Beginner-Friendly Vanilla RimWorld - Ep 32 (No Mods, No DLC!)

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yeah folks quillating here and welcome to another episode of our Rim world let's play pure vanilla no DLC no no mods no expansions no mods we're still on 1.3 although uh I I assume you guys are playing playing 1.4 and biotech uh at this point this is all being pre-recorded um I hope you're having fun with it I hope I'm having fun with it I have no idea no doubt that uh that we all are though but still looking to wrap this up really enjoyed this run this you know I think I'm really happy that I did this vanilla run leading into biotech because obviously a bunch of the mods are going to take a while to update but this mainly made me realize oh you know playing without mods totally okay lots of fun and we've got a little bit of plastic food Man Hunter pack wargs yeah fairly good size not none apocalyptic number um I will for safety just mostly because of um for honey is I'm going to restrict everyone to the inside walls area but yeah everyone else we're just gonna go and get them to the front line over here oh yeah Honey's actually outside the base we'll get in there quick the double door here is going to be nice oh these floor around those trees for Speed here because yeah they might go and smash one door but they shouldn't smash the other one just going forward I'm gonna put a little bit of um it's a little concrete cheap quick to build not very pretty but yeah we'll clear some uh some trees around there do a little bit of that as well just I don't think there's gonna be trees over here but people can walk a little bit faster actually this is going to be a fairly common area for people to walk down I'll just realized we could go and do that I just have the Zone here which could be improved for auto treat cutting that's why I've got the Zone over here so any mature trees get Auto cut down it's not going to deal with the partial ones which could still theoretically be used for cover but it's not a huge problem I should probably get a little bit more flooring job okay they didn't even go through the door which is great they might be targeting the uh the turrets here which is fine is exactly where we want them to go uh oh oh fob fob might just be dead make it to the door over here if I could had sent some more people out I didn't realize you were out there no no fob no oh God yeah uh that's that's really bad rip fob probably because I think they're gonna keep oh they don't keep attacking while they're down okay this is not the man hunting I mean it is the man hunting but it's not the hunting for food where they do definitely keep attacking how long we've got him fob here eight hours okay that's not too shabby hello immediately We're not gonna need you up here all right done and same as we did with the insects I'm gonna say hunt the rest you know um now things with scaria 50 chance that they will um insta rot which we have seen here we'll do some unforbid soon as well I think fob's gonna be fine Bob the Builder honey you're gonna go treat Bob immediately excellent yeah I think that was fast enough I'm not even too worried about an infection could have been better could have been a lot worse forbid most of the stuff fob dropped why do I get a phone alarm oh that's okay I don't even know if you guys heard that but was very distracting to me yep there we go blocks getting ready marble this is all enclosed now great stuff okay makes me feel more comfortable because I mean we do have the uh the Deep drill over here so that would be part of it but also kind of protecting this path to our patch and I'm gonna wait for winter to set in proper before I redo our growing plans here but yeah we're definitely gonna make some changes probably to all of our growing areas actually I think I will prioritize rice just for a better steady input and I may not grow on any of the non-reach areas I might still keep these areas designated for growing because it's just quite convenient for the wind turbines it's also really close to our base despite not being rich soil but I'll probably try not to overload well mostly honey I suppose to the planting quite as much because yeah her her growing is getting so late in the season it's not really very helpful um apparently the inside walls area is including that spot over there which is definitely wrong I'm gonna unrestrict because I do actually want them to finish mining this but I clearly oh look at that that's that's kind of funny that it just perfectly grabbed that I mean that it was fine earlier when I was doing the big click and drag but obviously that's not quite ideal now we will be filling this in I don't want insect spawning here because they might spawn on the other side and they might chew their way through a wall a combat supplier [Music] let's sell you the insect jelly because it's actually pretty valuable we don't really need it we can buy more components I'm gonna sell you the psychic key in ambrosia it's something to go juice as well even though there's actually some really powerful stuff we can do with this I'd like to have all your reinforced barrels we don't need that many immediately but we're definitely going to want them especially when the action starts I don't know if we'll be able to afford all of them