Behind the Seams: Last livestream of the year! ((GIVEAWAY CLOSED))

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(uplifting music) - Good morning, everyone. Today is December 18th- - [Lilly] 13th oh, sorry, 18th. - 18th. Sorry, it's not on my screen. So today is December 18th, 2020. I'm Kimberly Jolly from Fat Quarter Shop and we're on Block 13 of Sewcialites. So, I'm very excited that a lot of you have found us through the designers and are now kind of joining us. And it's not too late to get caught up because we're gonna have a break for two weeks and so you can get all of your blocks done. We are doing three inch, six inch and nine inch-blocks, completely free patterns with great designers. Today we're on Block 13 by Susan Ache and the block is called, "Joy." So I'm gonna show you the three that I made, first. I made these with the Homestead Collection by April Rosenthal. And then I used this white background from "On The Farm" and the SKU is 20708-36. So these are my three blocks. And I was pretty careful on the stripes, just to make sure they all go the same way. Now, at the very end of this program I'm gonna put this into a quilt and this into a quilt and these two quilts will be auctioned off for Make-A-Wish. And then I will keep this one just so that we have a record of Sewcialites, the very first Sewcialites. So this is the block we're doing today. Super easy because it's just eight flying geese and then a two-patch. And then hopefully this week when I do it I will do the two-patch correct. And it kinda makes, if you look, it kinda makes a little churn dash in the center. - [Lilly] Aah. - [Kimberly] Yeah, like it kinda does a little- So that's kinda cool. So these are my blocks and we're pressing open, but you can press however you would like. All of these blocks, again, are free on the Fat Quarter Shop website. And we're on Block 13 today. And these are our sample maker blocks. This one is, "Quotation," by Zen Chic and Teresa made it. This one is, "Figs & Shirting," by Fig Tree and Deborah made it. And I think it's pretty cool that these two are both yellow and both three inches. And then this one is, "Folktale," by Lella Boutique and Terry made this one. This one is, "Shine On," by Bonnie & Camille and Sue made this one. And this one is made by Angel and it's, "Cider," by BasicGrey. So you can see that you can do a different look with all of these. So you can do any kinda style. You can do traditional, you can do modern, you can do whatever you want. So I'm gonna show you now how to make this one. And I do want to show you, some people pressed open and some people did not. So it's up to you how you would like to do it. So you can see two people didn't put, three people didn't press open and two did. The reason I'm pressing open is so when we put it together in the setting that hopefully there's not too many seams that butt up. But it's up to you how you would like to do it. So we'll set the sample makers aside. And, okay, so we're on Block 13. And at the end of this I am going to do how to do the backing. (pages rustling) - Ooh. - So that's exciting. And it's just gonna be kinda made-up as I go. So, the fabric I'm gonna use today... I'm gonna use this fabric. I might need a little bit more than this, but we'll see. So I'm going to... Just mark these off. This one's marked, "Intermediate," but it could be considered, "Beginner." It's kinda one of those on the fence. - [Lilly] Confident beginner maybe? - [Kimberly] Yeah, there you go. And this time, what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna do A and C all at one time and then we're gonna go back and do the rest, cutting. Because that way I won't mess up. So I'm gonna, actually on here, A and C, I'm gonna chain-piece this and subcut it. So for A and C, it's supposed to be one and a half by two and a half. So two and a half times four is 10. So I need about 10 inches, which is that. So I'm going to actually just iron these together. Right sides together. And we're going to do my little trick method and see if it works. (blocks clacking) (press whining) So it's supposed to be one and a half inches wide. I'm gonna cut a little sliver off just to have a straight edge. And then I'm gonna cut it a little bit wider than one and a half. I'm gonna do one and three quarters. And we're going to just sew down this strip and subcut my little two-patches. Now you can do it the traditional way which is cutting four one and a half by two and a half inch rectangles and then four one and a half by two and a half inch rectangles I just want to do this to save time especially since we're doing this on camera and this is what I do at home. So, this morning I had to wind a bobbin, so I have to re-thread (chuckles) my machine. I didn't thread my machine, sorry. So Christmas is coming. We have a little countdown every morning. My son changes the little thing. - [Lilly] Aw. - [Kimberly] So how many- Let's see, if it's the 18th, 19, 20th, (whispers) Yeah, seven days to Christmas. - [Lilly] Whoa! - [Kimberly] I know. I'm getting to see my- - It is. Brother. We're just doing a Christmas with just my mom and my brother and his wife and his two kids. (machine whirrs) (knobs clicking) - [Lilly] Nice. - [Kimberly] But that's the only Christmas we're doing. (sewing machine whirrs) And I thought about it. I thought, "You know, it's probably the first time "Kevin hasn't seen, "Kevin's mother hasn't seen him at Christmas in 45 years." - [Lilly] Wow! - [Kimberly] So, (paper rustling) Let's see. So now I'm going to... I'm actually gonna move this. So this is the fabric I'm working with, just so you can see. This is the Homestead line. This is the white-on-white I'm using. And I'll just move this out of the way so that I have a little bit of room. (articles rustling) And let's see. Okay. So what I'll do here, (steam iron squeaking) press my seam flat, (steam iron hissing) press to one side, (steam iron squeaking) then press open. And when I first started this technique, sometimes I'd do it wrong. Sometimes I cut the width wrong. So I will say that sometimes I make a mistake when I'm doing this and that's okay. (hands thudding) So now I'm going to, since this was one and a half and one and a half, I'm gonna trim a one and a quarter on each side because one and a half minus a quarter inch seam is one and a quarter. And I made a quilt yesterday and I did this on almost every single step, I was able to do this. So, now that's two and a half. And now I need to make two and a half inch squares. So what I will do then is use my ruler, but my ruler's not here. Two and a half. (faintly speaking) Yep. - [Lilly] Oh? - [Kimberly] It's probably down here. No, it's not. So usually... You think it's over there? Usually I just use the two and a half inch square so I don't have to think, but we don't see it. (Lily faintly speaking) - [Kimberly] Okay, so usually I would just use the two and a half so I wouldn't have to think, but we can just use this. And we're gonna hope that we have enough at the end to have a two and a half. Ooh, we do. (ruler clatters) So now I have my four patches done for the outside. For my inside, my B, I need to cut a two and a half inch square. Oh yeah, where is it? 'Cause that's what I would cut my two and a half inch square with, I had it last week. - Yeah. (tools clatter) - [Kimberly] Because I used it. Let me see if it's in here. (Lilly faintly speaking) (Kimberly shuffles stuff around) - [Kimberly] Okay. Maybe it's in a bucket. I don't know. I'm sure that it's my fault because I always move stuff. (cutter thuds) Maybe it's in here. No. Yeah, I use that two and a half all the time, so we'll just get a new one. - [Lilly] Hmm. - [Kimberly] So here I will I usually just use the ruler, but since I don't have that I will just kind of cut the smallest I can off so that I have the littlest amount of waste. And I will give you guys a tease that in January we have a, you know how we do a sew-along, Well, not a sew-along, but like a little free pattern each year to use your scraps with. And so I actually made one of the blocks last night. It was a ton of fun. And it's pretty different than the last couple of years. So let's see. So for A, I need eight one and a half by two and a half inch rectangles. So here I'm gonna try to just cut that off. I'm gonna iron this flat. - [Lilly] (indiscernible) use this one? (press squeaking) - I got it. - [Lilly] Okay. - [Kimberly] I mean, who knows? I could have taken it home, Lilly, you know. (chuckles) I take it, I don't know. Who knows what I did with it? So I need eight, two and a half inch by one and a half inch rectangles. So I tend to cut the wider piece first. That's just my habit. Some people would do the one and a half inch. So we'll just do two and a half. And then I will cut one and a half, subcut one and a half. And when I do that I usually do the three inch first and then the one and a half. We're gonna have enough. Five, six. And I hope I'm not confusing you guys too much. I'm doing it a little different today. This one's a little bit (tools clatter) more intense, so. Just a lot of cutting. So those are my A's. And now what I need for D's, I need 16 one and a half inch squares. So for this (cutter clatters) I'm gonna try to get 16 one and a half inch squares from this because I I'm trying to save my other piece that I have of this, for binding. (press whining) I'm not sure it's gonna work, but we're gonna try. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna try to use this little ruler, (plastic wrapper crinkles) this little mat right here. Well, that's not big enough. - [Lilly] (indiscernible) (cutter clatters) - Yeah, got it, thanks. We're gonna try this and see if it works. So whenever I'm trying to save as much as I can, using a rotating mat is really helpful. And at home I always use a rotating mat. I never, I never not use one. But here (press whining) we just don't have a lot of space. I mean, it's kind of... So I'm gonna use this rotating mat. The first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna trim one side. I'm gonna cut a three-inch strip first. And I don't calculate to see what I can get. I just kinda see what happens and then hope that I get 16, but I know that I'll be able to 'cause there's enough over here. Well, I hope. Now I'm cutting one and a half. So I've got one and a half strip and a one and a half strip. Sorry, one and a half inch strip. I'm gonna trim this left side to have a straight edge. And then since this is four and a half, it's actually perfect. So I can do four and a half, three, one and a half. So that gives me six. And I usually just go like that to get them out of the way. And I haven't touched this, so this kind of stays in the same spot. And I'd learned this little technique of cutting larger to smaller from Billie Lauder on, "Simply Quilts." And I'm trying to make them as accurate as I can so that I get accurate blocks. (whispers) See. Now this kinda moved a little bit so I'm just gonna cut these individually. One, two, three four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. So I just need two more. So I'll just cut them off this edge. They'll all come off this edge Okay. And I'm going to save this piece. So I can answer any questions while I do this. What I'm gonna do after this is draw a line from corner to corner so that I can do my flying geese next. - [Lilly] All right, let's see. We do have questions and lots of Super Chats that have been coming in. First question from Michelle B. She said, "Is it just me..." Oh, it's actually a really nice comment, sorry. She said, "Is it just me, or is everyone in awe of Kimberly "being so efficient making blocks on camera? "All kinds of props to Kimberly." - [Kimberly] Oh, thanks. It's really kinda... I find that I do better if I don't prepare too much. Now for this I do draw a line from corner to corner. Now at home, on my bed of my machine, I have some tape that I can follow the Washi tape. But on the machine at work, since it doesn't have a bed attached 'cause we don't have enough room, I don't do that. And yesterday I made a lot of I probably made, like 20 flying geese that were really big, like five by nine. And on those you have to draw a line because obviously the tape doesn't go that far, at my house anyway. (chuckles) - [Lilly] (chuckles) That's funny. And Daniella Kivet Parker says, "Are you really seeing a difference when you use a clapper?" - [Kimberly] Yes, absolutely. And you know, a lot of people think they're expensive. You can make your own by getting just get some maple wood at Home Depot. I don't know how to do it. But yes, I use it. I used it all yesterday. I had two of them going yesterday. I sewed for 10 I think I sewed I cross-stitched for two hours and I sewed for 10 and at the end of the day my back was hurting. Kevin went to work, came home and I was still working. - [Lilly] Wow! - [Kimberly] But it's okay. I like to sew. I did watch a new Netflix special. - [Lilly] Ooh. Was it good? - [Kimberly] It was called, "The Ripper," and it's about- - [Lilly] Aah... - [Kimberly] The Yorkshire Ripper in England, I guess, in the '70s. 70's and 80s. - Yeah. - [Kimberly] I actually knew nothing about the case, so I really liked it because I didn't know the ending. But the men in the show were misogynistic and I didn't like the way they talked about women. And it just... I guess, you know, it's better, we live in a better time now where women are recognized and not treated the way that they were then. But very, it was, you know, I would say, did I like it? Yeah. So now what