Do You Really Have A Relationship With God? - Francis Chan 2018

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I like that look I speak every week I have never had that reception in my life what's your name Abel you're my hero I want you to come with me everywhere that was that was insane I am I am really excited to speak right now lately I've just been so you know I think it became a job maybe or just a responsibility not a job but just you know you just know you've got to do this what God's called you to do um but lately like there's an excitement that's come back to speaking as I look in Scripture and and I think about how the Bible says that every one of us to each one has been given a manifestation of the Holy Spirit for the common good that it's not just preparing something a speech and then coming and giving it but that there's actually like an intertwining of the Spirit of God with my own spirit and the thought that he could actually take control of my body take control of my lips take control but we're talking about God here okay you know I mean he can do anything and the thought that what he wants to do is basically have Francis died to himself and have Christ lived through me like like the reality of that it's just hitting me harder lately like you're serious you're serious just like like the Holy Spirit filling the temple of God or the Holy of Holies like that type of power now actually could manifest through me to you like this isn't just this speech this isn't just okay that's what no no like like I want that and I start getting excited like like I just I want that with you Lord I I don't know who I'm quoting it's either Martin lloyd-jones or RC scroll or John Piper but one of the three of them I made this statement they said the two most romantic places on earth to him are the prayer closet and the pulpit and I totally got it it's like there are times when I am alone and I'm praying to God and I'm just gone I don't want to leave this place I am so happy right now this is what life is about in fact is there a way you could just take me up into your presence right now I just want to see you I want to be with you like it's it's it's a new thing understand this is newer for me there's times I'm praying and you know how when you're holding your toddler or your newborn you have so much affection but you you you just don't want to squeeze too hard but you want to because you want to show more love this baby's just been born and you want to squeeze this baby because you have so much love you want to express but you can't and that's what I feel towards God like there's times where I'm going god this isn't enough this isn't enough I can't touch you like I I really want to see you right now I really want like it's like talking on the phone or prayer this is getting a little bit old I like I want more of you God like that type of longing like it's a romantic place that time of prayer I hope it is for you and then this this it used to be when I was younger it would like stress me out and I prepared I'd be thinking about everyone else but now I'm at an age where it's like God it's like we're dancing up there it's like you're here and this is what I was made for that your spirit could manifest father could your spirit just speak through me now I can't really be your spirit not me in the flesh could you call people in this room to leave the comforts of their homes make your name known your glory known in a foreign country it's an unreached people may they believe that that could happen and just hunger for it your spirit would just fall upon them in such a way that you move them to someplace they've never even heard of and where they're just enjoying your presence and it's enough it's enough God would you awaken us to who you are and this amazing amazing mystery amazing mystery God man I just speak I don't want to just speak Lord God may there be a demonstration of your spirits power hallelujah Jesus you're so good you're so wonderful Holy Spirit you're welcome here I want you here I don't want to be led by you my brothers and sisters for your name's sake that you would wake up your church and that we would fall in love with you all over God for those who have not been in love with you enjoying you made they put that above all things may we experience you like never before oh god may I experience you like never before God we pray these things in Jesus name Amen I'm coming off of one of the best weekend's of my life maybe the best just in my personal ministry and my time with the Lord Friday afternoon I'm going to share some things I don't know where you are at theologic that I don't know where I am anymore I'm just gonna be honest and not hide what's going on and you can I don't know do what do what you want with it but I only knows Friday I was asked to come into the office and speak with some people that were visiting from another place wanting to know more about what we're doing with church and and I was like okay I've got an hour I'll come in for an hour I'll answer some questions we'll pray and I really need to get back so 11 a.m. I had I get to the office meet with a group of people and we I say let's just pray before we knew it it was already past 12:00 and there was no talking and I was like you know let's just let's just keep praying I don't want to leave this this is so sweet this is so good and and and just because we have other things that we have to be at like what what's