Beginner-Friendly Vanilla RimWorld - Ep 20 (No Mods, No DLC!)

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hey folks quill 18 here and welcome to another episode of let's play Rim world that is our vanilla run with no expansions and no mods and we are about to poke a psychic ship which right now is on low drone but it's gonna get worse pretty soon I think so my plan here is to hopefully get a quick little snipe on one of these guys see if we can get some easy kills but then run back inside Meanwhile we're gonna have three people run these turrets and I'm actually gonna have them focus on the psychic ship if we can get below 50 hit points I believe the scythers will then try to engage us which means they should go through our Kill Zone so fingers crossed over there also the break oh that's not the path I wanted you to take liberate come this way please because you're one of the ones that are going to be Manning the turret I guess I could have just shot this maybe I should have just done that to do some damage we did do some damage to this but yeah not enough run back inside don't get scithered and push comes to shove will go out and engage with EMP grenades and things like that okay you go here oh I didn't actually set the target Paolo the target there thank you I don't think I can set the targets unless yeah there's someone actually on the device you can see the accuracy on these mortars is pathetic which is sometimes the reason I get a little frustrated with them okay I'm going to restrict everyone to inside walls then I can de-recruit these two and they're going to run back to try to defend that hey good A little bit of contact excellent okay good then yeah when La Brea gets here let's set another Target oh wait are they coming and attacking us unexpected but not unwelcome actually quite ideal okay because that's what we want we want to fight LVS here we want them to trigger traps we want them to engage with the guns now there's enough of them and they're pretty tough there's a good chance actually let me grab one of these people here just to make sure they they stack here there we go now come back they're pretty tough you can see they're gonna run through a lot of these traps because they're pretty well armored uh uh here yeah pretty mean to heat 40 20 I mean that's not like deadly armor right that's but that's pretty good it's not bad um that's like it's not even flat Fest although it's their entire body is like that and you can see yeah they're just going through these wooden traps with very little problem just some cracks here and there because their full body is properly armored so I went through all those wooden traps and only one when them went down the metal traps will do more but they're more expensive but yeah if we can keep them sort of isolated like this have the help of the turrets okay like look at this thing and it will take these trips out pretty fast turrets are not tough unfortunately okay you did go down before you took that turret out which is great oh they did stick around for the explosion things oh that is loud things generally try to run away from the exploding turrets um but maybe they didn't react with me or maybe the meccanoids don't care oh psychic drone just intensified but that's not so bad because we're dealing with this I guess I can't defend that turret from this angle it's okay interesting was that one running back now what I'm going to do is grab everyone here and get them here except for Berg and fob and NG because you guys are pretty miserable so I'm gonna release you so hopefully you can just take care of yourselves I mean you're gonna be miserable because the Drone and lingering mechanites and you know my friend died and I was imprisoned and all those things like fob's pretty legitimately oh they're no longer upset about Skye well that's good but yeah we're at -22 with the Drone so we obviously have to start hitting this that went so much better than I thought it would just like the uh The Siege we got the other time like again very prepared for it to be the end of our base wow this is loud very prepared for it to the end of our base and luckily it was not let that go we're gonna deconstruct this wall so everyone uses the defense against us and we are done and we get some nice components out of this too so we get sort of a reward for handling this I'm just gonna allow it unforbid everything on the map turns that it was just this but yeah we've got a component an advanced component a little place deal and some steel and I mean there's plenty of uh steel slag over here that we can smelt down do we have a smelter no I guess we never bothered because we have you know we have a Smithy but not a smelter I never bothered because we had tons of steel around the map but it wouldn't be a bad idea to set one up you know why don't I just set one up over here now we've got enough power uh smelter yes there's a few things we can do with it this is where we deconstruct the mechanoids yeah good and you're gonna make more shells which is excellent what did I set that to get 20 because I think they stacked it I don't know they do stack to more than 10. maybe they stack to 25. if they stack to 25 I could hold a stack of 25 High explosives and Sac 25 emps oh wow can get these ships you can start you you know why don't we get something to mine this gold as well because why not yeah they might stack to 25. so how many do we need with I mean there is some inaccuracy like you do tend to fire a lot of shells at people