I will do is I'm actually going to pin all these on. Because these are so small I really don't want them to move. So I'm actually gonna pin these all down before I sew 'em. To get better results. I know most people don't pin when they do flying geese, but I usually do. Especially, like yesterday, when I was making those big ones, I had pins all over the place. - [Lilly] And lots of people are saying they love your shirt. The sleeves are super cute. "First, could you tell us where you got it and second, "make sure you don't cut the sleeves on accident." - Oh, okay, so I'm gonna let Lilly guess. - At Talbots? - No. - Nordstrom? - No. - Aah... - She's never gonna guess. - [Lilly] Oh, okay. Never gonna guess. Huh? - It's not a clothing store. - [Lilly] Oh? Not a clue, did you make it? - Oh my gosh, no! (Lilly guffaws) - [Kimberly] It's a place you eat and Lori found it for me. - A place you eat? - Yeah, I know. I don't think you'll ever get it. Well, you might now. There's one near here. - [Lilly] Was it Cracker Barrel? - Yes! (Lilly laughs) - [Kimberly] I bought it at Cracker Barrel. (sewing machine whirrs) - It's really cute (machine whirrs) (indiscernible) It is very cute. - Thanks. - [Lilly] That's hilarious. (chuckles) (sewing machine drowns out speaker) is Kimberly's shop. - [Kimberly] Yeah, I don't really shop. I shop online, really, that's it. I mean, I got my Oh, I will say, oh gosh, I got my boys (machine whirrs) shirts to wear to my mom's house and (sewing machine hums) they don't like to dress up. So I made a point to put the three I bought the same shirt, but different colors. And the same pants 'cause I mean, who cares? They're just pants. (sewing machine whirrs) And I put them (chuckles) And I told my one son that's kind of funny. I said, "Do not move the pants. "I know what you're gonna do. "You're gonna hide the pants, so that on Saturday morning, "when it's time to go to my mom's house you're gonna say "you can't find the pants." So I told the nanny, she went up there and they've already hid one of the pair of pants. (Lilly laughs) - And she said, "There's only two up here." I said, "Well, I had put them up there, (machine whirrs) "So they're somewhere." Anyway, I just thought it was so funny. Cause they think that I mean they thought I already told her, I said, "I know they're gonna hide one of those pair. (sewing machine whirrs) "I already know which kid's gonna hide it." He already hit the pair of pants. So I already know what's gonna happen tomorrow morning as I'm gonna have to go hunt down these pants. - [Lilly] (chuckles) That's funny. Okay, and we had a funny comment earlier, when you were sewing, from Huckleberry Stitcher and they said, "Damn, Kim. "Put your pedal to the metal, L-O-L!" - Ugh, I do sew really fast. - [Lilly] She does... - [Kimberly] When I'm at home my husband, Kevin, actually closes the door. So I actually keep the door closed, but if he's asleep in a different part of the house, or upstairs playing the Xbox, or whatever, I won't close it, but the second he comes down he closes it 'cause it's so loud. And also I have to put my TV up really loud so that I can hear it. So I have like, "Snapped" and "Oxygen" going. And then... Sewing machine... And you can hear it. Like, if you're in the living room trying to watch football, or something it's really distracting. - [Lilly] Let's see, we had two new YouTube members join at the beginning of the live stream. Jean Cues, welcome Jean. - Thank you! - And, Sleepy Stamper. Welcome Sleepy Stamper. Great username. And then we had a Super Chat from Valeria Bauer for $49.99 And she put a pear that's standing behind the city skyline and like jumping up and down with flags. (Super Piggy barking) - [Kimberly] Oh, thank you. You're so nice. - [Lilly] Thank you so much, Valeria. We really appreciate it. - [Kimberly] Yeah, we bought, I think I don't wanna say how much I spent, (Lilly chuckles) but I just bought Lilly a bunch of stuff yesterday for the film room. - [Lilly] I was over the moon. And I was so excited she said, "Yes," you guys. And I- - I think some of them I might've messed up there, Lilly 'cause when I checked out, I don't think I got the quantity you wanted on some of them, but I just figured we could just get those later. - [Lilly] Okay. - [Kimberly] Because it wouldn't let me, when I went to check out it wouldn't let me do... On the second page, because of the way it was, it wouldn't let me increase the quantity. - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] So I just said, "Oh, we'll just get them later." - [Lilly] Okay. I'll double-check it. Yeah, that was a lot of good stuff, so I'm really excited. And we had a Super Chat from Lori Roth for $9.99 - [Kimberly] Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you Lori. (Super Piggy barks) (steam iron hissing) And we had a sweet comment from Carrie Graciano a little bit before the live stream started. And Carrie says, "My latest finished project "is the Joyful Jelly Roll Tree skirt. "It's under my tree and I heart it. "Thanks to Kimberly, Lilly and all at Fat Quarter Shop "for all the tips and encouragement." - Thank you. - Thanks Carrie. - [Kimberly] I think I have that one under my tree too. - [Lilly] Yeah. (laughs) I think you do. - [Kimberly] I think I do. - [Lilly] Crafting A Fun Life said, "Good morning "from a very cold Indiana, brr. "Thank you Kimberly, Lilly and the whole crew "for all your hard work. "You are so appreciated." - Thank you. - Thanks! We appreciate you guys. And we had another Super Chat from Marianne Lucas (Super Piggy Barking) for $10. Thank you so much, Marianne. (Super Piggy barking) - Thank you. We hit 250,000 subscribers. I was so excited. - Yes! - [Kimberly] So we were gonna hit it over the weekend and I was trying to, like, I kept looking 'cause I was gonna beat Lilly to showing me that we got it. - Yeah. - And she beat me. (Lilly chuckles) 'Cause I forgot by the end of the weekend we hadn't met it, so I was like, "Oh, forget it." (Lilly laughs) And then we hit it, I think Monday. - [Lilly] Yeah. Yeah we had two big milestones this week on this channel. We reached 250,000 subscribers. And on our cross-stitch channel, on the Fat Quarter Shop Flosstube we reached 20,000 subscribers and did our 100th Flosstube. So, it's been a really good week. I'm very happy. - [Kimberly] And I wish we got a YouTube Award for 250,000, but you don't get a YouTube Award until you get to a million. - [Lilly] Yeah. So we're at a quarter million. We're a quarter of the way there. - [Kimberly] So yeah, we got like I mean we've been doing this like 10 years, so I got like 30 more years to get to a million. (Lilly chuckles) - [Lilly] I mean with any luck, you know the things start moving kinda fast after that. (sewing machine whirrs) And then we had a Super Chat from Sarah Shear for 3.99 Canadian dollars. And Sarah says, "Merry Christmas." - [Kimberly] Thank you. - [Lilly] Two Christmas tree emojis and then the little santa face in between them. Very cute. - [Kimberly] Merry Christmas. (sewing machine whirrs) - [Lilly] And we had a Super Chat from Sheba Sushi for $5 and Sheba Sushi says, "I am a beginner "and Sewcialites has really helped me learn new skills." - Yay! (sewing machine whirrs) - [Lilly] That's great to hear, thank you so much. And we had a new member, "September Baby." Welcome new member, September Baby. I'm also a September baby. And another new member, Cindy Good Welcome Cindy. (sewing machine whirrs) And we had a question from Heather Northam. Sorry, Newtham, "Is one color pen better at removing "with heat over another?" For the friction pens, I think, does the color matter? - [Kimberly] No, I don't think so. I just use black. I don't know that I've ever tried the other colors. - Hmm. - So I'm not really sure. - [Lilly] I've used the pink before and I prefer the way the black one works, for sure. But I don't know if it's just like, they came off the same way. So I think black's just easier to see on most things. - [Kimberly] Yeah, and if you have something really dark, like I have a little clover white chalk pen that I'll use on black fabric, but it's so rare because I don't really use dark fabric very much. And that one's more of a chalk. - [Lilly] Hm mm. (cutter scraping) - [Kimberly] So when I'm trimming these off, I do do them individually. You could stack them, but I'm always afraid I'm gonna cut into the wrong seam. - [Lilly] And a few people are asking, "If the clappers are back in stock," and also, "What do the clappers do?" - [Kimberly] The clappers are gonna be probably late December, or January. I guess they've been around, I had somebody comment that this is like an old thing. This is something that people used to do and... Seamstress, what do you call that? - [Lilly] Yeah, yeah. Tailoring. - Tailoring, seamstress and garment makers. - [Kimberly] And, Riley Blake just made 'em and they told me how great they were and so I started using them. And they really help everything lie nice and flat. They're made in America. And they're, I believe, maple wood. And the heat The wood absorbs the heat from your piece and just makes it really nice and flat. - [Lilly] Yes, and that's the reason why Maple wood is best for these. It's the best at absorbing that heat and reflecting it back. If you use other kinds of wood it's not as efficient and some of them could get sap on your fabric. - [Kimberly] We do have one that is by... - [Lilly] Steady Betty? - [Kimberly] Steady Betty that is in stock. And it's the same. It's just different. I mean, it's the same concept. - [Lilly] Yeah. And we had a Super Chat from Laura Hamilton for $4.99 Laura says, "Good morning. "Lilly, will you remind us of different options "for updating memberships? "Excited to get to watch this live instead of after work." So for memberships, I think you're asking about the YouTube channel memberships and depends on what you're trying to update. If you're already signed up for our YouTube channel membership, it just keeps renewing every month until you tell Google to stop. If you're trying to, let's say you signed up on an Apple device and you're trying to remove that Apple fee that Apple just charges for using their devices on a lot of membership things, you have to cancel the membership on any device. And then go either on an Android phone, or a laptop, or a desktop that's not Apple and re-sign up for the membership through your same YouTube account and then you should be able to just pay the $4.99 plus tax where applicable for that. Let me know if that answers your question, Laura. And we had another Super Chat from Terry Algor for $20. Thank you so much, Terry. - Thank you. (Super Piggy barking) - [Lilly] And I'm seeing in the chat, some people are saying other things they use instead of a clapper since some of us can't get them right now. I'm on that list of people who wants a clapper and doesn't have one. Cindy Willbanks said she uses a magazine to keep her seams flat. I use books in my house right now. That's my temporary clapper. - [Kimberly] So to put these together, I'm gonna go ahead, I just make sure they're going the same way, like this. I'm gonna go ahead and put a pin on all these and then we'll sew 'em down with a quarter inch seam. So I do pin a lot. I think I pin more than most people. It gives me time to listen to what's on the TV. (Lilly chuckles softly) Yeah, so I don't know, you guys, if y'all watch The Ripper on Netflix you'll have to let me know what you think. It's definitely, It's definitely a different time in the world and they didn't have the I don't wanna say that they did a horrible job because they didn't have the technology that we have today. But their views on women was very shocking, I would say. - [Lilly] Hm mm. - [Kimberly] But the documentary in terms of the documentary and the data and the documentary, I mean, it was very, (sewing machine whirrs) very interesting. I had heard of the case, but not the resolution, or... I had no idea if there was gonna be an ending, or anything. But yeah, I watched that. I think I finished it by noon yesterday. Came out yesterday and I finished it by noon. (chuckles) (sewing machine whirrs) - [Lilly] We have a question from Amanda Tozier. She says, "How do you keep your geese from being wonky? "I always get crooked geese." - Pin, pin, pin. (machine whirrs) So before you sew that line on there, pin. The more you pin the better. And we do have some paper, some foundation paper coming out in 2021 that will help you get perfect flying geese. - [Lilly] Oh! - [Kimberly] And you'll be able to make, with the way we have it designed, is you make two at a time. - Hmm. - [Kimberly] And I'm excited about that. And we're also gonna have square in a square paper and that is because I can do pretty much any block. The one block I can not get right is square in a square. And I've tried to figure out if you make it bigger and trim it down, would that work? And I've never got that to work, so I finally said, "Well, we're gonna do paper because I cannot get "a square in a square to come out right." Flying geese, I can. Something about the square in a square throws me off. - [Lilly] We have a Super Chat from Cynthia Mitchell for $15 and Cynthia says, "Merry Christmas." - Thank you. - Merry Christmas, Cynthia. Thank you. - [Kimberly] Yes, I can't believe it's coming up so close. So last night Emma got out of dance early and I said, "Emma, why did you leave dance early? "You don't have school tomorrow." And she said, "Because dance is over "and I had an absence leftover." And I thought, "No dance is not