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I want to start off with a that'd be a good way to start the service fear not I am in the last and the living one I died and behold I'm alive forevermore and I have the keys of death and Hades that awesome I love that verse I love it let's pray God that is so powerful you're the only one who can say that the only one and that's why we're in this room to worship you in Jesus name Amen have a seat okay I got a question for the guys guys look at me size me up I'm about five nine five ten about 175 pounds if you and I got in a fight fist fight I want you to think could you beat me up just think in your head you know have to say anything yeah just thinking I don't know karate it look like I do but I don't never really been in a real fight so so just think just think to yourself okay I gotta get in a fist fight with him would I beat him up don't worry about pride or whatever else just be honest just be honest by show of hands how many think they could beat me up go and keep your hand up keep your hand up no just be honest don't don't just cut well then don't you girls are not allowed to play yeah no no all right go ahead keep no keep them up I want to see I'm seriously that's all the guys at Gerlach you don't think you could beat me up serious you're not sure come on bill yeah okay fine okay well John say Cho is blind jump up and how much do you weigh 99 pounds okay great great come on okay yeah you could probably take me okay who else yeah okay yeah yeah you look kind of scary okay Chris I don't want to mess with you I don't know I'd be a good fight it'd be a good fight okay yeah just by seeing how your arms are raised I can you got me okay F yeah Evan you'd beat me up okay yeah I don't know yeah I don't know you guys fight you guys fight you guys been in fights before now you - yeah you with the beanie on your buddy next to him you're pretty sure you could take me down yeah yeah yeah okay good good okay yeah Terry or what yeah definitely yeah okay Ian yeah definitely Micah base Micah base e you think so yeah you're yeah I don't know man it'd be a good fight okay I'm not offended by the way when you raise your hand I was offended by those two girls in the front but other than that it doesn't it doesn't bother me if you think you can beat me up you can think whatever you want um but here yeah what I want to talk about this morning is something that does bother me okay and what does bother me is when we underestimate the power of Jesus okay now what what bugs me is not times when you hear that name Jesus this is one of the reason why I even got into ministry I'm so bugged by the way we underestimate his power people don't talk about Jesus like he's an amazing power to be reckoned with in fact I remember going to the Getty Museum one time with my wife and and I still remember this as years ago and the more she looked at this one area there were all these paintings of Jesus she'd start getting more and more angry what are you so mad about she just look at the way they paint Jesus look how a scrawny they make him you know he's this little twig stick figure on the cross you know with this weird looking face and every time like well it's art and it's just now still it just bothered her and the more I think about the more go yet we paint such a weak picture of Jesus now I don't know what goes through your mind like when I say Jesus like what image comes into your head see I'm going to bet that for most of you you think about a painting you've seen you think about you know paintings you've seen throughout time you know whether it's growing up in church Sunday School and it's usually got long blonde - brown hair right and he's petting sheep right because all the pictures have it MA isn't that cute because we want to show this compassionate side of Jesus and on and absolutely yes is Jesus compassionate yes did he pet sheep maybe okay it's not in any of the Gospels I read through them all this week I didn't see any you know Matthew Mark Luke John no where does it say that but maybe he did but here's the thing is there's this other side of Jesus that we don't talk about which is what he talks about all of the time and that happens to be his power and I know some of you will don't like to talk about the power of Jesus because you know it's not power it's not a popular nowadays you know what's popular is aa show us his feminine side show us you know his tenderness is come you guys absolutely there there are some passages about that but you're going to understand most the time when Jesus talks about himself it was about his power it's about his glory and you got to look at the way that he talks to other people to see that there's a there's a very strong and incredibly strong and even harsh side of him and and that's what I want to talk about today because the truth is is Easter is a time when we celebrate his power okay Easter is a time when we celebrate what we read there in Revelation when he says yeah I was dead and now I'm alive forevermore and I hold the keys to death and Hades that's what we celebrate is a Jesus of power and a lot of times I it so bothers me because people that paint such a weak picture jeez is what it does is it causes us to be weak as his followers would forget the power that he has and if we get the power that's within us because we paint such a weak picture of him I mean before we get started it's just everyone right now just do is just take the deepest breath that you can I let it out feels good doesn't it there's one reason why you