Stop Doubting and Keep Praying Until It Happens

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you've heard it said prayer changes things pray without ceasing pray daily but today i'm telling you to pray until something happens that's what push means so when it feels like you've hit rock bottom push when the size of the problem in your life is twice the size of your own might push when trials come when setbacks frustrate you get on your knees start pushing on your knees pray until don't pray and move on don't pray and start thinking of worrying in the book of daniel chapter 10 he prayed and prayed and kept praying until he got his answer he understood the secret he understood that you have to pray and keep praying until until it happens until that breakthrough happens until that miracle happens push until that healing comes push until that victory comes push be relentless about it be intentional about it and above all else be prayerful about it pray until something happens some days you might feel like giving up some days the joy might go your energy may be low and the feelings might fade away but never give up always remember that it's the lord's commandment to keep praying without ceasing and in due season you'll be rewarded nothing you go through just happens god has a plan for your life before you were formed in the womb he had everything mapped out not just your final destination but the obstacles you would face any change of direction that your life would take how fast you'll move and the pace you would move at the people you would meet on your journey those who would hurt you and those who would help you and even the situations that you never saw coming god knows god knew and he had seen it all before it even came to be what i'm really trying to tell you is that your unknown is known by god your answer is already on the other side of fear your savior has already paid the price to set you free your healing is already there by his stripes your rescue is already there before the day of trouble comes he knows how it's going to work out even when you don't he guides your footsteps and like the bible says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path now the problem is we want to know all the details [Music] i've been through storms i've felt pain i've been hurt i've asked god where are you and even though the storm was hard to go through it taught me something it taught me to trust in jesus it taught me to pray it taught me to stand with nothing left but faith just faith and like the song says through it all i've learned to trust in god through it all i have learned to depend on his word and guess what he's never let me down it's easy to be defined by one moment in life some people are defined by a failed relationship a failed business venture a divorce even a career-ending injury but in the bible the devil is called the accuser and he would love to convince you that because of that one mistake because of that one failure because of that one season you should begin to look down on yourself but let me tell you that no matter the mistake you've made god's plan will still prevail god's will will still be done god knew your end from your beginning he knew all of your highs and your loans he numbered your good days to exceed your bad days you might have failed but you are not a failure you might have had some bad choices but that's not who you are you might have an issue or two but you are not your issue and you see the enemy as an accuser will constantly throw negative labels to try and define you he'll call you things like an addict a failure a loser a dropout but the word of god calls you redeemed it calls you a chosen generation a royal priesthood you are washed and made clean by the blood of jesus you are healed by his stripes you are the head and not the tail don't let the devil label you he does not determine your destiny refuse the labels that other people try to stick on you never believe the lies of the accuser you are not defined by your mistakes but by what god says about you you are forgiven you are loved you are saved by his amazing grace so move forward your mistakes are in the past and god is in your future you see worry is all about perspective perspective a believer in faith will pray and say god stand with me in the storm i'm facing a believer with worry will pray and say god what if the storm destroys me what if it never ends how come you're not stopping this how many times have we heard the words don't worry the word of god even says those same two words to us the children of god but no matter how many times we hear those words regardless of how many times we read those words in the bible somehow some way there just always seems to be something that makes us worry in this world you're going to have trouble you will face some hardship not everything will go your way but jesus said take heart be courageous be of good cheer i i have overcome the world so take heart for some people they are strongest in faith when they worship for others they are strong in prayer intercessors prayer warriors others find strength in god's word whatever you have to do to draw heavenly strength find your it and whenever you find your it there is no demon in hell that can take you out no evil can bring you down so i encourage you to use your it if you are a worshiper use it against the enemy if you're a prayer warrior use it against the enemy only god can give you confirmation not people after all it was god that created you for his cause not any other man on this earth so be who god's called you to be because he never made any mistakes when he made you [Music] have you ever been involved in a fight [Music] a fight for your job a physical fight a fight for your relationship we have all had to fight at some point and one thing we need to realize is that every day from the time that we wake up to the time that we sleep we are in a fight are involved in a conflict [Music] there is a struggle between good and evil and that struggle is a spiritual battle and it goes on every day as we grow older and become more mature christians we're called to be equipped with the weapons that god has given us and we are called to put on the whole armor of god and the question i want to ask you is have you answered that call [Music] have you answered the call to put on the whole armor of god people of god the very first thing we have to remember in this battle is that we have an unseen enemy it's not a thief it's not the nightmare neighbor from hell it's not the workplace bully our unseen enemy can only be revealed in the spiritual realm with the eyes of faith he can only be identified through the spiritual eyes of discernment and i want to inspire you today to rally you up and remind you that it is not god's will for us to be slain by evil it's not god's will for us to be defeated god doesn't sit in heaven looking down at you saying figure it out my child you take care of this one the lord doesn't leave us to fend for ourselves he will not abandon us but hear me what god really wants us to do is to suit up he wants us to put on his armor he wants us to be in the battlefield fighting on his side there is no middle ground in this warfare if we don't fight for the lord then we are fighting for evil now the question is who will you stand for in this battle [Music] many believers fall on this trap of kind of sort of living for god but all that does is leave you lukewarm but the good news is that god's judgment has already been passed to the devil the devil has been judged to suffer eternal damnation [Music] but us as children of god believers in christ we are destined for victory we are destined for victory when we make the choice to fight on god's side and the lord is not a dictator he will never force us to stand with him he granted us the free will to let us choose between right or wrong good and evil warrior of god or a warrior of the enemy what will you choose as soldiers of christ we go into every battle knowing that we are more than conquerors we have already won we are the ones that will testify that we are not fallen soldiers but victorious ones and this truth should ignite a fire in you it should give you enough encouragement to boldly proclaim your faith to stand and witness for christ to fight a good fight against the unseen evil [Music] and someone may be asking the question how how do we fight an unseen foe how is it possible to fight an invisible force well god our commander-in-chief has laid down the battle plan for his warriors as children of the most high we are called in this battle to be his prayer warriors and we are called to pray without ceasing but have you ever thought why are we praying without ceasing some interpret this as repetitive prayer but it's not it means we have a focus on god with everything that we have prayer is the best discipline of our faith as a prayer warrior everything we love everything we're associated with must be covered by prayer that means our family and loved ones and friends should be under the umbrella of prayer even though the highs and lows the struggles and hardships milestones and successes everything that we go through should also be done in prayer you see going to church reading the bible doing good deeds are necessary for christian living but only through the discipline of prayer can we overcome temptations and struggles only when we become a prayer warrior can we defeat this unseen enemy that is lurking in the dark trying to deceive us only through prayer can we experience god's power and might only then can we experience what it's like to live under the protection of god almighty and it's only by this discipline that we can maintain our course and not lose focus on the commands of our king and lord jesus christ so the next time you find yourself in a fight remember the posture that you need to have one that's on your knees surrendered and willing for the lord to have his way have we already decided whose side we are on in this battle who will you stand with choose just like joshua did he stood and made a choice saying as for me and my house we will serve the lord it's now or never in other words he made the decision to fight for god to fight on god's side [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 482,831
Rating: 4.9332128 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: 6oWXQL0h2n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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