Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | APRIL FOOLS - Crazy Transformations | Kids Videos

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it's like a bad dream i suppose this is your doing nanny plum no it was granny thistle hello granny thistle i might have known it's been a long time cedric not long enough millicent you always were a troublemaker yes mother you started this now you have to sort it out okay you're the boss i just think children should have a bit of fun that's all there's good fun and bad fun this is bad fun my goodness daisy and poppy you're a long way from [Music] home ah daisy and poppy are going bananas bananas [Music] i'm a banana oh darlings there you are i see you've been doing lots of fab magic chicken wonderful hedgehog oh i'm a hedgehog groovy pebble you've turned me to stone maybe not so good holly i think it's time for you to rub it what's she saying ring rub the ring i think she's saying rub the ring but didn't you say not to rub the ring i've changed my mind it's not good fun anymore rub the ring all right here we go my goodness daisy and poppy you're a long way from home we better ring your mummy and daddy bunny rabbit now now daisy that wasn't very nice what's going on bunny rabbits [Music] what's that noise it's coming from over there i think we found my little sisters [Music] wow look at all those rabbits that one's wearing my dad's hat poppy daisy what have you done rabbity rabbity they've turned all the elves into rabbits daisy that wasn't funny or clever give me the wand titty tattoo meow daisy and poppy i'm sure you didn't mean to meow me buggy [Music] phew do you think that's it yes luckily birds can't hold ones oh barnaby and ben have you seen the girls the kittens are holly and fleur and the birds are the twins for what uh daisy and poppy have been doing a bit of magicking i see and who are all the rabbits you're so nice she's turned mrs witch to stone that's it i've won i'll be the little kingdom's witch i'll really enjoy working with you king thistle ah working with me oh yes i've got big plans for the little kingdom oh dear she sounds like a bit of a bossy boots meow and mrs witch's mangy old cat will have to go did you see mrs witch move she can't move she's been turned to stone he really is a flea bitten old thing he smells lawful [Music] wow mrs witch turned the other witch to stone so i suppose mrs witch is the winner [Music] we knew you could do it uh shouldn't you turn wendy witch back now she was very rude about my monkey but if she says sorry sorry and sorry to moggy sorry auggie thanks you're just amazing mrs witch i've never seen anyone break out of a stone spell before and you're a very polite and clever young witch mostly well as they say this town ain't big enough for the both of us so i'll be moving along bye [Music] i'm glad mrs which one the little kingdom wouldn't be the same without mrs witch yes mind you wendy witch did have a point about the cat it does rather smell and it's what was that it's uh it's a most lovely cat thank you king thistle i do love my moggy meow [Music] and what are these little toys doing here hello uh hello frog time [Music] well done tarquin like they always say when things are not going quite right turn them into a frog that doesn't even rhyme and turning people into frogs is not a good way to do things why not he'll turn back to a person in a moment and he won't remember a thing we'd better get out of here before he turns back again yes on with the tour oh my goodness that was all a bit of an adventure what we need now is something a little less dangerous next room the vikings less dangerous vikings people think the vikings just ran around shouting but really they were gentle people who farmed and played music [Music] if only there were vikings around today i'd love to know what they'd say to us [Music] she never learns vikings running around and shouting is it frog time yes now please turn them all into frogs right you are i knew an interesting fact about vikings all they ate was spam i don't think that is correct it's true vikings ate spam it was on the telly uh nanny what happens when the frogs turn back into vikings they'll be very confused and maybe a tiny bit annoyed right let's make sure we're not around when that happens wow look at all those frogs and what's this ah there you go sorted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great king vessel do something nobody will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no i can't go out like this i'm going to get a snack now then what would be a lovely tasty snack ah why does nelly always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard mmm hell hell what on earth is that awful racket king thistle pink thistle i wish for a big party and now i can't stop dancing oh really it was a genie from the witch's old lamb please help us king thistle which is magic eh i can't help fairy magic doesn't work on witch's magic sorry and all that what are you doing up there this witch's carpet just flew me off to a tropical paradise well