were able to do that Jesus there's a being right now who is alive and only because he allowed you to take that breath were you able to take it that's the Jesus I'm talking about today and that's a Jesus I think we forget and that's the Jesus the way that he portrayed himself an amazingly amazingly powerful powerful being and he's my god in Matthew Matthew chapter 5 I just want to show you Jesus when he starts actually chapter 4 Jesus starts his public ministry do you know what Jesus did when he first started his ministry he went out and he fasted for 40 days 40 days without food I don't know what the longest you've gone without food is I think I've gone maybe ten days it's just miserable the whole time forty days without food here he is at his physical physically at his weakest and Satan comes to tempt him and when that the devil himself comes to tempt Jesus and when it's all done Jesus says and in Matthew 4 verse 10 Jesus says begone Satan just just get out of here he says you shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve in Chapter five you have Jesus when he starts his public ministry he goes straight to the religious leaders I mean you understand the religious leaders these were the people that everyone looked up to they had so much status and Jesus goes right after them and and what he says is he looks at a crowd of people with the Pharisees that there and the scribes and he says this he goes I tell you unless you righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you'll never enter the kingdom of heaven there's two how bold of a statement that is in front of the religious leaders of the day Jesus comes and he says look unless you're going to be more righteous than those guys you're never going to go to heaven in other words they're going to hell and you better have a righteousness that's greater than these religious leaders that you so look up to otherwise you'll never see the kingdom of heaven I'd say that's rather bold then then then later on in Chapter six in chapter six he goes after the rich those who are trying to find their security and saving up for themselves and he just says to these people in chapter 6 verse 24 he goes listen you can't serve two masters either you'll hate one and love the other or you'll be devoted to one and despise the other he goes you cannot serve God and money he's telling the people you want to follow me well you can't you can't have both you can't serve God and serve money he goes in fact he goes what I want you to do is he goes I just want you to be about me seek my kingdom and my righteousness all other things will be given to you he tells him right there he goes don't don't even worry about what you're gonna eat tomorrow just follow me just take care of it I'll take care of it chapter 7 chapter 7 he explains that he talks about Judgment Day in Chapter 7 of Matthew's is on that day many are going to say to me Lord Lord you know didn't I prophesy and didn't I do this did I do that and Jesus do you understand on Judgment Day he goes I'm going to look at certain people and say get away from me I never knew you this is Jesus starting his ministry getting warmed up here and then when he was done it says in Matthew 7 verse 28 he says the crowds were astonished at his teaching for he was teaching them as one who had Authority chapter 8 he's at with his disciples and they're in a boat and there's this huge storm going and the disciples think they're going to die so they wake Jesus up they're terrified Jesus sleeping through it and they wake him up and he goes why are you so afraid it says he rose verse 4 26 and he says rip the winds and the sea and there was a great calm and the men marvelled saying what sort of man is this that even the wind's and sea obey Him so disciples are going to man who are we with this guy who just told them to follow 80 just as follow me and these guys follow him suddenly they're on a boat and here's waves everywhere he wakes up he goes be still everything just flattens out can you imagine how freaked out you would be the disciples are going who is this guy the wind obeys him the water obeys him and then it says a couple verses later that they go to this place they came to the other side next verse a country of gatherings and there's these two demon-possessed men two demon-possessed men approached and it says that they were so fierce that no one could even walk by those two men and here here this is stunning it says as Jesus passed by suddenly they cried suddenly the demons that are inside these beings cry out and listen to what the demons say when Jesus passes by they say what have you to do with us o son of God have you come here to torment us before the time so the demons inside these beings that no even get by Jesus walks by and these demons scream out what are you doing here what are you doing here he goes are you gonna torment us now before the time what does that tell you about Jesus and what does that tell you about how the demons were specially I think we get so arrogant when we talk about Jesus and you understand even the demons are going man it's not time for you to torment us is it it's not time for that yet isn't that supposed to be later what are you doing what are you doing here now that's what the demons are saying I don't know what you think when you hear the name Jesus but the Bible says the demons shudder over that name and you know what's interesting is because he casts out the demon so so here these demons are here the two demon-possessed men he cast the demons out and so everyone hears about