them oh no that was close yes but I think we got away with it next on the list is an oak tree let's go and find one oh no bearing towards the great oak tree we have to get there first good it looks like a normal tree here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do own trees have little people living in them what of course not tick oak tree on your lists everyone phew that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children are out there ding straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for me [Music] now we're completely hidden hmm but what about the castle perhaps they won't notice it well notice it won't notice it a little fairy castle with a flag on top I know I'll just magic the castle invisible brilliant nanny invisible invisible castle disappear invisible invisible parcel disappear a castle this field is a perfect place for insects to live I think I just saw a castle then it went invisible oh what fantastic imaginations you children have what there does seem to be something here I can feel a tower with a flag on top oh oh yes insect that's what we're looking for miss cookie I found an insect lovely now does anyone know what this insect is called just on what Oh I mean a ladybird Oh all right children tick insect on your lists easy and now on to the lake I think it's this way thank goodness they're moving away from the little castle but they're going right towards this is weird cheese house no time to lose how can we hide mrs. witch she's huge maybe she could pretend she's not Oh a good idea been mrs. witch listen there's no time to explain but you have to pretend you're not a witch okay Who am I you're just a nice old lady okay here they come remember you're just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly okay hello I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly well I'm pleased to hear it my name is Miss cookie I'm mrs. witch your name is mrs. witch yes but I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't eat a fly that's good can you tell us the way to the lake yes straight down the path and through the trees you can't miss it is that your weak cheese hat you're wearing yes but I'm not a witch but you are called mrs. witch yes and you're called miss cookie but you're not a biscuit talking of cookies if anyone would like a snack take a roof tiles their gingerbread you know they never suspected a thing but now they're going to the lake and that's where red beard the elf pirate sails his boat we have to warn him [Music] hello Redbeard the elf pirates speaking listen carefully big people are coming your way I hear them and I have no time to hide pretend to be a toy okey-dokey I am a toy here's the lake I found a toy boat there's a doll on it oh that's red beard who's red beard I mean the dolls got two red beards some poor child must have lost it let's put it here where they'll find it I found lovely tick tadpoles off your list and that's the end of today's nature trail come on children back to school yeah well done red beard they never suspected a thing it was a close call and no mistake they've been all over the Little Kingdom now but we haven't been discovered yes well done everyone the big people have no idea us little people live here they didn't see the great elf tree or the little castle and they didn't find out mrs. Witt is a witch all I can say is it's a good thing they didn't bump into the gnome Dumpty don't you dude dumpy-dumpy Duda hello evening all hello are you going to a fancy dress party party is there party food there boy Lloyd food we're just on a nature trail oh yes what have you seen on this nature trial we've seen tight stools and insects and tadpoles toad stools insects tadpoles but there's loads more stuff really there's the elves and the fairies what that blabbermouth is giving everything away how can we stop him yes the elves live in a tree an oak tree yes it's got tiny windows in it I thought I saw a castle you saw it alright because it's there the post fairies live in a little castle made of tiny brick cities is their work of course she's called mrs. witch living yes this is a secret fairy village what's that Kingdom oh yes of course leave this to me now then you know how I was talking about toadstools insects and tadpoles yes right everything we talked about after that forget it forget it yes and there's no magic twelves dragons or goblins in these woods neither okay come on class let's go home good boy I think we just about got away with it bye everyone that was close close you told them everything but I also told them to forget it all anyway the Little Kingdom is safe again yes and it's all thanks to me [Music] yes holy it's the first day of spring Wow outside our window all the daffodils have come out I love springtime I'll be right down have you seen all the flowers yes and [Music] little Hedgehog Gaston's fastened him he's rolled up into a pool sorry mr. Hedgehog Oh a hedgehog he's woken up for the spring woken up yes some creatures sleep