over." I was thinking it was November. - [Lilly] Oh my god. (chuckles) - [Kimberly] She was like, "Mom, what is wrong with you?" I was like, "I don't know." Well, 'cause it's not like her to ever skip anything. So I think that threw me off, but I mean, she's just, she had all her finals and she was tired. Which I understand. I was hoping they would sleep in today a little bit, but when I got up they were all running around the house. I'm like, "Can y'all just sleep in for once?" So from here, I'm gonna build it the way that it is meant to be and then show you some options. So they have it where the white goes around the dark And then these kind of fly around like in a circle, kinda. So that's how it's supposed to be. I'm gonna show you. Oh, here's the two and a half inch square right here. - [Lilly] Yay! - [Kimberly] I was like, "I know it's in here." I know it was me. - [Lilly] I'm glad we found it. - [Kimberly] Well, I knew it was me. I was like, "It's definitely me." I mean, this is the kind of stuff I do at home all the time. And I know I have a two and a half inch square of this already in my bucket, but I don't see it. So what you could do here, you could do that. You could do this. You could do one, two, three. You could do that. That kinda does like a circle in the center. And that does a big circle. I mean, I don't know that I would mess with these too much, but... So we'll go back to the original and hope that I get it back to the original. And then next year, when we start back up, I'm gonna be using a different fabric collection to do some different things. I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna be using yet. Okay, so now I'm gonna check it again. Circle, down, down, down. Looks right, hopefully. - [Lilly] Well the center's supposed to be orange, isn't it? - [Kimberly] Oh, yeah. (trills lips) My word Lilly. (Lilly giggles) Thanks. - [Lilly] I'm glad we caught it. (chuckles) - [Kimberly] I think I sewed so many hours for sure that I'm... There we go. So what I do here is, I'm gonna pin. This, obviously, is easy. You just pin this together. So I'm just gonna pin this one. 'Cause that's just a no brainer. Now at home I always have design boards. I actually bought more design boards yesterday because of something I'm doing. And Kevin was like He brought them home. He's like, "Do you really need more of these?" I was like, "Yeah, I do." So, here that little line in here, we want those to line up. But we also want to sew over a quarter inch. So what I do is, I'm gonna put this together. And if I've sewn correctly I won't have to worry about the quarter inch seam. But right here I'm going to just really make sure that it nests. It really doesn't nest 'cause you're sewing open. I mean, pressing open, but I do just pin right there. Hopefully it'll line up. We'll see. Feel like I'm doing way better than I did last week 'cause I... (chuckles) Last week I felt like a mess. Okay, now this one is the one where you're gonna want this line in the center to hit the center of your tip of your geese. So I just make sure that they line up. I'm gonna sew down here with a quarter inch seam. So anyway, what I was meaning to say is I always use a design board. Always. And so yesterday I was using some pretty big design boards, but here it's just easier to to not and say we did. My machine came unthreaded. - [Lilly] Oh! Let's see we had a new member, Susan Phillips. Welcome Susan. Yay! - [Kimberly] Thank you. - [Lilly] And then we had a Super Chat from Sharon Le Moyne for $49.99 And Sharon says, "Wishing everyone at Fat Quarter Shop a Merry Christmas. (sewing machine whirrs) "Kimberly and Lilly y'all are the best. "I enjoy the live streams and tutorial videos. "I have learned so many new sewing techniques." - Thank you. - Thank you so much, Sharon. That's very generous. Appreciate you guys so much. And another new YouTube member Erica Gregorius, welcome Erica. - [Kimberly] Thank you. (sewing machine racing) And Super Chat from Janet McCarthy for $20. And then Janet says, thanks for getting me through this past nine months, Merry Christmas. - Thank you! - Thanks, Janet, Merry Christmas! (Super Piggy barking) - So before I iron, I'm just gonna hope that my seams work and that one does, this one doesn't matter. And that one does. So I'm gonna press, and then... I'm gonna just kind of press over here so that I don't have to move that. (steam iron boiling) - [Lilly] Stitching Granny of 17 says, "Question about Lori Holt products." "Will you be getting any more book stands in?" - Yes, in new colors. So we are making those as a limited edition. So the first one, the Aqua was a limited edition. It's sold out. The new color, I'm not sure if it's "Coming Soon" page or not. So can we look and see? - Yeah! But, and then we'll, and then I'll see if I can tell you the color, and the date and everything, well... And then once that color is gone, there will be another color. And there will be gaps between like months between when they come out, since they're made and they're hand-painted and everything. - Um. - Can you just ask? Jocelyn knows. - Yeah. - So I'm not sure if we've announced the color. - Hm mm. - Okay. So now I've got it all laid back out and I'm going to pin again. - [Lilly] And we have another Super Chat from Christine Ellis for 99, 99. And Christine says Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at Fat Quarter Shop and their families. - Thank you. - Thank you, Christine. - [Lilly] Wow, that is a huge Super Chat. That's so generous of you. - [Kimberly] Thank you so much. - [Lilly] And Super Chat from Susannah Pastrick for 4.99, she says, "Happy holidays to everyone at Fat Quarter Shop. "I have learned so much from you "and look forward to learning more in 2021." Thank you. - Thank you, Susanna. (Super Piggy barking) - [Kimberly] Yeah, we'd love to know if y'all like this new format. Some people don't and some people do. So I would love to see what you guys think. (sewing machine whirring) - And a Super Chat from Jennifer Jacobs for $5 and Jennifer said, "Kimberly and Lily, "what are you two most looking forward to in 2021?" - Oh... - That's a good question. - [Kimberly] Do you want to answer first or me? - [Lilly] Ah, I need to think about it. - [Kimberly] Um, I would say for me, I'm looking forward to, I'm gonna change some things. I don't know how much I can say on here. (Lilly laughing) I'm just looking forward to, I'm gonna do more of a focus on creativity here, and less on management. So I'm looking forward to that change. - [Lilly] Hm mm! - [Kimberly] I'm looking forward to maybe my kids eventually getting back to sports just because I know that that will make them you know, happy and I'll get to, I've really missed being, I have seen them at dance, but obviously not nearly as much but I haven't seen my boys do any kind of sports and just letting, hopefully getting them back to school. I know that'll probably be later in the year, but you know letting them get back to a normal life because to me, I mean, my life has changed, but it's fine. Like, I don't really worry about me. I worry more about my kids. So just letting them have a little bit of normalcy would be great. And I think they'll be happier. I will say my boys have adapted much better than Emma, but just, I would say just getting back to a normal- - Hm mm. - [Kimberly] Semi-normal routine eventually. And, I don't know. - [Lilly] Yeah, I think I'm hoping at some point next year the world can start going back to a certain normal, doing more things outdoors. I had tickets for ACL music festival this year which got postponed to next year. So I have those tickets still. So they're good for next year. So I'm hoping I get to do that, on my personal side there's a lot of like personal goals I've kind of started focusing in on at the end of this year. (sewing machine humming) Like I started roller skating last year and was taking skating lessons and those had to stop at the beginning of the pandemic. So I'm hoping to do more roller skating, outdoors, ordered different skates for that and hopefully there'll be here by January. So yeah, and more sewing. What else? I have a goal of sewing a lot more, both quilts and garments for myself to start wearing. Those are the big things, yeah. - [Kimberly] Yay! (Lily chuckles) Now okay, I'm gonna do this white side at the same time. I'm excited, I get to see my brother this weekend. I only see him at most, twice a year because his kids are very, um... like one's in college and one's in high school, but the ones, they they've always been, they're super active, like my kids. So we don't really get to see each other as much because his kids, one of his, well his son travels with basketball. They never really stop, somehow but, I don't really get to see him very much. I won't be able to see his, Kevin's sister but we're gonna do a Zoom. We're gonna do a Zoom call and do the presents with Zoom and then his parents didn't want to do that. They thought it was just, they didn't want to so we're not gonna do that, but I'll be able to see her that way. So that's good. - Yeah. (sewing machine hums) Sylvia Martinez told me to wear a helmet, yes, Sylvia. I have two helmets that I switched back and forth between when I roller skate. One of them's sparkly. (Kimberly exclaims) That's all- - I think you started more than a year ago though. - Yeah, it was- - I think it was like a year and a half ago or two. I think it was a little bit more than a year ago. - [Lilly] It was August of last year. So yeah, almost a year and a half. - See? I know! - Yeah. (laughing) - I know something - [Lilly] Can't really remember this. I remember telling Kimberly about it because- - [Kimberly] I thought she was crazy. - [Lilly] My goal is to try out for the Roller Derby in Austin. So yeah. (chortles) - [Kimberly] I was like, you're crazy. Well just, I mean, I'm just like, I don't know. I'm not a very athletic person at all. So that would, that would be that would horrify me to do that. - [Lilly] That's funny. I don't consider myself athletic but- - [Kimberly] I'm super non-athletic, the other day Kevin was like, "What is gonna happen to you when you really get old?" Because I felt, I mean, I'm just so clumsy. I hit the bed all the time. Always have bruises on my legs. 'Cause I'm just clumsy. - [Lilly] Hmm. (steam iron hissing) - [Kimberly] I will say I haven't really been taking walks. That's one thing that I haven't been doing which I need to do, I need to get back to because we were doing that for a long time. I think my kids just got tired of it. They're like, "We don't want to go on a walk anymore, Mom, we're done." Okay. So you can see it's not too bad. It's a little bit wavy. So I'm just gonna trim the edge just to get the slivers off. I dunno. I mean, it would be good to see Kevin's parents. I mean, I feel really bad that he hasn't seen them and he hasn't seen them since February 28th. 'Cause that was the last time that Emma had something that weekend and they came for it and I somehow remember that date. So that's just, but he's during the very high risk, so... Okay. So now we're gonna, I'm gonna move some stuff. And then we're gonna put this together in one quilt. So I'm saving this for the back. I'm just gonna put these two together randomly. I'm not even looking at which one goes where and then we're gonna attach it to this. So you can see that when you start attaching your blocks if, you know I'm doing a table runner out of 12 blocks on the front and one on the back, but if you do it, you're gonna be doing the same kind of technique if you put all your blocks together. So you can see here, these line up, they're the same seams. So I'm gonna pin in all the intersections and then we'll attach it to the quilt and then we're gonna do the backing. So here I will make sure my scenes kind of touch. Like they, they nest. I will say I've missed going out to eat, that's- - Hmm. - Because we, we do really good at going out to eat. 