what's bigger than this this has been so good and before we know what it's 5 p.m. and we're still praying and I was like let's just keep going this is awesome and before we know it it's midnight and one hour of prayer turn into 13 hours of prayer and and I this isn't normal for me this isn't this wasn't I don't know that I've ever prayed I don't believe I've ever prayed that long but it was just it was just awesome it was awesome just seeking the president times when we were just crying like sobbing over the lost as we were praying for people that we love the don't know Jesus whatever I think everyone in there was just quite there maybe 20 of us just crying two other times when we're screaming at the top of our lungs you know and this is new for me and you gotta understand there have been times when I've been in worship settings like like I remember specifically one time in Sydney Australia where there's a group about this size probably everyone in there is jumping and worship and I'm just standing there seriously I'm like god I want a job I'm just so embarrassed like you know because I strand you're so much cooler than us and I just like you know moving my head a little bit okay so that's me and man and Here I am in prayer I just I'm screaming I'm I'm picturing that woman that that that was weeping at Jesus feet you know and cleaning his feet with her hair and washing his feet with her tears while everyone else is looking on like oh my god I don't want to be one of those onlookers anymore you know it's this this coolness this dignity this self-awareness our dignity is destroying our worship and and to worship with all of our heart all of our soul all of our mind so we're screaming at the top of our lungs we're weeping I mean just it it just it was I just loved it I loved it I just love being in the presence of God then there was a gal that we're actually playing for a husband she was can you just pray for me too she's just had a baby I can't even wipe and I broke my toe my little toe I'm yeah it's a little thing but it's it's huge you ever broke your little toe you know because I came in why I can't even carry the baby it's so hard to walk and I took forever to get my boots on this morning and just even to make it here and they just started praying for her and I'll tell you I've never healed anyone I've tried I believe it like I see it in Scripture you know but I mean there was a while that I didn't even believe in it but then I was like gosh it it just seems like we should be able to but every time I'm in the room seriously like nothing happens um hi this is no joke even overseas like you think no I'm I'm being so serious right now cuz people are like oh you got to go to Africa you want to see miracles as I show up and it's like nope now while he's here you know India I mean everywhere you think like okay I want to see miracles I want to see miracles I hear about them all the time but I never get to see it and we're in this room and and and we're praying there's like 20 of us praying for one toe this after screaming crying like okay this if it's gonna happen I serious there's gonna lure dree Lee how many Christians does it take to heal at oh that's I seriously thought that I prayed that like god I'm gonna be so discouraged today again they're praying for hurt oh no lie I start backing away thinking I'm not gonna screw this one up because I'm thinking it's my lack of faith that I've just never seen it I've never seen it and and I know this cow is one of our pastors wives I love her and they're praying and like hey be honest how does it feel now hmm I think a little better my oh here we go again I think a little better this this is this this is a perfect snapshot of my healing career but this group their theology was a little different from mine and they were talking about persistence and they go you know the persistent Widow they said there are times Jesus even you know started healing someone he could see some thing moving and he prayed more and more like okay talked about Elijah when he prayed and the cloud he kept just seven times like I would have quit I would have and so they'd pray some more and like okay a pain level it was that a ten where's it at maybe eight maybe prayed some more maybe five oh it actually does feel better it's out of four whoa it's actually a lot better now it's a tattoo this is crazy but I still feel the sharpness in my toe and they kept praying praying and I'm like God it's gotta be all or nothing like this is you and I'm back I seriously was not praying at that time just watching and then I just started thinking you know what that's Satan saying that oh it's whenever you're around there's no way that's just satanic and I just pictured myself on my face holding her toe and praying for and I just thought you know I'm just gonna go for it and just kind of burst in the circle got on my knees got on my face grabbed her toe and prayed and I said Lord and this is quietly in my own mind just going god I don't want like it feels better I want her to scream I wondered just to be overwhelmed I want her jumping up and down not it went from a 10 to an AIDS or something like that Lord I want it all gone suddenly I hear no way no way she starts jumping up and down going I feel nothing I feel nothing I can't believe it I can't believe it I mean it was just and then this past weekend like after that we had like a dozen different people get healed I haven't had a dozen people