Behind the Seams: It's 2019! Live with Kimberly - Fat Quarter Shop

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[Music] hey guys happy new year happy 2019 I hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas and a great new year we're super excited at that quarter shop I'm super excited cuz I have a ton of content for all of our live streams and lots of new videos coming up so this one might get a little bit long I wanted to start off with a December so sampler box reveal I'm going to start doing these on the live stream I'm if any of you don't know about our so simpler program you can just go to fat quarter shops website and search so sampler and it will have all the information I'm going to show you our December box this is what you can make from your December box and I wanted to let you know that we always listen to feedback we have a survey that we send out at the end of every box and we listen all the feedback and one of the most requested items was a tote bag so this is for all the people who requested a tote bag so when you open it of course super cute stuff we always have a coupon on the back so don't forget if you're a member to look on the back of that and then in each of the boxes we have a little fan card that explains everything in there so the first thing we'll start with is our bag kit so if this is woodland rose by Jerry brand-new bag for Lucian and it uses two mini charm packs and then we've got the background fabric here and then some of the background fabric for the back it's basically two quilt blocks and there's a bag there's no instructions on how you can put the bag together it comes with this pattern the only thing you need to add if you wanted to make the bag was the muslin and then either batting or soft and stable and then if you wanted to put strapping underneath your handles so kind of like all-in-one sometimes we have all the fabric for the entire project sometimes we don't we kind of change it up and all over the patterns that you're gonna receive in here are thoroughly tested wonderfully done color photos and then we have a postcard in here about our thread ology quilt along we'll talk about that more in a second we're trying to raise $20,000 for make-a-wish we've already raised a thousand so when eleven percent there and we're already in January so I'm super pumped about that last year we wait we raised fourteen thousand so we really want to get to twenty thousand this year and I want to let you know the bathroom sets are now officially sold out we cannot make more the kits will probably be sold out by the end of January so if that's something you're interested in and check it out we have these wonderful tweezers by tulip ink they have been the most popular item in the box they they're just really cool it's kind of like a stiletto you can use when you're piecing you can kind of if you need to get dunk out if your machine is probably I would use it for or you can use it to push items through your machine when it might be tough so that is an item in there yeah they're very iridescent rainbow II and then we've got some scissors there by Jared Brenda big and they're super cute they are meant to coordinate with her fabric and then we put in a beautiful arthel aqua we put it in so that if you want it if you were interested in accent quilting or maybe some accent lines on your bag you would have something that that we matched and then we also have our barn block in here this is a pattern and we are on block 9 we do 12 a year and so at the end when you get to block 12 you will also get a finishing pattern and so this is just a bonus thing if you want to sew along with us great if you don't you have to so that's our box and we got lots of love on this one I'm very happy about the results of this box everyone's balance look wonderful and I can really stitch what I've seen so many of them so I'm like so proud of everyone for like making the bags because to me this is like totally stepping out of someone well for me I can only speak for me but this making this would be totally out of my comfort zone so just because it's not the norm it's not what I normally do and so I was a little bit scared of putting it in a box and then having people complain oh it's too hard and so I'm like so happy and excited to everyone's making their bag and I think the fabric is fabulous so a few questions about so sample yes are you showing I'm showing December 2018 and so I'm gonna be doing that at the base ship earlier in the month that gives I'm gonna it ships around the 10th I believe I hope I'm right but I'm giving about 20 days so that on the beginning of the next month I can show you what's in it and if you still want a December box contact customer service you have to be a subscriber you can't say oh I just want the December box because we really curate these only for our members you can call us or email us at service at backward or calm and a sub this morning we have 80 left so I don't know how long this will last basically we package up a certain number and then once they're done they're done we don't like go back and make more and Hellinger the boxes I don't know yeah yeah Lily will look it up I don't remember it for ninety-five a month plus shipping yeah twenty-four ninety-five a month plus shipping and we have a very detailed all the information of our site if you search so sampler and then Julie was asking how do you get the box I am new to this some you sign up it's like a club it's kind of like Birchbox or glossy box it's just like a football team subscription box so you just sign up on our website and you sign up and then once you sign up you will start getting them the following month unless you want that months and we still have some available and then you can cancel anytime of course we have tons of people who have been in this since the very beginning which we're coming up on our second anniversary in April and we will have a special April box also Selena Spencer I wanna clarify for us it shifts on xx xx oh my gosh yes yeah I know what's wrong and then also when you call to ask Iligan with the December box and you call customer service you do have to sign up for so sampler yes yeah right box chorizo one of our YouTube members also says she hopes you and I are feeling better today we're feeling