'Cause then talk more. If we're at home, we don't talk as much because "Oh, my gosh, wrestling is on." And God forbid, we turn the wrestling off. (laughing) God forbid we'd interrupt the wrestling. (sewing machine hums) - We have a Super Chat from Seth Blaauw for $10. Thank you, Seth. - Thank you. (sewing machine hums) Okay. Can you zoom in Lilly? - Yeah. - And I'll show you one thing that doesn't line up and why I'm gonna leave it. So right here, you can see the seam right here does not line up right here- - Oh... - At all. But because it's all orange, nobody cares. So I'm gonna just press. I'm gonna press and then we're going to attach it. I'm not gonna worry about that. I get less picky the more I go along because everything gets bulkier. So, let's see. So when I did my blocks, I did press to one side. I'm gonna show you that. So when I like here, when I did my rows, I went ahead and just pressed to one side and one side, one side. So when I go here, I think I'm gonna put this right here. - [Lilly] Ooh! - [Kimberly] Or right there, I think it looks good like this. - Hm mm. - [Kimberly] So I'm just going to put these together, pin, and then I will show you how I do my backing. And we're gonna hope it works on camera. So kind of what I do here is I figure out which points need to line up. And I pin those. And then I back into the other pins and those are two points that are like flying geese. So, you know, they have like the tips. So I put my little pin in. So hopefully they line up. We'll see, they might, they might not. But I am excited about this one because I have a place this is gonna go. - [Lilly] I have a Su...oh, go ahead? - [Kimberly] So here there's like two diagonal lines. So there's this diagonal line and this diagonal line. - [Lilly] Hm mm. - [Kimberly] And I'm gonna try to get them to line up by lining up the diagonal lines. And we'll hope that that comes out. I mean, you never know. It might, it might not. It's kind of less noticeable when you get to this point and here you can see there's this, if you take, if you draw a quarter-inch line, I don't usually do this, but if you do, if you draw a quarter-inch line, you want this, right here at a quarter inch, to touch that quarter inch. I'll just add some more (high-pitched speaking) pins and then I'll just sew across and you have a lot of bulk here, lotta, lotta bulk. So I just hope for the best when I go across and hope that my seams still lay flat or lie flat. - [Lilly] Yeah. Super Chat from Mary Pritchard Ferbour for $10. And Mary says, "Love the live streams," "Happy holidays." Thank you. - Happy holidays. - Happy Holidays! (sewing machine hums) - [Kimberly] Now if I was at home and I was doing this I would not go this slow. I would literally go just as fast as I normally do, because I pin. But just because I'm on camera, I'm standing up. I won't go as fast, but at home I would go just as fast as I normally would. I would not slow down. (sewing machine hums) (sewing machine races) So we'll see everything lined up. So you can see that when I did that polka pen. - Hmm. - Lined up, lined up there, lined up there. So I'm gonna press the one side. (pattern scraping) And this, you're gonna see that this is a little bit heavier. (steam iron squeaking) Okay, see right there. Okay. That was sup... I'll go the other way, Lily, sorry. See that, that was supposed to be pressed open right there. So this seam went the wrong way. So I'm gonna fix it. I'm gonna just unpick a couple of stitches and then sew it down flat. And then, Fix it. Sometimes I fix it, Sometimes I don't. (sewing machine hums) I mean, I would say most of the time I do fix it. If I'm super like in a hurry, I won't. (steam iron squeaking) - [Lilly] There we go. - [Kimberly] So for my backing. I'm gonna move this a little bit and then move it back. Can you zoom way out? - [Lilly] Yeah, (faintly speaking) - [Kimberly] Here we go. So if I look at this, it is 12 and a half by 36 and a half. Yeah, 12 and a half by 36 and a half. "Cause it's two by six, six inch blocks. So what I do, this is literally what I do at home. I usually use a bigger piece of paper though 12 and a half by 36 and a half. That's the top. If you're doing a very large quilt you need five inches on all sides. If you're doing a table runner you really only need four inches on each side. - [Lilly] Hmm! - [Kimberly] So I'm going to do plus eight and plus eight. So that would be 20 and a half by... 44 and a half is what I need the backing to be. So I'm gonna start with the center of my backing which is going to be the star. And we're gonna just make it up as we go. So I'll put this aside. I'm gonna put this back in my binder. (papers rustling) I almost left this at home guys. - [Lilly] Oh, no! - [Kimberly] I did... I mean, not really, I thought of it, so I'm going to, let's see, I have this, this big piece, two pieces of fabric. The first thing I want to do is I want to I'm probably going to put the label in the center put my name on the bottom which is this, add background to the top and bottom get this to measure 20 and a half and then add my sides. That's my traditional easy put the label in the center, or you know, your block. Now, a lot of times I will put my name in the center of the block so I don't have to add to the bottom, but I didn't do that this time. So I literally am just gonna take some scraps and just start adding. So I want to add this to the bottom, this is a label from Sweetwater. You can either put it on your fabric and then sew it in or just sew it in. I just sew it in. I do like the edges to be about the same. So this is three eights away from the gray. This will be three eighths. So I'm gonna make the sides three eights also, so that there's like an even space around. (cutter whirs) And I'm just gonna add some background fabric to the left and the right, to add there. So I literally, this is what I do. Chop some stuff off. I literally just chop. I don't think too much. I'm gonna add that and then I'll show you what I do. So I literally just add it with a quarter inch seam. I don't think too much (sewing machine hums) when I do the backing. I just kind of, and these are my leftover straps so I don't have to worry about like saving too much cause I'm getting to the end. (sewing machine exerting) So I've literally just added to the sides obviously way too much, but that's fine. And I'm gonna add it up here. So I'm gonna press this away from the label. (press squeaking) And it's a little bit sticky, so it will stick to your irony board, but it'll come right off. You could just stick these on and quilt it down. I prefer to sew it in. So I just cut off the straight. I think I need to get a little bit more here. And then I just need to put that there. So what I do to find the center is I find the center of my label. So just the center of this, well actually the other side. Center of my label center of my block and this saves time because I don't have to think out my math. I line up my two centers. They're right there, put them right sides together and pin and just sew down, and then we're gonna trim it off. Now, if you don't have too much fabric left over you'll have to kind of plan (sewing machine hums) by drawing it out. (sewing machine hums) That's my plan. (sewing machine accelerating) Gonna press Do the same thing with the press. (press whining) Trim the edges off. So, we need this to be 20 and a half inches wide. So what I do now... I'm 20 and a half inches, right? Minus the width of this, which is seven and a half equals 13 I think. - (whispers) 13 Inches? - (Kimberly) 13 Inches. So I need 13 inches up here, 13 inches up here. 13, can you do the, oh, here it is. (pen cap clatters) I have a calculator. - [Kimberly] So, if I do 13 (keys clicking) plus 13 plus seven and a half (keys clicking) minus my seam allowance, that's too much. 13 Divided by two (keys clicking) is six and a half. So I need 13 divided by two which is six and a half. So if I add six and a half (keys clicking) plus eight and a half seven and a half (keys clicking) plus six and a half (keys clicking) minus my seam allowance. (keys clicking) That is not enough. It needs to be seven inches, I think. Seven. (taps on keys) Okay. So I need a six and a half by seven inch rectangle here and a six and a half by seven inch rectangle here to get to 20 and a half. And I literally just have to do it like that. So I'm gonna... So I need a six and a half by seven. Let's see if this is wide enough. No. So here, because I have this and this that's gonna go on the left and the right. Like that's gonna be my big pieces that go across. I could do this the same, or I could see what else I kinda have in my scrap bucket. I don't have anything else that I have enough of. I don't have big enough pieces so I do have to use this. So I'm gonna just cut a six and a half strip right here off the edge, but first I'm gonna iron it. And then we'll cut six and a half by seven inch rectangles. (press whining) So that's my six and a half. So as you see, when I'm doing my backings, I just write it out. Double, double-check myself to make sure it works before I keep going. So here, that's gonna go here and that's gonna go here. And then we're gonna add. Our goal is to get to about 20 and a half by 44 and a half. And I try to give enough so that Gina has enough, or Mike has enough when I send them my quilts. I have sent them quilts (chuckles) that are short, before. So if you are somebody that has done that, don't worry because I have done (chuckles) that (Lilly chuckles) several times. Where you know, I just did the math and then my math was wrong. But that happens. (sewing machine whirrs) Like that's kinda part of quilting. (sewing machine picking up speed) - [Lilly] Can you remind us how much extra you're adding for them to quilt it on all the sides? - [Kimberly] So on the sides I'm adding four inches on all sides. So four plus four is eight for table runners. For anything that is not a table runner I do five inches on all sides, which would be 10 inches extra on. So you just take your finished top and add either eight inches, or 10 inches. And of course your backing doesn't have to be a hundred percent. (machine starts up) It doesn't have to be exactly that size because they're gonna trim off. (machine whirrs) But it gives them, If you have a long arm quilter they need that link (machine whirrs) to be able to (machine whirrs) attach to the clamps. (machine speeds up) I know that's not the right word, but there's like clamps that clamp down your quilt. - [Lilly] They're clamps. - [Kimberly] Okay, so that is why they need that extra. And most of the time your quilter will give you all your extras back and then you can cut it down (iron squeaks) into whatever you need it to be. (iron squeaks) - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] So for here I just set my seam just like I did. Press here. Press here. (iron squeaks) (board scrapes on table) So, you can see that I have (chuckles) a little bit left. I need to cut off a little bit. Just to kind of even it out. And that's because I trimmed down my blocks. And, yeah. So there you go. So now we have six and a half inches by 20 and a half. That's gonna be the center. So we need to add here. So this time I'm gonna try to do my math right. I'm gonna find my pen. - [Lilly] Second pen? - [Kimberly] Hm mm, I have it. And my calculator. This is how I am all the time, guys. I can't find anything. - [Lilly] (chuckles softly) - [Kimberly] I don't know where to put my calculator. - [Lilly] I don't know. - [Kimberly] I found it. Yeah! Okay. (calculator clatters) So now I go back to this number, which is 44 and a half. So 44 and a half. I'm gonna add an inch for seam allowances, plus... No, minus six and a half, equal. And then whatever that number is, you divide it by two. (keys clicking) 39 Divided by two. 19 And a half. So if you take (pen clatters) 19 and a half plus six and a half plus 19 and a half minus an inch for seam, (keys clicking) that equals 44 and a half, which is what this needs to be. So now you need to cut a six and a half by 19 inch rectangle twice. (scratches on paper) I just kinda cross everything else out and I need to add that. (paper rustles) (clicks pen) So I literally That's what I do. Now I'm not gonna make this exactly 19 inches here when I add it because that's... She doesn't need it exact. So I'm going to... (equipment clatters) Oh, not, no. It needs to be 20 and a half by 19 and a half. - [Lilly] Oh, okay. - [Kimberly] Sorry. So hopefully I have enough from this fabric. We'll see. If we don't, we'll fudge. We'll change it. So here, (iron squeaks) 'cause I cut off one. So, I'm not sure I'll have enough, but we'll see. (iron squeaks) So I'm gonna get this as flat as I can. (iron squeaks) And you can see this cutting right here, that's called, I was in the other room and I (iron squeaks) This is called, "I'm in my room where I starch." (chuckles) Didn't have a rotary cutter and I just chopped it off with my scissors, (iron squeaks) my blue scissors. (iron squeaks) I'm probably gonna be a little bit short, is what it's looking like. But I am gonna try to get all these seams out. (iron squeaks) So you can see right here, this is where the crease was. (iron squeaks) Like the fold in your fabric. That's what that was. I just do that and you can see it came out, kind of. We'll just keep going over it. (iron squeaks) Oh, hot. Okay, got that nice and flat. Am I confusing everybody Lilly? Sorry (chuckles) - No! - [Lilly] I think you're good. There's a little talk (iron squeaks) in the chat of the giveaway because the title of our video says we're doing a giveaway. And we most certainly are, but we're gonna announce what exactly all that is at the end of the live stream. Or towards the end. (iron squeaks) Yes - Yeah. - [Kimberly] Lilly's gonna get to do it. - [Lilly] Yeah! I'm excited. (iron squeaks) So yes, don't worry if you just tuned in. We haven't announced what it is, what you have to do, but there is a giveaway. - [Kimberly] So now I need to see I need a 20 and a half by 19 and a half, so I need to see how to get that from here. So I'm gonna see what this is. This is 19 and a half. If I cut this in half it's about 20. So I'm gonna get it from this piece right here. It's not gonna be exact, but it's gonna be close enough to where Gina will have plenty. 