Behind the Seams: Live with Carrie Nelson (Miss Rosie) and Kimberly - Fat Quarter Shop

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[Music] [Music] hey guys I'm Kimberly from the fat quarter shop and we have Carrie Nelson from mr. roses quilt company and Moda fabrics and I'm gonna just start off with all the light business stuff all the things that I think you're gonna ask cuz I know all the questions that y'all guys are gonna ask and then we're just gonna open the floor for her so first her new book summer moon that we published is coming out the book should be at fat quarter shop and at the distributors around February 14th Valentine's Day may be a couple of days early so this is her quilt we had a block of the month available they're both sold out now but I'm just gonna show you the quote this was the vintage version and sometimes y'all asked about my piece backing so here's this one it's just leftovers from the front then I throw on the back and then y'all are gonna ask the label I got that from the Sweetwater label club it's upside down but that's okay so that is now sold out but of course you can make this with any kind of scraps which is the whole purpose of the book so that is the modern version and Gina tell I put this together for us and then Carrie Anne has this wonderful book called pin towels I'm going to show you some of that I do want to announce thread ology quilt is now down to 14 we've only got 14 left so those will probably be gone by Monday so I'm gonna let her talk about her penthouse book and while she's talking about it I'm gonna show you like some other really nice detail in her pin cushions because my stitches aren't like this they're not as good as this the pin valve came about about a year and a ago when a lovely quilter Amanda Jeanne Nyberg crazy mom quilts did a daily pincushion challenge she is this glorious modern quilter and so she was doing all this wonderful improv stuff I of course had to use blocks because that's what I do and people would be asking so I'm going to be a pattern for that is there gonna be a pattern for that and to nifer Keltner of martingale kept thinking she's gonna answer in the columns you know I can arrange that so long story short that's how the book came about the idea was just some of what I have learned over the years making pin cushions and somebody had asked how many I made probably over 200 I give most of them away there are several of these that already have somebody's name on it so they're just fun to make I think the biggest enjoyment is you get to use teeny little scraps and even the swoon one which I always call it swoon because that's Camille's block yes I know it's a in a block book but the way that she constructed it was completely original anyways even that one you can make it in a couple of hours and it takes longer to cut it out than to actually piece it there's a couple of things we will be doing some videos about some of the stitching I just use the edge of my presser foot as my guideline but I'm a big fan of the aurifil 80 weight thread for it because it's about the balance and proportion I just like the way it looks on and so 80 weights like a little bit thinner than the 50 weight and it's used for applicate for quilting huh and like if you were looking at the stitching up close I asked her that was the first thing I asked is oh my gosh whoosh machine did you stitch this on because the stitches are so pretty my stitches wouldn't do this pretty that's what's also nice with the aurifil 80 weight it it hides a few mistakes because it is so fine some of the things some of the mistakes that may don't show up there's probably a few of them in there where it's like yeah don't look too close my favorite one is probably this one because if you look in the book you can show if you show there's one corner there that I poked through when I was turning it and I could have turned it back around it's just I thought you know what I'm just gonna darn this no but that's my favorite thing about it is the the imperfection of some of them somebody recently used a term that I love that they have the human touch so it's just they're fun piecing together scraps and I like the way it looks when the back is quilted it doesn't have to be but I like that yeah and so like she's got quilting on the back um just stitches on the back of all of them and then from her book we had a companion powder and put together that was in our sew sampler box in November just so you know so if you're so sampler member this kind of goes with it and then also we have a couple of kits left over for the store if you're interested in that and then now I think we're just going to open the questions to Kerry I mean she's like an expert in so many things and has been in the industry a really long time so I think we should open it up for questions I feel really old with no but well I think we all think of it you know but it's funny because I think I started like a - before you did so I remember yeah my wedding anniversary's in a couple of days so 16 years spec were shot oh happy anniversary tell Kevin email him and say get her a gift first few dozen roses yeah I don't want that and so we had some people send me questions beforehand first was from Pam on Facebook she says Carrie have you ever thought about design and fabric um I did several years ago just curious and did two collections and okay that was fun interesting not my thing some people have it as a real talent a very distinctive style I think you can see somewhat from the fabrics even in the pin cushions I like sewing with a lot of different things so for me to do it you'd have to be 120 pieces in the collection and yeah that's not gonna happen so yeah no interest in doing