FlossTube #56: Join Kimberly for info on the Fabric Flair Club and more!

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(upbeat music) - Hi everybody, today is January 22nd, 2020, super excited to be here. And I am so excited to announce that we have a brand new Stitch Quarterly subscription. So you guys have been asking for like six months for us to have a Cross-stitch subscription box and we have put it together. I'm gonna pop up the logo and show you the logo that we came up with. So this is the logo you can look for on our site when you sign up. It's obviously a Cross-stitch box. We're gonna ship it quarterly and inside what you're gonna get is a full color cross stitch pattern. It's gonna be designed by it's Sew Emma stitchery, which is us. You're gonna get the fabric to stitch it on and the floss to complete it. You'll get a new or different notion each time a needle and a bonus goodie. And you'll also get, just like you would in Sew Sampler you're gonna get some coupons. So this is like a sneak peek of the first one. So you can probably figure out what fabric that is. And I stitched that. I'm so happy that my stitches are straight. It's 3998 plus shipping each quarter. And what we're gonna be doing is the patterns that we put in the subscription, you're gonna get that 45 days before anybody else. So it will be available on our site 45 days after that club ships. And the first one is right here. I'm obviously not gonna show it to you guys but I've spent about, I don't know, 16 hours this week stitching it. I'm almost done. So you can kind of see the colors. That's about all I'm gonna show you. It's really cute. Obviously we put a lot of times, months and months and months designing. So the first one ships in March and the theme is Homegrown. The second one is June and that one's called American Spirit. So it's gonna be a theme of America. So if you're from overseas, just kind of know that going ahead, September is called, Hey Pumpkin, and December is Santa Baby and big shout out to Jocelyn for drawing all of the designs and Sarah for plugging them in, Cody for doing the graphics and Denise just putting up with me in general day to day. So this has been like a big thing and I would love for you guys to join. It's gonna be very similar to Sew Sampler so if you are part of our quilting community our Sew Sampler is a monthly quilting box and it sells out and has been sold out for a while, so this is gonna be the same kinda thing. We have a certain amount that we ordered for March, all those supplies are here, but once that sells out it's gonna be the same kinda thing. So if you're interested in joining I would join now before it sells out. And that's what we have. So let me know if y'all have any questions. One thing I'll say is it's gonna be beginner friendly. So the cloth will be different. Sometimes it'll be the same, sometimes it will be different. You'll never get the same exact cloth each time. It's not always gonna be AIDA but it is gonna be very beginner friendly. I can tell you the first set is gonna have DMC floss. So that's about what I can tell you. - [Lilly] All right we have a lot of people that have already signed up. Dave Glocitor signed up, Pap Bro signed up, Janet (mumbles) just signed up, Kaymood signed up. Everyone's very excited. Eline Jackson just signed up and we have a question from Jane of (mumbles) saying, what stitch count will the fabric be in the stichy club? - So that's what I was talking about. It's gonna be all beginner friendly so I can tell you the first month is 14 count. Everything has been planned for the first year, it's all beginner friendly. So there won't be linen or anything like that but there could be, I'm trying to think of the cloth what it's even called. Anyway I can't really give it away, but it will be beginner friendly. If I can do it, you can do it because I have bad eyesight. So you're just gonna count on the fact that you trust me, that you can do it - [Lilly] All right. I don't know if we can answer this but M. Bailey is saying the stitches look so full and pretty two strands question mark. - Yes, two strings. - [Lilly] And Marsha Freeman was asking, what size is the design? - The first one is eight inches square. So pretty big. I would describe the first design as pretty big, pretty graphic, it would work great in a pillow or finished in a frame. We're gonna send it off to Priscilla to finish it for us. And so what Priscilla will do is you know, that way she usually gets her stuff at Hobby Lobby. So it'll be something easy that you guys can do too. - [Lilly] And then Linda Gillespie had said so happy for your Flossies which I think Flossies is just such a cute name. - It is, yay okay so we came up with that. So super, super excited just to announce that finally after working on it forever, we also had a request you know, we put in that new product requests system. And so one of the requests that we got was Fabric Flair. So Fabric Flair we started a new club and you can sign up for that now it's just called Fabric Flair 14 count AIDA Monthly Club. Now on that, we're only doing the 14 count we're not gonna do a linen and the reason why is like when we do the Wichelt club everyone signed up for AIDA and very few signed up for linens. So we're just gonna do the 14 count. And it's a club where you get a fat quarter of a 14 count AIDA every month. It's 2298 plus shipping. And it ships around the 15th of the month. And if you click on the product, you can see all of the months and exactly what you're gonna be getting. So unlike the Stitch Quarterly, where it's a surprise this is not a surprise. So these are a couple of the months that we have selected. This is March, this is April, July and August. And so they're all gonna be different. They're gonna be very neutral based. And I'm gonna tell you a little bit about Fabric Flair. So when we went to Needlework Market last March one of the vendors had their fabric and it's really nice. So I'll show you kinda what it looks like. So this is a fat quarter, it's really big, it's actually 18 by 27 so it's huge. So you could get a lot out of this and it's screen-printed, but it's beautiful. So like on one side it's