Behind Princess Diana’s Iconic Fashion | Inside Royalty | Real Royalty

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this channel is part of the history hit Network [Music] Diana Princess of Wales does what she does best eyes the flag as Britain's most popular Ambassador another American visit again proved her success in her public role privately as a marriage partner for Prince Charles she's been a disaster 15 years ago she seemed the ideal choice we all loved Diana and we thought she was perfect and we wished her on him he knew he had to get married he knew there's a lot of pressure on him to hurry up and make up his mind and she was a sweet adorable girl and exactly the type that he'd always fancied gorgeous blonde with lovely long legs it was easy to fall in love with that it was easy to persuade yourself that she was perfect she was perfect for anybody with the whole country was in love with her with hindsight it's now obvious that Charles should have married a very different kind of woman someone like the horse's strong-minded Camilla Parker Bowles Charles met her when they were both in their early twenties but she became tired of waiting for him to make up his mind Charles knew Camilla and began his affair with her when he was in his dithering phase really his Hamlet phase he came late to discovering that he was an ex-officio sex symbol and that women were at his feet and began to rather enjoy it in his mid to late 20s in and out of the Navy at a time when other people certainly other princes of Wales are thinking it's time to get married and start breeding children he postponed it longer than any Prince of Wales for several hundred years by the time he actually finally got married in his early 30s and I think that just was that he was playing the field while he had the chance he knew he wasn't going to be king for a very long time the lineup of his girlfriends included Davina Sheffield an accomplished horse woman the actress Susan George the Duke of Wellington's daughter Lady Jane Wellesley and Sabrina Guinness spirited member of the Brewing family he was most in love with Anna Wallace who showed him a passion for life that he'd never previously known Charles was certainly infatuated by Anna Wallace she's a very very Lively and high spirited and very beautiful woman she wasn't prepared to pay second fiddle to anyone including the Prince of Wales which made it of course very difficult for Charles to seriously contemplate getting engaged to to Anna she was a mature girl and she realized that Camilla Parker Bowles was not going to let go she saw the way they danced together she saw the attraction that was it Camilla fought off another rival for Charles's affections amongst his married friends he was known very well for a long time to be very close to Lady Dale Tryon known as Kanga who has a clothes shop called Kanga that was his nickname for her who reputedly with Mrs Parker Bowles headed the committee of Charles's married women friends who chose Diana ironically as his bride because she was somebody too young to make much of a fuss if he's trade we know this from her brother-in-law Richard Parker Bowles who has said this that she encouraged the match because she thought Dana would be easy to manipulate I don't think you can ignore the words of a brother-in-law he said that she was a wrecker she didn't couldn't bear to see other people happy by keeping Camilla as his mistress Charles's following family tradition his great-great-grandfather King Edward VII was a repeatedly Unfaithful husband he had to wait until he was 59 before his mother died and he could become king without a proper job country Pursuits and Mistresses dominated his life his great-great-grandfather King Edward VII Victorious son when Prince of Wales notoriously had many Affairs and continued to after becoming King this of course was in a different age when a his wife did shut up and look the other way and was very long-suffering and kind enough to invite his favorite mistress to see him on his deathbed and that favorite mistress Mrs Alice keppel just happens to be the great grandmother of Mrs Camilla Parker polls as Camilla reputedly reminded the prince on one of their first meetings my great-grandmother was your great great grandfather's mistress how about it then she supposedly said to him but of course he lives in a different age a more intrusive media age an age where Diana decided to become a feminist Icon by stamping her foot and not looking the other way and if he thinks there's a royal tradition of getting away with it I'm afraid he's been rumbled [Music] in the early 90s the media could still only speculate from afar on the go the Gus walls the hypocrisy of the United Family front was exposed by two Royal insiders Diana and Sarah have have brought the 600 millimeter Nikon lens right into the bedrooms of the royal family and in some cases into the beds I think it was good for all of us in many ways to have this family that was so high profile and behaved so badly in many many cases it's so good for all of us to be able to see that because it's like a mirror in which we see ourselves and Diana actually caused this to happen Diana and Sarah Ferguson between them they put the the royal family and family behavior on the map and for this we have to thank them the long history of Royal infidelity stems from a recurring psychological problem [Music] the men in the royal families that have gone back over the generations have had one thing that is goes right through all of them a kind of pattern and that is that they've not really particularly like women and the reason for this is that for the most part certainly over the last four or five generations their mothers have not really had time for them so on the one hand they're looking for the mother that they never had so they're looking for one woman after another because they'll never find this mother anywhere so they're searching and on the other hand there's a feeling of hostility within them directed towards all women whom they scapegoat for what it was that their mothers have not given them at the turn of the century Queen Mary was a distant and overly strict mother to her six children by King George V this laid the foundations for her eldest son David's liking for mature married women culminating in his infatuation with the twice married Wallace Simpson when his father died in 1936 The Bachelor Prince of Wales succeeded him as King Edward VII God saved the king but behind the scenes the new King's love affair was all-consuming Wallace fascinated him for one thing being an American she wasn't really in awe of the king as much to say as a British woman would have been she spoke her mind she was a woman very confident woman of the world she spoke to him as an equal she wasn't as deferential as most people were certainly all those dibs that he met here were terrified of him didn't ever like young unmarried girls that got all his Mistresses were women with husbands that's what he liked a Confident Woman a bossy woman a woman who knew her way around in the world and the Duchess of Windsor Wallace Simpson was a supreme Bossier woman all their life she simply bossed him she's a woman who had two husbands living and very self-confident and this I think is what appeared to him more than anything when he has stories that there was some kind of sexual Allure I think this is nonsense you don't give up your throne for sex I mean you could have sex anytime you if you're a king you don't really have to give up your throat at all to have some kind of happy sexual relationship with a woman it was something far deeper far more important than simply a sexual trick or a sexual lure what he wanted was a woman who would dominate him and this is this is certainly what he got once again there's a married now divorced woman romantically involved with the Future King history may be repeating itself Camilla is a Latter Day Wallace Simpsons you know we've got a rather dominant woman who stands out different from the other girlfriends you've got somebody who's rather masculine there's a Manish jaw managed hands and a very masculine voice and that it tends to take over the home like Wally Simpson took over Fort Belvedere um Camilla has taken over Highgrove while Diana stayed in London Highgrove became Camilla Parker bowles's territory living just down the road she's always been at his beck and cool also there's the feeling that Camilla is the only person that's ever understood Charles the only woman who's ever really of his own age that he's ever really been able to relate to in any way at all man Charles found Kindred Spirits in a much older generation in particular he found sympathy and encouragement in his great uncle Lord Louis manbaton this forceful character filled the emotional Gap left by his busy absent parents from an early age and he became both mental and surrogate further to the sensitive unconfident Prince mountbatten was very concerned about the type of woman a prince of Wales should marry Charles reflected his teachings in a television interview when he was 20. when you marry in my position you're going to marry somebody who perhaps one day is going to become Queen and you've got to choose somebody very carefully I think who could fulfill this particular role because people argue perhaps would expect quite a lot from somebody like that and it's got to be somebody pretty special when Charles made that assessment Diana Spencer was only eight years old other members of the royal family particularly the queen mother were uneasy about mountbatten's deep influence over the air to the throne they were quite worried I think that Charles would um perhaps become too involved with mountbatten and some of his more peculiar friends and the queen mother was always a counterbalance to mountbatten's influence the queen mother would be the the soft feminine shoulder he could cry on as he literally did and mountbatten the man who could confide his love secrets in at Broadlands his home in Hampshire mountbatten planned for the future of his family mountbatten wanted Charles to marry his granddaughter Amanda latchpool rather than Diana Spencer who was the queen mother's candidate because that would have been yet another step in cementing the mountbatten dynasty his father had been disgraced and um and uh pushed out of office during World War one because he he had a all these German connections and the German family name and so Earl mountbatten devoted his life I think to repairing that damage and restoring The Prestige of his family and that would have been the ultimate for him to have his granddaughter become Queen of England [Music] in 1979 mount button was murdered by the IRA while on a family holiday in Ireland for Charles the loss had a devastating effect his great uncle was a surrogate father for him he loved mountbatten and I think mountbatten