it as you just as you love your powders well thank you very much Pam and then lots of people were also asking are there gonna be tutorials for the summer moon yes we film those there's one tutorial for each of the 24 blocks I'll get to share with you some of the things that I did including yes one or two of them there might or may not be a seam ripper in the picture because it's really easy to get pieces turned around asked me how I know but yes we've done tutorials for all of the blocks and for the finishing and kind of introduction and some of the techniques so those tutorials are gonna be kind of like tips and tricks like cheat things you can do with the book and they're gonna start releasing in May because they're gonna correspond with our block month which is now sold out but so in May the book will be here in February that would be doing too so long yes so because of the blog of the month is sold out how can people still join it if they want to so basically I would just start with the fat quarter bundle mind some collections you like maybe two collections get some maybe half yard of like ten backgrounds we can post on our blog if you would like like the fabric requirements but really it's just a strappy quilt and that's what I do for example with Laurie Holtz so along she's just doing an impromptu so along and so many of you have asked like hey what's the fabric requirements there aren't any I just grab whatever and make do and then if I make a mistake which I did already I just have to buy more or change it but I mean I think that's kind of like go with the flow just start with the fat quarter bundle maybe two and just pick and choose and then like I said like the leftovers I threw leftovers on my back and so many of you guys asked what do I do with my leftovers throw them on the back make some cushions make the pinwheel patchwork pinwheels that we're doing this year that's Justin's idea there's so many things you can do with leftovers so I don't feel like you have to be so worried about like what do you start with I think people are so worried about like like regimen and like what do I start with and so that's one thing that I learned maybe a couple of years ago because I used to be that way with Lori and she would say Kim just get some pepper and I'm like I can't do that she's like just get a bundle just start and so then I kind of learned once you do it a couple times it won't feel so regimented I guess that's it and so much of this it's supposed to be fun and some days you're in a mood to know this is gonna be very even another days no use leftover pieces and I think the fun of it is also to challenge yourself to start getting outside the box and yeah just start in fact those are the great words Steven jobs just reading about that that that for anything you do just start set up diamond and I like the idea of even even if he got fat eight bundles and got Jam or three and mixed collections that's a great way to get something really scrappy and wonderful and just I think just start with what you like like if you like the fabrics start with that don't feel like because Kimberly jolly is sewing with the fabric you gotta sew with that know whatever you like whatever y'all want to make it that way no I mean you know just whatever you like and you have it you can make it work and then the pin cushion I don't know if I said this but the pin cushion videos will come out in the next month or so so those are gonna come out before the summer moon videos so you will have something to tide you over and then sharing on facebook says Carrie how did you get started in closing I was a garment sower I learned to do that fairly young tall girl you know before they had tall sizes things like that so I started with garment sewing and now to make myself feel really old the Bicentennial all of a sudden you were seeing quilts everywhere and I thought well I can do that so I use something from a Good Housekeeping magazine and I made this block that defied geometric description scissors templates yeah that didn't work out very well so years later I was actually living in Dallas and I had been into this quilt shop and then finally took up got up the nerve and signed up for a class and my first quilt was a Sun and shadow quilt and I like to tell it was fun because everybody was doing these really pretty floral and soft color palettes and I was doing this Crayola solid Amish thing that wasn't really because it was really bright and then the process halfway through mine looks like a windsock everybody else is making quilts I've got this thing but I finished the quilt top I absolutely loved it machine quilted it myself a couple days later I was totally hooked so that's how I got into starting quilting on Instagram from caffeinated cotton do you have a dog now I miss Rosie I miss Rosie too I don't yet but I put it this way I'm getting near the precipice in that I'm already thinking okay what kind and trying to work it out and trying to convince mr. Dunn that we need to bring your dog to work policy but given that I'm not too far from the warehouse door I'm thinking liability issues so yeah but I'm probably getting one soon facebook wants to know when you start fabrics do you spray starch or Leela start I use both a a lot of times it depends what I'm doing it depends what's handy I use both and the one thing I do is because you can buy those big bottles of what is it stay flow I make it a little bit thinner it is really nice for starching small things or jelly roll strips they can just dip it and hang it up so so I just use spray starch okay yeah you spray starch more than the other but I have the other just just in case I haven't been someplace where it's been on sale and then