I'm actually tempted to go 50. okay none of those books are gonna mean let's set it to 50. and yeah uh there is uh shots until barrel change you can see here every 20 shots they do need to change their Barrel which um anyone can do on their downtime is part of a I think a construction job or something but if the um Barrel replacement is near these turrets they will do it while they're firing it does have to be pretty close I don't know the range but I've noticed what will happen is they'll say oh no railroad replacement found nearby Rebecca instabilt foreign didn't happen um let's say something like no Barrel replacement found nearby and then they'll stop shooting but if it is close by they'll replace the barrel and then continue on their shooting job so we'll get that set up over there on a shelf so it doesn't deteriorate and shelf counts as being indoors and roofed also now Rim World 1.4 you're gonna get a uh a one one by one shelf instead of a two by one but you'll also have the two by one but it's gonna look nice and shelves each tile of a shelf can store three things on it so your one by one shelf can actually store Three Stacks and your two by one shelf over here can store six Stacks sort of a there's a mod called Deep storage which is fun because it put it makes a lot of things that look like shelves and they store a lot of things on them well basically that's going to be built into Rim world now um the Deep storage tends to let you store a lot more things but it actually takes time to load and unload things the vanilla shells that are going to come in 1.4 Are Gonna Let You store not as many as deep storage but I think it's like basically instant and it's gonna look nice imagine the stock room over here instead of everything lying on the ground you have everything on some shelves won't that look lovely and technically lets you store a little bit more stuff in the same area recon armor research is done I'm not gonna go for the marine armor right now because I think it is more expensive to build and we don't really need it we might want to consider being ready to get some bionic Parts I don't think oh everyone's idle wow I don't think anyone's missing any body parts in our group which is actually kind of shocking we could consider with this leg over here um who's this Darcy actually moves a little bit slower which isn't ideal for 100 because you're all over the map we could replace her leg with a nice strong bionic leg which will restore her movement plus plus a little bit more um because I mean we could replace it with a peg leg but that would slow her down whereas a bionic leg if we look here 125 efficiency should actually move faster than people with regular legs and in fact we could go in like cyborg up a lot of people in our little Camp I may or may not want to do that immediately but I think it's worth researching it because if someone loses the body part we'll be ready to offer them a replacement a little bit sooner so I think that's what I'm gonna work on yeah we're gonna keep a stack of lavish meals around now it is worth known you can do this okay let's say I set this to like 20. I could say pause until satisfied and set this to like 10. what this will do is it'll make up to 10 20 meals and then they'll suspend the job until we have less than 10. at which point this will be reactivated sure how much of a difference that actually makes in terms of time saving I mean theoretically it means you won't pull someone over here to do a single job but because of the times four thing I actually feel like base Behavior without this whole pause until satisfied is actually okay I will upgrade this to 20 because I do think I think we're fine to use some lavish means especially now we still have an excess of food we still have a bunch that we'd like to consume so it doesn't rot because it is outside although this stuff is being refrigerated it's cool enough shot me in so many people Island so ow Darcy labre I mean it's not really anything I can do with Darcy shouldn't you be making art Apollo is actively doing art although you won't be in a second because of the meal if I reset Darcy how come you're not doing art the image oh we don't need wood okay well first of all now there's not a lot of trees kicking around because of things but if we do need a little bit more wood let's go ahead and there we go do something like that so someone's going to be busy chopping down trees that's going to be okay um mostly the steel needs to be hauled indoors although I suppose I could issue a little bit more uh mine there's a little bit of mining job already so that's not it I guess we should plan our construction our expansion I think that is what I'm gonna do so let's it's another mining job but that's okay I'm gonna go and just even this out okay so if I go and check yeah that's a thin roof it's the dark green where insects can spawn which right now isn't anywhere on our inside of our base that's gonna be okay we'll do that and then we'll issue so we're gonna plan our wall to go here to make some um some 5x5 interior walls yeah let's look a little bit weird here but that's gonna be okay so it means a length of wall oh that actually should start from here so this is actually the size we want so the outside is seven by seven the inside is five by five we'll replace this with regular Walling so yeah we'll get some bedroom set up over here so yeah mine that area out get people out of the barracks and get a little bit more to spare as well oh that Doors door um I'm