this because they were freaked out by these two people and now suddenly everything has changed so the city comes out to see Jesus but yeah I don't know if you ever noticed this but at the end of chapter 8 it says and behold all the city came out to meet Jesus and listen to this and when they saw him they begged him to leave their region isn't that weird wait they saw Jesus and begged Jesus to leave so you probably thought they were like cheering him on right no when they saw that much power there it's like we don't even want to hear we liked life the way it was okay I'd like to have my nice little family and we had our little thing going I don't need Jesus this being with that much power that he can talk to waves and wind and caused it to calm down I don't need a Jesus the where the demons are screaming out get away from us don't torment us the people themselves are going yet just just get out of here we don't want you here pretty amazing chapter 9 a guy who's paralyzed is brought in on a gurney type of thing and and Jesus looks at him and he says rise pick up your bed and go home and he arose and went home and when the crowd saw it they were afraid and they glorified God who had given such authority to men see people freaked out can you imagine if that happened this morning Easter Easter Sunday and let's say there's someone you knew that was paralyzed everyone knew this person was paralyzed and what if someone wheeled him up to the front and I looked at this person and you knew this person for years and you knew their condition I said get up and walk and what if you saw a human being just get up out of that bed and walk out the room you imagine how terrified you'd be about me of me you wouldn't think you could beat me up anymore okay I mean you imagine I mean that is his power and says that the people were afraid they were afraid and they glorified God they go okay that wasn't normal that was of God and they glorified God because he had given him so much power chapter 10 Jesus says some pretty harsh words she says some really harsh words I want you to listen to this look you guys I know people don't like to hear this side of Jesus but it is so real and you've got to get it listen to what he says in chapter 10 chapter 10 verse 28 Jesus says do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell do you understand Jesus message when he came to this earth he said stop being afraid of everyone else worthy and do kill you so they kill you he goes instead be afraid of me because I can kill you and then I can send your soul to hell I know that's not that Jesus you wanted to hear about today right you wanted a nice version and you know let's let's just skip all of these parts because you're starting to sound like one of those hell fire brimstone guys well so did Jesus I didn't write any of this Jesus says you know what don't be afraid of people and even as I was reading it this morning going you know yeah people aren't gonna like this but I don't care why would I be afraid of you we're gonna do email me you know well you know gee Jesus says look what why are you afraid of people what are they gonna do they're gonna kill you so you die Everett you know what everyone's gonna died you know that you're gonna die do what I'm gonna do kill you he goes why don't you instead fear the one who can actually kill you and then send your soul to hell it's like well you've got a point there he goes on in a few verses later in verse 32 he says everyone who acknowledges me before men I'll acknowledge before my father who is in heaven but whoever denies me before men I'll deny you before my father's in heaven in verse 37 he says whoever loves father or mother more than me he's not worthy of me whoever loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it Jesus was very direct he just came to a drunken fury men they're just going to kill you guys I can send your soul to hell he goes not only that in fact you love your mom more than you love me you love your kids more than you love me because then you're not worthy to follow me you love your sin you love this you love that you love your stuff because then knowing by the following me because I'm a great God and you ought to fear she says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom God God says that this is the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom we got learn to fear him Jesus was very very very clear chapter 11 he confronts all cities he looks at these cities shows does all these miracles in them and and because they don't believe he says he says aw he goes I'll tell you in verse 24 it'll be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you he has remember when I destroyed Sodom you go some of your cities you guys are so cocky you just you know I do these things he goes you still don't believe in me because I tell you on the day of judgment it's gonna be worse for you than it was for Sodom it's gonna be so bad this is Jesus chapter 12 you know some of the religious leaders are starting to question Jesus and His disciples because they're picking grain on the Sabbath and Jesus makes this statement he goes the son of man is the lord of the Sabbath because you're all into these rules about all you can't do any work on the Sabbath day he goes absolutely he goes at but he goes first of all understand the reason why I made that rule yeah I made it he don't understand why I made that rule that was for man's sake he was I did that for man else for you I didn't want you working seven days a week stressing yourselves I want you to have