The ONLY Braised Short Rib Recipe You Need

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there was legit a five-year period that if braised ribs were being served up at a restaurant I was getting it I didn't need to see anything else on the menu and it's really quite a simple recipe to prepare pan-seared slow braised bone-in beef short ribs vegetables herbs are really tasty broth and the flavors that come from it are incredibly rich and delicious I think you're gonna love this one but first we're going to start off by knocking out a little print sound good let's cook so a great place to start with the vegetables we're going to cut up and add to the broth to help flavor up everything is with onion celery and carrots mirepoix the basis for all cooking but you don't need to stop there if you want some added flavors from root vegetables try parsnips turnips or even Celiac root you can sub in or add into this what we're going to do is just large dice all these I've got two medium-sized yellow onions you could substitute in whites or sweets if you want I'm going to slice off the end slice it in half remove that outside peel next I'm going to large dice it and just add them to a bowl now I have two carrots which I'm going to peel and you know the peelings are gold my friend and perfect for stock so I'm going to add them to the freezer until I've accumulated enough to make stock then for the knife Cuts we're going to large dice these and make sure you take the time to get the knife Cuts right too small and they'll turn into mush too large there won't be enough time to extract Flavor now I've got two ribs of celery doing the exact same knife cut a large dice adding them to the bowl with the onions and carrots next I'm going to add in four cloves of garlic now for the herbs I've got a about a foot and a half piece of butcher's twine I'm going to add in three or four sprigs of flat leaf parsley next six to eight sprigs of fresh thyme one sprig of fresh Rosemary next I'm going to add in one dried bay leaf what I like to do is just tie this in a double knot so that nothing is coming out when I'm cooking and I don't have to go on a fishing Expedition when my short ribs are finished to get all these herbs out of there cut off any excess then we're just going to set this to the side and one of the positives about short ribs are that you can usually pick them up for between eight and ten bucks a pound sometimes on sale for six or seven if they are you better snag some they're a rectangle cut from the Chuck area of the cow it's got a little bit of the rib still in there layers of fat and meat but because they're from that Chuck area it can be a little bit tough that's why we braise and slow cook them to help break everything down and there's plenty of fat in there to help flavor everything up that's what makes them perfect for this procedure now if you remember my calby ribs video they were cross cut so they would have been cut this way with little skinny bones in them these are just cut the other way that's all it is all right what we're going to do here is just season both sides very well with salt and pepper and these are thick pieces of meat so generously season these and as always be about a foot away from what you're seizing so you can cover every little square centimeter so every bite is perfectly seasoned going over to the cooktop I've got a large Dutch oven pot I'm going to add in two tablespoons of rendered lard you could use ghee clarified butter or any neutral flavored oil turning the heat up to medium high once the lard begins to lightly smoke we're going to add in our short ribs fat side down or bone side up it's okay if they're packed in a little tight because as they cook and brown up they'll tighten up a little bit you'll have more room now these are going to take about three to four minutes per side to get that beautiful golden brown just like this this is the color you are looking for anything less is not going to do and I can't stress this enough take the time to get that perfect sear on these if you have to adjust the temperature and turn it down a little bit so it doesn't burn please do it we're not looking for a medium rare internal temperature and have some time limit we're going to be cooking these for over two and a half hours it is so important because the flavor that will come from this will be exponential I promise it's worth it and when I say all sides I mean all sides take the time to flip it over and get these golden brown I can't say it enough the flavors are going to be so much better in your broth and on your short ribs look at this perfect golden brown all sides at this point I'm going to set the short ribs aside on a plate let's go back over to our pot we've got a decent amount of rendered short rib fat and lard I'm going to discard half of it look you can keep all of this if you want it will be a bit greasy but there's a lot of flavor in there as well we're going to add in our onion celery carrots and garlic we're going to turn the heat back up to medium high what we want to do is saute this for five to seven minutes you know the position put your hand on your hip when stirring anything once they get a little bit browned on the outside edges of the vegetables we're in good shape here we're going to glaze with two cups of good red wine angiovasi Chianti Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon or Malone full bodied red here even Bordeaux would be great what we're going to do is bring this to a boil and cook it down now when a lot of recipes tomato paste in first and cook them with the vegetables and then add the wine for me I think the wine can provide more flavor by cooking it down first and concentrating it and then adding in the tomato paste that's just me however you can do it the regular way I think my way is going to give you more flavor after the amount of wine is reduced by one half the flavors will be really concentrated and delicious we're going to add in two tablespoons of tomato paste it's going to add in some really good tomato flavors and better yet it's going to help thicken it up just like this now I'm going to add in eight cups of beef stock or you can use brodo both would be excellent in this recipe once all that liquid is in there we're gonna add in our herbs and the next thing we want to do is generously season this up