still gonna go with the wooden doors because I just like the way they look foreign oh I meant to sit everyone oh that's right I restricted everyone when The Invasion came that'll probably free up some things yeah yeah less idleness now that they can go outside the base I've forgotten about that so yeah um and some lavish mail I guess I'll let you do that construction's always higher priority than deconstruction shoot friendly for Darcy If Ever I want to have a hunt it would be now you know what hunts some Mufflers I know we don't really need the material but it'll make you really happy and that's important all right nothing like that keep pouring that out and put down some beds it's just Bob oh fob and Angie here so yeah we need two bedrooms and we'll we'll set up the space for a couple of more I mean this will have to wait until the mining happens but yeah um I should probably also yeah make sure this is happening quite quickly in fact I'll plan on like having some double walls set up like this because yeah right now this is open to the outside which is a little scary but it should get rebuilt quite quickly and not enclosed as well is a bit of an issue that's true um maybe I should have waited until everyone was like ready to go okay you've got some sleep come over here and work on the wall it's hard to interrupt your beauty rest there fob fob who's like consistently been in worse mood although she's a lot better now no psychic drone no more I lost my friend yet you're still sick and wasn't prison but it's not too bad I think you'll be fine now we're good but um things are enclosed we have some filth here oh because all these animals were brought into the Caravan hitching spot and they're technically making a little dirt but now that this isn't closed all one of our animal handlers should put them back in here this area is still lacking on regular nutrition actually it's I might not be counting these because they're not inside the pen oh it's Counting it's counting this area as the pen that's true because this Wall's not up yet either that's funny but yeah there might still not be enough nutrition in here especially until winter ends but we still have kibble so they're gonna be a-okay and what we might do once summer comes and grasses here I might just want to cancel the kibble area over here so that they're not because they might eat the kibble before the Graze which is not really what we're looking for tap tap tap tap tap yeah fob went back to bed can't blame them but yeah technically they're enclosed in the pan it's just not the pen you really want I'm not gonna keep up any more construction yet because I want these doors to be built oh I bet you we don't have any wood although this wall could be built and that'll make our Pen work the way it's supposed to again uh someone should plan on hauling those rocks okay there we go now this pen is once again where it's supposed to be I'm technically includes these rooms but it's not a big deal oh yep roof that up and get ready to get the doors okay and I'm gonna tell you to do one of those we've got some marble flooring in here I have some marble not a lot possible we don't have any more marble on the map I mean you are preferentially making the Limestone first which Fair structural I probably don't need to keep this many blocks around I could probably do more just in time stuff but I just I like it when I like build something I want it to be built fast so I definitely want to keep an extra buffer sitting around can't believe how well we've dealt with the raid and then this I'm just so used to things ending making high explosive shells which is requiring you to drag this stuff unless all this stuff got hauled in maybe I should put the hole back up in person if only Darcy could haul it would be perfect because it should take care of a lot of that for us because basically she should just be a full-time like the sort of um um not janitor position but like oh sort of gender or custodian kind of thing just like tall clean and then every now and again we just give you let me designate something for you to hunt but you're gonna do like just the general maintenance of keeping keeping things functional all right that's nearly done plan some double beds here and here I mean I guess I'll I don't know we'll put in little placeholders there but we only need two bedrooms immediately I might not want to build those because it would just add wealth that we're not currently using still happy that we've got like the rest of the place like ready to go somebody's gonna have to haul that out of there or you can just hauling right yeah thanks foreign so if I told you to do this oh we do have enough marbles 208 blocks yep we'd get a note that we didn't have enough yeah we can definitely marbleize both these rooms standing lamps although they're not gonna have power instead of there so it's ready to go so it's fob and labret no nng it's not a great room right now but it'll still be better than the barracks you should work on the light and then that light as well I hate when they work in the dark I don't know if it actually affects their success chance or the speed but if nothing else it definitely affects their mood and I think it does affect their success chances so we'll get it we'll get them sorted out so Darcy are you out hunting still oh that's right you take care of the animals as well yeah animal handling which is good because you had to move all those animals over here now this area has to be cleaned see how much