Karen on Facebook was asking do you still design for Miss Rosie's quilt company and will there be more patterns I do a lot of it is now through mode but there are still miss Rosie patterns and so yeah they are more coming some of what had done lately it's better suited for a project sheet but it's there other things working on some new things that yes don't like wouldn't you see Moda kids like the ones that are prepackaged a lot of them are designed by her might not have her name but like I saw one the other day and almost like oh I know that I know that Kari is not bad like you know you can just kind of tell him it was red and white and it was the Cinna berry and I was like I know that it so the fun are some of them though that people don't realize remember the merrily quilt that was the houses that ginger burst close election I did that one of his I know it's like yeah those kinds were fun to play around be outside the box thing for piecing it's gonna be a couple things for piecing I think some of it starts with being accurate with your cutting that's where starching can help I would also say don't obsess it's some of it is your personality that if yours the kind of person that likes it to be absolutely perfect then you have to understand it's cutting it's your seam allowance it's you're pressing all of those things go together but as I've gotten older and need readers you know there's some things I'm letting go of okay if it's a sixteenth of an inch off on that seam allowance by the time that's quilted you're not going to see it so for a piecing tip know your machine know what your seam allowance is and really work on being accurate with your cutting and sometimes that means going back and doing the practice pieces of you know two strips or three strips and measure and probably continue to measure your pieces as you're going along and then what was the other part I don't remember what the other story story quality storing quilts um I confess I've got I hang some I use the curtain rods some get rolled up and put get some are stacked I think the biggest thing is you do have to take them out and refold them and okay people would tell you once a month but it's every couple of months just for the creases just for the creases and also understand that if you're gonna have them really stored you might want to consider a glass front cabinet because two of the things that can be the most damaging are dust and light so it looks really nice to see them in a you know spy a sunny window make sure the Sun isn't directly on them or non-glare glass or their things you can do but that would be long-term and mostly use them number one question in the comments right now is what do you use to stuff your questions I use crushed walnut shells it's one of the things that have used I like the weight of it I like the way it feels but I know there are a lot of people with nut allergies so the other thing you can use is sand there's two kinds of sand that you that are the best options because both have been sterilized and cleaned one is place and which you'll probably get like at Home Depot or the hardware store and you use to fill a sandbox the downside of that is I think they sell it in 20-pound bags and it's a lot the other one is sold like usually where they sell the fish stuff at the pet store somebody called it calcium carbonate I don't know but anyway so it's the sterilized sand for fish tanks get the white that works really nicely because it comes in a smaller bag both have a nice texture to it they have a nice weight the sand is if anything a little heavier Emery is an option it used to be harder to find you can find it now sawdust is what they used old fashioned it's really nice and firm but it's really hard to stuff so I used fresh walnut shells but I also recommend sand all right and then we've had another question come in this person says they bought your patterns for so long because they're so cute but she's never she never made many because the pieces are service training what made you come up with that do you use triangle paper yes I use triangle paper I started using it many years ago and I go back and forth with it depending on what the project is and oh by the way I actually cake mixes it's triangle paper so that's something specifically for layer cakes but I think it depends on the project if you need a whole bunch that are the same fabric combinations go with the triangle paper it's faster and easier if you want really scrappy other methods work better not better but as well and do you know how many times you've designed do you know how many you could decide no but I would say you've probably designed over 100 I actually not that many but it's but then there are times I think well no but then there was these for the dogs magazines all the magazines so maybe as many as 400 I was trying to think I know there were about a hundred and forty miss Rosie patterns and then there was like 84 schnibbles and and then yes so I mean there's some and then there's the ones with Mota so probably quilts 400 patterns maybe 300 so and she says can you tell us more about how you photograph the coolest to produce acute pattern covers I hire professionals know really for so many years that was it because there's the debate between should you do the really pretty styled shot which we all love because then we envision this is how it would use the twelve but then people also want a flat shot and a flat shot is much much harder than you would think we don't all have a setup like Meredith American patchwork where you actually have a white room and you can camera up above and you lay it on a floor that's ideal so for the rest of us it's Photoshop and straightening and professionals and that's