Beginner-Friendly Vanilla RimWorld - Ep 26 (No Mods, No DLC!)

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hey folks quilly King here and welcome to another episode of let's play rimworld this is our vanilla run new expansions no DLC I think I'm gonna pop the danger zone here we've got I think a little bit of window before the next major event I would very much like to get the loot out of this it will increase our wealth but hopefully in a useful way we'll see our stockpile is pretty full though part of me is like what I really need right now is as a vendor we don't have a place nearby that we can Caravan to to sell unfortunately we do have one person without parents and hopefully we can craft some soon foreign you're making components you know what all right I'm gonna get you to come over here and hold on I need to change the word around let's put the pants up above the duster reset honey come over here make some trousers please oh the Bray has an unfinished Duster it's not gonna re-enable it and get her to finish okay honey I'm gonna get you two um reset what you're doing you want to start a shirt don't do that I'm gonna get labrae to come over here there you go uh you're making a button-down shirt um why are you not making a duster labret oh uh why are you making a button-down shirt when you can clearly just finish your Duster that's weird that's weird right and that did not take long okay I'll get you to make your meal oh right because I'm only making double strand dusters okay I'll just cancel you and get that leather back right devil strand duster and I have a medium skill of 10 set to that okay that's fine but Berg should put on some pants soon I'm sure she yeah she will as soon as she gets a moment here gonna reevaluate her life and her lack of pants that she's gonna finish that mining first would you look I appreciate not walking back and forth unnecessarily yeah hopefully luckily you're not like at a major break risk because the new day we've got some room there okay on the bray doing hauling yeah labrae's doing a lot of hauling for us now which I think is great so I don't feel the need to hunt we do have a lot of meat although I think a lot of it is still insect meat but yeah no we have we have legitimately a lot of meat going around um meals are yeah I guess we can't make fine meals you know what I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna increase the simple meal the mark window to 20 here yeah just to be a little bit on the safer side have a bit more of a barrier ready to go yeah hopefully you can make some more fine meals soon I mean we're not growing much and we have crops right now because it is winter time so we're mostly gonna be stuck on simple meals of pure meat soon we start our drug production here with the cycloid make some flake that we'll be able to use as a way to sell as well yeah so now I'm really thinking about not popping this right now because our wealth is increasing and we're gonna get you know more brutal raids and that was that was a kind of a rough time there was kind of a really rough time I think I'm gonna go here I'm gonna for this kibble recipe I'm gonna turn off um the other vegetables just use hay yeah this is just hey plus human or insect meat forever I think that's one of the reasons we don't have as many vegetables because we've been bulk making the kibble out of the insect stuff but it's been using up our veggies for the fine meals so I'll do that now is it time to worry about the edge of the map that's the thing here right no depending on the exact timing of various things the window can sometimes be a little bit short but I think we're okay now um yeah this there's not much that happens over here just occasionally cutting down the fully mature tree this is this is Handy I still want Colony manager mod when I play a lot of my my other games one of the things it does is you can like set tree cutting limits and then it'll chop things but the big thing is like Auto hunting Auto taming I suppose I needed less if I'm in a desert thing because like hunting is not as much of a thing oh this over here hold on was this um yeah that's a lot of overhead Mountain I guess I can just fill this with wood yeah let's start filling that in I'm gonna leave that there because it can insects can spawn outside the base I don't care about that but yeah we'll put in a little build Q over there let's say it should happen pretty quickly got a visitor I don't think I'm terribly concerned with it I mean I guess if they're god tier oh come on I need to make sure we do the corner we could consider just capturing them but we might need some friends for some reason it's staggeringly ugly you're industrious which is a great trade it's really good you work everything you do is faster interesting that you're doing a haul wood instead of a construct can you not reach that no you can build diagonally I know you can someone not move that rock out of there that's maybe that's the case it might be that it's impossible to grab that rock therefore it's impossible to build yeah I think that might have been what was going on there you go now we're gonna be okay I mean this is fairly open area it wouldn't be the worst place to fight but it's you know better if we can get the insects to come into our our Kill Zone yeah I can fill that in and now that area is done anywhere else I should be looking at so that's all good this is on the outside which is fine and actually might split the insect rate in two which should not be a terrible thing um I actually might want to fill this in because what if they spawn here and partially inside the bedroom which would be kind of poor and I suppose I don't know this is probably far enough away but I'm Gonna Fill that in out of paranoia okay nothing else inside my base I think is at risk and have you you have oh it's not in a stockpile Zone oh yes sir stockpiles are full okay then um Berg because they'll only equip things that are here like that