Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Full Episode 🌟Mr. Elf Takes a Holiday | 4K | Cartoons for Kids

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today's adventure starts at the little castle mr elf takes a holiday food delivery ah thank goodness breakfast at last yes sorry i'm running a bit late today i have a splendid king's breakfast for you though egg and baked beans egg and beans but today is tuesday we have muffins on tuesday tuesday already what happened to monday that was yesterday was it you've been working too hard mr elf no no no i'm fine you need a holiday yay a holiday and you can come too holly ooh can i daddy yes of course holly have a good time but i can't have a holiday who will make my deliveries nanny plum can no i can't of course you can any floor can drive a truck what but but i'm the king remember and i sentence you to a holiday hello mrs elf i have some terrible terrible news oh no what is it king thistle what about him has sentenced me to prison i won't stand for it revolution up with the elves down with the king it's worse than that he has sentenced me to a holiday oh my goodness i knew you'd be upset this is wonderful we never go on holiday what are you talking about we went to the seaside that was a day trip and we went to the moon but you left me behind oh yes very well let's go on holiday hooray this is the plan first we take the elf plane and fly somewhere nice oh lovely we have a quick snack yes then we'll pack up and fly back home in time for me to do my evening delivery that's not a holiday now listen to me mr elf you're taking us away for at least a week to somewhere hot and you're going to relax but i'm an elf and elves don't like relaxing well you just have to learn it's going to be fun mr elf all right but this is an elf holiday so no magic wands holly okay mr elf and no pets [Music] it's my holiday i make the rules sorry gaston you have to stay here bye bye gaston come on everyone we're going to be late for the holiday please mr elf try to have fun all right i'll try ready for takeoff yes let's go come on dad join in yes you're supposed to be relaxing i can't relax now what if something goes wrong oh don't be silly what could possibly go wrong no what is it dad the engine has broken we'll have to land where are we in the middle of nowhere it's just water down there prepare for a big splash look dad a desert island good everyone out wow a real desert island brilliant isn't it it is very pretty what a lovely beach stranded on a desert island now what do we do relax darling there are worse places to be stuck yes we can have a holiday here who'd like some lemonade but after the holiday how do we get home we could send a message in a bottle clever ben that's what people on desert islands do we write to rescue notes put the note in the bottle and then throw it out to sea then all we have to do is wait until someone finds it fantastic and how long does that normally take usually about 20 years what well there's no rush but what about the little kingdom what about the great elf tree what about my elf deliveries oh stop worrying i'm sure the elf delivery can manage without you fairy delivery ah nanny plum have you brought my potato you always have potatoes so i brought you an onion what why for a change have you got my baked beans i've got you a pineapple but i don't like pineapple what about my sausages i've got you some blue cheese but i hate blue cheese oh there's such a bunch of fuss parts honestly it was better when mr elf did the deliveries yes he knew a sausage when he saw one well you'll just have to make do with me mr alf is on holiday having fun stuck on a desert island i am so bored do try and relax darling i can't i need something to do that's not relaxing it is for me i relax by being very busy maybe i'll explore the island i could work out how big it is do you think there'll be anyone else on the island no i don't think so ah footsteps oh so something does live here yes a wild beast let's follow its tracks and find it all right but we must take care the wild beast might be dangerous the tracks lead to this bush there's something in there the wild beast [Music] it's gaston how did you get here oh well what's that you hid in the plane swam ashore when we weren't looking and hid in the bushes you say oh clever gaston but i thought i said no pets gaston could be useful dad gaston we need food can you find sam gaston's good at sniffing out food a coconut it's huge yes enough food and drink to last us for weeks well done gaston stand clear hey you know this holiday isn't so bad after all i shall call this place elf island ben and holly have been gone for ages i do miss them me too oh what's that it's a message in a bottle it's from ben it says trapped on a desert island dad board please rescue let's go and tell the wise old elf where's old now why is all down we found a message in a bottle from ben elf oh my goodness launch elf rescue we have a family to save elf rescue dinner time who wants coconut we've had coconut every day for weeks coconut soup coconut pie coconut pancakes curried coconut ah but tonight it's coconut surprise what's the surprise it's coconut coconut surprise delicious mmm who's having a great time i know i am i want to go home me too yes i do too home i can't go home i've got too much work to do here i need to finish the hut start on the garden and i haven't even thought about the plumbing no the last thing i want to do now is go home it's elf rescue hello we're here to take you home oh thank you but i haven't finished my work on elf island but there's work for you back home nanny plum hasn't quite got the hang of the deliveries i wanted a potato and she brought me an onion onions instead of potatoes that's crazy i'll have to sort that out so home we go bye bye elf island yes bye bye elf island i have to admit that's the best holiday i've ever had today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] queen thistle's day off [Music] i'm going to visit my sister today will you