better I will say not a hundred percent after I got the live stream I went to the doctor and they said I could have bronchitis so who knows but I'm sticking in there Lily's doing a little bit better she's not like sneezing and coughing but she does need to go to the doctor I need to be her mother and make her go to the doctor so yeah thanks for carrying this and I wanted to shout keep this is this fits the fuss sampler box perfectly so you can just like carry on your sampler box so okay over here and then I have something I've been I've been working on and really super excited to share with you guys um Jocelyn came up with this idea for us and I think it's wonderful so one of the things that I talked about in the livestream and a lot of you talk about on YouTube or Facebook or just everywhere is when you're done with a project what do you do with all the leftovers and one of the things that I've always said is I only buy exactly what I mean that's great so I thought well even for me what can I do with mine so you know I love triangles on a roll triangle paper so I decided we would use and you can use whatever size you want but this is what we're gonna do we're gonna call this patchwork pinwheels sorry I had to make sure that was right so hashtag patchwork pinwheels we're gonna do this all for 2019 and I hope all of you guys so along with me so what we're going to do is we're gonna make some tiny 2 inch finished pinwheel blocks with our leftovers so and then at the end of the year you will have all the different types of colors from all of your quilts so for example this is leftover from my Christmas tree skirt that I showed you guys these are left over from 2019 designer mystery so I'm gonna walk you through what I'm doing and how to do this and I hope some of you guys start this and at the end of the year the concept is at the end of 2019 you sew them all together into whatever size quilt it comes to it could be a table runner it could be this ginormous quilt you can just lay it on the quilt move your fabrics around and then you have like a memory of what you made that year and what kind of colors did you use oh I use creams a little bit or did I use all whites but you can just like mix it all together and it will look great so you're gonna start with H 100 which is triangles on a roll paper that is finished at 1-inch squares and what I do is I go ahead and cut a bunch of squares at one time I do all of this kind of all at one time so I'm gonna just cut every two rows and if I was doing this at home I would just keep going I will just make a bunch punch punch to seal it up I use washi tape at the end and then you're going to cut those in half so you're gonna have those sections of four and so when I started mine I literally just cut like 20 or 30 of these sections up do it all at one time and it makes it kind of like a assembly line type thing so you have your squares I want to show you when you're cutting these squares it is much better for them to come out like an X rather than a circle because when you're sewing here you have to go go go pivot pivot pivot pivot stitch stitch pivot pivot you know here you can just sew two lines up two lines so I try to make all of mine like this and then they are because these are small they get kind of like this you can I'm fine with it like that but if you want you can just put your ruler on it overnight and they'll be fine the next day so I went ahead and I see you can see I didn't cut down my fabrics in terms of like an exact size I just used leftover so you can see I've got salvages you want to put your two fabrics right sides together that's the biggest thing that when I was a beginner I wouldn't do and I just pinned twice on top and you can see I've already done all of these I went ahead and stitched these and this is how I would do it this is or this is how I did do it I just sit at my machine have them all pinned and just do a big stack all at once so I'll show you how I these and I saw machine you want to lower your stitch length I like to have mine around 1.0 so sorry 1.2 or 1.3 just super super skinny stitch length you're gonna stitch on the dotted line and then it is important to stay on the dotted line as much as you can but I do go really fast and like I said if you have a you know stack of 20 of these you can just whip this out in no time at all so I'm not sure how many seconds that was but it definitely wasn't a full minute do you want to know something really funny I have red thread in my bobbin for some reason I wonder what I was working on that I have a red thread in my bobbin that's great you don't want to have a red thread in your bobbin but that's hilarious that I have a red thread in my bobbin so I just did that really fast and then ruin my thing but that's okay it is funny I think it's funny so I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna cut these down I'm just gonna show you how I did one but kind of like I said I would stitch all these together then I would cut all these together I would press all these together and then so the next step all together because it saves time I probably did all of these in like an hour or two so I wanted to use a square ruler what I'm doing this because I can cut twice I can cut on each side so got that cut now what you will do is you will cut on your you've stitched on your dotted lines you can see my really tiny stitch I have a tiny stitch so that the paper will pull off easier I like triangles on a roll because I feel like the paper is perfect way to pull off sometimes if you get triangle paper that's too thick when you pull your paper off you pull your stitches out so it is good to be very careful when you're cutting these straight lines and then you cut on the diagonal the diagonal doesn't have to be perfect cuz these are within your seam allowance so I've got that done now I'm going to pull my paper off I usually put my thumb kind of at the tip and then I just yank it off and it seems to come off good if that doesn't work for you you can push down and then pull another person that I know has said one time you can it's not something I do you can take a knife because I use steam but if you don't use steam you could just set your iron on top of the paper it makes it kind of crisp and will pull off easier so those are