'Cause I'm gonna send this to Gina. I assume I'm gonna send it to her. I haven't even asked her if we can send it to her. Let's see. (tools clatter) So I'm gonna take the 20 inch from here and the 19 inch from here. And (tools clatter) I'm just gonna do a straight edge here. And you can see I cut that with scissors. But sometimes I do that. That's okay. (cutter clatters) I mean, that's called like, whatever you got in front of you is what you're gonna use. (Lily chuckles) And hopefully this is about 19 and a half inches. And it's a little bit less, but that's okay. So this is 19 and a half. So I'll just do this. Oh, actually (cutter clatters) it is 19 and a half. That's how lucky I got. That is literally - Wow! - [Kimberly] I didn't plan that. This is what is leftover. (thud thud) This is not planned. Now I'm gonna cut this one straight and I will line up that line and this line. Cut off as little as possible. And that gives me (chuckles) 21 inches with salvage. So it came out perfectly. I got lucky. I did not plan any of that. So obviously my salvages I don't want the salvages to be in the quilt. You see how the salvage is wavy right there? So I try to not use that wavy part at all. I try to kinda go into here. So really what I'm doing is just doing this, with that in the center. So we're just gonna add real quick. Now what I'll do is just put this right sides together. It's not gonna be exact because it's your backing. So you have a little bit extra over here. Just leave it. And, it's no big deal. I do pin. So she'll have like maybe three quarters of an inch short. It's not a big deal. She won't care. Now here, Some people, when you're doing a backing, technically on the back you're supposed to do a half inch seam (machine starts whirring) on the back. (sewing machine speeds up) I have never done that because I didn't learn that way and I always use a quarter inch. I've never had a problem, but just so you know the correct ways to do half inch seam, (machine speed intensifies) but that doesn't work with what I do because I do these blocks and they have quarter-inch seams on them, so. (machine speed increases) I treat the back like I treat the front. Nobody ever taught me that until... I dunno, I went to class one day and somebody was like, "You're supposed to do "Half and inch." (machine whirrs at full speed) And I'm like, oh, well, I didn't know, so. (machine clangs) So there, and I'm gonna add the other side. - [Lilly] Where are you supposed to do half an inch? - [Kimberly] You're supposed to do half inch on the back. So when you put your seams together - (indistinct) uh-huh? you're supposed to do half inch. Say you're putting these two seams together and you're ignoring this. That is supposed to be half inch. - [Lilly] Oh! - [Kimberly] But I've never done it. That's probably why you don't know because I don't do it. - Yeah. (chuckles) (pin box clatters) - [Kimberly] Yeah, I don't ever And I don't know, we should ask, maybe Cheryl, what she does. I have never done half an inch, ever. And you can see here, I'm not measuring. I'm just adding it. There's no... Just putting it together. - [Lilly] Is it half an inch to make it sturdier, or? - [Kimberly] I have no idea. And you're supposed to press open on the back. - [Lilly] That I do do. - Yeah, I don't know. (machine whirrs) (machine speeds intensifies) I have no idea. Maybe Gina If Gina's in the chat, Gina can tell us. - [Lilly] Yes I think Gina is. - [Kimberly] I don't know. (machine whirrs louder) But I never knew that. For years, I mean, probably five years. I had no idea. And then when I learned it, I was like, "Oh, well "nothing too important" The only reason I'm even saying it is because I know people are gonna say, "Well this is what "you're supposed to do." - [Lilly] Oh. (chuckles) (machine whirrs at full speed) - [Kimberly] Okay. So now I'm gonna press. And I actually have this leftover, which I'm actually really surprised to have this much leftover. So this will be used I know exactly what I'm gonna save it for. And I will be talking more about that in the first live stream of the year in January. - [Lilly] Ooh! - [Kimberly] I worked on that yesterday, too. Okay, so keep it flat. (iron squeaks) Press towards this. (iron squeaks) And so if my quilt is ever stolen right there it says, "Kimberly Jolly." And they can't take it out. (iron squeaks and clangs) Because it was not pieced on top. And Gina's gonna quilt it in. So my name is right there. And if you wanna know, this block right here is Block 11, or 10, or... Oh, I don't know. Was one of the blocks, but I didn't like how it looked with the other blocks because it came out more low volume than the rest. So instead of re-doing it (iron squeaks and clangs) I just put it on the back. (board scrapes on table) - [Lilly] Let's see, Lori Holt said, "The half inch is just for stability." And Gina said she doesn't think it really matters if you press open, or to the side and that she can't see any reason why it has to be one way or the other. - [Kimberly] Oh. So here, I'll just trim this off. You don't have to. I don't think Gina cares if you do. But I'm, you know, my OCD. I'm not sending it to her unless it's... - [Lilly] Hold on, Mike at MyLongarm says, "I agree with Lori Holt, stability." Thank you. - [Kimberly] Good. Okay, so can you help me move this off, please? - Yes. - [Kimberly] I'll unplug everything and then just I'll push it that way. So then I can kind of show maybe what it looks like. (tools clattering) Okay. So this is the back. And then I'll lay the top on it. Oh, you can take all that. So when you lay the top on it, you can see I have about four inches all the way around. And then when Gina quilts it, she will try to get this kinda in the center. And this is actually going to go on the side table that I got at Hobby Lobby that is in my craft room. And I'm gonna try to use this as the binding. Let me show you. I don't know if I have enough left. I think that's enough for binding, but I'm not sure. So I might have to buy some. And I'm gonna show you all my leftover scraps and tell you what I'm gonna do with them this weekend. So this is my leftover scraps. Trying to put everything back so I don't take anything home. These are all my leftover scraps from the layer cake and everything I've done. I've got all this leftover. We have put together a pattern that Jocelyn designed for 2021, it's called, "Swirly Stars". And it's gonna use your leftover scraps. And I'm gonna take this home. I'm gonna make a block out of this. And then the rest of it's gonna go in my scrap buckets. And then next year when we come back, I'm gonna either demonstrate 12 inch... No, nine inch, or three inch. So, you know what Lilly, why don't you do a poll over Christmas? And they can vote - Ooh! - [Kimberly] on which one they wanna see next. I am gonna do them all at some point. But just so they know they can vote and then whatever they vote, I'll do. - [Lilly] Sounds good. - So I kinda just make this pretty. I'll have to get some binding and then I'll take this home. This will be my scraps. So let me know what questions you have before, oh, and then now I have an empty box. Yeah! I can take my empty box home. - [Lilly] Yay. - Yeah. These are the boxes that I use for when I'm in my sewing studio at home. I have two of these boxes in my drawers. The one in the front is starched and the one in the back is unstarched. And then that's my whole project in one drawer. So now this drawer is gonna be empty. So let me know what questions y'all have on this. I'm gonna - Yes - just sit this over here. I did burn myself. I don't know if y'all noticed. - [Lilly] Oh! - One time when I heat the starch it was so hot that it burned my finger. - [Lilly] Okay, let's see. We have lots of Super Chats that came in. - Oh, thank you! - [Lilly] Super Chat from Laura Hamilton for 9.99 and she put a little parrot that's saying, "Thank you." - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you, Laura. And then another Super Chat from Julie Borders for 24.99 Julie says, "Thank you for sharing your talent with us "and for bringing this community of stitchers together. "Merry Christmas." - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you, Julie, Merry Christmas. And Judy Hampton gave us a $10 Super Chat and Judy says, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays "to all Fat Quarter fans." - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you. Okay, there's a lot of Super Chats. Next one's from Beverly Hoverter for 19.99 Thank you, Beverley. - Thank you. And I really hope that I didn't confuse you guys when I started writing all the numbers out, but that's really how I do it at home. I don't know any other way to do it but to hand-write it out. - [Lilly] Super Chat from Sharman Herzog for $5. "Thank you Fat Quarter Shop. "Merry Christmas." - Thank you - [Lilly] Merry Christmas. Thank you, Sharman. And next Super Chat is from Susan Summers for 4.99 And Susan says, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year "to everyone at Fat Quarter Shop and all those "watching around the world. "Prayers for a better 2021." Thank you. - Thank you. I think everything is gonna get better. It can only like That's the way I think of life. Like it can only be better tomorrow. I mean - Yeah. And you know, when I think about this year, it's not so bad. Well, you know, it's not so bad. - [Lilly] I think there's things that we can get out of this year that came as positive. - Right. - [Lilly] Like all of our new YouTube people that have gotten to watch us now. Our YouTube has grown a lot. So I'm glad to have everyone here. New YouTube member, Terry Blair. Speaking of new people. Terry Blair. - Thank you. - [Lilly] And Laura Davis gave us a Super Chat for $5. And Laura says, "Merry Christmas." - Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too. - [Lilly] And then Super Chat from Ginger Heart for $5. And they said, "Thanks for inspiring us." - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you. Okay, and then new YouTube member, Dina Suarez. Welcome Oh, yeah, Dina. Welcome Dina. - Thank you. - [Lilly] I thought I misread it for a second. And okay, let me sort through the comments here. Aaron McCullough said, "I saw the Autumn Love cream "is available as yardage. "Was there anything more in the backing side "for pumpkins and plot? "I miss it during pre-order." - Okay, so I reordered those kits. I have not heard back from Riley Blake if they are gonna re-make those. So I don't know. But backing sets we're not gonna cut any more, but you can just buy the yardage off of the bolt. It's the same price. - [Lilly] And Yvonne Sue Smith said, "After you pin the middle seams between the two blocks, "what do you do if the outside edges don't match up? "Like, if one is shorter than the other, "do you pull them so they match?" - No. I would just have the quilter offset it. because it doesn't I don't always put the label in the back, right in the center. I usually do whatever I can do to not buy more fabric. 'Cause... Yeah. And I'll draw it out. Sometimes my borders are at the bottom right. Sometimes it's at the top. Sometimes do hand-piece it on on the top. If it's huge Like if it's this huge backing, I'm gonna piece the backing into three sections and then I'm gonna create a border. I'll do that. I'll do a tutorial of that at some point. But I just add borders to my label, fold it under with a hot hem presser, or hot hem ruler. And then hand-stitch it down or sewing-machine it down. Sew-it-down on the machine. (drum hands on table) But either way I want it quilted in. - [Lilly] Haley Weckworth says, "Will the Serendipity quilt kit be back in stock?" - It is in stock. - [Lilly] I'm quite sure it's in stock. - Yeah, it's in stock. We have plenty. That will begin It is not... It is a pre-order. So it will be in stock late January, early February. It is a pre-order. - [Lilly] Yes. And Valeria Bauer had said, "My 42-year old daughter, "out of nowhere, decided to learn how to quilt. "So I bought her a Singer machine. "And the next thing I know she was driving "from Colorado to Katy, Texas. "She is here to learn how to quilt in four days." And she put a little emoji, that's like... - That's awesome. I wish my kids were interested. Yeah, they're not. - [Lilly] Yeah, to drive from Colorado to Texas. That's exciting. I'm excited for her. - Yes, yes. - [Lilly] Let us know how it goes. And Renee Moffitt said, "What will you be doing with the blocks we make starting in January?" - I'm gonna make another project that's gonna go in my house, on my side table, in my bedroom. So all of these I'm either gonna make for my bedroom, or my sewing room because my other tables in my house already have table runners. I already have big, huge table runners for those. And I'll just make it something that will just... I'll just make it up as I go. So based on what y'all say, if you say three inch, or nine inch that will determine which collection I pick. All that. - [Lilly] And Yvonne Sue Smith is saying she She was the one asking about the blocks. If you adjust it, if one smaller she meant the blocks on the front of the quilt. - Oh, okay. So what I would do on the blocks on the front of the quilt is I would put them together. I would pin the outsides. Let me see if I have a block somewhere. Yeah, I do. Ha-ha! (keyring clinks) Oh, here. I was like, "I know there's blocks in here somewhere." (zipper rips) Okay, so (keyring clinks) So, can we do the upper camera? So these look pretty much the same size, but pretend they're not. When I put them right sides together the very first thing you will do is pin the left and the right. And then pin whatever intersection you can and then pin in between. And then when you're sewing you'll want to pull. See how I'm pulling? I don't really like to do that, but you pull it. And if you have a block that is larger put the larger bot, bot. Sorry. The block that is larger on the bottom, the feed dogs will help ease it in more than it would on the top. That would be my tip. It's just pinning and kinda pulling. I mean, I don't (keyring clinks) try to do that. That's not something I try to do, but it is something you end up having to do. So here's all the blocks that I've done so far. And we're gonna auction two of the quilts off. And one we're gonna keep, because we do keep, anytime we have like a designer mystery, or a charity, or something