be all right on your own yes mommy i'll be okay don't worry queen thistle we'll be fine yes darling we'll all be fine you'll be fine but what about daisy and poppy they need looking after oh daisy and poppy but mummy when you're not here the twins are always so naughty uh yes they can be quite a handful was a lot of fuss about two tiny children just let them play but don't let them do any magic right yes and read them a story before they go to bed yes very well goodbye everyone have fun bye bye bye so what are we going to do mommy's the only one who can handle the twins don't worry nanny will know what to do um i think i've got some important things to do in the kitchen but nanny aren't you going to help us look after the twins i'm sure you ben and king thistle can manage right we just need to keep the twins busy i know let's play a game with them it has to be something safe what about building blocks that can't go too wrong okay watch daddy build a big tower magic me a tower and make it big big big mommy said not to let the twins do magic oh don't worry holly it's easy to make blocks little again little little [Music] there you see holly daisy poppy give daddy your wands help wow they've made king thistle really small daisy poppy that wasn't funny or clever little little little they've made us little don't worry our magic has back to normal size i just need my wand my wand's too heavy i can't lift it maybe we should call nanny plum good idea ben i'll ring the bell [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i wonder what they want typical they ring for me and then they wander off somewhere nanny plum hey we're here [Music] why are you so tiny um daisy and poppy did a spell on us honestly it's not hard to look after daisy and poppy you just have to play with them we tried that nanny plum but it went a bit wrong what daisy and poppy like most is their baby dolly now where is it oh daisy and poppy where have you put your baby dolly baby baby dolly hello i'm baby plum baby plum he's lots of fun change my nappy please oh no they've changed nanny into a doll baby plum is lots of fun feed me please what are we going to do we need to get help let's call my mom she'll know what to do good thinking ben this is heavy oh together push [Music] hello mrs elf speaking mum it's me ben oh ben you sound different yes we need a bit of help please come quick right oh she's on her way thank goodness i wonder what the matter can be [Music] hello daisy hello poppy can you tell me where the big children are we're down here oh daisy and poppy put a spell on us and we need a bit of help your majesty we do seem to have got ourselves in a bit of a pickle uh yes the twins are a little high spirited today could you calm them down please of course now now daisy and poppy i'm sure you're not meant to fly so high so high so high fly high in the sky now girls put me down this instant poor mrs elf elves don't like flying looks like we need even more help i'll call for more elves [Music] hello mr elf speaking mr elf we've got an emergency at the little castle bring the elves bring all the elves right hole [Music] calling all elves emergency at the little castle if there's a problem what do we say and what are we the elves are here what's the emergency it's the twins is that you mrs elf where are you uh up here mr elf goodness me mrs elf i thought you were invisible [Music] oh no the twins have made all the elves invisible who's going to help us now [Music] hmm it's very quiet in the castle i hope everything's all right hello my little ones mommy mommy my goodness you look tired have you been playing with holly ben and daddy all day yes mommy uh where is daddy glad you're home darling have you had a nice day why are you so tiny daisy and poppy have been a bit naughty they've made us little i see and where is nanny plum uh she's been turned into that doll press her tummy baby plum he's lots of fun change my nappy please i see my mom tried to help but that didn't work out too well either and where is your mum up here your majesty i'm afraid the twins have done something to all the other elves too what other elves where are they [Applause] right and all this is daisy and poppy's doing yes okay let's put everything right again make this magic all i'm done good evening your majesty so are you telling me that i've gone away for just one day and the whole kingdom couldn't look after two little children uh yes we tried our best mummy but the twins really are a bit of a handful [Laughter] thinking about it they weren't that bad it was rather fun really oh yes i'm sure if you went away again queen thistle we'd manage just fine that's good because i'm going to visit my sister again next week today's adventure starts at the lake red beards rainbow hello red beard ahoy there ben and holly are you ready for a day of adventure yes we are nanny plum me lovely fairy maiden are you coming too oh if i must ha a fine sunny day such as this is just right for adventure it started to rain no adventure today mr pirate a rainy day such as this is just right for adventure look there's a rainbow [Music] and a rainbow is a pirate's best friend why is that what do you find at the end of a rainbow a pot of gold and pirates love gold pots of gold at the end of rainbows that's just a fairy story well you're a fairy aren't you uh yes but come on then make ready to sail ben you can be cabin boy aye aye captain holly can be lookout i am captain polly parrot can be the ship's parrot pieces of light what about gaston uh he can be the ship's cat uh cats don't normally bark do they well no gaston can you say meow well sounds like a meow to me hop aboard gaston a nanny plum can be oh wait a moment what is it you're a woman yes sailors say it's bad luck to have a woman on board bad luck to have a woman on board how can you say such a thing in this day and age you're right it's probably a lot of old sailors nonsense welcome aboard what's my job then you just stand there and look pretty huh now let's set sail for the end of the