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first Peter four was a passage that was a very dear to my heart a few months ago was as it just seemed like there was just problems everywhere you ever have those times when you just feel like gosh if I'm being attacked from every side and what's what's going on here and as reading through first Peter and this passage really jumped out to me specifically verse 12 first Peter 4:12 says this beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you it's not a great verse he just beloved don't be surprised don't be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you man I needed that verse it's just like why are you acting like something strange is happening to you didn't you know that when you signed up for this that you were signing up to join an army and that you were entering into a war where were you what were you expecting everything to be smooth everything to be easy and and maybe you know some of these trials are not expected by us because the gospel we were taught maybe growing up you know I was just taught all you know receive Christ as your Savior and he'll be your best friend you get to go to heaven so pray this prayer raise your hand wink at me whatever and you got him and life's going to be great and you get to go to heaven and no one really told me about the cost of following Jesus there was very little you know talked about actually following Jesus and and being a disciple of his and what that meant and there was really little talk about about explain that look you're about to enter into spiritual warfare now I mean before when you're just living for yourself there's no point in Satan attacking you you know I'm it's when you start following him when you start following Jesus and actually doing something for the Kingdom then the fight is on I I mean if we're playing basketball and and you know and people are running back and forth and you're supposed to guard me and I'm just standing at midcourt you know looking at the cheerleaders or eating popcorn I mean are you gonna guard me no you just leave me alone you go you go you know with those in the game you guard them but but what if I get the ball and I start taking it to the hole which I can and and I I'm just scoring left and right you know then suddenly everyone starts attacking right then suddenly I get guarded double-team triple-teamed and and in the same way no one explained that to me in my walk with the Lord that that once I decided to follow Jesus I would have a very very real enemy and the more I get into ministry and the further I with greater passion begin to serve Him and love him guess what the enemy is going to do okay now let's start attacking this guy now let's go after these people and here you have these early believers who are following Jesus passionately persecuted they're scattered everywhere and and and and so Peter says so because they don't be surprised don't be surprised what what did you think was going to happen this is going to happen to you then you know later in chapter 5 verse 8 as you know he says that you've got an adversary and he prowls around he's trying to devour you I mean did that thought even enter your mind this week that you have an enemy so you see a lot of times we don't we don't we don't take this seriously and when's the last time you woke up and thought someone's after me today that's why in chapter 5 verse 8 he says be sober minded be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour his be sober-minded be on the alert be aware that someone's trying to take you down right now as much as the leaders of this church are trying to get you to just love Jesus to follow him to serve just as passionately there's an enemy right now that's doing everything he can to distract you everything he can to tempt you everything he can to put doubts in your head every every painful thing that comes in you know the enemy is going to get in your mind and say you know where's your God how you know is he not good it's just this whole war that's going on and we have to be ready for that so I love that passage he says don't be surprised and he says beloved do not be surprised I lied you know I just loved the way Peter words anxiety I love you guys I love you my beloved people my friends my brothers my sisters don't be surprised don't be surprised why are you surprised and so something strange was happening what did you think and we could you imagine could you imagine a soldier at war running back to his commanding officer and crying and going they were shooting things at me I mean real bullets you know he would just look at that sort of what did you expect well what were you thinking when you join the army did you think we would just come out here and then everything would be nice and easy no we're at war here and we need we need to realize that and so Peter tells these faithful believers who have been persecuted he says don't be surprised at the fiery ordeal or the fiery trial this this word fiery or burning ordeal most likely was literal most likely referred to at that time the persecution of Nero towards the Christians I mean Nero the Emperor at that time used to take the Christians and light him on fire and use them as human torches in his garden and so Peter seeing that from afar and knowing this persecution that's going on he's telling these believers don't be surprised at that at this fiery ordeal didn't you know how serious this was going to be or you're acting like something strange were happening to you we knew I mean Jesus told us this Jesus says in John 15:18 if the world hates you keep in mind it hated me first he says in John 15 verse 26 he says no servant is greater than his master if they persecuted me they're going to persecute you also you know think about it if I'm the master and you're my servant and this is what they do to me and they call me the devil they call me Beelzebul what do you think they're going to call you what do you think they're going to do to you so so here it is Peter again going through this and saying hey don't be surprised don't be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you