PUT GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE | Seek First The Kingdom of God - Inspirational & Motivational Video

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Put God first Why should you put God first you should  put God first because God put you first   God in Christ put us first and I want to  challenge you today friends to put God first How do you put God first but seek first the  kingdom of God and his righteousness and all   these things will be added to you there are  two clauses in this little verse and I think   they give us two answers to that question simply  to put God first you must a seek God b trust God   first the text exhorts us to seek  God there are three types of people   there are those who do not seek God  they don't know what real happiness is there are those who seek God but not first  they are the most miserable of people and   don't know why when in reality there's  a civil war going on in their hearts there are those who seek first the kingdom of God   and his righteousness and they are the happiest  people in the world you want to be truly happy   Thomas the Kempis gave the formula he  simply wrote seek God not happiness seek God seek God personally indeed you cannot seek God for someone else  no one else can seek God for you it's an   individual and intimate matter  you must seek God for yourself   Jonathan Edwards wrote a series of resolutions  to govern his life the opening ones are most   memorable number one I will live for God  number two if no one else does I still will this is the first and foremost and fundamental  principle for seeking God there must be a   personal resolve that is determined to  seek God no matter what others say or do you must seek God personally the unsaved the  unbeliever may seek the benefits of God but   they do not seek God the good news is if  we are not seeking God God is seeking us   this is the mission statement of  the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew   or rather Luke chapter 19 verse 10 for the  son of man came to seek and to save the lost   this is why Jesus came from heaven down to seek  sinners and not to punish them but to save them and in a real sense every  morning God by his mercy   wakes us up we must make a fresh  determination to seek God and not chase sin Jesus says seek first the kingdom of God and here  first is not first in series or order or process   it is first in priority Jesus is not merely  saying put put God first in your family second or   your education third and you can no no no  he is saying God is to be the most important   thing in your life that is not to suggest that  you should have no concern for the other areas   of your life and the things that matter to you  it is to say that your commitment to God should   shape and guide and govern every other  area of your life you're to seek God first   in your family seek God first in your  education seek God first in your ministry he desires first place he deserves first  place he demands first place in your   life if you put God back in first place whatever  was in that spot will not go softly into the night I need you to really hear what I'm telling you see  if God wasn't in that space and something else was   then that means the moment you tell that something  else I'm putting God back where God needs to be   that something else is not gonna sit back and  say okay I'm cool with that that's something   else that's gonna fight you and fight you to the  place where you're gonna know what real resistance   looks like as a matter of fact that's the first  thing you're going to deal with is resistance   the resistance says the devil doesn't want to  say bye you always remember this people are   God the devil never wants to say bye the devil's  always going to try to advocate for why he needs   to be in your life there are certain spirits and  people that are occupying space in your life that   God needs to occupy and the moment you say look I  can't do this anymore I don't want to be involved   in that anymore you know what's going to happen  the devil's going to give you 101 reasons why   you can't live without it but you gotta be willing  to declare I need so much of God but it doesn't   matter what you say doesn't matter what you do I  am changing and putting God back in first place   that's why you got to make up your mind that  God is not your backup plan God is your plan   I need to say it again God is not your backup plan  God is your plan bible says in Proverbs chapter 16   verse 3 commit your works of the Lord and your  thoughts will be established God requires to be   first in all things because his plans are the  best for your life there is no failure in God   and so God is alpha and omega he's the first  and the last beginning at the end according to   revelations 22 and 13 and so the bible says in  proverbs 3 and 6 and I don't want you to miss   this it says in all your ways acknowledge him  and he shall direct your path in all your ways   acknowledge him and he shall direct your path  which means your plans consistently fail be in   lack direction because you fail to acknowledge  him many times we only want to take God the big   ticket stuff we don't want to take God the small  stuff that's why you keep failing because you keep   taking God the big stuff and never take God the  small stuff there comes a moment in your life you   gotta learn to take God everything I just take God  everything you gotta get to a place in your life   where you learn how to trust God and how to rely  on God and put God first because we often don't   pray until we need God we don't even come to  church in a consistent basis until we're facing   something significant there comes a moment in  your life you gotta say Lord I'm putting you first   somebody can be a witness when you put God first  God will turn around and God will put you first   am I talking to anybody here today that knows  that God honors people that puts him first   Seek God first in your time beginning every day  in prayer and reading and meditating on his word put God first in your time put God first in your  