three ways that you can make your paper pull off pull off easier sorry I'm drinking tea at my throat it's a little hard for me to talk so from each of these you're going to be able to make two little pinwheel blocks so I'm gonna get on my paper off and then we're gonna iron these I press towards the dark and I try to keep notes like ahead a little box I'm gonna keep this box all year I might have to go to taller one if I have a ton of once I get more but I keep in kind of notes like this is what I'm doing this is what I'm working with keeping it all together so that it becomes a project that's easy for me to just pick up and keep going rather than having to stop go back watch your video I'm just keeping my notes and then it becomes a project that's super easy rather than tedious so I'm going to press I like to press my seams set my theme but just pressing this flat and then I'm gonna press to the darker side on this at the end we'll we'll talk about how I plan to get all the seams to nest at the end we're going to talk about that today but if it's it's kind of tedious if it's not something that you think you will enjoy you can always press open since you've already done a smaller stitch length it would be fine to press open and I haven't used my item in like two weeks so feels good so I got out early this morning and got lost uh start so that after my livestream I can go ahead and get caught up on some stuff so now you've got some little dog ears thingymajig ease I'm just gonna cut those off I always have this little ball I've had a couple years in my sewing room and my kids like to come in and dump it in the trash can they're actually watching two of my kids two of my kids could care less one of them it might be asleep she might be awake if she's awake she'll comment the other one is sitting on the couch watching I know he's watching so he will probably come in right after this and dump it but he's the one that um he's my little helper apparently Vicky is watching in Australia and it's midnight there oh well that's good at least you're awake thanks for watching so um now what I'm gonna do is just go to my sewing machine I'm gonna change my foot before I was just using a it's it's not called an open toe foot but it's what I call it it's just a you know you can see through it so that's that if you need to see it and then I'm gonna move to a quarter-inch foot a lot of people who have like fancy bananas don't have to do that I'm gonna use I like to use these little leader and Enders so I'm just gonna like kind of start so it saves my thread and then I'm gonna go to a normal stitch length I use about a 1.8 or 2 and then I've got just as a guide I have one that I've already made and this is how I've been doing it and I just lay it on my table so I'm gonna lay my next ones out by following it because if I try to memorize this pattern which I'm sure some of you guys can do I'm certain I wouldn't mess it up so so each of these little sections makes two of these little blocks and if you have you know a ton of fabric left over you can use it in more than one block for example I had a lot of had some gray dot which is actually from a different project but I used it in two or had this dot so you know you don't it doesn't happen you can just make however many you want and some of them have a background that's not so much a background more of a medium so I'm just going to double check I have them laid out correctly and if I had if I was doing this for real I would have them all over the table so I think they're right and I'm gonna piece so I'm gonna these are pretty small so I'm just gonna beat and make sure they nest by kind of pushing it here you can use a pin but I don't think you need to because it's small enough to where it's gonna stay in place I'm gonna stitch down you know leave a little bit of space between the two but just keep stitching this saves thread and mainly it saves time which I'm all about saving time so and maybe we can have a day where I just sit and do these or something on my YouTube member where I could just sit and maybe I could just sit in oh yeah my thread for my puppet doesn't come through so I've got to redo that which is okay this is real life this is what happens in real life and not sure no genius hi Tina Gina showed some pins yesterday on a YouTube channel that I had never even heard of so we ordered them so thanks for that cuz I didn't even know okay so now I'm gonna hook again and just make sure that there cuz I can tell that I've got them just move them a little bit [Music] yeah this is um I think this is kind of what you get when you're like hot sick but listen we'll start over and yeah great idea if y'all want to see that if your YouTube member you can just put in the community tab you're interested in that or not it would basically be just me just do insight just showing you kind of how I do it to me that would be totally boring I wouldn't watch that you guys might want to you've asked to do like kind of like a sewing along with me and that's kind of a version of that beam so I'm gonna move that in door down and then I'm gonna cut them apart between the two and I'm gonna press now this is where you can do this however you want and I'll talk about this more in the how I'm gonna lay mine out and do mine but I'm just gonna press towards the darker piece so I'll press that way and then here I will press this way so maybe you can see let me press it and then I'll just do that you can see but there's really no perfect answer to this you can really do whatever you want but I do leave the chains together when I'm pressing so that when I go back I don't have to lay them out again so I press towards that darker pink so now I'm just going to go and I do double-check that I have them right because I can't tell you how many times I come here and I don't I will clip this little section now put them together I do a little poke a pin is what I call it I put my pin in the very point of the back and then to the point of the next one and then it comes through I just kind of hold that there and put the pin back in I will pin at the end also so I've got I've got it pinned twice excuse me and then I'm gonna sew I removed my pen before I sew over it but sometimes I do so over it I have a lot of friends who sew over pins I