to test you I've been thinking about this this this idea of testing because the Bible makes it very clear that there are some like he said who will fall away at times of testing right when he talks about the parable the four soils he says there are those who you know are like this concrete here you can throw seed I could you know there's some probably in this room that no matter what I say it's it's not penetrating and I don't know what it is in your life I mean it breaks my heart I wish I don't know what happened to you I know there's painful things that happen on the earth I know that some of you have been lied to yeah you know I I mean I don't know if it's true of you but for me it seems like every year I trust fewer and fewer people and it's almost easier to live life just assuming that everyone that runs into you is a liar so that you won't be disappointed and you just assume everyone's lying and that you know unlike when you were younger and you just trusted so many people and and maybe some of that pain maybe some of that hurt makes you go well how do I know this guy's for real I don't know any of these people in this room are for real and and and and and and so no matter what I say there's this there's hardening you know the Bible says it's like when a farmer throws seed and it lands on the hardened path or the sidewalk basically because there's nothing you can do and he goes but then there's other soil he says there's this rocky soil and he talked about sometimes it'll land on the rocky soil and what happens when the seed lands on the rocky soil it's not really soil it's rocks but there will be some dust or some some some topsoil that's been blown on top of the rock and and so something will spring up immediately but it never penetrate there's never any root it never actually goes into the rock it's just something superficial that's on top of it and he said so look like something will come out but at times of testing the moment the trials come or the moment the wind blows the moment something difficult happens at the time of testing it's going to be blown away it doesn't really stand and and here you know so so we know that there are those and there could be some of those in this room where yes right now you'll come you'll worship with us how great is our God you know blessed be the name we can sing these songs but what about at times of trial at the time of testing when it gets difficult will you still sing that song because we'd say that we sing that it's taken out of job but job one is one of the gonna be sacrilegious a pipe I like it's one of the strangest passages isn't it I mean for us because we're so used to thinking that everything revolves around us right and we have this me centered universe then you read job one and you go away what Satan and his demons are talking to God and they're discussing this person on the earth and and and then the you know and there you know the demons and Satan they're saying well you know Jobe only loves you because you give them everything who wouldn't love you if you protect him give them beautiful family give all these animals money what everyone's perfect health of course he loves you you take that away from him and he'll curse you to your face and gods going down oh you don't know Jobe have you considered my servant job Joe no he let go ahead go ahead do those things to him and see what happens go ahead test him let's let's see what happens and and it's through all that after he loses everything all of his riches all of his family that he says those words he gives and takes away but blessed be the name of the Lord and it see that's the difference he that's not rocky soil that's not rocky soil and it's it's it's it's the good soil that says no bring the testing I'm still going to love I was with another another friend of mine that I I love dearly another man of God who teaches the Word of God who doesn't back down Matt Chandler you know who was diagnosed with brain cancer and and and I saw him not too long ago and and you know they had to take this he was showing me on his iPhone he goes hey look look at my brain and he shows me this picture where they took out such a big chunk of his brain and he just sitting there talking to me about you know scar on his head everything else because look how much they took out look at that big black spot gone oh that's so gross he goes no what was gross was the night after they took all of that out he goes I would I would lay in bed and when I'd roll over I'd feel my brain go blue but so crazy he's just like it goes every time I turn it was just uh you know oh you know and and and he's just you know sitting there laughing about it showing pictures to all of us at dinner I look at my brain you know and it was just like what is going on here you know but here's a guy that when I heard about it you know text him real quick and he just text me back he was completely unshaken completely unshaken it was the same thing you know when when I was with Britt at that first lunch and he just said you know I love God I love him and I really do love Jesus and he says and I was able to look at Jesus and say Jesus I love you and no matter what happens nothing changes between you and me I will still love you and I go man that's so cool that is see that's not rocky soil okay that's not rocky soil rocky soil goes the other direction when the trials come you run but really this idea of testing here in first Peter is it's it's like a good testing it's it's a testing to show you that you're the real thing you know it's it's it's a theater isn't saying this I'll be careful this test you're going to fail and no no it's it's not that it's is this idea he's encouraging these people saying don't be surprised by this as you're tested by you're going to see that you're the real thing I mean you had those times in your life where it almost feels good where you go oh good I am for real you know what I mean like it's during the difficult times it's those times when when someone persecutes you for your faith or you know those times when you have boldness to finally share