white and on one side it's screen printed. And I really like the quality it's very soft, but not too stiff. And I like stitching on it. And so we just started that club and you guys had asked. So we started that. So if you wanna join that, that one is already half full. I will tell you that we launched that last Friday and it has been whoo wow, guys thank you for signing up because that one went quick, quick. So let me know if you have any questions on that and you can definitely comment and let me know, like which one are you most forward to looking forward to? If you're one of those people that signed up already because that one went, I mean, we're still gonna have spots and that one we're gonna be able to open up I'm not sure we'll have to ask the vendor when but that one was really quick. - [Lilly] All right. People are asking where to sign up. So we're putting those links in the chat for y'all and just a cool comment from Terry Lane. She said FQS groupie means having the flu for a week but making my doctor appointment today for after this is over. - Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. You've got to get some medicine that sounds horrible. - [Lilly] Oh, hope you feel better Terry. - Yes, that's oh, we have been so lucky in our house nobody has been sick this year. So we have been stitching on Quilty Love. So this is our stitch along, so we'll pop up kind of the, this is the pattern by Lori Holt and... - [Lilly] Oh sorry that's the winner. - There's our winner, I'll just go ahead and announce that that's Ginny Bodine she's our winner of the week and she's doing Americana theme and she's ahead. So we're on week three. So we're on that center week. And so that's that, this is the pattern. And here it is all in real life. So I'm just excited that I have stitched ahead of time and I don't have to stitch along. So really loving the fact that everybody has like totally stepped outside of the box and doing their own colors. And I'm gonna be doing something this weekend with this where I just do a little portion of it. And I'm hoping to have that framed and show you next week. Now next week's live stream is going to be on Tuesday because Lori Holt is coming to town for a photo shoot for a quilting book. So she will be here on Tuesday during the live stream. And she won't be there sitting in the live stream 'cause she's not like a live person. She doesn't like to do lives but she'll say, hi. This is Cody's. And so this is 10 count Laurie's cloth. And she is also doing red, white and blue just like our winner. Super cute. And then this one is Cheryl's I'm gonna put it below and then you can see. So Cheryl's is on the bottom and you can see how the color difference really makes a difference. So I've loved seeing everything. And we've got a lot of pictures. We're gonna pop up to show you. So this is Dotdotgoose. She's stitching along with us. And that is her cat, Mrs. Gracie. And she's doing hers, I don't know it kinda looks like sunflowers to me. And it kinda looks like Notre Dame colors. (mumbles) it's what? - [Denise] The Green Bay Packers. - Oh, Green Bay Packers. Well, that's close, football team hey! I should have known that. And this is Java girl stitches. This is Christie and she also has a YouTube channel. And Dotdotgoose has a bag company on Etsy and these two are BFFs. I love her colors here super pretty. And then we've got Stitching in the barn She also has a YouTube channel and I love that she's stitching this on linen. That looks really good. And I she's using the original colors but look at how good it looks so small. And then we've got tranquil stitches. This is Cheryl McKinney. And I love watching her channel. Just, I love when I watch her channel my favorite thing is her intro 'cause of her accent. And so she's doing Christmas colors and I love it. And she's also using linen, I think. And this is Mrs. Paulson. And so she is a customer and she's doing something different in between the rows. Instead of doing rick rack, you can see that she is doing a satin stitch instead of rick rack. And then we've got Scrappatches and hers is super cute. It looks like she's keeping the same pink and a red. And then she just changed the aqua. And that's super cute. And it looks like she's stitching on 10 count also. And this one, okay. I think she's using fancy floss and this is Jana Glosson and you can see that color variegation so she must be using some fancy floss. I'm not sure which brand. And then Tlgibbens is stitching hers. And that is super cute. I love the fact that each of the blocks is different. So instead of just using three colors she's using more than three. And this one, isn't it good right? - [Lilly] Yeah. - Lesa piercer and that dog. Oh my gosh. Can I have the dog? Can I just have the dog? She's pretty, she's like a model dog. - [Lilly] Yeah. - It looks like Fancy Floss on her first. Yes, and I love her colors. And this, okay she's the only person that I've seen stitching on black it's Fiona's craft cottage. And I think that's gonna look amazing when it's done. And this is Roseninselchen, my very first cross-stitch and now I'm hooked. Oh, I love that, it's her first. And Katrina Erickson. There's hers, she's keeping her colors the same and it looks like she's stitching on a smaller cloth. It's really cute. And then Lora Rogers Whitfield. - [Lilly] Woo. - I know I was like, Lilly's gonna love this one. - [Lilly] I do. - So she's like, it's Teresa Graham and she's totally done. And she has got the rick rack on and the buttons and she is ready to go. So let us know when you have that finished so we can see how you finished it. And then Debi Nicholson. Oh, well there's another black one with Americana so I was wrong. And this is the Academic Stitcher. And she is like a big fan. And I love that she's like always posting and I love that black and white. And Connieedunn super cute. And Ginny Bodine yay. - [Lilly] Yeah. - So let me know if you'll have any questions on Quilty Love like maybe comment and say, which one was your favorite? Like what color way are you loving and that kinda thing. It's been really nice to see what everybody's doing. - [Lilly] Yes, all right. Denise Henry had a