Horizontal Hive Inspection 2023.07.08

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okay today on Papa's these bees we're going to take a look at the horizontal Hive see how it's doing uh add some more frames if need be and just kind of overall General inspection uh quick one they won't be in there very long so follow us along [Music] okay give him a few little pops there and make sure they're all okay get them out of the way they really propolize this oh a bunch of bees [Applause] put this down here where they can crawl over I think we're gonna in the looks of this we're gonna need some more space you're getting a little more smoke and let them know we're coming in [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness look at the honey on that one the cat plenty is just this is a really heavy frame so much on that side but on that outside there's a lot so we're probably now going to be getting into the brood area which is a little closer than what I really want her to be but that's where it's been a few times we've looked [Music] look at the bees [Music] roof Flame not that much brood on it but there's some that's a really nice larvae I don't know if you can see those larvae in here next to the brood so [Music] make sure there's if I can see the queen in here they're making drones which is good for for uh Queen rearing we're smoking again you're only getting too much smoke because one of the things they do is they'll they'll fatten up with they get honey go across with honey because you know in the wild if uh if the if the hive was threatened with smoke with a fire what they would do is they would fill their honey craws oh look at The Brood in there really nice looking brood oh lots of larvae in there I want to see if the little camera here can catch any of that I don't see the queen that doesn't mean she's not right here but lift this over a little bit further oh yeah really nice brood pattern there really young larvae let's see if we can get really close I don't know how close this little camera can can register but that's uh so you can kind of see there's honey on those and they look like they're getting there gorging with honey again so they can you know Escape if they need to I read an article Randy Oliver said they do silly things when you smoke them so that's probably true I think I'm not seeing either swarm cells or um oh yeah lots of really nice brood here really nice brood pattern on both sides yeah if you do see the queen on the video just give us a comment and tell us about where it was so we can go back and look at it later I don't haven't really seen it I've seen her but [Music] they're bringing in pollen if you can see the little pollen sacks on that one be right there again lots of of uh really nice nice brood there she's got nice bird all over so we're she's still you know they're still producing so what we're going to end up for sure wanting to do here is uh add more frames I'm almost certain they will have uh filled up all the frames that they have they're so thick in here it's thick it's tells me they're crowded and they need more space [Music] again lots of lots of uh brood it's not as much brood here because they're filling it out with honey but it's like this next frame is up it's pretty cool they're not real happy but they're not not horrible this Hive has been stronger it has been nastier at times nice brood pattern there I want to take some of these shots here I know it's the board there for the queen excluder so I think I'm going to try to move the whole thing on down a little bit um if I can if I can get a broken loose honey oh my goodness where is it on that side I got in there [Music] a little bit oh my God it's getting some more rain comb out yet [Applause] shorts I'm going to do find those frames that are really heavy uh yeah put it down here Man heavy heavy [Music] [Music] now and as we close everything down we'll bring some of those frames over that's pretty empty [Music] [Music] things back together one of the things that I want to do is to take this drone comb and put it back in I don't know if you were watching before we put the Drone comb in and you can see the cap thrown here but this frame has been in the freezer so the ground to kill the Drone and the mice I'll put that over here right next to the queen now I want to start spacing on it are you there some Road area so now we'll just start trying to pull everything together make sure we'll start putting the things back together on this end so I can find the direct Edge because you'll remember the last time we talked about it this uh Edge we're trying to separate things needs to be away from these these kinds you know the ones we have a lot of Gap in here so [Music] keep the queen over on that side now we'll start bringing this one together everything okay now I'm gonna just put a couple more frames in here for now but we should be getting fairly close to the end of the season but you just really don't know [Music] three things I want to remember uh horizontal V's that's Ricky Roark I'll give you information for him on him a little bit and also Guardian B apparel I had a little bit of problem with the zipper if you've watched some of the videos you've seen the zipper having an issue I contacted them with the problem and they just immediately sent me one so thanks guys Guardian bees they're great and by the goodness one before here this will keep these bees from crawling over the top look at all this covered properly okay so now any bees that are in there will be able to come out we'll put these extra frames over in here and then we'll leave this open a little bit so so they can come out and fly out and get back to the hive [Music] well we've got what we've done what we needed to do I'll come back in a little bit close this down after these bees have had a chance to fly out because they want to won't get locked in that side I'll put this out here where they can they can take care of it okay well interesting day I got bees all around me these all over my mic and my camera so we'll see what happens well there you have it another interesting day in the bee yard hey I want to apologize for the sound uh the bees apparently really love that new windscreen I think they maybe think it's something to pollinate so we'll try to improve on that but there's a lot of stuff going on so I hope you hope you could hear through the the B noise and uh please come back next time and we'll we'll do some more and hopefully get better thanks foreign
Channel: Papa Z's Bees
Views: 498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beekeeping, senior citizen beekeeper, Hive inspections, Honey, honey bees, Horizontal Hive, Long Langstroth hive, Backyard beekeeer, hobby beekeeper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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