with someone and you do it and even though you may be rejected there's this peace afterwards where you go I'm the real thing I am the real thing man it kills me that I was rejected by that person they hate me now but there's also this weird peace I'm just glad I did I remember this this one lady in my church she she was driving and she just saw this fortune-teller in town and she saw this sign and she just if she goes man every time I passed I felt like let's just go in there and just and just share with her I know I'm supposed to I know I'm so soon she's just a day when she finally just got out of her car and walked right up to this palm reader lady and got in there and just start sharing the gospel with her and everything else she says I walked back to my car and I just got in and I just screamed at the top of my lungs going yeah she goes it just felt so good that I knew okay I am I am a father I will say anything I will talk to anyone about this geez I will confess him and she said the joy that was in her not knowing the result and then at like five minutes later that fortune teller called her you know on her cell phones goes wow and she goes you know hey you know I've got a cousin who does the same thing she's even more evil than I am will you go talk to her she's like wow she's like wow my first referral this is so great and but it wasn't even the it wasn't even the results in the other person of course you love the person of course you do that but there's also this piece of okay I'm willing to go through the trials and I still love Jesus well I've been tested and this is the real thing that this testing I think of James chapter 1 verse 12 it says blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him another another great verse is a blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial for when he has stood the test when he stood the test he'll receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him that was always an interesting verse to me because it says blessed is a man who remains steadfast blessed is the man who perseveres holds up under the trial and says man I know I'm impressed but I'm not crushed you know I'm persecuted I'm not abandoned I'm this is this is heavy this is difficult but I'm going to stand that test goes blessed as a person who persevered under that because once he stood the test he's going to get the crown of life which God has promised you would expect James to say which God has promised to those who have held up under the test that's not what he says he goes blessed the man who holds up under the trials because once he's been approved to receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him you see that he's acquainting the person who loves him with the person who stands the test it's the same thing the same thing you know that like the like Satan was saying about Jobe well he only loves you because you give them everything now you show your love when it's when it's tested I'm going hey I'm not getting everything I want here it's not happening okay here's the test no I still love him and God looks to that person says you know blessed is that person who persevere is when it gets difficult who stands the test I'm going to give that person the crown of life because I promised the crown of life to those who love me they love me they don't just love me when I give them everything they want they just love me because I'm this great treasure from the Son of God I died for their sins I rose from the grave and so they love me they love me everything I stand for Who I am here's as holy God in heaven who sent his son to die on a cross if I really believe all that then I just love him period and so now on earth whatever happens it's like no way God's given me more than I deserve I'll gladly sell everything I have and buy that field that treasure with great joy I'll do that because Jesus is so worth it and so he says you know continuing first Peter where he says beloved do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you as though something strange were happening to you but rejoice but rejoice and so far as you share Christ's sufferings that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed if you're insulted for the name of Christ you are blessed because the spirit of glory and of God rests on you and again understand this is in the context of these believers who have lost their homes that have been scattered all over the place that are watching these Christians being torched right now and going through a literal fiery trial and to those people in that extreme time Peter writes these words of comfort saying you know you should have expected it you know this is not a strange thing this happened to Jesus it's going to happen to us expect it but in the midst of that it goes but rejoice rejoice somehow find that joy just like James says in in in James 1:2 consider pure joy when you encounter these various all sorts of different types of trials here again he says there's ought to be this rejoicing in it that as you share Christ's sufferings you also be be rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed but but the part I want to focus on is verse 14 if you're insulted for the name of Christ you are blessed because the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you why are you blessed where's the blessing the blessing is that the Holy Spirit Himself that spirit of the glory resting upon you ever been in a time where you you were actually insulted or persecuted for your faith and again isn't it weird how as painful as it is there's this strange piece that we get almost like a piece that we don't get when we're comfortable you ever been in a situation where it was kind of dangerous for the sake of the gospel where you just felt totally uncomfortable but you did it anyways and you know that spirit of glory that rested upon you at that time it's an interesting thing I mean as much as I crave and I naturally just longed for comfort in my flesh those times when I step out in faith those times when I put myself on the line that's when I feel most peace that's when I experience the Holy