say do whatever you want people ask a lot in my Kimberley stitch squad what pins I use I use C 103 I lose them a lot so I do have to replace them every one or a bender more so when I get to the end of that I'm just gonna stitch now I'm gonna make sure my points match which luckily that worked and that worked if it did I would I would unpick kind of the center repin it and go now I'm gonna just press at this point wherever there's no rhyme or reason here at this point I'm just gonna press and my iron is out of lost water or stainless so it's not getting as flat as it normally would but I'm not gonna stop in do that so now I've got some pinwheels so I'm gonna kind of show you put this in here [Music] this is just theoretical so say it's the end of the year pretend I mean if end the year we're gonna really do this but if you wanted to do this as you win or something but I would recommend waiting till you're all the way done this is when it's great to have a design mole I don't have one but this is where I would probably just get a couple of my kids to come in and just start laying them out and then I could get on the floor after that and move them around but let I'm just gonna pretend that we're gonna make one a 12 patch and obviously you'll have a lot more colors at the end of the year and a lot more variety so it would look better I'm just doing this so I can show you how I'm gonna do my seams so literally I'm just gonna get it the way I like it and then I'm gonna just look and say okay that seam is gonna work great lay it back down that seems gonna work great lay it back down that seems gonna work great fling it back down then I'm gonna go this way and say that doesn't work because it's not the right way and I just turn it until it works great lay it back down this and this is a lot of tedious work so I'm gonna make sure that works and then I'm gonna go over here and oh that doesn't work so then I need to flip it so you just and you can sell these in sections but that's literally how at the end of the year I'm going to do it I'm gonna lay them and I'll probably do them in sections of three by three or four by four once I have it all laid out and then I would just make sure they all work and then I would chain piece down press and I'll show more of that later but I guess what I'm trying to say is it doesn't really matter you're pressing just press it however you want and then at the end of the year you can just start laying them out just like that I know it's a pain and people will probably say oh that's what I should work it is but it will make it look really nice and flat you're working with really tiny pieces so it'll look really nice at the end layer so let me know if you have any questions right now on the patchwork pinwheels and we're gonna go over that and I'm super excited I hope all of you are super decided I think it's a brilliant idea I'm super happy that Jocelyn came up with it I think it's a great way to share also just what is your color like maybe the you're gonna look at it and say oh my gosh I used so much red 2019 was my red that was my color of the year or I think it also just helps you see like what is your color combo is it half reproduction half you know primitive or is it half you know I don't know it I think it's just going to show you what colors you really are drawn to and really use alright the first question we had was where do you get the paper patterns that usually okay so this is called h100 I sell it at fat quarter shop Lilly will link it below I made sure we have a lot of this in stock it's a very inexpensive product I don't remember exactly how much it is but one roll will make a ton and all that information is on on our site how many of banks so this will last a long time this is has been used for a long time so this is probably half the roll rate was asking so twelve patch all pinwheels oh yeah I got into all kinds I'm going to just do all pinwheels and I'm hoping that they hear that I have a huge huge quilt and I think it would look great just with like a when you quilt it I'm envisioning Gina may be doing stippling all over it just kind of like a classic look I can't remember what was the word Kate was using yesterday Kate used a word and called it oh I can't remember the word cuz I didn't know what it was well crumb quilt so maybe it'd be like a crumb quilt or like a postage stamp quilt is just with little squares but you know just something where and you know at the end if you have a ton of fabric left over you don't have to just make one I mean for you can make you can pull that roll out and do you know if you have a big strip you can do a big strip I just have little pieces left over so this is kind of this was designer mystery so these are kind of the sections that work for me but you can be creative you can do whatever you want you can you can even make your pinwheels if you wanted them to have four different colors you have the freedom to do whatever I just think it's a great way to really since we're starting off the year really remember what we did this year and I obviously use some of my fabrics from 2018 because I had to to get ready for this but I I think it's gonna be great I cannot wait to see what everybody makes I love seeing all of you guys quilt so and we had a few pushes about leaders and Enders okay first of you could kind of explain the concept okay and also if you do it when you're going regular quilt blocks I do it all the time so I this is a scrap it is leftover from a little piece I can sometimes pull them from my little bucket this is where I would get them so this is my little bucket of half square triangle paper that I used that I left over and okay well there I would probably just cut this in half and this would be a leader and it ender so I use it it could be one fabric it could be two fabrics it's just leftover scraps I feed it in my machine and what it is supposed to do is make sure that you don't have threads that maybe unravel or look messy on your block or sometimes your thread comes undone I mean I should have caught that that my bobbin thread hadn't pulled up but I did it it's kind of that kind of thing but it saves thread but mainly it saves time because you can just keep going if I do that members-only YouTube where I show I'll show you how you can do