Francis Chan: Praying in the Spirit - PasCon2018

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I'm really excited to do this today just the thought that the Holy Spirit could be speaking through me today and to have that type of communion with him I've loved the fellowship I've had with their other speakers just since being here the warmth of relationship that's I don't always feel that and it is just really sense like there's a camaraderie a friendship a cheering on for one another I was asked to speak on Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 specifically and let me just read it it says praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication to that and keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all of the saints before I talk about praying at all times in the spirit I want us to look at the end of that verse where's this to that and keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints okay that part's easy to understand okay praying the sparrow we may have different understandings of what that means and we'll get to that later but let's let's just look at what we should be doing that I think we all can read and go yeah that's that's what it says it says keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints keep alert have your mind alert persevere in this and what in your prayers in your supplication for all the saints I believe the Lord gave me this this passage to preach I was assigned this because I haven't been great at this I haven't been great at praying for all of the saints and so I can say as I started studying this passage the first thing I did was to start trembling added and thank God I don't pray that much sometimes I'll come to a gathering like this and not really have prayed for all the saints really from the Spirit praying in the spirit and saying god I love these men I love these these men and women I love my brothers and sisters sometimes I get so focused on me God speak through me God give me the words to say me me me me me and and it really hit me this is where the Lord was just showing me my sin was how often do you pray for the other speakers how often do you deeply from your heart keep your mind alert persevere and go no no I pray the Kevin de Young nails it I pray that he nails I pray they had so much joy so full of life I pray something amazing just breaks through I mean here's how sick my heart is sometimes I will show up in a conference and in part of me there's part of me that hopes the speaker before me isn't that good I miss being honest with you it's there it's been there I mean I don't want to exaggerate my never think okay I hope piper bombs okay but I do hope for mediocrity you know I do I'm just saying that is how sick like God was showing me that how that's in you like I mean we laugh at it but there is such an evil in that a lack of kingdom mindedness like what is that how can I be so into me to the point where I'm asked to be a speaker somewhere and I'm secretly hoping and the person before isn't just filled with a spirit just changes the atmosphere in that place that he just oh wait and everyone's soul and afterwards they're just so in love with him like like what is it in me that would think about Francis rather than trembling at God's word and saying keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints so I've been praying for you because of this passage I've been praying for you and God has been giving me just as I pray in the spirit for you he's given me a love for you I mean seriously like a love for you things that were coming to mind as I was praying for you was just it's so difficult to lead nowadays it's different it's different than when I first went into the ministry like 30 years ago it's different sometimes it feels M it can feel impossible to lead people I start thinking about how we live in a time when people don't respect authority there's there's a real pride and it's it's it's it's it's almost like a competition who can say the most biting harsh thing let me use the fewest words possible say the harshest things about the most powerful people or the people in authority and then all davidic spirits of of seeing Saul as God's anointed is any of that and yet you're called to lead and and to the to patiently and gently and lovingly not get angry but to care and to Shepherd these people and so my heart just started going out to you because I know what it's like it sometimes feels impossible not only that but we live in a time when people value their opinions so much I mean they're just sure it doesn't matter if the whole elder board is a hundred percent agreement we all think this it's the opinion and it's like they're stuck like wait you said we were all godly men at different times you respected us and now we're all in agreement isn't this what the church is for for us all I mean sometimes we can't see things in ourselves and so you humbly come and go all of us in agreement we see this sin it's like you guys are all wrong let's go to another church and tell them how I was victimized by you and you're supposed to lead in that you're leading in a time when everyone's so volatile don't you feel like people come ready to fight they just want to fight about we see it right people are just snapping all over our country they're just on edge you just say one word wrong seriously just say it say just one word on just accidentally and we'll be all over you and it's gonna be all over everything and it's like gosh so here I am here we are trying to lead with with powers is this calling from God people that