all through the winter don't may get very hungry they make sure they have a big meal before going to sleep do 9 sleep through the winter too yes and when they wake up they're very hungry ah what's for breakfast mr. gnome wouldn't you like to sleep a bit more hey what do you mean ah maybe it's not springtime yet we could still get some snow in any plan Oh stupid it could snow at any moment couldn't it oh I don't think so it could snow if magic was used oh you want me to magic some snow so he'll think it's still winter why didn't you say so oh dear me it's snowing point me to go back to sleep Saigon over here it's sunny and there's flowers you try to trick me hahaha I like a good joke shame I don't know any I've had some funny dreams though would you like to hear them no thank you yes there's nothing so boring as other people's dreams anyway I dreamt I was in this row boat and the oars were made of cheese then a lot of pigeons wearing pajamas started chasing me how interesting oh there's lots more to tell but first I need food hello there I mean Oh mr. no this looks like a noise comfy house I wouldn't mind living here uh you can't live here I like a man who speaks his mind we'll have some good shots while I'm living here mr. gnome we'd really love to have you stay but the front door is too small for you well if you really want me to stay I'll try my best maybe they're just my bottom to go I'll just move this little stair kite what's for dessert mister no you rather live somewhere with the nose oh no gnomes don't like other gnomes gnomes tell very boring stories you never get to gnomes living within a hundred miles of each other hello nanny plum you must come back to the little castle at once sorry King thistle but we're having a problem with a know what but I've got a gnome at the castle toast panic what do you mean you heard what the gnome said gnomes don't like other gnomes we just have to get them together when they see each other they'll run a mile problem solved we arranged for both gnomes to meet each other at big hill you seem to be empty food have you tried the breakfast tree on big Hill breakfast tray never heard of it oh it's amazing isn't it nanny plum Oh what did you notice me for yes over on big hill there's a tree that grows sausages and eggs and bacon is that I've never seen it oh you don't even know you're doing it nanny he wants you to magic one Oh II see you want me to magic up a breakfast tray okay then [Music] hmm oh you couldn't smell breakfast from here three with eggs Vikon sausages and toast the most beautiful thing I've ever seen look they're about to meet and run a hundred miles from each other huh but no why you doing here I could ask you the same question go on then what are you doing here boy no breakfast would you like to know why no Oh take that as a yes it's because are you like fried eggs and sausages and bacon and pancakes and well if you didn't talk so much you could do some eating right I'm going a hundred miles away from you I'm going a thousand miles away from you it worked they've both left the Little Kingdom what a brilliant plan well done nanny plum Thank You King thistle and it was my idea your majesty it wasn't I thought of getting them together I'm magic at the breakfast tray let's just say elf cleverness and fairy magic has saved the day she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not she loves me we thought you'd gone far away oh it's Royd but I just can't get her out of my head that lady gnomes beautiful isn't she do you like the way her eyes sort of sparkle for pity's sake can't we talk about something else okay then don't you think she has pretty ears oh this is terrible he's in love with her that spring time for you he's a fine figure of a know Minnie oh yes and I sneak or a noise big tummy if you say so oh you've made up a song about him would you like to hear it no Oh take that as a yes oh look I think he's coming Oh is he I'm trying look he's my hat on straight oh it's you I thought you'd gone yes well boy just that is to say I that's the first time I've seen a gnome lost for words would you like to hear a song I've written yes for you take that as a yes oh my loyalty gnome I thought so lovely air and lots of fruity eyes blimey you're so fair I'm Gloria they're friends now Gloria will you be my own lady now and live with me forever in the Little Kingdom yes oh well come my dear I'll show you your new house here we are this is where we'll be living Oh whose idea was it to get them together nanny plum your majesty it wasn't it was your idea well you made the breakfast tree you tell me to stop stop what are we going to do about it we can have a big wedding hello again oh I'm afraid we have some bad news what is it now we've had a look at the elf tree and Gloria feels it's a bit tiny I'm sorry we didn't design our elf tree for gnomes to live in nice of you to apologize but it's still too small and your castle isn't really tore out taste to old-fashioned old-fashioned I'm drafty