Giant Airport: The 5-Star Airport in Munich | Giant Hubs | Episode 1 | Free Documentary

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[Music] forty-four million passengers 400,000 takeoffs and landings [Music] 35,000 workers seven notes armed 806 left cleared for takeoff it's the only five-star airport in Europe okay up to 90 aircraft take off and land here every hour but only if everything is running smoothly it's your luggage then even the slightest mistake can bring everything to a standstill not good behind the scenes of Munich Airport now on giant hubs [Music] five o'clock in the morning a new day begins at franz josef strauß airport and unity the first plane an airbus a380 flight number LH 731 is just in from hong kong today the airport will accommodate over 1,100 aircraft and 120,000 passengers the airport is located about 30 kilometers north of Bavaria's capital Munich it covers a total of 1,500 hectares and is divided into three main buildings terminal 1 terminal 2 and the midfield terminal belonging to terminal 2 also known as the satellite in the center of it all its distinctive tower the very top is where the air traffic controllers of the German air navigation services work the terminal controllers regulate all takeoffs and landings the runway controllers monitor all the aircraft movements on the runways the planners pass the takeoff and landing plans to the runway and terminal controllers [Music] Mattia son linga is a supervisor his workplace is 78 meters above the airport at the very top of the tower [Music] so good morning Toby morning that how are things so far so good we've got two six in the BMC as always we're a tad understaffed but everything's going fine oh yes I can see that that means we both have to be on board a bit today bye nevertheless what Matthias and linger is facing a double burden today coordinating the activities in the tower and independently granting takeoff and landing permission to the aircraft my job as supervisor is to ensure that all the positions here are filled armed which means the four controllers and the two clearance delivery positions and that each controller is at work for a maximum of two hours and then as a break of at least half an hour feeding pilots need the approval of a controller for every takeoff in every landing on his Lords the controller is like a traffic policeman the monitor is all these junctions and determines who was first in second via day yesterday on here that's why this is Gibbs there's no rights before left rule and no red traffic lights what counts here is what the controller says yes they are stay yes that's right the special feature in Munich is that both runways are used equally for takeoffs and landings the controller's responsibility is enormous we have to monitor up to five airplanes simultaneously this requires maximum concentration and they have to regularly clear their heads suppose like some of EMC show the final gray shark here to lose Matthias and linger is briefed by his colleague about the upcoming takeoffs and landings he's about to take over sole responsibility for the South runway ethics it happens here in hard spots I've now taken over the pl South workstation here which means I'm responsible for the southern runway and the surrounding airspace akairo for 907 good morning wind check to force at all P knots the supervisor informs the pilots about the current wind conditions on the runway so they can account for things like crosswinds when landing for example yeah bye woman I've got three planes coming in right now I notice your cuts former ones about two touchdowns Lufthansa Airbus 319 next one's at five miles shall buy and mine what mean why the Iberia is starting it yeah I already told it to go on the runway something gave him up off the piste it's again takeoffs and landings are constant here which is why the Iberia needs to take off quickly I've given him clearance to take off he shouldn't take too much time because the next plane is already at 3:00 my I had annexed in machine which means in land in one and a half minutes the Iberian begins take off the Munich Airport is a true aviation hub with short and medium-haul flights bringing passengers into Munich from the country surrounding Germany here they transfer to larger planes flying all over the world the aircraft should only be on the ground for as short a time as possible and then fly off again as quickly as they can in order to avoid delays all departments must work together smoothly the rapid reaction force on the tarmac are the ramp supervisors wherever something isn't working that's where they need to be or when there's a premiere of some kind like today thanks fronts ADA is one of two ramp supervisors on duty his mission to bring this airbus a350 1000 in today is the first time a plane of this type will land at the Munich Airport at 70 3.8 meters it is just under 1 meter longer than the a380 800 almost too long as it turns out when parking at the outermost position you know daleney the red line is the absolute red line nothing is allowed to cross it that is the taxiway and that is the park position and the taxiway is off-limits to everyone it must remain absolutely unobstructed and now it's very much on the border we are right on the edge for safety reasons I suggest we move to stopping point one meter forward this way nothing will protrude into the taxiway during the next landing eight o'clock in the morning more and more aircraft are now arriving at both terminals what still looks like a little bit of luggage here accumulates into a serious flood of suitcases in the interior of the terminal building the baggage conveyor system in terminal 2 alone occupies a significant portion of the ground floor its conveyor belts run for a total of 46 kilometers baggage travels through a tunnel from terminal 2 under the tarmac into the satellite building total capacity 80,000 units a day in both terminals coming from the baggage carts the suitcases first land on a conveyor to ensure that transport runs smoothly despite