Spirit you know a lot of times we think a lot I'm not experiencing God I'm not experiencing God so so maybe I'll go up to the mountain for you guys you walk 50 yards to the beach you know maybe I'll go I'll experience them there I'll go to this mountain time and that those are good things I do those things but but sometimes maybe maybe that's not the answer maybe you've tried that it hasn't happened and let me just suggest to you what what God said about his holy spirit about the spirit of glory that's going to rest on you that it's during the times of persecution remember what Jesus says he goes when you're put in front of authorities in front of these kings and you don't know how to answer them he goes don't worry about it because that's where my Holy Spirit is going to come upon you and you'll just start saying things you'll say things that you even though you didn't know how to answer it that's when I'm going to come through for you there's a sense in which the Holy Spirit comes in our times of danger in the times when we are persecuted we'll experience the spirit more than ever that's why I says you can rejoice in that because you'll experience that go well I had been tested I am one of them I am a follower of Christ while there's tremendous peace here it was like a a couple years ago when I was in a Korea when I was in Korea I had dinner with this guy it was such an honor for me because this was the guy do you remember about the three years now probably two three years ago there were those 23 Korean missionaries that went to Afghanistan and got abducted by the Taliban I remember reading that article in the paper and they were killing him one at a time and my heart just I was just sick you know as they said they would just behead them and throw a body out and it's like oh my brothers and sisters and this was one of the guys that was on that trip and and I'm having dinner with him and he's speaking through a translator as I'm just wanting to know what was that like I mean you I forget how many days they were there for a while under the the Taliban and and he talked about the last day they were together because in the 23 room they were going to split them into remote places so they couldn't you know get together and I don't know what they could have done but he just didn't want them together so they're about to split them up and he talks about how they went in a circle and one at a time they they just one at a time goes Jesus my life is yours whatever you want if it would bring you more glory for me to die take my life whatever you want to do one at a time one lady somehow still had a Bible and and the guy was saying that she ripped it into 23 pieces and Dingess just they just secretly passed the scriptures around and said okay wherever they take us now you've got the Word of God with you whatever portion the Lord gave you so when it's when you got an opportunity just just look at the word for your strength and and then then he was explaining how the pastor the pastor said that he had talked spoken to the Taliban and told them look if anyone dies I die first because I am the pastor of this group then the guy was having dinner with said that at that time he spoke up and he says no he goes I also am a pastor and I am your elder so I die first and then the other pastor goes no you have never been ordained as a pastor I am an ordained minister I die first and sure enough that's the guy that died first this dear friend of his and they killed another person and somehow there was a weird rescue thing and I still don't understand it all completely but but the point of this is is is what amazed me was he says you know ever since that time it's been over a year now and the different team members that were on that trip with me they've been coming to me and and individually they just go pastor don't you wish we were still there here's what they would say they said they said when I was in that pit by myself surrounded by the Taliban so I felt so close to Jesus there was an intimacy it was like he was right there with me and now that we're back in comfort I I try to pray but it's just not the same pastor don't you wish we were still there it's an amazing statement that I would rather be in a pit surrounded by Taliban because I got this intimacy with Jesus but Jesus is so great and this is this Fellowship of sharing in his sufferings that I felt there this rejoicing that I got to share in his sufferings was better than this comfort because Jesus is better than anything and so if anything brings me closer to Jesus that's why I love watching Brits message last week in him I'm talking about kasha I would do it all over again because I love Jesus more my wife loves Jesus and we love Jesus more Daisy loves Jesus but we all love him more and and that Jesus even through this pain he is that good he is that good and these people saying we experienced him during that trial something we can't get back in our comfort I mean why do we need a comforter if we're comfortable it's when we're in these times of danger and we're not surprised by these trials and these attacks it's suddenly it's like you know I'm actually okay I'm actually more okay than I've ever been and even hon Skye and even though there's some danger up ahead it's like I feel right I sense the presence the Lord and I thought wow that is that is just like in Scripture I mean you think about Steven when he was about to be stoned remember and acts eight you know when and when they're about to stoned to death what is Steven do I suddenly at that moment he goes he kind of just freaked out right because I can see the son of man it's these guys are have rocks in their hands ready to kill him he goes this is the craziest thing you guys won't believe it I can see Jesus right now he's standing there at the right hand of God so go ahead throw your rocks and they stoned him to death but his face was like that of an angel because he's just gone I can't believe it Jesus I see you right now like I've never seen you I physically see you when in the midst of that danger isn't that true of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when