may not want to be led people believe their opinions are greater than yours people that that don't respect authority and yet God's called us to love them they're the body and so it's a difficult difficult position that you're in and I'm sure there's some of you here today that are discouraged and then there's the comparison factor that we've never had in the past where they can go on the internet and hear messages like why aren't you more like him you know how come you're not as smart as Keller I love his teaching how come you're not you know that's passing it is Piper how come you're not as as entertaining and funny as me it's just you know what why it's just this comparison thing right it's playing but but it is it's it's like this wrestle where there's just so much going on and and then I read scripture and I read about how God wants unity and there's times when I'm just like lord I don't know how that's gonna happen one mind one spirit like I've tried to figure it out in my mind like how is that gonna happen when these people don't think this is a sin I definitely I can't go with that I don't know Lord I don't know how this is going to happen but maybe the answer is this verse maybe if we trembled over God's word that says to keep alert with all perseverance making supplications for all the saints maybe I spend less time trying to figure it all out and be obedient God's Word and persevere in praying and praying in the spirit for all of the saints and so I praise God that he assigned this verse for me to teach because it's been good for me and and I've been coming off of just just so you know I this was one of the best I I really don't think I'm exaggerating like maybe the best weekend of my life in my relationship with God that's how good it was this weekend was just another level of enjoyment of him it started off on Friday Friday around 11:00 I'm just gonna teach for like an hour I just taking a break go and teach some people pray over them and then get right back to some writing that I'm doing and so yeah I'll come over there we start praying and and just enjoying the presence of God you know and an hour passed I didn't even get to the teaching or the Q&A it's like I don't want this to end let's keep going because I just I love this I love it let's keep praying before we knew it it's it's five o'clock and it's like this is so good so good this is so good I just want to keep doing this can we just keep going keep going just bring Freight till midnight I've never done that it was just it's just I love it I love it and then the things a long time to get into it that just happened all through the rest of the weekend amazing amazing time just enjoying him there all started off just praying praying in the spirit as to the point where I didn't want to I seriously did not want to leave San Francisco yesterday I mean not just because it's ugly out here but I just I really didn't want to leave the people the church and everything that's going on it was first time it's like that axe to where everyone was feeling a sense of awe like what's happening here like we're just loving being in his presence loving this adoring of him but it started with praying in the spirit praying at all times in the spirit in the spirit not just with our lips not just saying things but deeply in the spirit you know in first Corinthians 4 verse 1 it says this is how one should regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God look at that phrase this is how one should regards a service of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God we are stewards of the mysteries of God so how am I supposed to explain praying in the spirit well the Bible says well I'm a steward of the mysteries of God sometimes some of us are better at giving answers than giving mystery then really stewarding mystery and we just want to get into the explanation and if we just get into some of the explanation and and some of the answers to the questions it's like we can miss the point we can miss the point of even praying in the spirit I know we can save phrases like that so often that they lose their mystery if we're not careful and we're supposed to steward it I mean think about that I mean right now okay right now and I really filled with the Spirit of Almighty God I mean you were talking about Holy of Holies stuff where God's presence was really in that place we're talking about here like when I am praying is there really a connection with him like on that stage are your words really gonna come through me is this really a connection with him Paul has just said this is a profound mystery and I'm talking about Christ in the church it's a profound mystery that we are members of his body so you're telling me there is a God who dwells in unapproachable light think the Sun think an atomic bomb unapproachable you don't just go grab the Sun you don't just I just want to see what it feels like you don't do that and this is the creator who shines brighter than the Sun and somehow this God who is an unapproachable light says that we are members of his body and he nourishes and cherishes us just like we would wait so you're telling me that this God and all of his glory that somehow I'm attached he sees me as a member of his body how and then now we tur that we together somehow we forming a temple to be the dwelling place of God and then I can pray now and I can speak I mean does this still amaze you like a manifestation of the Holy Spirit for the common good see we can get caught up in the flesh we get caught up oh I hope I do okay I hope that people like me