different bag sizes and shapes each piece of luggage must be placed into a kind of tub this allows up to 11750 bags to be transported per hour during peak times and because not every owner flies away immediately the system includes a gigantic early baggage holding area Munich Airport can temporarily hold up to 4,500 suitcases at one time they remain on these shelves until their owners connecting flights the rest will take less than five minutes from here to baggage claim for all passengers disembarking immunity like many areas at the airport the baggage handling system is also strictly monitored passengers don't even notice these checks but there is another control who can affect everyone here when moving from the baggage claim area to the public area all passengers must pass through customs chief customs clerk David Starr chef ski and customs clerk Christophe Auto have been working here at the airport for several years their work equipment includes bulletproof vests and firearms in 2017 customs officers seized 950 kilograms just of narcotics alone at Munich Airport [Music] all the American planes will be here any minute then we have a Frankfurt right the Janice bucks coming between 7:00 and 11:00 in the morning a particularly large number of international flights arrived at Munich Airport every traveler must pass through one of these two channels green means nothing to declare red means goods to declare for importing the two agents are primarily looking for smugglers and fraudsters but also for unsuspecting persons who don't declare goods requiring registration you passengers have a green stripe on the side of the label on the suitcase also everything that comes from outside the EU is just white citizen or vice this is how we ultimately recognize the flight rules that on a commitment effective reporter especially travelers from Asia and the USA are not always familiar with the import guidelines into the European Union what do you come from Dusseldorf have a nice day [Music] this American passenger knows he has to register his gun [Music] for this Chinese tour guide Krista Otto carries out a random check without having specific suspicion how much cash money you carry with you less than 2,000 okay you're back up here and then we shall look into this at the next table his colleague checks this traveler from Cameroon the woman comes from an African country now we have to check to see what she's bringing in it could be anything from bad foods to narcotics you just have to take a look this is probably some kind of tea those are vegetables for reading passengers must declare cash amounts in excess of 10,000 euros and expensive electronic goods when bringing them in narcotics and perishable foods such as fresh meat fresh fish or cheese may not be brought in at all for David Starsky and krista vivanco many inspections are excursions into foreign cultures [Music] now what do we have here dried shrimps those are crayfish bread right tasty is it goodness it's always a bit questionable in terms of Hygiene but yes it's good it's fine I believe that that's really good food you see how different the cultures are shrimps here ready-made soups there but on occasion there are things in the suitcases that are just strange oh you've got all the passports [Applause] [Music] Anakin Fila privations into by bits of powders lots of little stones I can't always do drug tests on every traveller every time I find a little powder you can't just criminalize everyone and suggests that they have drugs that's why we have to smell it now and then and take a closer look from time to time but everything that lady has were those completely fine pasta chefs key annatto continued a search for forbidden Goods passengers in the public area of the airport can enjoy completely legal substances at the air boy twelve o'clock in the afternoon the restaurant serves beer and other Bavarian delicacies almost around the clock the special feature of the beer served here it's brewed directly at the airport [Music] an airport with its own brewery that's unique in the world up to eight typical beer varieties with flowery names are on the menu year there al is called flicker quell the wheat beer coup mousse Bavaria and beer it's a cliche the Munich Airport likes to have a little fun with indeed it sees itself as Bavaria's gateway to the world in 2017 forty four point six million passengers took off and landed at Europe's first five-star airport a trend that has been increasing for many years more and more passengers and more and more international flights but that also means more and more personnel for inspections because airports in particular are places criminals and delinquents seek out to escape the authorities passport control patrol duty identity checks inspector Benjamin Carnac and police commissioner lo - right Meir are on the go in terminal 1 they are two of a total of 1200 federal police officers responsible for passenger safety at Munich Airport hi guys speak English yeah I want to see the passports please but I want to see the passports from all okay your passport your horses the three young foreigners have no passports but they are in possession of a residence permit is it valid this is also from you I serve in a human when I check someone I first check what kind of document they have and whether it's valid and whatever else you may need in addition to the document to stay in Germany legally if I have a green light I have to make a phone call and then the person is called up in our system to see if there are any issues the residence permit is valid but the question remains as to whether any one of the men is at odds with the law the telephone check shows there is no evidence against any of them one of the young men wants to return to his home country the other two came to say goodbye you can point for a person examining a person's legal status is certainly very complex for us and the other employees this also means that we have to keep each other up to date on the laws but also on the different passports new