Behind The Scenes Of Australia's Busiest Airport | Holiday Airport E8 | Our Stories

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holiday Airport's gone down under to one of the most glamorous locations on the planet whether men are tough it doesn't get a rat and the women are tougher if you don't get me on this flight I'm gonna miss my sister's wedding where Brits come for the trip of a lifetime it's a place of emotional reunions and traumatic departures [Music] foreign [Music] flying to Sydney has never been cheaper and more British holiday makers escaped to the golden beaches of Australia every year getting them in and out of the country is the job of the ground staff at Sydney International Airport and at the sharp end of any passenger turbulence are the check-in supervisors I really don't want to talk to you anymore when there's problems or passengers in distress it's minutes Angelina Peter and their colleagues who have to sort out the mess and experience is essential it's important when dealing with stressed passengers to calm them first of all Friday afternoon check in for the London flight and Sasha Gray is a stressed passenger with a big problem I bought my ticket to go back to the UK for my sister's wedding which is on Sunday and I got here at two o'clock to check in and they basically said that my flight had left at two o'clock because of daylight savings my agent hasn't phoned me to tell me that the flight schedules have changed to go on to win schedule so I've had a right nightmare I've thrown them up and they've actually endeavored to get me on a Qantas Flight which is at 10 to 5. they still haven't got the tickets through I still haven't checked my bags on Everything's changed my itineries changed I've now got to fly to Manchester and I still don't know whether I'm on the flight the clock is ticking unless the airline get confirmation from her travel agent she can't be issued a ticket and Peter is busy dealing with another customer right I was going to say because I've got six minutes left before this flight will not allow me on it my Care New Zealand Sierra go ahead Peter with her friend's help she's desperate to get on the next flight home there's a lady over here that looks like she needs some help yeah right I'm going to pass you on to him now just quickly briefly explain I need to get on the ten to five flight to London or are you booked on this flight I only just yeah hello Brian just let me just have a look at the status of the flight now um we've gone to flight clothes but the the the the the aircraft is gated they're actually boarding at the gates I'll put you back on the phone to Mr Gray then we'll see how we go all right I'm gonna miss my sister's wedding all right okay thanks bye Miss Miss gray I'm really sorry no no no I I know this is terribly stressful for you I now can't get you on this flight what I can't get you on this flight the aircraft's too committed to an on-time departure now anything else that that I do to change that now means that we won't get the aircraft away on time let me tell I know you've I've only heard bits of this can you just tell me you have to be in Manchester buy when's the wedding Sunday okay but you have to be there before then for something is that right well tomorrow my dress and everything's getting fitted it's for your clock it's like three o'clock all right okay hello mum you won't believe this the one they can't get me on the flight they haven't got the tickets are on time and the flight's about to leave and I'm still not on it foreign desk Keith and Peggy Wilson were booked on the flight to London but mysteriously their tickets and passport have vanished Into Thin Air we left all our bags in the hotel in the locker room we got here and the tickets are missing my husband's passport so he's following them to see if they'd left them in the room and they haven't it's now a lot to gain on his wallets gone so we think it's all been stolen I should have checked while we were still in the room but we've left our bags in rooms like that before well I did say to you before but if you've got the tickets and you said yes but they are you learn by your mistakes and if I could get you to sign them tickets lost and then we usually do a new ticket the teeth is convinced that the answer to the mystery lies back at the hotel my husband wants to go back to the hotel and get this sorted out as Keith prepares for battle there's a phone call it's the head of hotel security speaking is that Rob right no right okay I'll go along with that but you know it's still no good to me is it the wallet's gone and the passport and cash and airline tickets have all gone can you go back to the same hotel we can look after you and get you a hotel that's what they're arranging if you're going to pay for it I think [Music] right they've searched all the tapes there's nothing on there uh they've searched the digital thing for letting in and there's nobody that's been in there that shouldn't be in there and they've got the types of everybody that's gone in there from the outside and from inside as well and there's nobody searching the case and I said that's it's not been opened the whole time so I just said about a room he said well we'll fix that up for you and worry about it so we're going back to the hotel go back to the hotel well once we get this sorted out you're gonna have both I don't know where we go but you're gonna have a secret outside and a drink meanwhile Sasha is still desperately trying to get home in time for her sister's wedding Peter's here