dirt the animals generated it's crazy so yeah that's why it's very important to make sure that's managed properly so you didn't finish that but I guess without the power lines you're not gonna be able to finish that anyway here come over here working these power contracts and the Berg's up Berg also helps with construction now I'm gonna have a lavish meal so presumably you get a nice buff from that right yeah plus 12. you know I think that is going to be helpful we may have to turn off the lavish meals at some point um I mean we got plenty of food now some of it's still rotting um we we might have to replant some more I'm sure we have enough ability to maintain the large Meats the question is is it worth the time let's plan some art in these new buildings actually um where do I want it [Music] I put it right next to the bed I think I like that and then I can put the dresser against the wall over here I guess we can make furniture out of marble too it's pretty we don't have that much marble I'll keep using wood because to me it's like yeah wooden furniture that's what these things are made out of right but it is a lot nicer where the fan fancy material there we go actually fob oh you're gonna go rest oh yeah we don't have enough wood so I'm waiting to be chopped weird that there's like so little wood on the map right now but that is just the toxic Fallout okay well just doesn't need a little bit more to be chopped yeah I there is advantages to making things out of different materials for beauty and and stuff but I like the wood I mean I like making wooden structures they're bad for fire though you can do stone walls and wooden floor that's not so bad because it doesn't stick the the spread of fire a little bit oh you know what I need to do I need to change the clothing assignments over here I need to re-enable I mean I can re-enable everything they'll mostly wear the dusters because a that'll be what's there um and B that's you know going to be the stats and the Comfort level we still don't have the ability to grow double strand because we still only have one grower she has gotten to a nine I think you need a ten she's actually nearly there despite having no passion and only getting one third of the skill honey is almost the point of being able to grow Devil's Strand and yeah if we get double strand duster it's gonna do great things because it covers basically the entire body and it's excellent I think double strand pants are as good as flak pants as well so um I don't remember if we still construct black pants but no I don't think we ever did mostly because yeah it's a little there is a period of time when you don't have devil strand flak pants are your better leg options but at some point it does go away and actually we can make our recon armor now uh [Music] hey Prosthetics doing the Prosthetics already but the monarchs are better it's not you do it here okay how much we need over here we need oh shoot we need Advanced components for this and uranium the helmet's similar-ish no help okay I mean it is but it is cheaper what do I want to do first what should be the highest priority I don't know should be the helmet or not and it might not be viable to do the thing where we just keep one around all the time but I think we will I'm gonna put the limit a little lower like 60 rather than 80 although it does lose a lot it's effective it's going to be pretty similar um and let's make sure only people with at least like 10 skill can make this because we do need them to be quite good I guess what I can do is oh no that's right there's other mods that let me do the copy and paste what I was thinking of now we do have people with crafting that high right and we only have one that can do it actually only NG well I'm happy you're here there's some people with passion but yeah some people still have to work on it um I'm gonna disable the flak vest and helmet job we may still have to maintain it just so that we can get you know we might not be able to make enough of these it's expensive uh and this one needs three Advanced components so this job will maintain enough as is I think I'm gonna keep this order here oh it'll do a weird annoying thing where it'll start a recon armor that will drip this below and then it'll feel like it has to make enough arm Advanced components to keep around but this does make sure we keep a decent buffer of these around for other tasks and yeah we'll do the helmet first because it's fairly cheap protect the Noggin as much as possible um I think I don't remember black helmet protects the head and ears I think the Recon helmet also protects the eyes yeah nose and jaw so it's got more armor but it actually protects the entire head does it give any debuffs nope no no social impact it does have negative Beauty excuse me but that's not really a big deal I think the beauty is actually just sitting around I don't know if it affects people wearing stuff um and yet we can clearly see that we do um stack of 25. now if ever these shells got hit by something that actually would be bad which is all of a sudden make me think I'm gonna route the power around this way away from the chem Fuel and away from these shells actually because I don't want to setting those shells on fire not that it would like there's very low chance that it causes real problems but we'd lose an expensive mortar it might actually hit the manufacturer fabrication bench as well we'd lose a lot of value from that this could theoretically still be hit by lightning I guess what