loved him and he was different from Philip in that he was much more understanding of Charles's knees he wasn't so harsh he wasn't so demanding of him and I think Charles needed something like him and when he died it was a tremendous shock it took him a while to get over that Matt Batten died in August 79 and at that time Charles had become involved with what the Press called a Mystic miss an Indian lady with whom he formed an intense relationship there's a particular woman an Indian woman Zoe Salis who was actually 10 years older than he was um and who had a child from the actor John Houston and she was able to provide him with an enormous amount of comfort in a motherly sort of way because she was in fact a mother herself but not only from that point of view but being an Indian woman she also represented something more mystical for him she was a sort of Guru he continued to see Zoe Salis right up until certainly the summer of 1980 when he had already met and was starting to court Diana Spencer at 32 Charles was still clinging to mountbatten's Golden Rule of safety and numbers when it came to women mountbatten was on record as saying before Charles's marriage that he should play the field as much as possible which of course Charles did in his twenties being a bit of a late bloomer in that department as in some others which of course is why he missed the chance to marry Camilla Shand now Camilla Parker Bowles which may have altered his life in many ways Camilla married Cavalry officer Andrew Parker Bowles in 1973 yet she remained the major emotional force in Charles's life it seemed that she and Andrew had an understanding about Charles that suited them both all she had to do was find him a compliant wife with all his contemporaries married the Prince of Wales now realized that he must find a future Queen and do his duty of producing heirs and to Lady Diana Spencer an innocent teenager who seemed to fit the bill a few days after a 19th birthday she sat in a haystack with Charles and told him how much she sympathized with him over mountbatten's death and he was quite taken with us he was quite Charmed but she was a kid just a kid to him just a child she was an adolescent she was a girl that hardly ever been abroad she knew very little about life she spent her most of her time in London looking after young children she was very unworldly and she came from a dysfunctional family and she was looking for love she was looking for stability she thought she would find it with Charles but Charles at the time was thrown into emotional turmoil he'd lost the man who was in some ways a father figure to him was suffering grief bereavement and his own love life an emotional life we're in a mess at the time and I I'm amazed that she's been brave enough to take me on and I suppose in love gross whatever in love means whatever love meant to Charles he looked far from at ease in the role of bridegroom a victim of Royal Duty and his own indecision Diana swept up in the romance of it all had no idea what had really been going on behind the scenes the plot is found lady Diane Spencer fitter the identity kit and he was hastily pushed towards marriage and he was very uncertain himself as he has said he felt his father was pushing him which is true and also his mother was pushing him and as it turns out his mistress was pushing him I think it was all very unfair because he he wasn't ready to make that decision they should have left him a couple of years after mountbatten's death to make up his own mind and get to know Dan a little bit better and to make that decision properly and to leave her the opportunity to see if that was the man of her dreams foreign expected them to live happily ever after as in all the best fairy tales in reality they couldn't have been more illmatched and even Charles's choice of where to spend their wedding night was tainted by his relationship with Camilla [Applause] Broadlands was where mountbatten had allowed his great nephew to have his love affairs he worked out what we call a love plant he decided that poor Prince Charles was too exposed to the press and also he didn't like the idea of him having to conduct his romances in his mother's house so Lord mountbatten was very kind and he lent in Broadlands mostly at weekends which he could use as a little love nest so he used to take his girlfriends there and notably one Camilla Shand who was there many a weekend in late 72. Diana unwittingly joined the list of Charles's broadland conquests the truth came as a shock when Diana learned that she was sleeping in the bed that Camilla May indeed once have slept in this would have owned this would have added to the kind of build up of anguir and angst and hostility that she was a woman without a past and she really wanted her husband to be without a past too as they continued their honeymoon aboard Britannia Diana was already realizing Camilla's emotional hold over Charles I think there's enough evidence that Charles was seeing Mrs Parker Bowles before during and after that wedding including the week leading up to the wedding and of course the keepsakes of her on the honeymoon falling out of his pockets and so on were the beginning of the end of the marriage as soon as it had begun but while on honeymoon at Balmoral they seem typically loving Newlyweds they seem besotted by each other certainly the prince was very very devoted to his wife I remember in 1983 on her very first tour abroad in Australia six weeks they had in Australia and New Zealand and he was so proud of her and the great Triumph she had on that first trip and he was constantly touching her reassuring her patting her hand all the actions we thought then of a loving husband but once home Charles slipped into Old Habits he was unable to understand or cope with Diana struggling under the pressures of her public role and Camilla's presence in desperation she turned for support to a man who was constantly at her side Barry monarchy was Diana's bodyguard in The crucial years of 85 to 86 when Charles said his marriage was irretrievably broken down um various suggestions have been made that perhaps done and The Bodyguard had an affair what what is pretty certain is that Charles was very jealous of Diana's closeness to her bodyguard and that he discovered this closeness days before Fergie's wedding in the mid 80s he sadly died in a when his motorbike he was riding through the city of London was in collision with a car it was at the Cannes Film Festival in 1987 that Diana learned of monarchy's sudden death how she heard reveals the acrimonious nature of the wales's marriage Charles was told that maneke had died Diana did not know they were going to a function that night as the door was opened for Diana to get out Charles lent across and said oh by the way manakee is dead it would have been kinder to have hit her the loss of this trusted Confidant increased Diana's vulnerability it was then that she started her most serious affair with the Cavalry officer major James Hewitt Charles seemed to consider him a better choice than a policeman well monarchy came from a fairly ordinary background but Hewitt was in the officer class one might say just but he was in it and he played Polo so he was one of the chaps and the story is that Charles didn't really mind that Diana was seeing hear it because yo it was taking this Troublesome wife off his hands but it was only we knew it started selling a few stories to the papers that Charles began to to raise a few objections James Hewitt has now retired to a newly acquired property in the west country for Diana his betrayal hurt I think Diana's quite clearly feels very let down by James Hewitt I think she made that clear in the Panorama program she was honest enough to admit that she loved him that they'd had an affair uh he capitalized on it in that Dreadful book written by Anna Pasternak which subsequently became a dreadful film but there's no doubt that Hewitt emerges as a pretty venal and uh unattractive figure from the level to which he's stooped to capitalize on what was a love affair whoever it was with [Music] Diana's life included James gilby a car salesman and old friend from before her marriage their relationship was confirmed when tapes of a bugged telephone conversation between them became public she also turned to art dealer Oliver hall for sympathy and attention [Music] England's rugby Captain will Carling also offered his support before his own marriage broke down so far she hasn't chosen her men friend well I think Diana is in need of Love she's a woman with an enormous capacity for giving love and a capacity for receiving it who's been denied it throughout her marriage and in many ways throughout her life let's not forget that her parents broke up when she was six her mother rather unusually left leaving her in the custody of her father unusual for the day she regards her life as a series of betrayals and if she occasionally chooses the wrong man I think that's because she's had a pretty tough life and I think her real friends are worried that whenever a dashing subaltern does come along and sweep her off her feet she may get Swept Away by another wrong and Charles still seems to Only Have Eyes For Camilla the reason for their enduring relationship is the same as it's always been I think basic attraction really was sex she was a woman who used sex as a bait a lure and I think a controlling device with Charles and he may think of her as a comfort cushion and the nanny in all the things at the Press have said about her but I think in the end you've got to take the evidence of the the Camilla gate tape and the banter on that tape and the fact that they were making the next appointment for a tryst you've got to take the eyewitness accounts which the the Tabloid press has been for and amusing as those Tales often are I mean they do in the end boil down to a sexual relationship for the British Monarchy the lid is well and truly off Pandora's box of unhappy marriages and Royal infidelities there's no going back to a time when Royal wives towed the line there's no doubt that Diana and Fergie have between them in different ways done enormous damage to the house of Windsor wittingly or unwittingly it's not them alone Charles and Andrew must take responsibility and Edward to some extent as well the younger generation as a whole but I think that the monarchy by chewing up these girls and spitting them out and thinking they're rid of them with these divorces is making a very big mistake especially if it's not seen to treat them properly as ex Royals Fergie's more of a liability than Diana but I think between them they can continue to do damage to the house of Windsor from whatever distance for the rest of their lives Charles Diana's power base is the people's Royal favorite is still secure but her adoring public could become a double-edged sword now free to marry again