BELIEVE GOD FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE | Step Out In Faith - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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I want to ask you this question if you could  do something impossible what would it be maybe it would be some exploit for God  something that God's laid on your heart   maybe if you could do something impossible  it would be in the realm of a relationship what would it be that you'd like God to do   that's impossible well I have wonderful news  for you tonight God wants to do the impossible   for you his child people that don't have God  or his power do great things all the time   God doesn't call you to do great things God calls  you to do impossible things listen to these few   quotes I love them dearly A.W Tozer God is looking  for those with whom he can do the impossible   I love this next sentence what a pity that we  plan only the things that we can do by ourselves   George Mueller faith does not  operate in the realm of the possible   there is no glory for God in that which is humanly  possible faith begins where man's power ends   the great missionary Amy Carmichael to India  when you're facing the impossible you can count   on the God of the impossible I love this  quote from Warren Weirsby our faith is not   really tested until God asks us to bear what  seems unbearable to do what seems unreasonable   and to expect what seems impossible  D.L Moody if God is your partner   make your plans big and impossible we say  brother Gibbs those are the words of men   listen to these verses Jeremiah 22:17 oh Lord God  behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth   and by thy great power stretched out thine  arm there is nothing nothing too hard for thee   Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of  all flesh is there anything he asks that's too   hard for me Matthew 19:26 but Jesus beheld them  and said unto them with men this is impossible   but with God all things are possible have you ever noticed we stopped talking about  the impossible and yet we serve the God of the   impossible all of us at some point in our life  have had our backs to the wall and we think God   I don't know what to do I don't know where to go I  don't know which way to turn what shall I do we've   had our backs to the wall and everything looked  rather impossible it looks impossible for us to   be able to get through this without a great deal  of pain or hurt looks impossible for us to get   through this without some real financial problems  developing it looks impossible for us to be healed   after what the doctor said so there are all kinds  of situations we come into the first thing I   want you to notice here is this and that is that  Jesus is aware of those circumstances in which we   feel it is a seemingly impossible situation you  notice I didn't say an impossible situation but   seemingly impossible it appears to be impossible  it looks like it's impossible for example when   you and I hit one of those difficult situations  in life are we our backs to the wall or we think   something looks impossible what do we say we  say oh Lord what am I going to do wrong question   now remember this is really important  because you're going to get one of these   Lord what what am I what in the world am I  going to do how many of us have asked that   oh God what in the world am I going  to do that's not the right question   the right question is Lord what are you going to  do nothing is impossible when the supernatural   invasion of God by the Lord Jesus Christ comes  into our life and he enters our circumstance   to deal with them if I and I alone have to  deal with him I'm going to have a problem   but if he begins to deal with them he if I allow  him if I acknowledge him if I call upon him   into my circumstance he is going because of his  compassion love to deal with that circumstance   no matter what it is and oftentimes we wonder  why things don't happen right we wonder why   why we can't figure it out God doesn't want  us figuring out he wants us to rely upon him   to trust in him and as he says to call upon  him not only is he aware of our circumstance   but listen he always listen he always has a plan  for our seemingly impossible circumstances that is   Jesus is never caught off guard that is he always  knows what he's going to do and he knows how he's   going to do it and he knows how where when and he  knows exactly the resources that are necessary no   matter what you're facing in life he knows exactly  what to do so I'm going to stop my calculation I'm   going to start trusting and see what you do you'll  be amazed at what God can turn around in your life   so we want to seek God for the impossible believe  God for miracles dream that God would do more   in our lives than we ever imagined for his glory  and our good so let's lay the foundation for this   by looking at two different stories about Jesus  and what's interesting is that Jesus was amazed   at two different times for two different  reasons story one Jesus is in his own hometown   and people were being critical of him for saying  who he was they said who does this man say he is   people wondered they didn't like it in Mark 6  verse 5 through 6 it says he could not do many   mighty miracles there except lay his hands on  a few sick people and heal them he was amazed   at their lack of faith as to who he said he  was story number two this is a roman centurion   but this centurion had a sick servant he goes  to Jesus and asks Jesus to heal his servant   that centurion believed that Jesus could  heal the servant with just a single word   Luke 7 verse 9 when Jesus heard this from the  roman centurion he was amazed and turning to   the crowd following him he said I tell you I  have not found such great faith even in Israel   two different times Jesus was amazed lack of faith  great faith so question and only you can answer   this if Jesus looked at your faith level would he  be amazed at how big how audacious and bold your   faith is or would he be amazed how small it is  and how lacking it is think about this last year   what great faith steps did you take in  any area this past year did you attempt   something so bold maybe a bit risky