rainbow and find that pot of gold big clouds ahead i can't see the rainbow anymore just keep heading for where it was that's thunder a stall oh dear can we go home now go home the adventure's just beginning [Music] you just need to get your sea legs that's all it's a good job none of you get seasick [Music] oh sorry i mean oh i fell in the sea it was horrible perhaps those sailors were right it is bad luck having a woman on board bad luck for the woman i just want to get off this rocking boat and onto solid ground lander high straight ahead ah a little island ah it's so nice to stand on something that isn't moving redbirds do islands normally have fins not as a rule no what about eyes hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land uh i think you should come back now no i want to stay here pick me up on the way home nanny plum hurry i'm not leaving this island i wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because it's a fish and a whopping big one it's big bad furry ah help me don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think you're food like a fly or something nanny does looks like a fly ah i'm not a fly i'm not a fly ah get away don't let barry catch you don't flap your wings so much nanny [Music] now she looks a bit like a worm on a hook oh fish like eating worms i'm not a worm i'm not a worm what maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod hang on danny i'm pulling you in and hose me sweet darling not having a very good day are you not having a good day not having a good day a fish just tried to hate me yep those sailors were definitely right about the woman on board bad luck stuff bug coming towards us fog that's bad can we go home now no we've got more adventuring to do i can see light it looks like another ship why blow me down that'd be the ship of my friend captain squid oh hi there captain squid funny there's no one on deck it's very quiet hello hello anyone home look there's a meal on the table it's still hot but there's no one here mail on the table but the boat's empty this is certainly a mystery no one will never ever know what happened to poor old captain squid a mystery that will never be solved here's a note gone to bury treasure back in five minutes oh that solves it then so where do you think captain squid is hmm where would you bury treasure around here the end of the rainbow the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that'll be the gold captain squids burying come on let's get after it it's not getting any closer that's the thing about rainbows when you walk towards them they go further away we're not gonna walk there we're gonna fly fly but you're an elf you don't have any wings yes but i'm an elf with a parrot he [Music] it's like a roller coaster [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the end of the rainbow and there's the pot of gold and there be captain squid burying treasure red beard this is my treasure not yours how did you find me we just followed the rainbow gah rainbows they're a pirate's worst enemy no they're not rainbows are a pirate's best friend depends whether you're burying treasure or finding it good point so anyway don't let us stop you captain squid you get back to burying your treasure thank you kindly red beard i was just about to bury it here hang on you can't trick me that easily no one must see where i bury my treasure you've all got to close your eyes thank you okay you can look now so where did you bury it why it's right over there you're trying to trick me again oh you won't get it out of me that easy the rainbow's moving it's gone to the treasure ah blasted rainbows don't worry captain squid we won't dig it up will we redbirds no of course not is it home time yet yes i think it is today's adventure is over and i'd be honored to take you all home on my yacht that sounds a nice way to travel yacht that's a rowing boat plenty of room if we all squeeze up where can i sit wait a minute are you a woman yes oh bad luck having a woman on board it's all right turns out it's bad luck for the woman not for us oh in that case welcome aboard me lovely oh no it's rocking worse than redbeard's boat fun isn't it yes that's what being an elf pirate is all about having fun by the way none of you get seasick do you today's adventure starts at the elf farm [Music] cows [Music] this way for the elf farm tour now children who can tell me where carrots come from carrots come from the elf farm yes nani plum does any child know where carrots come from um the elf farm very good hard hats on please and step this way now what animal gives us eggs a sheep no strawberry not a sheep a chicken yes jake that's right [Music] so you see the elf farm gives us all the food we need what about milk milk comes from very big animals elephants no not elephants milk comes from cows but we don't have any cows on the elf farm so where do cows live on the big farm can we go to the big farm i want to see some cows no no no the big farm is far too dangerous for elves and fairies to visit really wise old alf you are making a fuss and what would a fairy know about animals fairies love animals don't we girls especially fluffy little kittens the big farm is full of big animals and big people with big feet i've been to the big farm and it was fine who wants to go righty-ho come along children um yes uh today we'll be going to the big farm to learn about cows oh i'm not sure if the ladybird should come with us please wise old elf oh very well as long as he behaves himself gaston likes you hmm charmed i'm sure [Music] here we are the big farm watch out for the cattle grades what uh um now remember everyone big people have very big feet and you never know where they're going to start with luck we won't meet any big people but if we do please keep calm no panicking wise old elf is that one of the big people eh big people a little toy bus please put us down oh it's okay it's lucy she's just a little girl she's a very big little girl she's ginormous hello hi lucy more little fairies i'll have you