so that these just normal quality assault rifles you know and no one's using them right now well I don't know get rid of the sprag grenades I still want a couple emps pretty low on hit points that's only normal quality this Recon helmet yeah it's too worn out um huh well I guess all we're doing is suddenly not buying oh and buying components maybe not very many but that's okay all right this is coming along class deal here is happening some got dropped for some weird reason it doesn't Decay outside though although plastille tends to be so uncommon I don't mind storing it inside my actual proper stockpiles just just for extra safety against like robbers and things it's not much of a thing but psychologically I usually feel better when it's inside the base all right food is fine we know it's not insect uh meat anymore so actually nutrition is currently okay we'd still like a mix of different crops but overall we're fine so what's wart up to right now so vort actually moves really fast now there we go see that good moving because of the one bionic leg Yeah you know maybe vort walks around in circles a bit because she's only got the one but overall that's much better certainly a hell of a lot better than having only one leg oh right there's still the quest we can get for some place deal I forgot about that there's a goodie Hut somewhere out on the map oh yeah we got 15 days left it doesn't take a little while to get there but it's going to be fair there may be a no threat there might not be anything or there might be a bunch of meccanoids we really don't know but I'm not feeling too worried and yeah I think the plan was going to be to send everyone who's currently in recon armor now currently that would include uh fob who's slightly injured at the moment but not really although you will move a little more slowly but theoretically we're going to ride camels all night maybe I'll just leave fob here I'll send sappy engine Palo admittedly that's going to send both of our Cooks that might be a little awkward I suppose I could just have people swap some gear around you know what fob why don't you drop the recon armor I mean it's nearly dead anyway um you're a good shot right yeah all right Mort can you go ahead and wear the recon armor please it's low on hit points but I think it's still going to be pretty good for us okay vort and G Paulo novort sappy NG Ali Palo behind vort sappy Ng Snappy Ng we'll bring um at least one Dromedary each to ride and I'll bring one extra just although it's not that much plastial but still and how we look in here A bunch of survival meals looks like he could bring more just to make sure a little bit of medicine oh yeah we only have two cloth bed rolls that's okay all right let's go I should probably build some more bed rolls so they're not quite as uncomfortable as they move but this is gonna be okay oh Bob apparently doesn't have a weapon at all one of the things that's nice is with hunting enabled as many people as possible um you do get the note when someone doesn't have the range weapon because they've been down for a while fob's a pretty good shot right yeah 14. oh this is a Masterwork SMG now we'll give it to you that's fine I'm gonna say the assault rifle for range stuff but Masterwork is really it's such a big upgrade from from normal it's a big upgrade over good it's a pretty big upgrade over excellent as well like it really does the quality really matters a lot on weapons I would love to make more recon armor but I just don't think we've got the material just are waiting for a couple Advanced components yeah which are currently being worked on yep I guess that's the way it's gonna have to be all right you guys are on the map and moving lovely yeah you'll sleep one time before you get there but that's okay should get there relatively refreshed hopefully there's no combat hopefully there's no big combat or we'll be in real trouble that one seems to be pretty oh yeah we'll just move on okay dragon's gonna shoot frenzy well I kind of wish I'd sent you falling steel oh yeah so we could potentially still get another event really close by here but I'm gonna gamble That We're Not Gonna Keep everyone on unrestricted for now because you don't get a double event every time I don't know what the chances are I mean if we just look at this it looks like maybe about a third of the time we get a double event so yeah I will I will let people roam the map for now to collect the minables yeah they're gonna snooze in a couple hours and then they'll get there probably early afternoon the next day I mean one of the other things too with not letting the maroon all over the map is they don't spend as much time walking but I obviously I do want them to collect this stuff like that but that's okay I expect yeah we've grabbed all the plasticio here so we are going to construct it doesn't actually have to be strong although just this first layer I will make out of granite I may make a bunch of this out of wood or make some of this out of granite uh I can even do that much these are all going to be accessible from some Direction see I just don't want an insect swarm to spawn here and pop maybe on the other side of the wall or chew their way through and just become very awkward so we didn't pop anything else here we do get lucky with hitting some uranium