that  you could not have pulled off without God   how about your prayer life what did you pray for  what if God answered every one of your prayers   what would be different in the world here's  what's sad for many many Christians nothing   would be different because they didn't pray didn't  take any action they weren't bold and God says I   can do all things and you don't even try would  God be amazed at your great faith are amazed   at your lack of faith nothing is impossible with  God because he has no failures we don't read in   the bible where God tried really really hard but  it didn't work out nothing is impossible with God   because he always understands listen right now the  problem that is absolutely tormenting your head   God already knows what the answer is he  knows who the answer is he knows where   the answer is he knows how to fix it he knows  how to change things the problem is we measure   God's ability by our ability because we can't do  it because we don't know it because we've never   experienced it we somehow we lump God in with  us and we think God is up there going I hear you absolutely it's not going to work you know what  we do we measure by our understanding when we face   a problem in marriage or health or finances  or children or whatever is going on in life   often what we want to know is how how could this  possibly work out John 6 8 9 Andrew Simon Peter's   brother he spoke up saying there is a boy here  with five barley loaves and two small fish but   how far will they go among so many that that's the  problem he's trying to work it out the one to the   multiply by get out the calculator  no I don't get it Jesus how can it   possibly work out I don't understand it  faith doesn't mean you have to understand how   how exactly is God going to supply it you're not  required to understand you're required to believe   God helps us in areas of life that are impossible  because he knows later on you're going to face   more impossible situations and he wants  you to be able to look back that's why when   when the 5000 men plus women and children when  they were all fed miraculously the bible says   there were leftovers 12 baskets how many  disciples 12 each of them carried a basket   full why because for the rest of their life  if they came up against another impossible   situation they would remember the time that  God did a miracle so big there were leftovers I want you to look in Matthew chapter 14 God  says you want me to do the impossible he gives   us a lesson here it's the story of Peter walking  on the water we're going to start at verse 22 and straightway Jesus constrained  the disciples to get into a ship   and to go before him onto the other  side while he sent the multitudes away   and when he had sent the multitudes away  he went up into a mountain apart to pray   but the ship now the disciples in verse 24 was  now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves   for the wind was contrary  the disciples are in a ship   Jesus has put them in it and they are  in a hellacious storm a fierce storm   a storm that has these disciples including the  mariners terrorized now look at what happens   and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus  went unto them walking on the sea and when the   disciples saw him verse 26 walking on the sea they  were troubled saying it's a spirit and they cried   out for fear but straightway Jesus speaking of  them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid   now somebody is going to ask God for the  impossible oh they've seen the impossible   that's how he fed the five thousand but  now they're going to ask for the impossible   verse 28 and Peter answered him and said Lord  if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water   here's the first key you gotta ask  you gotta ask for the impossible   you see what Peter did Lord bid  me come unto thee on the water now all the disciples were in that  boat all of them but only one asked but because one man asked God did the impossible   when's the last time you asked specifically  uh in James where it says ask and you shall   receive it's the word for asking with specificity  when's the last time you asked for the impossible what are you asking for what impossible thing do you want to see God do and my God says ask in faith  believing and ye shall receive do you understand it's not you who's going to do  the impossible it's God through you who's gonna do   the impossible if you think it's you who's gonna  pull it off then you've got a vanity problem do you understand how powerful your ask  is or has the devil bankrupted your faith   got you believing that your ask isn't  going to make a lick of difference   ask in faith believing and ye shall receive you should have a list of impossible things you're  asking for but you gotta ask you want God to do   the impossible number one you gotta ask number  two you gotta get your eyes off of the storm now catch this if I'd have been in the boat  I think I'd have said Jesus I want to go   water walking but could you stop this storm  could you get the circumstances better please God's not going to fix the  circumstances that's what man does   okay brother how here's what we  want to do now how do we fix this mess   God says once you leave the mess in my hands  you got to get your eyes off of the storm the storm in your life is no reason  to not ask God for the impossible you know what the devil says yeah he  may do the impossible for her or him   but you and you got your eyes paralyzed by the  circumstances get your eyes off of the storm   the storm does not control the power  of God God's power controls the storm it's never the right time to do the  impossible never well let's wait a year   it'll still be impossible and circumstances  don't govern the power of your God listen you can trust him   read Hebrews 11 not one of them had a safety net  not one of them we say man I want God to use me   not one person in scripture had a safety net what  they had was God you got to get rid of a plan b   I believe in you Jesus I believe  you're the God of the impossible   but just in case you don't come through I  want you a little closer because if somehow I   start sinking I want to grab the boat the  boat is my plan b