question about the floss for the Floss Quarterly. She said, will the floss be Fancy Floss or DMC? - We're starting off with DMC you know, it could change in the future but I would just count on mostly being DMC. That was the way that we could keep our costs down. And we have a little bit more flexibility with DMC being able to obtain the floss and keeping the cost down of the subscription. - [Lilly] All right. And then Veronica Stevens wanted to know can I use the white tube frames instead of hoops? I think she means the Q snaps. - Yes. Oh yes, yes I used to, when I first started like a year ago getting back into Cross Stitch, 'cause I've crossed stitched since I was like 10. I was using Q snaps and then Priscilla and Chelsea like showed me how to do stitch in hand. And I started doing that, but yes, I like Q snaps. - All right. Peach had a great comment. She said, now I'm singing, ♪ Laurie Holt is coming to town ♪ - Oh my gosh. Now I'm gonna be singing that all day. - [Lilly] That's gonna be the theme. Yeah so she's coming in guys Friday night. So I'm gonna a dance convention am as a solo Friday at 11:00 AM. I'm not sure who runs these things or who thinks of these things. So I'm actually driving Thursday night to Huston and she's coming in Sunday. So I will get to see her Monday morning. But yes, I'm like, we don't need a solo. I'm like, what are we gonna do all day? Like, no, I would have not signed up if I knew. - [Lilly] Pat (mumbles) says, she was scrap patches and thanks for the shout out. - Yay! - [Lilly] Great job Pat. And then Verena Hugo says, sorry for the name. Hers was Rossen, I'm gonna try (speaks in foreign language) it means small Rose Island in German. - Oh my goodness. - [Lilly] So her real name's Verena Hugo. - Well, I tried to say, Lilly's really good at the names. - [Lilly] I also stumbled. - But it's also like more obvious. 'Cause I'm sitting here and you can see my lips and she can practice cause she can see it a couple of minutes before me. - [Lilly] Yep, yep. Okay and then question from Joe and Linda Fram. I am so beginner, I thought you started in the middle and these don't look like they're starting in the middle. - So like if you were across the tour in the 80's they always would say across stitch in the middle. And when they used to have people who aren't like, okay let's think back in the 80's guys PBS. The people who would teach you how to cross stitch on PBS, I used to watch them in the 80's and they always said start in the middle. But nowadays people start wherever. I usually start top left. For example, the stitch quarterly. When I started my design, I started in the top left and I started about an inch and a half from the edge. And I try to give at least two inches all the way around but you can start wherever. And that's kinda just as long as you just figure out like what your finished size should be an add to that then you should be good. - [Lilly] And Christine Garner was asking how long does a stitch along last? - Oh, I don't know. You wanna pull that picture up? - [Lilly] Yes I do. - I think it's three more weeks. I don't remember the exact date so we can pull it up and then that way I won't give you the wrong answer. So can you read that Lilly? - [Lilly] February 12th is the last day. Thanks Denise 'cause I could not read that. - Yeah, we're blind over here. I'm definitely blind. - [Lilly] Okay, Caroline Winter was asking, will more patterns be available as downloads in the future? - For PDFs if the vendors allow us to do PDFs, we will. We have chosen on cross-stitch to just not do that at this time just because for financial reasons. But you know, we could change our mind in the future. We do our quilting patterns on PDF, but to be able to pay for the like, we have to order so much paper. So we have to be able to sell through that paper. I know it sounds kinda funny but it's just a financial thing right now. And we might, you know, it depends how well it sells. If it starts selling crazy yes, maybe we could in the future. And so if you have been a fan or have been watching we did a big stitch along in December and it was called Christmas Alphabet. And so I have mine finished, Priscilla and Chelsea finished theirs. I was gonna show you Cheryl's. So this is Cheryl's Christmas Alphabet. She stitched it on historic page 32 count even weave. Isn't it pretty? So pretty. So I did mine on black, she did hers on cream. Laurie did hers more on a Brown. So pretty. So when Cheryl finishes that will bring it. And so you can see it all finished up. And then, okay, so first I'm gonna pop up an image. That's gonna show you. Okay, so Laurie, this is how creative Laurie is. She bought this, basically she took her cross-stitch with her to Hobby Lobby knowing what size it was. And she got this sign at Hobby Lobby and painted it picket fence with her paint, we sell her paint it's called Chalky Chicks Paint. And so she used mat board from the framing section for the stitch piece and the fabric. And this is how she turned that into this. - [Lilly] Aah! - Isn't it beautiful? So this right here this is a fabric. Let me see what, so this is one of her Bee Basics fabrics. And so that's how you can get really creative just finding a wood piece. And so she painted it and you can see that she antiqued it like after she painted it, she emptied it slightly. And on the back of the frame, we think the skew number is 146-5939. If you wanna find this at Hobby Lobby. So it's so pretty. So thank you for showing that to us. So let me know if you have any questions on anything I've shown so far before I keep going. - [Lilly] Priscilla and Chelsea said beautiful Cheryl for Cheryl's piece. - Yes she used the quilt for colors in the original pattern. - [Lilly] All right and Tina Rudin was asking and you don't grid the fabric beforehand, right? - I don't grid the fabric. So when I first started getting back into cross stitch I'm a big fan of Reddit, which is like, I don't know what you would describe it as, but it's basically you can just go and you can follow things you like. So you can follow quilting or cross-stitch or pictures of dogs or true crime, or you know whatever you're interested in. So it's a way for