Abby being a comedian for three minutes straight

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you know our dogs can play cards like that [Music] near the size of an eight-year-old [Music] I think it's adorable I think you can go [ __ ] yourself no I was someone loved me enough to make me a stocking you don't deserve one [Music] you're trying to date him you're probably gonna stay if you ask I'd rather not sit around if I don't have to don't touch that [Music] Abigail [Music] got a little mud on you there sweetheart some of you we're right there you are you wearing my backpack [Music] really good see you around check this water puff out I saw the seal the other day it's covered in spots they don't have spots they're brown those are sea lions no no you don't know what are you doing you're gonna give me an animal show um do I look like a spotted seal it had spots kill yourself don't ruin the mask dick what the [ __ ] you know I can't do that right there's a way around if you don't wanna no I don't wanna show off it's not that hard uh-huh masks on I don't have one do you guys not believe in gas masks on the Run wait why because they want to kill you I mean they're just worried about a backgammon rematch what's back in how are you feeling I'm waiting on all that true strength cool cool what I am so glad we took this shortcut even though we're stuck with all these demons that's a joke oh
Channel: Press A
Views: 836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uZrYV9dWQsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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