and he said the only options I've got are getting on a Vienna flight which that's probably not going to happen now um or getting the flight tonight at quarter past 10 which yeah which I don't know about what the connection but the problem is getting from London to where I live before the shop shop before I can well my mom's gonna have to pick up my dress and I'm gonna have to wear it how it is you know it might not even fit it might be too small it might be too big but that's another forfeit that I'm gonna have to go through because of this mess up you know what about my nails my hair that might sound pathetic to you but it's all big when you a bridesmaid for your sister you know I'm very very very angry I know you spent your whole afternoon on this but this is because of your company that this is messed up I'm still the one being put out here am I going to be compensated for this am I going to be compensated for the fact that I can't I can't do any preparation for my sister's wedding on Sunday I mean you know do you care I quickly talk to my mom hi Mom disaster well I've managed to get on the 10 o'clock flight via Singapore I get into London at quarter past 12 I'll be in Manchester for quarter to three hang on two minutes ma'am yeah okay thanks bye absolutely useless they are all right Mom okay love you bye she's having a hernia blesser it's her job tell me a wedding that goes without a hitch or it's all plain soda I'm not really I mean I'm getting home that's amazing but security reasons I'm not gonna have anything done that's what really upsets me you know like no Nails no nothing if the whatever it is downstairs it does the nails it's still open do you want me to check that for you yeah might as well right okay thank you very much although Peter can't summon up a plane he can get Sasha started on her bridesmaid preparations well I thought I'd got out of all the crap that goes with weddings I've been here but obviously this is my payback Cinderella you will go to the ball chilled out through my stress levels of them calm down a bit and I'm going through the roof with Sasha's bridesmaid preparations underway upstairs Keith and Peggy Wilson still can't find their documents supervisor Angelina wants to double check their bags before admitting defeat would you mind if I went through back to a few basketball tickets where you know you put the passport and ticket and I'll go through it and let me see you don't know these days you don't know if I go through it it might be there if you don't mind Mr Wilson because sometimes that does happen and you find it I agree with you 100 this is all your medication and so forth here turn your camera [Music] I hope I've put everything right but anyway it's all in there for you now thank you we've done it three times with that possibility ruled out Keith and Peggy are stranded and had no option but to return to the hotel with her nails polished and her plane boarding Sasha has 39 hours to make it to the church on time I'm glad I'm getting on there I'm panicking until I'm fine back at check-in Angelina has another problem with a passport Brandon is hoping to travel to New Zealand for the first time with his son and British partner Rebecca I've got an Australian passport holder they've put their passport through the washing machine I'll just pop here for a minute okay well we're just going to New Zealand for a holiday and uh we had a bit of a problem because the passport I had to take the passport into a shop for identification and it was in my pants and it got went through the wash you know some stupid piece of paper gets in the way and it's all there the piece of paper's there just happened to have gone through got a bit messed up in the wash you know no he hasn't been to New Zealand before no so you won't be able to travel on this particular one you wouldn't you wouldn't accept him there okay thanks a lot for your time okay then bye how'd you go no they weren't accepted yeah there's another flight leaving in a few hours but without a new passport Brandon's going nowhere I mean she is nice and all that but you know I mean it's not her fault stupid idiot so you know what I mean I mean bloody you know bloody pedantic isn't it you know what I mean this day of age you know you type in the bloody numbers of the document you know okay there's the picture of the guy he's him you know what I mean I mean isn't it stupid tomorrow first stop the mug shot [Music] yeah four hours sleep maybe another bad looking passport photo at Sydney's international airport it's business as usual with Palms coming and going the Rainer family are back at check-in Brandon's got his new passport and they're in time for the next flight to New Zealand but there's another problem now they won't let me out of the country I didn't say I was an immature country I said I was going against because I've got a British passport she hasn't got a documentary and I'm Australia now I've got an Australian passport as well no this is just crazy this is like really nuts I just want to go on a holiday you know what I mean [Music] no it's really good earlier you know I mean how common sense is it that I've got a British passport and I'm Australian and they're all linked together the systems are linked together do you know what I'm saying they're linked so all they have to say is oh Rebecca she's British and she's Australian she's dual citizen how nuts is it that they can't just let me back in New Zealand immigration requirements are different for UK passport holders since she's only got her UK passport Rebecca