I should maybe do is just roof over this uh you can't roof over the mortars they can't fire they can't be put there but if we do this at least I think that would protect these guys from a lightning strike which is pretty unlikely I mean it's got the entire map to hit but you just know one day the game's gonna be like you know it'd be funny oh we can't build lightning rods in vanilla here okay bionic Replacements are done it's gonna be nice we could even consider pulse charge Munitions to be able to make charge rifles and charge lenses so charge rifles are a better assault rifle charge Lance is a better sniper rifle um oh wait charge Lance is only 30 range it does fire a huge very potent shot but I guess it's not sniper sniper rifle is range 45 if I roll call correctly although this does have great accuracy throughout and yeah huge damage 30 is huge whereas the charge rifle yeah it's only range 26 so it's not as long range as an assault rifle but it does do great damage and fires very quickly I mean to me the charge rifle is that's my preferred like if I had to pick like a dream top airing weapon to put everyone on it would just be a bunch of charge rifles but this will eat a ton more components and things like that which right now I'm actually happy with the weapons we've got I much prefer spending those that time and it's mostly time we have the resources we have lots of Steel available to us on this map it's mostly the time to make all the components okay I'm just running a lot of movement there if I put a little door there I think they'll move through this a lot faster I could put some more gates in a few other places just for quicker and easier access to this I should put actually one over here um and let's go I guess this is gonna this is gonna kill half the zone keep this here let me make sure copy settings paste settings like that and then we're using Mark yeah I don't think we can put more marble Cobblestone now for now I'll just put down some concrete and not pretty but it's fast and cheap just so that we can walk around here a little faster um I guess hold on [Music] here's fine technically our farm animals can Wander over here I might just put some straw matting I'm hoping you can move it full speed there doesn't say no only 93 percent I guess I could move the fence maybe I will just do that plus I you know you think it'll kind of look nice and do something like that I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna move the fence to something like that let's forget there and get there and at some point we'll deconstruct this [Music] deconstruct and comes last so we don't have to worry about that they'll complete make large sculptures those are probably oh it's actually the fancy ones which doesn't matter because we don't have any more marble I might have to change this rule to allow something else we'll see excellent statue you know people spend a lot of time in this room so let's give them some beauty sell that poor wooden sculpture that's gonna be okay all right yeah I like that oh did I move Angie no I don't think I did Angie this is your bedroom now that's going to help your mood a lot so this doesn't do anything for us right now which is fine I mean I suppose I could turn off the heat but no it's okay um actually hold on this hospital has no temperature stuff first of all I'm gonna build a cooler there and definitely need to make sure the temperature in the hospital is generally good so I'm gonna put that there let's go the brake risk oh why are you still so cranky in prison drowsy Darkness I want to freaking go to bed there we go thank you good you'll feel better awful bedroom well right now it actually probably is still now at some point impressive now good I guess I got the art delivered because yeah it still doesn't have all the flooring in autonomous and the encampment okay Raiders Campus controlled nine tribes people tribes people are gonna be pretty easy to Boop we could do it for the bionic leg for Darcy actually I think they like this idea I think I'm gonna accept and we're gonna play on a raid you got time to deal with it we're gonna plan a raid and see about I mean Darcy's fine-ish right she's not missing a leg but she does move slower and she's in pain all the time let's get her bionic leg I like that playing greatly and I don't have a research project going on yeah we are burning through things fast let's get a transport pod that opens up a lot of options for us both for moving our people around very quickly especially since you're already at chem fuel going we can use the feeling gifts at people a war Merchant well well well let's wait for them to get a little closer and send honey out have a chat with them move faster um Power situation let's see it dipping down here that's with like nothing blowing yeah I think her power is still more than good because we could go and set up another um another geothermal okay I don't know I'm not gonna buy Herbal meds let's sell you the yayo wouldn't buy mind getting some extra reinforced barrels but we don't need that I'm gonna keep these weapons around you know what I'm gonna sell one because we really don't need very many sniper rifles I don't think we're gonna make sniper rifles the backbone of our defense and I guess we've already got one equipped if not two equipped no one equipped but I'll keep both those around just for now and we'll sell the clothing because it's actually a good way for us to make some money sell you I'm Gonna Keep the Flack helmet I guess I saw