seriously in my lifetime even with it's just something the Holy Spirit it started with prayer it was the first time in our church's history and I know that we've been around that long but in these five years where we felt like in Acts chapter 2 verses everyone's feeling a sense of awe that's exactly what went on this weekend everyone's like what just happened what's going on elders pastors work on what is going on here this is awesome this is awesome we're feeling the sense of awe and and and it's it's it's rooted and prayers rooted in love it's not just or just that's just seeking the sides it's just I'm just saying it just happened and my prayer time to the Lord have been so rich and so good and I I hope that's true of you and as I've been coming to speak at different places I'm just more mindful of the presence of the Holy Spirit of him he's here he's with me and he could speak to me through through me to you and I want that I want that I want I know some of you guys are hearing this and it may sound a little weird to you maybe not the healing part I'm sure that's that's unique to somebody I'm telling it's new to me but maybe the the weirder part is is the affection and the love and the desire and prayer and the that just oh I want Jesus because one of the things that saddens me is is I don't I don't see a lot of that in the church in America where I don't hear a lot of verbage of I hear a lot of oh my pastor gave the sermon Oh our church was like this oh this program or did you go did you hear the new song did you do this oh we had a great but I don't hear a lot of you going oh man I with Jesus this morning it was just me and Jesus in his word and he was just speaking to me and I couldn't get enough of him oh I just wanted that for me to live is just to be with him and to die can't wait to die and just be with him because I'm obsessed with him like I'm not hearing that verbage come out of our churches and yet what's this book all about we say when you become a Christian oh this isn't a religion it's about a relationship with him but how many people talk like it's a relationship with him a real person Atlee you love with all your heart soul mind and strength I mean isn't that what the Garden of Eden was all about like walking when you read about Adam think about this suddenly dust and then it just forms a man and God breathed into him and he's looking at his Creator imagine that the first man first human being what does that like to exist suddenly and then look at your Creator and someone's looking at you saying I just made you what am i I exist you made me I can't imagine Adam just gone right you know right I mean what a moment you made me and then how he makes a partner for him Eve and the two of them can you imagine try to imagine you and your spouse or a loved one literally walking in a perfect garden with the Creator the one who made you just corner you've gotta be kidding me an understanding that there is no power anywhere that rivals has not even close everything that was made was made through him and for him and now he's walking with for you in the garden how peaceful do you feel what is there to fear man when you hear that I hope you're jealous if there's nothing in you that screams and goes that would be insane then you don't get it this book was about God and how he would speak face to face sometimes not visibly but but it is like this communicate like like Moses going up on the mountaintop and go home he was with God Moses going to the tent of meeting Abraham being a friend of God then this book is about David saying gosh I could be in a desert I'm not gonna dry weary lad like I'm about to dehydrate and die and yet all I can think about is you and being with you and how I want you more than I want water right now it's about people who are obsessed like he's like gods this addiction to them you know you work with addicts before and how an addict like nothing makes sense you're gonna lose your family that you love I love my kids but give me that drug you're gonna lose everything you can die on the streets I know this is ridiculous but I gotta have this drug that's the way I see them talking about Jesus that's the way I see them talking about God like I'm gonna try to wear that tie but you know what all I can think about is God how I want him this is what I hunger for that there's one thing I ask Lord this is what I'm gonna go after I just want to dwell in the house of the Lord every day of my life can I just every day have this experience where I'm just with you and I feel you and I'm just staring at you - I'm just Daisy at the beauty of your temple like can I can I just can I do it every single day might that's the only thing I want God is everything is trying to distract me that I get one thing on the earth make us of it every day I'm like dwelling in your temple and I'm like looking at you and staring at you and you're looking at me and we're communing it's one thing I asked that will I seek I may dwell in the house of Lord all the days of my life it's Paul sang for me to live is Christ to die is gain I cannot wait to die I love Jesus so much I just want more everything else is crap all my achievements everything else he said amounts to a pile of crap he says in Scripture I consider it all that's its bit dung oh is that make it more biblical dung it's just you know like it's it's it's like everything you guys it's obsession right and then what is the end of the book say God says