at we can think at that level versus the mystery God are you gonna manifest through me what is that gonna look like am I gonna speak your words that are spirit and life they're not just this isn't just a lecture this isn't just let me get some things from my head to yours it goes beyond that to spirit and life that's I've been praying and trying to persevere in that I said god I want that imparted I want something of the Spirit imparted something of life in context Ephesians 6 is not a I you know praying at all times in the spirit it it can almost have like this touchy-feely connotation to it and yet when you look at the context of this passage it's in the midst of a very like it's like a battle cry right saying look our battle is in flesh and blood okay there's this this wrestle we have is in flesh and blood so we better take on this helmet of salvation have this buckle chip you better have the shield of faith you rapids bro you know it's it's and he starts it off in verse 10 when he says finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might because I mean let me close with this let me close this amazing book of Ephesians with this finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his mighty power be strong I mean I don't see that as just something to exegete and go okay well the word finally means the last you know it's just it's it's not just that it's it's you gotta catch the spirit of it he says like come on guys finally be strong be strong be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might so come on put on all of the armor let's go let's be strong let's be courageous I mean that's the the most repeated command in scriptures don't be afraid fear not come on be strong we need more of this in the church be strong in the power of his might do you get how much powers of it it's easy to come and then in the flesh and go oh man I'm not as smart as these men last night at dinner they were talking about something Kevin and Sam I have no clue what you're talking about zero zero I mean and I'm not it's not for lack of trying I am contra I even had my eyes closed listening to every word and gone no clue Lord why no clue you think in the flesh there's not a single thought that goes and you're gonna preach to them if I stay in the flesh man I'm of no use to you man I come up here you know just but the confidence or is this finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might and the strength of his might man earlier in Ephesians he in in chapter one he talks about how there's this immeasurable listen to these words immeasurable greatness of power toward us who believe immeasurable there's an immeasurable greatness of power toward me and we all know what he says in Ephesians 3:20 where he can do abundantly more than all we ask or imagine according to the power at work within us that's all right at the end of us let me let me let me say it again finally be strong in his might take on this armor and it's in the midst of all of that then he says pray in the spirit okay it's it's it's about this power in the middle of this battle cry comes and praying the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests in the spirit that word is is it's the idea of by means of by means of the spirit in connection to the spirit is it it's the same phrase it's the same word that's used in John alluded to it last night in in Romans 8 where it talks about crying out Abba Father let me read it specifically verses verse 15 why can I not see the verses okay for you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom it's the same word there at the same phrase of of praying the spirit it's it's through by whom through him we cry Abba Father the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God so it's it's the same idea of in the spirit through the spirit by means of the spirit our spirit cries out Abba Father okay how in the world do you outline that how do you explain how this happens it's there there's some mystery to this I can't tell you why like like when I was studying that passage and I'm this is just a few weeks ago I'm just just reading it and and then suddenly just everything in me I just I literally just started sobbing and I'm just going daddy like everything in me just wanting that perfect father just like Oh daddy ah ah just just there's just that hunger in me longing for this perfect dad to make me feel perfectly secure and protected and everything in me is like oh you're my father you're my dad I'm just crying enjoying him going oh it's so good I just love being with you father and yet hallowed be thy name so the sacred unapproachable amazing God and yet a year I am crying out Appa father just loving being in his presence and that's the work of the spirit and it's a mystery how can I have this depth of experience and relationship and warmth to have my spirit cry out to someone so holy holy holy and yet it happens seriously Wow [Laughter] so why don't you do that one John's breaching edges now you guys some of you have children probably lot of you have children and some you have a lot of children you know how like when you're your baby's first born like your first child is born and immediately there's these feelings you know you can't even understand that guy and then you start holding you know they're they're maybe just a few weeks old few months old and you want to squeeze them don't you right because you have all this emotion you know like my toddler so you know like sometimes I just you know I've got this 300 and and it's it's it's like they're so you just want more you want