the good statue as well just to take as much money away as we can I don't think we're interested in buying anything you're selling all right done now if we're gonna go fight tribals I don't think we bring sniper rifles with us I think what we want is high rate of fire um good damage per second but not necessarily range and penetration because tribals aren't going to be that well armored they're also not really going to be able to engage us from very long range either they're going to be forced to move forward into our chain shotgun and assault rifle fire at this point I'd be perfectly fine with just having everyone on assault rifles it does good range and good damage it's a good like one size fits all you know some cases sniper rifle's a little bit better some cases the chain shotgun might be a little bit better but yeah I'm not going to complain about a bunch of assault rifles um um which I might want to just make a few more I guess what I could do for the assault rifle as I could do until you have ax and I could manually put in I need seven for all my people count the equipped ones oh there's two in total we could set this up um hit points doesn't matter for the damage I think but I guess we want to make sure they're not about to like Fall Apart so you know don't count anything with less than 20 hit points because they might collapse soon don't count anything that might be crappy either um I will put a minimum skill well the minimum crafting skill for this is six we know we only have one ten there's not much of a difference between those so yeah if someone's got at least six gonna be good oh the assault rifle takes seven components so it is more expensive to make than the chain I guess maybe the numbers change some I don't know I thought for some reason the heavy SMG was two components the assault rifle was six turns out the heavy SMG is five I think and this is seven something like that um so it does take some components but I think it's going to be worthwhile yeah I'm going to set up that rule that's going to be okay then take the change shotgun out of the list completely because I'm not interested but yeah we'll start the assault rifle job oh one thing this doesn't do is it doesn't count pawns that are away so if you do send a caravan out all of a sudden it'll go from us having you know any number of assault rifles to having zero assault rifles or whatever because the Caravan is out so it might start some extra crafting jobs but it's not I suppose what I should do is my little um new stockpile uh right here which copy these settings and paste them here so this is going to be another stock file for unfinished things and it's going to be closer to here because I don't want people walking it all over but I really like having a stockpile set for that because I can see unfinished jobs that might be obsolete maybe the author of the job died so they're never gonna finish it or maybe it's something that I don't need craft anymore so it makes it easy for me to spot those unfinished jobs and just cancel those tasks really convenient or just to see you know how much is underway the Angie's getting started on assault rifles excellent you do have the skill for it although you know maybe I'd rather have NG make the armor I don't know again right now like we've got flak vest on our flak helmets and stuff so I feel that people are okay um armored right now but getting making sure that we've got I mean we do have decent weapons because it's not like chain shotguns and things are bad should I get them to prioritize this foreign I mean the faster you kill people and being able to engage them at longer range and chain shotgun range also keeps you safe yeah I don't know I'm torn oh um fob I'm starting to interrupt your sleep oh you have no wood for that I mean maybe I should just start making things out of steel more but what's in renewable resource installed it and freeze that although I don't think there's that many statues being made right now anyway yeah there's still some cut jobs I guess we're waiting for honey to go around and cut that but she's planting first which we do need things replanted and boy if you do hit that 10 and you will double strand finally took longer watch as soon as she hits 10 we'll get a recruit that's got like 15 plant skill and double passion frustrating I'm gonna mine a little bit here because it's gonna be a little closer than other places bird comes at it right away well we probably don't have anything else set to be mined anywhere else at least this way people who need steel don't have to go quite as hard to get it now I could research plant or tree sewing and just plant some trees and the advantage of that is the trees will ought to be harvested whenever they um um whenever they mature and that is quite convenient it does take a long time to plant the trees so it doesn't seem that handy on this map because we have so many trees so you spend a bunch of time planting them the advantage is that they get Auto harvested and all replanted so you need a little bit less micromanagement but it's not very time efficient oh vort's just gonna work faster just freebie work faster transport pod Construction done [Music] I mean we don't have this tree sewing which is fine we could Brew psychoid tea I think psychi t I don't remember there's no random overdose chance we can give them a psych ID every two days [Music] it's like can I can make them have it every 2.1 days pain tiredness you're worth making some psychi cakes we're growing psychoid