in their eyes what man could possibly make such an idolized woman happy Rome and the word is out that someone special is in town [Music] Paparazzi spring into action and Britain's most popular export receives a very Italian welcome Diana's reputation as a fashion leader gives her a high profile in a country addicted to style [Music] as guest of honor to Charity Dinner and fashion show arranged by the Italian designer klitzia Diana combines two of her main interests charity work and clothes well aware of just how much the right outfit can help her good causes after 15 years on the world stage she's achieved legendary status as a crowd puller London's Knightsbridge home to one of Britain's top fashion designers Jacques zaguri has been designing for the Princess of Wales since the early 80s costing around 2 000 pounds embroidered in beaded evening dresses are his specialty Diana chose to wear one of these eye-catching Creations on the night her revealing interview for Panorama was televised and she knew all eyes would be on her the dress was a statement the first time short was the night of her now very famous interview it was just basically saying you know this is me I feel really confident this is the way I look and here I am and she chose that dress I think really because it's it's a very stunning dress it's very very simple in line but I think it says enough by the way you know by the way it's got it had a very low um neckline it was quite bare it was figure hugging um just looked great on the princess [Music] later she wore the same address to receive a humanitarian award in New York its low-cut Style with made to measure bodice uplifting her 36B figure again caused a sensation it's a very fashionable look at the moment the low the low all the supermodels are wearing it and it's it's you know it's a statement of the moment to have that very low cleavage and the straps it's not just just because she's Princess Diana and she's going to be in front of a hundred men and it's just a fashion statement I would say as opposed to anything else she has a great confidence about her you know it's like here I am I'm feeling great I'm looking great and it all comes through the clothes and you can see through the choice of clothing that she's choosing these days that's exactly what you know what she's portraying and obviously feeling inside herself and it's in 1995 Diana dared to show more leg in another as the Guri dress I'd say she's very adventurous um for instance the dress the red dress that we made for her for Venice um was covered worldwide and the News was how short her skirt was and it was very very short by Princess standards but she actually that's how she wanted to wear it and that's the way she did wear it and of course it looked great that way it was a red hand beaded fabric it was a bugle bead which has a great weight to it it hangs it hangs very well and that's basically why we needed to do such a simple show because the fabric was enough in itself and with the princess in it you didn't really need any more or the crew behind it please as the Guri has been dressing Britain's rich and famous for more than 10 years but Diana's patronage has taken his business worldwide he's well aware of her power just chosen one of my dresses to for that function it is very exciting and you think you know she has a whole world at her feet myself it's really to open up many doors in in many countries and particularly in the states and in Europe you know by the princess wearing one of my dresses it has actually made my my name known to people who would never otherwise have heard of my name it was in Florence in 1985 that Diana first wore one of us aguri's designs for a public occasion on this her first visit to Italy the Striking velvet and organza evening dress signposted a growing sophistication in her fashion sense a young unworldly princess was coming of age [Music] I think that was her first move towards something slightly more tailored than something I would say slightly more International on the fashion level at the same time that she was wearing that she was still wearing that sort of very full ball gown and the frilly off the shoulders she's gone from a very young Diana that used to wear clothes that would shroud her body and actually cover her body to know where she's probably one of the most sophisticated beautiful women in the world wearing much more fitted clothes much more revealing clothes which actually kind of project a much more confident Diana than of 10 years ago exactly back then the new uncertain Princess of Wales almost came unstuck during her first official evening function someone should have warned Diana that such an unstructured low-cut evening dress would create problems but by then it was too late she would have to learn the hard way as the Press had already honed in they love that don't they seeing a bit of something they shouldn't say that I think people think about that especially someone who's been once burnt like by getting out of a car and then their pictures all over whatever newspaper High cameras were able to expose a very unroyal amount of cleavage it was a lesson Diana never forgot anyone in the Limelight must dress with the utmost care the next time when they're going for a dress they will hopefully I mean they've got to be stupid if they don't think about it the second time around but I think they would say oh well let me see what it's like to get up and out yet when she first started Diana's main worry was that the sloppy jumpers of a kindergarten teacher were useless for her new public role she had to build a wardrobe from scratch her County set background showed in her choices well there were two uh influences I guess one was obviously the circle of friends that she likes in and the other was actually what was fashion at the time that sort of set that she moved in was very much into sort of neck things you know frilly here and little kind of cravat things and rather sort of we haven't hit the suits yet because the rest of the very high fashion world was in amongst the Japanese at this point we were all wearing black sort of you know things the holes pulled out of inside we've been totally unsuitable for the princess of wild she obviously then started to look at what she actually did look like and she felt well maybe I could you know have a bit more neck showing and so on so forth so nowadays when she'd absolutely I mean she doesn't you know she's just so confident that it doesn't make any difference so the difference is extraordinary from that you know sort of chin down with clothes was clothed and now it's sort of wonderfully and sort of she just feels comfortable I think she wears by the mid 80s Diana's more mature uncluttered style was already established she'd become the ultimate Fashion Icon intent on promoting British designers Bruce Oldfield helped her develop a new evening look Bruce was the first person I think really to introduce her to a kind of swaythed more sort of glamorous film Starry sort of look and she did have those dresses before but they were sort of they were much more the sort of bustier with the big skirt and Bruce tended to make them kind of Slinky and rather wonderful and sort of gathered and other kind of thing here so I think he freed her and made her aware that she could perhaps you know be a bit more shapely with the evening clothes rather than just wear the classic hunting shooting fishing wall dress that you tend to get um so I think you probably pushed her in that direction quite fast Diana resurrected the British military industry when hats became an integral part of her look she wears them so beautiful now and I think in the early stages she wore them in the way English women wear hats to weddings plonked on the head with the veil pulled over or the fluff of the feather and that and she in very very very fast we found her wearing them where they should be warm which is across here I mean despite the fact that the photographers probably couldn't get into the eyes or couldn't see anything but she really almost immediately maybe two years into being the Princess of Wales and having to worry about she suddenly realized she had to wear them the way they should be worn because she has great shoulders and terrific posture she looks marvelous with those you know very broad hats and once you wear those hats you actually begin to like wearing them she really does look like um you know she could be a cover wearing those hats but she goes she wears them properly and she wears them with the right outfits which is terribly important the right outfit costs money from her engagement in 1981 Diana's clothes are estimated to have cost over ten thousand pounds a month totaling over a million pounds during a nine-year period now with the higher cost of clothes that's increased to one and a quarter million for her present wardrobe all this doesn't include what she spends on maintaining a model's figure now for a silhouette a narrow silhouette you need to be slim and so of course she had to work at slimming down so there's been the swimming at Buckingham Palace in that pool she's done that very religiously swam a tremendous amount the gym she now has a personal trainer coming to her the whole time she spends a very great deal of money if you like to look at it in financial terms on the infrastructure that's what I'd call it we're not talking about the makeup here although she's been wearing increasingly quite a lot of makeup but we're not talking about Cosmetics we're talking about the foundations here Charles's private income from the duchy of Cornwall bankrolled Her Image building this witty Catherine Walker suit would have cost around two and a half thousand pounds the way she can wear those dinner suits she wore this one with what's called a trump lawyer it's a kind of fake waistcoat at the front fake vest and it was so trim and neat and very smart and yet at the same time it's sort of funny it's a take on menswear it's also a joke on those stuffed shirts that British men have to wear on official occasions it's a tremendous fun outfit her looking at her best knowing she looks her best has given Diana increased confidence have you noticed with Diana how her skirt her hemline and her shoe heels have gone up now that she feels more independent and better about herself those Jimmy Choo shoes she wore a young British designer who makes Lively shoes quite expensive they cost 250 pounds you know nearly 500 a pair but they give down the right kind of look slightly sexy isn't it and something that makes her look like an independent young woman the key to Diana's rise as a fashion icon is her relationship with the shine reclusive designer Catherine Walker frenchborn and like Diana 5 foot 10 inches tall she's the only designer not to have gone out of favor in 15 years the Princess of Wales once she was married realized