to express this love right but you can use like grow up because I want to explain I want you to know what I feel about you and I want to really hug you like those are the feelings I've been having as I as I pray with God where there's times where I series how about oh my god this is the way I feel it's like I want more of you I want more of you like I guess like praying isn't enough like ah this is like that time like like like I'm texting my wife hey Howard that's not enough God I want more I want more I want more I desire you come Lord Jesus I want a greater way to express this that's what I want it's like II just I want to pray more cuz maybe if I I pray more and I just seek you and I'm your presence more I can just enjoy you more we can have more of this there's no one I'd rather be with my spirit is crying out Abba Father it's not lips just saying things and I don't know how to make that happen but I believe it starts with humility because if you look a few verses later in acts 8 it says verse 26 likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness listen to this for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because the spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God we do not know what to pray for as we ought we do not know what to pray for as we ought when you close your eyes to prays that the thought that goes through your mind and you close your eyes are praising God I don't know what to pray I know that I don't know how to pray as I ought I need to see I need the Spirit because the spirit intercedes for me according to the will of God and god I'm about to pray to you right now but I don't know what to say I don't know how to pray according to your will I'm not good at this lord I need your Holy Spirit to help me pray do you come not just dependent on prayer but dependent in prayer saying I need you because if I just start praying in the foot I'm just gonna start asking you for things that Francis once and I want to pray according to your will and the Spirit knows your mind I need him I need him to intercede for me man be so careful about this guys I mean how many people do you know who are dependent in prayer how many people come desperately like I really need you because I'm about to pray right now I mean we can get to the point where we can just walk up with our Bibles like I got this I know with this confidence even in teaching so imagine in our prayers oh I know what to ask for I know what this crowd needs I know your problem then we start praying for the rest of the body of Christ but we pray according to our own wills God did they're not like me they need to become more like me you sure about that and is that what is causing all of the problems and all the vision or do we come humbly in prayer Saint God look I don't know that's your child I don't know how to discipline your child maybe I'm off I don't see things in myself search me god no my heart you're the only one that can search me and know me show me show me the pride I need the body of Christ to show me my pride I need your Holy Spirit to show me my pride I am a weak weak person who does not know how to pray thank you for your Holy Spirit who ends intercedes for me do you come humbly in prayer seriously think think in your mind right now who do you know who are your examples of people who are desperate in prayer that sin of self-reliance is going to destroy the efficacy of our prayers it really will just this err guy I know what I I know what needs to change I don't I do know I pray for mercy pray for wisdom anything I see in Scripture and try to pray according to the will of God but even then I'm not going to hit it perfectly I need the spirit to pray according to the will of God praying in the spirit so when this passage is in in Ephesians is he talking about speaking in tongues because all my life when I heard that I kind of just had this aversion like eyes it's just a tongues thing praying in the spirit and I won't get into it okay that's a first Corinthians it's just just just I just want to be cautious I've had I've had very I've been very sure about things in the past and have said things very strongly even abrasively and and then later in life searching scriptures more and going to I I think I was really off on that and so I just want to be careful now so in let's cross-reference real quick to first Corinthians 14 because here he clearly is speaking about tongues I think this is important he says for this reason 1st Corinthians 14 13 the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what they say for if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful what shall I do I will pray with my spirit but I will also pray with my understanding I will sing with my spirit but I will also sing with my understanding otherwise when you are praising God in the spirit how can someone else who is now put in the position of Inquirer say Amen to your Thanksgiving since they do not know what you are saying you are giving thanks well enough but no one else is edified I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you but in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than 10,000 words in a tongue okay I mean first of all just in verse 14 if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful my mind is and fruitful I have you ever considered praying or praising while your mind is unfruitful okay don't take this as an insult because a hundred percent is not but this circle can lean towards being more heady not a bad thing not an insult but because of that this type of passage will be more of