a day of rest that was for your purpose so you're telling my disciples you know on the Sabbath day because they're starving had anything to eat you know hadn't had anything in that they can't pick up a piece of grain and eat it well you missed the whole point of the Sabbath ëcoz and besides he goes on The Lord of the Sabbath I'm the one I'm the master of these laws chapter chapter 13 you know that that's one chapter 13 he starts talking about the end and listen to what he says chapter 13 verse verse 41 he says the Son of Man will send His angels and they'll gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all lawbreakers and throw them into the fiery furnace in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth later on verse 49 so we'll be at the close of the age the angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth because you understand what's going to happen at the end I'm going to bring my angels down here and some of you're going to be gathered up and thrown into the fiery furnace now again some of you guys hear that and go man I don't like this I don't I don't like Jesus saying that so this is pretend he didn't chapter 14 that's what we do right let's just let's just neglect all these parts oh yeah he was petting sheep at the time and then invert chapter 14 chapter 14 Jesus is walking on the water and they're terrified con man it's a ghost he goes don't be afraid it's me chapter 15 I love this chapter 15 the disciples look at this very okay Jesus just reamed everyone right he's just telling him he doesn't care he's gay he's goes in front of leaders and go min you better do better than them because they're not going there he says all these different statements and I love this chapter 15 verse 12 after confronting that the Pharisees again it says then the disciples came and said to him do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard you say that I just love that does it sound like Jesus is really concerned about offending anyone at this point and they go hey you know what you said I think that offended them and so geez goes oh I'm sorry no that's not what he says you know it's so funny because I'm not funny it's it's sad because in our arrogance we almost we think that our offense you know reign supreme and people will tell me hey you gave that message and I brought a friend on Easter you know he is hoping for a little bunny to hop out and everything and she was offended he was offended why did you have to talk about Jesus being so strong you guys it's going to happen because it doesn't mean we changed the message Jesus people are going to hate this message people hated Jesus why do you think they nailed him to a cross because he was just kind and compassionate all the time no because he went against the culture of the day he went against the religious leaders of the day he went against the authorities of the day and he told them listen I have authority to cast you into hell and so you need to follow me he told the people of that day who love who were like us loved our families and everything else he's lucky you love your families more than me you're not worthy of following me that's not a very popular message why do you think he got crucified and here the sciples like hey that they were offended when you when you said that and Jesus says leave him alone he says they're blind guides and if the blind lead the blind both will fall into a pit he doesn't say well I'm sorry I offended him he goes just let him go because they're like they're blind and they're just there guiding each other around and they're just going to fall into a fit into a pit chapter 16 I just go chapter by chapter chapter 16 s when he told Peter he goes you're Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell won't stand against this Jesus says you know everyone's against me everyone hates me whatever he goes you know what but when you said that I was the Christ you were right and Peter I want you to know I'm going to build my church and the gates of Hell won't stop me do you understand how powerful I am do you know why we're in this room right now because Jesus was right he said I'm going to build my church the gates of Hell won't stand against this thing it's going to spread it's going to grow and there will always be true followers of me he goes on in chapter 18 chapter 18 he talks about that it gives a parable about someone who was unforgiving and and how the master master condemns him and it says in verse 34 and in his anger his master delivered him to the jailers until he should pay all his debt so also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you if you do not forgive your brother from the heart chapter 19 he confronts the rich people again verse 34 verse 24 23 I'm sorry he says truly I say to you only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven again I tell you it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God see Jesus wouldn't care if he was in Simi Valley talking to a bunch of rich people or if he was in a third-world India sitting and you know talking to a bunch of people in the lower caste system and you know in India it doesn't matter he went to the rich and he actually said to those who are rich to those of us in this room were rich he goes look it's going to be really difficult for you to go to the kingdom of heaven because some of you are so into your stuff someone to your position so Andy you're so cocky - I'm cocky you just kind of look at the other PE think somehow you've got some status because you've got some position or some powers