just keep the noise down there's a good fellow my hair my hair the mirror has made it even worse i don't think i can stand much more dancing how do i stop this thing well if you will all play around with witch's magic that's the most disgusting thing i've ever uh daddy where did you get that jam from the back of nanny's cupboard huh you've just eaten the witch's slug jam and it's a bit worse than that it's magic slug jam oh no what's gonna happen to me now um you might change into a flag this is outrageous magic mirrors flying carpets magic lamps slug jam mrs witch can jolly well take all this stuff back you're my best friend hello holly hello ben hello fleur is that a new wand yes it's called the wise wand 3000 i love you wow it talks yes it's very very new and top secret you're my best friend oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's play princesses knights and naughty witches yes i'll be the princess because i am a princess and i'll be the brave knight okay wow real armor and i'll be the naughty witch [Music] what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower what tower ha ha this tower wow how am i going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the knight climbs up it oh yes [Music] climb up that hair ben easy elves are good at climbing up hair and i'm an elf here i am i've got to rescue you thank you brave knight but now you're both trapped [Music] oh we can easily get down not if i put bars on the window [Music] oh we're stuck lunchtime oh that's my mum i've got to go bye sorry your majesty now forwards again and when i clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop stop oh bring the rock back here now i want you to magic this rock into something else a frog no i can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please all right keep your hair on [Music] i said an egg not a chicken there one egg to the pass the practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up uh to help a tadpole become a grown-up um danny what's your favorite spell turn them into a frog correct i knew it the test is over and it's bad news did i fail it's worse than that you passed hooray you may now do magic again did you hear that one we're back in business oh dear magic always leads to trouble no it doesn't show me one piece of sensible magic okay there's one piece of magic i've been wanting to do all day what's that turn you into a frog you can't do that oh yes i can here's my license oh dear frog time like i said magic always leads to trouble [Music] just how many of these things have you made ah there's hundreds uh thousands actually i don't believe it but they are very popular let me show you one in its gift box gift box daisy poppy don't you even think about it daisy poppy here we are oh where's nenny gone daisy poppy turn me back at once ah no have you fallen off the production line no no it's me i'm not a toy my money plum wow let me ow why zelda elf have you seen nanny she was here but she seems to have vanished daisy poppy to do magic nanny into a dolly again dolly dolly oh no nanny must be in one of these boxes but there are thousands of them how are we going to find her we'll have to open up everyone oh we'd better get started help me please hmm too nice you're my best friend too friendly oh i thought i'd be stuck there forever thank you wise old elf too polite wait i really am the real nanny plum no no you're a dolly no i'm not yes you are i'm not you're just a very clever doll i know i made you okay smarty pants if i'm just a doll i wouldn't be able to do magic would i of course not dollies can't do magic holly one please i'm going to turn you into a slug just you try okay you are nanny plum [Music] are you sure it looks right um maybe we should add chicken wings that's better come on let's take it for a walk cookies an awful noise morning wise old elf how do you like our boat it looks a bit funny if you ask me it is a traditional viking boat oh no it isn't i'll show you a traditional viking boat mr elf please bring out our boat plato whoa what's wrong we can't get the boat through the door it's too big oh that's a bit embarrassing i suppose you want some fairy help getting it out yes please hey boy well i suppose we might be able to fix it in time oh hello everyone have you finished my boat yes your majesty uh what's that your boat so i told you to make me a boat that wouldn't be laughed at and this is what you made yes your majesty whose idea was the hippo head that was my idea i thought of the flames and the legs my idea your majesty i thought of the chicken wings i am going to be a complete laughingstock [Music] i can't wait to see what king thistle's boat looks like look children i've turned myself into a mousy mousey squeak wow that's not a bad costume uh the toddlers have magic the wise old elf into a real mouse squeak can someone please magic me back into an elf no we can't do any magic because somebody put all the ones in the library ah yes squeak hey me hearties i'm here to pick up my niece metal oh actually the party's not quite over yet no the