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man i tell you what it feels good to be back in the pilot seat what's up guys welcome back to some more flight simulator this is t martin here but you can call me by call sign t-rex your boy's an animal so i literally just got back from seeing the new top gun movie top gun maverick it's in incredible it's serious it was so good i loved every moment of it i can't wait to go back and see it again soon and uh it's got my blood pumping i want to fly an f-18 faster and better than anyone ever has before and we're definitely not that good but we're going to pretend like we are so we are here in microsoft flight simulator i miss this this is still one of my favorite series we have ever done and we are going to be checking out the maverick activities this is a free update it actually came out last week i was traveling for memorial day so unfortunately a little bit late here but hopefully you guys don't mind and uh we've got challenges we've got f-18e training we're gonna go for the high performance takeoff the ridge crossing and the split s maneuver the music's so good dude i so i hadn't seen the original top gun in a very very long time like i'm talking probably 10 plus years we watched it last night chelsea watched on the couch and then we went and saw the movie today so i'm just i'm i'm stoked out of my mind i was always told to the most thrilling nine weeks of your flying career i'm lieutenant diana drayer callsign apex apex flight instructor i'm t-rex baby i'm here to see if you've got what it takes to be an elite pilot in the fa-18b okay your goal is a high-performance takeoff with an unrestricted climb in full afterburner first follow the lineup and wait procedure all right line up and weight procedure here we are welcome to the fa 18 look at this beauty this is so insane all right here we go we're going to line this thing up get nice and centered and it looks like they want us to uh to line up and wait so let's make sure our our parking brakes are released we're gonna move forward just a little bit here and we want to get out onto the runway not too much speed not too much speed we're coming in a little hot let me let me hit a little bit of break okay all right we're good just taxi on up here and that should overshot it a little bit but we're okay here we go keep the jet center let's go time to power up time to go baby let's see if this bird can fly oh goodness max power max power all right we are all the way i'm gonna i'm gonna hop outside here raise the finger list by pressing x that's the afterburners baby here we go and we are out of here oh my goodness okay start climbing aim your velocity vector at 10 degrees on your pitch scale 10 degrees 300 knots pinch your nose up 45 degrees for the unrestricted climb set the flaps to auto dude we are already past 300 knots we're going to go up to 45 and off we go we want to keep this about here right i believe and we're going to go to a thousand feet made a number of mistakes today but keep practicing to demonstrate your full potential a number of mistakes what are you talking about lineup and weight was good take off stay in the center line and maintain a 10 degree pitch 45 i don't understand what we could have done better oh are we supposed to keep this guy in here in between the numbers i think this might be our plane our velocity vector i think that might have been our issue okay i'm i'm feeling confident here we're gonna be fine sorry man this is my first time in this jet so you're gonna have to forgive me for any sort of uh you know issues we have i am a a student a student pilot here but we're we're gonna make it work let me let me line up right on this center line stop right on top of it there it is centered down the runway i'm just going to keep this thing nice and centered power to mill onto full power gonna hit our afterburners gonna keep her nice and perfectly centered i think i mean it looks like a little plane there i think that's what we want to keep take off and let's put that guy on 10 degrees name your velocity vector at 10 degrees on your pitch scale your velocity vector at 10 degrees perfect the unrestricted climb up to 45 and we're supposed to keep that there i was putting it in between all of our little numbers a little high a little high a little high get it down there let's go there it is that's what i'm talking about baby a perfect score t-rex let's get it done double check the recording made sure everything was working since i haven't played this in a while boosted you guys up a little bit on your angle feel like this looks better somebody should have told me i look more like mike myers than any sort of a naval you know pilot anything like that they didn't have green i wanted green but they didn't have it on amazon prime so here we go this is the ridge crossing modern air combat pilots need to be proficient in a wide variety of flight including low level maneuvers that keep the jet hugging terrain this exercise will practice the ridge crossing maneuver using clouds to safely simulate mountain ridges try to roll and maintain between 90 and 180 degree ideally to 135 all right so we're simulating the moment where they like went up and over and then leveled out oh dude the movie's so sick if you guys haven't seen it man they should be sponsoring me right now i wish i wish i had a top gun sponsor mr tom cruise i'm looking at you here we go let's see we got today we'll focus on ridge crossing a vital skill for fighter pilots it's a maneuver that allows pilots to hug terrain such as mountains and ridges okay this flight profile allows you to maintain positive g-forces speed and a clear view ahead gotta get down to 19 000 approach the top of the cloud and prepare to perform a roll as you can see your hud's bank angle information can't track beyond 45 degrees at the top of the cloud maintain a bank angle between 90 and 180 degrees ideally right at 135. what are you talking