Beginners Guide Hints & Tips, How To Fly Helicopters In Arma Reforger - Easy Take-Off & Landings!

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hi everybody welcome back to armor forger and in this video I'm going to be doing a beginner's guide to flying helicopters going to be giving you some hints and tips and basically a drill that you can perform to help you practice especially low speed control taking off and Landing with your helicopter so what I recommend you do is uh fire up armor of forger go to the game master and uh go to the one of the airfields and then spawn in yourself as like a a pilot um and spawn in helicopter you want to play around with we've only got these two at the moment we've got the Russian transport helicopter and the uh1 American Transport helicopter but they're more than enough to be getting going with I'm also going to be using an Xbox controller so everything I'm talking about is going to be related to that so let's get into the helicopter now if you go into the settings um and you go to controls then press right on your d-pad you can get to the helicopter and you can read all the various controls um the ones that you probably forget about are things like the brakes for for the wheels so it doesn't roll off when you land and things like the lights as well uh at the moment if we go to gaml if you go to the invert controller setting we've only got an invert controller setting for basically one thing and that just inverts the the controller completely however what I have done is I have put in a support request with the dev saying look what we really need is we need to have separate invert controls for the camera so where you're looking and for the uh flight controls as well because if you're the a person who uses uh inverted controls like I am when you get into a helicopter if you've inverted the camera it then means that the controls aren't inverted for the helicopter which is a bit odd so you're going to have to kind of get used to that now before we get off the ground let's sort of play around with some of the flight controls so we can kind of have at least have a little bit of familiarity with them before we take off now if you press left on your d-pad that will turn your lights on and off if you're flying at night probably wait to wait to um get a little bit more familiar with it before you do that so on our triggers are right and left if you look at the bottom of the screen you'll see that the rotors on the tail rotor are kind of changing and what these uh commands will do is when you press those the helicopter will kind of turn clockwise and counterclockwise um at low speed basically won't do too much when you when you're zooming along but very useful when you're coming into land and when you're trying to to to get yourself into an ex position when you're trying to face in a particular direction now the right stick that's your camera so you can use that to kind of look around and if we double click that in we can go into the cockpit and double click out for most of this video we're going to be in third person so you kind of see what's going on that way our left stick if we kind of go left and right you can see that our rotor blades are kind of changing their attitude as well and left and right on the left stick that will make our helicopter sort of strafe left or strafe right and then if we push forward on the left stick what that will do that will make our uh aircraft um Pitch down so our nose will go down so we'll start to move forward but remember when we do that we will also start to lose height as well if we pull back on our left stick then what that what that's going to is going to pitch our nose up so we're going to go up and we're going to gain height but we're going to lose speed so those things go together and kind of the thing that finishes off are X and A now what x does if I press the x button you can see my blades let's move the camera a little bit you can see the angle of attack of my blad changing so what that's going to do is that's going to give give us lift so we're going to start going up if we let go the helicopter is going to go into a neutral position and kind of hold where it is now if we press a we're going to um have kind of negative lift so we're going to go down and then we release to let go and go in a neutral position now handily as well let's um just click in the right stick just to get behind the helicopter if we click in the left stick and you look in the bottom left hand corner we see that little arrows kind of lit up let me turn on and off that's auto hover now in auto hover the helicopter will still move around a bit especially if there's a bit of wind um but you still have a little bit of control as you'll see in a in a minute just to get yourself finally tuned an auto hover will get you into get you out of all sorts of sticky situations say you go into a bank that's too Steep and you're like oh I'm going to crash click on auto hover and the AI will kind of take over and probably get you into a situation when you can recover it and we're going to be using auto hover to land as well now it's not the fastest way to land because you often gain a lot of height when you auto hover but it's a good way to get started before you learn some more flashy techniques um that way so basically what we're going to be doing in this little drill is we're going to take off and we're going to be flying to the end of the runway land turning around Landing flying back to the other end of the runway turning around landing and then we're going to go out to a little island in the sea and try and land on that and then come back to the uh Runway as well and the whole idea of this is just to get you familiar with how the helicopter operates one the weirdest thing or I don't is it weird I'm not sure if it's weird one of the strange things about the helicopter or I found when I started to fly the helicopters and this doesn't just in this game but in lots of them is that as soon as the helicopter's got some horizontal speed so as as soon as you zooming along it then starts to fly like a plane so that what that means is when we when we zooming along if we want to just sort of go upwards we pull back on our left stick and the helicopter will just just rise up like a plane wood so we're not using our Collective we're not using X to go up it will just go up now we'll probably lose some speed but then once we sort of level off we'll will carry on going along again as well and so what you find is when you're coming into land it's that transition between going from flying like an airplane to Flying like a helicopter that can be a bit tricky just to kind of get you used to but that's where the auto hover comes in and I guess the final tip before we get started is really to say it takes a lot longer to slow you down than you actually think it would when you're trying to decide where you're going to land and also any Landing that you make where your occupants can walk away is a good Landing so don't be too pantic about where you land so let's get this motor on on this thing so we're going to press the share button and press X and the motor's going to kick in here it comes right there we go and now no I have got auto hover on on the bottom um left hand corner of the screen so we're getting up to speed looked great doesn't it so now we're just going to going to press and hold X we're just going to take it up a little bit and release X and just get used to the the helicopter just hovering around you'll notice that it is moving CU there is wind um so we can just use the left stick just to push the nose down I'm just pushing the left stick forward a bit just to kind of keep us still and we can come forward again I can push the left stick to the right a little bit just a little bit and we'll go right a bit you'll find with helicopters it's all about momentum you don't want to create too much momentum