toddlers are in the library with the dangerous spell books they've got all the magic wands and they've magic the wise old elf into a mouse squeak sounds like a fun party oh no it's gone quiet they're up to something let's take a look hello hello there's no one here just our ones oh it's good to have you back again uh nanny now you have your wand again would you mind of course oh great wizardo silly old elf back to yourself where be the poor little toddlers i was afraid of this daisy and poppy have found the secret passageway where does the secret passageway go to the secret room i never knew we had a secret room that's because it's secret the room contains a magical force that must never be let out so not a good room for toddlers to be in then i hear the sound of excited little ones and something else we must not enter what a lot of miseries i'll just have to do it myself zig zag zog make me into a frog wow a common frog look how slimy it is and how smelly it is and how silly it sounds well that brings today's nature class to a most satisfactory close and nanny plum you can turn yourself back now i don't think nanny plum can turn herself back again she can't pick up her wand oh what a shame now for your homework that's nanny plum we can't leave her as a frog can't we oh i suppose not uh which fairy wants to turn her back again all right holly do your best um i'm not sure what spell to use i'm sure nanny plum would want you to just have a go anyway okay i'll try this abracazary um oh it works oh thank you holly oops sorry nanny you did very well holly but you shook your wand a bit too hard africa berry frog to fairy you see children it's all in the wand control yes nanny plum fascinating mistress palum wait and see [Music] the lemonade has turned into water why would you want to do that that's not magic it's very sensible magic it's rubbish magic well what would you turn it into how about this [Music] ah you did magic outside the test room oh it's a lemon i meant to turn it into a frog nani my one's not working right it's rattling oh i see what you mean that doesn't sound right when did you last have this wand serviced 10 years ago one should be serviced once a year here try that [Music] yes that's much better nanny you turned the wise old elf into a frog so i did are you going to turn him back again oh i suppose i'll have to silly old elf back to yourself [Music] very good your wand seems to be working perfectly don't wait 10 years before getting it serviced again yes wise old al sorry thank you for mending my wand wise old elf you're welcome princess ollie it's good to have you back again wand i promise to take special care of you from now on yes don't bash it on a rock i won't [Laughter] little ah daisy poppy give daddy your wands help wow they've made king thistle really small daisy poppy that wasn't funny or clever little little little little they've made us little don't worry our magic has back to normal size i just need my wand my wand's too heavy i can't lift it maybe we should call nanny plum good idea ben i'll ring the bell da da [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wonder what they want typical they ring for me and then they wander off somewhere nanny plum hey we're here why are you so tiny um daisy and poppy did a spell on us honestly it's not hard to look after daisy and poppy you just have to play with them we tried that nanny plum but it went a bit wrong what daisy and poppy like most is their baby dolly now where is it blue oh daisy and poppy where have you put your baby dolly baby dolly hello i'm baby plum baby plum he's lots of fun change my nappy please oh no they've changed nanny into a doll i'm going to turn you into a snail but nanny you said never use magic in anger i'm not angry now where's my wand it was just a joke yes and here's another joke elter snail naughty nanny you said never use magic when you're angry yes happy elf joke day wise old snail ha ha ha what's that snail doing here well daddy the wise old elf played jokes on any plum and she got angry and did a spell on him the wise old elf was just having fun don't you have a sense of humor nanny plum yes your majesty nanny palum why did you turn him into a snail um it was meant to be a funny joke and was it funny no your majesty he doesn't look very happy i'm not surprised turn him back into the wise old elf please nanny plum very well your majesty silly old elf back to yourself your majesty thank you so much for your help oh that's all right i must say you are looking most handsome today your majesty may i take your photograph of course um your majesty not now nanny plum i'm having my picture taken say cheese please [Music] my husband won't be a moment he's just changing into his new clothes new clothes that sounds interesting well it is an experiment [Music] sorry to keep you waiting oh that's fantastic outstanding oh really well the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful so fresh and exciting we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh i don't think i think at all [Music] oh i