passports are constantly being issued and sometimes there are new laws that is why a large part of our work is making sure that we have the latest information and that suitable training measures are carried out accordingly image paint both because the two federal police officers are now expecting the next rush of passengers one o'clock in the afternoon once again a particularly high number of airplanes are landing at peak times like these all passenger boarding bridges at Munich Airport are occupied ramp supervisor France ADA is on his way to one of them it's defective the passengers have been stranded on the plane for ten minutes [Music] a passenger boarding bridge has a technical problem and now a mechanic is coming to repair it in the worst case we'd have to deplane using stairs and then buses but I always put that off as long as I can until the technician tells me we can't fix anybody exiting Bias steps and buses means an enormous loss of time for the passengers and for the aviation hub even possibly delaying connecting flights but then be all clear the technician can once again operate the passenger boarding bridge the major machinery for operating flights in terminal 2 runs here in the hub Operations Center Munich Airport is one of the largest hubs in Europe yurga Abu is responsible for ensuring that all connections work as they should and in the event of a delay he has to make sure that no passenger gets stuck with an unnecessarily long wait for their next flight here's the in-video stagger screamer he received the flow of transfers it's typical for Holi so we want to get our passengers from A to B so the guests have to transfer here we look very closely to see if the guests can reach their connecting flights the way we have in motion it isn't truly here we use this tool here to see exact details for an individual flight to see all the flights our passengers are transferring to and the color code tells us which passengers reach their flight within a new time frame those are the green ones in normal outside with the yellow flights it's a bit more Crucified here in these cases we have to think about how to transport the guests faster so that they can still reach their connecting flight in the tower the German air navigation services air traffic controllers are preparing for a departure rush the number of international departures is now on the rise many aircraft are still in their positions but soon they want to take off practically at the same time to prevent traffic jams the controller's reschedule ahead of time supervisor Matias unlink our uses the southern runway exclusively for departures now we're ready we already okayed 15 planes for takeoff on the South runway the arrivals are slowly diminishing so now I'll make sure we direct the rest of the arrivals to the north round again hello hello after the speed wing 869 arrivals to the North runway please do not burn thanks Joe Mateus on langer gives clearance for takeoff in minut intervals from say 1 83-14 to Niner zero seven knots from 806 left trade for takeoff hello Lufthansa seven six four line up to six left the Friends of four five three wind three one zero degrees 8 knots rom 806 right cleared for takeoff weapons are seven six four connect departure and animalizer Italian K at 5 8 5 in two Niner zero one two knots are made to six left cleared for takeoff after an hour the supervisor has wrapped up the departure rush now it's time for his break he has been with German air navigation services for 35 years and is still passionate about his work [Music] this assignment is wonderful when you see people from the plane you just gave clearance to land who are now arriving here with their luggage and walking down to the suburban train you pick your own command it's more people coming out to the suburban trains checking the boards for departure and you know for sure when you're back up there you will give the plane the takeoff clearance people leave for their vacation and they're happening meanwhile at customs here - the number of arriving passengers is noticeably decreasing but this box from a u.s. American man seems suspicious - chief customs clerk David star chefs key thankful what do you need this trade show it gifts gifts yeah do you have any wise of them know why you didn't declare this because they have no value they they're just for trade show but the private using so everything what is for combination using you have to make an input declaration okay so I was told that for marketing material because they're just give away like they have no value but you may have to come inside okay and you have to make a declaration about it okay so your private luggage piece yeah star chefs key now has to determine the value of the bottles the passenger may be facing a fine nevertheless it is most important that all passengers feel comfortable at the air traffic hub and that's just what they do 14 million passengers worldwide choose Munich as the best airport in Europe five stars were awarded among other things for clarity of signs and symbols but the 150 shops and 60 restaurants and cafes are also popular Center manager Philip Ahrens is in charge of the shopping experience [Music] so it's in your government you know to music Airport is a major it's not only important that the operational processes are appropriate but also the shopping experience 50% of our turnover is generated by shoppers I try to guide passengers in a way that can trigger impulse purchases so they pick up another small item at the duty-free shop or go to another area and buy a watch some clothes or a suit you're trying to cover a broad spectrum because we naturally have an enormous amount of traffic here on average 122 thousand passengers push through here every day on peak days it can be as high as 150,000 the most important thing for sales is the passengers who stay in the transit area and spend time in the terminal waiting for their connecting flight as the source before of course we try to guide the passengers centrally through our gastronomy and shopping