as good as it's gonna be and then Margaret on YouTube says 8008 thread how does that handle as far as the machine I think I've never had any problems with it with tension at all that's the thing it doesn't just it's almost like except I would treat it exactly the same I put it in the top and the bobbin it is just thinner yeah I do do you put something different I use just I just use the 50 weight in the bottom because especially with undoing it quilting but I'm gonna have to try that now yeah I just don't sit like normal uh-huh but it gives the thinner and look so you can make your stitches a little bit smaller and then it's not as clumpy and the reason I like it for the pin cushions is I think it's somewhat about proportion and I can do a lot of quilting on it and not cover it with thread so it's a personal preference it also means that on some I can play with a color but it is the subtle touch it doesn't really stand out so it's and the wooden spools are just adorable so it's another thing to collect we've got a few questions regarding the pin 10 cushions on Ito's asking what you see the penpals book will be available it's available now it's available now in stock now so they can put a link to you and somebody said that they heard that it's and and walnut-shell stole his is that true it doesn't both I heard it sharp some crushed walnut shells can sharpen them what Pete what you have to be careful with on all of them is if you're using the pin cushion all the time you're not gonna really have any problems with the pins but if you have pins in them and you've got it out decoratively then yes both crushed walnut shells sand even Emery and sawdust they will break down the plating on the pin which is what people will think dulls them because now it's not sliding as easily and it's because the plating on the pin itself is breaking down and that's just overtime and yes it's from the oil and the walnut shells the oil that probably is still in the sawdust is some and just the minerals and all that stuff that's in the whatever you're using for stuffing so but if you're using them all the time it's not a problem and somebody else said that they heard that to sharpen pins used of soap that's true that's not one I've heard but then I've also heard to sharpen your scissors using aluminum foil and some people think it's great and it works so yeah it's put it this way it's something that be worth trying although I'm not gonna try the sharpen my scissors with aluminum foil thing yeah yeah and then on the subject of 8008 right we have larger schools with anyway no it only comes in one size Oracle has produced all colors so they have like 336 colors or something like that and all of those colors are however many they have they have in anyway but they're all the small spool all of them there's not a like 40 way and 50 way come in the the cones and there's no other if it helps if you're thinking you need bigger spools I do most of my quilting with probably about 4 or 5 very neutral shades and this earlier this year no it gets the end of last year I finally used up my first spool of the cream white yeah it's thinner so it takes a lot longer to use than it looks alright and your and I don't I have not done regular piecing with it I suppose you could I don't know why you'd need to or want to because the 50 wig weight works so beautifully it's going to be applique some machine quilting things that you're going to do so it's going to last a pretty long time it's got a lot of thread on there yep and just carry and we don't have all of them but we we have a lot of them in any color you want you just put a comment on youtube or my facebook or stitch squad Facebook and I will order it it's not a big deal shouldn't take too long to get but we have a lot of colors and then we also have a case that has I don't know 40 or 50 just for like a variety and there's a couple of boxes of it so that's a way to start I would recommend getting one or two colors make sure you like it before you buy a ton but I'm always open to ordering new colors the one that you have that would absolutely recommend a regardless of what people were going to use it for is the set that they came out with called calm sea ALM and got five spools all neutrals in there a gray a taupe a white cream I would absolutely recommend starting with something like that because you can use it for a ton of things so I'll check the quantity on that and if we're sold out I'll order some today I'm not sure what our quantity is on the house see me not I might have bought the last one yesterday oops well yeah we have like three to five so order some more but that's a really good way to start and introduce yourself to the threads with colors that you'll absolutely use and what is your favorite patentees cake oh I switch around a lot and I'd it's not because I have a preference I just like trying different batting's for different things and different weights I love wool batting it is so lightweight and just quilts weigh nothing I use a lot of 80/20 I like the hundred percent Cotton's I use the bamboo cotton blends and I've been playing with both the fifty wool 50 cotton by Tuscany Hobbes so yeah I'm I'm an equal-opportunity batting user and this was just I thought Evelyn on YouTube said that she actually makes the King cushions successfully watches at her jewelry store how cool is that let's do that oh my god I buy a watch I actually lost my watch last week for like two weeks and I found it some sucks it was like my bid how much it by your bed in you Austin it was like between the like the nightstand okay back here it was like I mean off but and I kept thinking where I mean I knew I didn't lose it oh my gosh I could just set that at my desk and