like that, we keep it, so that we have records of what it was 'cause in 10 years we're not gonna remember what we did. And we have a big cabinet that we put everything in. - [Lilly] Let's see. Mike at MyLongArm said, "Merry Christmas to Kimberly "and everyone at Fat Quarter Shop." - Merry Christmas, Mike, - Merry Christmas. I haven't seen you in forever. (Lilly chuckles) Because Mike used to come. He has a key to the front. And he could just come in, but now with the COVID, he can't. I don't see him walk by my office. - [Lilly] No. Yeah. I see them through the window sometimes. When he's just walking up to (speaks faintly) - I haven't seen him in months (Lilly chuckles) - [Lilly] Okay, let's see. From Arlee Hudson50, "Do you mark your center on the back "when you send to quilter, "allowing for whatever amount they need as extra? - No. - [Lilly] And I think a few people were asking what kind of batting Gina and Mike use. Gina said, "I use 80/20 for almost anything." And Mike had said, "Both 80/20 and a 100% cotton. - And we use Quilter's Dream brand. And we buy it by the roll. They're huge. And we ship. Like when Mike is out, he tells Cheryl. Cheryl buys it directly from Quilters Dream, ships it directly to Mike's house. And I think we do that with Gina, but I'm not sure. But yeah, we just buy it in chunks. And then that's part of when my employees send their quilts to Quilt It... I don't think they have to pay for batting 'cause I buy it in the rolls. So they don't have to worry about paying for batting. - [Lilly] Yeah, we don't. - Which is like, I mean, it adds up. But you know, it's like a little bonus 'cause they're making stuff for us and stuff. - [Lilly] And Super Chat from Emma Garren for 4.99 Thank you, Emma. - Thank you. - [Lilly] And then Super Chat from Nellie Olsen for 9.99 And Nellie put a little pear, also saying, "Thank you." - Thank you. - [Lilly] Thank you. (Super Piggy barking) Okay. And Super Chat from Deb Summers for 4.99 and Deb says, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. "Your live stream is a 'must-see' for me each week. "Looking forward to 2021 live streams with you all." - Thank you. Yeah, we have a lot planned. Lilly and I have a lot planned. We have all - Nice. - of next year planned. I did think of one thing we forgot. - [Lilly] Oh? - But we'll do it today, or Monday, or - [Lilly] Okay. - next year, whatever. (chuckles) - [Lilly] Oh, I'll put a note. - I forgot. (chuckles) Well, we basically had a whole list and, I mean, it took three of us to remember every single thing we do because we do so much free content. And this and that. - [Lilly] And Sew Alongs and events and... - I was just like, "Oh my gosh. (Lilly chuckles) "So many things." - [Lilly] Yes. From Barb Setterdal, "Will the Sewcialites still come "out on Friday mornings while you are on hiatus?" - Okay, the next block will be January 5th. I think that's right. - [Lilly] It's the week of January 5th, which is January 8th - January 8th. - [Lilly] Yes. - Yeah, 4th is Monday, that's right. 4th Is Monday, 5th is livestream. Yeah, 8th. So we're taking a break and the reason we're doing that is because if I'm doing these live we want to, you know, do 'em live so that people can ask questions. And I also think whenever you do a Sew Along, if you do a break, it's really good to give people a break. So if they've had a really busy two weeks, or something they can catch up. And then they're more likely to finish the Sew Along than if they got too behind where they could never catch up. - [Lilly] And Jenny Dunn says, "Do we know "what fabric line Kimberly will use "that could affect size of block to choose?" - Okay, so I'm gonna either use Apricot & Ash, or Christmas Figs II. Yeah, Christmas Figs II. Yeah, one of those two. 'Cause we just got Apricot & Ash back in stock. We're gonna show it to you. But we got a lot back in stock and I never had a chance to buy it. And since we have so much back in stock, I mean it matches my bedroom. It matches Those are the colors I use. Okay, so I'm gonna take a break. Lilly is gonna come and show you the giveaway and everything Lilly has and I will be right back. - [Lilly] All good! (Lilly speaking faintly) To your left the iron (indistinct) - Oh, okay. (container rattling) - [Kimberly] Did you ever listen to that music? - [Lilly] ♪ Do, do, do ♪ No I still haven't listened to it. I subscribe to her. ♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do ♪ ♪ One day we will put words to this music. ♪ Hello everyone. I'm Lilly as a lot of you know. Happy Holidays to everyone. Merry Christmas. (door slams) Happy Hanukkah. I believe that just passed. And today I am very excited to show you guys this lovely basket of goodies that we've been saving up for a couple months now so that we could do a giveaway when we hit our next subscriber milestone. And as Kimberly was telling you guys, we just hit 250,000 subscribers. Yay! (claps hands) Very excited. It's been a great week. (chuckles) It's made me so happy that we reach this huge milestone. Quarter million, oh my gosh. Okay. So the giveaway is this lovely basket of what I call the, "Film room goodies." Oh, don't tilt it so far. There we go. It's got lots of stuff in it. Basically this basket is a lot of like pristine, mint condition, brand-new items that we had in the film room. We recently cleaned it up and they were here for filmings to show product, different thing. But they're literally brand-new and some of them are exclusives from previous years on certain things. And so we just put it altogether. We're giving it away to one lucky YouTube subscriber. So if you're not subscribed to our YouTube channel hop on over there right now, hit the subscribe button. And to enter the giveaway you must wait for the end of this live stream. Give it about 10 minutes after we end, go to this video on our YouTube channel. Only on our YouTube channel. And then comment below what your favorite video of ours from 2020 was. So make sure to comment by the 21st, which I believe is next Monday at midnight, to be entered to win. That's when we will go in, pick the lucky winner. A note is to please only comment on this video on YouTube because if you don't comment on here you won't be entered for the giveaway. And I really wanna make sure all of you guys are entered. So if you comment somewhere else, like on Facebook, Instagram, if you email us, if you go on Stitch Squad, the Facebook group, that's cool to share what you loved from 2020, but it will not give you an entry for the giveaway. So wait for the live stream and then tell me what your favorite video of 2020 was. And the winner will be contacted by us replying to their comment on YouTube. So make sure you're checking that on the 22nd to see if you won. And yeah, that's the giveaway. So, sneak that over here. Cute little basket. Thank you. Shout out to Cody for getting me a basket. And the other thing I wanted to ask you guys was for some feedback on our videos for next year. Let us know, you can tell us right now, or after the live stream, what you would like to see from our YouTube channel in 2021. Kimberly kind of started the conversation with asking how you guys like this format for live streams. We do the tutorial portion and then the show-and-tell portion. Back in the day we used to do like on our couch set with the show-and-tell portion, but any other videos, anything that you're like, "Wow! I love this technique. "Maybe I wanna see it more in depth, or this kind of quilt." Just you guys' feedback. Would love that. And Yeah, I wanna say thank you to everyone for watching our videos, for subscribing and watching us both on YouTube and Facebook. I'm very thankful for everyone and Happy Holidays to everyone. Kimberly is back, so I will give her back the floor. ♪ Do do do do ♪ ♪ Last intermission of the year. ♪ ♪ Whoo! ♪ - I know it'll be in 2021 (chair bangs) before we can even think that it's not. (paper rustling) Okay, I'm gonna set all this stuff up real quick. (plastic crinkling) So, we have a lot planned for next year in terms of Sew Alongs and just all kinds of stuff. And I'm gonna be sewing along with most of them with you (bangs book on desk) so that everything is more interactive. And I can give tips. And so right now (thuds on desk) I'm already starting everything. So the first thing I wanted to show you I think there's probably a pop-up that we can start with. - Yes. - [Kimberly] So we are gonna do a, "Best Friends" Quilt Along. It's gonna be me and Lori Holt. And I'm gonna explain all the fabric requirements. We're assuming most of you will do the lap, which is on the left. We also wrote instructions for a queen, which is on the right. Some of the fabrics are not in stock for the queen and it will be probably January, February, but we do have everything in stock if you want to make the lap. Now the way that we're gonna do this Everything is on the blog already. So Kate's already put everything on the blog. If you have any questions you can either ask here, or ask on the blog and we'll answer you. But what we're gonna do is I'm gonna sow half the blocks. Lori is gonna sow half the blocks. In the end we're gonna put it together. We're gonna piece a specialty piece backing, where I piece the backing and she puts a label, or she puts a applique label on top. And we are gonna auction the quilt for charity. For Make-A-Wish. So I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna be doing, what Lori's gonna be doing. Of course you can use any fabric you want, but this is just what Lori and I are gonna be doing. So, You're gonna be making all of these blocks. Economy blocks, log cabin blocks, pineapple blocks and courthouse steps blocks. So you need these four pads. Now, if you're doing the lap, you need the six inch. For your background fabrics. (thuds pads) We're using this Bee Basics (plastic crinkles) and Bee Backgrounds layer cake. This actually, just so you guys know, is actually just Bee Backgrounds. That's a mistake by Riley Blake. It's just Bee Backgrounds. So you need this layer cake and this layer cake. So this is your Bee Basics. No backgrounds. So they just consider these both the same, but basically this is your background (thuds hand) and this is your basics. (thuds hand) So if you're gonna do the lap you need the layer cake of Bee Basics, the layer cake of Bee Backgrounds. (plastic crinkling) You need the four pads (pads thudding) right here so that you can do foundation paper. If you're gonna do this setting where you have these, so this is four squares, four rectangles. If you're gonna do this setting (plastic crinkling) you would use the Best Friends Backgrounds Fat Quarter bundle, which is just eight pieces. Lori handpicked these pieces. Then you would need binding backing. And if you wanna put rick rack in your trim, you can. (plastic crinkling) And the color she suggests is coral. So this is what you would need. Now, if you don't wanna buy anything, just get a ba... You can either do yardage of a background and just, you know, have a couple of yards. You can get any layer cake you want. I am gonna show you in January all the blocks I make on Lori's YouTube channel which is, her channel is just called, "Lori Holt." She will show you her blocks and then at the end she's gonna mail them. And we're gonna put it all together and auction it off. - [Lilly] Whoo! - [Kimberly] Now, if you wanna make the queen (plastic crinkling) you need those four paper foundation pads in 12 inch size. You need a Bee Basics Fat Quarter bundle and a Bee Backgrounds Fat Quarter bundle. Those are both out of stock. Everything has been ordered and has been on order for a long time. You know, due to what's going on in the world it's hard to get everything. So some of you might already have that. You might already have these fabrics. You need this one-yard bundle here for your outside pieces and binding, backing and vintage trim. And all of this is on the blog and you can sew with any fabric you want. We just made sure that we had all of this lap in stock. And we only did the queen just because if you have the 12 inch and prefer 12 inch blocks, you can do this. And it would be helpful to have the Add-a-Quarter ruler in either the 12 inch size for this, or the six inch size for this. And so that's gonna be super fun because it's gonna be five weeks from January 7th, through February 4th. And everything is available. All the supplies at Fat Quarter Shop. All the information is on the blog and it's gonna be a collaboration with me and Lori. You can see how... You can see how her blocks look and my blocks, you know, and how we're gonna mix 'em. And we're just gonna put them all in one quilt. So I'm making half she's making half and we're gonna auction it off. So let me know what questions you have on that. - [Lilly] Let's do a close-up real quick of the... What the quilt will look like. - [Kimberly] So on the outside are... - [Lilly] Log cabins? - [Kimberly] Log cabins. Courthouse are in the inner. Economy blocks are here. Pineapple And then more log cabin. And each week we will tell you exactly what you need to make. So each week you will download this for free. And it will tell you how many log cabin blocks. Cutting for lap, cutting for queen. How many to make. And you'll get that each week. And you know, if you have a best friend you could make them a quilt and they could make you a quilt and you could exchange, or you can just make the quilt as a gift. - [Lilly] That's so sweet. ConnectToTech is asking, "Can you do it "without foundation paper?" - [Kimberly] Oh, you could. We're