and I'm gonna dwell with them again that's what happens about there's no more sickness there's no more pain yeah but I'm gonna dwell with them again happy awesome that'd be awesome because I can't get enough of him I don't hear that type of verbage in the church what are we producing if not lovers of Jesus consumed with his presence I can't get enough of him you know and I guess I didn't even mean to say all that I but I I think it's of the Lord I think if you're not in love with him desiring him forget anything else I say I mean what in the world forget about missions forget about discipleship why would we want you disciple in anyone seriously that's serious no I'm be I'm not trying to be facetious I'm just saying if you don't love Jesus why would we want to of you you know I talked to guys if you're so stressed out and everything else and they're trying to lead people to the Lord and and they're trying to multiply and make disciples and I'm going gosh what are we multiplying if it's not lovers of God that isn't I thought that was the greatest come in I thought God says look if you don't repent and return to that first love I don't care that you're doing all the other stuff I'll remove your lampstand from its place he wants love he wants us to love him and are you a lover of him if not ignore what else on that whatever else comes out of my mouth and be focused on that and let God know there have been times I've told them specifically God I'm not feeling it there's so many other things I want right now get my heart right cuz I don't want to be like this now Sharon in the workshop a few minutes ago like I like last August and August I turned 50 and I told my church look I don't want any gifts but if you would fast and pray for me that day and maybe we get together after a day of fasting and praying I'm asking people to fast for me but here's some specific things in my assistant sent it out number one would you ask God to make this the year where I just know him more than I've ever known him like where I'm closer to him than I've ever been that's my number one prayer request I feel close to the Lord but I want more I want so much more I want to I want to know how much can a human being know God while he's on this earth pray for that fast and pray for that that God would take away all insecurities any doubt I said fast and pray pray that I would be bold enough to say whatever he wants me to say I just want to know where he wants me to go and what he wants me to say pray for that and pray that I would be disgusted with sin no like I like I hate it like I hate it prayed some something something supernatural because some sin still appeals to me and I just want it to be gross I want to be like that vomit like the Bible says like a dog returning to its vomit I just want it to look that way feel that way smell that way like I just don't want any of it in my life cuz I want to be so close to him like I want to enter a new journey in life and so my church fasted and prayed and laid hands on me that night and it was awesome and then my assistant gave me my present which was a calendar it was a calendar of the rest of 2017 and on that calendar every day there was a name of someone who committed to fast that day and pray for me and so yeah is that like the coolest present ever I'm like are you kidding me right now this is the coolest gift I've ever heard of seriously someone was fasting and praying for me every day for the last four months no wonder I jump into this year and I am just a new man so in love with Jesus man and I just I'm just focused I'm just getting serious like Lord I don't know what's left I don't know what is left of my life my parents I didn't have any parents that live this long you know like this is reality this is all that matters and I think sometimes we just get caught up in the business of church and this and that and we say things we don't really mean and we sing things we don't really mean and and oh you know talk about how much I love him I love him I love him and and yet we spent all week just doing stuff and not just enjoying him people like whoa you prayed for 1213 hours it's like saying whoa you hung out with your wife for a full day how did you do that you know like we you guys we're gonna be spending eternity with him and I'm just saying that rush is coming like it's never come before and the flowing and the thoughts that I feel like it's the mind of Christ that's coming into my mind and words are coming out and I love it I do know that I was praying Ephesians 1 for myself for a while as I was praying it for my church for my pastors for other people where he says in verse 16 I do not cease to give thanks for you remembering you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give you may just give you the spirit of wisdom and of revelation and the knowledge of him having the eyes of your heart enlightened that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe I've been praying for this I'm saying God I this is something you just hand someone you just give it to them you give them this spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him like I this isn't something I can teach you right now hey you guys know him love him enjoy him understand his hope that's it's not something that you can write on a screen or a PowerPoint and good good I explained it to you Paul says know something a divine interaction has to happen where he God on his throne gives you he hands