will now have to change her one-way ticket for a return fare so sorry I just want to go to New Zealand I know you want to go to New Zealand for one of the requirements to enter New Zealand is you must have your correct document can't I get my documentation when I'm in New Zealand it's a simple choice for Rebecca pay for another ticket or don't go on holidays I'm telling you what they should have told spent all day passport office are you guys professionals or what outside temperatures are also Rising as more Brits Pile in with three things on their minds Sun Sand and Surf it's a top destination for Surfers from all over the world including the best of our homegrown talents um I'm Russell winter I'm a UK's top Surfer and basically I'm just here to do some professional contests and I'm off to Newcastle around Sydney so I'm traveling with my girlfriend Russell may be Top Dog in the UK but down under he's up against serious competition if he's going to succeed he must produce the best surfing of his life today's day you know the main event so basically I've got like I'm ready yeah it's going to be hard but um I mean I'm used to competing against these guys I've been doing it for a few years now so obviously the Aussies are some of the best competitors in the world you know I'm just going to be trying to hassle around them and try and you know push them off a few waves and what they'll be doing that to me so it's a bit bit of a fight out there but you know just try and go out there and fly the flag for Britain really some of you I'll just check you in at this counter over Keith and Peggy Wilson are back at the airport and a miracle has happened the ticket honey the wallet everything and you open that yeah took out my slippers there they were on the top yeah I remember those yeah and I remember that yeah pills there in the plastic bag was the tickets wallet passport where you had left them they were just there but we have a theory my wife and I yeah Keith's theory is that his passport tickets and wallet had been stolen at the hotel and when they returned the thief slipped them back inside their bag Keith believes that documents must have been replaced during the short period between checking into the hotel and going to his room but with no proof there's nothing the Wilsons can do across the terminal mankunian Jeff Merton has received some bad news about his golf clubs well I'm annoyed because I get here my luggage is barely is about the right sort of amount she's not showing me any excess on my luggage but she wants to charge me access on my golf clubs I'll have not paid for him to come all the way here if I'd known I want to pay access them to start with oh I've only paid four rounds of golf I might as well left the golf clubs in the UK and not bother with them it's now going to cost me best about 600 to go and back to you back to the UK and that's not on it's not it's not right so no I'm not too happy how long anybody will be in that situation so I'm going to send them on a company baggage unaccompanied baggage is Jeff's cheapest option but it's still not ideal I've been told I've got to come and see you because despite not having to pay for them from Manchester to bank to Heathrow from Heathrow to Bangkok from Bangkok to Sydney on the same round trip it took it I've got to pay from from Sydney back home okay I don't know why but that's the way it is so I brought him down here if it was lenient as you can only because I'm only a very poor plumber not a problem just put it on the scales but I'm just laying down and what are the items golfers golf clubs for portable sporting equipment so your final destination is Manchester Manchester do they go on the same flight that I go on no the way on the company baggage works it's an airport to Airport Service it'll travel in about five or six days the travels on a standby basis right so totally it's going to cost me 290 Australian dollars 140 130 30 pounds ladies and gentlemen 72 get your own tackle back home or a choice haven't got a choice but I'm not very happy about it but it's not your fault I don't blame you probably save me money well I've been doing this my wife's not been down the back shopping it's cost me a fortune but saved me money which carries 28 million passengers a year on its domestic and international flights and it's not just the British passengers who have problems at the airport in the domestic terminal there's an old lady in distress and this time it supervisor Ralph who comes to the rescue remember going all right don't remember do you know do you remember what time do you know what time what time are you going on an airplane this afternoon the train the path do you live in Sydney I live in okay all right all right look we'll find something for you mother don't worry yeah well look you funky pop yourself on there and see see if he can remember where you've got to go have you gone have you got any light on a dress or anything like that oh you're going to Rockdale oh all right the lady's giving me this with a Rockdale address which is not very far from the airport I don't think I'll put her on a bus I think for good measure I might um when you're in a cab charge and get one of the girls to make sure because she's really young she's lost it could be my mother or somebody else's mother and I call it the time the safe aspect to do would be to make sure she was looked after there okay so there's your boarding card and you pass the checking agent Sharon and supervisor minis today's a special day hello how are you good kisser's coming