so I'm afraid we'll have to find somewhere else oh well goodbye it's a shame we won't see you ever again oh don't worry we'll be back for our holidays hi there ban and Holly are you ready for a day of adventure yes we are nanny plum me lovely fairy maiden are you coming too if I must ah fine sunny day such as this is just right for adventure it's not it's arrived no adventure today mr. pirate a rainy day such as this is just right for adventure look there's a rainbow a rainbow is a pirate's best friend what do you find at the end of a rainbow of gold at the end of rainbows that's just a fairy story Wow you're a fairy aren't you yes come on then make ready to sail then you can be cabin boy aye aye captain Holly can be lookout Polly parrot can be the ship's parent what about Gaston he can be the ship's well no Gaston can you say meow sounds like a Meowth to me hop aboard Gaston a nanny plum can be Oh wait a moment what is it you're a woman yes sailors say it's bad luck have a woman on board woman on boat such a thing in this day and age you're right it's probably a lot of old sailors nonsense welcome aboard what's my job then you just stand there and look pretty no let's set sail for the end of the rainbow and find that pot of gold I can't see the rainbow anymore just keep heading for where it was a stove oh yeah can we go home now come home the adventures just beginning [Music] how do you stay still with me you just need to get your seedlings that's all it's a good job none of you get seasick [Music] sorry I mean crap so sailors were right it is bad luck having a woman on board bad luck for the woman I just want to get off this rocking boat I don't - solid Brown land ahoy straight ahead ah a little island it's so nice to stand on something there is amazing red beds do islands normally her fitness not as a rule no what about I hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land I think you should come back now no I won't stay here feed me up on the way home I'm not leaving these islands I wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because it's a fish [Music] don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think your food like a fly or something now she looks a bit like a fish like eating one I move the worm I know the worm maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod [Music] and how's me sweet darlin not having a very good day are you having a good day just trying to hate me yep Oh sailors were definitely right about the woman on board bad luck stuff fog that's bad can we go home now no we've got more adventuring to do I can see it looks like you're nothing [ __ ] why blow me down that'd be the ship of my friends captain squid captain's greatest funny there's no one on deck it's very anyone home yeah there's a man on the table it's still hot but there's no one here mail on the table of the boats empty this is certainly a mystery whoa no one will never ever know what happened to poor old captain squid a mystery that will never be solved hey the notes don't to bury treasure back in five minutes oh that solves it then so where do you think captain squid is mmm where would you bury treasure round here the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that'll be the gold captain squids burying come on let's get off it's not getting any closer that's the thing about rainbows when you want towards them they go further away we're not gonna walk there we're gonna fly fly but you know you don't have any wings yes but I'm an elf with apparent shemites [Music] [Applause] [Music] and their support of gold and their be captain squid burying treasure red bit this is my treasure not yours how did you find me we just followed the rainbow ah rainbows there a pirate's worst enemy no they're not rainbows are a pirate's best friend depends whether you're burying treasure all finding it good point so anyway don't let us stop you captain squid you get back to burying your treasure thank you kindly red beard I was just about to bury it here hang on you can't trick me that easily no one must see where I bury my treasure you've all got to close your eyes okay you can look now so where did you bury it why it's right over there haha you're trying to trick me again oh you won't get it out of me that easy [Music] yeah blasted rainbows don't worry captain squid we won't to get up Willy red thing no of course not yes I think it is today's Adventure is over and I'd be honored to take you all home on my yacht that sounds a nice way to travel your bones plenty of room if we all squeeze up where can I fit wait a minute are you a woman yes Oh bad luck having a woman onboard it's alright turns out it's bad luck for the woman not for us Oh in that case welcome aboard me lovely by the way none of you get seasick do you Lucy I do love fishing me dad it's so peaceful just what I need to get my nerves back in order I wonder if we'll see any ounce of fairies do we have to talk about weird magical stuff you know it upsets me but you've