a stretch to think anything good could be accomplished with an unfruitful mind okay that's that's all I want to say about that like just understand like for some of us we all have different struggles and we all have different giftedness you know like impersonality the things you love about someone is also the thing you hate right the the what I recall that the opposite of that you know and so understand this idea it's of my mind being unfruitful I remember Sam talking about things that are trans rational like when I talk about irrational but it's it's beyond just anything good must pass through this cognitive part of my brain in order for it to be a good thing but with that then how else we're gonna explain the spirit crying out Abba Father you know Paul here's just saying okay when I pray in a tongue it's it's like I don't know what I'm saying my mind is unfruitful but my spirit is praying and I I'm grateful that I do this and I do it more on all of you Paul says we have to grapple with that but but here he's saying that you know when you're praising in the spirit e equals I want to do it you know with my spirit but I also want to do it with understanding but here he's clearly talking about tongues if I speak in a tongue my spirit prays my mind is unfruitful in verse 16 when you are praising God in the spirit so this idea of praying in the spirit singing in the spirit praising in the spirit is it tongues yes it is but is it exclusively tongues and that's where I don't think it is I mean based upon the passage and here's why because there he clearly says that when you pray in a tongue your mind is unfruitful like you don't you don't even know what you're saying and yet in Ephesians 6 when he says praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication to that and keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints and pray also for me that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel in that it's he's saying like okay back up back up I'm sorry I'm getting too excited first of all in that same passage in Corinthians he explains that do all speak in tongues it's do all prophesy do all it's it's no no no no it's not ever so so and yet here is a command for everyone so that's why I don't believe that it could be exclusively tongues if not all speak in tongues and yet all are commanded we don't have the command that all should speak in tongues here he's saying we should all pray in the spirit though and here praying in the spirit with all prayer and supplication and then he's naming specific prayer requests now if it's absent in our mind is unfruitful then how could it be just tongues because here he's saying look I want you to be praying for all of the saints and then he gets very specific he says I want you to pray for me that words maybe see I feel like there's a connection here I really think there's a connection here he says when I speak he goes pray that these words may be given to me in the opening of my mouth like as I oh this is worth what John was talking about again last night the Holy Spirit at times you know there's times when God says look resolve in your mind ahead of time I believe I believe it's Luke 14 21 or 2114 it might not be either those okay but it's it's uh it's it's when he says you you what you decide ahead I'm gonna look it up it's not a good pulpit for blasphemy not that there is one yes it is 21 for its the second one is Oh settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer ooh don't you hate that verse settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer again for some of us that is a stretch for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict there's something about the spirit giving words right at that moment and Paul I believe that's what he's referring to here that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel would you pray in the spirit for me so somehow with something specific and as we're dependent in prayer God give me words to pray I don't know how to pray as I ought holy spirit intercede for me give me words but then even as I'm praying for Paul Paul that the words I hope you prayed for me God have words come out of his mouth like at that moment even it may be stuff that he studied that you revealed to him and then in any has but at that moment too may there be this is the spirit giving him words bringing to mind the scriptures of spirit and life make that happen and so it's kind of this whole experience all supposed to work together whereas a bunch of humble people we don't we don't come to prayer go and I know exactly what to pray for and we don't walk up to a pulpit gonna I know exactly what these people need but the whole times like Oh God could I have this experience you know how ii chronicles 7 David and Solomon just finished building the temple and he's dedicating the temple remember that moment you know as well as moments where I go I wish I could see that where fire come they're all outside the temple and fire comes down from heaven don't you just want to see that one time in your life right fire from heaven and then it says the glory of the Lord filled the temple and no one dared entered that temple there on their faces and they're worshipping to be with a group of people outside of a temple and see fire come down glory the Lord and we're all just we're scared but we're also worshiping yes that's our God he just filled the temple this isn't this is a sacred sacred moment as I was praying I believe in the spirit for all of you one of the thoughts that came to mind was 1st Corinthians 3 4:16 where he says do