you heap in imputes puts into you this spirit of wisdom and revelation where the eyes of your heart now suddenly the lights come on I can't do this Paul couldn't do this that's why he goes I keep praying for this God give it to him give it to him give it to him get the eyes of their heart what are we don't even understand that what are the eyes of my heart like it's something from the inner man where I get it deep inside boom I finally understand how valuable he is I finally understand what it means to love him and to enjoy him he says I want their eyes open so that they may know what is the hope to which he has called you here's God can you do something miraculous God please I'm begging you I have not ceased praying for these people that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened so they would just know the hope the hope to which he's called you what's he talking about when I read that I wonder and I I don't I haven't studied this enough to be sure but I think of 1st Corinthians 2 when it says what no eye has seen nor ear heard nor the heart imagined heart a man imagine what God has prepared for those who love him these things God has revealed to us through the spirit I think these go together where Paul says I'm praying for the spirit of Revelation that the eyes of your heart would be in line so you would know the hope to which he's been called which he's called you and then they're um 1st Corinthians 2 he says no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him but God has revealed this to us by his Spirit like there's something that doesn't it's just like it doesn't even pass through our mind which is insane for some of you but if you study scripture there are transactions between God and us that don't go through the frontal lobe of your mind they're trans rationals that's why Paul says sometimes I'll pray or I'll praise God and my mind is actually unfruitful it's a quaint how can you do that then how can anything be good if your mind isn't what there's just something that sits trans rational beyond just thinking where he says you know that's why that's why Paul says I'm not gonna just keep lecturing lecturing lecturing you I'm on my knees saying God make how how do you lecture someone to where the eyes of their heart are enlightened Funko's I'm praying for this that something happens through the spirit of revelation and wisdom that God gives you and now suddenly you know the hope to what you've been called no I seen it no ears heard no Minds conceived but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit I've been praying that I go god I'm terrible at hoping I'm like some of you who I don't like to get my hopes up and I expect the worst when I go places so that I'm never disappointed and so then I come to God's Word and he's telling me that there's this hope that should anchor my soul and that's why Paul says I want you to know this hope to what she's called you and I want you to know that there are things no I see no no mind is even imagined what God has in store but God reveals it to us - spirit I'm praying that for you so you then suddenly cuz when you get that and I feel like I'm getting it more and more the things of the earth just seems stupid they really do and now I understand why Paul says all those achievements everything it's it's dumb I don't even I don't there's nothing I I crave it about as much as I crave crap seriously because I've got this hope and my eyes have been open and he says I'm praying that your eyes would beat of your heart would be enlightened so do you know what the hopes the hope to which he's called you what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints because I want you to know what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints he's not talking about our inheritance in Christ he talked about that earlier he specific with his words here and now he says I want the spirit of wisdom and revelation to come into the depths of who you are and your eyes of your heart enlightened so you actually know the riches of his glorious inheritance in us it's about God who can't wait to inherit us wait you're telling me the creator of the earth who opened his mouth and universe has just exploded that guy that God can't wait to inherit me he considers me and you that Christ do something that beautiful on the cross that that he's actually going I can't wait to inherit them here comes my the glorious riches of my glorious inheritance I I want like so you're telling me Francis Chan who's dead didn't even want him who never felt love like like who was that weird kid rejected so you're telling me that the god of the universe wants me that bad and sees me as his glorious inheritance no psychologist is gonna talk me into that believing that that's only the Spirit of God and for some of us that grew up just feeling like never good enough never matched up never was got one hug from dad for me never one conversation and now you're telling me that my Heavenly Father wants me and sees me as his glorious inheritance and I can look at you and say yeah I'm getting it I'm getting it I've been praying for this I really believe if he loves me look at my life and look at the scriptures and go how could I deny it he loves me oh how he loves me there's times I just I just can't stop singing humming that melody just cuz I'm loved believe he's loving me right now he's loving speaking through me can't wait to inherit me precious and the sight of the