10 Reasons to be Catholic

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have you ever wondered why someone chooses to be Catholic or perhaps you yourself want to learn more about the faith regardless of why you chose to click on this video thank you so much for watching now before I begin with 10 reasons to be Catholic I have two quick notes to go over firstly I'll go over each of these topics briefly in the video but honestly each one could easily be a video on its own so when you hear me discuss theological Concepts such as the deposit of Faith or the Beatitudes stay tuned in the future as I will likely make a video covering it more in depth secondly these are not listed in any particular order of importance there are simply 10 reasons to be Catholic listed out and with that let's move on to the video the first reason I have listed here is that only the Catholic church was founded directly by Jesus this can be best simplified by looking at a very important yet sometimes overlooked part in the gospel of Matthew specifically Matthew chapter 16 verse 18. you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church this whole concept is one I will definitely have to do a future video on to give some more context of what is going on here but it is clear from the text and context surrounding it that Peter is meant to play a vital role in Christ Church while this clearly is an important moment in the church's history in that it gives Primacy to Peter as the future Pope it should be noted that the technical birth date of the church is on Pentecost which is worth a whole video on its own regardless every other Christian Church was founded by a person who was not Jesus people such as Martin Luther Luther John Calvin Joseph Smith and others having Christ as the direct founder of the church gives greater legitimacy to the church and her teachings the second reason I have listed here is that of apostolic succession all Catholic clergy are ordained by the successors of the Apostles this means that the leaders of the church can trace their Authority all the way back to the original Apostles minus Judas of course who was replaced by Saint Matthias cool fact about this this means that certain priests and Bishops can actually Trace their Apostolic lineage all the way back to one of the original 12 Apostles due to records uh being poor for certain lineages some cannot do that and trace it from person to person but others can feel free to let myself and others know which ones can do that in the comments below another quick side note here when I say successes of the Apostles what I mean are Bishops because it goes and passes down from Bishop to Bishop to Bishop and with that let's move on to the third reason the church's traditional Doctrine also known as the deposit of faith the church is inherently conservative or preservationist in the sense that it is built to conserve or preserve religious tradition the church is not meant to change with the times but to draw the hearts and minds of humanity to God this means maintaining the core of Christ's message as detailed in scripture this idea of preserving important church doctrine is vital to the role of the church in the world as the church goes so does the world if the church falters in its mission in protecting the original message of Christ the world is bound to suffer from it this leads us to the fourth reason the church's traditional views on the clergy and marriage this one is probably the most controversial reason I will have discussed up to this point but it is worth mentioning that no women or trans clergy are allowed within the church this keeps in line with the aforementioned deposit of faith that is meant to prevent radical changes in church doctrine that take away from Christ's message as it was intended I hate to say it again but due to the controversial nature of this topic a deeper explanation will be required in another video that brings us to the other side of this coin where alternative marriages are strictly banned by the church you will never see gay marriage polyamory or any other types of so-called marriage be endorsed or permitted by the church and there are specific reasons for this which again better explain more fully in a different video the fifth reason I have listed here is that the church is pro-life the church has been pro-life since its beginning as evidenced in the dedicay which is an important early church document that details much of what the church believes in the church has always advocated for the preservation of human life and dignity just as Christ intended this issue is especially important and prevalent for the church in the modern age as there are many out there who view abortion as a morally permissible act it is the role of the church to educate those people that think that way and ensure that every child has a right to life the sixth reason I have listed is that of exorcisms and Grace the church provides exorcisms to combat the presence of demonic activity which will require much deeper dive than what I will talk about here as it's honestly a pretty wild topic to discuss the church also provides grace through the seven sacraments which is incredibly helpful in one's spiritual life it helps provide resistance to Temptation and fills the soul with what is necessary to live a good life you might be wondering why I paired these together here and the reason is that frankly I think they compare actually pretty well the church is dedicated to battling the greatest evils present in the world such as Sin and demonic activity while also being dedicated to the greatest goods for Humanity such as the sacraments and providing Grace to all who seek it the seventh reason I have listed is the sacrament of reconciliation the sacrament of reconciliation is vital to being a good Catholic confessing our sins and seeking God's forgiveness are incredibly important for those who seek Heaven Catholics do not believe in the concept known as predetermination which posits that every person is essentially predetermined to go to either Heaven or Hell Catholicism believes that anyone is able to go to heaven just as anyone is capable of going to hell our actions and choices while alive are what will lead us to one or the other reconciliation plays a key role in this as it is what allows one to be forgiven by God for their sins so that they may be allowed into heaven those that go to heaven seek out God and seek his Mercy those that go to hell reject God and embrace sin reconciliation obviously is very important in that sense as going to reconciliation seeking God's mercy demonstrates a an act of contrition if you will in that you do not Embrace sin you want God's mercy you want Heaven the eighth reason to be Catholic is the sacrament of the Eucharist the Eucharist is of the utmost importance to the spiritual experience of every Catholic Catholics are meant to have the Eucharist on a regular basis as it provides extremely important sustenance for the soul through the grace it provides Grace as you will recall from earlier provides resistance to Temptation and helps in creating the necessary fortitude to commit acts of virtue now to say the Eucharist and its theological implications are extremely complex would be a massive understatement as ideas such as the differences between consubstantiation and transubstantiation are Notions that have been debated for centuries so I think I'll explain it much further in a separate video now for a bit more of a fun reason the ninth reason I've listed are the church's dietary laws it is important to know that Catholics largely have pretty loose laws regarding dietary restrictions you are allowed to drink alcohol eat pork bacon and other products produced from a pig which is not the case with many other faiths including some nominally Christian denominations that said the only major dietary restriction that I am aware of is that Catholics are not allowed to eat meat on Fridays during Lent during research for this video I also found out that technically Catholics are not supposed to be eating meat on Fridays throughout the year there's actually a lot more to Catholic dietary law than what I'm talking about here and with the aforementioned not being able to eat meat on Fridays so I'll address that further in another video and with that we finally have arrived at the 10th and final reason I have listed here today for you of why you should be Catholic and that is that the church is essentially a guide to Heaven from birth to death through the sacraments Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes the church is fundamentally designed to guide each and every one of us to Heaven from birth to death something that I think is really neat and heavily emphasized by the church and there are 10 reasons to be Catholic thank you so much for watching the video can you think of other reasons to be Catholic do you think I got something wrong in the video is there a reason that really stands out to you let me know in the comments thank you so much again and have a wonderful day
Channel: Catholicism with Pete
Views: 43,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Religion Catholicism
Id: sIY7xyhfLPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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