I would always know what time it is she's a genius I'd have to make one first and Patricia needs he wants to know what fabrics did he use in the modern summer mode a day in Paris modern background basics and some sin chic solids and a couple of grin jizz and Dione pain she's one of our youtube members she wants to know miss Rosie do you starch all of your fabric like it really does most of it I really do every now I don't do it where I like you spray it and hang it I spray it and hang it you and the even mini charms and charm squares I don't hang those I got one of those you know sweater drying racks okay I got one of those I think like it IKEA and I couldn't figure out how I was gonna keep this stuff to fall from falling through so I got some cooling racks for baking and cookies they have like the grill some of those inexpensive at home goods home goods and I got zip ties and they zip-tied four of them together and it fits just nicely on top of the drying rack and so I can just lay stuff out and spray and then I'll stack and spray and then you let them dry the if you press with steam you absolutely should starch or do something because sometimes you spray it and you can see it's shrinking in it only shrinks in the width just a tiny little bit and if you shrink if you pre starch your turn packs or your jelly rolls really thinks they are gonna they're gonna shrink so you have to keep that in mind if your pattern is for a jelly roll and you need the full two and a half do not start because it will shrink and that's why sometimes I yeah I can't do that but then do you get them that there's stiff as Lisa Bonjean does I swear her jelly roll strips you could stand them up Kimberly Julie see you really wants to know what your nail polish color is Oh aruba something I can look connects aruba something it's a topi I already had a Reuben Minne and Janet wants to know if we sell crushed walnut shells and if not any ideas where to get them um can I answer that later I don't know the answer I know it one time we did I think we do but I really don't know it's top of my head but if we don't I can't get them in stock so I will be right on that right after the studio I know it one time we did and we had some issues with quality maybe or something or delivery so I'll look into it and back to Carrie what's sewing machine do you use I have old Bernie knows I keep telling myself I'm gonna get a newer one but I have old Bernie knows how many this is all I always hate this question because I used to think oh who needs more than one sewing machine I am now the lady with eight sewing machines I have four Bernie knows to featherweights an old 99 and I have one of the sachiko machines the baby locks Ashley cap have you you stirs yet yeah I gotta figure it out after the last video where I messed everything up I have to figure out Pete we might be able to sock that the one thing that have gotten better at is threading it and a few things I did get mine out of the box though I have a couple friends you bought them who haven't gotten them out of the box yet so so yes I have eight sewing machines the funniest part is my newest one newest that I bought three years ago is almost 70 years old and that's an old Bernina so but it sews like a dream it weighs 4,000 pounds but you know and what we have thread do you recognize the machine quilting um for the pincushions 80 weight must I don't do a lot of machine quilting but when I do pillows and if I'm doing bags I use 80 weight I played a little bit with the 40 weight and I'm really really looking forward to using 28 and 30 weight in the Sascha cow so and is featherweight a brand or a kind of machine feather weights are the old singer sewing machines the little ones that they started making them I want to say it was like around 1920 somewhere around there maybe 1930s and they made them through I think about 1960 and they very collectible very cute they sew really fast I sew really fast and I go and so with Lauria once a year and I was how she sewing surpassed it was like faster than my Dookie I cut a lot she was running circles around me and I yeah they know that I mean they I don't know what's going on on that side of the room and it was and I saw really fast but yeah it's like just machine has something really cool colors too oh she don't yeah red blue black green maybe I bought her a couple yeah maybe we have bought you know we buy them for the photo shoots uh-huh so yeah like we will buy a specific one just so that it's in a picture on one page of a book which is but she uses them I mean she and she has like yeah but I I couldn't believe how fast they were I had I mean I've never used the one mm-hmm and I was just like oh my goodness was she doing over there and she was like oh it's just the machine mm-hmm not they said and everyone says they're like just they just glide they do they're they're the kind of machine that if you sew with them and they get used regularly they just so better and better and better they're they're nice little machines they're fun I don't want to say they're fun to play with but they're think they're just cute and it featherweight the name came from because in the case it's still like 15 pounds you know my Bernina is 40 so yeah I'm with Lori's just like some people asked her I know people are gonna ask on the video but some of hers are painted by hand by her husband carry so some of those are like you can't at one point somebody was like trying to find this specific one she had and they were like emailing us and I was like oh no he painted that and I mean like when I say painted I mean he painted even around like the singer logo like yeah well and that's it the featherweights came in black there was a tan version that