Ellie and Joel annoying each other for six minutes straight

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okay this is your fault then it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope it'll still be stationary no pun intended volume two but we'll Livingston volume two look you get it two like too what did the mermaid where did her math class [Music] and Alex your bra I stayed up all night no wonder where the sun went and then it dawned on me feel free to wait in the truck okay but just know you can't escape while Livingston there's nothing you can do to stop him is that chicken yeah probably until they get it from smoke that's not you guys I see so much as twitches foreign [Music] where'd you learn to do that the circus we'll cut across the woods here isn't the road easier yeah it's just there's stuff out there you shouldn't see no I have to see I don't want you too serious Ellie can it hurt me no too honest man should have said Ax Murderer damn you're no will Livingston yeah yeah but who is so that made electricity yeah don't ask me I don't have a clue you know you could have just made something up I wouldn't believe you well I I don't know how to swim seriously you think we have pools in the QC no smart ass I mean I don't know how I supposed to know that yes sir I would like your finest Suite please yes ma'am would you like me to shape your luggage yes ma'am right away man I'm a weird kid [Music] they have hot water I'm taking a shower and then you're showering seriously oh what the [ __ ] is that you don't like coffee it smells like burnt [ __ ] I was on the map so we're [ __ ] tall man that's just the way he sounds he has an [ __ ] voice Joe tell him he's okay everything is great dude oh [ __ ] congrats congrats you can do anything you want where are you going what are you doing it's never been an option Maybe an old farmhouse some land a ranch cool what kind sheep I would raise sheep they're quiet do what they're told Hey Joe check it why did the Scarecrow get an award because it was outstanding in this field did you read this no it doesn't aim right you'll see deep breath things slow breath out you squeeze the trigger like you love it gentle steady nice and slow you're gonna shoot this thing or get it pregnant it isn't gonna work it doesn't aim right dick [Music] give me a minute get up you lazy ass I mean yes 56 years old [ __ ] I have a spare hand congratulations did you know diarrhea is hereditary yeah yeah it runs in your jeans [Music] that is so goddamn stupid you hear that [ __ ] I didn't laugh yes you did Jesus you're losing a big time [Music] foreign
Channel: Press A
Views: 78,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dIkV4qKquew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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