in today you're joking I'm not he's bringing in the 707. so he's not coming into the passenger no he's playing the one that's colored up in honest colors fantastic you know what a big fan I am of his Rebecca's bought her return ticket and now the reigners are on standby for the next flight but there are only two seats available well we've had to do a bit of maneuvering um we only had two seats left we've contacted the captain to see if he can accommodate one of those staff members in the flight deck he has okayed that so that frees up another seat for you guys so we're able to get you away oil thank you finally so I'll just go and get your boarding passes for you and if you'd like to bring over your bag Mr Rainer that's great it really kind of kind of had to help us where are we going I don't know maybe all they need to do now is check their bags in and get on the plane is nothing is simple [Music] wallet you know the ticket wall of the ticket that you um you bought oh I put that in the they just put that back in their bloody suitcase oh you didn't you didn't oh Jesus we need it oh my God they put the ticket that they had to buy and I'll be safe there do we get our luggage before we go no you died Danner must intercept the bag before it reaches the plane to avoid a costly delay 49. I'm on my way out to the gate that's going gate nine the last bag they had their onward ticket in the side pocket so we've contacted the November to hold the bag down on the tarmac and I'll come down and get the ticket out of the pocket I'm waiting for the last bag okay to come down the passenger left their airline ticket in the side pocket okay okay it um it was the last bag that came down from standbyss [Music] things she's got the ticket now she just needs the rainers appeared I'll just go upstairs you've got everyone ah cracking tell them to White upstairs call me but they're on board hello now I have to give this to a passenger that was very close how can I get my breath on the other side of the airport there's been an emergency the British Airways London flight has been forced to return to the gate there's a 73 year old male who's slumped forward on his seat he's been put on oxygen the airplane came back and we've got an ambulance here and a paramedic team assessing him they're going to take the hospital Tony hasnic was traveling home to England with his wife when he slumped forward and lost Consciousness with a 23-hour flight ahead of them the crew couldn't risk taking off and were forced to turn back [Music] all we need to do is um passenger the flight is delayed for 30 minutes Tony has taken to hospital with his wife they won't be going home until doctors give tony the all clear and declare him fit to fly the good thing is we hadn't taken off if we taken off what might have happened and how long it would take them to get back to a hospital um since the ambulance came the paramedics he's been taken off um he's looking quite good now and he's going to hospital and his daughter-in-law is actually on the way to the hospital to meet him so happy ending 540 international flights a week going to 77 destinations in 33 countries the Qantas supervisors are constantly dealing with passport and ticketing issues in the terminal supervisor Anna has been called to check in there's an Australian citizen who was born in Croatia who's not got the right ticket for his journey to Europe I've rocked out with a one-way ticket now let's tell me I can't fly on this have a return ticket I'm Australian citizen it's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard the gentleman has arrived at the airport and he's going to zargrave in Croatia and he's an Australian passport holder he's holding a one-way ticket the requirements for that country is that people that arrive in that country need to show proof that they're leaving the country so he must be holding a return or an onward ticket we will not uplift you unless your documents are in order there's one problem I've got like 500 bucks Australian okay on me and if you're killing me over the purchase a bigger bag that's probably 1100 1200 or at the minimum which I don't have at the moment and so I can't see how that's gonna work check-in supervisor minis has arrived to see if he can sort things out there are restrictions right and at the moment the Restriction is the fact that you're traveling on an Aussie passport even though you're born in Croatia the Croatian government requires you as a passenger to have a return ticket or operation government doesn't give it the creation government doesn't give two it doesn't give a rats the next phone call that maybe will be the Consular General [Music] it's competition time on the beach UK's number one Surfer Russell winter is preparing to take on the best in the world conditions today are pretty good um you know when the waves are coming in uh that you know there's some nice long rides to get but uh it's just inconsistent so you just gotta sit around and wait for the really good ones you know so there'll be a lot of a lot of waiting around in the heat I should imagine um I try and do my best Russell gets just 15 minutes to impress the judges it's all about waiting for the right wave and as the clock ticks down there's always the danger that the ocean may go flat and you run out of time [Music] Russell doesn't start well with only five minutes left Russell has to make his Mark now or he'll be on the next flight home group foreign [Music] it's a bit nervous towards the end thinking I just want one more and when it comes you're like oh