early which isn't a huge deal but it's still kind of nice nothing else exciting there but yeah hitting that plastic right there oh that's huge can't believe it's right next to us the entire time if I'd mined this square at some point just to like make this nice and straight I would have spotted the place deal earlier amazing how you guys doing all right on the Move point two days perfect that's the last one of those I'm gonna allow this it still eats tons of them I guess I'll maybe I'll put a stall on it for now since it's not like it can be built until we get Advanced components so we'll let this accrue a mad turkey um all right well go just pull back I mean you're already set to Auto fight but I'm gonna try to get to the back of a straight line here so you've got maybe a couple rounds of firing against the turkey come on um uh uh huh well that's less than great who's nearby who can help I think goat might lose a fight to this turkey here you didn't shoot them at all you also haven't punched them yet oh you only have three shooting all right your Nimble so you'd knowledge better in a hand-to-hand combat but I think you're still going to lose the fight to the turkey you're being bruised a little bit I wonder different range weapons have different combat stats for melee I'm a little bit worried that Berg's gonna end up shooting goat so I'll get Berg a little as close as possible for a little accuracy bonus there we go thank you okay scary how you doing there goats a little bit of bleeding you're gonna get yourself some help I'm sure you're gonna be fine okay get in there they'll get there a little sooner than I thought I thought it was going to be early afternoon but it might be bang on midday here goats getting some help all right let's check our encounter here so let's switch forward as a group because yeah what'll happen we just might get a random oh you've been spotted by blah so I just want to make sure we weren't splitting up oh Ambush there you go being ambushed by that's that's fair amount of pirates okay not a huge amount oh sappy doesn't have the helmet I don't like that I'm just gonna pull back oh they might use that as cover I'm trying to figure out the best spot oh they're back here too all right well let's let's pull back to here for the nearest Pirates okay one mailer and one with a shotgun shotgun he's down good we even have some range here yeah we have one assault rifle change shotguns it's actually not bad because vort can probably win this fight although oh there you go change shotguns from behind that didn't work as well so the bush is not what I want to spread out a little bit why are you mailing stop that I should probably kept running the fort and maybe away from the people who are shooting us energy same thing just see if you can put a little space behind here while sappy is doing the shooting is sappy really bad at shooting yeah it says it's not great they're so close range I would have I would have hoped this would be better okay they're fleeing that's good okay that's more than we need though it's okay all right undo that uh yeah everyone everyone else at the doctoring uh but really it's vort has to be self Doctrine which I think you already are doing yeah you've got self-pend on so vort's gonna self tend and then do the others my passporting okay that was a bit more of an ambush than we'd like you're still tending toward oh you're getting some medicine off of this if you're not currently bleeding you're just dealing with your bruises here uh it's not the best but I'm I don't want to interrupt okay before you consume that and actually who's worse off here 22 hours oh you're not bleeding at all okay vort yeah tempta sappy I mean NG could use some tending just to like recover from the wounds a little sooner but it's not the same oh they stood up for a second okay eat your meals do whatever well they will heal themselves on the world map so Sappy's actually in pretty good shape you're milking um no I'm gonna recruit you and just move you over here so you can pop open this door please there we go okay so uh again I don't think I have to under forbid everything but I tend to anyway I'm just gonna reform the Caravan now send you home which is here accept uh I'm not gonna bring the down bodies to capture I mean they might turn out to be great but I don't I don't care we're gonna grab all this plastille uh with that steel Gladys is worth some bucks I suppose the steel knife isn't a terrible pickup either just for the money no so I think we're grabbing anything that's of real value meals fine meals we'll bring the milk and Medicine okay let's do it so they'll be back in a little bit with bringing more plasti along with them wonderful yeah we still have much in the way of cash I want to get another Caravan because if we can get more advanced components in plastiel but I still don't have that much to sell to them and we don't have that much tea or silver yeah 500 and change any restrictions no unrestricted right now which is fine okay that got built up now that there's a bit more of a layer I'll just use some wood for the rest although it's going to be oh we don't have any wood all right well then we'll use a little bit more Granite but yeah it's gonna be a little more annoying because I'll only be able to do a tiny little bit at a time