seen the house and there is two dads I've been thinking about it and I've decided I imagined it all there are no such things as fairies or elves Oh Lucy's dad yeah an elf in a submarine we're fishing yes we were just having a quiet morning's fishing Barry the fish is called Barry yes the biggest baddest fish in the lake whoa what whopper of course I will but but just take a photo so I can show my friends there you go Barry we've got another fish oh this isn't a fish yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well is it it's been nice chatting to you little folk but I think it's time to go home do you think the mirror is magic dad I hope not I've seen enough magic for one day listen somebody's crying it's a girl hello what are you doing in the leg I live here you live in the light yes I'm a mermaid my name is Oceana why were you crying I've lost my mirror that must be the mirror Lucy found and where is this Lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school hi Lucy pick you up later oh no a mermaids mirror must never be seen by big people don't worry I'm sure Lucy won't show it to anyone look everybody I found a mirror Oh lovely that's perfect for our show-and-tell come up to the front Lucy and show them around to the whole class ah my poor mirror I'll never get it back if I can't walk on land don't worry we'll get your mirror back oh thank you [Music] hi Lucy good day Lucy what are you doing here we've come for the mirror it belongs to a moment Imamate Wow yes and she needs her mirror back oh okay please tell me this is just a game elves and fairies are one thing yes but I've also read about dragons and witches and they're not real either yes we can show you witches and Dragons and loads more if you like no no thanks I'll take your word for it so where is this mermaid after you left she got called back home to the bottom of the lake she'll be having a dinner fish probably we have to find out she Anna and give her mirror back right then into the submarine we'd love to join you but I think we are just a tad too big to fit in your little submarine and will we stay little forever oh no the spell will wear off in a bit and you'll grow big again [Music] prepared okay it's beautiful look dad yes it's all very pretty in fact I'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical adventure yes I don't know why I was so worried about being magically shrunk down it's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little don't forget the fisherman this morning big bad daddy as I remember berry is about this big what does he want with us he wants to eat the submarine any boat with me in it very what to eat no no oh tight everyone I'm going to reverse now we go forwards [Music] that's good to know I don't understand he should have eaten us by now maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning that's right you let Barry Kirk and first never forget or is that elephants nice Barry saying that as you so kindly let him go this morning he is your best friend for ever in fact he now thinks of you as his brother lovely one tiny problem you know the excitement of being chased by Barry we've got lost Barr is saying that he knows where the mermaids live and he'll take us there that's what his brother once his brother that's you dad oh yes Barry old brother please lead us to the land of the mermaids [Music] they sing them a song so beautifully made palace this must be where Oceana live diving so John everybody nice buddy we're friends of your brother yes they're with me she's over there being sad oh we brought your mirror back oh thank you so much but why is it so tiny we had to shrink it down to fit in a submarine don't worry the spa will wear off soon it'll grow big again there you go my mirror thank you all so much you're very welcome well it's been very interesting meeting you mermaids but we must be getting back now [Music] bye Betty [Music] know how the mirror suddenly got big again what happened to me and my dad yep and the fun bit is you don't know one which means we should get a move on we don't want them to grow big in the submarine so hi we must get to land full speed ahead don't need to panic yeah plenty of time yes it was quite amazing remember Lucy's dad the Little Kingdom is meant to be secret you must not tell any of your friends what you saw today tell my friends what I saw today let me think about that and then the magical fairies shrunk me down to the size of my thumb I saw singing mermaids and did I tell you that I now have a fish for a brother no I will not be telling anyone what I saw today [Music] Gaston got one new spots today I'm not sure do ladybirds get new spots ladybird gets a new spot for every birthday Wow gasps Don's got lots of spots so he must have had lots of birthdays and lots of birthday parties Oh Oh have you never had a birthday party Gaston that's really sad [Music] [Applause] daddy mommy it's not fair Gaston's never had a birthday party well I wish I'd never had a birthday party oh