units then we make it very specific as well we take advantage of positioning and the knowledge we have regarding the passengers shopping behavior what they need what they want to buy him express was based on this we designed the route in DVF your home so that passengers can easily catch their connecting flight and remain relaxed three o'clock in the afternoon in the past hour many short and medium-haul aircraft have brought passengers to munich for intercontinental flights from now on the airport will be preparing for the big evening rush our unique airport can handle a maximum of 1300 takeoffs and landings per day now the hub is preparing the large long-haul aircraft for takeoff among them the largest passenger aircraft in the world the Airbus a380 800 Johannesburg is ready for check-in five such aircraft commute daily between Munich and destinations in North America and Asia passenger baggage fuel air freight ramp agent michael allure is responsible for loading his first task verifying the aircraft registration in the aviation alphabet the name of the Johannesburg is Delta Mike echo the plane just came in from Beijing almost an hour early which is good because it gives us a little more time the check is important because the entire weight calculation is based on this aircraft weight as well as the center of gravity and balance this is therefore one of the first tasks we have to carry out on the plane cold air is pumped from the terminal into the aircraft through these yellow hoses the amount of kerosene required depends on the wind conditions forecast for the flight and the takeoff weight all calculated precisely one hundred and forty 1.5 tons were pre-selected for our flight today to Beijing on current fo B fuel onboard we're at 121 tons which means we still need about 20 tons until the plane is fully refueled while Michael alder continues to prepare the a380 for takeoff staff at the hub operation center are already one step ahead they plan the routes for flights arriving in Munich in the next few hours to make sure the hub runs as efficiently as possible they intervene before an aircraft even takes off here we see our return flight from Singapore to Munich this flight was given a different route why you can see that clearly in the system via fax my Singapore where our plane is at the moment it will then take this route south through India and then fly up here towards Europe and it lands in Munich only the flight path goes much further north but that wasn't possible this time because the colors that you see here are severe thunderstorms over northern India and they have to be avoided Indian Ocean one team is an educational all of them 3:30 in the afternoon the evening rush hour starts passengers begin checking in for the Beijing flight hundreds of suitcases make their way towards the a380 including the transferring bags which have been resting in the early baggie storage each suitcases scanned again and loaded into a container a maximum of 40 pieces land here they won't come out of the container again until they reach Beijing if a passenger does not show up for departure their suitcase can be quickly identified and removed but it's not just suitcases along for the ride there's also a lot of air freight to Beijing ramp agent Michael alder compares the data on his load sheet with the packing list [Music] so the Scoobies design hydrent the weight of this unit is correct three thousand four hundred and ninety-six kilos belong it's supposed to be loaded at position twenty-two papa which is the rear most position in the plains front holds there it goes I'll check to see if the unit is airway biggest in addition to having the correct weight the air freight has to be packed in such a way that it cannot shift around internally sudden balance changes could endanger flight safety everything's okay the ramp agent releases the cargo for loading and then checks the anchorage in the cargo hold at customs the American passenger waits for the additional duty on his promotional giveaways okay the value of them is 361 us we have to 7% customs duty and 19% for the import X let's complete 80 us and for not to caring you have to pay a fine and the same amount like the text so 160 euros 78 which needs to be paid immediately only then can the passenger enter Germany with his box 2300 of these duties were levied in 2017 so I won't be bringing gifts next time fortunately for him the us-american has spared any criminal proceedings four o'clock in the afternoon the public area of the airport is now full of arriving and departing passengers benjamin kernig and loader right mayer are now paying special attention to unattended luggage does this belong to you a short time later they discover what they had been looking for three unattended suitcases in the rental car area the two federal policemen quickly try to find out who the owner is rule out a possible planned attack its your luggage yeah do you have any luggage there that's bad that's bad the policeman must always assume the worst there could be a bomb in those bags sorry you can't go this way No this means securing the site right away and sealing it off then calling the detection dog and a disarming squad but it won't come to that yours looks like the owner showed up after all but it's not okay then you have to put them always with you your luggage in the car yeah so I need your passport sorry you just arrived you're right why do you leave your Levesque you're like a cheetah why it's an airport oh [Music] yeah I know this I know this but you have you put you put the luggage now okay have you already questioned him negative if they come Fisher he just got here she was just stabbed fish kitchen in pit well then okay take it take it here there is no punishment for leaving your suitcase and no scolding for a lack of language skills on the ramp the loading of the Airbus a380 to Beijing is still in full swing in sum total we now have almost 550 pieces of luggage these are the these will now be loaded according to the plan then hopefully we can