now I don't need to fill all this in I just mostly want to fill in a bunch of this mm-hmm okay yeah you're working on Advanced components lovely and yeah we're still doing things we keep steel here midly we don't keep the plastial nearby which I suppose I could build another shelf in here with some place feel terrible idea there Bob I'm sorry to wake you up but I'm gonna do that right now anyway and I know we don't have any wood currently but I'm gonna cue that up and then what we'll do is we'll ask you know what we're using all our wood for just chop any wood that's nearby good okay we'll build that and I'll put plastial storage on that I mean they'll still have to go out for gold and uranium to you know the rest of our stockpiles but just minimizing how much walking has ah although now you're cut off you know what I suppose I should just move the heater as well let's move the heater and then I'll cue it up Funk and bunk oh we don't have enough Granite stored up yeah that'll happen at some point though we still have it in the queue maybe it'll do I will change this uh for the marble keep going forever I'm gonna change the granite to uh single stack unit up to two stacks of granite for convenience and we'll call that good enough but yeah do marble first do it first do it do it unlimited just to be able to empower the statue industry and that's going to be good enough hold those chunks out I guess we still have lots of limestone kicking around I was doing Granite because I think we had a lot more Granite on the map but we do have some limestone I'll ignore it how's the Caravan uh oh yeah you should get here today perfect yeah that was actually a little successful successful little run oh we do have food or some wood around ah maybe it's got chopped I don't know because it said we didn't have enough but it might have simply not been in our stockpile but I bet you we did need to chop so I think I'm Gonna Fill in all this hallway I won't worry about the rest of it but all everything over here just because we don't want things happening too cool too closely I keep seeing this and thinking these are components a little wood goats fully healed up that's great the people on the road should be fine we didn't get a message about um about any infections or anything like that yeah just some injuries you're gonna be okay before we actually start this up we could consider restarting our recon armor industry what will probably start it up anyway like we'll probably start the recon armor queue regardless whether or not we have the material or not I don't know I might not delay starting up the ship reactor though we're still hoping to find some random lucky whatevers over here it's actually quite a walk to get out here um which is not great for a time our robber layer Recon helmet uranium Lucy glitter World Medicine instructor just raw silver I mean the value of all these is pretty similar this one's worth a little bit more if we wanted to sell it eight Pirates is fine where is it that's me destroy the camp I guess do we not see where the camp is until we accept and yeah there might potentially be some more loot there well I'm not gonna go right now because we just got back gonna unpack get ready you know get get everyone back up to happy and healthy but we can consider it I'm happy that we do have more plasma where I have 300 over here but yeah we still need like we still need a good amount of raw one right 140 280 just by itself that's 420. and then all the advanced components yeah no it's it's definitely adding up 6 14 18 20 Advanced components even if we do nothing else hmm well I could probably change the goal like drop this below eight how much we need for recon armor three what I could probably do is something like listen keep four Advanced components around all the time but then I mean explicitly put a standalone job at the bottom here for make it 20. yeah so we're gonna make a bunch in bulk just to do this but in terms of how much we're gonna keep around I'll set four which is one more than I suppose we need for the recon armor yeah we might not have anything else that needs three so maybe I could put this oops that's not what I meant to do I want to leave it here maybe I could well this button maybe I'll set a goal of three here because that's what we need for recon armor and just yeah we'll just keep the minimum around to be able to restart that task yeah okay and then the bulk jump and then I can always order up a little bit more bulk job if the numbers get security somewhere along the way all right yeah these guys are gonna recover their injuries pretty quickly you're high on key well that's gonna make you happy I'm surprised how well I didn't realize psychic cave was so good that it doesn't really have a disadvantage other than I think there's always this tiny chance of an addiction but as long as you only do it once every two days it's pretty minimal I guess the worst thing about them becoming addicted is if we don't have a steady supply of it coming in all right is that the last little harvesting not quite [Music] still wait for winter proper to set in and then we're going to redo a bunch of our crop yeah food situation is fine now we was feeling a little rough for a second now we could also set out another um another little mining group right go to