me to know what's going on in the world but filter it so that I don't have to see all the negativity coming in because I do not like all that. So one of the things that I kept seeing on my cross stitch search was like this gridding. So I was like, well, maybe I'm missing out. And I even remember asking Cheryl like two years ago, "Do you grid like, this is the thing?" And she was like, no, I don't do that. She was like, I don't know what you're talking about. So it's like a thing that people do and they grid every 10, they grid their fabric. So I thought, well, I'm gonna try it so I can show it on Flosstube. And I tried it for about five minutes and was like, yeah no, thanks. It was just, it pooled the holes bigger and so I felt like it was gonna distort my piece, but they're awesome if you wanna know about gridding, there are lots of YouTubers out there who have done videos on it. It's just kinda not for me. Like I just didn't, I didn't really feel it. So I don't ever wanna get on a channel and like pretend I know something that I don't. For me, it was just I felt like it was gonna distort my holes in my piece. And I'm a little OCD. So I was like not having that. - [Lilly] All right. Lisa Maria was asking, how do we tag you so we can show you our work. - You can use the hashtag or you can just do @FatQuartershop. - [Lilly] Yes. - Right Lilly? - [Lilly] Or @Fqsxstitch on Instagram. - Okay. - [Lilly] And then and these hashtags that were popping up for you right now on the screen, if you use them on your Instagram and Facebook, we can find you. - Yeah 'cause we go through and that's how we find our like, pictures that we show. - [Lilly] Yes and if you're not already a member of Kimberly stitch squad Facebook group, that is another way. - Yeah, so we have a Facebook group. It's all about positivity. If that's all we're about. So if we see, like if you get on there and you start doing negative stuff I'm just gonna take you out and I'm not gonna feel sorry for it at all because I don't like negative people, I don't like negative energy, I don't like any of that. So I want all of you guys to come and just share all your stuff. It's really fun to get in there and see everything that people do. I mean, right now, like there's a lot of quilting and there's a lot of cross-stitch. And even sometimes people will show crochet which is really cool. So it's just a crafty place to like encourage people and just really, you know see what other people are doing and love it. And we're not there to critique anybody or to say, I don't like the color. That's not what we're about there. So it's just all about fun and positivity. - [Lilly] Yeah, supporting each other. All right, Pat Dearth says, when does the first quarterly cross-stitch club ship, love your shop and videos Kimberly? - March 4th. Oh, I was gonna say 5th that was close March 4th. My birthday is March 7th. So it's close. We're gonna celebrate my birthday with it. - [Lilly] Ooh all right. Deanna Seidenberg was asking if I cross-stitch, not yet. - She tried it. - [Lilly] I tried it, I liked it. I just, I tend to bite off more than I can chew with everything I do. - She starts too hard. - [Lilly] Yeah I start too hard and I try to like I'm trying to do that. And like, sew a quilt and sew a dress and fix up my house. Like I'm trying to do too many things. - And she like will be like, "Oh, I'll make a Quilt." "Okay like I'm not gonna make a baby quilt, "I'm gonna make a twin or a queen." - [Lilly] I don't do small. - Yeah so... - [Lilly] And I take on way too much. So that's why. - So Bloom Topia is about to start. And I wanted to just like say a huge, thank you. We're now at 15,157.99. So we raised in the last week, $3,000, which is so amazing. We're trying to get to 30,000 from our customers. And then Kevin and I are gonna give 10,000 Mark Dunn from Motive Fabrice is gonna give 10,000. We're gonna need 50,000. And then we have told Kevin he has to get on livestream when we get to 50 so... And he was like, "Why did you tell people "I was gonna do that?" I was like, you said you would, but we'll see. So Bloom Topia is the way that we're raising money for Make-A-Wish. Here's our beautiful piece that I stitched and Priscilla finished it for me. And it is gonna be a free so long. It starts February 1st. It's gonna go through June and on the 1st and the 15th, we're gonna give parts of it. It's completely free guys. And then we just ask that if you, if you have $15 to get $15 to Make-A- Wish so that we can raise money for Make-A-Wish. And so we're saying, grab your supplies. It's really been fun to see what everybody's grabbing and getting. So this is our fill pack, our DMC pack. And that is what I used DMC. The fabric that I used is 25 count Lugana and Pewter. And we had these cute little bags to carry your stuff in. So I just wanted to show you some images that were gonna pop up to show you what other people are doing so that you don't have to feel like you have to do it in my colors. And what we do the charity event we've been doing this for years and years and years, we have a quilt that we do for charity and that's, we always try to raise a lot of money but we thought well, we can bring cross stitch in it to pick our floss, we matched it to our quilts. And that's how we came up with our floss. But I was gonna show you how other people have come up with their stuff. So this is Janhickscreates. She also has a YouTube channel. She does lots of really cool things that are harder. So if you're looking to challenge yourself and she's using Weeks Dye Works and those colors are fabulous. And she does a lot of tutorials on hers. Marcia Baker and she got a gift certificate from her daughter and this is what she got. And so she's got some Bloom Topia, she's got some quilty and she's got some triangles on a roll, she's got to grab it, super cute. - [Lilly] She's already. - And then this is Rmwgersh. And so it looks similar. She might've added a little purple. And that gray cloth is pretty. And then we've got Carocjs from North Carolina. And so she looks like she's gonna be doing the quilts and the cross stitch. So that's super amazing. So you can see that the box on the left is how our