that she was going to get so much attention she needed to perhaps be guided and I think she turned to the editor a Vogue for some advice as to who she could go to and Catherine Walker's name came up and that's how it all began by 1989 Diana's Catherine Walker streamlined look was firmly established but this beaded evening gown for a visit to Hong Kong was a new high at around 5000 pounds Diana had Supreme comfort and elegance one thing that Catherine always manages to do is is to disguise the intricacy of the tailoring and when you put it on something to do with the lining which invariably is wonderful soft silk satin it feels like it won't move you have total confidence when you wear something and it's like a work of art it's like a sculpture in itself you actually get terribly excited about wearing it for the first time this will whatever mood she might be in however depressed she might be how exhausted she might be she she puts that gun on she has the high collar she looks distinguished almost all you know without having to add any jewelry and have her hair done and her makeup another Foreign Tour success was India in 1992 again Catherine Walker came up with something unexpected elegant and utterly appropriate her meticulous research and attention to detail is renowned Catherine absorbs the you know the environment the surroundings she will have probably have looked at pictures and books of India and the places that the princess was likely to visit and designed outfits that would actually not Clash but that would somehow blend and enhance the surroundings and the settings and there's no doubt that India is a very exotic place it's full of color there is a sense of willowy glamor it's color but it's simple and if you look at the architecture behind her you know there's there's an immense detail it's it's very detailed and if you like jewel encrusted that's the feeling you get from Taj Mahal if you look at Princess sitting there in all Simplicity she's wearing three colors which is quite difficult I mean you wouldn't normally put an outfit together with three blocks of color then in this instance it works because you're surrounded by detail and therefore she looked perfect on a visit to Pakistan without Charles Diana made an impact as a royal Ambassador in her own right as usual for this official tour the foreign office and taxpayer footed the bill which included this Catherine Walker evening dress costing around two and a half thousand pounds Diana carried it off to perfection I think she has a very strong sense of self she's got she's developed it over the years with Catherine's help I think as well she would probably have known that she's going to a country where a lot of people may not have seen a princess in real life before and therefore she's enhancing that image I think if ever there was a dream princess in people's minds it has to be Princess Diana and that is the dress that you would want to be seen in it's light it's pale pink and it's it's romantic it's every little girl's dream Diana's wardrobe is now vast when stored her dresses span the width of 10 average terraced houses and she has a seven foot rack just for white blouses but she does revamp and recycle here the dress worn in Pakistan is seen again at a Royal Variety performance she's been known to wear the same outfits to a wedding and a function I don't think she has a problem with that as long as she knows that she feels comfortable and elegant I think it really what matters is and wearing an outfit that is designed to give you maximum confidence so that you're never aware even of a shifting waistline or a shoulder that's slightly off or a split at the back that reveals too much and that really comes down to the tailoring that's the secret [Applause] on her wedding day Diana's dress did not live up to these exacting standards of design but in all the Euphoria surrounding the occasion few noticed optimism about this fairy tale princess marrying her prince charming was Rife as 700 million people watched what was billed as the wedding of the century Lady Diana Spencer's wedding day was really extraordinary in that never I think kind of the anticipation been so great the pressure I mean the people were crowded around television sets even if they weren't in the streets at the time and everybody wanted to know what this girl and she was a girl she was extremely shy extremely nervous extremely young we wanted to know what she was going to wear and so it was a kind of extraordinary event this young girl getting out of this carriage and the dress kept on coming I mean the train kept on coming one was absolutely amazed the silk taffeta dress with its 25-foot train was designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel it was not a success I was sitting immediately behind the royal family and I remembered looking down the aisle as she came through the door and sort of gathered herself with her bridesmaids and so on and I mean everybody was rushing around in panic because this dress was completely crumpled like a piece of tissue paper it looked as if it had never been armed had got fantastically crushed in the carriage which was a problem that nobody had anticipated and that must have been really well horrid for her in a way on this very very special day with all these other pressures [Music] Diana seemed unconcerned on her way back to the reception at Buckingham Palace but she still had to contend with further dress problems an open Carriage is not an ideal way of transporting a large wedding dress with a train most of them are very itchy on the inside too and then you're squashed on this carriage and then you're trying to get out and then if the Fabric's not coming I'm surprised she didn't just rip it off and why they didn't give her a detachable train that then she could take off when she's finished walking up the aisle which the majority of wedding dresses that we shoot are and do have detachable trains why they didn't do that seem kind of cruel it was a bit as if she was badly advised and as if people thought yes you're so young that we will stick you in this dress that really a little girl would look very cute going to a party in stick a long train onto it and then send you down a red rug I wonder actually how much say she had in it whether she was completely bulldozed into something that was appropriate and very classic and this is what you're supposed to wear and she you know said okay but my personal theory is that Camilla took her shopping for a wedding dress anyway and chose the one that would look most horrible on her later in 1985 Diana and Charles were in Italy for an official tour it was a huge success with the Italians turning out in their thousands public perception of them as the golden fairy tale couple was still unsullied but in reality the fact that the crowds were always more interested in seeing a glamorous princess than a middle-aged Prince was rubbing salt in the wound of Charles's dented ego and adding to their estrangement behind the scenes foreign Act was a sham they were merely playing roles for the sake of Their audience Charles used to Center Stage couldn't cope with a constant adulation of his wife it set the seal on an already Rocky marriage when Diana came along she usurped Prince Charles in terms of popularity the people the public turned out to see her not to see him and he was deeply irritated by this he was offended he would complain about it he was I think actually at the bottom of his heart very angry about it Charles found his Thunder stolen yet again on the night his television profile was aired in June 1994. despite admitting his adultery it was Diana who got most front page coverage she chose that particular night to arrive at the serpentine Gallery in a stunning outfit by Christina stambolian an off the peg impulse buy which had Lane hidden in her private wardrobe for three years Diana knew exactly what she was doing you can guarantee that if there is a some Grand Royal occasion that the day before Diana will do something which guarantees the headlines it happens every time and once will be a coinc coincidence but after 10 or 12 years of it diet by Design she knows exactly what she's doing she is deliberately upstaging Prince Charles her husband but as Princess Margaret Lord Snowden and their daughter Sarah arrive for the family wedding of Lord David Lindley they needn't have had any fears that Diana would try and upstage the bride Diana knew exactly what was appropriate Catherine Walker supplied an outfit of understated Elegance she turned up wearing a kind of Dove blue jacket and cream skirt and cream and Dove blue hat I mean it was a very quiet color I mean she could have I suppose come more quiet in soft yellow or something but the blue looks very beautiful on her with her eyes and still it was very subdued and I don't think it was inappropriate or Drew attention away from the road whatsoever is it completely correct outfit for a wedding in contrast the actress Raquel Welch wasn't so thoughtful she showed up to her son's wedding and completely Drew attention away from her daughter-in-law to be because she weren't incred terribly wide brimmed hat and this very tight sexy skirt and no one was looking at the bride because everyone was looking at her and she was loving it so glad she's not my mom [Music] Diana now faces life as the first divorced Princess of Wales in history a semi-detached Royal mother to a future king but stripped of her Royal Highness standing in her Panorama interview she stated that she wanted to forge a new useful role as a world Ambassador for Britain like her visit to Nepal for the Red Cross to do that she knows that where her clothes once attracted the media her work must now catch the headlines by sticking to simple Classics she's already doing that she needs to feel that people are going to take her seriously first of all she's there to carry out a job be it as a carer visiting a hospital or somebody walking around she is here on business she needs to feel that nothing is going to attract from that even though she needs to create an impact nothing was detract from the job that she's doing she doesn't want to be seen as a fashion victim clearly she is a trendsetter she has a lot to live up to she's set a lot of Precedence and some real showstoppers along the way but she never would want to be seen as somebody who was falling victim to everybody else's influence she has to be there if you like ahead of the pack and keep classical and I think her role and the the Regal side to to her job actually keeps that in check something else that will keep extravagance in check will be her reduced income as the ex-wife of Prince Charles the divorce settlement of around 7 19 million pounds will give her the Apparently huge income of half a million a year but when compared to the annual one and a quarter million she used to