about a bank angle is that like this you want me to go upside down or what do you what do you want me to do here ma'am you're using all these fancy pilot turns paint the jet at 135 altitude making sure to avoid contact with back to an clouds attitude okay now return the jet to straight and level straighten level back to 19 cat 18 5 18 5 18 5. that's the base of your descent will do i mean we could have been a little bit smoother there but it wasn't the worst thing in the world you did well and you'll do better next time there's always room for improvement we'll take a b in our first one we could have improved the uh across the ridgeline the sit down as fast as possible get back to your course i mean we were pretty solid there so i'm trying to think 135 90 degrees would be would be you know one one quarter to the side 180 would be upside down it doesn't want us upside down i think it wants us about here roll back to an upright attitude now return the jet to straight and level and then get down to 18.5 so we're gonna come down to 18.5 we're gonna level it out i don't know if i like the 135 i want to go upside down but we got an a look at that i mean our 135 wasn't great but again i 135 seems weird i want to be upside down just pulling taking all the g's all right we've got one more training maneuver the s maneuver uh oh let's see how well you demonstrate basic fighter maneuver capabilities the f a 18 by performing a split s split s is a classic tactic that begins with a half roll and is followed by a half loop designed to disengage from pursuing enemy aircraft so we're gonna go upside down inverted we're going to start pulling and go straight hey first try i'm calling it now a first try here we go keyboard 18. can you handle the fa-18e in the air maintain 350 knots and keep above 10 000 feet i want you to show me how you execute a split s of classic maneuver let's start by rolling 180 degrees into an inverted attitude well we're not going to get it based off the 350 knots we're inverted here pull back on the stick keep the maneuver fluid pull straight back straight back straight back straight back oh shoot okay all right we're all over the place this might be this might be tougher than we thought it is to execute you'll need to practice a bit more to get it just right you need to work on your roll during the split s ensure you are exactly 180 degrees from upright throughout yeah we gotta we gotta see i mean we you know kind of turned it around so our 350 we were going slow our fly inverted was good and then our our split s was not good to be honest it's as simple as just making sure you pull directly back on this but if you're just a couple of degrees off you've got to make adjustments and it's it's not good so we've just got to be a little bit more careful this time in the air 350 knots and keep above 10 000 feet 350 looks a split good a classic maneuver gotta watch our g's as well we're rolling 180 degrees into an inverted attitude inverted attitude there it is that's 180. pull back on the stick keep the maneuver fluid keep it fluid don't don't pull back as hard we don't want to exceed seven g's which are g's are there on the left side of the screen we probably want to pull a little harder than that though all right [Music] now return the jet to straight and level you're too low pull back on the stick and apply power great job very impressive performance i mean we got really close to the ground but i think we might be okay that's an a yes let's go look at that my goodness your boy is ready to land on an aircraft carrier i think so we've got some low flight challenges here and i definitely want to check these out but i'm thinking maybe put those in a different video i'm thinking we we just go straight for it the san diego carrier recovery here we go landing an f-18e safely on a carrier is one of the most demanding skills in aviation even for veteran pilots this landing challenge requires precision and control throughout the approach if you land on the carrier you're one of the best of the best you must keep an eye on two important instruments you've got your your aoa will indicate the speed you should maintain to land so on speed means it's here we're slow means we're here fast means we're here the flaws on the carrier indicates your position on the glide slope maintain your aircraft in the glide slope by clipping the yellow square line the horizontal straight green line keep this here keep this here and we're good should be easy right it's it's as simple as that it's not like it's a moving target in the ocean or anything you've got like the little dangly bits where you got to grab the rope otherwise you're just going to go flying off the side of it and hopefully have enough to uh to bolter get the heck out of there you know hit the gas and go all right let's let's get it here we go i'm gonna say let's let's go outside of it for this one might be kind of fun so our aoa we're we're coming in fast we want to slow the heck down there we go now we don't want to go too slow we want to have it just right we're slow and low we're gonna have to pull up call the ball baby call the ball there's our ball there's our ball we're on the glide path you want to slow it down we want to slow it down come in coming in a little bit to the right all right we're a little low a little low a little low we're a little slow low and slow all right a little bit more speed i love that it can tell you what you need now we're now we're perfect i'm a little bit nervous perfect speed but we're high a little bit a little bit fast i'm coming down i'm coming down we're okay we're okay a little bit slow come a little left a little left got you sir i'm thinking maybe slow down a little bit a little high oh my goodness dude there's no way we're a little low a little low a little low a little low a little low a little yep that's right and right into the end of the drink to be honest i feel like we were overthinking that one a