it without leaders and Enders which is I would just kind of get up and alternate kind of what I'm doing but I use this all the time it doesn't cost anything and it's just a habit and in other words to say I have a love-hate relationship with pinwheels do you think yours cannot so pretty because of the starch I think they come out pretty because of several things of starch number one number two sorry I'm left it hurts number two when I'm stitching them I do stitch very carefully on that dotted line now I go fast but I've been doing it a long time so accuracy on stitching on that dotted line and then accuracy when you're cutting this out that you don't cut too big or too small and then pressing I feel like when I set my Cu and then press and when I'm pressing you'll notice I don't rock my iron I just set my seam and press and I've been quilting a very long time so you know if you're a beginner and you think oh this one inch this is too too much you can do any size triangle paper you can have fun this is just a fun little project that I thought we could use to use up our scraps cuz that's so many of you guys asked that question and so I'm always trying to come up with ways to answer your questions so um if you wanted to start with the bigger size you could and you can have freedom you can do whatever you want just a paper help keep opinions from getting wonky so when that paper does is it saves you time and in terms of if you are gonna make this through traditional way you'd have to cut it draw your lines stitch on your lines come back and cut and press but here you can make four at one time and you don't have to draw any lines so it's a very small expense I only make trying to paper I only make half square triangles with triangle paper I love triangles in a real products I always have all we've been using it ever since I've been quilting or ever since it's been around ever since I've had it but it makes it work you can make literally all of these and like an hour and a half I literally threw this together I think two or three days before Christmas we've had the idea for a long time but I did procrastinate so I had to really get this done fast and I think that I love the beauty of the one inch is where I picked the one inch just because it's really small and I do make a lot of quilts so at the end of the year I don't I didn't want to do a two inch because at the end of the year my clothes would be way too big because I use so many fabrics and I have so many fabrics at the end of a project like well would be it would be like two boats so I thought the one inch would be better and lots of people want to know what are those pictures okay Lily or Kate will link that below they are don't remember the company name I'm really sorry I thought them for myself as a gift I'm not affiliated with the company at all they're hand-painted and then they're antiqued on the edge and these are buying and aneisa camille Ross Kelly blocks I think it's called red boot company something don't link it below I don't know the exact answer but I bought those for myself and I love them but I'm not affiliated with them in any way I'm sorry with the snow age some people were very little energy is 2010 cute Maddy Jim is asking if triangles on roll can be used for the barn lost yes I use triangles on a roll for everything Lily we've handed a bucket right there no the other one yeah this is actually not organized very good right now just because but what I the way I have this bucket this is I know y'all are gonna ask when I get it got it at home this so I have one inch finished and one and a half inch finished here two inch two and a half three inch three and a half four inch four and a half five inch and 6 inch that's all just in my mind so I have to label it man we that bucket and then this little bucket also from home cuts maybe you should work for home goods i buy everything at home goods these are extras that don't fit in here because i have run out of space so when you're doing the barn blocks i just look at it and i say okay that is two and seven-eighths what size finished is that and i can i can explain all that in one second um and i figure out what that is figure out the paper if the pattern says two and seven-eighths to find out your finish size you take your cut size you you subtract seven eighths so two and seven eighths minus seven eighths is two inch finish so that would be this paper two inch and I will even though I've been doing this a long time look and it will be I'll be like oh yeah this is two and seven eighths I've got the right paper so I use anytime I make any quote when I made the barn quilts I just figure it out in my head because I can't write all of my colleagues with triangle paper because a lot of people don't like this method or they don't want to buy the paper which is totally fine you should do it your own way but I use triangle paper for everything I just I literally have to buy a couple rolls a year maybe four or five but because I keep them organized and obviously like your bigger I have some extra two and a half in the back just because I use that size a lot and some extra two-inch that isn't been opened but I it's not really expensive once you get going I mean when you if you have to buy all of them yeah that is expensive but you know maybe start with the most popular sizes that you think you're gonna use see if you like it you know try the triangle paper by one roll see if you like it if you don't like it don't do it you can do it the traditional way I just anything I do when I'm quilting I first you should always do what you enjoy like Quincy Jones said like if you find your passion I'm not saying this exactly but this is the whole concept of it you never work another day in your life if you do what you love so when you're quilting if you like triangle paper do it you like traditional do it do whatever you like so that's kind of what I do I love triangle paper I like my little method of OC dienes where everything is like super organized because what I'm doing a project here I can just grab and get it [Music] so yeah YouTube membership is I do some special videos for them and we give them special coupons like yesterday we're gonna do a blue we did a blooper we Lily Lily did a blooper will real blooper reel and we posted it