receive from Charles's duchy of Cornwall funds she's taken a big cut from now on she'll have to watch what she spends and perhaps buy more off the peg even if it is a Jackie Kennedy style suit by Versace costing around two and a half thousand pounds [Music] however she spends her money Diana will continue to attract the world's attention Wherever She Goes she is a superstar and wherever she goes people want to see her and governments will welcome her they will lay on Banquets for her they will create if you like State occasions around her and maybe we won't see what the Press have thrived on in the last few years which is the war of the wales's they will actually come to see that she has a role to fulfill which is quite separate from that of the Prince of Wales but at the same time there will be no fighting there will be known fighting in fact if you like it we'll be splitting the two and maybe it's a great service to this country and she can still go on being an ambassador abroad a royal party on holiday in the Caribbean the Princess of Wales is a frequent visitor to exclusive holiday spots enjoying the good life is one of the perks of being Royal and both Diana and Sarah have taken full advantage The Duchess of York once spent five weeks in one year on the slopes both rejected the traditional Royal Pursuits of hunting shooting and fishing these young Royal wives wanted to enjoy the playgrounds of the Jet Set and they've schooled their children in expensive tastes [Music] princesses don't have to queue for Fairground rides or jostle for space in crowded Resorts and public swimming pools The Duchess has been able to indulge her love of riding with access to the best horses money can buy while as a gesture towards her husband's work she took flying lessons which only inspired her to write money-making children's books about a helicopter called budgie there's no doubt that Sarah is an expert skier but with at least two winter holidays a year she's had plenty of practice she certainly outclasses Diana in 1988 the Royal party was staying in the exclusive Swiss Resort of closters at the five-star valsahof hotel the total cost for a week of the royal foursomes holiday was in the region of twelve thousand pounds no discount package holidays here jaz's obsession with skiing rival Sarah's and originally he welcomed her enthusiasm for frequent skiing holidays not surprisingly she was only too eager to enjoy the exclusive benefits of Europe's top resorts at Royal expense but despite all the advantages of five-star travel she and Diana still couldn't maintain Royal decorum [Music] at this point Diana kept her problems with bulimia well hidden she looked the epitome of Health and Beauty but she's always worked hard at her Public Image she spends a great deal of money and effort on grooming herself and looking good you know not all of these things come so naturally remember those early days with the Tiara at the wedding when her hair in that long Fringe flopped over her face she learned on the job and she learned absolutely brilliantly how to present herself off-duty Diana has used her clothes to express a surprisingly rebellious streak you've got to remember with Diana that she had her teenage years snatched away from her with this being engaged at 19 and then rarely having her first child at 20. and so there's a bit in her I think that wants to lead that slightly wild teenage side in fashion terms look at when she ran off to Spain with her three girlfriends really a very teenager a silly thing to do most of us didn't do that going after Marbella or going off holiday camps when we're very young and those clothes for Diana mean the jeans the t-shirts the baseball caps the cowboy boots all those things they're a bit wacky really for a young woman of 30. Diana's pursuit of a stylish image has always taken a back seat when she's with William and Harry when the children were younger and she went to these things like sports day something every parent knows about that she didn't want to stand out as the glamor princess wearing the short skirt showing off her great legs looking like princess dye she wanted to be just a mom and so she would then put on things that absolutely typical of mothers of her class and type in England with other big baggy sweaty usually or an oversized jacket and a long pleated skirt so that was another facet of Diana that was Diana the mother building a glamorous image from the ground up she spends around seven thousand Pounds a year on tights and underwear alone she likes very pretty lingerie when people like La Perlo in Italy she also likes very fresh cotton undies from um Ralph Lauren she buys them and from even from marks and Spencer but she buys a lot of underwear there's a lot that goes in that you don't see on camera to making that wonderful exterior being able to escape on exotic holidays also helps Diana to keep looking good who wouldn't benefit from staying at a secluded Caribbean Hideaway on the island of Nevis in January 1992 while Britain was in the depths of winter she spent a week recharging her batteries in the hot Caribbean Sun and indulging her great love for swimming to maintain the Body Beautiful [Music] every morning wherever she is Diana insists on taking a dip on an official visit to Egypt in May 1992 she thought she'd found a secluded pool away from a prying press at home she's used Buckingham palace's private pool or the Chelsea Harbor Club the exclusive Sports facility in West London here it costs in excess of three thousand pounds just to join Dana's daily workouts keep her in trim but she hasn't always had the well exercise figure of a Top Model thank you we knew fashion people that Diana had this magic but I don't think the public realized right from the start after all there was a lot of puppy fat around before she slimmed down now we know sadly that was really because of anorexia and bulimia and problems about her weight but what thought the beginning those pictures on the palace lawn when the queen was peeping out of the window was a slightly dumpy looking English girl with a very sweet smile and a long blonde Fringe and a definitely a slightly full figure and a big buzzer not helped by an electric blue suit with a narrow belt at the waist it was after she learned how to present herself that she became both the greatest asset of the royal family in terms of her visual style and her fashion and how the wonderful way she looked and also a problem in that she did in a way show up what looked rather fussy side of the Royal Family Diner enjoyed spending Charles's annual 4 million pound profit from the duchy of gormall she spent it on herself but also tried to liven up his image he actually said that she would make him younger of course she didn't he was born middle-aged Prince Charles the generation gap the gap of the 12 13 year gap between them never lessened in fact it's it's got wider and nothing happened to to make him younger she tried very hard certainly with his style for example she made him wear loafers she made him wear different types of Suits different shirts and ties but even though she bought him a pair of designer jeans he's never once worn them he boasted he's never even tried them on and he never ever will don't you think it's funny the way that Diana tried to change Charles when she first married him oh doesn't that ring of cord with all young wives young Brides who think that they get smarten their husband up his value you know was Furious because that was the great role he'd played you know the gay Valley who'd gone out and had a great time in um London's German Street fingering all the shirts and choosing the sweaters and thinking that you know the prince his Royal Highness looks so lovely and yellow well Diana changed all that she wanted him to have a younger slightly sportier image she bought him sweaters certainly you know she did it later for James Hewitt she likes the idea of dressing a man making him look good and the great thing was she tried to change Charles's shoes that was the first great bone of contention now Charles's shoes are things that you can wear walking over the Moors you know they're great Hefty shoes he has them handmade and she looked at her brother Diana looked at her brother Charles who's quite well dressed in that young arist Crut Brit way and so she got Charles these sort of loafers little moccasins that didn't stand up five minutes A Child striding around in the country at Highgrove and walking in the garden he abandoned those almost immediately and I think that's maybe when she started giving up hope that she was ever going to be able to change her man [Music] hi Grove Charles's 700 Acres in gloucestershire shirt full Landscapes of other Royal Estates such as Sandringham and Norfolk also offers him the very best painting opportunities abroad his favorite place to paint is Tuscany in Italy and in 1985 he exhibited his watercolors publicly for the first time in Rafael's house in orbino Charles's teacher was the Hugh cassan one of Britain's foremost painters this was the Fulfillment of a schoolboy's dream when we were at school together Charles did Art and he was very enthusiastic about art and he was inspired by the art Master his name was waddle and who so who did helped develop his sense of beauty at least on a superficial level and Tuscany where Prince Charles goes is a very beautiful place and he knows the rudiments of of drawing and painting and he's done it I think primarily for his own peace of mind and his own pleasure but of course it's turned into something of a commercial Venture now on a visit to vet in April 1985 Charles spent every spare moment on the deck of the royal yacht Britannia painting alone with his thoughts and paints he was in his element meanwhile at the other end of the ship his bored wife wandered neglected both seemed oblivious to each other wrapped up in their own worlds Donna has certainly been attracted by the material benefits of being Royal such as access to luxury sports cars suppliers fall over themselves to give the royal family top of the range models at massive discounts knowing the huge publicity benefits after Diana started driving an Audi sports car sales doubled boosting the company's profits to 10 million pounds living in Kensington Palace with a full staff of servants Dana obviously has no mortgage worries shopping in nearby Knightsbridge fills much of her Spare Time oat Couture doesn't come cheap this is where the truly Rich come to shop and where price tags aren't required Dana is estimated to spend in the region of a hundred thousand pounds a year on clothes including ten thousand pounds on shoes alone she's renowned for her style and good taste but it certainly helped having an almost Limitless budget we are talking about a very wealthy young woman she was brought up with money and two money you know she's never wanted for a few