Lord is the death of one of his Saints oh wow Wow and here's the part I really wanted to focus on in our remaining moments he says and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe she wants the eyes of our hearts in line so we know what the the hope is to which he's called you what are the riches of his glorious inheritance and saints and what is the in look at these adjectives immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe like do you believe this because I I am sure there are many of you in this room you may look at your life may think of what a mess you've made of it some of you are older here I can tell and and you may go I don't know what I can do at this age and I'm saying would you look at the scripture what is the immeasurable greatness of power toward those who believe immeasurable see I could walk up here in the flesh and just freak out be nervous think about what you were thinking of me whatever or I walk on this stage and go god there's no limit to what I could do in a few minutes there's an immeasurable man for those of us who are so used to not matching up man I think about so you man I was just in a room with like these Brainiac Christians that I love having dinner there was like 10 of us in a room they got in a theological discussion and I used every bit of my brain that I could to just listen I was paid I was so attentive and at the end I looked there there I go I don't have a clue what you're talking about not a clue I've been in context like that where I'm just going I have limits you know I just do I I'm never I'm not gonna make it in the Olympics no matter how much I train like I have physical limit I mean maybe the luge cuz you just kind of lay there right but but other than that like I just go there's limits right we're used to limitations I'm only gonna be this strong only this fast only this intelligent and then you read a verse like that where it says yet but there's immeasurable greatness of power toward us who believe and then he explains it because you want an example he says this power it's it's according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all rule and authority and power and Dominion and above every name that is named not only in this age but also in the age to come he is you want to know about this power that's that's that's toward you he goes imagine because it's like to pray let me give you an example of the power that's towards you it's it's like when Jesus was crucified remember how God took that body and raised it not only raised him from the dead but had him ascend into heaven and not just barely above all rule far above all rule and 40 and he gave him the name above every name and it's not just for this generation he goes it's for ever and ever so he took a dead body raised him far above every other power that exists forever and he says there's an example of his power there's a picture of his power and there is a measurable greatness of his power towards you who believe do you believe that I mean seriously when you look in the mirror do you think that and go this is God's Word what can't I do lor what's that we know what he says later in Ephesians 3:20 now to him was able to do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine according to his power at work in us it's not like it's not just God can do anything he wants to I says no God can do beyond what you can even think and he does it through you and here's saying there's an immeasurable greatness of power like this is stuff where we go god you're gonna have to reveal this to me because I can't talk you into believing this god you're gonna have to enlighten their hearts so they believe this I I was in Brazil a month or so ago and it's having lunch with this pastor out there what a great work great ministry and I was just telling a man this is really cool what God's doing in your church and he made this comment he goes yeah but it still feels like a zoo because you know what I mean I go now I don't know what you mean he goes he has you ever see the movie Madagascar I know of course I'm Christian it's it's a it's a smell those rare clean movies we can watch right I think there's probably some thing with the hippo but uh but he started explaining and once he he said it he goes he goes you know our churches are like zoos where we domesticate these wild animals and if you've seen the movie Madagascar the movie starts off with the zebra in the zoo it's his 11th birthday I think and he's he's looking at this painting of the jungle while he's running on a treadmill and it's his birthday so the hippo and the lion the giraffe come over sing happy birthday and he's just like I gotta get out of here I spent half my life in this zoo I don't belong here meanwhile the Lions like why would you leave here look I sit in my cage they bring me to me and then I come out I roar the kids scream I know what's gonna happen it and the hippo and the giraffe they're all just like yeah yeah let's just stay in these cages what are you talking about the wild he's like no I just know I was made for something more than this and if you see the story and the long story short they break out penguins help them and they they end up they end up in Madagascar and I remember that scene where the animals are terrified and the Zebras like trying to coach him go no this is where we've always belonged and and and he's trying to run with the lion go run with know and use all four legs get out do you know