to the YouTube members yesterday I think there was like a glitch in it uploading with YouTube so apologies to that YouTube it was just glitching on YouTube's end but it's there and so they're gonna get it a couple days early everyone who doesn't want to pay thank you so much for watching I love you guys just as much the YouTube members just helped us buy some of the equipment we use if you saw all of this miked up it's all it doesn't come free I mean I obviously don't get paid I don't get paid to do this live stream I don't I'm not Kelly Ripa I don't get paid by ABC to stand here and talk to you guys I just do it cuz I love it I love what I do I'm the You Tube membership just helps us buy the equipment so do you want to you want to do that great you know oh yeah no Luke blooper reel is really funny um Lily sent me all of the videos when she edits them and if I'm super-busy I won't watch them but on the blooper reel I could not stop watching I was laughing and there's a really funny part in the video I'll tell you my favorite part so Sammy has worked for us for nine years I the funny story about Tammy is uh there used to be a hamburger place in Buda which is where our offices it was like one of the only places to eat nine years ago I would go there every day for lunch and there was this guy I didn't know a thing it's Sammy obviously I found out that he was so nice he was so polite one day I go there they're out of business I'm like what and I thought oh my gosh that guy was so nice I need to get him a job he's awesome I need to find him so I win to all the people who cut and they said does anybody know this guy who worked at Culver's this is you know he's about this high he's got black hair he's Hispanic he's super nice I think he's about this eight you know I described him I said anybody who can find this guy you're gonna you're gonna get a hundred Allah bonus or so I don't even know it's been nine years somebody found him he's worked for us for nine years so anyway in the video and I love Sammy cuz he's funny and he understands me um I uh in the video I pick up my phone and Cody says what are you doing my son I'm like it's Sammy and I pick up the phone I'm like Sammy tell them to be quiet because basically in the warehouse like if they're being too loud it keeps coming like you can hear it in the video and then I have to redo it redo every generate I thought was funny yes this is coming up next week yes and everyone else well yes okay a lot of questions coming into our phone to answer them no or so let's keep going I'm gonna show you some other things that we have coming up and then we'll do questions at the end so ok so on this Riley Blake has a new table runner Club coming out and I wanted to show you guys how the table runner table runners look some customers really like to get a package in the mail every month like a blog for the month and they want to make a big quilt some people want smaller projects so Riley Blake put this together it is gonna go from March 2019 to February 2020 or around that they're all themed like seasonal in the table runner there's fabric for the top and binding and the pattern and they're packaged I don't have a prototype in a colored box there's going to be four different colored boxes and the band that goes around the box will tell you what's inside but at the end when you're done and it's a great way to store your notions so they measure anywhere from 18 to 21 inches wide and 45 to 54 inches line 4-5 inches long so you get a kind of a synopsis of how they look and thank you to my daughter Emma who put them in order so this is March 2019 it's called May banners and this uses just allowed their basics and some Laura see some glory hole fabric in there this one is April it's called sweet summer this is little watermelons oh yeah this is great especially for the people who have signed up they can see you know what they're gonna get May it's gonna be Stars and Stripes the quilting on this is super cute if you can see the stars and stripes June is called family campout this is so cute I would be so scared to do these little the little penance June Oh July is going to be a apple spice August it's Halloween Blockheads it's cute he'll it a little over please and I think this is fun just to look at quilts to like even if you're not in the club it's fun to look they're close I think this one is September it is called give thanks can you give me my tea please oh yeah this is cute whoever quilted these did a great job sorry thanks oh this is so cute October pretty packages if you can see the back of the custom quilting that's done I don't know who did it whoever did it did a great job these were made by Riley Blake but you can see they did a really great nice custom job on all of these so shout out to whoever you are this one's super cute too uh November winter time friends and so they're they're themed but they come out a little bit earlier than the season that they go in so you have time to make them this is December called love notes March no January feeling lucky and the rabbits February springtime bunnies and this would be super cute if you could add some like buttons maybe some Lori Holt buttons for the eyes on some of these so that is our new club and we are going to January 31st is our cutoff date on ordering these basically the way Reilly Blanc is making these is it's a one time purchase sorry I'm gonna get through that this time just like out of breath um so it's a one time purchase so as a shop and if you're any other from my everyone's deadline is January 31st so we have to give our order by then and so we're gonna give our number and then once it's out its out we can't keep adding to it so if this is something you're interested in you would want to get your order in to me by January 31st because after that I can't up my order and then I wanted to show you this is called Keith on the meadow it is overnight we ran our kit were given over 19 yards to make this it's 66 inches square it's designed by kim kiyul who also is the designer of the fabric she has lots of martingale books and she's a very popular fabric designer for henry glass and she also made the simple whatnots 8 club which i showed two weeks ago so this is that quotes live and in person and you can tell like this is it's beautiful um