darling it's your birthday tomorrow and you'll enjoy it no I won't this year I don't want a party Oh daddy you say that every year well this year I mean it I don't like my parties with the elf bands singing about me getting older you're lucky you're getting a party daddy Gaston's never even had one huh then give my party to Gaston I'm going to have a bath Oh same every year so grumpy about his birthday but he always enjoys it in the end come on let's go and see how the elf band are getting on we've come to hear the song you're doing for daddy's birthday ah yes we've come up with a good one this year I think King sisal will be very pleased we annoy red beard the elf pirates will fire myself in the King's honor but the King's birthday isn't until tomorrow this is a dry run to see if it works light the fuse knocking the fuse where do you think your land who knows ah I do like a nice relaxing bar it's good to get away from all that talk about birthdays happy birthday your majesty my birthday I know this is a dry run now see here I don't want any birthday stuff ah that's what you say every year I don't want a cake I don't want a song and I don't want a pirate in my bath so you really don't want a party that's when he started shouting he was a tiny bit angry so he really doesn't want a party no oh dear what will we do with the presents we wrapped and the cakes I bagged and our new song only Canon we've got a whole birthday party ready and no one to give it to um daddy did say Gaston could have his party well Paul Gaston has never had a birthday party would you like a birthday party guests oh well then it's decided it will be gasps Tom's birthday party will need a new song for Gaston from the elf band yes your majesty no by Gaston some cakes and oil fire myself out of me cannon in Gaston's honor he'll appreciate it's not like somebody whose name I won't mention the king I mean this will be the best party ever what do you think Gaston would like the his birthday present a squeaky toy very good now to wrap it wrapping paper brilliant hello I finished my bath what are you doing relax darling it's nothing to do with you a likely story it really isn't so stop fussing fine mmm can I smell cakes I thought so what's going on Danny are you baking cakes yes I am these cakes and better not be for me Oh No now shoo go on I don't got time to talk to you I suppose it is nice that they want to give me a party so much Oh what shall we do for gaston's birthday card let's draw a picture of Gaston good idea hello Holly hello daddy we're making a birthday card I don't suppose it's for me is it no no of course not ah I don't think my face is that red and I don't have black spots I told you daddy it's not for you oh yes so you did do you want to help deliver the party invitations yes please off we go there delivering invitations for my party how sweet [Music] special delivery invitations to Gaston's birthday Gaston's parties tomorrow at the Frog Pond are you all coming yes we're next we mustn't forget Gaston it is his party there you go Gaston an invitation to your very own birthday Gaston loves eating letters so are you coming to your party Gaston I think that means yes how are the preparations going for my party tomorrow your party you're not having a party oh I know your little plan what little plan you told us not to plan anything oh that's right I did good night then good night oh no one here I expected all downstairs no birthday cards where is everybody of course they're all secretly hiding outside ready to shout happy birthday King fizzle oh there's no one here they must be having the party somewhere else ah that sounds like a party I'd better go and find out where it is not much of a party without me the birthday boy everyone is here even Gaston brother Tony with and the little nice bird happy birthday Gaston here's your present it's a squeaky toy hello I'm sorry do you have an invitation I don't need one I'm King thistle looking fish sauce or no your name's not on here what but it's my party no it's not me it's Gaston the ladybird party what take it easy fella it's supposed to be a happy occasion it's all right he's with us what's going on you said you didn't want a party I know I said that but what I really meant was I don't want a party I'm sure Gaston won't mind sharing his party with you Gaston be nice and share your present with King Cecil Gaston that's not how to behave on your birthday for me how kind it's a squeaky toy yes the you to chase and now it's time for the birthday song it's about Gaston daddy [Music] maybe birthday parties aren't that bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] Barnaby th480 holy what was that I don't know it was coming from the old dwarf mine but isn't the dwarf mine empty yes I think so I can hear voices that was loud it's better to tell the grown-ups why sold out there are noises in the mind the mine what mine the old dwarf mine you're not supposed to be in there it's dangerous we once in there we just