too much speed keep everything nice and smooth and gentle now if you press a we go down and we just release and just tap it down we can just land again like so so now we're going to press X we're going to go back up into the air now what we're going to do now is we're just going to click in the left stick so auto hover is off we have control so what we're going to do is we're going to push forward on our left stick and we're also going to press X so we're going to start gaining forward momentum and the X will keep the collective up to stop us losing too much altitude now I'm going to pull back on the left stick I'm going to release X and basically we're flying along now I've got the controls really in a neutral position I've got no X I've got no I now the end of the runway is coming up so what we're going to do is we're just going to pull back on the stick and I'm going to tap a just just to release some speed I'm pressing a so we don't gain too much height then I'm going to click in left stick to put auto hover on auto hover is on now I'm going to press left trigger just to turn us around and now I'm just going to be pressing a just to slowly bring us down I'm just going to push the no forward a bit with my left stick cuz we're drifting back a bit so I'm just tapping a really releasing a just to bring us down nice and slow releasing a tapping a getting near the ground nice and softly now nice and softly press a we're on the ground there we go so we've made it to the end of the runway so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to press X we're going to get up into the air I'm going to click in the left stick turn auto hover off and we're going to push the nose forward with the left stick and I'm going to be pressing X at the same time so we don't lose too much height that's going to give us our forward momentum now now I'm releasing X and I'm pulling back on the stick the helicopter's in kind of a neutral position so we're moving forward you can see if I want to gain a bit height I could pull back on the left stick and we're losing speed push forward again now the end of the runway is coming up so what we want to do here is we're going to pull back on the left stick a bit to lose speed and we're going to be pressing a to kind of descend a bit and then I'm going to click in left stick just to engage auto hover the helicopter kind of autof flares I'm G to press the right trigger now to spin us around I'm going to push my nose forward a bit and then I'm just going to tap a hold release hold release nice and slow bit of forward nose just to get us down nice and gently really really gently really gently just take us down right we're back on back on the ground now over there you can see there is a little island so what we're going to do this time is we're going to take off and we're going to see if we can land on that island so here we go so we're going to give it some X so we take off click in left stick auto hover is off I'm going to use right trigger releasing X Now take us round aim towards the island push left stick forward so we gain some speed hold X so we don't lose too much height and then pull back on the left stick CU we've got forward momentum back on the camera a little bit so we can see where we're going we're now heading towards the island now this is a bit more of a test you see because the Island's quite small and we've got to land on the Headland bit so what I'm going to do now as we're approaching it I'm pulling back on the left stick and I'm pressing a just as slow as down and then I'm going to click in the left stick to go into Auto hob then we're going to press press a just tapping a just to come down there we go so we're coming out down nice and softly we're going to try and land near those rocks so just pushing left stick forward tapping a just to bring us down really really really slowly a a a little bit more a and we are down safely how cool is that so let's head back to the um Airfield now so just going to press X to get us up we going to click in left stick turn off auto hover right trigger to spin us around let's get the camera behind we're going to push forward with the left stick and press X so we don't lose too much height so we're going to gain some speed let go of X pull the nose up a bit cuz we've got forward momentum now bit more X and pull back on the stick just to get a little bit of altitude now the end of the runway is really going to come up on us fast so we're just going to pull pull back and press a don't want to come down too fast and I'm going to click in left stick to go into auto hover bit of right trigger to turn us around let's just let us settle our down and then going to press a just to come down nice and soft with a bring it down nice and soft and we are on the ground again there we go so if you do that several times Prett you'll get used to pretty quickly the basics of taking off turning around landing and that sort of stuff now the next thing you'll probably want to do is is get do some proper helicopter flying and the way that I recommend you do that is by flying around the coast of the islands and then coming back to the Airfield and Landing again so all you need to do press X get yourself into the air click in left stick turn autopilot off bit a right trigger just to get us facing the right way could even go into first person nose forward with left stick plenty of X so we don't lose too much height get fortunate Sun playing on the radio and once we're speeding along like this you really fly in the helicopter almost like an airplane so I'm holding X now and then I'm just using the left sck to sort of go right and left and then pull back on the left stick to gain a little bit of height and then we put those down and if you just practice just flying around the island and then across the island I like flying around the island sort of clockwise and anticlockwise because it really gets you used to steering the helicopter when you're flying at speed and flying at sort of fairly low altitudes because when you're play playing in a combat situation you know low altitude will be the way to to do it um because there's going to there aren't any I don't think there's there's any any anti-aircraft missiles in the game at the moment but there's plenty of guns that could shoot you down and I'm pretty sure there'll be heat seeking missiles that come in fairly soon um and just remember when we're going at this speed it kind of really flies like a like a a little aerop plane so it's pull back to go up push down to go pull back to go up push forward to um to go down um and then hit that X if you want a little bit more uh Power um and just try and just be nice and gentle with the controls as we Bank around nose up a bit we're coming I tell you let's land on this beach here this looks like a nice place doesn't it to land so we're going to bank up Press B losing momentum clicking left stick to get auto hover on and then now we can gently Press B so a sorry to come down don't press B you'll jump out there they got to nice and softly just like that I don't think you can stop the engine at the moment so I think if I get out um it may well fly away let's see what happens if we get out there we go he there it goes anyway hopefully this video has been helpful hopefully I've given you some good ideas and good hints and tips and a nice little drill to do to get used to Flying the helicopters in armor forger they are an awful lot of fun and I can't wait to see what comes next in this amazing game anyway that's enough from me if you like the video hit like if you want to see more the same press subscribe and we'll of course see you again soon
Channel: Scalespeeder Gaming
Views: 12,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7yf27ChHbsw
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Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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