said oh what's that yes i was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes silly daddy you've got a lemon on your head this is nothing to do with me my wife chose it that is amazing awesome i've never seen anything like it absolute genius self-transforming clothes i would never have thought of that and you say that you don't think about what where you know more about fashion than we ever could where do you get your inspiration from ah well uh now tell me have you ever considered a teaching fashion ah danny plum could you make us something for dinner please of course your majesty i can make you anything you like as long as you don't want carrots tomatoes or lemons now let's mix all the ingredients blackberry sugar lemon dew drop slug slime and finally the frog burp [Music] and now the magic words sugar and spice ah that's going to taste horrible no ben remember it's a potion to rub on the feet not to drink nobody would drink this oh my that is bad [Music] that did taste disgusting daddy you shouldn't have drunk it you should have rubbed it on your feet what i wonder what will happen now let's see what the book says uh blah blah blah oh dear what is it silly me it's not a recipe for cold medicine after all it's a cure for baldness but i must say your majesty long hair really does suit you nanny plum i think my cold is gone oh i seem to have caught the king's cold oh poor nanny plum now i'm going to take personal charge of getting you better can we help too of course you can the more the merrier [Music] please that's not necessary your majesty look witches don't do anything they just smell a bit funny and make horrible cakes what as for magic they're completely harmless she probably can't even do a simple transformation spell yes i can then why don't you change this horrible wallpaper or make these seats more comfortable stop it nanny you could make tasty cakes i'm warning you oh get some new clothes if you change one more thing a bit of makeup i'm sorry i had to freeze nanny plum she was very rude to me i don't think nanny meant to be rude mrs witch maybe not but she was are you going to keep nanny frozen forever no if nanny says sorry she can go nanny say sorry to mrs witch i will not say sorry i was only trying to help you out your grumpy old witch owl so you won't let nanny go nope we should get help uh is it all right if we go mrs witch of course you have both been delightful company what's your plan we have to get the king yes daddy can tell the witch off then she'll let nanny go bye bye bye thank you very much for having us yes thank you mrs witch goodbye bye bye quick run [Music] i can't see my tadpoles anymore tadpoles they must be invisible nanny did you do a spell on them no holly so where are they oh dear i think the king has found them where your tadpoles have turned into frogs princess holly tadpoles frogs what on earth is going on daddy i did tell you i had some homework here froggy this way [Music] this is my room and these are my toys let's play hide and seek one two three four five six seven eight nine ten coming ready or not [Music] bedtime princess holly manny say hello to my friends fluffy tiddles mopsy and ben um hello good night froggies [Music] ah yes this is the old mark z33 built by the elf factory hmm it was a rather basic model uh please don't get it angry i beg your pardon ben elf you talk as if it can understand well it does seem to it's just a toy robot only capable of going ah ah put me down you silly robot you are a rude old elf robot put the wise old elf down yes bad elf oh very strange ah i don't remember the being able to talk [Music] it's escaping we'd better get it back [Music] where's it gone that sounds like nanny plum oh how robot put manny plum down yes ben elf oof oh thank you ben what is this thing it's just a toy robot but it does anything ben says really yes watch this robots clean up the courtyard must clean up must clean up must clean up it's very good isn't it i'd like one of those to do all my cleaning you can follow my robot if you want to nanny plum your pie mash and chips is delicious what's for pudding i hope it's not too heavy trick or sponge pudding with blemonge and custard excellent nanny plum is the best cook in the little kingdom i say nunny plum is the best cook in the whole world oh thank you your majesty hello hello queen merrick old here it's king of queen marigold oh no they're so boring and snooty we were just eating a lovely meal spinach with seafoam when we thought how nice it would be if you joined us for dinner tomorrow they've invited us for dinner tomorrow oh no don't worry i'll handle this sorry we can't come for dinner oh dear what a shame i know you hardly ever get to eat good food what i'll have you know we have the best cook in the whole world you have the best cook in the whole world yes oh well then we must come to you for dinner instead see you tomorrow tuna pip oh i've got some good news and some bad news what's the good news we're not going to king and queen marigolds for dinner tomorrow hey what's the bad news they're