money he doesn't be real difficult for you to enter the kingdom of heaven it's coming real difficult for you to let go of everything and follow God because you have a lot more to let go of it's easier if you only got 20 bucks to your name you can throw that 20 bucks but what about when it's twenty thousand or two hundred thousand or two million suddenly you think you're something and you suddenly think well you know what I'm a position in a position of power I'm a rich person there's gonna be real difficult for you go to heaven it'd be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it would be for you to go to heaven it goes on in at the end of chapter 19 he goes I tell you in the new world in the new world not this one right in the new world when the Son of man sits on his glorious throne then you who have followed me will also sit on the twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel then in chapter 20 he starts talking about his death and this is where you really see his power you talk about power chapter 20 verse 18 he says we're going to Jerusalem he tells the disciples we're in Jerusalem and he goes in the son of man is going to be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes and they're going to condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified and he'll be raised on the third day can you imagine Jesus who's calmed the Seas who walks on water who cast these demons out demons are freaked out by him then he tells his disciples you guys I'm going to die they're going to crucify me he buried and then I'm gonna rise from the grave he says a few verses later he's you know reason why they do this he goes because the Son of Man didn't come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many this here's his ultimate power here he just goes I'm going to let them kill me I'm going to let them crucify me yeah I could destroy them I'm gonna let them I'm going to let them kill me you know why because I came for that reason I came to die for you Jesus that powerful says look I'm going to go through this you this is why I came down see I'm going to be punished for all of your sins I'm going to take it because that's how strong I am I will take all of your sins you should be punished you should be crucified you should go to this fiery furnace that I've been talking about this whole time you should go there but I'm going to go to the cross for you that's why I came I came to serve you then after they kill me I'm going to rise from the grave that's how powerful I am chapter 21 chapter 21 man if you think Jesus is weak impassive chapter 21 he makes a whip and he goes into the temple area because in the temple God's holy temple there's people there trying to make money off of there's people you know exchanging money selling animals everything else Jesus comes in with a whip and it says that he came in and he drove out everyone out of the temple he took the tables and he just threw him over he just tosses these tables over money's flying everywhere and he literally drives everyone out of the temple and he says it's written my house shall be called a house of prayer and you're making it a den of robbers because people are coming here to pray and you're ripping them off and just gets them all out of the temple that's my Jesus that's the Jesus I worship ok minute says you don't do this in my in my father's house you don't do this in my temple I'm not afraid of anyone I'm not going to let this happen and then later in that chapter verse 42 he says the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone verse 44 the one who falls on this stone is going to be broken to pieces and when it falls on anyone it will crush him because you understand Who I am I'm the one they reject it because understand they're going to realize that I'm actually the Cornerstone I'm the most important stone there is and if you fall on me it's like China falling on a on a rock it's just going to shatter you you want to try that you want to follow me you overtake me you're just going to shatter and when I fall on you I'm going to crush you that's Jesus is this the picture that you had in your head Jesus was strong Jesus came in the temple cleared all out says look I'm the cornerstone you if I fall on you I I destroy you you try to follow me and I will shatter you to pieces because I'm Jesus I'm the Son of God chapter 22 he talks about inviting people to his wedding feast and and people were too busy oh I don't have time for you don't have time for you Jesus I don't have time for this wedding fees and he tells this whole parable in chapter 7 he talks about how the king you know who invited all these people you know didn't come to the feast and it says the king was angry he sent his troops and destroyed these murderers and burned their city verse 13 then the king said to his attendants bind him by Eve by hand and foot and cast him into outer darkness in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen chapter 23 he confronts the scribes and Pharisees unless 20 listen to what he has to say to them now now we start using this word in this phrase he goes all woe to you these are the high religious leaders and Jesus looks at them in the face goes woe to you that word woe was like all it's like this guttural painful all is this person like you know just see someone get hurt so badly that it makes you sick to your stomach type of cursing like woe to you scribes and Pharisees and in verse 15 he goes you travel across the sea and land to make up single proselyte and when he becomes a proselyte