you not know that you plural are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you if anyone destroys God's temple God will destroy him for God's temple is holy and you are that temple here are some of the thoughts that came to my mind as I pictured that temple in the Old Testament and the glory of God filling the temple and everyone just on their faces worshiping God and God kidding me could you imagine if we were there together and we're just looking at each other what just happened so much fear but so much excitement like I'm not going in there I'm not getting closer this is as close as it gets this is amazing could you imagine but the thought even enter your mind at that moment to grab a sledgehammer and just start hitting the temple at that holy sacred moment and yet what is the Bible saying the New Testament do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you if anyone destroys God's temple God will destroy him for God's temple is holy and you are that temple there's a mystery the things that were coming to my mind was we would never dare strike that temple but where is that temple and now I need to be so careful with my lips about what I would say to God's temple any part of it because we are like living stones this is the mystery again you guys were like these living stones being stacked on one another and weird wet we're making a dwelling-place for God but it's not just us somehow it transcends times because the foundation is the Apostles and the prophets as a picture that he gives here's the foundation the apostles there's Moses you know there's Elijah there's Isiah there's here Maya there's Ezekiel there's Paul there's Peter and then Christ as a cornerstone and I got to be this living stone in the midst of this temple and we're all connected and we're all part of that building this dwelling place for God's a picture of that temple where he dwells and what an incredible honor to think how could I be connected to Moses how could I be connected to Paul who wrote this and Jesus Jesus Almighty God as the cornerstone and I'm connected to this and he says yeah and it's a sacred thing and that's why he says if anyone destroys this temple God's temple God will destroy him for God's temple is holy and you are that temple you don't mess when God says look this is holy that's that's why this this sin of division and how we can arrogantly just say things about other people and about other leaders Oh God I've been repenting of this I'm trying to change and just cur my words and in love and and make supplication rather than criticisms like like being alert and persevering and praying for these people and even coming in prayer and going god I don't even know what to pray I don't know my flesh will say make him more like me that's what my prayers will be like and God what is that all about no make this person more like Christ please please please or because I am I am NOT taking a sledgehammer to a part of God's temple God says you're gonna destroy my temple seriously you're gonna take a sledgehammer to my temple God's temple is sacred you know I think about those scenes in the Bible that used to bother me like when when aza stabilised the Ark who did not have a problem with that the first time you read it right you think he was trying to help right that's what our flesh our mind goes he ways he's felt let it dry you don't understand sacred see we're not good at understanding sacred we're not good at understanding mystery we're good at giving answers and I go to giving mystery and going this is sacred this is sacred man when David took that census and 70,000 people were killed it was hard to stomach what about New Testament about Ananias and Sapphira they exaggerated what they gave hasn't it run through your mind like god I've done worse why am I still alive today don't you read 1st Corinthians 15 or 1st Corinthians 11 Ian's talking about you know many of you are weak and sick and a number of you have fallen asleep because I didn't examine the body and blood I because I didn't take communion in her I mean they're sacred things and these thoughts come through my mind you know and and and as I'm praying it's just the sense that yes God has shown a lot of grace a lot a lot a lot but we have to get serious about this issue of what comes out of our mouth and whether it's just words of life to the rest of the temple they may not think as well as you may not experience as much as you to be careful that you're not taking a sledgehammer that's why in Titus he says look warn a divisive person once Warren Warren Warren him again and then have nothing to do with him he doesn't say that about other sins but with division he was a that person that's trying to take a sledgehammer to the church to his holy temple God's going to destroy him so you better warn him Warren hey dude put the hammer down put the hammer down hey you know people that come from other churches go yeah my last church they did this to me but now you're here don't don't do that don't do that seriously put the hammer down put the sledge hammer down let's be careful with this you're talking about God warned them don't dare join in and go yeah you don't want your hand on that hammer with him and people are very clever about division nowadays it can come in prayer oh god I just pray for Sam he doesn't know how he hurt me well I just came because I'm hurt okay that doesn't give you the right to divide to be divisive look again we live in a time when people are quick to speak quick to tweet quick to post their opinion and we are not to be stained by the ways