coming here i know what are we going to do king and queen marigold will want to eat something special luckily we have the best cook in the whole world nanny plum no thank you your majesty what about baked potato stuffed with potato with chips and mash and a fried egg on top whiskers it could be the whiskered thrush and it's got a long scaly tail a scaly tail this bird is so rare i don't even know it i've discovered a new bird it shall be named the king thistle bird if you say so your majesty but i don't want that filthy smelly rodent in my kitchen nunny plum that's no way to talk about the king thistle bird we must let it lay its eggs in peace i don't think rats lay eggs rats oh you've got rats get rid of it yes shoe shoe get out of here you filthy rat no your majesty the king thistle bird must be allowed to stay what your law says no nesting animal may be disturbed did i say that yes daddy well um maybe the law should say um uh let me see this law you see it's in writing there's nothing we can do about it as queen i declare this silly law abolished now get this rat out of my castle um nanny plum you speak rat tell it to leave please now what's ratfor please leave oh yes ahem get out of my kitchen oh manny you've hurt a rat's feelings i think i can live with that why does knitting have to be so noisy what daddy it's brilliant the baby woodpeckers are here now you can tick them off in your book ah yes lovely oh my goodness mr elf we were spared by the mighty wheels thundering back from whence he came um there's good news and bad news what's the good news the wheel hit the elf tree but everyone is okay what's the bad news the wheel is coming back here everyone into the tower run for your life i can't believe it yes king thistle wonderful isn't it your hamster is back home oh pippin's tired you see the wheel worked now we know how much exercise pippin needs every day to the elf tree and back no pippin has to go oh but daisy and poppy love pippin i don't want a pet living in my castle i could magic pippin into a different kind of pet a pet that could live outside the castle oh okay nanny just do it [Music] the elves have mended the hamster cage i mean the castle your majesty splendid let's take a look what nanny yes your majesty why is there straw in my courtyard courtyard oh you mean the feeding bowl what yes darling you asked for a pet that could live outside the castle so we went back to what we all wanted in the first place a pony trapped in the land of the dinosaurs with no way back don't worry there must be an answer think mrs elf think what's that is it's a dinosaur i'm not sure it's a cave woman [Music] shoes shoes wait a minute it's missy's fathering the last teacher i've been stuck here for ages thank goodness you finally come to rescue me well we sort of need rescuing ourselves actually oh if only mummy was here yes the queen could magicka's home but the queen is here i saw her this morning hooray but she was carried off by one of those pterodactile things leaving just her wand and her cell phone mrs father and gill do you know where the pterodactyls live they live on scary mountain i could take you there if you want all right come on children hold hands stay together mrs fatheringgill why is it called scary mountain oh i think look the queen hello everyone mummy are you all right yes but i'm trapped it won't lift up its foot i'll climb up and take a le pterodactyl elves are good at tickling pterodactyls and i'm an elf careful ben tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tray here's your wand mommy thank you everyone now i think we all better get back home my shoes and my panties it'll be nice for gaston to have a friend to stay hi gaston we've got a visitor for you he's drinking gaston's water he's sleeping in gaston's bed he's making himself at home ben you don't think gaston minds sharing his home do you no i think he's pleased to have a new friend look dave got bigger oh we better get him out of here while we still can [Music] i see the baby dragon is getting bigger yes nanny and it's impossible to find anywhere for him to live hmm he needs to go home but where is his home dragon land of course mind you it's a long long way away my dad can fly us there in the earth plane he'll be happy to take us what take a fire breathing dragon on an aeroplane never the dragon's back sound the alarm get that dragon out of here all right then load the dragon ready for takeoff [Music] how's the dragon not breathing any fire is it dave's not silly mr elf he knows not to do it in a plane everything okay back there uh yes dad don't do it again dave nanny plum where is dragon land dragon land isn't marked on any map ah a giant a giant no daddy it's me my goodness holly what happened to you i magicked myself big and i want to stay big forever ah watch where you put those big feet holly you almost stepped on nanny oops sorry nanny holly are you really sure you want to stay big forever yes it's almost bedtime how are you going to fit in your little bed i know mummy i'll sleep outside okay but you'll need to