Leaf if we make some saikai tea you know reduces tiredness reduce the pain threshold I don't know if it might give them a mood Buzz as well I think it counts as Recreation and and Drug taking is a separate Recreation I mean we're giving them a smoke Leaf now but we could give them the psychite instead or in addition to yeah we definitely see it's Woods of fish and construction here other people in what I'm gonna do that I'm gonna put more people on plant cut they won't necessarily get the same value out of it but let's chop some trees here I think they'll take a little longer to do it and they might not get as much wood but that's okay oh yeah these traps need to be rebuilt as well oh yeah these shirts need to be rebuilt hmm power's moving quite slowly no no okay just because I'm speed one psychoid Brewing I mean beer can keep people happy too gogis can be quite good or awake like go juice is kind of nutso right huge boost of Consciousness moving sight and massive pain reduction having everyone take a bunch of go juice right before battle is massive um it will dramatically increase their boost um you don't want to use it very often and there's always a chance that they might overdose right away but it's not too bad uh I guess I was freaking I was looking at um the safe dose rather than the addiction chance 2.6 and go juice isn't something you do very often so I think it we're not going to have as many problems with it you know it's used in case of emergency what's the chance okay so there's always a two percent chance you might get addicted to psychit on the other hand need dose interval if we keep telling them to take it every couple of days like might be okay I don't think we need hydroponics on this map we're pretty okay IDs are can lead some nice traps but fire foam can be safe colored lights televisions don't need moisture pumps at some point we might want the drills but we still have tons of stuff all over the map miniguns are quite nice for doing huge amounts of damage I guess the one thing that would be nice actually is uranium first of all we could do uranium slug turrets if we get autocannon turrets which I might want to research but we also need uranium for the recon armor so you know what we are going to research deep drilling into ground penetrating scanner also the Deep drill could be set up somewhere to give us a constant supply of marble because we don't actually have marble chunks anymore because I don't think we can make marble stuff and it would be nice to have that you're just playing chess I know this episode's going a little long but it's my last recording for the day so I'm trying to stretch it out which is dumb why don't I just do another recording but it's like I know I won't as soon as I stop I'm like yeah I have to be done for the day I've got other things that I need to be working on to stop because it's Rim world is awesome yeah so right now our pen includes our entire base which isn't good for keeping things clean but the animals are still contained which is okay oh it's been a little freezing I'm actually kill some of the plants that have just been uh planted planting some dirt over here yeah because of our extended Home Zone oh speaking of I think this area over here is still home zoned which doesn't need to be anymore nor this remember that do this just for firefighting I suppose oh did it homes on this growing area although we can clear this now because there's no Ambrosia there anymore I guess there was this growing area as well which is helping to keep the trees cut so I might keep this growing area I'm just gonna go and expand it to cover this area here I mean I think it's only cutting the fully grown trees but it does mean there's some automatic cutting that happens over here just to prevent things I wonder if it hold on if it only broke Cuts fully grown trees because I just designated a huge growing area somewhere here and have it auto chopped fully grown trees from time to time is that a thing that works why have I never tried that disable sewing allow cutting so theoretically I mean this will also apply to bushes let me just cut that I think any bushes that are fully mature like um so uh heel root bushes as well as berry bushes might get Auto harvested over there buy this damn we might get a trickle of wood from time to time and maybe some extra berries and things which isn't particularly required but I'm curious about that now if you don't like to look these zones by the way you can't just hide them so you can't see them hmm all these uh rocks out of here more room for growing in our area that might be Auto dealt with that is quite interesting well I guess it did the same thing in these areas too I don't think it'll cut grass okay deep drilling is done so deep trailing by itself doesn't do much um what you can do is you can go and put down a deep drill somewhere and people with mining jobs now they mine so if you designate oh like actual you know Mountain to be dug they do that first is it silver they do that first but if they don't have any Mountainside to be done and they do have a mining job enabled they will go and work at the drill now a drill on some random piece of round will generate Stone chunks so the drill will yield Stone chunks if no resources are present um so if I put it down here then yeah and you can move it after it's built you can go and reinstall somewhere else um it will just dig up some Stone chunks once we get the the ground penetrating scanner people with research jobs will