of the world we're to be quick to listen slow to speak thinking through is this really going to bring life or these is this really an encouraging word like he says earlier in Ephesians 4 right I don't want anything to come out of my mouth like that I don't want to dare destroy the temple of God I believe God has had grace but I believe the times coming when his grace is well when I was in prayer I just got the sense for me anyways that God's been tremendously patient but his word does say don't destroy my temple my temple sacred and you are that temple and it was just a warning with my lips and I want to apologize publicly because there are times when I have criticized and I just didn't think it through I'm not saying there aren't times when we don't question in love the way something's being done but I just want to be far more careful moving forward at this stage of my life and don't let Satan get into your mind where you think well it's it's been don't let him get in did God really say that he would destroy you for destroying I mean is this really the same as the Old Testament temple are did God really say that you are that temple and that God will don't let that just tremble at this and saying Lord you know what people really did die taking communion improperly people really did die exaggerating truth to the Apostles and he really did say don't go there and in the name of compassion sometimes we can say well I just want to keep listening to what this guy has to say and I know you guys have all kicked him out of the church I just want to hear him warn a divisive person once warn him again then have nothing to nothing to do with him scripture it's that serious but praying in the spirit that's a solution to this you know as I try to figure out oh maybe if we did this maybe if we wrote a document that says okay we believe this and we'll give great we've been trying that for centuries but how serious have we been about praying in the spirit this morning I was praying for you Kevin I was I was just like in the spirit just going God give me words to pray I don't know what he needs he's your child life joy and experience of you when he teaches people change John I was praying for you last night before last night and on the plane right here just be so awesome he's awesome he's preaching and I cuz I'm sharing like my life so much changed through his that you know God the Holy Spirit speaking through him these words of life where it's like that's what got my heart just ignited excited to study this book again excited God could you have that happen in this room could more of that happen could we just walk away from this place as truly truly changed people not just a feeling but something really happening of the Holy Spirit of God man are you praying that for everyone because God revealed to me while praying in the spirit that I haven't been Kingdom minded enough and I need to be careful with my words and that's why in and is that the more I studied the scripture to make sure to discern is this really of the Spirit I absolutely believe it is because it's again in the context of Ephesians where he doesn't want us to grieve the Holy Spirit of God and that's in the context of bitterness division there's a mystery that Jesus prayed for he says I in them and you and me may they be brought to complete unity so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you've loved me and I've tried my whole life thinking how do I bring unity and know I think it's gone through all of our minds right I know I see the Spirit of God in him but he's in a different denomination so I'm don't even call that a denomination so I'm gonna call tonight I don't know but I see the Holy Spirit in that person and God house is gonna happen and so we try to use our minds and everything else but why don't we start with trembling at what His Word says which is that we pray in the spirit at all times and we make supplication for all of the Saints and we come before mumbly dependent in prayer saying I need your Holy Spirit to tell me even what to pray for these people have words come out of my mouth as I'm praying that come from the Holy Spirit for these people fact let's pray right now holy spirit we are so weak arrogant father take away the pride please help us to come to you like little children my three-year-old has nothing to offer me nothing to teach me God we come before you your thoughts are infinitely higher than ours your ways are infinitely higher Lord we don't know how to pray we don't know how to pray according to your will thank you for your Holy Spirit thank you for your Holy Spirit oh God thank you for the love I feel for everyone in this room I pray that love increases give us a holy fear of destroying your temple of grieving your spirit of speaking words that don't build up and edify God I pray for the men and women in this room that they have wonderful intimate times with Abba Father so that they would multiply that in their people I just want lovers of you thank you for our time together lord thank you for your spirit thank you for your word thank you for the fellowship we have I just thank you for this wonderful group of servants and pray for a deep deep encouragement not shallow words but deep encouragement in the inner man in Jesus precious name I pray [Applause]
Channel: Crazy Love
Views: 283,552
Rating: 4.8433447 out of 5
Keywords: francis chan, church, GOD, Jesus, Crazy Love, Crazy, Love, praying in the spirit
Id: _kK6gyxYUtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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