cents a few Bob in her life so she's always had money to spend on herself and she spends a lot on keeping herself looking good and why shouldn't she after all people of her class and type certainly princesses throughout history have spent a lot of money on their appearance perhaps she got too preoccupied at one stage with the outer exterior but it's probably because she was so terribly unhappy inside and we know the syndrome don't we all of us women I'm not so sure about men of going out and buying something new because you're feeling rotten about yourself Charles gets rid of his frustrations by playing Polo this is a sport for the very rich players have to keep at least eight ponies costing at around 160 000 pounds a year Charles took up Polo as a teenager to follow the Macho image of his father Prince Philip despite being an elitist sport it has at least allowed him to get a taste for some Rough and Tumble [Music] Polo is the nearest thing that Prince Charles could have taken part in a body contact sport when he was at school and at University he was not allowed to play rugby because it was felt undignified for ordinary people to to come into physical contact with the air to the throne and perhaps hurt him but when he became an adult he took up Polo because he thought he was a pretty tough thing to do it is always to some extent taken physical risks at the expense of intellectual ones Polo's been a great pressure cooker steam valve letting off steam for him an escape from all the tedious pressures of his life and over the years I've watched him which is a long time now nearly 20 years I've seen him become more and more conservative in his approach to his Charities the way he uses his job and so on and take those kind of risks on the ski slopes or the polo field instead I think that's its function in his life ever since a childhood riding accident Diana has disliked horses like other Polo wives she grew tired of always having to take second place to a four-legged obsession I think that in a way they would probably not get a very good deal I know that most Polo players very angry with me when I say this but any young boy that's grown up madly in love with his horse and so attached to his horse one has to be a little bit concerned about what his motives are because the horse often takes over the role of Father for a child whose father has not been available because the horse is very sturdy it's very powerful it's very upright it's very thrusting it's very phallic so I think any girl that follows the polo players around and hopes that one day she will find some wonderful man to love her may find that he's not quite as wonderful as she thinks despite all this women have always been fascinated by the rich Macho world of Polo Charles had the added attraction of being a royal Prince with the Press nickname of Action Man certainly there are many stories predating his marriage I should hastily add of Polo groupies and various tough type friends who set up Polo teams Polo weekends abroad where I think girls were very much part of the scene behind the smiles Diana soon realized that Charles was never going to change his horsey ways to suit her he would continue to always have more time for his riding Chums like his Polo manager major Ronald Ferguson then for a self-centered discontented wife perhaps Charles should have married major Ron's youngest daughter Sarah who had grown up in the world of Polo and loved horses ironically she married Andrew the only Royal who has no interest in equestrian Pursuits at all but to begin with her Polo connection stood her in good stead I think when Fergie got together with Andrew it didn't do any harm that Philip and Charles already knew major Ron who was Charles's Polo manager and had been a knock about Polo buddy of Phillips for many years Sarah was seen as a chip off the old block and has always been close to her father and the fast Living World of Polo she loyally stood by him when the newspapers exposed his carelessly open visits to a massage parlor in London's West End in the light of this Scandal his many years as Deputy chairman of the guards Polo Club was abruptly terminated in September 1988. for the 57 year old father of the royal Duchess it was a humiliating rejection yet Charles still kept him on as his Polo manager foreign there were stories that major Ron knew a thing or two about what had happened in Sundry locker rooms around the land post Polo type activities that it was quite nice to have him on the inside rather than the outside because he's always been a bit of an unguided missile major run and remains so um so I think that helped Fergie's cause when Andrew was wondering whether or not to marry her that her dad was already known to the Royals already part of the freewheeling spirit of the polo World which would ultimately contribute tribute to their marriage breakdown but on their wedding day in 1986 such a scandal was unimaginable here was a new Duchess who would tame the Queen's favorite Playboy son Sarah seemed to have the same strong-minded qualities of the previous Duchess of York Elizabeth beau's lion who in 1923 married the Future King George VI 63 years later Sarah seemed to have everything to look forward to I think she felt very confident of her position royal family of her husband to be she'd just been made a duchess that morning which is an awfully nice start she's had a lot of flack I know and criticism about her figure in her close sense but the interesting thing about her wedding dress was it's the one dress that really mattered and it it really got it right I remember sitting around a television set with with everybody at Vogue house and the gasp factor which I always measure quite highly which is when a bride gets out of of the car or the coaching in this case um was was enormous because she actually looked wonderful the dress was a trap she never looked so good and that's in a way what you want every bride to be able to say whoever they are the price tag for this fashion success was in the region of 30 000 pounds it was created in the workshops of the then little-known fashion designer Linka Shirak and since then her business has never looked back it's not every day that you get both a royal wedding dress commission and a client that thinks the sky's the limit cost wise Sarah had never before had access to the very best of everything and on her wedding day she started as she meant to go on Linka Shirak remembers how she became involved in Sarah's first major spending spree I think the reason I got the commission was because I was fairly unknown and she liked to sort of go for something different and also I'd done many many of the wedding dresses that were in the social calendar and so she had an opportunity to see my work prior to actually me starting for her Linka Shirak was there to help Sarah on the day and no expense was spared in getting the dress exactly right the beating took approximately three months to do first of all I had to design the beadwork with my main beater Daphne who was absolutely wonderful we sat for hours trying to work out what bead went where once that was organized then we had to buy all the beads and we had something like over 150 000 beads they were all slightly dyed because the color of the cloth is a very very pale Ivory and we wanted a warm color to come through on the dress Sarah had now got a taste for the luxury of made to measure Perfection from then on it was oat Couture all the way Linka Shirak continued to design for her including this outfit for a Canadian tour but the new Duchess was soon using other designers money can't buy you taste however and she was pilloried by the press for her lack of fashion sense [Music] she turned for help to the danish-born designer Isabelle Christensen attracted by her ability to create outfits that cause a stir she was the center of attention recently at Royal Ascot her clients include Tina Turner Shirley Bassey and Cher in one year alone Sarah spent 50 000 pounds on Isabel's Creations her spending had begun to get out of control one bull gun resulted in the unfortunate newspaper headline of frock horror well I chose this dress for her to well I suggested this race for her to wear in Puerto Rico because it's a light fabric it's a it's a shotokanza it's a lovely color for her especially for her skin color and her hair it's a boned body so it shows off your waist very well it shows off your shoulders it's got a very pretty neckline and a little sleeve so it's not strapless you don't feel too bare even if you're sitting for dinner and it has an a-line skirt um which is very good because it's quite big but still you can move around elegantly and even dance easy and how much did this cost in pound sterling this is 3800. during that time the young wives of Windsor brought a sense of style and glamor to the rigid face of royalty for a few heady years the two young women propelled the British Monarchy into the exposed Realms of the Jet Set and spent a lot of money in the process now what does the future hold Diana will have to behave and I think will anyway behave more uh respectively let's say than Fergie Dan is very well aware that the Princess of Wales anyway outrank The Duchess of York but also she's always going to be the mother of future kings or future king possibly plural and therefore will behave with a certain more decorum she'll continue to live in a Royal Palace she'll be seen with the royal family on certain occasions which Fergie won't anymore so I think they will be different very different kettles of fish Sarah now has to clear her 3 million pound debt but it won't stop her enjoying herself I think Fergie's a kind of Frankenstein's monster that the royal family have created um if they think that as an ex-royal an xhrh whatever Antics she gets up to won't reflect badly on the house of Windsor anymore I think they've got another thing coming there I think her and Diana for the rest of their lives will be potential embarrassments potential liabilities because of their connections to the royal family Fergie in America certainly can continue to make lots of money the hrh there people don't really understand its significance she is a great commercial draw sponsorship modeling even that kind of thing she's got very expert top of the range advice now expert advisors and uh yes I think she can pull in millions over there despite all the recriminations there is still sadness at the end of an era Sarah and Diana are mothers to the Queen's grandchildren once the Royal always a royal will probably be their motto today their shared experience binds them together The Princess and The Duchess are each other's best friends and chief confidants no one else can understand exactly what they've been through they're in a unique position they've both been Windsor wives and have chosen to walk out of the Court life and they've shared