work at the ground penetrating scanner and they will find deposits on the ground now it actually as far as I know it actually it's generating the deposits it's just spawning them somewhere but it says you know it found them and then if you put a drill on top of that it will generate the material so Steel's fairly common but you might find plastial gold or even uranium and so what I'm thinking is it might be worth setting this up so that maybe we find some uranium deposits but what I think I'm gonna do is I'm really gonna try to be on the lookout for merchants that sell uranium I'm assuming bulk good Trader could do that maybe exotic Goods could as well uh but yeah it would be really nice to do that because we need I think 10 uranium per recon armor which isn't much but you don't get a lot of uranium the other thing that your aim is good for is uh maces I think it's maces uranium is very dense so it makes really good bludgeoning weapons I think it's Macy's it might be clubs but I think it's maces I could compare the stats somewhere oh I got the smelter set up and I never defined it hold on a sec sorry we want to smelt metal from slag and we can do a do forever job over here although what I might do is put an ingredient limiter on it so if there's any slag you can always smelt it down to Steel but don't run all the way up over the map for it just do it sort of like this so basically it's only going to be slag that got hauled into our base that we're gonna smelt down and then so we can find some slag like uh over here and just say haul it and we could do that although there's not anything wrong really with doing everything everywhere might not be the most useful crafting job but it is only crafting which comes lower down you know I think I can probably set it here not again not that we're hurting for steel but why not I really do need to get these components into our hate that they're rotting what I mean here all that all that driving me crazy let me just don't pause long enough for that to happen and eclipse or solar panel is not gonna work we only have the one though so we're not really relying on it it helps but it's not a big deal we got plastial over here too but it's not going to Decay so I'm not worried about getting into the base that's going to be fine did we ever find uranium um I think it looks kind of Stony it doesn't stand out the same way that's not uranium that's components although I suppose we'll do a little bit of that that's steel that's Steel ever found Uranium on this map there might be some might be inside the mountain or just never looked for it as well oh that's uranium right there see I mean it looks kind of Stony that's quite good now I believe the skill of our minor does affect how much resources we get um Berg's not a god tier Miner actually vort is better but vort's got a research at least you've got double patching for it so we do that now Berg does things on proximity mining jobs happen on proximity or your Ram's quite far away so it will be mined slowly but it might not be a bad thing for me to just throw down a bunch of extra mining jobs just to give Berg some more skill it's a little bit funny that's granite so we'll mine a little bit of that because I'm suspecting that's not all steel there it's a little bit funny to say especially for the uh the stuff that's like Granite which we don't currently need right now um actually may cancel all the stuff in the middle to sort of train up the mining but it's not a bad idea and we do need steel there's still some on the map but let's do a little bit of that right now maybe he'll get himself an extra skill point before he goes and mines that and increase the yield but I'm actually really happy that we've got uranium over there because yeah then we'll be able to start making our armor we can still make the Recon helmets right now because it's blast deal and advanced components we are going to need to keep buying plastial as well luckily we have a drug industry that's going to make us some cash and we will use that to buy plastille because it's very expensive and you need plastiel for the advanced components as well if I recall correctly right yeah and gold which you know what I don't allow the gold to get stored over here because I don't want to accidentally sell gold I don't want to trade away gold I want it to be stored here because we do need it for the advanced components um we did mine a little gold over here it's still on the map which is great we don't need a lot of it for the advanced components what is it three per but we do need at least some yeah it does need a little more mining over here I think we actually are going to be processing steel fairly quickly here especially since you need like the the conversion because the advanced components need regular components they need steel as well and plus deal so we're going to use up a lot it's such a time consuming job for make the advanced armor uh that's why you always buy components even if you can make it you still want to buy it because um it's a lot of material but it's so much time it's so much better if we can just like sell drugs and buy components rather than make components we'll take it anyway we're gonna wrap it up here folks thanks a lot for watching I'm gonna see you guys next time bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 17,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: 3DyLf76X5Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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