money proverbs 3 9-10 says honor the Lord with   your possessions with the first fruits of all  of your increase your barns will be filled to   overflowing and your vassal brim over with wine  and then seek God first in your relationships   first Corinthians 15:33 makes it clear  bad company corrupts good character   I'll give you a simple way to  spot a person who is seeking God   the one who is seeking God usually hangs  out with others who are seeking God seek him first in your  relationships or as Jesus says a new commandment I give you that you love one  another as I have loved you so you also should   love one another and by this will all men know  that you are my disciples as you love one another   how do you put God first the  first answer in this verse is this   seek God the second answer in  the verse is this trust God the verse begins with a divine command but seek  first the kingdom of God and his righteousness it   ends with a divine promise and all these things  will be added to you Warren Worsby is right   God's people live on promises not explanations   we don't live on explanations we live  on promises and somebody here knows   you can live on a promise for a long time  if you trust the one who made the promise this is God's guarantee if you put God first he'll take care of everything else people that don't have a God on their side have  to worry about what tomorrow's going to bring the bottom of verse 32 says your heavenly  father knows that you need all these things   every need in your life is a part of  the the compassionate omniscience of God in fact Matthew 6 verse 8 says that the father  in heaven knows what you need even before you ask   in a real sense to trust God is to pray instead of worry   The Lord gives us a key that lets us know  if he's really in first place in our lives   and the key is this we find out that he's  in first place by how we respond to worry worry it lets us know and for some of  us uh that hits me hard it confronts me   because it lets me know that even though I say  God is in first place even though I declare it   even though I preach about it what I  worry about tells me the truth Jesus talks   about the worries of this life and he contrasts  them with putting him first there's a couple of   great quotes that I found this week and one is  from William Law and he says this if you have   not chosen the kingdom of God first it will in the  end make no difference what you've chosen instead at the end of your life it won't  matter if you didn't choose him first   because you will have made no difference you  will have existed you might have had a few toys   you might have had some people that love you  you might have a great funeral but you won't   have made a difference it's a great quote from  Tozer as well that says as God is exalted to the   right place in our lives a thousand problems are  solved all at once what would your life look like   if the problems were solved without you  working them but the Lord of God himself   began to fight your battles for you as you were  seeking him first worry hijacks your future it sucks out the joy of today Jesus says for the pagans  run after all these things   what am I gonna eat what am I gonna  drink what am I gonna wear he says   they're running after all these things and  your heavenly father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his  righteousness and then all these things will be   given to you as well it shows us that the things  that the world has to worry about and work for   are really God's gift to us it's a guarantee  from the Lord I will take care of you   when you set your heart on seeking me  he goes on to say therefore do not worry   about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about  itself each day has enough trouble of its own   is that a mouthful or what that's good stuff  each day is going to have enough trouble it's   only like yeah and years will have enough trouble  of their own two and sometimes more than enough so seeking him first is the key  to breaking the power of worry Philippians 4 verses 6 and 7 it says be  anxious for nothing but in everything by   prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let  your requests be made known to God and the peace   of God that surpasses all understanding will  guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus   if you if you if you are really seeking God prayer  will be your first response not your last resort you'll never get your needs  met by focusing on your needs   but if you seek God first by the time  you look up he will provide what you need indeed if you put God first he'll  take care of everything else   no this is not a promise of prosperity it is a promise that God will meet your needs if you seek God you can trust God if you seek  first the kingdom of God and his righteousness   then all these other things will be added to  you or if I can say it the way I like to say it if you take care of God's business  God will take care of your business   I found this to be true that when I  seek God's heart he fixes my broken one he fixes my weighed down anxious heart Jesus  says don't worry about all those things don't   worry about tomorrow it's going to worry about  itself seek me first go all in with me first you need to really know God and set your  heart to know him to know him intimately   seek his strength because his  strength is more than enough seek it continually go all in
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Keywords: Inspirational, Inspire, Motivational, Motivate, Encourage, Encouraging, Success, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Overcome, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Hope, Trust God, Put God First, God First, Faith, Prayer, Bless, Blessing, Above Inspiration, Pray, Seek God, Start with God, Priority, First, Seek First, Seek First the kingdom, Kingdom of God, Begin, Jesus First, Put Jesus First, Bible, Put God First In Your Life, Sermon, Keep God First, Life
Id: n_il3v50tM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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