you don't want to fall off you know it's my second contest of the year and it's my first date I've got through so it's good for the for the confidence you know and uh I feel like I can you know match it with all the guys so as long as I get the waves I I feel good and that's definitely give me a boost Roy avdidge is an Australian citizen who was born in Croatia as he's traveling on an Australian passport Croatian immigration requires that he has a return ticket before allowing him into the country but Roy can't afford the return fare and his flight leaves in 15 minutes facts is coming effects he's coming excuse me sir I want to get back to my question because I've just I've just ran the Consulate General to clarify your processes and he's saying you're out of order you say you're out of order you don't know your own legislation so my next question is I've just missed my flight what are you going to do about it well okay great if I don't miss it no problem with five minutes to spare a fax arise from the Consular General allowing Roy to fly on his one-way ticket the Consular General has just taken the responsibility which I'm happy with because they were just passing that on there yeah so I'm happy with that Mr average I've spoken to Peter this uh the Consular General and what we've determined is that there are there is a flaw between what we have in our thematic system which is the regulations that I was explaining to you really yeah now I'm going to photocopy that and send that to him fax it to him but he has actually taken responsibility and facts to me a letter that says who you are and he's happy for you to travel under those circumstances how do you think he's done that let me ask you the question why do you think he's done that he's done that to protect you and to protect us as an airline great um so have we sorted out the baggage okay okay all right that's fine that's for you thank you I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'll tell you what I would suggest you guys get together in terms of who needs to know what because there's a passenger I don't need this problem okay I've paid my money okay I've got my passport and all you've done is irritated me inconvenienced me and uh another way to go to extremes to get on a plane so what we've actually done and I really don't want to talk to you anymore thank you very much well you have a good trip [Applause] back on the ground there's more drama airport security has been called to gate 35. but Minas is on hand to calm a very stressful situation yeah the lady from what I can understand she's coming this morning from Singapore she's taken ill this morning so they've taken her away the hospital as you can see by the thing here yeah she's been taken to hospital and uh she's come back to catch a flight but she hasn't eaten all day she was saying and when she went and got food she didn't realize the fly was due to leave they were paging her so she was running around in the terminal she's saying yeah and when she came to the gate where it departed from did it to the aircraft so she panicked and put the doors yeah I'm just gonna we're just gonna see I'm gonna have to get to lay Hannah to come to take it back up to the stars there and we'll book her on tomorrow's flight Wei Ying Chan missed the boarding time for her flight in her Panic to try and reach her plane she opened a security door and blundered into the restricted area with the airport Authority satisfied that why Ying poses no threat minis books are onto the next available flight to Hong Kong tomorrow at arrivals it's a busy day and the Patek family from Surrey have just arrived they're on the final leg of their holiday went down to first rock climbed airs Rock just come from Port Douglas where we swam over the Great Barrier roof which is quite experience it's holiday of Lifetime it's the third week of holiday looking forward to Sydney and particularly climbing the bridge that's something that's been challenged at all the Harbor Bridge climb has become Sydney's most popular tourist attraction 134 meters high with 1439 steps getting to the top is going to be quite a challenge for the patek's youngest member Shelby I'm sure I can make it I don't care if it's tall or I'll make it tomorrow is also Shelby's birthday so the view from the top is going to be extra special the arrivals Hall at Sydney's International Airport is the setting for many emotional family reunions an increasing number of Brits go in search of a new life down under every year leaving their friends and relatives behind the UK Paul Mills moved to Sydney five years ago with his wife Elma and 200 pounds in the bank now he has a job a house and a baby boy today his parents Daphne and Stan are on their way to see them and for his mum it'll be her first flight I'm so looking forward to see it though it's you know it's been such a long time to speak to someone over the phone it's not as good as seeing him in the flesh so to me I think oh it will be I think I'll get it quite emotional I thought I would be as nervous as anything that is quite unquote calm but I haven't seen in five years and five years is a long time I mean no doubt it's changed a bit let's hope it's for the better Daphne and Stan have 23 hours ahead of them to prepare for the family reunion to celebrate Shelby's birthday in style the Patek family have chosen to climb the Harbor bridge but unfortunately they've brought the British weather so the bridge now I mean you could see it yesterday and it's all a bit hazy for Shelby on her birthday the sun's