know i'm not a fairy i'm an elf have you got wings can you fly elves do not fly can you do magic spells elves don't do magic oh so what can you do elves do um lots of things [Applause] and we're fairies ones away please fairies a farm is no place for magic as you can see lucy this is a rather bossy owl lucy we want to see where the milk comes from we want to see cows can you show us please yes follow me these are the chickens yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children eggs yes jake hello chickens some fairies and elves have come to see you chickens are quite stupid creatures because they are so big but i'm big and i'm not stupid yes sorry lucy [Laughter] these are the sheep ah yes and who can tell me what sheep give us eggs no no sheep give us wool what did the sheep say um the sheep said but what does that mean means sheep are really very stupid indeed but rex is very clever who's rex [Music] rex likes you charmed i'm sure rex is a sheep dog watch this rex is rounding up the sheep and taking them safely into their pen wow gaston wants to have a go you're too little to round up sheep gaston whoa what's that sound it's gone all dark it's bessie and who is bessie this is a cow [Music] she likes you now children what does the cow give us a big lick yes and what else milk well done but she hasn't brought any with her she has what me it's okay betty i'll be very gentle [Music] and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain oh naddy plum that's just a silly fairy tale it's true cow sit down when it's going to rain oh yes yes what a superb example of a female bovine quadruped i just felt a teeny drop of rain these are the cows others yes i definitely felt some rain uh wise old elf maybe you should get out from under the cow if only i could take a closer look oh oh dear it's raining and i haven't got my umbrella what about the wise old elf he's under a cow at least he's dry under there ah lucy could you get bessie to stand up please i'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining uh daddy plum you may now use magic if you wish i didn't think you liked magic just get me out if you're sure i'm sure now what was i saying the last thing you said was uh that's the sound you made when the cow sat on you thank you strawberry oh no it's a thunderstorm everyone back on the bus lucy you'd better go indoors but i can't i have to get all your animals into the barn first frags can help but what about bessie and the chickens maybe i could try magicking them into the barn oh no it's too wet for my one to work it is working it's not magic it's gaston he's copying next to sheepdog [Music] gaston's a sheep ladybird [Music] thanks for all your help here take some milk with you oh okay hooray for lucy and hooray for the little fairies and elves [Applause] [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow [Music] elf school now princess holly what's the name of this flower that's easy nanny it's a daisy yes yes an elf might call it a daisy but a fairy princess would call it a bellis parreneus per enes correct now what is this bluebell called a bluebell oh no no no a fairy princess would call it a hyphen though it's nonscripta oh nanny nature class is so boring why do i have to learn the proper names of all these flowers that is the sort of thing a fairy princess needs to know well maybe i don't want to be a fairy princess [Music] hi ollie hi ben where are you going i'm off to elf school oh what do you do at elf school we learn how to make toys that sounds fun it is elves love making toys and i'm an elf [Music] i want to make toys nanny can i go to elf school too but you're not an elf you're a royal fairy princess oh please manny plum please nanny plum let holly come oh okay hooray [Music] but i'll come along too just to make sure you don't get into any mischief okay but hurry we can't be late for elf school we're going to l school we're going to l school we're going to l school we're going to l school we're going to school we're going to l school come on elf school is at the top of the tree [Music] good morning boys and girls plum hello mr old elf hello princess holly wants to see what elves get up to in your little school hmm very well holly may join the class oh goody but no magic or flying please okay holly sit next to me no flying you will kindly walk flying is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't fly um that's right mistress palum elves cannot fly but we do have very good hearing [Laughter] and elves are very good at making toys so today we are going to make toys we will carry on from where we left off last time [Applause] i'm making a toy car i make a toy duck a toy helicopter a toy boat i'm making a toy frog a toy rabbit i'm making a robot oh i see that miss holly does not have a toy that's okay oh magic one zing zang zing is eye magic me a little toy [Applause] [Music] miss holly magic is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't do magic elves could do magic if they wanted to but elves don't do magic [Music] [Laughter] miss holly you can work on this toy owl for today thank you wise all day and i will take this wand for now so that you learn how to work the proper elf way without magic oh don't worry you can have it back at the end of the class boys and girls take out your hammers and remember to tap gently [Music] oh no i didn't mean to do that don't worry holly i'll fix it i've still got my magic wand but money magic isn't allowed at elf school oh it'll be all right no one will notice knickknack now lend this owl what was that loud bang uh i think there's a bit of a storm brewing outside well as long as there's no magic going on i assure you mr old elf princess holly is not using magic naughty nanny plum oh sauce now it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way [Music] i bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic oh are you sure trust me zig zag zoy paint this toy miss holly are you doing magic no wise old elf not me i think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now