little bit i was paying i mean they're there to help you out but i was paying a lot of attention to all of our i mean they know a lot more than i do so i probably should be i wasn't really looking at the aircraft carrier though like i was so worried about the the you know lines and lights and buzzers and things like that i i wasn't i wasn't really looking at what we were what we were doing look at this we are perfectly on the glide path now that i'm just letting fate take the wheel come on baby honestly a little bit high is better than a little bit low when it comes to aviation i'd rather have some altitude here we go slowing down don't slow down too much [Music] a little bit high a little bit high a little bit fast going to start slowing down don't want to get too low though and don't want to get too slow those are the two things that will kill a pilot completing our air speed here a little bit slow i think we need a little speed just a little bit though not not much you're a little high a little high that's okay though here we go oh i think we lost too much speed i'm gonna give it a little juice okay let her let her fall to the earth let her fall to the earth here we go here we go bro there's no way give me a catch oh my goodness come on dude we were right there what happened we weren't really level i i think we had to level her out a little bit we definitely came in looking like this so we're we're not gonna do that this time let's let's go a little bit left i feel like we we always end up coming in on the right so i'm just gonna go a little left we're on the ball [Music] we need a little speed this is tough save it we're good a little high come on just use your instinct trev use your instinct use your instinct use your instinct baby don't don't pay attention to the the lights and sirens too much use your instinct baby we just landed on an aircraft carrier and the third try now a c is not that not that great oh we know i i gotta beat him i'm coming for you scott i mean that's that's pretty solid so it looks like uh we were not i mean that one we were just not in the the glide scope uh 44 of the time spent on speed 50 miles for not setting power back to mill oh you want to have it at mill in the middle interesting i didn't i didn't know that all right we're going to go for it again so you want a little bit more power when you're landing because you you want to be kind of flying straight and you know have the hook hit it right all right we got this right on the money the ball popped up there all right so we're gonna remember to go a little bit left dude it's tough because it's it's such a narrow glide path it's really hard to manage the speed and and altitude obviously every time you drop altitude you're gaining speed and then you start running into more issues a little slow a little high a little slow reset it back to middle treb just remember we set it back to melt here we go this is it [Music] tell me that's an a c why is that a c angle of attack 92 was pretty good not setting power back to mill upon touchdown i'm pretty sure mill is right in the middle our glidescope wasn't good either all right you know what anyone can do it from the outside but we are going to be doing it from the inside so let me let me see let me look at our throttle here where is mill mill is right in the middle yeah i reset it to mill huh i definitely did that the last time and it didn't give me any credit for it well i i have a feeling it might be easier to land inside i was a little bit worried about it but i feel like you have a better a better lineup we are perfectly on the ball a little hot though low we're low we're low we're low we're low dangerously low give us a little juice again we're on the ball okay i'm gonna zoom us out here you're a little low a little low we're okay good speed good speed a little little fast a little high [Music] we just laid it from inside the cockpit the first try what let's go we're gonna get another c though i mean this this is hard best score we got a 330 there this is really hard wait i mean i reset it to mill every time base multiplier by for catching white so we want to catch wire one if possible our glide was good our speed was off there i would like to get a little bit better here but i just i don't understand for not setting power back to mill upon touchdown do we want to put it right as the wheels hit we put it on the mill i'm gonna i'm gonna try one more we're a little to the right oh shoot now we messed it up we're okay though i'm going for that first one going for the first one i'm going for the first one [Music] i reset it as soon as we touched two please tell me that was pretty good dude it's gonna be really tough to do any better than that we got a c that's our best c yet though 476 thousand i 50 malice for not setting it back to mill i don't know what that means we're doing that really really wrong we caught the third wire there but look at that glide scopes glide slope angle of attack everything looks good bam there it is we learned to fly an fa-18 today and we learned to land it on an aircraft carrier now these i think i'm going to do all in one episode i think that's actually going to be episode 3 of this dlc though because next up we are going to be taking the dark star stratospheric flight we are going to be flying from california to florida in about 30 minutes i'll see you guys there thank you guys so much for watching peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 2,346,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft flight simulator, microsoft flight sim, ms flight sim, flight simulator, flight sim, gameplay, game play, top gun, top gun maverick, top gun dlc, microsoft flight simulator top gun, ms flight sim top gun, flight sim top gun, F18, F-18, F/A-18, aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier landing
Id: uUueoFbOCZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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