they're thrown into the fiery furnace we threw three of them down there who's that fourth person who is that you see that it's somehow in the midst of all of that that it's we sense this presence of God and so I would just encourage you you know Jesus Jesus you know you go go and make your disciples go out there as you're making disciples baptizing them the name the Father Son the Holy Spirit teaching them to obey everything that I commanded you he goes I'll be with you it's really a conditional phrase it's as you're doing that I'll be with you you'll sense my presence they'll see me that oh you'll be persecuted you'll go through trials maybe even fiery ordeals but you're going to sense my presence there with you although I'll be with you always the spirit of glory the Spirit of God will rest upon you don't be afraid of what you're going to say my Holy Spirit is going to come through at that moment and you're going to sense his presence and so I I got to ask you this morning have you pursued all these other things and loved all these other things or is there still just deep in your heart you know Jesus you're better than everything you're better than comfort you're better than these other things I've pursued I mean what is it that you've been in love with lately has it really been Jesus because last night was a time of repentance for me on that airplane it's gone God there I go again I got distracted now with bad things not with evil things I wasn't torturing animals and you know I I just I just got into ministry or whatever and I just got away from the person of Jesus Christ and I go Jesus I don't want to do this you're my first love and I want you to be my first love more than my ministry more than my kids more than my life my entertainment I want it to be you and and maybe some of you need a time like that because maybe it's just something has diverted you and the enemy just got you thinking about something else got you down in God because we have an enemy but graters he was in us right this Holy Spirit of God who rests in us then he was of the world so it's nothing to fear and I thank God that you have a leader here was modeled that for you and and that's what Y score supposed to do as pastors you model it and you guys look on and Hebrews says that you look at the the result of their faith and you follow that example and so I thank God for this trial that he's been through because it's been a model to so many people and hopefully to you also that you love Jesus love Jesus love Jesus through it all I'm going to pray over you right now not not because I wrote in my notes as that's how I'll conclude but because sometimes we can get passages like these when we're not one where we can get these passages when we're not suffering you go oh that makes sense oh yeah that makes sense oh yeah I see in James the in Peter scene you know Philippians I see it here oh yeah that totally makes sense but when you're in the middle of the pain it's weird like you can't think straight sometimes and that's where Satan really messes with you that's why in that context in James 1 in the midst of that he says if you lack wisdom then pray if you don't have the wisdom because in the middle of pain it's hard to think clearly and have that same clarity and I want to pray over you because maybe some of you are in that the midst of that pain and you just you hear what I'm saying but it's still not completely registering because all those emotions and all that hurt just tweaks your thinking and so I want to pray over you and pray for those who may be difficult things will happen this week there may be some insults maybe some rejection but that you would be strong through and I believe something's going to happen as I pray for you and only that after I pray for yous and the leaders will be lining the side and maybe you just need pray for your specific situation and I ask you to come up and pray with one of them as as the rest of us are worshipping and taking of communion that you would just that you would pray and same with those in in Ventura that you would just go to one of those leaders and say look here's my situation or maybe you're even maybe your prayers I'm just too comfortable and I want more of God and it's a scary thing to pray but God whatever it takes and want to be close to you because you're greater than everything else let me pray for you you thought I thank you for the example of your son first and foremost who came down on this earth and rescued us God who endured the suffering of the cross at that moment you made him who knew no sin becomes sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God through him Father thank you that Jesus went through that pain and suffered for us and now he's a no he rose from the grave he's in glory right now thank you that we serve a risen Christ who is all-powerful who has sent his spirit down upon us thank you father I thank you that because of that example Lord and because the power he gives us we can make it through anything so I prayed you give that confidence to these people in this room father as trials are about to come to all of us I pray that we would not be surprised as though something strange were happening to us that we would be people who expect it and know that we can be tested and found approved as good soil because your spirit dwells in us it's not by our power it's by yours so right now god I just pray that you administer to everyone in this room God you know exactly where everyone is Holy Spirit would you speak to each person now through your word so we take of the body and blood of Jesus Christ and spread in this cup and we do with absolute reverence aw remembering the pain you endured for us that we would joyfully follow your example for the sake of our brothers the sake of those who don't know you please by your grace minister to us now in Jesus name
Channel: venetable
Views: 105,144
Rating: 4.8390093 out of 5
Keywords: Francis, Chan, Peter, 12, Reality, church
Id: ZCqVMj0K87Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2011
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