I love that I love the difficulty level the intricacy the challenge you know this is something that you can't just whip up so I think that this is this is great oops there were in my papers and I just want to show you guys this we got this in so that we could photograph it for our site and it's really pretty so we've got that and then I just wanted to tell you guys about we have lots of giveaways going on this thread ology we're having a countdown to thread ology and all the information is on our blog or fabric requirements for this go up January 14th if you reserved this kit or backing they will be shipping probably next week we're currently packaging them we're doing a giveaway for gift cards check out um all our details on how to enter on that so we're doing like a countdown and of course if you want to make this you can make it any fabric you don't have to buy the kit from us it's a free pattern that we're gonna be releasing all the details and the dates or on our blog but what we're asking for is a donation to make a wish so that we can reach our $20,000 goal so all the links on that or below even if you're not sewing along we would love a little donation even $5 would be great we also have a new year's resolution post which is great it's awesome it looks great it's got a lot of New Year's resolutions from some of our designers and you can leave a comment and you can enter to win that way so there's we've got lots of giveaways going on right now I'm gonna sit down Lily if that's okay yeah sorry paint so sorry um so yeah that's what I got today I have a lot of stuff next week I'm gonna be showing some more quotes and some more stuff so I have a lot on the works and I'll just answer questions lots less people including someone's seven-year-old grandson is asking where do they get the trigger wearing at that court shop just search eat sleep quilt repeat and it is an older shirt it is designed by Lori Holt some of the sizes are now sold out and it was already two members I very much would like to know who won all the thread oh the thread giveaways were posted on our blog I was gonna go over those today but I was like I don't know I have like the cough so I was trying to limit because we had more content I had to limit it just because my cough so we posted those they've all been contacted and are on the blog if you want to see either names Julie Taylor also a member is saying do you have a kit for the bread and butter quilt you should apply yes it's a print butter it is it's a block of the month so if you search cream and sugar it's gonna come out as a block in a month also if you want to make it in your own fabrics it's also going to be a book and it's so in my book that we publish so you can just get the book if you don't want to buy all that fabrics oh and then this is going back to the so sampler Linda Gillespie had just made a comment that the tweezers are in her makeup box because they actually made amazing tweezers for like your face oh don't even tell me that I will use them I use tweezers all the time it's and then Julie C wants to know Kimberly any information on the birch fabric she's also youtuber okay so on that I think I'm confused that fabric is actually an older it's not birch it's a different I don't know what collection it is but it's rifle paper it's an older collection from rifle paper I just need the SKU numbers if somebody emails me the SKU numbers I can check with Riley rifle paper cotton and steel RZR to see if they have it in stock so if somebody can just email me that info I'm sorry that I haven't been on top of that I have been just doing good to get through the week but yeah if some of you guys so basically the back story is there's a older rifle paper fabric that comes in canvas that people are wanting if somebody can just find that SKU for me I can check with them they do discontinue their canvases quicker than they're caught but I can check to see and if I can get it I'll get it but I don't think it's called birch I think it's called something else Shanon Roberts was saying I was looking at the box subscription how long will the bard cards be included and will the musical pattern start after that plus complete or will circle back yes so the last quilt and I could be a little bit off that I'm gonna be generally in the area that barn block ends in March 2019 and then April 2019 we have a whole new one and it is amazing and it was designed by an outside designer I don't want to give away the information yet because I think it's a surprise for all of our members but the quilt is amazing it's going to be totally different than anything we've done it's amazing amazing and the reason it's in March oh yes in April is because so sampler became in April so that's like like so sampler new year yeah so we you know started so sampler program in April two years ago or almost two years ago and so when we started it the barn blocks were originally recipe cards and it might be the 30-year run that's how out of it I am yeah we're going on our third year so the first year we had something I designed the second year we had something Lori Holt design and then the next year we had something that jocelyn designed so and then the next year we have I will my hint will be it's a mode of designer and it's amazing and I think it's gonna appeal we really listen to you guys a bit but anyway those were really just meant to be free these in the pattern and then they became popular we've got so many emails auntie other kids I want to make this I want to show this so then it was like okay well we need to make this cannibal so that if people want to have a kid it makes it convenient for them which we hadn't really thought out I mean it's really just it was meant originally just to be a freebie but then people really liked it and so we've just made it more and more complicated but next year's is going to be we have a lot of feedback on what people are really wanting I'm in those surveys and we really took all of that and I thought for my kids they are in there playing wrestling I can hear deputy E so apologize for Christopher run out there and then we had a question on Instagram earlier asking if thread ology was beginner-friendly oh it is a very beginner friendly I think it's beginner friendly I made this quote I think in two days