are in a stockpile Zone I'm gonna do that I'm gonna clear the forest although I realize some of these are people wearing their body armor if we see any body armor in there we'll just start to equip them I don't think they're gonna take off the recon armor now that it's on I think because the recon armor like involved replacing multiple layers they weren't evaluating as like as obviously an upgrade although at least one person Auto equipped it so maybe they would have anyway finish that that's fine it's a little out of the way but that's okay but yeah winter is basically over we don't have the longest growing period it's been a little awkward I mean I could I could set up a greenhouse might be worth it for the devil strand because it's actually been annoying to get but if we keep building power armor it's not gonna be so bad yeah we really we need some more trade I could I took someone to make an ally and then I could uh request trade Caravans from them I think we're going to want and because I think we're gonna need to keep a steady supply of some high-end Goods so we might need to specifically request some some more things here um so we're gonna launch this is gonna be a gift basket for opinion why can't I ever see the sculptures are they not usually at the bottom oh no they're there interesting um I'm betting this is gonna Max it out load that up and last time this halfway fuel thing was exactly enough to get to them so let's hope that's the case infestation all right so it is happening out there um so what we're going to want to do well first of all let's make sure we are in the allowed work areas which does include this area over here I don't think it's going to be I don't think anyone's got any good reason to come out there right now let me launch you now here at plus 35. um they might indicate a little bit actually now they think about it I might need to stuff some more things in there that might not be enough to interlines so we're gonna aggro these guys by hitting them with mortars just gonna grab some people who are slightly better moods right now run that oh no we are Allied okay excellent so we're gonna do honey let me get you to give him a phone call we would like a trade Caravan we don't need military good Aid um I think for components and maybe plastiel for the advanced components we're gonna need the Exotic Goods Trader for just generic plastille I suppose the bulk Goods would be the way to go we have anything to sell them right now we just give away all our statues we've got some extra stuff we got some random weapons I could just ask for a combat supplier just to sell them weapons let me get back to you let's art some more uh this job here this is my marble statue of people with high skills which is going to be Paulo here when he's not cooking which admittedly is a lot uh I still bring down the hall when you're not cooking art let me reset you are you gonna put on some pants yes there was enough room Okay so turrets are firing oh trade ship exotic Goods well I'm happy I didn't ask for something give you a call I wonder if they're gonna bounce back I guess let's be sure about this I hate that there's not hurting so much for cloth okay um ideally we would like Newtonian we don't need this much but I I do want to keep making panoxiclen components Advanced components not gonna sell the Persona core I'd like to buy all your plastiel so that there's the problem oh yeah it's left and saw the eye I forgot about that um it's better to buy the plastial and make my own Advanced components not that I'm really going to be able to with this but it's a start but we're still going to make some armor I wonder if I should turn down the armor thing I kind of still want that too the neutromine some regular components although I suppose that just needs Steel you know what now they think about it I can I can live without buying components yeah let's buy plastiel I'm gonna want components oops well they're definitely coming here oh no they're counting back I did wait where's the fire oh there it is um yeah well that's all Home Zone so that's gonna get fought off properly I should include the wall here for some repairs and actually plan on doing something like that as well oh Paulo is starting statue making he's quick enough we might be able to sell one stroke how hot is it outside two degrees oh right this room here yeah no that got pretty scorching that's on me buddy also there's no AC in this block let's plan that summer is coming we'll get an AC thing in this block here how's goat come along 16 resistance I think we've knocked off 10 I think he was about 25 or something at first uh all right so again the people in good mood start mortaring again and yeah don't don't waste mortar shells when they're on their way over here again I'm gonna have to assume there's a chance they are coming all the way to the front before rubber banding okay no they're not okay yeah I just don't want to shoot at them on the move because there's just a very good chance we'll miss outright actually might be yeah they're coming okay I stopped you're whacking that that's okay I'm gonna wait for them to all be reclustered again also I'm gonna do with these uh uh I'm gonna turn on hold fire that's what I'm gonna do because I want them all to fire at the same time rather than have one algorithm and then start them moving presumably there we go yeah see I'm just waiting for these countdowns to go down okay so I'm going to disable the whole fire and then I'm just going to cancel that oh and fob's hiding in room that's not good okay uh I didn't expect them to make it all the way here maybe I did enough damage killed enough their thing you seriously not have any [ __ ] power over here what we just have a power deficit and the game's like you have that little no one know that never did set up the extra geothermal well I think that's a sign that we are gonna have to do that so this just eating more and more and more stuff but we're clearly