not giving instructions for that though. But you could easily find, you know, instructions for these blocks online. But our instructions are for the paper. - [Lilly] All right, and then we had a new YouTube member join, Tara Romero. Welcome Tara. - Thank you. - [Lilly] And then we had a super chat from Anna Elmsjo for 50 S-E-K. I'm not sure what that is, - (whispers) S-E-K - [Lilly] but thank you so much. - Thank you. Okay, we've got to figure it out. (hisses through teeth) - [Lilly] S-E-K. And she says, "Lily, you have my favorite voice on YouTube. "Thanks to all" Sorry, I got so excited about what she said. (Kimberly laughs) She said, "Thanks to you all for this year." Thank you. That's so sweet of you. - I know, she does have a great voice. - [Lilly] Oh, thanks. - 'Cause you know that is a big part of if you watch somebody because there are I watch a lot of true crime. I don't watch any kind of crafting really on YouTube because I like to keep my personal life and my work life different. I don't wanna be working all the time. But there are some true crime channels that I just cannot watch because the voices are too unhappy. - [Lilly] "And S-E-K is the Kroner, "which is the official currency of Sweden." - Oh! - [Lilly] Thank you so much, Anna. - Yeah. Thank you. - [Lilly] And Kathy Dunn was asking, "How are you dividing it in half?" - Oh, okay. So each of them, you make them even. Like the very first one you make 12. So I'm gonna make six of those and she's gonna make six. And, you know, whichever, If it's make eight, I make four, she makes four. - [Lilly] And - Oh, and another thing is, I'm gonna starch and she's not gonna starch. And that's okay because when you cut them down you get the exact size because of the paper. And it will shrink differently when we wash it, but that's how we sew. So that's how we're doing it. - [Lilly] Okay. From Molly P, "Are you getting the Bee Backgrounds "Fat Quarter bundle back in stock?" - Yes, but it won't be back in stock in time for this, I don't think. I mean, it could be, but I really doubt it. Based on, you know, everything's going on. We bought We really When we bought all the When we were gonna do this Sew Along, we had focused on just the six inch. So I had bought all of that. And then we thought, "Well some people are gonna want "the larger one." We just won't have all the fab... Everything is ordered, it's just not all here yet. - [Lilly] And Naomi Guzman says, "Is the Quilt Along "beginner-friendly? - Yes. - [Lilly] And let's see, we had a new YouTube member join, Paleo-Riffic. Welcome Paleo-Riffic. - Thank you. - [Lilly] That's a great YouTube name. And True Girl123 said, "I love your voice too, Kimberly." - Oh, thanks. - Yeah. That's true. - Some people say I'm... Like, I don't really have a Texas accent and some people think I do have one. So I don't really know what I have. - [Lilly] It comes and it goes depending how excited you are about something. - Oh, that's true. - [Lilly] Yes. - And you know, it's really funny 'cause the other day when I went to see Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan, I saw an old friend. You know, a friend from... He's married to my best friend from when I was a kid, so I've known him for 30 years. I actually knew him in high school. And Kevin was calling me Kimberly. And he was like, "Oh, you're Kimberly now!" He's like, "'Cause I used to just be Kim." To anybody that you ever knew, I was always Kim. And then when I met Kevin, he was like... I don't know, he calls me Kimberly, so then everybody started calling me that. But it's so funny 'cause I was like Kevin was like, "What?" I was like, "Yeah, it's you. "You made me change my name." I mean, he didn't, but he just always called me Kimberly. I don't know why. (Lilly speaks faintly) And everyone who works here calls me Kimberly. But if you go, like When I was a kid, I was Kim. Like when we go see high school friends, or something, they're like, "Hey, Kim," My kids are like, "What?" So it's just different. (Lilly laughs) It's different. It's just so funny 'cause, yeah, when I saw him, Paul said, "Oh, you're Kim now. "You're fancy now." I was like, "Oh, I guess so." - [Lilly] That's so funny. (ice blocks rattling) You know funny side-story from my end to that is that I've made it a point to not call you Kim. Because I just find it annoying when someone gives you a nickname that you didn't ask for. - [Kimberly] Oh? - [Lilly] Like, if you don't wanna Like, if you wanna be Kimberly, - Right. - [Lilly] Then you're Kimberly, - [Kimberly] Right. - [Lilly] Not Kim. So it's- - Yeah, so like tomorrow (Lilly speaks faintly) when I see my brother he'll just call me Kim. - [Lilly] Oh. - Like my mom, she just calls me Kim. - Hm mm. - Yeah. But like my grandparents, when they were alive, I was Kim. I was never Kimberly, and so. Yeah, it's just funny 'cause then I know, okay, when did I meet you? Did I meet (chuckles) I don't even Yeah, I think, yeah. I was always just Kim. And it's not like Kevin said, "Oh, I want," I don't know why. He just always called me Kimberly, for whatever reason. I don't know. I met him a long time ago. I can't remember why. And then that's kind of where And then obviously since he worked here, he calls me Kimberly, so. - [Lilly] And question from Gwen Smith, "Any ETA on the Flying Geese papers?" - We can get that ETA. Ashley, can you ask Jocelyn for the ETA? I know they're physically not here yet. And we have a release date planned, so. Can we get that answer from Ashley please? - [Lilly] Yes, we will look into that. Okay, and then Oh, Lori sent a really sweet comment. She said, "Lilly, I use the app called, 'Calm,' "for my meditation and I think you should be "one of the voices on there." Thanks, Lori, I use Calm as well. - Oh! What is it? - [Lilly] It's an app for meditation, for sleep- - But what do they say? Is it music? - [Lilly] It can be music. They have stories on there. They have like guided meditations, (Kimberly gasps) like telling you, like, you know, sit and do this and - Oh! Do they have True Crime? They should have True Crime Calm. (Lilly guffaws) And "Lilly" can be the name. - Oh my gosh. - A voice. True Crime Calm. Do you know how popular that would be? That would be like (Lilly laughs) Let me tell you, somebody should pay me for that idea 'cause that would be a lot of money. - That's hilarious. - People love True Crime. - [Lilly] Yeah. See, I would be happy to read it, but it wouldn't calm me down listening to it. (chuckles) - Yeah I, yeah. That's Oh gosh. Calm, y'all gotta call me. (Lilly laughs) Okay, so that is the first Lori thing. I'm gonna keep all this together. The next Lori thing is super exciting. (paper rustling) I'm gonna put this over here. - [Lilly] And the app is, "Calm," C-A-L-M - So the next item is sew with, "Prim & Proper." This is... (pages rustling) This week we're doing a Sew Along with the quilt and this week we are on this block, right here, which Oh There you go. That block. So those are Lori's cross-stitch blocks. And so, if you're sewing along, it's been really fun to see what everybody is doing. And you can see from our book right here Lilly was good. She covered up all the cutting. (Lilly chuckles) But this is kind of how you make the block. But I wanted to let you know that Lori just released the Prim & Proper cross-stitch. So she took the quilt. We turned it into cross-stitch. We matched as close as we could. And here it is (montage thudding) - [Lilly] Yay! - [Kimberly] It looks so good. So we're going to also do a Sew Along with this next year on our cross-stitch channel, which is called, "FlossTube." And Lori finished this for us. And what we're doing now is on the back of our cross-stitch patterns, we're putting everything right here on the back. And you can actually see the back cover on our website by looking at our additional images. So anything you're wondering on the fabric she used, the rick rack. Everything is put exactly on there and she painted this with her paint. So I'm super excited about this. And I'm gonna be stitching along with this. - [Lilly] Also, how cool that we show the cross-stitch on the week of the cross-stitch blog? - I know! (Lilly speaks faintly) It's like we planned it, or something. (Lilly laughs) That one we did not. I can tell you that. (Lilly speaks faintly) And then this block Okay, so Lilly, do you wanna come show the blocks? Do you know which ones they are? - [Lilly] Yes, they also bookmarked in the book. - Oh, they're bookmarked. Okay, good. - [Lilly] And Lori Holt said, "There is nothing calming about crime." (chuckles) - You could do a true crime story in a kind voice 'cause I could do it. It would be me and I could make some extra money on the side. (Lilly chuckles) To buy myself a purse. - [Lilly] That's hilarious. - 'Cause I do like purses and shoes. I could care less about clothes. But I do always have on good shoes and good, good purses. - [Lilly] Yeah. - So this is our Bonnie and Camille tote. And I just wanted to tell you, when these are gone these are gonna be gone forever. We're only making them once. - [Lilly] They're super-nice. - I know. And we're doing a Sew Along. And so, this was the first block of the Sew Along, right here. And my tip on this one was to make your outside borders larger and trim down. The blocks for this week are the Beehive Block. I have to find it. Right here. So this is the block from this week and I did make this quilt. And The Bliss Block, which I just saw. It's over here in the corner. (cupboard door banging) So the blocks that we've done so long for, so far for the Sew Along is one, two, three. And so, if you follow Camille at Thimble Blossoms on Instagram you can follow the Quilt Along, everything she's doing. You can post pictures. The #ShineOnSampler QAL. And that's super exciting. And we're excited that we have a book with Camille and Bonnie. - [Lilly] Hmm-hmm. - And I'm gonna show you some other stuff. I'm just gonna put everything on the table so I can actually sit down. - [Lilly] Yeah. (chuckles) - And we'll just have a little bit of a mess. - [Lilly] And you can hand things off to me. (package thudding) Oh, and Jocelyn said about the Flying Geese papers, "They're on their way. "Probably a week." (paper rustling) - So we'll probably load 'em in January. (bucket thudding) - [Lilly] I was like, "Whoa! What's that?" - Sorry. - It's okay. It was a bucket. I just threw the bucket on the floor. I didn't have anywhere to put it, so I threw it. So I wanted to show you some new stuff and I give you some feedback, some comments. So we did post You guys had asked what my three favorite backgrounds are. So we have listed those in, in the description box. But this one is the Blossom Tone-on-Tone that I talk about all the time. It's from Christopher Thompson and there's little flowers. They're tiny, tiny, but you can hardly see 'em. So I use this all the time. It's C725-WHITE. I love all of Lori's Bee Backgrounds. My two favorites are this one. And there's one that's also this exact print in navy. So it's 6384-Honey or navy. And then this is quickly climbing to my favorite. It's On The Farm Cream Spots and Dots, 2070836. So we listed these on Instagram and, you know I should always have these two. Because these will be re-printable. This one won't last forever. And we did get a lot of feedback that said, "Well, I don't just like backgrounds "that are just backgrounds." But y'all ask what my favorite backgrounds are. And I don't like busy stuff. So I cannot use, for example, this, I could never use this as a background. I try to keep my backgrounds very calm. So that is why I chose these. We do have a low volume club that is starting in January. There are still spots open. And if you're wanting some backgrounds that are less white on white, that's where you would look for that. And I am going to be doing something pretty exciting with that club that I'm excited about. And I'm not gonna tell you until January. - [Lilly] Ooh! - That's like the third I mean, I'm working on so many things. I have block one done. Did you see it, Lilly? - [Lilly] Yes. Yes I did. - It's like that big. - It's huge. - It looks good. Lilly likes it. (plastic crinkling) - [Lilly] Yes. - Another Sew Along we're gonna do is - Whoo! - Stitchery Sampler. So this is a Joanna Figueroa kit. (kit swooshing and thudding) And I bought this and I bought this. And what we're going to be doing... Can you go on the spreadsheet? Is it on there? - [Lilly] No. Sorry. - [Kimberly] Well, what we're going to be doing is from January 8th, through April 2nd, we're going to do 13 weeks. And I'm going to bring in each week, the block that I made. And so I'm not gonna do a Sew Along where I show you how to do it. I'll just give you, you know, tips, or just different things. But Joanna is gonna join us on the Sew Along and inside the kit is all the fabric you need. Your booklet, your hexagons to do your English paper piecing. Now, I don't know how to English paper piece. Well actually I do, I don't think I'm gonna do it. So I'm gonna do something different there. Who knows what I'm gonna do, but I'm not gonna do that block. And this is sold out. It sold out right away. We'll have more next week. It's a cute little booklet by Joanna. And the backing I tried to put my backing in here to see (chuckles) if it would fit and it wouldn't fit at home. So I'm going to be doing this Sew Along in January also. And we're gonna talk more about it. I'll bring my first block, which is this one, January 8th. And I'm very excited. I mean, y'all should know I'm excited about this. This