with salt and fresh cracked black pepper this is so important this liquid has to be extremely flavorful so after you give it a little stir grab a spoon taste it make sure it's seasoned and delicious if it is great let's add our short ribs back in there you may have to move a couple things around to make sure the short ribs are submerged should be plenty of room in there let's turn the heat up a little bit at this point we want to bring it to a boil then we're going to put a lid on it all right homies you do have some options here when it comes to braising it you can put it in the oven at 325 degrees for two and a half to three hours or you can put it on a smaller burner so not your main hottest burner but a smaller burner on low heat for two and a half to three hours the choice is yours I'm gonna stick to the cooktop so putting it over to that smaller burner going to turn the heat down to low this is going to take in between two and a half to three hours for these shorts to break down and cook but I'm going to come back every 45 minutes just to check out to see how things are doing it was about 45 minutes left in the total cooking process that's 25 to 30 minutes left for braise and 15-20 minutes left for making the sauce you need to land on a side dish we have to serve this up with something now the three things you can do which are Super Classic would be creamy mashed potatoes great option there or risotto fantastic and then last but not least polenta my favorite probably going to be polenta love the combination of flavors there got a great recipe video for you or we can recap it from my sausage and peppers video here you go going to add a medium sized sauce pot to the cooktop turning the heat to medium adding in about two tablespoons of olive oil let's add that half small diced yellow onion we're just going to cook it for about three to four minutes until lightly browned like this then like I said I'm gonna steal one of those finely minced garlic cloves add it in there just until fragrant which takes about 30 seconds we know it's cooked now at this point I'm going to add in six cups of good chicken stock you know I've got a good homemade recipe let's turn the heat to high what we want to do is bring the to a rolling boil just like this at this point I'm going to add in two cups of yellow corn grits also known as polenta now I'm using a whisk as soon as I put it in there let's turn the heat down to about low medium whisk whisk whisk continue to whisk keep your hand on your hip you know the position we're doing this so that it doesn't Clump together but after a few minutes it's going to get very very thick and hard to whisk so at this point I usually switch over to a spoon and this is going to take about 12 to 15 minutes for it to get to this nice thick cooked consistency what we want to do is finish it off with a few things starting with four tablespoons of unsalted butter you could use four tablespoons of olive oil next a half cup of grated Parmesan cheese of course season it up with salt and fresh cracked black pepper mix all of these things together until it's completely combined and the butter is melted then just have a taste does it need more butter does it need more cheese salt pepper you name it if you've decided it's good we're going going to do is just put a lid on it and set it to the side now let's check out our short ribs it's been about two and a half hours looks very very good now a great way to know when the short ribs are done if you give a little press there's a little jiggle to them and they start to really release from the bone with ease we are done we need to extract all of our short ribs so I'm going to use a slotted spoon and some tongs just to make sure nothing breaks up setting them to the side on a plate very briefly let's grab that pot of goodness all that braising liquid we are going to strain it through a chinois or a fine mesh strainer now they're going to be a lot of vegetables left over the carrots the celery and onions garlic you can use this if you want in our final sauce for me I don't want to use it I'm just going to discard it again you can use it I want to reiterate that all right set it to the side or discard it let's add that sauce that's been strained to a pot back over to a burner cooking it over high heat it's going to take about 20 minutes for this to reduce down and count trait in the meantime I'm going to be doing a little mixing and matching here so let's add the short ribs back over to that original pot they're going to rest in there and they're going to keep warm okay for that entire 20 to 25 minute of the cooking process for our sauce it's just a great way to do it all right after that amount of time let's go have a look at that sauce it looks really good the viscosity is excellent the flavor is beyond fantastic you will love this and it's always in the details and taking the time to do each of these procedures in its entirety so that the final dish is delicious getting that sear on your short ribs making sure the braising liquid is incredibly flavorful cooking down that sauce at the end I'm telling you when you do these things and put all of these fundamental classic cooking techniques into practice it will always elevate your everyday cooking that is my guarantee to you all right so when you cool this down this will last in the refrigerator covered for up to five days or cover it and put it in the freezer for up to six months freezes super well all right let me show you how to Plate this up let's add some polenta to a bowl or plate totally optional here add one nice size short rib or two if you're really hungry then generously spoon on that amazing sauce this is gravy heaven and then you can garnish it with parsley thyme or even Rosemary this is absolutely food Bliss for me the flavors are so good I really think your family is going to love it now if you love those slow cooked braised fall off the bone type of recipes definitely check out my lamb shanks over risotto oh so good I've got a great recipe video you'll love it see you on there together
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 56,385
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Id: GWhuo5OOcPw
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Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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