you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves you imagine Jesus going to the most religious people and saying yeah you're going out and converting people but you're converting them to be like you and in fact they're twice the child of hell that you are that's the way Jesus spoke he goes woe to you hypocrites in verse 25 you scribes if he calls them hypocrites because you clean the outside of the cup in the plate but inside it's full of greed and self-indulgence he goes it's like a cup that's been used and you'll clean the outside so it looks good from because but I know what's inside in fact he goes on he goes you know what you're like he goes you're like whitewashed tombs outwardly you're pure beautiful but within you're full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness because you're like a tomb you're like a tomb that someone painted so beautifully on the outside you get all dressed up show up for your services all you look so beautiful you look so pretty so godly because I know what's inside he goes inside the tomb is a dead body that's what Jesus saying about the religious leaders oh that's a beautiful robe you've got wow look at all the sparklies on it that's great you look so good on the outside it's kind of like a tomb it's kind of like a tomb that someone painted so brilliantly on the outside and then inside is just sick there's a dead body in there and he goes that's what he says about the religious leaders chapter 24 he talks about his return again chapter 24 verse 42 he goes therefore stay awake for you to not know on what day your Lord is coming verse 44 so you must be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not respect or you do not expect verse 50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know and will cut him to pieces and put him with the hypocrites in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus says you better be ready I'm going to die and rise from the grave I'm gonna head back to heaven and then I'm going to come back any time he was I'm actually going to come at a time when you're not ready for me he goes that's why I'm saying stay awake be ready for me he goes it's like a master who comes back and sees his servants screwing around he goes what's he going to do he's going to cut him to pieces he goes in the same way you need to be ready for my return chapter 25 same thing more the same he says you know I'm going to come back and see what you did with what I gave you gives a parable about a master who gives his servants you know a certain amount of money certain amount talents goes did you invest that for me and the ones that did the ones that use what was given to them by God for His purposes he's going to come back and say well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a little I'll set you over much enter the joy of your master so that's what I want to be in one of the other servants I want them to come back right now like right now would be great right now and go God look see I'm doing everything I can for you this is this is about you it's so that he could come back and say you know what well done I gave you this gift I gave you this I gave you a resource I gave you everything and you used it for me well then come on inherit the riches of the kingdom but then he says to the other one because you wicked and slothful servant he says to the person who who he gifted it enabled in so many ways and they didn't use it forgot he just did his own thing lived his own life because you wicked and slothful servant he says cast the worthless servant into outer darkness in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth verse 31 he says when the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him he'll sit on a glorious throne and before him will be gathered all the nations see when I hear when you hear the name Jesus this is what I want you to think about because this is what this is a weight you're going to actually see him he says when the Son of man comes he goes when I come back he goes I'm not going to be like this because when I come back I'm gonna come back with all of my glory and literally there will be a hundred million angels with me and I'm going to sit on a throne and I'm going to take everyone in this room everyone else in Simi Valley Thousand Oaks the whole Valley LA in fact everyone on the earth I'm going to gather all these people into a little spot as I sit on this throne and all my angels are with me and I'm going to start separating people to the left and to the right and those on the left they're gonna be thrown into an eternal fire those are on the right they're going away to eternal reward that's what's going to happen at the end chapter 26 Jesus says I'm going to be betrayed I'm going to be betrayed because this is just it's written it's going to happen verse 24 he says the Son of man goes as it is written of him but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed it would have been better for him if he had not been born he goes yeah one of you guys is going to betray me when he doesn't walk away from me and this was going to happen he goes but I'm telling you it would have been better for that guy if he had never been born you just don't want to cross me you don't want to betray me I'm a powerful being he goes on and remember when he gets arrested arrest in fact when John talks about it says when the the the soldiers came you know they found out who he was they just all fell on their faces the army that came just fell to the faces and fear Peter Peter grabs his little sword