uilt kit comes. And then the box on the right is how the backing comes. And then you can see her floss and her bag that she's got. So she's ready to stitch. And this is Flamangotango. And those colors are really pretty. I love that navy and the blue. Those are really pretty. - [Lilly] Is also amazing Instagram name, I love it. - And then, oh this is Stitching in the barn. She also, she's one of our stitchers also with quilty love and she has got a YouTube channel. And so she's gonna be stitching with us. And this is the red thimble. And I think she's sticking with our colors and I'm not sure about the cloth, but that's really pretty. She's ready to go. And this is Allegro stitches she's stitching on 32 count vintage stormy night Lugana and she's got similar colors. It looks like she's added in some purple. It looks really it's gonna be really pretty. There we go, so that's, so we hope that you're gonna stitch along with us and all the information, if you want to find all the information on what, sorry all the information on what you need to stitch along all that information is on the blog. So if you're somebody who's like I really need to pick colors in person and you need to go to your local needlework store or Michael's to pick your floss that's totally okay. We just would love for you to give the $15 to Make-A-Wish but all of the requirements on what you would need, the size, the finished size, all of that is on our blog so that you can be ready to stitch with us on February 1st. - [Lilly] All right, Liz Sala says, for those who donated how will we receive the patterns? - Oh, okay everything is going to be released on our blog. And so you can find the links there and we'll have some landing pages that are there and then we will be talking about it on February 1st. So, you know, if you have any questions you can always ask us either live or later and we'll answer, Ashley will answer you. - [Lilly] Yes, Lois Stall says can I donate to Bloom Topia on the website? - So yes, one of us can answer below and we'll give you a link. And that money goes directly to Make-A-Wish. We never see the money, it goes directly there. We've already granted one wish. And so we're hoping that we can get to five is our goal for this year. - [Lilly] All right. Sauskia says, Oh gosh hi, I'm flamangotango. - Oh hi. - [Lilly] Hi, Sauskia, great work. And Janae Combs was just saying, hi Fat Quarter Shop Flosstube. I love the Facebook group, it has helped me so much with crosshatching quilting. - Thank you yes and so it's really good because so many of us will just answer. And one of my favorite things on the stitch squad is when people put like two quilting fabrics or something, it'll say which one for the back or and then you can like interact. And it's funny because when I answer half the time when I answer I answer something like I don't pick the popular piece. I'm like, I must be really bad at picking stuff because I always pick the one that nobody else picks. - [Lilly] All right and Laura Whitfield was asking will the chart be released in pieces or all at once? - In pieces. And so like, the way it'll be released is piece one. And then when piece two comes out it's gonna show piece one piece two. And then when piece three comes out it's gonna have one, two, and then three that kinda thing. And then at the very end in June you could get the whole chart and it's gonna stay free forever. We're just hoping to use the money for Make-A-Wish. So Valentine's day is coming up. And so Denise and I decided to get crafty over here. And so we put this video on our channel. If you haven't subscribed to our YouTube channel we would love for you to subscribe. We have a video on how you can make this pillow. And I just wanna say, thanks guys because y'all have sent the most positive comments to me on making this pillow. And I was so nervous making it. And I was like, "Oh my gosh, it's not perfect." And you guys made me feel so good by putting all those really nice comments, which really, really is nice. - [Lilly] Yay. - Yay, and so there's this, and we have a kit for this. The kit is just a cross stitch kit it doesn't have the fabric or anything. And then Denise stitched, this. This is called Lovebirds. - [Lilly] Ooh. - It's cute right? - [Lilly] It's so pretty. - And we're sold out of the kit until about Monday because you guys bought all the kits so fast. So we should have kits on Monday. So those are the two new things we did for Valentine's day this year, and then last year Shelby stitched this for us. And this is Quaker Heart by the Stitcherhood. And we have the pattern and we have some kits. - [Lilly] So pretty. - And just because, I mean Denise and I just must love Valentine's day. We're also gonna be doing a kit of this. This is Love Whirligig by Heart in Hand. 14 count oatmeal, vintage. - [Denise] It's Lori's cloth. - It's Lori's cloth. So this is a 14 count, AIDA and oh, sorry. 14 count AIDA. And so she's stitching it super, super cute. We'll have a kit available soon. You're almost done. It's really, really pretty. I think I'm gonna make it too. 'Cause you know, I gotta make everything. So I would love to know like do you like Valentine's day, do you celebrate? Do you decorate your house on Valentine's day? You know, which one of these do you like the best? I don't know, just fun stuff. - [Lilly] Yeah, we're getting lots of love in the comments for the video that you did on the pillow. Lots of people being thankful that you did the binding part in the video. They really appreciated that. And let's see, Sherry Ainsworth was asking when you do six trans, do you separate them first? - I don't. You're supposed to, but I don't. I'm lazy about that. - [Lilly] All right. And Dylan de Garcia Kooner was asking have you heard of monk fabric for Swedish weave? - So I've heard of monk fabric, but we don't stock it. I think it's kind of, I think it might be even looser than the 10 count, but yeah, I don't know much about it. - [Lilly] Coleen Isaac was asking, is it still necessary to count up down, et cetera in the cloth? Or can you just start in one corner? - I just start at one corner. I just make sure that my cloth is big enough before I