was sold I think that was the one in Britain and then there's one that was sold somewhere else that everybody calls white but it's actually a pale mint green those were the original but you can get them now yes they're places that they'll do it like almost Auto painting and amazing cool colors and yes you're yeah they're not inexpensive they're beautiful but they're not inexpensive how we covetable Wow Theresa says I always have issues when I do the sewing flip technique most of my boss will be okay but some are always off do you have any tips we're going to talk about that quite a bit in the video videos because it's used fairly it's used quite a bit a couple of things I think there's some tools that are really good the simple folded corners ruler my dad by Doug Lika that one helps a lot because you can trim it there's also a method that you can even oversize it and trim it down I think some of the problems come from pressing that you'll get a little too aggressive I know that's my problem that your seam first before you press it mm-hmm well and that's it because I I know it I do it anyways I use the edge of the iron to push it and so I'm creating the problem and I'm not saying that's what she's doing but sometimes that's what it comes down to and sometimes they'll stitch a little bit to one side to the leaning to one side just because my thread is thick so I'll go a little bit like to the right mm-hmm and it's we all think we can eyeball it viana it's if you don't draw the line then you really need to use a seam guide and get good at doing it or use like the simple folded corners ruler where you're gonna trim the corner and then it's just your seam allowance yeah there's lots of scene guides quilt in a day has one Lori hole test several in several colors I use washi tape on my my my bed just yeah it's that just the greatest invention for marking on sewing machines why should I clean the machine I have to like redo it and I feel like I spent so much time aligning it perfectly but yeah it works alright and then question of the walnut shells you put them directly in the pincushion or put a liner and um because I have quilted the front and the back I don't need to worry about a liner if you're not quilting it or both the front and the back I probably would use a liner especially if you're gonna use some sand sand in particular you do need either quilted lining one or the other and this is a perfect way these pin cushions one of the most questions that lily and I can every week is what do you do with your leftovers what do you do with the scraps right here yeah another example like I came up with the patchwork pin well actually Justin did but um you know it's just a way to use up uh-huh all your leftovers because that's like the number one question every week that Lily asked what do you do with your leftovers and this is like perfect mm-hmm and would you use only one machine per project or switch machines during projects hey you know I have switched machines and projects simply be out of necessity I know if you have machines that have a read that you know have a variation in a seam allowance then yes I would stay with one machine but if you're really good about knowing what your seam allowance is using a seam guide marking your scant quarter inch seam allowance it I probably wouldn't worry about that as much mostly because if you're using the same threads I think threads who have this much effect on seam allowance and sizes and pieces as anything else hmm so yeah and that's honestly that's the perfect thing for most machines you can buy a quarter-inch quilters foot they're usually a skosh big just because the feed dogs how wide they've gotten that you have to mark or there has to be some line and it's usually smaller than what that foot is I know the Bernina foot it needs a pass on a metal grinder just one will probably do but it's a skosh too big indoors east says can use them as a pressing these you probably could you'd need it a little bit you just have to make a really big one but you could and do you ever use fly thread I'm not sure what glide 3ds so glide thread is used um me and Lori use I mean me and Kerry use arthel almost explicitly but glide thread is a newer brand it's by a company called have and - and in a lot of long arm quilters use it because it has it's a little bit thicker and has like a sheen to it and so we carry it in fact Photoshop now just because we had so many requests for it but I do but I could be speaking out of turn I believe it is more a long arm thread it is sold in those big cones but I believe it's more for the quilting part of it which Lori I mean Kerry and I like send off alright well that's it everybody so and I don't even care what my long arm culture uses I just care about the color mm-hmm but it's more of a newer I just kind of heard about it this year exhibit so many but it has some kind of sheen or some kind of I don't know people like them whatever it is is it even that it could be like pre coded like quilting thread looks yes but really pretty has like a shine to it okay and I don't know if glide means it glides through but it is a longer thread um I've never used it but we had so many requests that we we carry it but yeah we use Oracle so and we actually have a new YouTube my mother and I became a member guys because I don't know what I'm doing and so I don't know like all these questions you guys to ask I don't understand so I had Lily she haven't like come to my office figure out how to create an account for me
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 16,871
Rating: 4.8976984 out of 5
Id: 8-bvxXrJiW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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