there's something funny going on around here wise old elf what do we do next a good question holly next we wind the toys up [Music] wow [Music] go on do something nanny my owl doesn't work don't worry i'll just give it a little help nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things along you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now holly let's see what your owl can do uh it doesn't work at all um maybe too much magic went into its making i can fix it i'm very good at mending things [Music] there that should do it thank you ben i did try to do it the elf way yes holly i know you did but it's not easy to make toys without using magic it's easy for us because we're elves now holly here's your wand back thank you and remember no magic until you have left the classroom yes wise old elf and that goes for you too nanny palum yes wise old elf [Applause] today's adventure starts in outer space [Music] picnic on the moon rocket to mission control in a few minutes we will land on the moon very good mr elf you are on target to land in the sea of tranquility lovely once we're at the seaside we can eat our picnic oh nanny plum for the last time we are not going for a picnic why not because this is a serious elf mission to the moon we can still have a picnic ready everyone we are about to go where no elf has gone before oh fairy oh yes sorry holly we are going where no elf or fairy has gone before [Music] look how high i can jump this is brilliant all right that's enough funny business here's my timetable for the mission one land on moon done that two plant the flag i am now king of the moon [Music] plant the flag done three go back home but what about the picnic and you missed out the seaside yes where's this sea of tranquility i fancy a paddle ah the sea of tranquility doesn't have water in it it's full of sand but where do the aliens go when they want to swim aliens nanny said there might be aliens on the moon well that's just a fairy story blooper an alien ah hello aliens amazing that's nice he's saying hello can you speak alien nanny no this is mission control what's going on up there we just met an alien amazing this is an historic momentous occasion this is the biggest thing to happen ever do you think you'd like a cheese sandwich danny plum we do not celebrate historic meetings with a cheese sandwich maybe the aliens can show us where the seaside is there is no sea on the moon only sand we can still build sand castles yes [Music] no don't start digging up the moon you will upset the aliens look the aliens love building sandcastles [Music] i'm a bit hungry me too time for the picnic no magic basket please magic nani are you waving your magic wand around i haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a one to work you just ask it for what you want magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese and now for pudding magic jelly magic jelly ah nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood oh it'll be fine nadi palam i want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's she doing oh no i forgot to say not a lot that's too much [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the sea of tranquility with jelly plum all the maps of the moon will have to be changed the sea of tranquility is now the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset nelly but the aliens like the jelly they're eating it all up they love it i better make some more magic no nanny plum i forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission but look at the alien sad little faces they're still hungry no more magic jelly okay i was looking forward to having a bit of jelly myself oh nanny we can't eat the picnic anyway our space helmets are in the way that's the last straw no water in the sea and we can't eat food what kind of picnic is this it's not a picnic okay let's go home nanny plum's right it's time to go well that's what i've been saying bye bye aliens bye bye [Music] i like aliens yes they're lovely everybody get ready for takeoff i will set the controls for oh what is it fuel tank is empty ah we seem to be out of fuel what does that mean we are stuck on the moon forever oh no what what's wrong i put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon but i forgot about getting back oh dear that was a bit silly yes yes it was very silly it's all because of your little elf rules if you'd let us bring our fairy ones we could have used magic to get us back but of course there's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours i didn't mean to make so much magic jelly magic jelly of course danny plum listen carefully i want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank why there's no time for questions just do it here's the fuel tank nanny plum now ask the magic basket for jelly what but you said no more magic jelly remember i know i did but this is an emergency okay how much jelly do you want a lot right yo what how will that help the jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed we can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home if i'd said that you'd say i was being silly but it's not you saying it it's me and the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum i suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly lots lots lot oh hang on everyone it worked [Music] using jelly power [Applause] they're on their way home [Music] mr elf please land the elf rocket in the frog pond right hoe where are they they are stand back everyone [Music] [Applause] welcome back ben and holly we flew to the moon and back the mission was a complete success thanks to the wonders of elf cleverness thanks to my magic jelly you mean what without my magic jelly we'd still be on the moon now now nanny let's not argue over the little details let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 4,054,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: qPekmmZ99cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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