start. - [Lilly] We have a lot of love for Valentine's day, Leisha Merissa she got married around Valentine's day. That's really special. - Yay I got married on February 1st. Surmise let's see what year are we on Lilly? - [Lilly] Oh, it's 2020. - So 17 years coming up. - [Lilly] Wow! - I know I'm getting old. - [Lilly] Also special though. Denise Henry said just signed up for (mumbles) Quarterly Box can't wait to see what we'll be bringing, who will the designer for cross stitch patterns be? - So it's us as a team and we basically do an internal Pinterest board something like that. And I send ideas, everybody sends ideas and then Jocelyn draws them up. Like she's an artist, she can really draw. And then we take that and then Sarah figures out how to grid it. So it's like a big team effort, big team effort. - [Lilly] Confetti cannon for your many years of marriage and happy anniversary to anyone else's. - Yeah, I'm gonna be out of town I realized, I'm gonna be out of town on my anniversary for like I don't know how many years 'cause she's going to some dance convention, but that's fine. He'll probably come to the hotel we'll see. But yeah. - [Lilly] All right. Catherine McMillan was asking, can people in the UK join in with Bloom Topia? - Yes, yes. And you can donate yes. - [Lilly] All right, Louis (mumbles) thanks for the donation page. Donated $25 have a happy day. Thank you, Louis. We hope everyone here has a happy day too. - Yes, so last week I just wanted to show you, I show these. They came out like a long time ago, but we really liked them, somebody requested them in our product requests. And so they're called months of the year and in each pack you get two patterns and you get the floss, super cute right? So Cheryl decided to go home and already started them. So look at this. She got these Friday, we're on Wednesday. Let's just be real here. Is it upside down let me see. - [Denise] No you have it right. - Okay, so she's got January completely done and February is more than half done and she started on Friday. So guys, it is so cute, I love it. And she has stitched on 32 count vintage country Mocha Lugana and she's using the fancy floss that comes in the back. So that is so awesome that's so pretty. It makes you want to like hurry up. The only reason I haven't started is because I've been doing the club, stitching the club, so that's super cute. And then we have some new items. I'm just gonna show you a bunch of new items. So when I was in where'd they go? Branson Missouri, this summer, I went to a store. I can't think of the name right now, but I went to a store and they had these patterns and they're different. They're the four seasons. And I bought them all because I liked them. And they're the pattern. And then this one, they come with the floss and it is a bell swath. So it's silk floss, I've never used it, but like one has blue. The other two, I can't show because it shows the pattern is open towards the back. So these have come in and I'm definitely stitching these. I love them. And so we just waited until a little house could fill the order for us since they were silk. But that is they're beautiful those came in yesterday. And then we got in our product requests a lot of requests for larger pieces and smaller counts. So this is just an example of one. This is 32 count platinum that we got but we got a lot of them. We got a lot of different pieces. And so if you're looking in our site you can search by size and count. And then we have some new patterns. This is Bed and Breakfast by the Little Stitch Girl. And I've already, this is part of her new series. So she has a video on this that I watched. She has a new series it's gonna be Halloween series. I can't remember all the details but it's a lot of patterns. So this is her first release in that. Shannon and Christine always has cute stuff. So this is fresh cut roses. There's three patterns. So I'm gonna show you the three and then I'm gonna show you how you can finish it or four, four yeah, four. But if you want to make it into one piece really pretty, right. Totally my colors, totally match my house. And then she has some new ones. This is a craft room, Excuse The Mess. And just Craft Room. Cute, right? So just some new things that we have. And I hope that I have inspired your stitching. So let me know like what questions you guys have. Just remember, we do have some more shout outs but next live stream is going to be next Tuesday with Laurie in the background. - [Lilly] All right. A lot of people are wondering, what does Cheryl stitch on like a Q snapper, hooper stitch in hand. And what is her secret to stitching so fast? - Okay, so Denise is gonna walk to her desk and get her hoop. And she uses a special hoop. We do sell it, but it's different than and I don't know how she stitches so fast. First of all, she has amazing eyesight. She does use a light. I don't remember exactly which one but she doesn't use a magnifier. I use magnifier on 14 count. She's over here stitching on 32 count with, and she's fast but we'll show you the hoop. Denise went to get it, but she just stitches so fast. 'Cause when Denise told me this morning she already did it, I said, when did you get him? And then I heard Cheryl in the background. 'Cause I had called on the way. I always called Denise on the way to work 'cause I get here literally five minutes before the live stream starts. And Cheryl said, "Oh, I bought him Friday." - [Lilly] All right. Denise had said it's a Spring Tension Frank Edmonds hoop. And Ashley's saying that Cheryl stitches at least five hours a day. - Oh, well there you go. So it's this and then like you put it in... [Denise] Do you want paper (mumbles) - Yeah, I guess. Oh yeah you use that? So Denise was using this, do you like it Denise? - [Denise] Yeah, I love it. - Okay so I'm gonna try to do it. I'm gonna do it on the table. - [Lilly] Okay. - And you can see the hoop mark. - [Denise] It's tough (mumbles) - It's harder to do (mumbles). - [Lilly] Ah! - Did I do it right Denise? - [Denise] Yes, that's how I do it. - But I think you're supposed to put this at the top of whatever, whatever. - [Lilly] Ooh it looks super cute. - It's cute right? - (mumbles) Oh, sorry