another site that we haven't visited yet and dig it up and see oh I just realized I wonder we might not be allowed to mine here or here because it's adjacent to this abandoned settlement if that's the case I really should have started there all right Winter's officially here I'm gonna redo all my zones oh yeah that cut that one that's fine I'm gonna redo these as well because why not okay starting with over here and it'll be a little easier to spot like this this dark green area these are this is the rich soil now I don't know exactly how much this is if I click on this does it tell me no in 1.4 I believe it tells you there and it also tells you how much you drag out um but I'm willing to bet that's going to be a good amount of rice for us where the heck's the rice there it is okay um I'm tempted to maybe still do a little bit of corn but I don't think so uh I am gonna still want a bunch of devil strand and yeah I'm just going to do rich soil and especially avoid this yellow one which is not great but this will keep our mining our farming time a little bit more efficient I want a good amount of double strand because ideally I mean certainly the duster but I'd be pretty happy if all our clothing was double strand so I think that's going to be the plan over here done okay I guess we'd still theoretically need some actual Cotton too but let me start that over there now these zones it's not rich soil but I think it's still going to be convenient it's very close to the base and it just keeps the um the windmills here tree free by 10. um the poor soil here so this has yeah only 70 fertility so ideally we want something with low fertility and packed potatoes are low fertility impact They Don't Really Care how about hay grass [Music] yeah hay grass is down to 60 as well so they're not as affected by fertility so I'm gonna grow hay here and I'm still gonna grow hay here so we'll have a little bit more for Kibble making that's gonna be all right um these these do have mostly 100 fertility so rice and corn won't get boosted for it but they won't also be penalized so I think I'm gonna grow um do I grow more rice or do I grow both of these as cotton one rice one cotton and then over here I still want the cycloid growing but I don't think we need the whole thing to be like that although a fair bit I'm just going to grow a little more cotton over here I think just for crafting more than clothing itself some of the armors need some cotton directly or some cloth directly I don't know if anything that we're currently building cares about it so um that's all going to be psychoid [Music] we'll do that and then heal root [Music] there you go so overall we're actually planting fewer tiles but it's all going to be the good stuff so this is going to be heel root this was going to be more cotton and this is all going to be cycloid planned and that I set that I actually set these or just talked about them rice cotton hay grass and then hay grass okay I'm much happier with that now [Music] and yeah none of the planting is going to happen currently now this area here won't be Auto harvested because it's outside an area I'm just going to put a little Harvest on here now it we might get a little bit more growth out of it but it is winter so I'm not really expecting it I guess that one's probably doomed but it was probably going to be doomed anyway because of the temperature situation okay and because there's fewer tiles for honey to plant next spring hopefully she just does it a little bit faster I'm actually wondering I'll leave it be anyway okay hopefully the dromedayers make it through the season we do have a good amount of kibble though so I think we're gonna be fine that way hauling Ambrosia okay yeah and we still have a couple of hard although oh it's not growing because it's not the temperature range you know what I'm just gonna get rid of this area then do one less thing for us to manage you know I'm gonna clean this up too it's it actually does seem like a really good idea but I may want to do it a little bit more manually and intentionally now oh we still have a bunch of marbles set to be hauled over here which is not a terrible thing [Music] how's our okay we're actually in a good window here I don't we didn't get the double event I think we would have gotten by now so we should still be in a safe window so it's never a time for us to haul some things from outside the base into the base now might be it uranium well that's right we did find uranium over there oh we do some more component hello you you and you okay and yeah that was all steel which I mean it's good to know about yeah I think we're gonna do some more little exploratory digs I'll let them finish what they're doing now anyway especially since we know we want these components so much time hitting those because we've got a good amount of components now it's over here yeah 58 is a it's a pretty generous amount but so many of them and actually that doesn't even include the ones that are sitting over here but what does it take for an advanced component again Moto X1 component for advanced components okay some reason I thought it took a bunch more but it's everything else it needs we've got a few statues yes not really no got some extra guns I suppose I could sell off but no I don't think it's time to call in a caravan