heard a big bang yes I'm the ground shook woken up yes deep inside the mine the dwarves have been sleeping they sleep for years and years then when they wake up they start to dig what are they digging for precious jewels gold diamonds gemstones but digging for things doesn't make a big bang noise it does when the dwarves do it they carry out big explosions underground then dig through the messes else they keep digging until they are so tired they fall asleep again they sleep and sleep they're big bigger than us yes Dwarfs are huge this is a worrying time the hole of the Little Kingdom might get dug up holes everywhere just hope hope they dig in the other direction hope they don't come anywhere near us no no just letting you know there'll be some digging work in this area Oh No we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to your journey journey what journey we're not going anywhere no hi what if I were you look at this hole someone could fall II hmm I think we need to talk to King thistle wise old elf to see you your majesty hmm dwarves your majesty thoughts they're back no I'm afraid so we haven't got a dwarf infestation for years but now they've woken up I see well they live underground mostly maybe they won't bother us but they've already dug a hole by the elf tree it's only one hole maybe you can turn it into a pond or something Your Majesty you don't understand this is just the start the dwarfs will dig up all of the little kingdom wise old elf you worry too much it will be fine that's gracious I say whew mind what's that mate you've made a great big hole in my courtyard nap l don't get upset upset my castle is falling over yeah you want to get that fixed now listen here I'm the king Oh a complaint is it you better talk to the boss right I will okay what you were saying I want to speak to the boss I'm the boss do you have an appointment he doesn't need one he's the king a king doesn't make appointments nor even at the hairdresser's daddy doesn't have any hair he's bald well that's not our fault look we want to complain about the noise what noise the noise from the mine oh I can't hear anything toys now look I'm the king and I'm commanding you to stop all the digging yeah the thing is though you're only King above the ground just to the topsoil below that I'm the boss we can't stop digging anyway that's what we do we won't stop until we found gold and diamonds and gems gold and diamonds and gems good thinking Holly there we go problem solved now kindly stop digging but I can magic up that stuff hey where's the fun in that you have to dig for it now if you don't mind some of us have work to do come on lads let's get digging well that could have gone better let's go away and come up with another plan so if no one wants this treasure can I have it yes yes take it now we are gathered here to discuss the dwarf problem making loud bangs no digging holes everywhere they've dug up my carrots yes yes we all know how annoying they can be magic them away no fairy magic doesn't work on dwarfs I know how to get rid of the dwarves we take all this treasure sneaked into the mine and bury the treasure deep down oh and then the dwarves will take it up and they'll be happy and stop digging correct excellent plan all right nanny plums in charge off you go but it's my plan okay you can both be in charge thank you your majesty but I'm in charge really we need to bury the Tricia deep down in the Train yes a fan wait for me [Music] my deep very deep Oh tight everyone [Music] in a small farm saloon we take the diamonds we take the gold how can we hide the treasure with all the dwarves around I know I'm good at voices this is the dwarf pulse go go go go go go that's brilliant now watch this boys tape right well done nanny plum no probs right let's hide this treasure quickly now the dwarves never stop digging for long [Music] there we go diamonds these diamonds here have we found the treasure yes lots of it well done let's do you hey what do you mean keep digging in cases more treasure of course we always did twice as hard when we find treasure oh no what are you doing here anyway this is a dwarf ugly area we put the treasure there for you to find what we thought you'd stop digging we thought you'd be happy why are so full of you and we thought you'd stop making that racket well I suppose all the noise could be a bit upsetting yes yes it is and that's why we apologize in advance come on lads let's get digging foolish digging is made me quite tired [Music] [Applause] they've tired themselves out no I know it boss know it knowledge good now they'll sleep for years they'll sleep sleep and sleep and sleep and then they'll wake up and start digging all over again yes they'll take and take and take and take [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 2,893,544
Rating: 3.8913496 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: yRYE6uabsrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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