like let's go who's the lion who's a lion and then suddenly the line just lets out this roar like he didn't even know it was in him and then suddenly all these instincts came back and then he starts to eat the zebra you know and you know and it was just that moment and and and and so as he said my church is like a zoo you'll be seeing that movie right because it's just do we understand the power given to these people and yet they're going No just just leave me in my cage and feed me every week and then I'll put my kids in that cage and you feed them all but my you there you feed them and this is this this is but meanwhile there's a lot of us that are sitting in these cages going man I don't belong in here there's something more than just roaring that just once more I can do something with my life I belong where it's dangerous you know and there's something in us where we're where it's there but we can't just like he was explaining we can't just release all the animals because they've been domesticated some of them really don't think they can raise their own kids some really don't think they could make a disciple they think they the only way to survive is to stay in this cage and have someone feed me and we'll just sit here and complain about the food we've been given and someone needs to come along like that zebra and run alongside and say no you were made for more than this Holy Spirit show them show them the hope to which they've been called help them understand your glorious inheritance and the Saints and help them to really get this immeasurable greatness of power toward those who believe now that power is like them power the power he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead you guys yeah I understand I love the church more than I ever have I love my local church so much I've never enjoyed praying with the local church this much I've never just just been so grateful to be a part of the body but in our churches we're just going you know what we need to release yeah you know what it's dangerous in the jungle I'm not saying you're not gonna get martyred I'm just saying it's what you were made for and I think we know that deep down inside there must be more than this and I want to pray right now that God enlightens you empower some of you to break open some of those cages and start training some of these wild to release them rather than contain them cuz there's a dying world I can't imagine living in a country or a city where no one knows Jesus how desperate that would be to not know this God that we've come to love but we need people with boldness to really believe you know I was actually made for this to be his witness he's gonna give me power Holy Spirit's gonna come in to me and he's gonna give me power and I can be as witnesses in Portland in Oregon and all the u.s. to China Africa India Indonesia Afghanistan like it's in me it's just this wild power and God for your church leaders in here we got to start looking at our congregations differently not just as people to protect but these incredible gifted manifestation the Holy Spirit you know people that have immeasurable greatness in them and to figure out how to release and get to those who haven't heard and so I praise God for this conference I praise God for some of you that are in furlough on furlough that have have been out there and you knew it was crazy you got in some crazy situations but in the midst of them you're like this is what I was made for I can feel the Spirit of God in those times let me pray for you father would you right now just give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation God could you right now enlighten the eyes of her hearts so that we would know from the core of our beings the hope that you've called us to the hope of being with you the hope of walking with you help us to get it Lord open our eyes the eyes of our hearts to the fact that you see us as your inheritance there were a part of your eternal plan and you actually loved us long for us otherwise the cross doesn't even make sense in God would you help us to know good because there's times I just get scared and God at the core of our beings help us to know the immeasurable greatness of power toward us help us to really believe that you could do more than we could ask or think according to your power that works in us Holy Spirit which you just move throughout this room enlightening enlightening giving us vision for the future giving us courage giving us security giving us hope thank you for my brothers and sisters in this room please keep them strong keep them focused on you I pray they have wonderful times alone with you this week which translates to wonderful fellowship with other brothers and sisters and their churches which translates to the sending and going in your power and your spirit and we just dance with you alone in our prayer closet and while we use our gift for the body that you so love your bride the church thank you God thank you it's been so good Lord being here with you I love you more of you Lord all of you in Jesus name we pray
Channel: BRMinistries
Views: 501,230
Rating: 4.8595896 out of 5
Keywords: Francis Chan, Healing Francis Chan, Francis chan 2018, Relationship with God, Relationship with God 2018, Relationship with God francis Chan, How is your prayer, Praying francis chan, Pray
Id: rKNHew981w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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