Cheryl. She's gonna watch this later, sorry dropped your... - [Lilly] Yeah getting lots of love for Cheryl. (mumbles) says Cheryl's nickname is super Stitcher. - Yes. - [Lilly] (mumbles) has to be known as the super stitcher. - I feel like I do, like so I went to dance convention this weekend and I stitched seven hours on Saturday. And then I think maybe six on Sunday and I still didn't finish the charity. Oh not the charity the New Stitch Subscription Box. I was stitching it and I was supposed to be done on Monday and I didn't finish. I just have a little bit, I have like that much left and I'm like fast, but Cheryl she could probably do circles around me. - [Lilly] All right, I got a few Q commons here. Kim West said my anniversary is the 2nd of February. So we generally celebrate both together. This year is my 25th, congratulations. - Wao! - [Lilly] That's amazing. Confetti cannon for you. And peach says, oh, I use those hoops too. I feel like a pro using what Cheryl uses. - Yes. - [Lilly] That's great. All right and then we have a question from Mary Keenan and she says what can you tell us about cross-stitch market? I have seen lots of on quilt market but since returning to cross-stitch last summer I had never heard of cross-stitch market. - So cross-stitch it's called Needlework Market and it's just for store owners. So like with quilting what they do is they have a quilt market for store owners and they have a quilt festival for consumers. For Needlework Market they don't, but there are some bigger shows around the US that you can go to. And I can't think of the name of the one but there's one that's really big that you can go to. So maybe we can, maybe Priscilla, can you tell me email me something on that? And then I can tell everybody where to go to. So Needlework Market is March 7th. It's actually on my birthday this year. Denise and Cheryl will be going because I will be at a dance convention because like I said my kids come first and I'll just be texting the whole time. I'd be like, show me this, go to this room show me this buy this, but it'll be okay. I mean, I will be sad to miss, but it's, you know she's already 12. I only have like six more years. - [Lilly] Wow, Karen Cox says what fabric would you use on the four pattern Summer, Winter, et cetera. I do not cross stitch, but those were awesome could be a reason to start, yes. - I think I would do Vintage Country Mocha 14 count but let's read what she says. Okay, fabric suggestion. And I'm not pulling it out because I don't want you to see the chart. It says fabric, suggestion sorry. My words are not coming out correctly today. I really apologize guys. Fabric suggestion, 30 count cocoa from Weeks Dye works, stitch the design with two strands of floss over two threads, stitch count 87 by 87. So we don't have that. We don't have that fabric 30 count by Weeks but... And at the store they didn't have the store that I did, they didn't have them stitched up or anything like that at the store. - [Lilly] Okay, I'm seeing a lot of people who are also saying they've started cross stitch recently, so congrats to you. - Yes, it's good to just have something to do. - [Lilly] Yeah and then we also have more anniversaries that I would just like to shout out. Christine Gardner 27 years on January 25th and then Cindy Vat, 43rd year this year. That's amazing you guys. - Wao! - [Lilly] Oh my gosh! Oh, 47 years for Karen Ting's dad wow! - Oh my goodness. - [Lilly] On Valentine's day. Oh my gosh, that just warms my heart. - Yeah see, I didn't get to get actually don't get any gifts, but that's okay. I really don't, I really don't care. But when we used, when we were like younger and we did do that, I would get one. And I'm like, you can't combine them. You cannot do that. Now I get nothing and that's okay. I really, I mean all I really want is to like my kids, like, that's it, it doesn't matter. - [Lilly] Yeah, Doreen Duskin had said Galleria is the consumer market? Galleria sorry. - Okay, so I don't know much about it. I just shop here. Like if I wanna send a Valentine's day I would just tell Kevin, go to Denise's office. She can get something for, I mean that's ridiculous. Like a (mumbles) them for myself no, for free. - [Lilly] That's great. Janine Comb said, does Kimberly have any recommendations on keeping the tension equal and stitching in hand? - So I try to never stitch if I'm having a bad day or if I'm stressed or if I feel tension, you know, if I have tension like right here in my back or my shoulders. And so I do try to, if I'm stressed, I won't stitch but I just try to, when I pull the thread through I try not to yank it. I try to just make sure it lies flat and just that's why also I don't go so fast 'cause if I go too fast, my stitches they don't lie flat, I guess. But I'm just you know, and I think it's just practice, like practice makes perfect. And I've just gotten better at it. I mean, but honestly if Priscilla and Chelsea weren't like, you can do it, you can do it, like tell me 20 times. One time Chelsea told me you're Kimberly Jolly, you can do it. And I was like, okay, you're right. I'm Kimberly Jolly, I can do it. Like it took like somebody telling me, yes you can do it, you can do it. And it has been helpful 'cause then I don't have to have all that extra stuff. - [Lilly] All right do you wanna do shout outs? - Yeah. - [Lilly] All right. - Okay, So Karen Rollins emailed me and she just got back into cross stitch and she just finished this. So I wanted to show it. We don't sell the pattern but I believe it's a dimensions or something like that. And I think she got it at Michael's. It's really pretty. And then I just wanna give a big shout out to Taunja Kelvington, she's always an inspiration. She as a quilter and she does really cute stuff. And she posted this, this weekend and she basically put part of a chart into a monk rug. And I thought it was really cute. And I just wanted to show you guys but she does great quilting stuff. And Denise is telling me that the Santa is from the gold collection. Yay! - [Lilly] I'm seeing a lot of anniversaries with very high numbers up there. So I'm just gonna shout all of you out right now and give