and cuts a guy's ear off thinking he's going to fight and I love what Jesus said Jesus says in verse 53 he goes do you think that I can't appeal to my father and he will at once send more than twelve legions of angels he goes Peter what are you doing because if I needed help if I needed to destroy this army don't you think I would just call God and say you know what father send a bunch of angels down here and just destroy them yeah you don't understand the power of this Jesus the high priest is questioning him later in that chapter and and he says I tell you from now on you'll see the Son of man seated at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven this is this is what blows me away is at the end of chapter 26 with all of his power in verse 67 it says they spit in his face and struck him and some slapped him saying prophesy to us Christ who is it that struck you so here's the most powerful being that could have called down legions of angels it's destroy everyone and now he's allowing people the blindfold him spit on him slap him on the face and Malcolm and gay Jesus hey Jesus who just hit you come on you're the Son of God you're so powerful who just hit you chapter 27 verse 29 it says they twisted a crown of thorns they put it on his head put a reed in his right hand and kneeling before him they mocked him saying hail King of the Jews then they spit on him took the reed and struck him on the head and when they had mocked him they stripped him of the robe put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him and then in verse 4 he says the people were shaking their heads and they're saying hey come on you who said you were going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days save yourself if you're the Son of God come down from the cross see see picture this I mean now now they're totally mocking him they put a crown of thorns on his head and give them a little stick oh look you're a king and they start bowing down and putting a robe on him going oh look at this king that we just beat the heck out of they grabbed the reed and just started cracking him on the head on this crown of thorns and Jesus they're taking it for you because that's how strong he is he's taking that for me he's being punished for me and people are mocking him going come on you remember Jesus you read about in John on his way up to you know he sees the temple he goes destroyed this temple and I'll rebuild it in three days and he was talking about himself and so the people here are mahkum come on you said you you know we could destroy the temple and you'd rebuild it in three days come on and now you can't even tell us who hit you now you can't even save yourself meanwhile Jesus told the disciples this is going to happen and I'm going to do it I'm going to let it happen I'm doing it for you I'm paying for your sins he goes but I love that phrase from John when he goes destroy this temple go ahead and I'll bring it back to life in three days that's awesome let's go ahead kill me and watch what I do I'll come right back to life and sure enough as he's crucified then you've got chapter 8 a love chap I'm sorry chapter 28 I love chapter 28 I hope you love chapter 28 because he's crucified he's put in the tomb the women come to the tomb and there's an angel here saying he's not here anymore he's risen did he tell you he told you he was going to rise again they start running I love this ok look at this they start running they departed quickly and ran to tell his disciples verse 8 look at verse 9 and behold Jesus met them and said greetings kill Majan I mean think about this years this Jesus that everyone rejected because I tell you I'm going to come back and anyone that messes with me I'm going to crush him you know what they're going to go ahead I'm going to die for your sins they can deliver me over to death they're going to mock me they're going to crucify me he goes but you destroyed this temple it's going to come back in three days I tell you I'm coming back it's not over it's not the end of the story that the gals go to the tomb they don't find him they walk away and he just goes hi you know aw that is so insane that is so powerful and that's my Jesus understand that's that's the Jesus I worship that's that Jesus I bow to says look go ahead destroy me I'll come back I'll come back and then he tells these gals he goes again now get all this sciples get them all together because I have something to say to them and all the disciples come together and the last couple of verses of Matthew Jesus says in verse 18 all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold I'm with you always even to the end of the age it's the last thing he says before he sends into heaven he goes again I want you guys to go now and now I want you to tell people to follow me make disciples its followers of all the nations he goes I don't want them just you know give me a little bit of their life to you I want you to baptize them them that means to dip to a mercy goes baptize them name the Father Son and the Holy Spirit have them just in come into me and let me just just just consume them he goes and teaching them teaching them what to pray a prayer and ask me into their lives no he goes teaching them to obey everything that I commanded you and lo I'm with you even to the end of the age because you want what I want you to do I want you to go from here here's Jesus rise from the grave after that whole life he goes now get out of here go tell people who I am and get him to follow me teach him to obey everything that I