I was under the gun to make it but these are very beginner friendly blocks if we're gonna have videos on them so we're gonna have videos if you have if you have questions you can comment in the video will answer but we went back to a video format of more detailed more instruction more on the sewing machine not so fast so and I think it definitely beginner friendly I do think I'm not trying to sell you the kids because we we can sell them but I do think they're gonna sell out by the end of January I'm actually surprised the backing has already sold out but the fabric requirements for that will also be posted we can put we're going to post that on with the fabric requirements for the whole quilt so if you weren't able to get it back and you can buy the art ajiz a monthly subscription for the table runner club yeah I didn't write that down sorry and again they come packaged in box and I think the reason that they can't remake the kids or they need my orders so early is because of the custom boxes and this is something that Riley Blake is offering to all the quote stores I just think it's cute it's cute cute way to check her at your house since thirty four nine eight a month plus shipping yeah 3498 a month plus shipping for 12 months and you do have to that's a program you have to stay in the whole time because I cannot tell Riley Blake oh somebody quit or somebody left I don't like that anymore okay so then I like get all the rest and then what do I do my kids you know so and are the runners applique or piece um I think there's a little bit of applique let me look they're mostly piece there are some pieces of applique so like the bunny is app is all pieced the this one has some stems in it if you didn't want to do stems I guess you could do you could figure out a way to put a piece and part there this is pieced yeah mostly piece like this one has wheels that are appliquéd but they basically did raw edge with fusible so that's very beginner friendly and this one has some eyes that are appliquéd so I would say a majority piece but there is a touch of applique and of course like with the eyes on this one if you didn't want to applique you could get some buttons from just another button company or you could get some buttons at Joanns and you could just add buttons there's always a way to get our way for about 2k that's a good quote there's always only how you'd get away from that bouquet that would be me I'm scared of it too so I'm right there with you Deloris on Facebook was asking will you be able to just buy the patterns for the people no I mean Riley Blake might in the future release them I doubt it but it's part of their program so they you know curated the patterns the fabric they put all this together for the program and then Bonnie says may be off topic but I thought Lord will judge Christmas book for Christmas will the kids be available for the quilt again we are hoping they will be available in February or March I have a little surprise yeah it's gonna be February or March I'll show you a little peek of something I'm working on this today so those yeah so those kids should be February or March we were just waiting on the fabric from Riley Blake the two ton quilts in the book we we already put them in there just so that the book is not all vintage Christmas and so um we at fat quarter shop have put together a so long for our store that we put together it's going to start in April it's gonna start in April and you can see in the book there's eight anyway so I'm gonna start mine today and these are two of the fabrics I'm gonna flash for you like a little snippet of it for like literally two seconds so that's gonna be the sew along but it's something that we colored we we put together so we're gonna do a little so along and you can make yours pink or blue or green or yellow we will have a kit for the blue one just to make it easy and then when we start well we'll of course say these are this is the sorry this is how many yards of the solid you would need this is how many yards of the gingham and this is how many yards of the dot so if you want to sew along with your own fabric from your stash so the point is that I'm gonna start sewing this today and I'm gonna test those fabric requirements because we put together on all the blocks separately we have to really test to make sure that hey that's enough yardage but that's gonna be something fun from that book also so that we use that book not just for Christmas and cherry beam she just had a funny about Brennan butter she said bread and butter cream and sugar kind of like my aunt renaming Bed Bath & Beyond to Bed Bath & Breakfast pit you know what's funny in New York when we were leavin here at the airport there is a Bed Bath & Beyond and Home Depot and I thought that's weird who's gonna go to I mean I get it but I was like oh there's actually like stuff here that's normal that's not a thousand dollars and as really see I wanted to know how many Ounces does your cup hold I don't know Kevin don't need this for Christmas it's a bigger one cuz he thought mine wasn't big enough no it's it holds it treinta Starbucks I know that um so who ever told me about yetis thank you so much because I didn't really know about them and I got one and then I got a couple more and a couple more sucked out of all over here I've gotten several in the kitchen I've got several at work several in the car so when I'm in the car I'll like dump my drink in there I love them okay 24 32 maybe we'll figure it out before next week it's um it's the bigger one okay so thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next week we've got lots of stuff and next Wednesday we will be doing a we're gonna do a cross-stitch series on beginner cross-stitch next Wednesday we're going to do just the basics on what are the supplies the week after we will be doing techniques and tips but next week for Friday's livestream I've got lots of quilting stuff and the works and I will see you guys next Wednesday or next Friday have a great weekend [Music] you
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 19,379
Rating: 4.910913 out of 5
Id: 2K92xO-8jM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 48sec (3948 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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