gonna have to do this foreign might want to build a secondary one of those at some point I don't know I'm going to get back to the uh the insect thing in just a second but for now it'd be easier to do when I got my walls up here um Limestone we still have a lot of it it's still quite sturdy we do have a lot of granite on the map we could make a bunch of granite but um I don't think it's necessary but I will put a limestone door here uh and remove roof okay I'm not gonna have the best firing angles here but we never did get our sandbags rebuilt at least they shouldn't attack the unpowered ones at least these things don't take Advanced components it's just stealing time uh I swear these will get back up although I just realized yep I'll probably smashed the gun that's no good um are any of them still alive over here there are some I'm just running away oh because we weren't actually targeting them we were targeting the hives are you still got turrets up I suppose oh kill finish it that means seriously come on that's embarrassing oh my God seriously are we not getting our ass kicked more out there all right let's drop everyone actually the breaker is still in fairly decent mood I will put you here how do you move here or here you go uh vort keep moving I don't shoot LeBron in the back of the head I appreciate your enthusiasm but no foreign allow everything unrestrict this stupid cold actually I'm surprised some of it has lasted this long I guess we didn't have a very cold winter [Music] I'm hoping these bugs bleed to death uh replace this wooden wall with limestone in fact we'll double wall that now thank you a little later from Scott I could make leather sandbags I suppose I probably just should what do we have the most leather of we've got a bunch of oh yeah like yeah we'll just do plain leather sandbags it's well overdue I still need to make my secondary line in defense I guess I'll do that now um go closer far I mean I I want sort of closer engagement ranges but I don't know where they're gonna spawn exactly I think what I'm gonna do [Music] a little corner do six of those well I don't think we need this many this way but just because we'll do that okay foreign [Music] like that over here let's do this right yeah no no no no a little bit of internal defenses in the ship over here it's just against breaching type attacks uh another selling to these guys we can get a person doomsday I know this is good wait except for Goodwill did I not already do this is a good reset I'm sure I already did that I don't want the Goodwill rewards not interested in Goodwill Rewards I just want more loot options please ah fob's up plenty to construct Darcy in a food binge rebuffed by Libre well I mean food binge isn't the end of the world I thought we have a lot of prep meals that does actually make it a little annoying but I guess it's fine we didn't have anything for you to hunt anyway Let's uh Hollywood okay yeah ribbling spike traps which is great the turrets are coming back up as well which is also good actually I wonder if we should almost no you know what rebuilding spike traps is pretty good it's gonna say I wonder if it's worth prioritizing getting this up but as much as you know we need to make sure our power's okay my batteries are fine now even though there's no no wind or no sun yeah the huge deficit when it's not running one extra geothermal would cover that though because geothermals 3600 so that would cover a deficit and then some wart still doing some research yeah this is pretty expensive and then that as well but we hadn't even started yet so we can start looking at the ship parts that we do have unlocked class steel components Advanced components steel uranium components Advanced components and advanced components themselves need a lot of stuff going on bunch of extra gold as well and a little bit more there too mhm and I guess maybe we'll plan on going with 10 no more than that and we could leave with every we could leave some people behind like some people might be happy to live here we could just leave with three with the idea that they're gonna start a new Rim World Colony somewhere that's actually a pretty swell number oh uh okay I already had no roof over there good okay everyone's in an okay mood talked about it a billion times let's just pop this open oh um you know what I just realized they're gonna use this as cover I should have screw it it's fine one thing might use it as cover that's all okay let everyone come over here actually here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to leave this open so that fob doesn't have to open it I'm going to toggle that off so it closes behind him her um maybe I did it too soon come back through here okay it's now open good walk away walk away walk away toggle that off okay [Music] well that's not ideal foreign I'm assuming they're gonna follow me out which means we can really just Retreat back to our Kill Zone now that we have our sandbags up yet wait are they staying in there really maybe I can bait them give them some targets here maybe hit them as they walk by um let me get a little closer I wonder if you get some emps for this I don't like that you're sniping I do like that I have cover I guess you're using this as a little bit of cover are you really not aggroing oh oh now that's interesting I think we one of us hit the crypto Sleek or CR yeah crypto sleep not crowd sleep caskets which pop these open I assume they're gonna murder each other now let's just uh move out of the way uh we might not get as much loot as we wanted all of a sudden huh not entirely the outcome I expected now everything's on fire and exploding they're pretty injured the toggle on the whole open here we're gonna we're gonna be planting some some extra shenanigans I'm Gonna Leave You here for now I'm not gonna do anything not gonna go through this door wow centipede down oh didn't realize you'd come through here and triggered all the traps all right we might be losing