commanded them he goes and I'll be with you even to the end of the age now what I want to say to you today is not come back for church next weekend what I want to say to you today is obey everything that he said listen to all of his words don't cut out the parts you don't like see I know some of you don't like this message it bothers you and your leave here offended and some of you just won't believe it because you don't like it and you refuse to believe anything you don't like I heard a great quote about 20 years ago I was driving in my car I heard a little preacher I don't know if he's little could probably beat me up but I heard this preacher is this old man while he's dead he was dead man Jay Vernon McGee is he little is anyone know how big he was whether he could beat me up well when he was alive and they recorded this thing he's talking he's got a little you know scratchy voice it's very cute and he said this he goes this is God's universe and he does things his way you may have a better way but you don't have a universe and that pretty much sums it up man I just remember just me in my car go no way that's so simple that's so obvious because we're so arrogant and going man I don't think Jesus should have said all that stuff about Hell I don't think Jesus sure you had any right to go to the religious allottee because you know what you you may just be so brilliant you've got a better way don't you you don't have a universe Jesus Christ the Lord of this universe and the story isn't even over there because it's like we said in Revelation what I'm going to put the verse on there again Jesus appears to John later and says fear not I'm the first and last the living one I died and behold I'm alive forevermore and I have the keys of death and Hades do you understand when Jesus said this Jesus said this after rising from the grave after ascending into heaven he comes back in his glorified state he starts talking to John in fact John sees him John sees him he goes man his eyes were like fire his tongue was like this giant sword he goes when I saw Jesus and his glorified state he goes I fell over like a dead man and Jesus comes over and he says hey don't be afraid don't be afraid why fear not because it's me Jesus you know the one who died and is alive forevermore you know I love about this verse fear not as I look at that verse I go yeah it's right on not afraid why would I be afraid I'm on his side I'm excited that he's that powerful see when we understand Jesus is a powerful God that's all to our benefit suddenly I'm going man yeah that's right this is the God who holds the keys to death and Hades he determines who's in who's out he determines who breathes who doesn't this is Jesus and he's on my side I have no fear I don't fear you know what what you might say after the sermon I think about him in heaven I think about him returning one day and being ready for that and not fearing because he's on my side see a lot of us because we don't dwell on the power of God we live our lives in fear we live our lives in shame if we fear the future what's going to happen to me we fear other people what they think of you it's all because you don't quite understand the power of Jesus Christ but when you understand his power his resurrection power and he's the one that holds the keys to death and Hades you go okay and that's my god that's my Savior I've got nothing to fear nothing to fear this morning and I hope you can say the same thing because Jesus Christ is risen today he's alive he's with me he's inside of me there is nothing to fear whatsoever I'm gonna have the worship team come up and during this time we're going to we're going to sing some songs to Jesus and as we sing these songs I want you to think about who you're singing to as we sing these songs or maybe some of you that say you know what I've never actually I'm at I'm actually scared of him I never heard all this stuff about him I I thought that was just old-time preacher guys I didn't know that was still in the Bible I thought we took it out still there same Jesus yesterday today forever he'll always be that way just the way he is and you're going man I I didn't realize that I've never I don't know that I'm on his side I don't know that I've ever decided to be baptized and to follow him you can do that today and I hope you do during this worship time as the rest of us are singing maybe you need to pray with someone and just make sure here on his side and ready for his return and there'll be people up here right in front stage here in front of prayer room to pray with you you can get baptized after we sing and say you know what Jesus I'm committing to you and I want to follow you now I want to be on your side and follow you for all of eternity and that's your desire then as we sing this then come forward and pray with someone to get baptized or maybe you just need some prayer because the lack of power in your own life shows you that Jesus really isn't in there let's pray for that the rest of us rinsing a song about the power of Jesus of Almighty Jesus and let's just focus on him and think about who we're singing to that go ahead just bow your heads and picture picture Jesus on his throne with all of his angels with him and let's sing to him you
Channel: venetable
Views: 146,067
Rating: 4.8249998 out of 5
Keywords: Francis, Chan, The, Real, Jesus, Easter, Sermon
Id: M71btntubi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 11sec (3071 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2011
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