will match my bedroom. I know exactly where this is going in my house. Love it. So excited about that. So I gotta start sewing that. And I wanted to show you guys Oh my gosh! Okay, so Kona, they always do a color of the year. So this is about the fifth year they've done it. And it's really interesting because the sales reps never know the colors. They don't know the color. So you can try to get it out of them. Like, "Oh, what do you think it's gonna be?" And they have no idea. So, this is the color. It is called, "Horizon." And so they do pre-cuts, charm packs, layer cakes, jelly rolls, bolts of it. It is... Yeah, there it is. It's really pretty. So Jocelyn put together some quilts in this color. So this is Sewcialites. So if you wanted to make this whole Sewcialites free pattern in just Horizon, that's how it would look. This is Rolling Star. And that is one of our free Classic & Vintage block patterns. And if you wanna turn it into a quilt it's a very low price PDF on our site. That looks good. And then Ocean Waves is a paid pattern. It's Sew Emma pattern. If you wanna do that. Oh my goodness! That would be hard. - [Lilly] I think that was also a free block pattern as well. - Sorry. - [Lilly] (indistinct) Classic & Vintage. - [Kimberly] Classic & Vintage, same thing. I was confusing it with this one that's over here. - [Lilly] Okay. - [Kimberly] So that is a free block pattern, paid quilt pattern. And then Jelly Snowflake was our Jolly Christmas in July event That is a free pattern. So if you wanted to make it in that. - [Lilly] That's really cute. - [Kimberly] And then Jelly Cabin Fever in Horizon. Now that is a free shortcut quilt. - Shortcut. - [Kimberly] That looks cool. - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] And then Grandmother's Favorite. - [Lilly] Also Classic & Vintage. - [Kimberly] Okay, so that's a free block pattern, or a paid quilt pattern. But we just thought it'd be fun to show you what this looks like. And I always We try to guess what color. And we made a bet, actually. Frank and I and Kevin made a bet and we all picked a color and whoever won had to take the other one to dinner. That was obviously before COVID. And I don't remember what color I picked. And I'm sure that Kevin does not remember it. I'm sure Frank doesn't remember. And it's not like I'm gonna be able to see Frank in a long time, but maybe I'll text him and say, "Do you remember what color we picked? - [Lilly] (chuckles) That's funny. - [Kimberly] We should have wrote it down. - [Lilly] That's so happy. - Yes, I like this color. It's pretty. So put that over here. And I wanted to let you know everything Apricot & Ash, or Apricot & Ash, came back in stock. So, this sold out within the first 24 hours, I think? I'm not kidding. And everything is back in stock. So I wanted to just show it to you because we have a lot in stock and this is one of the options for me to do something for my bedroom and Sewcialites. So we have all the free cuts. Layer cakes, Jolly Bars, half yard bundles, Fat Quarter bundles, Fat Eighth Bundles, Jelly Rolls, Jelly Rolls, Honey buns, Trump packs, mini Trump packs. So I just wanted to let y'all know that that did come back in stock. And I saw some of you on the Stitch Squad were so excited to see it come back in stock and that made me happy. That was actually the idea that gave me to put it on here. - [Lilly] Yeah. When you emailed, I was like, "Didn't that already come out?" - Yeah, it did and then it's sold out so fast. They did a reprint, which is very rare for Moda to do a reprint. And if they do a full reprint they can make the precut. So they had emailed us and said, "Hey, we're gonna do a "full reprint, what would you like?" So we just ordered a ton and it's just so timeless. And Corey Yoder has done some, she has recolored her "Coriander Christmas" book that we published for her in this. And so many people had wanted to make it and it's sold that right away. So if you're one of the people that wanted to do it the way she colored it on her blog, Instagram and all that, now you can. - [Lilly] Okay- - The white-on-white And this is really pretty. It's squares. Yeah, you can see it, see. - Yeah. - It's like little squares. So that's a really good white-on-white also, if you're looking for a background. - [Lilly] Question from Teresa, "Are you going to do "a bundle of the Pantone colors of the year. "The yellow and gray?" - We usually do that. That's something that we usually do. I decided that we probably couldn't do it this year because we can't get fabric. So we... None of the manufacturers have anything in stock. So I would love to, and I've always done that in the past but with what is going on I can't get I can't get the fabric. We could try to do one later in the year, though. So what we could do is try to do one where we have enough time to order it. Can you email me that, - Yeah. - Lilly, please? And we do have some new quilt kits to show you. Now this is going to be the upcoming Art Gallery club. - [Lilly] I could take the pre-cuts. - Okay. Thank you. So if you're in our Art Gallery club, you get 16 Fat Quarters each time. And we list them on the back. We give you full color instructions on how to make the quilt. We have about 30 spots left. And this is the pattern that comes free with that. So if you're in this club, this will come in January. - [Lilly] Okay. - Sorry. Hold on. One of the reasons I brought it is because I wanted to tell you the club is gonna ship late. The fabric This usually ship January 2nd. The fabric has not arrived to Art Gallery from where they get it made. So because the fabric is not Art Gallery we don't have the fabric. But if you're getting the club at least you get to see what you're gonna get to make. Krystal designs all of these designs. And Let's see. Debra made this, Krystal Oh, Jocelyn designed this one. Mike from quilted it. And it's beautiful. And I like how they put a solid on the, on the outside. And, so this will be shipping late. And then I wanted to show you One day I'm gonna fall. I'm gonna show you this. Do you have the pattern cover? No. - [Lilly] No, because the pattern's not out yet. - Okay, so this pattern is called Lantern Lights. It's going to come out later in the year. It's an It's Sew Emma pattern. And it's gonna use this PC100 Triangles on Roll. But Teresa is amazing. And we wanted to highlight Teresa's piecing skills. - [Lilly] It's amazing. - [Kimberly] Okay, I'm gonna show you this quilt. And then I'm gonna show you the back. You're gonna freak out. I'm not gonna move it around too much because it is not quilted yet. - [Lilly] Yeah. - [Kimberly] But this is an upcoming pattern. It uses You would need one print Jelly Roll and a solid Jelly Roll plus yardage for your borders. And some of this background. Okay, so these are T-tiny, but wait till you see this. This is when you want to be Teresa. - [Lilly] Wow! - [Kimberly] That is better than my piecing. And I, I just I can't even. It looks so good. And one thing that she did do, is you can see when she, this is how detailed I can tell what she does. She put her rows together with white thread. She put her blocks together with dark thread. - [Lilly] Wow! - [Kimberly] And she matched the thread per block. Yeah, 'cause you can see this is a darker thread. - [Lilly] Wow! - [Kimberly] And this is a white thread. So this is going to be a kit. I would love to say who designed it, but it's not there. So we'll tell you later who designed it. So just... I think Angel might've designed it. It's 50 and a half by 58 and a half, so it looks bigger than it is. But this is amazing. And this is like... This reminds me of something that would be in a Joanna Gaines catalog, or something. - [Lilly] Yeah. Wow. - So, Joanna, call me. (laughs) But we just wanted to show that because... I don't know, I've been thinking, "When are you going to go to a retreat with Teresa?" so I can learn from her. (Lilly guffaws) I don't know how she, I don't know how she does it. It's better than my piecing. - [Lilly] She's super cool. - It's starched. I can tell that up. - Hm mm. - But yeah, I just thought, "Oh my gosh. "We gotta show that." 'Cause that's so small. I mean, these are one inch. One inch finished. One inch finished. Okay, let me get a ruler. Oop, and it measures exactly one inch because she used our Triangles on a Roll-paper. Can you even imagine? Oh my gosh! I wonder how many hours that took her. And so that's a that's a pattern that's coming out next year. But we just thought, well, we should show how awesome her piecing is. (guffaws) - [Lilly] Yeah. I had to show the backing - See - before it went to quilting. - Yeah, before it went to Mike. I think Mike's gonna quilt it. - [Lilly] From Robin Jones, "What is Kimberly watching, "or listening to now? "I live by her suggestions." - Okay, so I have... I watched, "Alabama steak "Alabama Snake," on HBO. I watched, "Ripper," on Netflix. I have been watching old, old, old, like 19, like 1998, early 2000, "Snapped," on Oxygen. I have the Oxygen... I have Hulu, but I also have the Oxygen app. And I signed in with my DIRECTV and I've watched some old, old, one of those. And watched a couple of 2020s, couple of Datelines. That's the only, like new stuff that's come out. I know there's a Michael Hutchence movie documentary that came out recently on Amazon, but I cannot figure out a login to watch it. But I heard that one is really good. And there is a new documentary on Netflix called, "Room number Three," or room number something. It's about a scandal in France involving politicians. I watched about half an episode and it was just too much. Because it's not really crime No, it is crime, but it's not like... I don't know. It's just Maybe it's just different. But some of the things they said disturbed me. Which you know is not I can usually watch that kinda stuff but I had to turn it off. But everyone who has finished it has said it's worth it. But I think it's like watching a different culture. And I didn't understand. And I didn't understand like who the politicians were. Like exactly who they were. And I wasn't able to follow it very well. So I gave up and then Lori said, "Oh, you gotta "You should finish it. "Maybe it's good." And I was like, "Yeah, maybe." But I didn't finish it. - [Lilly] Okay, from Diane Matthew Du Plessis, Oh, "Will you have just the pattern available "for the flea market quilt?" - Flea market quilt? So flea market quilt that is coming out is an applique quilt that will be completely free on Riley Blake's website and Lori Holt's website. When that fabric comes, just a reminder, pre-cuts will go online first, quilt kit will go two to three weeks after because Lori is still in the middle of proofing. She makes all the blocks and proofs it. She proves that pattern and then we'll kit from that. But we don't do the kits until we get the pattern. And she just got her sample yardage, so. But it will be free on Riley Blake and Lori Holt's website. It will come if you buy our kit. We will print it and put it in there for you so that you don't have to print it on your own since we have a color printer here. But it will come after pre-cuts. - [Lilly] And Bonnie Butler Webb says, "Are those flying geese made out of half square triangles "in the new pattern that hasn't been published yet?" - Yes, yes, it's using this little roll, which is the H100PCH100. And the reason it uses PCH100 is it uses Jelly Roll. So this is meant to go with Jelly Rolls. And if you want, you know, if you're not using Jelly Rolls you could always buy H100, which is just four across. But yes, this is meant to go with Jelly Rolls so that you can just... You can actually start with a Jelly Roll. You have enough room. Lay it on there, sew it up. - [Lilly] And L Jack says, "I don't know how to write "a comment after the live stream is completed. "How is that done?" I can answer that (both laugh) Kimberly looked at me. So once the live stream ends in a few minutes, what you will do is exit out of this video. And then go back to our YouTube channel and hop back onto the video. And instead of commenting on the side where the live chat is, or if you're on the phone, it pops up like right underneath the video. You'll scroll down to the comment section of the video and add a comment there. That just makes it so that we can actually reply to your comment because we can't reply directly to your comment on the live chat. And Joy Trestrail says, "Who is Teresa? "Love her quilt." - Teresa works in Customer Service. - [Lilly] Yes. We love her. She is amazing. - So I would like to wish Lilly and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy everything, - [Lilly] Happy holidays. - Happy Holidays (Lilly chuckles) Happy New Year. We are not gonna be here for the next two weeks because we are gonna be celebrating with our families. But we will be back in January. And I can tell you that we're gonna be doing lots of Sew Alongs. And it's gonna be great because we're trying to make it to where you can pick something that you like. You don't have to do all of 'em, but if you do all of them, that would be awesome too. And we will see you in 2021. - [Lilly] Bye everyone.
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 63,186
Rating: 4.9459167 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop live stream today, quilting show off, lori holt quilt, quilting items for beginners
Id: Jy1R-LxGms4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 20sec (8060 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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