you a big confetti cannon. Congrats to everyone. I thought the funniest one was from Amy Clayton who said I was married on leap day in 2000. My fifth anniversary is this year. - Oh my gosh, okay so Kevin's sister, his middle sister is born I think on leap day. - [Lilly] Oh that's great. - I'm pretty sure and she's like complains about all the time. - [Lilly] So yay, well, they're not that old. - Yeah - [Lilly] That's great. Okay and then Angela Stoutnvery said cross stitching keeps her hands busy so she doesn't snack really helps. She lost 44 pounds the last year and a half. - Oh my goodness. - [Lilly] That's incredible congratulations Angela. - That's what I needed to do. But see I need to carry my cross stitch in my kitchen 'cause you know what my kids did they went and bought girl scout cookies. I was like no, don't buy them cause I'll eat them. And then, okay. So then the other day, Piggy I take him to daycare every day. I know it's ridiculous don't tell me, but I love my dog. So I was putting him in the car. And when I put him in the car, I put a little blanket down. So he doesn't scratch my car. And I don't want hair dog here everywhere. And in the bottom, like where your feet go, there was a box of girl scout cookies, just chilling in my car I was like what? So I think Emma had them when I took her to school and she was gonna take them and she forgot. And I was like not only do we have girl scout cookies hiding in Kevin's office, downstairs, all over our house. And there's one box left. So we're gonna have to get more. - [Lilly] Yes. - I love girl scout cookies. - [Lilly] Me too. - I used to be a girl scout my funny story is I used to be a girl scout. I do not like to be outside. That is like a thing I don't wanna camp, I don't wanna be outside, I don't like it. When I was a little kid, I would sit in the house. I would never go to my friend's house. I just couldn't do it, I hated to go outside. So my parents used to send me to the girl scout camp that was torture and hell. But I liked being a girl scout I didn't wanna do any of the stuff. I didn't wanna swim, I didn't wanna camp, I didn't wanna walk ,I didn't wanna do anything. So I just, I hated it, mom. And I would beg her to go and she would have to save her money and then I would hate it. And she's like, "Oh my gosh, you're gonna make us broke." - [Lilly] That's hilarious. - It was not funny then. And they had nasty food and they didn't have tea. - [Lilly] Oh no tea that's the deal breaker. - I've always been a tea person. - [Lilly] What's your favorite flavor of the girl scout cookie? - Okay, the chocolate peanut butter. The peanut butter with the chocolate. - [Lilly] That's Cruz's favorite. - I will eat a whole box. - [Lilly] Yeah. - Like if there's a box, I will eat all of them. - [Lilly] Yeah mine's, they used to be called Samoas. Now they're caramel delights. - Yes. - [Lilly] Those are my favorite. - Christopher brought me one to my office the other day. I was like, what is this? He's like, it's a cookie for you. I was like, okay. - [Lilly] That's adorable. - I like the peanut butter patties too. Do you like those? - Yeah and that's all of them. I don't do mint with chocolate, but that's just me. - Oh Kevin bought five boxes from Kelly, five, right? Four boxes, yes. - [Lilly] I bought five. - And he will hide them in his desk. - [Lilly] That's great. Oh yes, comment below your favorite flavor of girl scout cookies. And we have some people who don't know what girl scout cookies are. - Okay, okay. So girl scout cookies are okay. So girl scouts are obviously like a, it's like a civic organization and it's a way for you to join and you can earn badges so you can learn how to sew or you can learn how to camp or light a fire or, you know, donate your time to charity. You get these badges. Well, so they need to make money so they, it was early. The lady who did it, it was way early. So there's two bakeries. So depending on where you live in the United States you can get different flavors. I do know that and so that's how they make money. It's $4 a box and the girl Scouts sell them. So around here, like, they'll go to Walmart or Target or Randall's, H-E-B. The other day, Emma said something like, "Oh did you see "the girl Scouts?" I didn't even see them. I was like, where? But different businesses will let them, you know, sit outside and sell their cookies. And that's how they raise money. And then they raise money to be able to go to like the camp thing that I hated or things like that or trips or, but it's a very good, it's similar to the boy Scouts and the boy Scouts sell popcorn. So did you know that? - [Lilly] Yeah I did know. - It's expensive popcorn don't ever buy it 'cause it's really expensive. One time we bought it and Kevin and I were like, "That was a lot of," we were like, "It's not like the girl Scouts where you get "really good cookies." - [Lilly] That's great, pro tip from Gabriel Flintos, he says freeze the thin mints before you eat them. That's what Kevin does. - [Lilly] Oh, there you go. All right. Cheryl Pleura had a question. She says, if the pattern calls for classical works and FQs is selling DMC is there a conversion on the pattern for the colors? - It depends who the designer is or the pattern is? So some designers will list both, some don't and there is not an official DMC conversion chart just because classic color works is more of like an art and they don't want you to ever get it and think, okay that doesn't match 'cause it's not supposed to be a match. It's supposed to be a variegated look. So there's not like an official conversion but we do sell both. Yay so guys have a great week. If you are across District, we would love for you to subscribe to our YouTube channel. And I will see you guys next Tuesday. - All right, bye everyone. (machine stitching)
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop FlossTube
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Keywords: flosstube fat quarter shop, fqs flosstube, fat quarter shop cross stitch
Id: no8QxyqwIcc
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Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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