a bunch of loot I'm not sure our Chef's moving out they really take care of all this they did okay what I'm gonna do here in preparation for what's coming next is I'm going to expand the home area here uh and and then some just for some to be ready for firefighting come on max you know what we'll just I know you got a gun we don't have everyone here but it turns out that's gonna be okay foreign run okay you're fine oh [ __ ] that one's gonna go no oh or just tank that explosion all right um allow all firefight is on unrestricted and it is Home Zone and there's no more fire beautiful okay Let's uh uninstall these I mean we'll make sure to claim everything in here which might add this value I don't know because it's already visible it might not matter I think there's just gonna be a lot of deconstruction here yeah I don't see any reason not to just deconstruct all this so I don't think we got as much value maybe as we could have out of this but I guess that's going to be okay I'm gonna do that do that yeah there's some Gunk outside people to burninate all gonna happen but at least we finally dealt with this we don't have another danger box anywhere else do we I don't think so I think that was the only one okay well we can dismantle these things for a little bit of material um it's like a pulse Soother I there might have been more loot in here that exploded because of everything that happened but at least we got through this without any real injuries actually without any injuries at all no prisoner capture but we are going to get to smash some things that seems mostly okay all right down to 13 yeah you do have a low mood we'll put some more sculptures in there we sold the last Bunch okay do I want to ask for a trade Caravan I think I do again well we might not have anything to sell to them right now except a bunch of random garbage weapons which probably isn't be worth much but I am tempted to ask actually for a war Merchant you know what I think that's worthwhile I'm gonna do that we can just unload these weapons for silver free up inventory space or never mind every time I talk about getting a caravan over here one just shows up well one time was a space Trader and this is literally the type of Caravan we're looking to do you know this is a different um different group hold on let's wait until they get closer different group two we could give them some stuff and see about making an alliance uh they're probably these guys here we need to gift them 60 rep worth of stuff which is not a small number we'll get a little bit just from having traded at all with them but certainly nowhere close I'll tell you a little Yayo I don't I don't think I care about that oh [ __ ] the eye okay I'm doing that right now I'm not gonna forget again we're gonna get the eye replacement sure I'm totally not gonna forget you guys it's a Neri launcher I don't think I care to use it uh yeah we can we can offline upload these chain shotguns especially since they're only normal quality we need if we need more guns for people I'll just build a heavy SMG at this point uh will I mean double check that everyone's armed oh you don't have enough money I don't think there's anything I want to buy from you [Music] all right but I should still check to make sure everyone's still armed and the answer is yes except for honey okay so we do legitimately have some spares over there all right uh Berg Health operation install bionic right eye I think this one was excellent get there honey prioritize operating please but we're gonna do it with herbal meds we do have the job in here to make actual medicine right yeah we do I think we even have everything I think we have everything except cloth I did reactivate yeah this sewing here we're just gonna have to wait for it to happen okay operation successful bionic eye planted let's put a cut in here having finally remembered to do that Berg's gonna be a lot better off now better Vision better at shooting maybe better for some of his tasks depending on what he's spending his day doing which tends to shift from day to day brugier Bush not growing on yield temperature right it's a little bit locked in but spring is here although I don't think the growing period starts quite yet oh first of April May oh it is a 40 60. oh yeah yeah that's not it's not ideal but it'll do winter does come quite early for us unfortunately but hopefully we can get a few harvests get some of this for some money we'll keep going with the Statue making as well I suppose I could make statues out of any blocks they're prettier in Marble I don't know if they're more valuable with marble foreign so with marble they're worth 215 with Limestone limestone's worth more interesting well hold on marble is prettier but not as valuable [Music] probably because of the work rate difference so what I kind of want to do is I want to allow making statues out of literally any kind of block I want to keep the marble ones for decoration and sell the others I couldn't quite realize that but sure um I think I think there's still a bunch of limestone on the map but I am thinking that I'm going to enable the granite job just in case we run out of limestone which is still happening first and I know we have tons of granite including a bunch of that has been stored over here so I think we're gonna go and enable that this is time for me to put a cut in this bad boy so we will be doing that now hauling wood over there Alex gonna make left arm I wonder if I should be bionicing people more I don't know a little bit of sale there um right you have no money and nothing I want I was like oh I can I still have these sniper rifles and stuff except no no reason to do that all right folks thanks a lot for watching I'm gonna put a cut in here I'm gonna see you guys next time
Channel: quill18
Views: 10,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: a90qkAVTR6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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