Beehive In A Bucket!

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all right folks day P here I'm in New Orleans East with mr. Robinson he's got bees in a five-gallon bucket when's your first discover these bees Oh probably about a three weeks ago three weeks ago huh are you sure you wanted to go oh yeah all right we're gonna get them out folks up y'all geordie video edition show you see here's the pocket how long so he's been here about two months sitting in a while and they're a little riled up I just got a sting we definitely don't like this cuz they stung mr. Robertson and I got a sting too it's actually a little reddish right there not that swollen up and heck my reactions worse than yours maybe you should be doing this all right well let's get back to them I should charge it for trimming your tree huh there's a lot of activity where the bucket was and that's because bees lock in to where home bases all right they memorize where the entrance to the hive is so you can move a hive even a couple of inches a couple of feet and they have to reorient to the new spot so that's why the foragers are coming back and they're hovering they're actually confused believe it or not the bucket with the hive is right here literally within a foot and a half where it was and these bees here are just plain confused all right but it's all gonna work out you'll see they'll figure it out we turn it she can get it and then a look and I can work on Italy's you too let's want to come so let me grab it they want this Queen is a beast seeing lots of CAP worker brood alright I'm just going to shake these let's give this piece out I'm gonna try to frame this up all right look at that most perfect uh it does have a little on it mr. Robinson's watching the whole thing it was a window right there but he's a little scanned I had that once thing and uh the mascara he might get he may need to go to church today you know like the saying go you're scared to go to church never heard that saying yeah you know the first time I heard that saying was that a baseball game and they had some young kids and then yell at them the players you know you're scared go to church don't you any body Oh screeching it's just check this in here let me give you an idea what this looks like [Music] all right well there's another piece behind that there might be another smaller behind that can't really see it but there's just a couple more pieces in here folks see they kind of bunching up here a little bit two frames I'm filming we're gonna hug might have to cut this and add it to one of the other frames so we get a full frame not yet but I'm pretty sure you have one pretty good honey all right let's simply sit here what y'all think she's gonna be on back this one Oh Queens will be in the bottom of this bucket coach tell you that right now let's just skip this comb out and shake the bees she's down there somewhere let's grab that piece out those got be found all over the place I like these they're pretty they're not real weird dark they a little bit light of these and a lot of the bees that run across and it's good number is the Queen's a good layer I really like these things let's see the dear father Oh I'm just going to shake this let's close this there she is I've seen worse okay just wait here not real big that's if you've gonna go that'll work too Oh whoa mission is fun she's blowing up in front of me that's how queen he's a beauty typical Italian looking queen okay put her in here I'm gonna have to shake the rest of these bees out to get many of them all right I think we have the beginnings of a March here folks looks like it's gonna work out we're starting to do what I wanted to do good final all right I'll let this trans bar elect you in a minute [Music] alright folks I believe this is about as good as it's gonna get so I'll coffee put some smoke get a few more to run in but the bar can be placed on the truck sure hope y'all enjoy this video another one from JP the bee man hope you'll have a fantastic day cuz you know I am now stubborn bees with really nice of these at first they were a little bit pissing but I've seen this before where you know you stuck messing with them a little bit and then they're little edgy and then you in blue smoke and then you access the hive and they calm right now it's kind of like the bullet you know that he's all bark but not enough bite you getting this face in he backs down so these were very much like that so anyway I'm gonna move on to the next one see you later have a great day did you think you had that many bees in Edmonton yeah [Music] shows taste good yeah all right man we'll uh appreciate you calling and have a great day okay then
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 32,499
Rating: 4.9760256 out of 5
Keywords: Beehive in A Bucket!, beehive in a bucket, bees in a bucket, jpthebeeman 2020, jpthebeeman youtube, JPthebeeman, live bee removal, louisiana bee man, save the bees, honey bee removal, live honey bee removal, new orleans, new orleans bees, queen bee, spot the queen bee, catching the queen bee, bees in a nuc, bee removal videos, bucket of bees, honey bees, metairie louisiana, new orleans east, bee removal expert, expert bee removal, bee removal near me
Id: tJOR4f_rP88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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