keep warm how about i magic you up a giant sleeping bag yes please nanny [Music] oh lovely i'll sleep out here under the stars good night holly good night ah this is cozy i hope ben has found somewhere nice to sleep as well calling all elves stop making toys we need a giant sleeping bag who is this enormous sleeping bag for ben elf he's a giant person now oh they grow up so fast these days ben grab hold of this and pull [Music] wow a giant sleeping bag it's great thanks everyone our pleasure elves are good at making giant sleeping bags [Applause] [Music] maybe don't toot your horn when you're so big now sleep well good night good night it is fun being big i can't wait till morning as long as you don't leave any muddy footprints [Music] this is my bedroom we can have a midnight feast yes you have to have a midnight feast at a sleepover it's the law [Music] gosh i'm tired me too and me is it midnight yet no midnight is still hours away but i'm so sleepy we've got to stay up until midnight or it's not a real midnight feast [Music] oh my goodness rex what are you doing here it's morning you could grow big again any second out out quickly you're starting to grow just in time that could have been disastrous what's all the noise about you woke us up holly where's lucy shh she's still asleep what wake her up and get her out of the castle quickly before she gets big oh yes we forgot lucy lucy wake up what's happening you're growing whoa let's get out of here [Music] oh so smarty pants you cannot save us after all uh well no thank you for trying so bomb will never again have lots of plants and be beautiful once more no wait a minute plants need water to grow yes and if you had lots of water you could have lots of plants yes so we just need to make it rain i can do that rain's much easier to make than plants it's just water then please make it rain magic wand on planet bong make it rain loud and strong [Music] nothing is happening did the magic work yes it worked look up clouds yes and lots of them and clouds mean it's raining the plugs are coming back yay gosh they're growing so fast yes they needed water the flowers look so pretty and smells so lovely it's an alien paradise thank you so much you have saved planet bomb [Music] it's all so lovely an innocent unspoiled world of nature gentle and beautiful in its loveliness yes right lads back to work what's happening we are starting up our factories again so what can we do we'll use an old cowboy trick to get the chickens across wait yeah what's the old cowboy trick i don't know but it's bound to be very clever all very silly but probably funny ta-da told you he's dressed as humpty dumpty why's old elf why are you dressed as an egg chickens like to look after their eggs so if they see one floating across the water they'll follow it i'm an egg come in chickens the water's lovely and warm i'm an egg they're following the egg i'm an egg i'm an egg that has to be one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen i'm an egg i'm an egg i'm an egg i'm an egg you see it's all quite simple when you're an old cow hand like me oh what's the matter haven't you ever seen a cowboy in his underpants before the chickens really like picking up flowers they're eating machines leaving nothing but mud yes are you sure the king said he wants chickens at the little castle that's what daddy said i want chickens at the little castle very well then paddle up chickens ride west chickens wide west [Music] we'll stop here for the night get the wagons in a circle let's keep these chickens safe ah sleeping outdoors with a campfire everywhere hello hello mermaids we're looking for oceana she's over there being sad [Music] oceana we brought your mirror back oh thank you so much but why is it so tiny we had to shrink it down to fit in the submarine don't worry the spell will wear off soon it'll grow big again there you go my mirror thank you all so much you're very welcome well it's been a very interesting meeting you mermaids but we must be getting back now bye oceana bye everyone bye buddy [Music] um you know how the mirror suddenly got big again but that happened to me and my dad yep and the fun bit is you don't know when which means we should get a move on we don't want them to grow big in the submarine yeah so am i we must get to land full speed ahead almost there almost there trying to grow too much you see there was no need to panic we had plenty of time what an adventure yes it was quite amazing remember lucy's dad the little kingdom is meant to be secret you must not tell any of your friends what you saw today tell my friends what i saw today let me think about that and then the magical fairies shrank me down to the size of my thumb i saw singing mermaids and did i tell you that i now have a fish for a brother no i will not be telling anyone what i saw today [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 2,310,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: T_18oTS1OQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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