get rid of your plan b you got to step out look at what it says  there verse 29 and he said come and when   Peter was come down out of the ship  he walked on the water to go to Jesus you realize God could have  levitated him right up and over   but he didn't Peter had to step out what would  it take for you to step out you'll never reach   your potential playing safe God wants you to  try something so that it isn't possible at all   unless God comes through and that's scary and most  of us want to hug security Peter's a great example   he was in a boat when Jesus was walking on the  water in a storm that threatened the seasoned   fishermen and he called to Peter and Peter got out  and for a little bit walked on the water and then   people think because peter failed now he sank so  he failed but there were 11 other bigger failures   who never got out of the boat there are people who  think that failing means you're missing God I've   discovered that failing is often the first step to  discovering God never let the fear of failure stop   you from taking a step of faith what happens if  we go out and start a business I don't know it's   called faith wise counsel prayer but it's still  risky which is why most people want to guarantee   now some of you are playing it safe and you know  it the writer of Hebrews says Hebrews 11 verse 1   faith is the confidence that what we hope for  will actually happen it gives us assurance   about things we cannot see yet and the  problem for many of us is we want to guarantee   but the reality is God doesn't operate that way  sorry you can have faith or you can have control   but you can't have both sometimes you have to  just say I think God is calling me to do this   you've prayed about it you've got wise  counsel you're not violating scripture   and you say I think God wants us to do this  nothing wrong with that and you say well what   if I fail well what if you do get back up you  know though the righteous man falls seven times   the Lord will uphold him don't be so afraid to  fail you don't live some of you have to let go   of control so you can take a step of faith God  isn't going to show you steps three four and five   until you take step one you gotta take the first  step and some of you have to take some faith risks   to step towards my destiny I have to  step away from my security my paycheck   my guaranteed whatever I'm gonna have to take  a risk and that's what separates the men from   the boys it's not that they're any better they  just took the risk you may wonder what's going   to happen but if you knew it wouldn't be called  faith who knows what you're capable of to try and   fail is not as bad as never to try at all right I  want you to do something you haven't done before   if you want something you never had you got to do  something you've never done and if you do you're   not comfortable because you've never done it  before you don't have any security to hold on to   there are people in this room sitting on something  you'd like to do but you're afraid to do it   I know it I know it there's something and it's  been in you for a couple of years maybe starting   your own business maybe develop changing a career  you might have to step back for a season to go   forward it's okay and it takes faith in order  to bring those changes about it's not foolish   it isn't without counsel it isn't without prayer  but at the end of the day you're the one that has   to take the risk cut the safety line and step on  the water and nothing's going to happen until you   get out of that boat and some of you will go to  the grave wondering I wonder if I'd done that   I wonder if I'd just quit that I wonder if I'd  have started that and you'll never know until you   do you will never know and so don't complain about  where you are if you're not willing to take some   step of faith to change it and what I want you to  remember is this don't ever underestimate what God   can do in your life when you surrender all you  are and all you have to him I am fully persuaded   that one of the primary reasons that so many  people are discouraged with their life sort of   looking at life and thinking well am I important  I'll never be able to accomplish anything never be   able to amount to anything that was just sort of  discouraged about their life most people probably   when they look at their lives  they don't see a lot going on   could it be it's because you have never turned  it over to the one who created you yielded to   the one who wants to work in you and reveal to  you and show you what he can do what he will do   with your life if you'll give yourself to him most  people are selfish they have their life in their   own grip this is the way I want to live this is  where I'm going to live this is what I'm going   to do this is what I'm going to have this is where  I'm going and so their life is their own plan   and what they don't realize is this that God has  the best plan possible for your life but the only   way he can make that plan work is for you to open  your hands surrender your life to him and give   yourself to him absolutely and totally now that  is a matter of pure trust do you believe that   God has the best plan absolutely are you willing  to allow him to demonstrate to you the best plan   most people aren't and so what they've done they  have locked themselves into their own puny plan   when God has the best but you must open  yourself to him to see what could God do with me   God specializes in things that seem impossible  he knows a thousand ways to make a way for you   but when we let go and let God have  his way his wonderful way in our life   it takes simple childlike faith to place your  trust in him and watch what he does in your life
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Keywords: Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Above Inspiration, God will make a way, God Can do all things, Nothing is impossible, don’t give up, don’t quit, Way Maker, God Can, Trust God, God will, all things are possible, impossible, possible, when things seem impossible, God does the impossible, God of the impossible, sermon
Id: xOI4LEgsZ30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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