right now I really want to make it worth our while a bit more I suppose you know if we have any bushes I'm just gonna put a Harvest on here if we have any Harvest berry bushes that can be harvested let's do it because we've got some meat actually we've got some corn I'm gonna do it anyway because we should be able to keep getting meat in I want to make sure we're still getting fine meals is that all dug out oh that and that and I think that's it okay and that was all dug we're still waiting for this to be rebuilt I think we still need some granite I guess right now with no uh range limiter on our stone cutting cables they are grabbing marble from all over the place which I'm fine with right now I mean either they do it or a hauler does it but either way someone's got to carry some Granite chunks into the base so or some marble chunks so I think that's still okay because they'd like some marble available I'm gonna set up see I think as far as I can tell like smallest component chunks I've ever seen I think is like a two by two so if we have this gap of three in between we basically can't miss it like every fourth row we do a little bit of a mine I don't think there'd be anything over there I think basically makes it unmissable one of those in half like that as well as well plastial I think tends to be a little bit bigger I think their components are the smallest chunk that we can find but Plastics also not very big so we got to be pretty tight if we're looking for that I think that's okay oh yeah more uranium this one I'll do is I will set up like that do one of those and then do that oh start compact the Machinery hey look at that nice line this one strip mine all the thing we do have some pretty good Miners and that's without like drill arms and stuff scale up a good amount okay we're not gonna be anything in there yeah okay it is probably time for me you might respect where people are going yeah let me do that now um assign no schedule it's weird because I think about as assigning a Zone uh the shift click is all to home shift right click all the unrestricted be nice if there was a way to quickly do the rest so I'm just gonna go um I suppose a loud zone is fine which includes theoretically a little bit outside the walls no I guess we'll just say inside walls all right which won't include this I guess that's the difference we don't really need to be here right now let's keep everyone inside the walls until the next raid breaks we should have plenty of work to do Berg's food binging because it's been Outdoors a long time I'm sorry bird you know not like a you're a really good researcher would be ideal because we might just stick you back on here restart our research and I can still just break these down but if I decide I want to rebuild them then we'll have wasted material so I'm going to keep it there because I think we might research some more things just not right now still making bulk making Advanced components clothes I still think we're okay on the warm clothes situation that's fine I think uh what I should do just before everything else dies if anything else can be harvested there we go please do so let me reset you there there you go yeah you're gonna go Harvest as a priority before crafting oh actually a few people are on plant cut and they actually might buy um yeah no I'll just let honey do it more likely to get some results not that there's much harvestable over here but we may as well try right there you go a little bit more devil strand not much but some okay good and then yeah everything else is going to die from cold but that's okay we got as much Harvest out as we could we'll just take it I suppose okay now I think about it these are buildings so they're only going to be worth half as much I ain't worth wealth wise so if we convert the stuff that's sitting on inventory into building these I think yeah we'll actually be lowering our wealth ever so slightly for the purpose of raid points I don't know if it shows on the wealth graph but in terms of for the purposes of raids wealth that is part of a construction is only worth half as much as well that is sitting in your stockpile so I suppose the sooner we do it the better it might be assuming it doesn't get destroyed and waste a bunch of material which would be a little bit frustrating these two Constructors are all fairly well skilled we could even consider turning Angie back on but NG kind of has to do some construction here so construct okay Dromedary five is pregnant I certainly have no shortage of that our cows are up to age as well you have two good all right I'm gonna unforbid this as well it's moving we're darn close to having all the material for this so yeah again we're expecting some sort of event okay that's just visitors that's fine we can ignore you we are going to probably yeah we're going to put a cut in here right now next episode you can expect there'll probably be some sort of raid or something right near the beginning that we'll have to deal with and then back to building spaceship folks thanks a lot for watching I'm gonna see you guys next time bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 12,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: MPOmdtAe6Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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