so much together that that has bound them together in a very special way they're like sisters it's a very special relationship but they don't flaunt it in public because they're worried that it might lead to allegations that they're ganging up and plotting against the house of Windsor which is of course all nonsense all they try to do is survive and have a happy life with the divorce finalized Diner seems determined to take control of her life during the negotiations over the divorce she wanted to keep a bit of a low profile you noticed she didn't do too many official engagements in at home in Britain she she kept her head down relatively but now she's got plans to get out and about and do a lot more the divorce has given her a certain Freedom the princess has now taken over running her own office she's running her own life she's more independent and she's more in charge and she's relishing at all she's loving it so I think we'll see a busier princess more involved and therefore constantly in the headlines with an estimated 17 million pound divorce settlement from Charles there's little doubt that she'll still be able to enjoy the good life kings and queens must have their crowns and the British Monarchy has some of the best familiar the world over these Priceless Jewels are worn by monarchs but belong to the state [Music] but the queen does have a vast personal jury collection estimated to be worth in excess of 30 million pounds the glimpses we catch of it worn on Grand public occasions are only the tip of the iceberg behind this private collection lie extraordinary Tales of lottery winnings extravagant gifts and spectacular gems gleaned from a world Empire over Generations the most magnificent set of jewels in the Queen's own collection are the Cambridge and Delhi durba emeralds worth over 2 million pounds how the Duke of Cambridge and his wife the Queen's great-great-grandmother acquired 40 of these gems in 1818 was pure fluke they went to Frankfurt on a tour and there was a lottery for for a charity and The Duchess of Cambridge decided that yes she would buy some tickets and actually won and was presented with this brown box full full of these emeralds and then subsequently they were made up into various um pearls various pieces of jewelry one most famous piece is the the one that the Princess of Wales wore on as a headband but in Australia um I believe it was done that way originally intended to wear around the neck but because of sunburn it was decided that it would be easy to put it on the top in 1897 the Cambridge emeralds were inherited by the Queen's great uncle Prince Francis of tech he was a real Nadu well he was a great Gambler you know he had a bit of this Irish Blarney in him and he showered jewels on his mistress and Queen Mary his sister wasn't having any of that he died rather suddenly and she was horrified to find that the Cambridge emeralds the family emeralds had been given to his Irish mistress off she went can't you just imagine her tiara on her head the grand Queen Mary and she got those emeralds back and I often think of it when I see the queen wearing them today that those jaws been around a bit it will come and that South Africa in 1911 King George V and Queen Mary were crowned as India's Emperor and Empress at the famous Delhi durba can you imagine one of those Indian celebrations when people arrive in elephants on howders when I say people I mean Maharaja kind of people and when there's somebody Fanning you from behind on this hot day and you're sitting under some extraordinary Throne probably the throne itself is studded with jewels this is what Queen Mary and King George V went through at the beginning of their reign when India was the most important part of the future Commonwealth and the maharajas came up to them carrying these incredible jewels as presents Queen Mary received emeralds in her own right from the Indian people and she had those made up into fantastic Jewels she mixed them with the Cambridge emeralds to make different parua and now of course Diana was given one of the emerald sets and Prince Charles bought her an art deco emerald and Garmin bracelet to go with it like so much he didn't know about his young wife he didn't know she didn't like emeralds for a visit to Rome in 1980 the queen wore a favorite Diamond and Pearl Tiara from her Personal Collection again she'd inherited this from her grandmother Queen Mary the great architect of the Windsor Family Jewels she'd bought this magnificent piece from the daughter of the grand duchess Vladimir of Russia Tsar Nicholas's Aunt who'd had to flee the Bolsheviks the Russian Revolution helped fuel Queen Mary's obsession with acquiring jewels [Music] royal family was deposed they basically had very little money left and they had to sell their jewels and Queen Mary was able to pick up quite a lot of the Russian Family Jewels she paid about two million pounds in modern day prices members members family who were down on their luck and had nothing but their jewels to support themselves sort of sold them privately they weren't very practical people the grand duchess Algoa she was a woman who'd never had to deal with money and of course it seems like a godsend when Queen Mary comes along saying let me sort it out for you I know this Jeweler and of course I'd love to have them and she took the pick of the Russian Jewels whether she ever paid for them in full at the proper price is very doubtful although I think a lot was given in kind to these Exile Russian relatives they had Grace in favor homes rather as some of the minor Royals do today so perhaps there was a trade-off there but in real jewelry terms Queen Mary did not pay the full whack [Music] in 1995 the Queen's official visit to Russia posed the very delicate problem of What jewels she should wear if any how awkward that she was scheduled to visit the tombs of her royal cousins the SARS for the first time when thanks to her grandmother Queen Mary she had The Pick of their best Jewels at home in a vault [Music] her Russian trip included visits to Moscow and to a Gala performance at the Bolshoi ballet during the stopover it was a deliberate choice to wear the sapphire and diamond Peru that she'd received as a wedding present from her father rather than choosing any of her inherited Russian jewels as the jewels had come from Russia under sort of slightly perhaps mysterious circumstances the queen didn't want to upset anybody so she kept away completely from all the Russian jewels and in fact wore the sapphire and diamonds at the bolshei ballet when I was actually there the um the theater when the queen walked into the box and it was a 10 minute standing ovation and she could not believe that people were appreciating her in this way she was absolutely overwhelmed and I remember talking to her about it a week later and she said did you did not think I was ever dressed and I said you mentioned you know it was absolutely wonderful people loved you it was terrific in 1936 the future of the British Monarchy was threatened when the Queen's Uncle King Edward VII abdicated to marry the twice divorced Wallace Simpson this constitutional crisis also led to jewels that would normally have swelled The Windsor Family collection being taken into exile [Music] engagement ring was half of one of the greatest emeralds in the world and had once been worn by a mogul emperor the king had ordered the Jeweler Cartier to make the ring and as a regular customer was quoted a special price ten thousand pounds is the equivalent of half a million today throughout the marriage he celebrated their relationship by giving his wife numerous jewels to create a magnificent collection most of the jewels she had were either bought for her by the besotted future Duke of Windsor or otherwise they were made up from jewels that he had been given in India that is raw stones but they weren't actually jewels that say Queen Victoria had worn foreign this was a collection to rival even the Queens when the Duke of Windsor died it went to The Duchess and thereafter the bulk of it as far as I understand went to charity for AIDS research they fetched a phenomenal price something like 10 times more than was expected because they've been owned by The Duchess of Windsor because there's been all this Royal romance connected to them one of Wallace's favorite Jewels her ruby necklace fetched over a million and a half pounds from a mystery buyer at the Geneva auction in 1987 when the whole collection was sold for a total of 27 million pounds known buyers included the dress designer Calvin Klein who bought four items for over 870 000 pounds Aaron Spelling the producer of the television soap Dynasty who purchased a necklace for his wife and Elizabeth Taylor who bought the prince of wales's diamond brooch for 350 000 pounds now worth in the region of a million The Duchess of Windsor's jewels of course were sold up for charity now that's something that I don't think we'll be seeing for other members of the royal family but some pieces did manage to sneak their way back into the royal family you know princess and Michael of Kent who um befriended The Duchess before she died I think maybe she felt a little bit of an outsider and therefore they've had something in common and she received as a gift a pair of Panther earrings those famous Cartier earrings and she wears them very occasionally but not I would imagine in front of the queen after the loss of the Duke of Windsor's Jewels the queen seemed very wary of risking any more dilution of the family collection only giving Diana the Cambridge emeralds and The Lover's bow not Tiara as wedding presents which had belonged to Queen Mary and was a design she'd copied you know Queen Mary had all these relatives strung out through Germany and Russia and she used to go in the summer it was called the Gathering of the royal mob they used to kind of go on their summer holidays together a very up-market Butlins or club mediterrane with just members of the royal family and then of course they all dressed for dinner in those days Tiaras the whole bit and Queen Mary then would have seen jewels that she loved and The bonak Tiara was something that she had copied by Gerard just before the first world war in the Russian Revolution 1914 using jewels that pearls especially that she had been given as a wedding present but had it made for herself gave it to the queen who has hardly worn it and then it's the queen gave it to Princess Diana as the future Queen garage has been the crown Jeweler since 1843 here at their Regent Street workshops high quality gems are turned into jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of pounds in 1888 Garrard created Queen Alexandra's kakashnik Tiara now in the Queen's private collection and encrusted with 488 diamonds many of the Queen's private pieces that Captain guard's Vault and they have a running contract