leave our position on time but without the exterior check conducted by the pilot that Johannesburg is not going anywhere before takeoff captain roll onto Oba still has to check the general condition of his aircraft [Music] we always do an entire walk around we start at one point and end at that same point you're told on who we mainly examine the senses which are extremely important these are senses for the flight data and there can't be bent or clogged up of course you don't see that now that bus had seemed to move your head around so [Music] this is the nose gear at home we take a look at the general condition we don't want to see our leaks anything broken something that's dropped or broken lances from the lamps [Music] Rebecca reject the engines to see that the fan blades haven't been bent by a bird strike for example for a good 15 minutes roll onto Oba moves around beneath the giant plane the Johannesburg has now passed the exterior check 4:42 the Operations Center sends Benjamin Carnac and Lotte right Meyer to another abandoned suitcase supposedly it's been there for 30 minutes already Celes sorry no no no no no no no no no sorry sorry sorry no please you go around it's been here for half an hour already okay yeah cool II guess I lose the colleague went to get barrier tape then we'll see has it already been announced oh yes but no one reacted is there anything that can help us identify the owner lota right meyer indicates the status of the investigation up to 20 stray luggage items are picked up by the federal police in munich every day and each time the officials have to follow the same procedure regardless of whether this disrupts airport operations or not we have to be ready for everything it is very likely that someone has simply forgot another suitcase but someone who knows what they're doing might also be trying to make it look as if it is a totally harmless piece of luggage it could also be something else of course depending on what load to the sides we would probably request the Special Forces dog and disarming squad raised me awareness in the public area where we are now it's quite different from what happens behind the sea which is why we also cordon off large areas to be on the safe side meanwhile on the ramp the last two containers are loaded into the Airbus a380 [Applause] [Music] only after the loading process has been completed can ramp agent Michael Euler compare his data with the captains was it incompetent if I gave indecent file what I'm handing over now to the captain and my load weights the final figures we compare the data which is necessary before we send the aircraft on its way like that for him the note vindication of packet switching after the cockpit hand over the ramp agents job will be complete [Music] I'm listening just a quick comparison of the load sheets okay a total of four hundred and sixty seven guests plus one infants no specials from our sites I dolls no wow that's wonderful very nice thanks so much for your cooperation see you next time great have a good flight flight lh7 22 to Beijing is now almost ready for takeoff only a few passengers are still missing in the central area lota right Meyer and Benjamin Carnac are waiting for the Special Forces the first specialist arrives bomb tracker Ellie and her handler Elly doesn't give an indication of any explosives it's all looking good that's fine but the disarmer has to have his chance to conduct a technical check and then all of a sudden a man claims the suitcase is his at first blow to right Meyer and Benjamin kernig do not pay any attention to the alleged owner and wait for the dis armours verdict once the technical check is over he opens the suitcase and where's his passport he said inside let him take it out himself yeah only now is it clear the man in the white shirt is the owner of the suitcase and lota right Meyer gets very angry looking at the passport we have a lot of trouble this case I was working actually I didn't but normally I think you you fly a lot a lot of times yeah normally you have to no idea apart we have a lot of trouble in this I never happen in in my life I said I made a big mistake today I don't know how I know it let's go after 1hour the federal police can finally give the all-clear thank immunity shown since we are very sensitive with an object like this because obviously we don't know what's in it that's why we had to cordon off and initiate our processes my pulse was still relatively calm but it increased a little when the owner and said that he'd been eating dinner for an hour and forgot the sake and although he flies often and should simply know that you don't do that the carelessness of a few passengers is low - right Myers and Benjamin Kern eggs daily bread but for today their work is finished 6:30 in the evening in terminal 2 the last passengers rush aboard flight lh7 22 to Beijing like so many they come directly from a feeder flight and just in time our medicinal we have over 50 different connecting and feeder flights for this flights which pretty much pushes the system to its limits it's a challenge every time it's honest it's my household Anja finally boarding completed the pushback can begin [Music] with a maximum weight of 544 tonnes the Airbus a380 can takeoff preparing this aircraft for takeoff is a technical and logistical accomplishment and yet this is only one flight out of an average of 1,100 fights that takeoff or landing unique every day up to 150 thousand passengers arrive at or depart from this gigantic hub each day for them Munich is the best airport in Europe and certainly one of the busiest air traffic hubs in the world [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 1,511,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), engineering, high tech documentary, airport, airport documentary, gigantic airport, giant hubs, munich airport, airplane documentary, engineering documentary, aeroplane documentary
Id: yeclYquMdZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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