definitely breaking through though Shelby you leave your shades on in a minute to see the road I can't as the birthday girl reaches the summit the mist seems to be clearing are we at the top though the sun's coming out we're here [Applause] [Applause] how about that it's a long way to drop happy birthday thank you although the bridge is shrouded in fog back at the airport it's business as usual Australian rugby celebrated fly half Steve larcom has been stopped at check-in well I left Canberra this morning with the brumbies team and I actually left my passport in Canberra they've put it on the next flight up here it's going to be arriving shortly they're going to get someone to Courier it over from domestic rugby fanatic and supervisor Ron steps in to assist the veteran rugby star just to get an update on the 63 we're waiting on a passport and seamless uh we're all on tight there for that flight copy that thank you I'll let you know once we've got the password in our hands Steven's traveling with his League topping Squad the ACT brumbies to South Africa to defend their title but without his passport he's going nowhere no okay it looks like we've got about seven minutes before departure and we still haven't yet located this passport all right okay really it's doing it uh 10 30. what time is your flight out 10 30. it is quite close I think Rhonda showed me that it's going to get here and uh so you've got the rest of the brumby's team at the gate and they're refusing the board unless Steve can go so no team members have boarded yet well I'll tell you what the team all sticks together because all the guys are down at the gate and they're not going to go unless you're okay to go you've got your tickets and passports I love my life oh last week Tony hassnip caused a Boeing 747 to abort takeoff when he collapsed due to dehydration now with the all clear from the hospital Tony's ready to fly home the tickets we had to come off the flight from oh that's all right yeah book is already redated in here the rugby Superstar is still waiting for his passport the stakes are high the delay is costing 1 000 pounds a minute there's a plane load of passengers on the tarmac and the ACT brumby's title defense in the balance has Ron made the right call we're right on departure time now 10 30. Nathan I'm over here with Brad at seamless we're waiting for that passport any uh anything as yet um [Music] copy we're all standing by over here at seamless so um give us a call on this channel once you've got the passport you're on your way [Music] change from cs17 to Nathan's hand is now opening the door just confirm the doors now closed he's getting in the car uh copy that this is run at seamless I believe Nathan has the passport and uh he's on his way is that correct yes he should be just selecting first gear uh maybe going into second gear that's a fantastic description [Music] thank you so much I think we got the passport here Stephen Larkin this is valid good news off we go okay we're down at seamless we got the passport now we're just heading through the Customs barrier are we still holding [Music] now we're about 10 seconds away ready okay Brad thanks very much just uh give our regards to all the domestic crew down there Mr larkham's on board we've got a bridge on the 63 they're pushing back with a full Rumbi's team thank you after a good night's sleep at a Sydney Hotel why Ying Chan is off to continue her holiday and just to let you know too we've blocked out the seat next to you so you can have a bit of a stretch out okay all right okay it's nice to meet you you take good care of yourself all right and when I come to Kuala Lumpur I'll come visit you yeah sure okay I will thank you bye-bye thanks Kathy bye-bye this time minis is taking no chances okay we're down here on the right hand side so we'll just for the Patek family it's the end of their amazing holiday I suppose having the bridge on the last day in the morning meant an early start but it was great and even though she's going home Shelby's in a positive mood but I'm still looking forward to go home and see my friends again and to be back to normal time thank you [Music] with his success at the Newcastle pro surfing Championship Russell raised his world ranking I got ninth which is the quarter finals in Newcastle which is quite a good result for this for the start of the Year already and um basically now I'm off to Western Australia Perth to do the last contest in Australia and uh and then I'm off home next week so but it's all all went well yeah it's been good [Music] after five years 23 hours and her first ever flight Daphne is reunited with her son and the grandson she's never seen foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Sasha did make it to the church on time to be head bridesmaid at her sister's wedding and there wasn't a hair out of place the rainers were allowed into New Zealand [Music] ordered the flight and arrived safely home 23 hours later have a good trip okay well thank you Mark and thank you for looking after my husband so well and you take care [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 288,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes, airport, airline, airport documentary, airline documentary, angry passengers, airline passengers, airport staff, airline staff, check in, airport passengers, airport behind the scenes, holiday airport, holiday airline, airline tv show, airport tv show, sydney airport, sydney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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