to alter or clean items as required in 1981 Prince Charles paid garage just over 28 000 pounds for Diana's engagement ring but garage main job is to maintain the State Crown Jewels these include the King George IV State diadem crown in 1862 Queen Victoria is pictured wearing it on an early postage stamp George IV coronation the new Crown was made and he was under strict orders from Parliament what he could have in his crown he then decided that he would have flower bouquets between the Maltese crosses the flower bouquets represent England Scotland and Ireland he didn't actually wear it for his coronation because it was considered to be too feminine Queen Victoria had it set with Diamonds and Pearls from her collection but the Hanoverian Kings were hard up originally it would have been set with uh semi-precious stones that would be hired from the Jewelers for the coronation because in those days they couldn't afford to have crowns and diadem set with real stems and keep them so the Jewelers came in and they were all the jewels the were hired and sent back afterwards if the jewels were left in the crowns The Sovereign would have pawned them hopped them to pay gambling debts or as turned out Mistresses in those days foreign wears the diadem to go to the annual state opening of Parliament where is it leaving Buckingham Palace traveling in the coach to the House of Lords she then walks up the grand staircase into the the robing room where that Crown diadem is removed and she then puts on the more important Imperial State Crown cut diamond weighing 317 carats and worth between 80 and 100 million pounds foreign Diamonds the Crown's total worth is incalculable every Monarch has it altered to fit [Music] it's basically the head size the crown would be altered Imperial State crimes as I said is the only one that's ever altered that is altered to fit the head size it's rather like a hat it's rather like having a hat made we often refer to these crowns as hats like the same with diadems and Tiaras they are quite humorously referred to as hats or part of the kit [Music] but to wear a smaller lighter crown that she had had made in 80 70 only weighs 4 ounces in Victoria suffered migraines in in later life and she found that the the crowns far too heavy that's why we at garage made the small very very small crown for her to wear it's the always word at the top of the head or the back on the bun with or without the Arches but the Imperial State Crown would have always been there as a symbol is say the opening of parliament or state occasions it would have been there on a cushion by the side of her [Music] when Queen Elizabeth came to be crowned changes had to be made for her too peel steak Crown was in fact altered by Garrett for the coronation in 1953 the head size was adjusted and the Arches were made lower mainly because to make it look more feminine and to reduce the weight slightly not forgetting this this weighs two and a half pounds for the annual state opening of parliament the queen wears Queen Victoria's 28 Diamond Collette necklace and earrings national income on a diamond Trend Victoria appropriately wore them for her Diamond Jubilee portrait in 1897 and they continued to be an established part of the crown jewels if you don't call it necklace that was made Queen Victoria had made along with the the Diamond drop earrings these were made from diamonds that you took from a garter star and a ceremonial sword and they were added to the the Royal collection or the Crown Jewel collection in 1901 the diamond drops that are on the earrings and the drop in the bottom of the collet necklace did actually come from the Timor ruby necklace it was given to Queen Victoria in 1851 by the East India Company they now form part of the crown jewels for the Queen's marriage to Prince Philip in 1947 she wore a tiara from the state collection lent to her as Something Borrowed by the queen mother who still acts as its Royal custodian The Tiara princess Elizabeth wore was is known as the Hanoverian Tiara and it was in fact designed and made in 1830 for Queen Victoria it was made of old diamonds from the time of George III and it was creating this wonderful quite spiky Tiara quite High which can also be worn as a necklace interestingly enough the royal family a very very very good with their jewelry they can be worn for lots of different things anyway Queen Victoria had it made in 1830 and left it to the crown and Queen Mary wore there are pictures of Queen Mary wearing it and then um princess Elizabeth wore it for her wedding because it was lent to her by her mother as far as the public knew the day went exactly as planned but behind the scenes the bride's two main pieces of jewelry had both created anxious moments because on princess Elizabeth's wedding day two um unforeseen things occurred one was that the beautiful Hanoverian Tiara Diamond Tiara actually the frame broke which is a nightmare situation for anybody but of course unlike anybody she did in fact have the court Jewelers standing by but in his workshop and he had to be sent for double Swift to come and mend the thing and I think she was very very nervous and had to be reassured by her mother and also she wanted to wear the double row the famous double row of pearls which had been given to her by her parents by her father I think a particular on her wedding day and they were on display with the rest of the royal presence which was extremely awkward so in a London which was paralyzed with traffic problems her newly appointed private secretary John Colville was dispatched across land London to get this priceless priceless pearls and somehow get them back to Buckingham Palace but he couldn't get back once he'd actually persuaded them to give him the pearls I imagine sharp words were spoken he had to commandeer one of the royal limousines belonging to King Harkin of Norway to somehow get through and and give them to the bride to be on princess Anne's wedding day in 1973 the queen mother again lent the Hanoverian Fringe Tiara it had now been worn by three generations of Royal Windsor Brides foreign mother's wedding present to Diana was a sapphire and diamond brooch which Diana subsequently had made into a pearl choker in auction this could sell for over 2 million pounds [Music] his valuable wedding present is now worth in the read think a tool that everybody identifies with Diana because of those blue eyes of hers are The Sapphires and especially that sucking great Sapphire that she was given by a member of the Saudi royal family as a wedding present when Diana and Charles married in 1981 the tradition of having a public display of royal wedding presence was discontinued on the orders of the queen Royal Jewels are now only ever seen when in use I'm sure this single bar electric fire syndrome comes into play when it comes to displaying royal wedding gifts we're supposed to believe that the queen is a very Swifty parsimonious person who doesn't really have very much money and the same is true of the Next Generation Diana had to fight hard to get her divorce settlement from Charles perhaps she threatened to sell off some of her Sapphires and diamonds such as those given to her by the Sultan of a man worth two million pounds the queen would hate such a Breaking of ranks Queen has always been concerned that the younger members of the royal family don't ever appear flash we a long way from a bicycling royal family but it doesn't do really does it to show the incredibly beautiful Jewels which are around in the royal family which are given as presents the only equivalent day of the Indian maharajas who showered Queen Victoria and the future Edward VII with gifts their equivalent today are these Saudi princes who are real they have fiefdoms they have the possibility to pop into Asbury or garage or have made up fantastic Jewels pay for them and give them to the queen or to Princess Diana who's had them unlike many of her royal predecessors Diana isn't obsessed by expensive jewelry doesn't wear many Jaws she really likes the fun of jewelry and to her that means fashion jewelry costume jewelry much more than the real thing and she doesn't really wear those long necklaces that sort of just hang there and fill in the neck of a dress it's not her style at all look at the way very funny and amusing way she's hung pearls false pearls down the back of a low back dress that's the kind of thing she likes and you know she would have had a soul mate in Queen Alexandra who herself can you believe in spite of her great collection of jewels had false pearls and a lot of false stones to make amusing things for herself and there's a funny story about how when she was riding one of those coaches her Pearl choker suddenly split and the courtiers in panic scrabbled and tried to pick up every single Pearl that was rolling away Queen Alexandra sat there very serenely as well she might have done because they were all fakes when it came to the marriage of prince Andrew to Sarah Ferguson the queen again held back on lavishing family heirlooms on an outsider I often think about the wisdom of the queen as a mother and a grandmother and ahead of the family puzzled me that Diana wasn't given more Royal jewels and certainly Sarah The Duchess of York got nothing and she got pieces that were bought at guards Garage still costs 60 000 pounds while the precious Family Jewels remained in the palace Vault this Suite of diamond clusters was newly acquired for Sarah she didn't give them because she suspected right from the start maybe that these marriages were going to be difficult and The Jewels perhaps were held back to be given for 10th wedding anniversaries or 20th or 25th wedding anniversaries and those girls haven't reached them have they like her grandmother Queen Mary the present Queen takes the safeguarding of family heirlooms very seriously I'm sure the queen feels that her Jewels like her art Treasures are something that she is the guardian of while she is Queen but they will be passed to Prince Charles sadly it seems as though he may not have a wife to wear them which is very interesting because it means that those jaws might in the end the ones that the queen is wearing now kind of go be cobwebbed mothballed for a hundred years like a Sleeping Beauties and then emerge in yet another generation perhaps for Prince William's future bride it must be a comforting thought to know that if hard times ever hit the Windsors like the Russian romanovs they'll always be the Family Jewels to fall back on
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 716,215
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Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history
Id: t_ANrZMLrbk
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Length: 95min 50sec (5750 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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